HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-06-17, Page 7'11147,4111sas"' r—,717. 100.047°C;;. 70-clfiTigaTOFTVif MARRI FATHER INSTALLS SON AS UM 'PRESIDENT YOUN ?EOM WILL nolo WIENER ROAST Vie nolotn abtinort4iturs „ WINfaHram, eaNTARece WEBNESDAle, tfallstE fl 19l3 1110113 IYARNINO - WHITMIRE!' Mrs. Wheable Nod Ag, Rep. and ,Assis't, 'Supplies 'Auxiliary .Attend 441 Club Power for Sospital HeeVe Jr- thee Ginsort ettendea .C.Quntg •Getuis _oil thie 'peel; Week he Inquired from the Health Unit of the rabies situ- ation, Dining :repent days many HddiUQnal eases of Infected nome$- tle animele have been .eonflenteei. Dr, MacLennan, 'ele federal yet.; „erinarian„ warned Parente to keep AoolOstie animals under protection, tenelø see that children nal seat play with animals 'if there was any -*nephew' of iefeetiota . Thereto? it is more important than 'ever to heel) the By-law for .coritrel of rabies now in force in .Howick and to eibeerve it, Mr. and. Mre, Cecil ralconer . spent Thursday 4 Woedsteek, . MI% and Mrs. -Henry Thornton of ()011ie yielted on Slender with his aletea Mrs, TyfuegrovegeK the horns Of her natighter,. 4iM P. Willis, Rea alin Mrs. Robert Watt .Of Toronto visited on TeeeeleY 110'st with hie parents, Rev, and Km W. ef, Watt Ana Mr, and Mrs. Archie Watt .and daughters of Trento Spent .the week-end here, imBruc1uncaf----14,10, meeting of the young people of thiadoni malty .w.aa he'd en .,nitnelaY eve- ping in the Presbyterian Church With Murray Gaunt, president, In charge. Rev, R. T. A, 'Marshall read the Scripture lesson and gave the meditation talk, Ann. Rinteut Was In .cherge of the- topic, telling of the everts of Mere' •Sleeser In Af- rica, Lorne Foster led in prayee, Mee, Andrew Gaunt sang "Hew Greet Thou Art". Tbe Preabyters tan Young ;fonts received an in- vitation to attend a wiener sneet with .olher groups of the Presby- tery on Sadao evening. The. next Meeting will be held in the United Church on June u, with Mee ,jean Martin, president, In theme, The .meeting was closed with the -Miz- pah 'benediction PORDWIGH-edflie llieWiek Beet Calf Cleb met at the home cif William Wave for the first meet- hug. Mary Johnston, nreakient, opened with the Oa pledge, Tone Mitchell reed the mini-dee, Dan Rose, skimmer ,aseistent .age rienitura.1 represeatati.Ve, gave the Class tips on the .judgipgof ewe, Donald Grieves the new agrieule aural re.presentatlye _gave the. offic,- lal placing, The next meeting will be on June Wird in Corrie Hall, TurriberrY -Calf Club and Howick.Dairy Club will be guests, The theme of 'meet- ing will be Herd Health, FORDWICH WM:Una — HoWlek C'ati ladles' night and installation Of officers was held at .Gorrie coin- munity heat cii Fr-May night wIth 40 ili attendanee. Chairman of .Ws heard of gover- Dora, J. J. MOLAUghlin and Mee. McLaughlin of St, Marys Were Pres Sent and it was Me, McLaughlin's _boner to install iris son, Donald, AO president of Hewicit Liens, Other' officers .elected, were Bret' vice-pre- sident, Gordon Moir; second vice, Warren •Zurbrigg; third ylea Jack Clarke; secretary, Harvey MeDer- mitt. .(Mr. McPeemitt was .elect- eci deputy .district governor , at a district rally, held at Zurich recent- ly), Associate secretary, •Gontion Moir; treasurer, Harold Townsend; directors, Lionel Johnston, Harry Hestia Kenneth Haetie, William Felker; Lion Tamer-, Dick •Carson;- met., WilliamSinmeon; Tait Ti,vis, ter; 'Kennetir -Edger;-•'''" .'• 1 - - Atter ..the....busineaa .waa...finislied. ,the elass went to Cecil, Wilson's borne where a, delicious luneh. was served, e . MILO FIELD HAY MEN INJURED IN FARM ACCIDENTS Among the guests were Mr. and Mrs, William Kato of Fordwich, Mrs. Kato was guest speaker and told an interesting story of the evacuation of the Japanese from the west coast during the war years, She showed an interesting display of Japanese articles, includ- ing dolls and costume, the latter modelled by Mrs. Stanley Bride, Billie Gibson favored with accor- dion selectiens. Roy Hunter shrew- ed colored movies of the recent convention held 4 Windsor which. was attended by Mr, and Mrs. Wray Cooper, Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Bride, Harvey MeDerenitt, Harvey McMichael and John Clarke, The Picture's were taken...by Scott Hun- ter, wire lives In Windsor. Mr. McLaughlin, Mrs. Kato, and Billie Gibson. were thanked and presented with gifts. Winners in the draw were Mrs, Gordon Moir, Roy Hunter, Ken Edgar, John Clarke, Mrs. Alex. Graham and Mrs, Stanley Bride. WHITECTSURCH— Mrs. Victor Yellen is visiting this week at the home of her brother, Mr, Adam Mc- Burney. Adam was busy changing the oil in hie car on Monday last at his home, and had the ear block- ed up, when the Weeks' elipped and the running board of the car drop- ped across his back, pinnirig him 'painfully under it Mrs. Harry Cook answered his ealis 'for help and the men lifted the side of the car until he could be taken from underneath. He suffered painful injuries, several, ribs having been broken away from the spine. J. D. Beecroft was hurt while -working in the bush on Monday. He and Ernest were felling a tree, when a limb from another tree tame down. Both of the men ran When they heard it coming, but J. D. was struck by the limb. TWO COUPLES LEAVE TODAY FOR EUROPE FORDWICH—The W.M.Sof the Fordwien United Church. -met for .its regniar.rneeking .at tile time or Mee, Jas, Warred, Mrs. Stanley .Bride, the preeident, opened the meeting with some thoughts on the theme "Christian Concern for Soelat Welfare" and prayer. The minutes were read by the Secretary, Mrs, Parker Eerie. The toll call was answered -by 27 Members field vieitore with a thought on "Love". An invitation to visit, the New- bridge Society in July was accepted, The Baby Band seeratary reported 3e members. The stewardship tieeretary.. re.M. aerie the. ladies , that at title time we are consejoue of Royal Commands being sent to those 'being honoured' at the time of the via of Our Queen, so we shoeld be aware of the Royal Coln- marid from the King of Kings,. We can answer, it by telling others of .our experiences and sharing with out material goods in the _spreading of the Good Worn. . . -Mrs. Hugh Hetchisbn is the shut- in, Mrs.Norman Harding offered prayer for missionaries and es- pecially for Mies Suttle.., Mrs.. Jelin' Craig took over the meeting and gave the (Alit to wor- ship, Mrs. Fred McCann, Mrs. Warren Zurbrigg and Mrs. Lee Holt read the Scripture leesen and Mrs, Elmer Harding read the com- ments. Mrs. Jack Wilson, sang a solo "In 'the Garden of the-Heart". Mrs, A,' Stephens of Gerrie gave a very interesting report of the Con- ference Branch which was ih6ld 'in Chatham. She reported that the Mrs. Wheable Memorial Fund had supplied an auxillery power plant for a mission hospital in the West. She spoke on the toll of the laity in the church as discussed by Mr. Gab. of London, She told of the discussion on the new women's society which is being talked of in the' church. Much study is necessary. The meeting wa_s •closed with the benediction by the president and lunch was served by the hostess and the committee. WHITEOHURCH— The six West Wawanosh schools held their field day at the Township Han school on Friday, with a good attendance of pupils, teachers, parents and small fry, as well as the trustees, Robera Stothers, Wallace Miller, William Webster and the secretary- treasurer, W. .1, Stewart. The la- dies of that section had charge of the 'booth, The highest score, 445, was held by SS, No, 12, Fordyce, which won the championship. Mr. Erring- ton's school was second with 295 points. Senior champion girl, Mar- lene Martin, Fordyce. school; inter- mediate girl, Patsy Brodie and Barbara Purdon, tied; junior cham- pion, Wauda Wilson, S.S. No. 3; senior boys' champion, Billie Rob- inson, S,S. ,No, 12; intermediate boys' champion, Ronald Durnin, S.S. No, 2; junior boys' champion, Roy Taylor, S.S. No, 3, SeS, No, 17, who had not lost a ball game, and S.S. No. 3, who had not won a game, grouped to play the boys of the other schools. Th'e letter group won 29-16. The games and contests started at 10 a.m. and all enjoyed the picnic lunch at noon. ENVOY NEWMAN INSTITUTE SPEAKER Pink and, white gladioli and fern formed the setting on Saturday, June 6, at 2 p.m., at Laurel Lea Presbyterian Church. Sarnia, when Dorothy Jean Swa,nstrorn and Don- ald Hsieh Meehan exchanged wed- ding vows. The pews were marked with white. bows. Rev. Leslie Renault performed the ceremony and Mrs, Grace Mc- Gee was organist. Cyril Hale, as soloist, sang, "The Lord's Prayer" and "Wedding Prayer" during the marriage ceremony and later at the reception, sang "Because". The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Oscar Swanstrom, Sault Ste Marie, Ontario and the groom is the son of Mrs. Gordon Meehan and the late Mr, Meehan, of Sarnia, and formerly of Wingham. Mr. Swanstrom gave his daughter in marriage, She wore a silk or- ganza gown, enhanced with Chan- tilly lace applique at the neckline. The bodice was studded with seed pearls and a .crocheted tiara Se- cured her illusion veil. She carried a cascade of deep pink roses. —Photo by Emile of Sarnia,. Mr, Ellen Thompson of Hannl. ton, sister of the bride, as matron -of honor, was attired in a powder blue crYstalette dress with pearl trim, She carried a, bouquet of white carnations and pink mums, Mee, Jane O'Connor, London, and Miss Barbara Ritchie, Sarnia, bridesmaids, were identical baller- ina length gowns of white, accented with pink, and carried pink ear- nations and white maths. Best man was the groorn!s twin brother, Ronald Meehan of Sarnia and ushers were Arnold Swanstrom, Sault Ste, Marie, brother of the bride ad Robert Young, Sarnia, cousin of the ,room. • The bride's mother wore aqua terylene Batiste with a pink 'and white corsage of roses. The groom's Mother wore Monet blue embroid- ered nylon over taffeta with a pink and White rose corsage. , The young couple left on e. trip to Ottawa, the bride wearing a powder blue sheath With beige accessories, • They will live' at ,553 Confederation St., Sarnia, WROXETER—Mr, .and Mrs. J, H. Wylie and Mre 'and Mrs. Thomas Burlte leave on Wednesday for aeseven weeks' trip overseas. They will motor to Montreal and leave from there in the Corinthia. They will tour 'the British Isles by 'car and then join a -conducted tour for the Continent, CHILDREN'S SERY10E At WROXETER CHURCH Rev. H. T. West _AcldreSSeS'Ntasops WROKETER-.-North Huteti Dis- trict A.F. & A.M. held that's- an- nual, church parade and chureh service in Wroxeter United Church on Sunday evening with approxi- mately 100 members in attendance. Among those present vvere District. Deputy Grand, Master Leslie Doug- las, ,a member of Forest 'Lortga Vistoxeter. Rev, Harold T. West,, the cnstrict chaplain, il'uts sneaker-. e Tie...spoke on the building Of' ,Solemon'e temple, the silence of the work-era the shaping and fitting of each stone and the perfectien of the building which still stands., after 3,000 year. Ian Howes was solo- ist and chore the "Lost 'Chard". The choir music was under the direction of Miss Ann Douglas, or- ganist. Minister of the church, Rev. J, L. Clarke conducted the service and expressed regret that Mr. West, who has been pastor; of Belmote United Church and active in com- munity affairs, would coop be leav- ing the community. T.heir • proposed trip will 'include visits to Belgium, Germany, Liech- teneteise '(sr-ruttiest, country in the :World), Switzerland, Anittiaelttita; France, and they will arrive in Montreal August 5th. Time party will be met at Liverpool by Mr. Wylie's sister Mrs. Fred Bowker, who is on an extended trip over- seas. Mr, Paul Groskorth Spent the Week-end at the home of ids par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. H, H, qmpjeorth and, left on Monday for Termite, where .he accompanlee a cmip ol teachers who leave next week-end trif a' enntineted tour' "to ,--the - West Coast and down to California and across the Southern Statee and home by the Atlantic State, There will not be a service in the Presbyterian Chorch here on Sun" ay of -the annivereery ser- vices in Langside Church. Mrs; Ewart McPherson under- went surgery ie Victoria' feesnital on Saturday,. Mr. MePhereein Ur. and Mrs, Thomas Wade $4 Wood- stock and Mr. and IVErs, Douglas Snell, Londesboro, visited with Mrs. McPherson in the hospital' on Sun- day. Mr, and Mrs. Harold Gwent and little son of Kingston spent the week-end with Mr. knd Mrs, Rile- sell Gaunt, and with Mr, and MO. Thos, Gaunt, Wingharna Mr, and Mrs, Ruseell Gaunt cerebrated the 26th anniversary of their mai-reale with ,a family dinner on Sunda*. Mr. Roy Andrews of Teraina spent lest week at the home 'f Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hart, after h, secured employment at Lloyd's iii Wingham, On Saturday be motor- ed to Toronto and ,Mrs. Andrews and their three children accompan- ied them back and are living in the house on the farm of the late Sam Coulter. Mrs. Andrews is a daughter of Mrs. Hart's. Mrs, Gershom Johnston, who spent the past week at the home of her son, Jack Johnston of London, returned home with them on Fri- day. Miss Violet Johnston, Lor,„, Other visitors at the Coultes home don, also "spent the week-end here. were Mr. and Mrs, George Pocock, Another guest was Mr. Ross Me- London; Me, and Mrs, Williston Michael of Sarnia,. Pocock and family, Lambeth and 'Mrs. William R. Davidson of Mr, and Mrs. George Coultes. Jack Coultes spent Sunday in London. Port Colborne has been 'visiting for the past twO: weeks with King re- Mrs. James Leaver, John St.,. latives in Turnberry and Wing- Winghamn, who suffered • a stroke ham, and.last week with Mr. and about five weeks' ago, Was taken Mrs. Alex Leaver. Mrs. Davidson to Wingham Hospital last week, and Mr. and Mee. Leaver visited Langside W.M.S. met last one 0,y with Mr .and .Mrs. D. A. Thursday in the church with. 12 Hackett ,of Ashfield and on Sat- ladies present and with Mrs. Lloyd urday Mr. and Mrs, Howard Walk- Moffatt, 'president, presiding, Mrs. er and children, Mrs. Davidson and Parrish Moffatt read the Scripture Mr. and Mrs. Leaver motored to lesson and all helped with the Port Colborne, returning home on reading of the chapter from the Sunday. study book. Miss Emma Richard- Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McBurney son led in prayer. and sons spent Sunday with Mr. Mr, and Mrs. Bennett Mitchell and Mrs, W: .7, Peacock of Blue- and Bert of Molesworth and Mr. Mr, Wylie, who is a veteran of the First World War, is returning for the' first time. Mr. Burke is a native of Ireland and making his first trip back to his homeland. For Mrs. Wylie and Mrs. Burke it is their first trip overseas. The Burkes planned the trip to cele- brate their 25th wedding ,anniver- sary. Their many friends and neighbors join in wishing them bon voysige and a happy holiday, Name Committees To Provide Flowers FORDWICH—St. 'Anne's Guild of Trinity Anglican Church met last week at the home et Mrs. daelt King for the June meeting. The president, Mrs. Wellington liar- grave,. 'presided. MS. William Kea) gave the Scripture reading. Mee. Peter Brown was in charge of the study book giving the story of Abigail. She was assisted by Mrs. George Holland. The roll call was answered by 14 members and one visitor. Committees Were named to see that flowers were placed in the church on Sunday . and to snake plans for the A.Y,P.A. banquet on Friday night, Members were also reminded of the parish picnic on July 4th and of the annual bazaar, to betheld on Sept, 26th. A quilting will be held at a later date and also the cleaning of the church base- ment. Mrs. E, ,Attwell closed the meet- ing with prayer. Several contests were conducted by Mrs. Jack Doug- las, Lunch was served by the hostess assisted by Miss Rona Van- . Mr, and Mrs. Bert Bellamy of London eperit the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. John King, . The sympathy of the community goes to Mr. Seott- Clarkson in the passing of hie . father at Maple, One, last week, Mr. and Mrs, Ross Nunn sand family of Cowarietown, Miss Patsy Potts of LiStowel, Mr, Glenn Mc- Clement and Mee. Isobel Hutchi- son were supper guests with Mg and Mrs. Tom Hutcheson on Sun- day night, Mr, and Mrs, Torn TYR:Clement and Kenny and Mrs. Ida Gallagher visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Schinbein . near Gowans- toWn. Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay Galbraith and Mrs, Elsie Strong visited on -Sunday with friehds in Mount For- est. , Mr. and Mrs. Leo Melancon, Mrs. tna Stride of Guelph, Miss Annie and Violet Cunningham and Miss Tilly Manser of Harriston, Spent Sunday with Mrs. Edward Mat- thews. Mr. and Mrs: S. Movvatt of Milton 'visited over the week-end with Mrs. Nellie Gamble and John. ' Mrs. Walter Horeburg is spend- ing three weeks with her son, Rev, soRnussel Horsburg in Waterloo. She '11 elso visit in Oshawa and Belleville. Mr, Peter Cober, son of Mr. Earl Goner, was successful in his exams at Teachers' College In Toronto and will teach Grade five in, WilloW- dale Public School, ' Mrs. Geo. Baker is vielting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Baker - in London. Miss Lenore Beswitherick left this week for Ann Arbor, Michigan, ' where she will, spend the surnmer ' at a ladle' college. Mrs, Marlene Holland and son Tony epent several days this week in Kitchener. Week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Warren were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Johnson of Mimico, and Mr. and Mrs, E, Pleschauer and family of Stratford. . vale, a Mrs. John Jamieson, Mrs, Gordon and Mrs. S. C. Willis of Gowans- todni visited on Sunday with Mrs, MeBurney, Ivan Dow and Stewart Willis and sons. Chamney were in charge of the tiolltri'g booth at the home of Mr. Mr, and Mrs. Robert McInnis and, Mr, and Mr Alex Robertson William de Irwin on Thursday. Will of. Teeswater visited on Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Tiffin s. and Chillren visited on Sunday and Mr, and Mrs. Orville Tiffin; with Mi. 'and Mrs. Henson Irwin at W.M.S.groups from Whitechurch 13elgrave, telgrave and Winghain have been Mr. Herold Walker has. been laid invited to attend a meeting at Cal- up during the past week with a vin-Brick 'United Church this Fri- severe dose of polsen ivy on his day 'evening, when Miss Rena Sens hands 'and arms. , tell of Seaforth, who attended the' Mr, and Mrs, Donald Gannt are entertaining Coultes and Gaunt families this Thursday evening in honor •of the 25th anniversary of the marriage of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, John Gaunt. Many will extend best wishes, Mr, and Mrs. James Richardson visited one day last week with Mr. and 'Mrs, John Hunter of Puslinch and with Mr, Robert Huhter of Guelph. Mrs. Arthur Ross and Miss Lois and Mr. and 'Mrs, Milton Ross of Teeswater, visited on Sunday with Mrs, William Taylor and Charlie. Miss Edna Carr, of St. Thomas, spent the week-end at the home WROXETER nett, held in the Currie funeral home, Winghant, on Saturday. Mr, Elliott had been hospitalized for the past nine months. His brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mts. Albert Elliott of Regina, 'spent the Past few weeks here. Mrs. Ronald Perrote, of Coder- Ur visited oti Saturday with her Mr. and Mrs, Don Bridge and family visited relatives in Hama- n on Sunday. 'Mr. and Mrs, Charles Small re- turned home Friday after visiting the past three Weeks in the West- ern Provinces, Mr, and Mrs, Doug Wildfang of Toronto spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Simmons. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Chiomey and Jane of Pont Colborne were week- end visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Alex Keith. Mr, and Mrs. Scott Keith of Baden were Saturday visitors at the same home.' . Miss Arnie Lindsay of Toronto is Spending a few lays with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Johnston. Mr. and Mrs.. Clarence Gibson, Mrs. Inez Gibson and Mr, Blake Gibson attended the funeral on Saturday ,of the late 'Mr. Len Gib- son in Denfield. Mr. William Edgar was taken by ambulanee on Friday .night to Lis- towel Hospital suffering from a heart attack, His many friends wish him a speedy return home. Me. and Mrs. Jack Wildfang of, Toronto visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Ammon Denier- ling. Mr, and Mrs, 1-.Tertry Howe, Mr, and Mrs, Stan. Forester attended the blower end Bled serviee in the United Church in Mitchell on Sun- day and Were guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Orville Guy. 'Miss Mary Byre of Leindoe spent apeveral days last. week with friends win the community. Mieses Letitia and Louise Mat- thews and Mr. Melvin Batters left cli Manday for Eatonia, Seek, where Louise Will visit for one month, Letitia. and Mr. Batters will Visit the Western Provinces till September, WHITECIRTURCH—The regular 'meeting of the Women's inatitute was held in the Memorial 'Hall here on Tuesday e'vening with 15 ladies' present mid 'the president, Mrs, Garnet Farrier, presiding. Aftee.,ene opening exeyeiets. afro. Rueself Reiss- etVe reportx-of the annual meeting held in April. The ladies will attend in a body at CKNX on Tuesday, June 16 and then attend a meeting at Belgrave Institute. Plans were made to week on a special quilt this month. The president reported that $58 had been subscribed to the Cancer Fund from this district and the following were appointed to gath- er funds for the Red Shield Sal- vation Army drive:, Mrs,. Frank Rees, Mrs. .W. Conn, Mrs. Russell Ross, Mrs. Russell Gaunt, Mrs. Victor Ernereate, Mre. McInnis, Mrs, Farrier, Mrs, Elroy Laidlaw, -Mrs. Ernest' Beecroit, Mrs. deo. Walker and . Mrs. Chas,' Shiell. Plans were also 'made for a bus trip, The Institutes were asked -to send $1.15 for each member en- eolled 'in January to make up a scholarship With a bonds of $2000, the interest from which would Pro- vide an Institute prize for a 4-H Club girl. The ladies voted to send $44.00, Mrs. Ross reported the meeting for the Tweedsmuir Book Will be Octobee 0 at Ripley, The report re the museum at Southamp- ton showed that 2200 snore people had visited the. Museum this year, that there was a request for,, old books and papers, for the archives or pictures of Bruce scenes, that Sept, 3 Will be the day when the Whitethurch Institute will be hostess at the museum Log Cabin. All joined in singing "Horne on the Range" and "Long,. Long Ago" Tile president then introduced En- voy and IVIre. Stanley Newman of the' Salvation Amery, who gave an inferesting accoula of their week in this district, based on the need they found in the homes arid the, wally lines of social Work in which they are engaged, euch as child- ren's homes, infants' homes, homes for unmarried mothers, sunset homes, pence court Work, hospis tale, prisons, Harbor Light homes, alcoholics, skid-rOW Members, and city slums. Everywhere the Sal- batioe Army tries to meet the im- mediate need at the loWest cest, and tWosthirde of all Money sub- scribed comes back to the com- munity that give it, The Army has undertaken a building program in Wingliane and Intends to raise their present 'building and have a Sunday School irocen end kitchen to Meet social needs, Mrs, Russell Ftbes thafiked Mr. Newman for his Interesting ad- dress and led In e Vote of apneeela tin: The ineethig closed With the national anthem. Ides. Ruesell Rose demonstrated -diffeterit Meth, ods of jello Making and Mrs, as, McInnis deMenstrated uneeoked teoltie Making and all enjoyed the SOCIal half-hone and ears Of tea, Mr. and Mrs, Henry Weber, Hare riston, Mr. and Mrs. Doug, Green- wood,, Murray, Linda and Cheryl,' Palmerston, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mee. Lloyd Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Smith, De- troit, enreve seek-end Arisitore °near. and lefts, John Snell. Mr, and ',qrs. john 'Shepherd and three boys, Agincourt, visited Ur, . and Mrs. Verne Clark, Mrs, Wilfred Meths, Kipnen, spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Rarehael Gibson, Mr. Win. Rhigier Spent 'Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd aninfer, Mr. arid Mrs. Walter Eaton Misses Aileen and Brenda, Mr. Keith Eaton and Miss Joan Alex- ander of Seaforth were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. John Hunter. Mr. and ,Mr, Gorden nielcatd, Leaside, were Sunday guests with the letter's father, Ur,. H. G. Clark, Miss Marguerite Ford, Statfoed- ville, Was a week-end guest of Mr, arid Mrs. Glen MelVficimel, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Bush, Re- ehoster, N.Y., Spent the weekend With Mr. and Mrs. George Gibson, Mr W. lii, Weir arid WWI 'Gertie Me. and Mrs, Frank Ear-lee, trine arid Leone, 'London, were week-end vialtora of Mrs. Wit, Deig and Hugh, MisSes Marion and tide Gibson, Winnipeg have .arrived to Spend the surnmer months at their horite here, WROXETER—Showers of Bles- sing" was the theme of a very lovely service at Wroxetee United Church on Sunday, marking the Sunday School anniversary coin-. blued with Flower Sunday. From the first step over the threshold, one was' struck with awe at the beauty of the floral decorations: up the 'steps to- more beauty, and into the sanctuary where the twit- ter of birds directed your eyes upwards to the theme across 'the chancel "Shower's of Blessing". Above the theme was a gay rain- bow of flowers, In front of the pulpit a three tier fountain showered the flowers be- neath. Two huge floral -umbrellas caught the streams of rain drops (rose buds) from above, On either side of the' pulpit was portrayed our richest blessings, two little girls in, lawn chairs in a setting of flowers. The service opened with an oreen prelude played by the organist Miss Anne Douglas. The children march- ed in, each carrying a floral tribute, singing, "This Is My Father's World'.', The call to worship was giver, by Brian Elliott. The junior members of the school sang three choruses. Jeannie Howes recited a poem "June" and Brenda Cathers told of God's goodness, in recitation, Two very fine violin .citiets were played by Miss Corinne Rbaine and Mr, Jack Bee der. Pun Scripture was read by Carol Coupland. The Senior merhbers of the School were in the choir loft an,d sang an anthem, "in Lord of Heaven". Time special speaker', Mr, Alan Neelon, minister Of Bluevale 'United Church, gave an, exceptionally fine address, directing hie remarks to the children, but giving the older folk plenty Of food for thought too. He followed the eeetnple set by "The Great Teacher" using prac- tidal, easy-to- understand, illus- trations. A bouquet of carnations, one bent, one split, one faded and withered illustrated bow outside influences can spell little lives as Well as older ,people. but God, by His great; love can eider our hearts and take out all the bad weeds of ein and analte us good, The two hymns sung by the over- Mee/ eongtegatloti were: "Showers of Blessing" n,nd "Count 'Stour Many Blessings", This beautiful service was Made possible by the work and untiring effdrts of the Sunday sehool teach- ers who trained the children; and the Work of Many willing heeds who decorated the eintech under the Windt:thin Of Win, Gibson, ell whom deserve a heatty vote of thanks. Mr. Lanley Magof fin and fam- ily of London spent the week-end with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Thos, Magoffin. Mr. and Mrs. Hen- ry Carte, Clinton, visited there on Sunday with other local visitors. 'Mr. and Mrs, Robert Purdon viS- ited on Sunday at the home of her sister, Mrs Irvine Henry of Dun- gannon. Mrs. David McDonald of Milton spent the Week-end with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, Frank Coulter. Jimmie Robinson, also of Milton, spent the week-end at hie home here. Mrs. Wm, Graham of Corunna and Mr, and Mrs. George Grahatn. of Detroit, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. George MeGee, Mr, and Mrs. John McGee and oth- er relatives in this 'district. Mr. and Mrs. William Kennedy of Marnoch spent Sunday with Mr.• and Mrs, John Weoleock of Glen- annan. Mr. John' Coulter of Chatham spent Saturday with ,Mr. and Mrs. James Falconer, Mr. and Mrs. El- mer Ireland, Mr, and Mrs, Lorne Scott and Mr. sold Mrs, Robert Scott, Barry and Murray attended the Scott family picnic held at Elora on Saturday. Clarence Walker arid Kees Jouw- enia spent the Week-end at Brant- ford, Woodstock and Hamilton, Mr, and Mrs, A, El .13ucktoe are visiting this Week at the home of their daughter, Mrs, Gibson Rani- ilton of Lecknow. IVIisses Mary and Dorothy Ross of Toronto, spent the week-end with their parents, Mr, and Mrs. Frank new, Ttnisberty, and all at- tended the Trienbull family tette- ion at Galt on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Metcalfe of Turnberr;v Spent a few days lest Week at the hoine of Mrs. Royal McArthur of Streetsville, • Mr, John Taylor and D, Bee- croft Were among those who took in the Huron. ,County 'Crop Ina provernent Association bus trip on Tuesday, They Were touring through Bitted county thief year', ST, HELENS We extend sYlnpathy to Mr, and Mrs, Wm. MriePhdreen on the death of Mrs, MacIsheteorne father, Mr. Gordon Elliott of Whitechierth Which occurred lit the Wing-hem and Distinct reseneral TIOspitia 'on Thursday after a lengthy illtieee, Mies Beth Coeper ir e Malting favourable rectovery fellowing an appendectomy hi the Winghani "and District General alleepital IAA, Week, &Mr, arid Mrs. Wm. Redman Of rton aria Me. and Mrs, George Bryan of Graed Valley Weee te- cent guests Of Mr. and Mrs, E, W. Ride and Mr. G. A. Webb, SS, convention in Korea, will he the special speaker. Mr and Mrs, Williarti Kelly of Seaforth and Mr, Austin Cank of Toronto visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Harry Cook, Mar- noch. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Purdon and daughter Kathy left on Friday and spent the day at the 0,A.C, and at the hpme of her sister, Mrs. Doug- las Kaufinan of Kitchener. Over the week-end they motored to Bracebridge. Miss Marlene Johnston, who taught this year at St. Helens, goes to Teachers' College this fail. Mrs. John Fisher will be the teacher at of Mr.' and Mrs.. Russell Ross, Mr. and Mrs, Relison Falconer Sts 146e", and sons of 'Sarnia spent Sunday Many from this district attended with her pareets, Mr. and Mrs, the funeral of the late Gordon El- John 'Stacey, Wingham and with 'Mr, and Mre. Cecil Falconer, Mr, and Mrs. Ed Nicholson and. Colleen of Thameeford spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hutchison, Mr, and Mre, Victor Emerson spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. William Prank of Campbell- vine, - father, Mr, Win, Forster, Rev, John Strike and his daugh- Jimmie Morrison, Garty Chap- ter, Miss Elleabeth Strike of Mile- Man Wayne Farrier, and Elwin kegan, Mich„ who were attending' mee ee ef nee. No. 10, Kjetesse _the Methodist Conference at De- Wrote their Entrance exams and trait last week, found they :were also attended Wingliam District not as far from Lucknow as they High School on Friday last, had always thought and, Carte to Mr: Carman. Whytock has been visit a niece, Mrs. Peed Tiffin arid busy these days putting a new roof Mr. Tiffin, On the barn of his Casemore farm, Mr. and Mrs. ttobert MowhraY. Mr. James Ste, Marie and Ray- Wingharri, Miss Annie and Mr. Pe- mend of Kitchener, attended the ter Kennedy, attended the Ken- funeral Of the late Gorden Elliott nedy family picine held at Elora and visited with Ar„ and Mrs. on Saturday, Myles Ste, Marie. Mr. and Mts. Jarnea Cameron, Mr. and Mrs, Elroy Laidlaw and Winglearin visited on Sunday With faintly visited in Gederiell on Sun. Mr, and Mrs, Angus Faleoner. Both day with relatives and Mrs, Renee men are Working at Chatham On Laidlaw accompanied them and pipeline eonstriictien Work. will spend the next two montbA Mr. and, Mrs. Albert Coultes arid, with Mrs. Huston of Gedericli. Dialed visited On :Sunday With Mr. jetehne Laidleve Wee laid up last and Mrs, 5; M Coultes, BelgraVe. Week With Coneilitie. Mrs: W. 1. Miller Conducts Meeting ST. HELENS—Mrs. Lorne Woods was hostess for time meeting of the wit/EA. and the 'WA. on Thursdase afternoon when 18 ladies attended. In the absence of the president and vice-president, Mrs. W. T. Miller conducted .the service for the W.MS„ the theme of which was "Discovering Nelghborhood—, that they all' might be one", Mrs. W. 0, Humphrey reed the 5cripture leeson and Mrs. W. A. Miller, the eommemite, The treasur- er reported that $51.00 had been forweteded to the Presbyterial treasurer , An Invitation from the Brick Church to their meeting Friday evening, June 10th was reeeived, Mrs. Gordon lVfacPlier- son read an article "The Need of Reform Ts Great" by Anne Francis and Mrs. John Cameron read of the Elizabeth Fry and John How- ard Societies in Canada. Mrs, 0, Stiniet reed a poem, "Mercy". Mrs. T. ,T. Todd presided for the W.A. which opened with -the theme tinng' Prayer and creed, ''he theme of the service was "By this shall all men know—Forgiveness" Mrs, Prank lVfeQuillin react the, Scrip- ture lesson and Mee. Lotne Ward, the leaeo.n thoughts and prayer Plans were Made tor the tea and bazaar on June 25th and the fol- lowing Committees Were appointed! Program, Mrs. Woo'cls, Mrs. E, W. Rice; lunch, Mrs. McQuilliii. Mrs. Srock4 decorations, Miss W. TJ. latitherforci. Mrs„ Rice, lkArs. Wood; baaiaar, Mrs, 0, Stuart, Mrs, H, Webb, Mrs. Carrieron, 1Vfes, Riee and Ws. W, T, Miller Were appOlote eti to arrange for flowers for the Church for the nett Month. Mrs. slats, Durniri handed id $6 from. the Sale Of used etanipa, A Social hour folloWed With lunch served by Mrs. 8, &Boer and Mrs, W. A. Miller,