HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-06-17, Page 4/POOP 'Ir1041. Winghain Advaneeraimefir WedelesdsY) *InUe1; 190 AT YOUR SERVICE • ALTERATIONS • DECORATING • PAINTING • REPAIRS BRUSSELS COAL YARD Joseph E. Brewe; Phone 186 J Brussels 3-10-17-24b Box Holders' Names Not Given Out It is strictly against our rules to divulge the name or acddres of any advertiser using an Advance-Times Box Number, Please do not ask us for this information. GRANT McLEAN Wingham Phone 991w 27rrb Residential Building Lots Berry Door Co., Ltd., owners of a portion of Plan No. 33, Town of Wingham, offers for sale ,building lots fronting on Angus and -Wilfred streets, in what" is generally known as "THE BERRY PATCH". The owners will include restrictive covenants in deeds ensuring the orderly development of a first-class residential subdivision for the pro- tection of all purchasers alike. Streets are grad- ed and graveled, water lines are in, hydro' service available. Prices from $425 for 82,5 ft, frontage to '$750 for 132 ft. frontage on the Maitland River parkway. For information, see or call WILLIAM S. REEL) Phone 292-M Wingham CEMENT BLOCKS are the answer if you need a building that is fireproof, per- nianent, economical and requires little. upkeep. All sizes manufactured in Walk. erton on near modern equipment. ASIt ABOUT YOUR NEEDS WALKERTON BUILDING SUPPLIES LIMITED ' Phone' 573 JIYA RECITAL MUSIC STUDENTS Harold Victor Pym St. Andrew's" 'Presbyterian: _ChOrolv 8,15 p.m. Silver collection. The Public are invited,,` GROUND BEEF •_ 2 PORK SAUSAGE 3 lbs;$1.- ▪ LARD—we will fill your pail for 10c iv or packaged in seal-tight conteiners'2 lbs. for 25F BEEF BY THE ' QUARTER. • CUT AND WRAPPED TO YOUR LIKING!' • . , Lockt.idge .s Botcher. rhop:4 , NOTICE TO Water Consumers -The hours - for watering lawns 'an, gardens are from 6 a.m.' to 9 a.m.?' ati from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. This wilt be strictly enforced. An ANNUAL charge of $4.44 gross. less prompt pay- ment discount of 10 per cent, is made for the use of i a hose or outside tap for the above noted purpases. Anyone found watering lawns or, gardens, who has not t paid for this service will ie billed accordingly. ..../WW.W4NoNeWNeNoo Wingham Public Utilities Commission C. E. SHERA, Superintendent 3 LBS. $1.25 FOR SALE loSN's TAXI SERVICE and used FltrniNile:. We buy and SRI(, rd, k4.40 rrb. FRESH DRESSED chickens for sale, Homdale Creamery, 17* HAMSTERS for sale. Phone 276R, 17* GIRL'S BICYCLE for sale, excel- lent condition. Phone 484, 17* 1,8,-PIECE. WATERLESS alumin- um „Cookware for sale. Phone 644/W12; 17Ia 7x L~? P, OiUTi30ARD motor` fOr Roht, Qolley, phone 507w3. 17b ADDING machine rolls always on hand et the Advance-Times, Special, prices for quantity pin- •ehaeei4t- Phone 890, rr 25/ACRES of standing hay for sale. Apply to Wm, T. Thorapson, Taines St., Wingham, 17* KILK. FILTERS, for sale—"Rapid Fie, 6-inch, 79c; 64,-inch, 85c. 'Alexander's Hardware. lrrb Box OF GIRL'S clean dresses, 2 summer coats, one with hat for sale, Fit 5 - 7 years. Phone 65. 17' RED RIVER SPECIAL threshing machine for sale, complete with belts $150.00. Tom McGlynn, phone Wingham 709w21. 17* PIANO AND BENCH for sale, in good condition. Piano has recent- ly Sheen tuned and completely overhauled. Phone Brussels 16-9. 17b NINE PIECE dining room suite old English oak for sale, also large antique walnut bookcase, with, ,drawer and glass doors. phone 257. 17b SEVERAL used milking machines for sale. Uet us install one of these or a new Woods in your home on a, trial basis. Distance is no barrier. Irving Keyes, Marais. Phone Paisley 114r4, 20Alt-Nov. MODERN - KNECHTEL dining robin- suite in mahogany, used only 2 years, for sale, also Con- sole table folds up for small toom, buffet with hutch, and four reinart Chairs. Call evenings, 986. 17* ARTICLES for safe—Bogen High Fidelity Amplifier; Seabreeze Tape Recorder, With accessories; Selatoreeze Electric Ironer; sev- eral storm, sash and screen with wooden frames. Phone 879. 17* RENOVATOR AutomagIc•Shampoo Now you can renew the appear- ' ance of rugs, upholstery. Leaves no ring, odor or, color change. Take half the work out of your spring cleaning. Available at Walker Home Furnishings. rrb NOW WE HAVE THEM—Excel- lent used and rebuilt standard typewriters, direct from the man- ufacturer's rebuilding depot. Big - savings and guaranteed perfor- mance. Advance-Times. Phone 890. rr CARPETS, RUGS—See N. 3, Wel- wood for a complete range of BARRYNIORE and HARDING broadloom. All wool Wilton hardtwists and tone on tones. Rug sizes or wall to wall. Have an estimate this week for your room, N, J. Welwood, phone 86. rrb CLOSING OUT SALE of basket garden plants, tomatoes, cabbage, petunias, pansies, marigold's, ally- sum, stocks, verbeniaa, asters, ageratum and many other vari .-eties. Special 35c or 3 baskets for 81,00. Phone 469R, Percy Biggs,, Lower Winghana, 17b MEAT FOR SALE—Good beef by the quarter. Killed on premises Tuesday morning. Inspected by Dept. of Health, Yearling heifers, Top quality. Lowest prices, Ray- nard Ackert, Ripley, phone 24r28, or Lucknow, 101r13, rrb NEW SELECTOR case for type- Writer iibbons gnarantees that you will find the proper ribbon for your maChine, juSt bring Us one, old spool frond, your type- Writer, with the name of Mach- ine. Advance-Times, phone 890' 4-Section BERRY .GARAGE DOORS SPECIALS I X. 7 $58.95 • x $61.9 BEAVER LUMBER 141IMMI) Phone 66 17u REAL ESTATE FODA UNIT apartment house for Sale; priced right/ In residential area, Handy to schools; hospital and shopping. Phone 127R. 17* NEW MODERN brick ranch home for sale, 1/4 mile west of Wing- ham, Highway 86, garage attach- ed, with 3 bedrooms, living room, dining room, modern kitchen, 4- piece bath, tile and oak hardwood floors, full basement, oil, furnace, aluminum storms and screens, To inspect please call Robert G. Gib- son, evening 249. 17rrh CARS FOR SALE 19.50 DODGF, custom sedan for sale, Very good shape. Price $295.00 or best offer. Phone 653 Tees- water. 17* LIVESTOCK FOR SALE TWO HOLSTEIN heifers for sale:" Springing. Harold Finlay, Bel- more, phone 173r2, Teeswater, 1,7b PUREBRED ANGUS bull ' for sale, 13 months,; weight 1;900.140. Qual, '4ty and quantity% Halter broken Pride .3225.00; .5 Aligns ?heifers, purebred, not registered, 10 months old, to be weaned Har- vey Timm, Bluevale, 'phone 4r1 Wroxeter. 17" 10 PIGS 9 weeks old for sale. J, Martens, phone 13r8, Wroxeter. 17* 11 PIGS, nine weeks old for sale. Apply to Garner Nicholson, Bel- grave, phone 13r17 Brussels. 17* 30 PIGS for sale, nine weeks old. ;Robert Kreller, phone Wroxeter 19r16. 17b 40 YORK PIGS eight weeks old for sale, 100 Red• Sussex pullets, four weeks old. Jim Coultes, phone 743w2. ' 17b. HELP WANTED MALE BODY MAN wanted, fully exper- ienced. Apply 'stating qualifiea- tions and salary expected. to Box 42, Advance-Times. lOrrb LICENSED MECHANIC wanted, fully experienced. Apply stating qualifications, ancl- ,salary expect- ed to Advance- Tiines Box 37. 3rrb FEMALE HELP WANTED GIRL WANTED to learn egg candling and tabling. Apply ' Maitland Creamery. 20rrb SALES HELP WANTED, WANTED: Man for steady travel among consumers in Township Ashfield, Wawanosh East and West, Permanent connection ., with large manufacturer. Only reliable hustler considered, Write Rawleighs, Dept. F-453-131, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal. 17h EMPLOYMENT WANTED HIGH SCHOOL. girl would like summer work, either in town or country. Phone Wroxeter 13r5. 17" DEADSTOCK WANTED DEADSTOCK removed promptly for sanitary, disposal, FREE pick up on larger animals, reasonable collection charge for small ani- mals. Phone collect Wingham 378; Palmerston 123w, or Dur- ham 398, Gordon Young (Elmira) Limited, ' arrb Dead: HIGHEST CASH in surrounding old, sick or cattle. For disposal day collect, LEROY ZENITH or GEORGE WANTED Wroxeter Stock PRICES districts for disabled horses prompt, sanitary or night, ACHESON, 34900 HISLOP, 205 paid dead, or phone DEAD STOCK SERVICE - Highest Cash Prices For Old, Sick and Disabled Cows and Horses DEAD STOCK AT HIGHEST CASH, VALUE Pleat* Phone Promptly Cali Collect . 133 Bruce Marlatt Brussels, Ont. " 24 HOUR ,,SERVICE FOR RENT HEATED 3-ROOM upstairs apart- Ment for rent, Centrally located . With private entrance, Partially famished kitchen with hot and, cold water, hydro supplied, Big ' closets, eta, Call .evenings 986, 17* . . WANTED RENT EXECUTIVE AND family must rent 3 or 4 bedroom home in Wingham by September 1st. Apply box 43 Advance-Times. TENDERS WANTED TENDERS ' TOWNSHIP OF Tf.JRNBERRY Tenders will• be received by the undersigned till July 6th at 12' noon for the tonatruction of the cleanout on the Hyslop Municipal Drain. All plans and specifica- tions may be seen at the clerk's of- fice. Lowest or any tender not necessarily . accepted, JOHN V. FISCHER, Clerk 17:24:lb AMBULANCE SERVICE CURRIE'S AMBULANCE, Wins- ham. Dependable Service. Phone: Day, 51; Night, 716 or- 636. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF REBECCA HOOPER ' • ALL PERSONS •having claims against the estate of the above mentioned late of the Village of Bluevale, County of Huron, Widow, who died on the eighteenth day of May, 1959, .are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the twentieth .day of June, 1959. , After that date the executor will proceed to distribute the estate having regard, only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice. DATED at Winghanr, this 2nd day of June, 1959. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario Solicitors for he Executors 3,10,17b NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF WALTER SAMUEL SCOTT. ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Township of East Wawanosh, in the County of Huron, Farmer, who died on the 24th of April, 1959, are required to file proof of same with the under- signed, en or before the 20th day of June, 1959. After that date the Executor will proceed to distribute the , estate having regard only to the claims of which he shall' then have had notice. ' DATED at Wingham this 28th day of May, 1959. CRAWFORD & HETHERFNGTON WINGHAIVI, Ontario Solicitors for the Executor 3:10:17b MISCELLANEOUS. OVERNIGHT accommodation for travellers, Edward St., Wingham, one street west of main, central. Mrs. 'Shiell, phone 242w. LAWN MOWERS sharpened, rt:e tary and reel. Used mowers for sale. Jenkin's Repair Service', Minnie St. Phone 694w. arrb 1, BULLDOZING, excavating, fend bottoms cleaned, stone pileS buried; gravel hauled, Also indus- trial use. Equipped with one yard bucket and scarifier. Apply to Harvey Jenkins, Wingham, phone 510J1. 10-17-24b IS YOUR TELEVISION properly insured for all, risk coverage? For information phone 293, Stew- art A. Scott, Wingham, 2rrb SEWAGE DISPOSAL — Septic tanks, cesspools, etc., pumped and cleaned with modern equip- ment. All work guaranteed. Write Louis, Blake, R.R. 2, Brus- sela. Phone 42r6, Brussels, A15-Jy29" WATERLOO CATTLE Breeding Association "Where Better Bulls Are Used", Artificial breeding service; All breeds of cattle; Member owned and controlled; cost low, effidiency high; Use of the beat of bulls; Disease con- trolled, safety. For service or more information phone for long distance Clinton Zenith 0-5650 or collect Teeswater 126 between: 7.30 and 9,30 a.m, week days; 6.00 and 840 ,p.m. Saturday evenings, Calls received on Saturday even- ing Will be serviced on Sunday morning, For cows in heat on Sanday Morning, DO NOT call Until Monday. Morning, "Better tattle For Better Living," rrb FINANCING A CAR? 'Before You buy ask about our LoW Coat, Financing: Saralee with coinplete Insurance Coverage, STEWART A. SCOTT - mai*, PERSONAL DRESSKAKTNG. and altoraloas, Phanc 840j1, 17:0 FOOT SUFFERERS. If you, beva sore feet, ankles, nalatiea,.painaia leg; hips or lower buck trouble why net have yen?' ;fan checked by a qualified, exper.„. fenced" root Correctionist. See . J. A. VICKERS at Queens Hotel, 'Whaglaura- , each Monday afternoon. Other times — 481, 8th Ave„ Hanover, Phone 500 omms or THANKS May I take this opportunity of thanking all my friends who sent cards, letters chogelates and flow, ers while I was a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. I shall not forget the kind peeple who visited me at the hospital and 'at' my home, Once again I express my deep gratitude for your thought- fulness.—Maud M. Ernest, 17* I wish to sincerely thank all those that visited me, also those who remembered me 'with' cards and treats while I was a patient in Wingham General Hospital. Special' thanks to the. nurses and sta.ff.—Mrs. Oliver Stokes. ..• , 17* "Y wish to thank my friends and neighbours• for -cards, treats and flowers while I was a patient in. Listowel HoSpital. Special thanks to Dr, F. Hay and nurses.—Mrs. Rachael Gibson. 17* I wish to thank all 'my friends who sent cards and flowets and were so kind to me at the time of my 'bereavement 'of a dear father W. J, Ritchie in Toronto.—Mrs. Dave Crompton. 17* I wish to thank all my friends who sent cards, flowers and treats while I was a patient, in Wingham General Hospital •and Victoria Hos- pital, London. Special thanks to Dr. VIcKibbon, Mrs, Morrey and her nursing staff.—Murray Mont- gomery. AV" Kenneth Morrison wishes to thank all his friends and his teach— er for their treats and Dr. MeKib7 bon and nurses on the third floor bf Wingham General Hospital for their kindness while he was a patient there, 17b IN MEMORIAM • SUBJECT—In loving memory of our Dear Mother Louisa Subject, who passed away 19th of June, 1958. Oh how we miss you Dear Mother And your bright and cheery smile That made our lives much brighter For much too short a while. But we'll always have fond mem- ories To take along our way.—Ever re- membered and sadly ,missed by •her daughter, Mrs. George laislop. 17h CEMENT'GRAVEL Crushed, Excellent Quality Available at pit or delivered. WATSON. ARMSTRONG Phone 45 r 12 TEESWATER IN WINGHAM AREA * CONTACT PERRIE HOLMES rrb Aff,l1lTEO.A,Q1W. SAW. UNDra and, "by virtue of tlua powers .; contained in; a certain' lyfortgage, which will be produced at the ,thrne of sale, there will hg ;offered for sale by public auctior 'nn Monday, July 6th, 1959, at the 'hour of 2,30 o'clock in, the afternoon, IDS.T.at the office of j, W, Bush. 'field in the Town of Wingham `subject to reserve bid, the following property: ALL and SINGULAR that eel"• taro parcel or tract of land one premises situate, lying and, being ir the Township of Morris in the ..county.„,of. Hu ronaand....Paoyinee—of, Ontario and being composed' of part of the South half of Lot Three in the Second Concession of the said 'Township of Morris, describ- ed as follows: COMMENCING W. the South-west angle of said Loi Number• Three: THENCE North- erly along' the Westerly limit of said Lot a distance of 534 feet tc". a point: THENCE Easterly par- allel to Southerly limit of said Let" a distance of 800 feet to a point; THENCE Southerly parallel to the said Westerly' limit of said Lot a distance of 534' feet . to the 'South- erly limit of said lot: THENCE Westerly along' said Southerly' lim- • it of said lot a distance of 800 feet to the . place of commencement, This property on which there is erected a 'one and a half storey insul-sided house with 'all conven- iences and a drive-shed and barn is 'about one-half mile - East of Highway. No. 4 and about three miles from Wingham. TERMS: Ten per cent of the purchase price to be paid at the time of sale and the balance, with- out interest, within 30 days there- after, For further pahiculars and con- ditions of sale, apply to the un- dersigned, DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this 15th day of June, A.D, 1959, J. W. BUSHFIELD, Q.C,, Wingham, Ontario. Solicitor for the Mortgagee. L. G. BRYCE, Auctioneer. • . 1,724.1b AT TE NTION *HOME OWNERS Our. Reduced Summer Price is now in effect : on• all BLUE and BLACK Coals. We urge you to fill your Bins NOW and take advantage .of • this SAVING. We Would welcome any inquiries on, our NEW PRACTICAL OIL FURNACE FINANCE PLAN We also have on „,hand CEDAR FENCE POSTS and HYDRO - POLES. iiilifili114111111111111110111011101iiiiiiiin VISIT THE REAL LIVING SANTA June 19 to• • Thanksgiving FUN FOR ALL THE FAMILY .Children IlMier 14 years — FREE 9.30 antw. 6.94 P4P, SUNDAY 1.00 te 044 sant, SANTA'S VILVIOE Bracebridge, Ont. , J1741Y.294. • BY-LAW NO. 2-59 Of 'the Township of Howick for the year 1959 Being a by-law paased, in pur- suance of the Dog Tax and Live, stock Protection Act, R.S,O. 1950, chapter 107, WHEREAS it is desirable to prohibit the "running at large of dogs in the Municipality of the Townabip. uf- "Howiela4 4- ""' THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Howick and it: is hereby enacted by the aUthority pf the same as follows:— (1) THAT no person oNttaring, Possessing or harbouring, a dog shall allow said dog to run at• large within the Municipality of the Township of Howick. (2) THAT for the purpose of this By-law a dog, shall he 'deemed to be 'running at large when found on the highway or• other public places not under the control of any person. (3) THAT a dog shall be deem- ed to be running at large when ,found other than on, the premises where it is habitually kept. „ (4) THAT any dog found run- ning at large within the Municipal- ity' may be seized or killed by any peace officer or any person author- ized to enforce this By-law by the Municipal Corporation of the Township of Howick, and for better clarity it• is hereby specifically en- acted that any officer of the On-: tario Provincial Police is hereby authorized to kill any dog running at large contrary to this section. (5) THAT any person being the owner of or having the possession of or being the harbourer of any dog running at large in contra- vention of the above prohibition shall be guilty of an offence• and, liable to a penalty of not more than Fifty Dollars ($50.00) ex- clusive of costs and. such' penalty shall be recoverable under the Summary Convictions Act, , (6) THAT By-law NO. 18-58 of the Town'Ship of Howick • for the year 1958 shall be hereby rescinded and repealed:. .4 ('7) THAT this By-law NO 2-59 of the Township of Howick for the year 1959 shall remain in force un• - reibinde'd; ' 'Real a first and second time and passed this 5th .day 'of January, 1959. Read a third time and FINALLY passed this 5th day of January, 1959. Arthur Gibson, Reeve, J. Harold Pollock, Clerk, 17b OUR BUSINESS INSURANCE". DEPT. has been organized to give helpful specialized service for, he protection, of PARTNER- SHIPS - KEY MEN - SOLE OWNERSHIPS - Be ASSURED Consult— FRANK C. HOPPER • •-=:-Representative, Canada, Life Phone ON 5 T. WING TIC oTANON. of N.10,11P ACT 1950 the 41.pOlp„,tisortJ!ocripprcgetrve;er14:4t. van der Iolk of Wingham, tarip to oh4ogo his Itame to 'Peter Berend "Vance* that .of his, wife to Carolina COraelia. Vancook, that agfncilltiShat"011f htota. 1 4131e°c* heard 'by- His ff000ar use IFing;". land at. his Chambers .1p, the .P,PPrt House, Goderieh, an TilasflaYa,the day of July 1959• atten, 0,410.04- in the forenoon, Daylight 41141g. Time, 74. DATED st Wingham, Ontario" this 6th day of June, 1969, J. W, 13130410(3,, q,a, Solleltor for the Applicant.. 1744-* CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Barristers, Solicitors, Eta. Wingham, Phone 48 J. H. CRAWFORD, Q.C. R. S. HETHERINGTON„ Q.O. J. 111 BUSHFIELD Q.C. Barrister, t olleitor, Nota$7,' site.' Money to Loan Office—Meyer Block, Wingham WELLINGTON FIRE Insurance Company Est. 1840 An all Canadian Company which has• faithfully served its policy holders for over a century. Head Office -- Toronto H. C. MacLean Insurance Agency Wingham to Eliza.- BUSINESS ancl PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY A. H. IFTAVISH BARRISTER, SOLICITOR and NOTARY PUBLIC, TEESWATER - ONTARIO Telephone 23 Teeswater Wroxeter—Every Wednesdil afternoon, 2--4 p.m., or. by appointment. • Frederick. F. Homuth Phm.B., R.O. Carol E. Homuth, R.O. Mrs. Viola H, Homuth, R.O. OPTOMETRISTS PHONE 118 liarriston, Ontario both Alberta Vancoolc, will he "Hi!"."ffis 41f!Aloofi 4 !!1!1080101,0!1.1,0!! 44 MD!!! . !!4A4,11filis04,1041m...4swilt 41WVOW4141'4 GAMIER, McINTOSH & WARD CHARTERED' ACCOUNTANTS Bell Telephone Building WALKERTON Telephones: Business 633; ' Residence 1011 D. A. HUNTLEY, C.A. — Resident Martaget