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Sat)) June 11-12-13
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If you need a new furnace let us help you choose
an ANTHES furnace to suityour needs. Call today.'
Plumbing — Heating — Sheet Metal lyorls
7,13.37115.111 WEEK-END FEATURE
BLUE'VALE .= Large cengrega:
„dons, eloquent preaching and splen=
did singing marked the anniversary
services last Sunday in Knox Pres-
byterian Church, Bluevale. Rev.
'J, Greene, Brussels, was the guest
Preacher for the occasion. His two
sermons will long be remembered
by those who 'heard them.
At 'the morning Service Mrs. Wil-
liam !Robertson and Bruce Robert-
son ,topk the solo parts in "The
King ,of Love My Shepherd Is", A
ladles', choir sang "Now Thank We
All Otir.God". At the evening ser-
vice 'the choir sang "Saviour,
Breathe an , Evening , Blessing".
Gordon Leggatt; Wingbarn, was the
gnest,soloist. . He sang 'The Glory
of Ibis" Presence". „
• , This anniversary marks another
•rinlestone- in 'the history, of Pres-
byterianism in Bluevale and dis-
Make Arrangements
For Garden Party ,
BLUEVALE The Woman's As-
sociation• met in the United Church
on June 4th with the president,
Mrs. John Wickstead, in charge.
After devotions, reading of the
minutes and the treasurer's report
by Mrs. Alex McCrackin, the chief
business was the discussion of
plans for the church's June garden
,party. Committees were appointed
to make arrangements for the sup-
per and concert following, also for
catering for a July wedding.
Spending Sunday at Sundridge
were Mts. Alex McCrackin, her sis-
ter, Mrs. Harry Adams of Wroxe-
ter, and . brothers,' Sylvester and
Arthur Fox of Brussels.
.Mr. and Mrs. Challacombe (the
former Bessie Nichol), of Toronto,
visited with Mr, and Mrs, Eldred
Nichol and attended Knox Church
anniversary services.
Mr. and Mrs. William MeTaggart,
Goderich, visited Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Turvey and attended the anniver-•
stiry services.
Mr. and MrS. Donald Street and
children of Listowel visited Mrs.
Aitken and sisters on Sunday, Mrs.
Aitken returned to Listowel with
them for a Week's visit.
Mr. and Mrs, Jaek 'Allow and
daughter Marion of Stratford vis-
ited relatives here on Sunday and
attended 'the anniversary,
Rev, Jonathan and Mrs. Greene,
BrliSSeiS, Were guests 'at the Pres-
byterian manse on Sunday.
Mr, and MI'S. Gilbert Miller and
daughter of Brarepton visited ReV.
E, and lifts. Kennedy en Satur-
day, Mrs, Kennedy Is spending if
;few daYli• week, visiting friends
in Toronto and Oshawa,.
Guest is Native
Ot Bluevale, Scot.
BLUEVALE—Mr. arid- Mrs. Alex
Corrigan entertained 12 guests at
their home over •the week-end,
members of the 19th Field Regi-
ment Association; which was hold-
ing a reunion in Wingham, along
with their wives. Reuni0n guests
were from as far away as Vancou-
ver, Montreal, Kirkland Lake,
Sault •Ste. Marie and Kapuskasing,
also Welland, Sarnia and Detroit.
A resident of Scarborough, Mr.
Robert Thomson, of 'Scottish birth,
was interested in the village of
Bluevale, as he had attended school
and church in Bluevale, a parish
in, Glasgow. This village is named
after Bluevale in Scotland, by the
Duncan brothers, who were early
Settlers in •this vicinity in the 1850's.
Mr, and Mrs, Corrigan entertain-
ed their visitors With a barbecue
held in the woods On their farm,
Church Parade Held
Sunday Morning
BLUEVALE— Mrs, ,Alex
Crackin president, .opened. the
W.M.S. ,meeting in . the ..United
Church on Thursday ,afternoon.,
Plans were 'made for paCking ,and
shipping a bale, of ,glething 'foy„sliat-
tribution from the church's head,..
quarters Toronto. ' At the, July
meeting the Baby 'Band, will „be, en-
tertained. •
Mrs, Jos.' Horton and., 1111rS, Stan-
leY.Darling had charge ref the study
program and Mrs...Horton gaye. the
SCripture reading and 'prayer; 'Mrs.
Darling gave a talk ' on Mexico;
Mentioning the surface featu'res
and the mineral riches.
Industry is backward, but im-
proving, Though Spanish is the of-
ficial language, Indian dialects, are
commonly spoken. There is 'in-
creasing interest in education and
illiteracy is decreasing rapidly.
Though the chief religion is Roman'
Catholic, Protestantism is a force
too, and the Salvation Army is ac-
tive. The people have much to
learn about health, and infant moi.,
tality is very high. „
nin mu Immiu almiummilmommommifilimomimmfflimmmomimOMOM:
Yes, June 21st, is Father's Big Day
Treat him to the' n
things he's been i
hinting tor.
Miss Marlene Johnson, our teach-
er, and Huron County Dairy Prin-
cess of 1958 was guest on CKNX
Almanac on TV recently. Appear-
ing with Professor Hamilton of the
0.A,C., Guelph, she demonstrated
the use of the milking machine
and the care of'the utensils.
Mrs, George Stuart and Miss
W. P. Rutherford 'spent Friday 'in
Toronto where they visited Miss
Anna Stuart who has not been en-
joying good health for some
Twenty members Of the Women's
Instittite and five children were
guests of Miss Margaret Brophy
on M'Lady on TV on Tuesday
,afternoon. A demonstration by
Mrs. Floyd Wick of Kincardine on
making nuggets arid bonbons was
enjoyed. Mrs. T, Y. Todd Was the
winner of the loVely basket of
food and Mrs. Jas, Curran won the
box • of candy, tour of the
station followed, Later the ladies
met at Lee's Bestaiiralit for hinch.
Mr. G. A. Webb was able to re-
turn to the horde of Mr. and Mrs.
E. W, Rice after being a patient In
the Wingham and District General
Hospital for several weeks,
Mr, W. I. „Miller is arotind
after •being confined to' the house
for over sift weeks:
Mr. W. -Wic)t of Tortinto 'luta been
the guest of SISter Mrs, B, P.
Green and heir. Gtaen, Miss, W.' D. nntherforci is 'a
visitor With' friends in Kirkland
Lt, Brian, Staples of damp Bor-
den Was n. rodent gna4t. of Mr. and
MrS. John Cameron and Pen,
Mr, and WS,' 1$eil 'GI:0MM of rord*I6 Were " ';'OOetit i/iNiters
with Mr. and Mra,
Njlliy •Vretild .you Vole ngliinst Rae
Think things over and
idtv hint it ;boost by Veting ter
littironAIftleti Liberal: AsSeelatien
'1U11111.11.11.111111iWINW11111111011WW 1481"b°1-1r,
DAIRY QUEEN—Ruth Anne Hollands .of Kincardine Township was
named Bruce County Dairy Princess last• week. Miss Hollands will
compete for provincial hoilonrs later.
JUST DRIVE UP . . . Tell us your auto troubles
Every job gets immediate attention from a careful.
, skilled mechanic or service expert.
30,4 441.
--44- and Mrs. Win. McCiPnag-
ban and family of Waterlcie visit,
ed his father, Mr, Harry McClena-
ghain • pn Sunday. Mr. and Mrs.
Pave Fleming of Bervie and Mrs,
Kate Stewart of Teeswater also
visited at the same borne.
—Mrs. Mabel Hare of Water-
loo visited with Wingham friends
one day last week. •
—Mr. Richard Roberts of Toronto
was in town at the week-end and
attended the 19th Field Regiment
—Mr, and Mrs, F, D. Blakely of
St. Catharines spent the week-end
with Mr, and Mrs. C W Lloyd.
—Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Riches and
Hesterlee of Terento spent the
week-end with her parents, Rev
Slid 'Ora: C: '11": • •
—Mrs. Elizabeth Elliott, who hat
been a patient in Wingham Hospi•
tal for several weeks, was idis•
charged last week and is at the
home of her granddaughter, Mrs
DeWitt Miller.
—Mr. and Mrs. N. T. McLaughlin
are spending this week in petroit,
and will leave from there on Sat•
urday to motor to the West Coast,
with their son, Muir McLaughlin
of Sarnia.
—Mr, Ted Gauley and Mr. Ross
Dundas are attending a two weeks'
foremen's conference for Ontaric
Rural Hydro foremen., at Niagara.
—Mr. and Mrs, James Waddell.
of Listowel spent ,Sunday at the
home of their datighter, Mrs. B. 0
Wenger and Mr. Wenger.
• —Mrs. George Nicholson and
Ricky ,of Nile visited early this
week with her sister, Mrs. L
Hingston. .
—Mr. Neil Stainton, who is now
employed_ Totnuto.and took•ovei
his duties • lastnilOndaW Was
home for the week-end.
—Mrs. Neil Williamson of Lon-
don was a guest at the week-end
with 'her sisters-in-law, Misses Ag-
nes and Marion Williamson.
—Mises Minnie and Florence
Barber have returned to Wingham
for the summer months.
—Mr. anci Mrs. Roy ' Bennett
were in London' the latter part of
the week and his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Bennett, 'returned home
with them to spend the week-end
with members of their family here.
—Attending ,graduation exercises
of Kenny Fitzpatrick from St,
Jerome's College, held in St. Mary's
Roman Catholic Churbh, Kitchener,
on Gunday were his 'grandParents,
Mr. and Mrs, Ed Fitzpatrick:town,
his mother, Mrs. AuStirt and grand=
mothet, Mrs, O'Neill; bothrif
bridge. 'Other relatives ;who at-
tended were Mr. and. Mrs. 'Ed.
Fitzpatrick Jr., Mr: and Mrs. Hous-
ten and Miss •Betty Fatznatrick,
all' „Of London and Mr. 'and . Mrs.
Farwell of Waterloo.
—Mrs, Martha Warwick has re-
turned to her.hoine after .,'spending
two weks with' friends\ at Grand
Bend. .' ,' : ' •
--4,1r. and :Mts. Alton Adams and
family took MrS,'W,'T Adams ko
Teira 'Cotta Park,' near: Branipten;
on' Siinday,l where Mra;AdainS,Sr;
Philip. and Jiilie:iitericlect a-. fatally
reunion. Mr: and Mrs. Adams"and
Byron went on .to TOrririttr.to• via.;
it 'with parents,-Mr; Ainct.Mrs.
J. •J..,Trallt. • t ••
L'-‘1.11•.' and '-Mrs: :4? Rthjzetti: of
Teesvvater spent the week-end with
Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Borho and
attended •the trade fair,
—Mr. and Mrs. Bob Carbert and
family of Ottawa spent a few days
with Wingham and Listowel rela-
tives at the end of the week.
—Mr, and MrS. E.. V. Moliohan
of Detroit spent a day last week
with Mrs. Jos. .propbY and family.
—miss Irene Paton spent a few
days in Toronto last week,
—Miss M. I, Weir •and Miss W
Reoch of Toronto are spending 4
few days with Miss Paton,
—Mr. and Mrs, Gil Miller of
Brampton and their daughter, Joan
were visitors at the week-end with
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lott. •
—Mr. and Mrs, Joe Baillie anc
Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Grey of Lon-
don were week-end guests with tin
orrner's daughter, Mrs, Lloyd Car
;er, Mr. Carter and family,
—Mrs. Lillian Mutrie of Toronto
ipent the week-end with her sis
ter, Mrs, Jean Crump,
—Mr. and Mrs, Stafford' Batesor
Arid Mr. and Mrs, Robert Mowbraj
;pent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs
f, Smalley at St. Marys,
—Miss Irene Davis of Toronto
'ormerly of Wingham, is a guest
it the home of Mrs. Colin Ping-
land for the next two weeks,
—Mr. and Mrs, George Fitzpat-
rick and family of London were
week-end visitors with Mr., and
Ars. Ed Fitzpatrick.
• —Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Bruce MacDonald were Mr,
And Mrs. Bill Coultes and Janice
of Brussels and Mr. and Mrs. Jim
'Scott Jr. and family of Blyth.
—Mr, and• Mrs. Vic Loughlean
3f London were week-end visitors
with relatives here.
—Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brophy and
Kiss Patricia Brophy were in De-
E.roit for the week-end,
—Mr. and Mrs. Pete Bennett of
Ingersoll visited at thd week-end
with her father, •Mr. James Sell,
—Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Gor-
rdon,.Deyell at week end' were
'Mr, krid. Mrs, Jack Sinclair of
Southampton and Mr, and Mrs,
Hawley Staight and Bill of Ottawa.
Mrs. Staight remained for a longer
visit with her parents.
• —Visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Ken
Cerson and family at the week-end
was his father, Mr. Cerson.
—Mr. and Mrs, Bert Mitchell of
Paisley were in town• at the week-
end for the 19th Field Regiment
ed Front Grocery
Phone: Our Prices Are Lower • Free •
590 We Keep . Down the. Upkeep Delivery •
SAVE 25c .
Interlake White Cress . • :I
9 1101AT, S1000 •
SAVE lie• • .
' ' Green Giant ''" , • . •
35c •
Wiener &• Ham
8 for 23c 6 15-0Z. TINS 'IA0 0
• I
TRADE FAIR FUN—Little pony Bell,'•••daughter of l'rov. Constable
and Mrs. Ilion Bell 'enjoys a pony ride,ht the trade fait. as John White
maws sure,the pony. doesn't get,toefriSki with liis -small Charge.
• Stokely's
SAVE lie 48 oz. $1 3 for
SAVE 10c
SAVE 6c — 16 oz.
Campbell's TOMATO . SOUP R
SAVE 8c — 10 oz.
and just like his Junior Depositor's,
Account your Savings Account
wily grow with. regular deposits
Razse Almost $100
FORDWICH--:-The babe and sew-
ing sale sponsored by 'the Ladies'
Orange ,'Lodge, Fordwlich, was a
good stccess;' •The draws on the
fancy quilt, table centre, and cush-
ion, imade by an 80-year-old, first
war veteran in' Westminster Hos-
pital, Were made by little Sharon
Millar. ,.
Mr., Roy 'Bellamy of Fordwich
won the,' quilt, Mrs. William Foote
the, table centre and Mr.
),Ulan.Fries the' cushion, The pro-
ceeds for tile afternoon 'amounted
to, abOtit, $1.D0.99" clear froin the
quilt, proceeds and baking, The
ladies would like to thank all those
who helped,
Our other bank services include: Personal
Chequing Accounts) Current Accounts; Safe-
' keeping, Travellers' Cheques, Letters of tredit,
'Safety Deposit Boxes, :Money Orders, Foreign
:Remittances, Collections, Banking By Mail.
Don't forget to 'eave us your order for
Pails of. Red Montmorency 'Cherries
and Sweet Black Cherries.
Owing to the spring frOsts there may be,
a shortage. We guarantee to fill all ,
orders taken until further notice. •
Wingham Branch
W. O. STRUTHERS — Manager , N•i3le
'wear an OTC support
Rezak Drug Store
George Williams
Located in Mason's Store.
Owing to lack of space, watches
and small clocks only. Li A' cool comfortable SPORT SHIRT from our smart selection of short or long sleeve U
1 styles is certain to please Dad. Priced from $3.95 to $6.95 j
Most Fathers enjoy the comfort of a T SHIRT. Dad could use, one with holiday
II time just around the corner. Plain or fancy patterns. Price $1.50 to $3.95' I Grandmothers Guests
At W.I. Meeting In this modern age, many things come in cans -- so wty i
not SOX? Watch Dad smile as he Opens his can of Sox. k
Shades of Silver Grey, Charcoal, Beige and Blue in a Lambs! II
wool stretch. Price ,, .. ., . „, . $1.50„ i
Other lines include spun nylon, all wool or blends of nylon i
and ,wool. From ........... . . .. . .. . . .i. ....... oott.••••401”.“••••4•401 . • .... •• . . $1.00 ' i
ST. HELENS---Name a member
of the cabinet, either provincial
or dominion and their portfolios
was the roll call for St. Helens Wo-
men's Institute held in the corn-
mtmity hall, A report of the dis-
trict annual Was given by Mrs.
Andrew Gaunt, District Director,
Members voted to order a quan-
tity of souvenir spoons to commem-
orate the visit of Queen Elizabeth:
to Canada this Ku-rimer "Ca,nadian
Unsure' Hero", was the topic choS.
en by Miss Mary Murray, historical
research convener.
The motto, "AN, long We live,
net age, but actions tell", was :Pre-,
seated by Mrs, Harold
This being •the annual -Grand-
mothers Meeting, all grandmothers
Were honored guests, ,and had their
pictures taken at the close of the
Mrs, E. W. Rice played a pland
SO1O, readings Were given by MTV
Prank MoQuiliin,. Mr-S, ,Elwood
A handsome assortment of TIES $1.00,"
BELTS of distinction by "Hickok" DAD' it t..S707,4k al
$2.00, $2.50 and $3.50 ' -,
MEN'S JEWELLERY — Cuff Links, Tie Bars, etc., ii
cst . i
, from $1.50 ""`4," 4- *PM N
4eit ;01Li',..--- ,
' i We also suggest SPORT COATS, ODD
and many more gifts to please any Father. PORDWICH—The HoWlek Dit
tract L.O.L. and L,O.B.A. members '
marched body on sunday,
morning to thO ForciWieh United
Church where Rev, A. F. Gardner
deli-Voted a powerful sermon '‘Wihy
Are We Protestants". E
Martin Luther was the intin''re- • . •
Spoliate for the *Ord proteStalit • '••
when he ,made protest against cet-
The Friendly Store" fain teachings, the choir render , •
od a beautiful anthem • *IFIC11•11111111111111111111,1161111111•11101111111101111111ellitiliii,111111114111.11111111111•11i1,11111111111
It . 4 „ , , •
• ele.m.4.04.....61.1.Ia.a..