HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-06-10, Page 8YOUR FAMILY SHOE STORE
Jtine-lg and 13
Everybody's FaVorite Fairy Tale'
Loaded with Music arid Laughter'
Jim. Da.vis, Allison Hayes
Animal' Vengeance Sweeps the
tamed North.
June 15 and 16
Stephen McNally, COleen Gray
The Picture With A Heart
<1;MIttlt Entertainnient)
dene•JEVans) Robert Blake
, Just, a , . HiS Chlasroom was
Paten He Learned Past
The Whitechurch midget team
strengthened their league stand-
ing with another win in Beigrave
an Tuesday evening. This, their
third win with no losses, proved to
he their stiffest eompetition to
•••: CROWN
Wee- Harriston
June 10 - 11 12 - 13
'• DOG"
vrot Dlimey's ;Latest and-,'
, rfiividest Ever .
an-Ld 91'w.15 .op•nash61"
' SAT. -MATINEE AT 2.,/5 .F.M.,
Children at all performances we'
, .
- .June 15 and tg , -
Doris Day, Richard Wiclmark
The Perfect Comedy ,for-
' Grown-ups.
United Church
'WHITECHURCH — Anniversary
services were held on Sunday al
the United Church here, with god
eongregations attending both mor-
ning and evening SerVices. Mr
Alari Neelon, pastor of the church
Was in charge and preaelied inspir.
lug and challenging sermons, ir
whiCh he stressed the need of
Chriatian people to Move forwar
together against the 'forces of evil,
indifference and now-attendance
among church members and now
Church menihera,
The choir rendered, speeltal an-
thems and Miss Karen Groskotth
sang "The Stranger of Galilee"
Mr. Neeion Sang "Great Is Ills
Vaithittlness'Y and Mrs, E, Seholtz
Mrs, Dan Tiffin and Garnet Partici
solg a trio, wmat Wohderfni
Faith" Eapetially pleasing was the
aeciMapardineet nf Miss Deily
cent of ato on a new LtitVreY 01.
cattle organ, 'MAO-lied In the church
for the dity Clodtro 'Rutledge Of
drat, Who hild the 4011 let the
trade fair fot hit Wegner, (lona
4,,Last Rose of ..u.rnmert. or Pagh aS a Dalsyl/
4.. •
'Oa a aitaag-trip sisaittere
Ix° reason Why you shouldn't feel fresh a daisy iftef
long trip. Smart drivers keep their WS In top tomfott co 64
iaition, -their cart Reef easier ... abbt t, sbiffittiy,, Brakes are
safe end' riding:s smoother, Orive in for COM(Ort Ride tervke
It OW bear Sign, mote your rietVet e youe Money
and :perhaps your life! "
bia.ordnal iteitd /loom Winitharn
406 odetiethed dei the
-rvAgwilo opoiaktfl,',4
After selling his business in
London ahnost five years ago, Rae
.J. Watson, your Liberal candidate
haul,a wide choice of where to live.
This Huron-Bruce area was chos-
en' because Rae was raised and
educated here, the hills and spring
cricks are wonderful; the Great
Lakes offer exeellent boating and
the people are second to none. Al-
though this job, of„ representing
you,' will take him to Toronto for
several weeks at a time,`itae has
no‘intention of moving out cif his
nice'. comfortable, new house, nor
away from ,the people he likes laci
Huron-Bruce Liberal Association
r r I I
ANIWFR ,..141,1,1M
Good Reading,
fOr the
Whole Family
• News
• Facts
• Family Features
air Irani. 1.= limit rm. mill gm via ...a on. gni
The Christicin Science monitoe
Om Norway St., Boston IS, Masi.
Cind your noivinionit Ur the tkril
thieked. Cieloaild fled my chick Of
inoney Ordo. 1 year $19 0 . •
4 MOntha $9 in 1 tricintha $450
• PATTISON. RADIO had a good disPlay of vacuum. cleaners at the trade-fair' laSt,:week;.as 'the aboye
tiitel shows. The display was another example of the hard work that went into -making the fair. a nunaiber
one:show nlace of local business and manufacturing' establishmenta.
-'06-1-0.4, •
WINGHAM SAWMILL'S exhibit 'at the trade fair had a good line of information fOr those int,erested
building or renova.ting their homes, The mill's' disp bay drevit a. large number of interented people.
TRADE VAllt iliNtttliairAINERX,,,Atnong the B1'0'61446 enteriaitierri the trikie Bair ItSai 'Or
Doh *ohettsert, right ,and ,s4rs, itobproton along with *Oft Malik leittlind Batik hiodald.
The Wingliont Advasiee*Times Wedueaduy, algae )0, 19S0 Paste 441 .1.14
Children's Canvas
For Bea.Ch or :Play
89c AND .UP , •
Calling all children $ years and over!
SATURDAY, JUNE 13th, from 1 to 3 p,m,
Phone 770 - Tiffin, George Conn, Hari eY Craig. At Teeswater on Friday, in one
and Janis. Farrier. „All .enjoyed .the of their poorer exhibitions of ball-
social tinie 'during the. lunch 'per-- playing to date,,,Whitechurch man-
iod• that followed. - • ." aged to" win another game, Their,
batting was good enough, but the Mk. and Mrs. •Mitchell Elliott
and family of AilSa Craig visited fielding support was ragged. They
are still in undisputed first place, on Sunday at the 'home of. nis sis-
ter, Mrs, l;)on•Catimbell, Delgrave Standings to date:
and with Mr..and Mrs. Walter El- W L T P
ilott and with their Parents, Mrs Whitechurch 4 0 0 8
Wingliard and Mr. Elliott, TeesWater.:;.,. ........ ..... 2 2 0 4
a•patierit in lospitaL: : Selgraye 2 2 0 4
Mr,..JaineS Forster was able .to $elmore 4 0 0
.return, home on .Wednesday -last
rnafotellrth:piirdi winngo:.attahe opoti trihe Wity111.11TEChlitunliCil
Mr, and .Mrs. Alek Robeifson and
family visited on SuiicifiVi at the 'Mrs, E. .Dow and Nelson, Don-
home of his son Mr, alter For- eld. and Ivan attended anniversary
W ; services at Westfield on Sunday.
' r, and Mrs. Kenneth ! Laidlaw There was no service in the Cal-
of. „L n, ondo visited ..on.' Thursday at vin-Brick Church on Sunday,
the, home: of Mr: and 'Mrs. Elroy
L aidlaw Mrs, Jamess
who had spent' three• vveWeeks';, at Lon-
don. returned, he:
Mr. •and Ma, Stewart dpupland
and 'Miss Linda Powell and Mr,
Smith of Toronto spent ,the•week-
end at the home 'of Mn': an,d Mrs
Charles. Robinson and 'with Wrbx-
eter relatives. JiMmie Robinson.
left with them foil Milton;:, Where
he ' will . Work for- the'. nexti ,;feW
months at the Referd.C-ilartihouse
tarns. ra
",'West .Witivanoih schools: • are
holding their field.,ciay ,thiSikriday
at,the township school; where
Ross ,Ertington, ,eaelrieS: All
parents'.are itiViteifto attend,, doll-
teats start at 30 am. ..;
Mr. and 'Mrs. Albert Siidge and
Mr. and Mrs, Roy Higgini4 .0 4tnis,
Branch visited on Sunday,
Rev.' and Mrs. W.:J. Watt at the
'WEDNESDAY arid THURSDAY home of ' Mr. and ,.Mrs. •
June 10 and' 11
Patrick St., Wingharn
4. •
Two Shows:Nightly
Cartoons at every performance
Canada Life
Phone 4Q
mons, NATingham, , and Mr: Alex
Reinhardt and 'friends of Walker-
ton, visited on Stinday. ,with Mr.
and Mrs, Frank Eckenswiller.
Miss Marjorie Clirrie:'returned
CABlf—if you live,
CASH—if you die.
Protection for the family
Comfort for your retirement
Ail in One policy.
Mr. and. Mrs. Orest .Havverehuk
"DEMETRIUS and the and her !brother, Mr. "Gerdon
GLADIATORS" ehell of Toronto spent,,the week-
'end 'with idr. and Mrs. Win, HenrY.
Victor Mature Mr. and Mrs. aeorge-teitiold and
A spectacle in Large Screen filthily of Melia Foteet, 'also Mies
Entertainment. E. Simmons and Mr. HarVey
Mr. and Icfra. Roddy Inglis of
Watford, Mrs, Thos,, Xnglis, Mrs
Robert Adams and Tore and Alex
Inglis attended the funeral of the
late Mrs, Levi Aytest mother of
Jack Inglis, of FordWich, held at
Stayner on Monday,. Three-year-
old TorninY Inglis, soh of Mr. and
Mrs, Jack Inglis, who Was
talized at LlstoWel during the past
week after an,opetatienandozneasl.,
es, spent the week-end tinder Mrs
Alex IngliS" care,
Mrs, William Scott of. Langside
was in charge of a music recital
held for her puplla.""fro, Ripley
e Grove, DudknoW and White,
church in flolyrood.:'fiall, On Friday
evening. Those fipin this, drstitef
,wlio were taking ;Part were: Joan, .
a broken ,leg: Mr. .Forbter and ' •
Mrs. Robert Gibson aedonipanied Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Lougheed
Mr.-Gibson to Toronto on Sunday. And children of Midland and Mr,
He will write eitarninations there and Mrs. William -Fisber of Acton
this week. spent the week-end with their par-
ents, Mr, and Mrs, George Fisher.
Mr, C, Mitchell of Toronto spent
SundaY at the home of Mr. John
Mitchell, •
Rev, Ewart Clark of Fordwich
will have charge of the morning
service in the United Church here
next Sunday and Mr; Neelon will
have charge of the 'anniversary
services in Fordwich.
Mr. and Mrs. John Gray, (nee
Clara Belle Clow) of Kincardine,
visited on Sunday -with IVIr. and
Mrs. Arthur Moore, and attended
anniversary services here in the
'United Church.
Larry and Kenneth TaYlor of
lier Peeition in. 14ciridon- on:Sunday
after spending' her' vactitiort With
relatives. Mrs. R. 3 . Currie and
May be Warning
Backache is often culled by. limy
kidney action. When kidneys get out of
order, excess acids and wades temain
in the system. Then backache, dis-
turbed test or that tired-out end heavy-
headed feellei May toOri Theft
the liMe to take Dmitri Kidney Pills.
Dodd's stimulate the kidneytto notmal
action. Then you feel better-,sleep
better--,work better. Get Derld's•
Kidney Pills now. 59
h ston, pitch ng for Bel-
grave,. with good fielding support,
kept each inning to a small num-
ber,-`of runs. Wayne Henry pitch-
ed his usual, good ball for White-
chiireh and the fielding errors were
negligible., Final score, White-
-church '9, 'Efelgrave 2.
- 0 - 0
'Mr, and Mrs. Wildred Martin of through another oPeratirin :,on ;his Stratford and Mr. and Mrs. Ed knee, in the Sick '6-Midi-WS ; #. as- Spiehruicher of Mildmay visited
With Mr. -and Mrs, Howard Martin -pital,„,Toronte, lest Weel;, Was able
on Sunday: . ' to he breught• nonie - on, Sunday.
' lyfr'; and Mrs, Jack Johnston of He now has ,a. cast 'frOrti.Walit to , .
London `SPent the week-end with toe. DoriglaS has had 'his' share
of trouble; :with operatiOns,jand,his. his,parents, Mr, and Mrs. Gershom ac„ Many friends' hope this mill: ptove. JOhnsion and Mrs, 3 ohnston
ecinmanied; them back to spend a to he the• leaf that Will * be neces;
Week, at London. sary.
;Me and Mrs. Gilbert Beecroft '. 1V/V." Sad' Mrs, Mac Cardiff of
Briisseis, and -Mr. and Mrs. George end family ViSited . on . Sunday at°
the:home of his Sister; Mrs.. Hen- Cal:dWell 'of Brussels visited 'on
and tor Hamilton -of dorrie. -, '', ,R.m...I jil?, ..86w.3 7 il: la . ja r .4, thRe inhtoomuie. of Mr. ,Mr. and Mrs,..Sarry.- Tborirpson
. . -
' The;'., follewing were visitore at and ,children of ,DonnybtOok and
Magoffiri- and with her aunt, Mrs. and Claire visited on tunday with
‘.441.,Puririn on Sunday; Mrs. Don- Mrs, Ceeil ChainneY in Winghani.
aid:, Gray,' Torn and Bonnie and Miss Sandra Chlarriney spent the
Mr. and lifts. John Tillie, London; week-end with Miss 'EvelYn Ste-
Mr,,, Lansley Magoffin and _family, Phens of Gorrie. , '
'London; Mi,...,and Mrs, E. J, Ruth- The service in the. PrOshyterian
erford of Lennon, Mich,; Mr. and Church here, Wes :,withdraWn on
Mrs. Anklam of Ypsilanti, Sunday and many atteeded -the
Mrs. Henry Carter, Clin_ anniversary servicea. in. the :linked
ton; Beth Gaunt, Wingham and Church or the anbiversaty,serVices
Almend, Lorne and Stewart Jamie- in the South Kinloss
son of Belgrave. Mr. Mrs:. pion Welmfoo,d of
*. Mr. arid Mra. John Kerr and Calla.don • spent -the week-end at
Br an of Bluevale visited on Sun- the home of her brotherse-Cecil and
day with her grandfather, Mr. Jamea Faleenier and 'With his Sister,
Herbert' Laidlaw and Ivan. Mrs. Arthur Moore. . .
Mrs. Herson Irwin spent the kr. and Mrs. Hugh Simpson arid
week-end in Toronto. children visited With her Mother,
Mr, and Mrs. Harry, Tichbourne, Mrs: StrntherS laiekrww•
of Goderich, Visited on Sunday with Mrs, R. M. Shiell of AVingham
her Mother, Mrs, David Kennedy, and Mrs- anrdOn lideBiltileIf visit-
Riehard --Turner and son ed, on_Sunday.at the -herrie of ;Mt.
Richard spent the -week-end with .ande'7Mrs. Elmer Shied, of 1.-on-
don, and Mr. Mc/Iiirtiey and - sons
stayed with Mt. &dell in Wing-
Mr. and ;Kra, thinglaS aitripson of
Cuitoss visited on Sunday with
his mothet, Mrs. Wm. Simpson of
Mr. and Mrs. Angus Falconer vis-
ited on Sunday witri Mr. and Mrs,
Weeley Tiffin.
Mrs. James Falconer spent last
week at the home of Mr. Charles
Falconer at Glarnis,
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ritchie of
Luckno-w spent Sunday at the home
of their son, Mr, Clarence Ritchie.
Mr, and Mrs. Clifford Putdon arid
family of Beigrave visited on Sun-
day with hie parents, Mt. and Mrs.
John Purdon.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Ritchie of
Ashfield spent Sunday at the home
of her sister, MrS, AhdreW Gaunt.
and' 'Mrs: 'Cliirene-e.'CtrafriniS? the,':hoine of Mr. and MrS, Thomas
her parents in Toronto.
Wingharn spent the week-end at
the home of their aunt, yrs, Oar)
The pupils of the senior grades
of SS. No. 11), Kinloss, their tea-
cher, Mrs, Melvin Igathers, aro
Mrs, Dan Tiffin, xis, ThOs, more
rison, Ntrs, John morri.soe, Mrs,
Albert Coultes, Mrs, John gaunt,
Mrs, Robert Seloman, Mrs, Rue.
Sell Ross, Mrs, Wallace Conti, Chas.
Tiffin, Mr, and Mts. James Garint
and Donald meNfurray and friend,
'tn:bk 'Vila -Otis '1)ettoichist
'Thursday and .enjoyed tire .,daV at
the zop, Some took .in the New
r7ork-Detroit„ hap, game. and Some
shopped,, Friday, the, joiners,
,With some. cif ,,,..the," par,enta, .;Were
taken "by -Mr. Rassell Chaptnari
and, IvIrs.,11/fatherS,:to,,the' Fiitritosa
park sand enjoyed garnes ,and
testi and the , picnid .Outirig 'there.
. Mrs, Irene Patterson 'of Toronto
and and„Mis, ;Rosa "Patterson
of Kapuskasing, spent the week..
.end with Mrs. William:Taylor. Mr,
Patterson took in. the veterans' re- ,
union in Wingharne, .
. „Wr. Adam ,McBurney of Mstnoeh
spent a few days mi.
'at Kingston, , •
Mr,: and' MO: OliftOri;' Moore ',of — , •
Lowden and Mr, amt. Mrs, .Robert
Downey of Lueari: Spent the Week-
end at (he home'
William Kennedy' of Marnoeli. •
-The ladies of EaSt WaVvamieh of
the -WA.' of , Beigtave' United
Chnrch asilsted at the turkey din-,
ner served in ;the :Ilelgrave arena
on iSatrirday. evening „tO :2.50 vet-
eraris. . •• . '
Douglas Coultes, sem of :Mr..'and
Mrs„ Norman Conites, wir&
- . .
WARY 'DOOR follund that many attending' the trade fair Were intereSted tbeir''neil"'''Ilne Of Si;ntintlal
gaiage doors' as shown in the above picture; The inn also displayed their _Standard atm.-pieta: garage
deer and folding closet doors, ••• -
when, you wear an
r c)TC 0bclorninal belt
iftexall Drug Store