HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-06-10, Page 4.a. T., 'a., Aompur,ggrpMidir..,. - ,.. . .-.1--, 7. 71,7.7,7r. 7 7.7,7". 7F,IT . ......-7,21... ,,,,,,..,4+.7,1!,,,, , ,..-7,r, rr , ,,,..7- ,,,,,Pr...7,,,,,,,,,, ,,,Si:iiii7M.4 Ve ;10. 'ea a a a Saa 'ea tea' aa .'•11‘••4'ie.rit 1V4 '40.MPeN'Ilit ri•V"OrigtAtilliikiN astifirvitits,totiwwirtirsoosiorotOstoit.09ititoomeltt anottwas se******trett t* w Pt talftbfir.91 ea% 4 eta w e"asaaaa. 'ta aa The Whilahain MantliCeMliaelt liVeatieSda NEW MACHINES FOR LADIES' AUXILIARY JOHN Co'WARD CffARTERED AC.COUNTANT Phone 20Q • 'Wallace Ave,,'N. Lietowel. The president, 'Mrs. N. ,p, Cam eron, presided at the June meet- ing of the Ladies' Apalliary to the Wirigham General Hospital, which was held in the council chamber, It was found that many purchases aad been made during the month, such as towels, flannelette ' Man kets, bed Spreads, needles, thread, etc. The sewing committee reported 217 completed articles, consisting of adults gowns, pnenmonia jack- ets, pillow cases, nursery supplies, etc, Together with the mending this added up to 186 hours onwo- ruen's time, Mrs. Cameron announced ithat the hospital board had purchased two new electric sewing machines for the sewing room, which will he used and greatly appreciated. She alSO „taia that the occupational,1. therapy in the north wing cOn- tinues avo afternoons' a weep, and many patients find pleasure in even small forms of work. An interesting piece of informa- tion. With regard to the rummage sale was produced by ,the areasur- or, She•found that with total pro- ceeds of the sale amounting to $1165.00, the expenses were only $42.60. This shows that :practi- cally all the 'work and time for these, sales I are voluntary effort on the, part of the people of the vicinity for which the auxiliary is grateful. There will be no meetings of the auxiliary during July and August, LOST - COMING laYENTS WOMEN'S INSTITUTE meeting on June 18 at 2.30, Citizenship and Education; speaker, Rev, C. F. Johnson, Roll call, "Your Fa, vorite Flower". Hostesses, Mrs, G. Hastie, Mrs, S. Bateson, Mrs. W. Ringrose, Mrs, J, Mitchell, Mrs. R. Galbraith. QE1013 —....., . - WANTED TO RENT EXECUTIVE AND family must rent 3 or 4 bedroom borne in Wingham by September 1st. —.XliPla*'6i, 43 •A:.(miii6:Tiiii6: — ...' lOrrb WANTED USED WINDMILLS, gasoline en- gines and pump jacks wanted, Can be traded on pressure sys- tems new or used. Ask us for an estimate without any obligation,. or if you ,are needing any new roofing material we give you the best for your money, Write or phone collect to Irving Keyes at. Glamis. Phone Paisley 114r4. 27 Alt-Nov, TENDERS, WANTED . TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 12.00 noon Thurs- day, June 11th for the painting of the belfry, and the exterior of the Wingham. Town Hall, Specifications may be obtained at the clerk's office, . - Win. Renwick, Clerk-Treasurer 3-10n AMBULANCE SERVICE CURRIE'S AIVIBULANCE, Wing- ham. Dependable Service, Phone: Day, 51; Night, 716 or 636. PERSONAL, STOP FEELING OLD! STAY YOUNG LONGER, Ostrex Tonic Tablets revitalize entire body. Make 3-day test, ONLY 69c, At all druggists . 10-24b FOOT SUFFERERS - If. you have sore feet, .ankles, aoiatica pains in legs, hips or lower back trouble why not have your feet checked by a qualified, exper- ienced.Poot •Correctionist, .::See 4. A. VICKERS ' at' QUeens Hotel,. VV,ingliam, . each Monday afterndoi; Other times — 481 8th Ave., - Hanover, Phone 500 MISCELLANEOUS OVERNIGHT accommodation for travellers, Edward St., 'Wingham, one street west of main, central. Mrs. Shiell, phone 242ar. ' 10b LAWN MOWERS sharpened, -ro- tary and reel, Used mowers for sale. Jenkin's Repair Service, Minnie St. Phone 694w. ' ' 6rrb' BULLDOZING, excavating, fence bottoms cleaned,' stone piles baried; gravel hauled, AlSo indus- trial use. Equipped. with one yard bucket and scarifier. Apply to Harvey Jenkins, Wingham, phone 51031. • 10-17-24b LAWN MOWERS, grass shears and scissors sharpened and repaired.. Hand saws and power saws' sharpened and' Set and ,used nioweta for sale. IvieDeugal Lawn Mower Service, phone Wingham 553w." ' 20,27,3,10* IS YOUR TELEVISION properly insured for all. risk coverage? :For information phone 293, Stew- art A. Scott, Winghatit ' 2rrb SEWAGE DISPOSAL — Septic, tanks, cesspools, etc., . pumped, and cleaned with modern equip- ment. All work guaaariteed. Waite Louis Blake; R.R. 2, Brus- sels. Phone 42r6, Brussels, . A.i5-Jy29*. WATERLOO CATTLE Breeding Association "Where Better Bulls Are USed". Artificial breeding Service; All breeds of cattle; Member owned and controlled; cost low, efficiency high; Use of the best of bulls; Disease con-, trolled, safety, For service or more information 'phone for lcing distance Clinton Zenith 9-5650 or Collect TeesWater 126 between; 7,30 and 9.30 tiara week day; 6.00 and 8.00 p.1-ii. Saturday evenings, Calls received on Saturday even- ing will be serviced on Sunday, morning,, For troves in heat on Sunday morning, DO NOT call' Until Monday ?yearning "Better Cattle For Better Lilting." rah Crushed; Available WATSON CONTACT IN CEMENT Phone TEESWATER WINCIIIAM Eitceilent at pit Or 45 016141a16 ,GRAVEL ARMSTRONG' t 12 AREA. Quality delivered,. HOLMES 4tiV 1 BEAL ESTATE FOR RENT VOE'S TAXI SERVICE and used Furniture, We buy and sell, Phone 185. ;TO witgs}:1 DRESSED chickens for sale, Holaulale Creamery, 10,' 1% STOREY BRICK house on Leopold Street for sale. Also an antique organ and settee, Phone 113, a01) 1.00$T— Between Wingham. and • Bluevale on "Friday, June 5, one 8x10 tarpaulin. Finder nlease tify W, A, Hogg, Wingham, phone 64233, 10* FOR SALE—Within the Corpora- tion of the Town of Wingham north of the river, a parcel of land suitable for several build- ing lots. For further informa- tion apply to Crawford & Heth- erington, Wingham, 3:10b g1MD POTATOES for sale, Xata- OM, Sebago, Robert. Moffat, Phone 63232. 10b A. CARRIER for top of ear, light blue, some place between Lower Wingham and Blyth, 'Finder please call Jim Scott, Jr., phone 48r19 Blyth, 10b 9.3-PIECE WATERLESS alumin- tim cookware for sale. Phone 640W12. 10b CARS FOR SALE SMITH—at the Wingham General Hospital, on Wednesday, JUne 3, 1959, to Mr. and Mrs. Alex Smitia Ea, 1, Wingham, a sop. 41'4:WKS—At the Winghean General Hospital, on Friday, June 5, 1959, to Mr, and Mrs. John Toms, Wingham, a son, JENKINS—At the Wingham Gen- eral Hospital, on Friday, Jane 5, 1959, to Mr, and 'Mrs. Borden Jenkins, a daughter, (stillborn). "SCOTTAt' the.:Wisigham 051.t Hospital, on Sunday, June 7, 1959, to Mr, and Mrs, Spence Scott, R,R. 4, Wingham, a sois. CARDS OF THANKS Ber buil .• • r• • '31 MODEL !A • seda n • k. for sale. Phone 471w. • 10* aDINING ROOM., snite..for, ea„al.sP. • drop-leaf table and refrigerator. Phone 231, 10b GARAGE and SERVICE STATION ' Consisting of PARTS DEPT. — snow ROONI SERVICE AREA LOCATED IN WINGIIAM Ideal /Or New. or Used Cars REASONABLE RENT . Contact M.," Si.: S IITHERLAND Phone Goderich 234 (Collect) .-, 7 to 9 P.m. 'TE6 "aerrinattaaof fie 19th Field Regiment RCA wishes'', to express their sincere gratitude to those who so kindly gave 19dg-, lug to members of the reglinent at-: tending the reunion in Wingham„ Thank you.—Frarik Hopper, W. A.' Hogg, Lloyd Elliott. 1.0* LIVESTOCK FOR SALE coo]) VIOLIN for sale, hand made, Norman Shiels, Belgrave, phone 944313, Wingham, 10* TWO REGISTERED Angus bulls for sale, eighteen and twenty months of age. Ten Holstein heifers, good size, springing. Phone 77931, Wingham, 1.01. DIED siminwitoswiminmaimixiiismumumnininnusimilisoulinioeliiiut . " The deei firsi tect efl ADDING machine rolls always on hand at the Advance-Times. Special prices for quantity pur- chase*. Phone 890. rr GROUND 4 -0/;..,.4 • C't -11 BEEF 3 LBS. $1.25 -6 . 24 YORKSHIRE PIGS for sale, 9 weeks old. Apply Norman Coul- tes, phone 729W2. 10b McGEE—The death occurred in Courtland, N,Y., on June 7th of Mrs. James McGee, formerly Dora Weir, in her 67th year. She is survived by one daughter and two sons, and a sister, MrsaAgnes McCreight of Wingham, VALE LOADER for sale, practi- cally new. Phone Wroxeter 30r6, a;10* I wish to sincerely thank all those' that visitea me, also these who re-' membered me with cards and! treats while I was a patient 'in the' "Wingham General Hospital. Spec- ial thanks to Dr. Crawford and the' nurses and staff. These acts of, kindness will never be forgotten,— Mrs, Thomas Gaunt. 10*' 8 PIGS for sale, ninety lbs. each. Apply to Clarence Ritchie, phone 626w2. 101) .APPROXIMATELY 1100 feet of %-inch plastic water pipe for sale. Used. Phone 608322, Wing' ham. 10* I -wish to thank all' those- who! sent ,Cards, flower$ and treats and visited the baby. and me while in, hospital. Special thanks to Dr. 'Ernest Pedley and Dr B. N. Corrin and the nursing staff of Wirigham General 'Hospital. -,- Mrs. Bruce, Berry. 10b FOR SALE OR RENT Sweethearts of Soil Hold Second Meet Late for last week., BELMORE—The Belmore Sweet- alearts of the Soil held their second ;meeting of the 4-H Garden Club on May 29 at the Belmore community centre: Mrs. McAllister, home economist, was present at this meeting to help the girls. The meeting opened with the 4-H Pledge, followed by the roll call, "one vegetable that needs thin- ning", was answered by 16 mem- bers The minutes of the last meet- ing were read by the secretary. It Was decided to have the next meet- ing on June, 29. The topics were Garden Weeds and Insects; Home Surroundings; Vegetable Eating Habits; 'Prepar- ation of Vegetables for serving, Mrs, Renwick demonstrated thin- ning and Mrs. Johann demonstrat- ed transplanting, Mrs. McAllister gave the girls some worthwhile in- formation on improvements in re- adapeoks,; eta, ,Home assignment was giVed and the meeting closed with the Queen. MILK IVILTERS for sale—"Rapid ilea 6-inch, 79e; 6%-inch, 85c. Alexander's Hardware. larb LARD—we will your -pail for 10c -per lb. vr packaged in seakight containers 2 lbs. for 25c'i 4-ROOM house, partly 'furnished. Can sleep S or 9 people. Very easily heated. Apply to Alex Casemore, Gorrie, or phone 28r9, Wroxeter, 10b Silver Wedding at Templeman Home BOXED PLANTS for sale, cabbage, tomatoes, spanish onions, cauli- flower, asters, marigolds, zinnias. Also green onions. Jouwsma's Market Garden, phone 583, Wing- ham. 10* HELP WANTED MALE , BEEF BY THE QUARTER CUT AND -WRAPPED TO YOUR LIKING: NOTICE In CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE' OF ' REBECCA' HOOPER.' Lockridge's Butcher Shop . • linsisintinminumunnuonosoniumuninuniininnisinffininala LICENSED MECHANIC wanted,' fully experienced. Apply stating qualifications and salary expect- ed to Advance Times Box 37. 3rrb A happy gathering was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John, Templeman, Patrick St. on -Satur- day, May 30th, to Mark the occas- ion of their 25th wedding anniver-, sary, On June 2nd, 1934 they were married by Rev. Kenneth McLean, B.A. They have one son David at home. In the 'afterno,on Mrs.,Eazabeth Kelly and Mrs. Howard Bedford poured tea. In the evening Mrs. Mervyn Templeman and Mrs. W. T. Cruickshank poured, Receiving the guests in the afternoon were Mrs. Haray Elliott and Mr's. Helen Mc- Burney. At night Miss Leah Rob- ertson welcomed the friends. Assisting in serving were Mrs. Joe 'Kerr, Miss Yvonne McPherson, Mrs. Grant McLean Mrs, Sven Noren, Miss Helen McBurney, Miss. Shirley Simmons and Mrs. Norvel Stimore. Mr. and Mrs. Templeman were the recipents, of many thine gifts including analectrac ; coffee maker, table • lamp, large serving tray, , electric, pop-up toaster,, silver 'dol- lars, etc. Friends were present from Ni- agara Falls, Toronto, Gorrie, Cen- tralia, 'Tiverton, Egmondville, 1Vainkton- and Walton, FEAIALE HELP WANTED RENOVATOR Automagic Shampoo Now you can renew the appear- ance of rugs, upholstery. Leaves no ring, odor or color change. Take half the work out of your spring cleaning. Available at Walker Horne Furnishings, rrb NOTICE TO ALL PERSONS' •having claims against the estate of the above mentioned late of the Village of , Bluevale, County of Huron, Widow, who died on the eighteenth day of.' May, 1959, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the twentieth 'day of June, 1959. After that date' the 'executor will proceed• 'to distribute tee estate having regard only to 'the claims of which he shall then -have had' t' GIRL WANTED to learn egg candling and tabling. Apply Maitland Creamery, 20rrb MIDWAY (5 rides); over 20 games and booths; Dunkit machine; Parade; Free shows; Pet show; Attendance prize ($50.00). Lis- tawel Kin Karnival, June 11-12-13. 3-10b BODY MAN wanted, fully exper- ienced. Apply stating qualifica- tions and salary expected. to Box 42, Advance-Times. 10rrb Water Consumers RELIABLE GIRL or woman want- ed for housekeeping. Write Box 52, or phone 373, after five. 10'" ''NOW WE HAVE THEMl—Excel- lent used and rebuilt standard typewriters, direct from the man- ufacturer's rebuilding depot. Big sayings and. guaranteed perfor- mance. Advance-Times. Phone 890. rr DATED at Wingham, this 2nd; alay of June,. 1959„ s CRAWFORD & IIETHERINGTON Wingliarn Ontario Solicitors for iae Executors 3,16,171) CAPABLE HOUSEKEEPER want- ed for elderly couple in Auburn. Other help kept. Apply H. Mog- ridge, phone 43r10, Auburn. 3:10'* 'The "hours for:, waiering lawns a!, gardens are from 6 a.m. to 9 a.m. an from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. This will be strictly enforced. An ANNUAL charge of $4.44 gross, less prompt pay- ment discount of 10 'per cent, is made for the use of 'a hose or outside tap for the above noted purposes. Anyone found watering ,lawns or gardens, who las net paid tor this service will be billed accordingly. SALES HELP WANTED, CARPETS, RUGS—See N. J. Wel-• wood for a complete range of I3ARRYMORE and. HARDING broadloom.. All wool Wilton hardtwists and tone on tones. Rug sizes or wall to wall. Have an estimate this week for your room, N, J. Welwood, phone 86. rrb FINANCING A CAR? Before you buy ask about out Low Cost Financing Service with complete Insurance Coverage. STEWART A. SCOTT 'Phone 293 Wingham NOTICE TO CREDITORS -IN THE ESTATE OF WALTER SAMUEL SCOTT. ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate ;of the above mentioned, late .of the Township of East Wawanosh, in the County of, Huron, Farmer, who died on the 24th of April, 1959, are required to file proof of seine With the under- signed, on or before the 20th day of June, 1959. After that date the Executor will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham this 28th day of May, 1959. CRAWFORD & •I-IETHERIIIGTON WINGHA'M, Ontario Solicitors for the Executor 3:10:17b 4,......e./.4A0•••••••?••••••••Ane WANTED—Reliable man as Dealer in Townships Ashfield, Wawan- osh East and West. Experience not necessary, A fine opportunity to step into old profitable busi- ness where Rawleigh Products have been sold for years, Big profits, Products furnished on credit. Write Rawleigh's, Dept: F-453-163, 4005 Richelieu, Mon- treal. 10b Marion Williamson Group Holds Meeting. Late for last week. The regular .meeting of the Marion Williamson Group was held at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church on May 28, The meeting was opened with the, call to wor-, ship followed by a hymn. The Scripture was read by Freida Lott, Dianne Davidson read. the praaer. The secretary's report was given followed by the roll call, The ,of- fering was 'then collected, and the treasurer's, report was given. A story was• read by Helen Currie. Barb Nicholson read a story "Day for Growing", and Dianne David- son sang a solo. A game was played with Freida Lott in charge followed by a' hymn and a lovely lunch:, was served., The meeting clOsed with the' bene- diction. The next meeting will be held on June 26, at St, Andrew's Presbyterian Church, ATTENTION HOME OWNERS MEAT FOR SALE—Good beer by the quarter, Killed on premises Tuesday morning. Inspected by Dept. of Health. Yearling heifers, Top quality. Lowest prices, Ray-; nerd Ackert, Ripley, phone 24r28, or Luckno*,,101r13. rrb Wingham Public Utilities Commission ELECTION NOTICE I hereby `give notice that I have appointed DeWitt Miller, 'Wingtham, Ontario, as my official agent. John M. Hanna Progresaive Conservative Candidate Huron-Bruce 10b C. E. SF1ERA, Superintendeof NEW SELECTOR case for type- Writer ribbons guarantees that you will find the roper ribbon for your machine. Just bring us one old spool from your• type- writer, with the name of mach-, the. Advance-Times, phone 890: CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON DEADSTOCK WANTED Our Reduced Summer Price is now in effect on all BLUE and BLACK Coals. We urge you to fill your Bins NOW and take advantage of this SAVING. We . would welcome any lox PlantS BUSINESS and PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY AT YOUR SERVICE Barristers, Solicitors, Eta. Wingham, Phone 48 J. H. CRAWFORD, Q.C. R. 'S. HETHERINGTON, Q.0., inquiries on our • ALTERATIONS • DECORATING '• PAINTING * REPAIRS All Kinds — Pot 'Plants Roses, Mums, Cut Leaf Philedendrons Cut Flowers Berry Boxes, Meat Baskets All types Strawberries and Raspberries Green Onions and Radish. Available Now. NURSERY STOCK Dead Stock NEW PRACTICAL OIL.. FURNACE, FINANCE PLAN We also have on hand CEDAR FENCE POSTS and HYDRO POLES. DEAD8TOCK removed promptly for sanitary disposal. FREE pick up on larger animals, reasonable collection charge for small ani- mals. Phone collect Wingham 378; Palmerston 123W, or Dur- ham 398, Gordon Young (Elnlira) Limited. arrb Shower Held for Miss Wilma Haugh A very pleasant evening Was spent last Friday when Mrs. Tom Stokes entertained about 35 ladies at a show in bonornf Miss Wilma Haugh, who is being married later this month, . Presentation was made of a lovely occasional chair and rug after games were played, A mock wedding Was •held which-was very much enjOyed by everyone. Miss Haugh graciously expressed appreciation. A dainty lunch Was served 'by the hosteis, assisted by friendi. GRANT MCLEAN Wingham Phone 991w 27rrb' a, J. W. BUSHF1ELD Q.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, no. Money to Loan Office—Meyer Block, Wilhelm BRUSSELS. COAL YARD A. H. McTAVISII BARRISTER, SOLICITOR and NOTA1tY PUBLIC TEESWATER - ONTARIO Telephone 23 Teeswater Wroiteter—Every Wednesds.i afternoon, 2-4 p.m., ol by appointment. WANTED HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid in surrounding districts for dead, old, sick or disabled horses or cattle, For prompt, sanitary disposal day or night, Phone. collect, LEROY ACHESON, ZENITH 34900 FRED W. DAW & SONS Phone 741-w-21 Wingham WELLINGTON FME Joseph E. Brewer Phone 186 J Brussels - 3-10-17-20 or GEORGE HISLOP, , Wroxeter 2r15 -CEMENT BLO C KS Insuranee “Conittany Est. 1840 An ail Canadian Companewhick has 'faithfully ,served Its tolici holders' for Oyer tentitry. Held tiffiee Tertirit• u. 6 MaCIA51111 Agency MALE AND FEMALE CLERICAL WORKERS Prederick F. Homuth Phm.a, R.O. Carol 'E. Homuth, R.O. Mrs. Viola H. R.O. OPTOMETRISTS PIIONE 118 Harriston, Ontario BABY .CRIB$. ate. the answer if :yore need a building that is fireproof, per- 'mahent, economical and reunites little illikeen. All sizes manufactured M Walk- erten On iiewhiodern.ectipinent. ASK ABOUT TOUR NEEDS hAVILLER, WINTON & WARD DEAD STOCK SERVICE Highest Cash Prices For Old, Sick and Disabled Cows and Horses DEAb terodit, AT RICHEST (Asti VALI= In grey Plesatiiney full panel with teething railing Measuring 28x32" Complete With spring-filled crib riattreati, bitable plastic Covered{ 11PEAJIAL, $34•5O We have openings for young Men and women hi interetiting positions with definite career posaibilities, This year's junior and Seiner Matriculation graduates preferred, but we will be glad to iiiterView miymie interested in Coed grmled Salaries .Excellent -*Irking conditions FiVe day week Permarietit'oniploYment WRITE OR APPLY IN PERSON TO-- THE E0UI1 AI3LE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA WATERLOO, ONTARIO CHARTEREto ACCOUNTANTS , Bell Telephone Bt;ilding WALKERTON WALKERTON BUILDING SUPPLIES tbittilb 'Olitate Phone PrOMPtit Call Celled 133 Bruce Marlatt Brussels, Onto 4 HOUR gERVICE, A. CURRIE & SONS A. HUNTLEY, CA. -- Relident Manager. Teiephenet: Business 633; Residence 100 ...FURNITURE Phone 573 3429 S-1Oh