HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-06-03, Page 11Just. Relax!
'our booth at the Wingham Trade Fair
'has been planned for your
comfort and relaxation.
Drop in for a
sat seat when your
feet get weary . . . and then
make the grand tout of the
exhibits all over again.
There will still be plenty to -see.
$50— $75. Kro, ehler $50 — $75
at the Winghaiii Trade Fair
Sleep.or=lounge Suites ' Sectional Suites
Choice of 5 styles from the regular Kroehler line.
Choice of 5 very attractive coverings in assorted grades and
SPECIAL DISCOUNT Special $39.50 reg. $50 = $55
These Savings Good Only at Winghatn Trade Pair.
"The Most Famous Nam'e In DoQW.
"See You at' the Fair"
N. J. Welwood Carpets
Top Entertainnien
Visit The
SYMPathY eNtanded, to the
family of the late Mrs, Angeline.
Mr. and Mrs. Tiles. Stokes and
Doris of Beintere aad Mrs. h.(
Thornton visited Mr. -and Mrs,
John Wieltstead, Bluevale, on San'
day, Mrs. David Brown of cane
field was kignest 4 -the same home,
Bey, and Mrs, T, /LI, Kennedy of
Blueyale visited at the home of
Mr. and Mrs, Harold Hyndman, on
Mr. and MrS, Mervyn Stephern
and family ef Goderleh spent Sun,.
day with Mrs. A, L, Stephen%
Mies Christine Donicersgoed, tin
daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Alberi
Donkersgoed, has competed ant
won first place in a public sPeakinf
contests in Listowel and Kitchen
Or. These contests are sponsoree
by the Christian Reform Cheirch
Her ou'hject was 'The Christie;
Howick District L.O.L.• and 1,4,0
B,A., arnitral church service will, bc
ChtiVeh • on Sunday, Alpe ,7t11'.ai
11,15 Jim, The Rey, A.:F.Gardinel:
of Fordwiela will be . the: Preacher '
Mrrand Mrs. T. L,1)//eInnes were
in Terbntoi on Sunday,
grandsdn, Jimmie Ivielnnis, agef •
11 $reaxs; had the misfortune • tC
break both arms in a fall in a To,'
ronto playground.
igr, and Mrs. Chas., Lake ,ane
family 'of Ethel spent Sanclay witl
Mr: and Mrs. Jack Thornton. '
Mrs, Ruth Corbett has returnee-
to her home after „spending sevbr
al months with her- brother, Mr
-Ansdn Galbraith. .
We extend congratulations ant"
best wishes to two Gorrie ladies
octogenarians, who had birthday!
recently. Mrs, Robert, Graham%
biiihday was Friday,. May 29t1
and Mrs. Mabel Stewart's .was ' or
Sunday. goth repeived greeting:
and gifts from callers and by mail
The. follewing ladies from Gorri(
Presbyteria,n Church. attended tin
75th annual meeting of the Mait
land . Presbytery in Teiewater er
Thursday: 'Mrs. Saxa':',.Robin,son
Mrs; .Jim Robinscin, WS; Mall
Taylor, Mrs, Burns SteWart, Mrs
Charles, Finlay and Mrs. Gordor
Mr, end Mrs. Albert Donkers.
goed and family moved recently tc
the former Toner farm on con. 5,
which they' purchased some tirru
ago. Their daughter and son-in-
law have moved to the farm or
con; If formerly owned by Mr
Mrs, Mabel Stewart, Mr. and Mrs
Oliver Stewart and sons visited Mr
and Mrs. Jim Hudson at Hanove:
on Thursday.
Mr:m:1.d Mrs. William Stinson o.
Detroit epent the weekend in th(
Gary Austin, who.is employed at
the RCAF' station, Clinton, wae
home for the Week-end.
1VEombers cif the Gerrie Women'F;
Church News.
TAtirle.„ in-
daWftlfcr of Mt and Mrto,, War/,'
Bennett, 'wea- received into the
ehtirelt by 1/0-ptisna at the- merning
r service on Sunday by the Rey, R.1,
' Brotherhood of the. Angli-:
.erin -Church of the Huron Deanery'
'will hold their Spring 'hams*. in
Ooderien. in "St 'George's. Church
'en Wednesday evening, June Ord.
The Woman's Auxiliary' -quilted
quOts 4nd 'two. Orib _ en
ThotAilay Afternoon in the' ()romp
HAIL MO, Edward. Newton, the
?resident, presided for a ,briet
nesa period, A letter of thanks
front the Bible SocietY for used
Amps Wee reed, It was decided
riot 'to :have a - gardea party'' this
mer hilt to...ask each _family for a
1.ash donation. •
Mrs. Geo. Robertson
Was in 95th Year
;On died Thursday morning at the
lame of her daughter, Mrs, Glad-
tone Edgar RR: 1, Gorrie, after
lengthy iliness, She had passed
ler 94th birthday on April 3rd.
'o'ome eight years ago she suffered
1. broken hip and was confined to
he house ever since and Per the
ast four years to 'a wheel chair,
but retained her usual cheery die-
Born in Glenelg Township, she
/vas a daughter of the late John
Greenwood and Elizabeth Me-
Cnight. Following her Marriage
n January, 1893, to George Rob-
..rtson, they farmed ip Howielt
?oWnship on Highway 86 near
Aolesworth. She was a member
if the Molesworth Presbyterian
17hu rch.
Her husband predeceased hex in
'.939, Following that she made her
home with her daughter,. Mrs.
Aadstone Edgar (Mabel), Other
:urvivors are a daughter, Mrs
,london (Annie) Edgar; twb *sons
3irks Robertson, Teeswater and
Cameron Robertson, Strathelair
Aan,; a sister, Mrs. John Robson,
Ourham; seven grandchildren and
10 great grandchildren,
Funeral service was held at the
Aolesworth Presbyterian Church
)n Saturday afternoon at 2,30 con-
lucted by the Rev, W, J. S. Mc-
Clure, assisted by Rev, J. E'wert
larke of the Gorrie United
Church at the organ. Interment
vas in MolSeworth cemetery.
Pallbearers were Harold -Edgar
Donald Edgar, Cameron Robert-
;on, Alan Whittiek, Donald Ritchie
md John Greenwood.
Institute have been asked to can-
vass the district for the Red Shield,
"Canada Bread" have purchased
the Musgrove Bakery business and
.ake possession this week. Mr. and
Ars. Musgrove, have been in busi-
less here for 14 years. They plan
to remain in the village.
Mr, and Mrs. Lawrence Short
Cerro! and Jane Simpson of Fer-
;us visited Mr, and Mrs, Thos
Short and Miss Myrtle on, Sunday
The Evening Auxiliary Of St. Ste-
phen's Church will meet on Wed-
nesday evening at 8.30 at the home
of Mrs, Harry King.
The Woman's 1(fissionary Socie4
af the Gorrie United Church will
meet at the home of Mrs, J. Dun-
bar on Thursday, June 4 at 8.11-:
p.m. Program. committee, Mrs. G
Brown, Mrs., R, Mitten and Mrs
The Gorrie United Church School
Flower Sunday will he held on Sun,
day', June 7 at 11 o'clock. Rev. J
E. Clarke will be the speaker and
Miss Doris Johnston, Clinton, mar-
[nibs. soloist, will assist,
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Collins, of
Torontp, 'visited last Monday will
Mrs, James Shore.
Mr. and Mrs. Carman Kledges of
Hanover were Sunday guests oi
Misses Emily and Beatrice Potter
Bob Cathers of Bala spent the
week-end with relatives.
Mrs. Anson Thornton attendee
the 25th wedding annniversary
Mr. and Mrs. Neil MacLean of To
rorito, held in the Anglican Churcl
in Winghann. on Saturday.
Miss Edna Lawrence, Toronto
Visited her mother, Mrs. Chas
Lawrenee on Wednesday.
Sgt. J. A, Ward, Mrs. Ward ants
son of Whitehorse, Yukon, are vie-
tang Mrs. Ward's parents, Hey.
W. Hird and MrS. Hird. They
are motoring to Halifax, where Sgt,
Ward vvill be stationed.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Will and fain.
ily, Kingsville, spent the week-em
at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Jus-
Mr., and Mrs, Campbell Browr
and Joanne of Markdale ViSite(
MrS: Robert Graham,
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Sander.
son visited Mr. and Mrs. Eldred
Cathers, Wrepieter, on Saturday. ,
Mr. and Mrs, W. C. King aceent-
panted by Mr. and Mrs. Max kb
ram of Palmerston were Sunda3
gtlests of Mr, and Mrs. Victo.
Shera at Moorefield.
Mr, and Mrs. Chester Cook, Clif.
ford, yielted Mr, and lArs,
Underwood on Sunday. Miss Vcr-,
oft Harris, Wingham, spent a fen\
days at the -same home,
Mrs. Ernest Ring arid Mrs, W,
C. King were Tuesday guests of
Mrs, W, Haney, Wingbam.
Mr. Prank Hanle, Detroit, spent
the 'week-end with Mr, and Mrs,
Ernest Harris and Other relatives.
Mrs, Harry Pergiison spent last
Week With her daughter,Mrs, Don-
ald Ireland, Teetwater,
Mrs, Morley Bride
uried in Fordwich
FonowIciff • There passed, folray
in groveg Aferaorial .For-
.gus, Edith S. Diarnand. of Elora,
'wife 'of Morley Bride, after an ill-
lleas of two months,
"She leaves to mourn tier IPSsf•
'tier husband, three MIS And two
(Carol/ BogerS of .I.fistow4 Harry-
of Toronto, f.yle of Icitchener and
Donald of Elora; tIMQ graadehil,
dren, .-Sharon and. Eleanor Gedcke
of georgetown; three sisters and
one brother,. Ben Diamond ef, Hay-
riston, Mrs. Mary Hall of George-
town Igm Carl ErOWn, Harristen
and Mies Helen Diamond of Lon-don.'
The funeral was held from Salem
Pentecostal Tabernacle at 1.20" p.m.
Thursday, May 28 Elora, to Ford-
wich :cemetery, Pallbearers were
R, J. .mcconnell of Palmerston,
Charles Ridler, jernes Rogers,
Henry Chamberiain, William Bit-
torf and Lawrence Bolt pf Elora,.
Flower bearers were four nephewe,
Maleohn McIntesh of Brussele,
Ifervoy, Mnusor-of Fergeisr Norman-
Diamend• of Fergus and Robt,
Bride of Fordwich,
Turnberry 4.H Club
Judges Livestock
Too late for last week
The first meeting of' the Turn.-
berry Calf Club was held at the
farm of Hariy Mulvey on Mon-
day evening, May 18th. All 21
members were present for this
meeting, as well as the leaders,
The evening was spent in.judg-
ing one class of holsteins, one of
shorthorns and one of Yorkshire
Marjorie Kieffer called the meet-
ing to order and Sally Jeffrey'
read. the minutes, The next meet-
ing is scheduled for June 22.
Mrs.. Mulvey served lunch and
Jim MeNaughton' expressed thanks
on behalf of the club members.
A Howick fall fair committee on
the building of the gates at the en-
erance to the Fordwich and Gorrie
fair grounds met Thursday eve-
ning and made plans to make use
of the thousand dollars donated by
the Department of Agriculture to
those fairs attaining one hundred
years. Work will start immediate-
ly. •
Mr. Cameron Robertson, Strath-
Man,, came by plane to at-
tend the funeral of his mother,
Mrs. A. Robertson on Saturday.
Others attending were Mrs. John
Robson, John Greenwood, Mr. and
Mrs. Howard Ritchie, .Donald arid
Cameron, Cameron Robson, Mr.
and Mrs. Chas. Robson and
family, Mrs. Herb Greenwood, Miss
Ethel Greenwood, Mr, Alex Hastie,
Mrs. and Mrs. Clifford Cook, Mr.
and Mrs, Joe Edwards, all of Dur-
ham; Mrs, Elliott Simpson, Mrs.
Dan Ward, Mr. and Mrs. Stan
'Iant, 'London; Mr. Dick Plant,
Mrs. Ray Oruikshanks, St. Marys;
Mrs. Don Williamson, Maple; -Mrs.
Graham Hastie, Harriston; Mr.
and Mrs. Lorne Camp-bell, Mrs.,
Frank Kemp, Ltstowel; Mr. and
Mrs. Lawrence Plant, Brussels.
Mr, and Mrs. Bob Featherston,
Barbara and Paul, Orillia, spent
Saturday and -Sunda* with *Mrs.
Featherston's parents, Mr. and -1VIrs.
Frank King.
Mrs. Percy King and Mrs. Jack
Flynn and child of Mount Forest
called on Mrs. Ernest King on Sun-
AUSTIN—To Lance Corporal and
. Mrs. Glenn (Austin at the British
Military, Hospital, Iserholn, Ger-
many, on Tuesday, May 26th, a
daughter, Joanne Nancy, a
ter for -Michel and Christine.
Investors Growth Fund combines
the advantages of common stock
investment and full-tinie profess-
ional management.
Assets of the fund are invested in
a wide range of Canadian com-
mon stocks selected for long-terra
growtb potential.
• Automatic, free re-investment
of dividends
• Cumulative investment plans
• Variable income plans
• Income tax credits
For complete information
contact . . .
Thomas A. Jardin
Phone 147, Winglittin, Ont.
Emerson Ivel
Phone 334W, Ilarristnti
TEWART-To Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Stewart, in Oshawa HoSpital.
daughter SunclaY,
1059, r
MWART—To And Mrs. Jinn
;Stewart, hi Palmerston Hospital
a ;daughter on Tuesday, nEty
STEWART—To Mr, 541 Mrs.
Stewart in Memorial Hospit*.1,
Listowel, a son, Paul Douglas on
Thursday, May 28, 1958,
Mx% MAX 15-arohlY of Xitchener
visited one day last week with his
Parents, Ur, and Mrs. Fred Hanably
l'k4'y' Vern Harribly and Wendy of
Guelph were Week-end visitors at
the same home,
Mr, Bruce Williamson of London
spent the week-end with his mo-
ther, Mrs. Emma Williamson,
Mr. and Mrs, Peter Chimney -and
Jane of Port Colborne visited at
her -home a couple of days' last
week. Mr, and Mrs. Scott Keith
and Randy of Baden Were Sunday
visitors at the same home,
Mrs. Clara IVIelDermitt of Toron-
to visited several daYs last woek
'ffa`fveipt ' '1Vid:
Master, Gerald Doig is corifined
to 'his Ih.orne with a 'case of Murntee
Mr. Ten' PittendrOigh 'of Lander)
spent the -week-end with his na-
Mr. Alvin Denny,of Guelph visit-
ed ,with fri6nds In the, corlarriunitY
one clay last week.
10%. and Mrs: RoYden ,DeVitt
spent one dav last week with` rela-
tives in Kitchener,
Mr, and Mrs.`Bobt. Hood of Ala
line, Wallace, visited Sunday. With
Mr. and Mr% Sten Forester: ,
Mr, and' Mre,: Alex Wray and
family of Toronto were' Sunday
visitors With Mr: and Mrs. Welling-
ton Hargrave.
Mr, and Mrs. Stan Bride and Mr.
and Mrs:Wray. Cooper were week-
end' visitors in Windsor, . •:-
Mrs. Wellington 'Hargrave at-
tended the'funeral of a relatiVe'on
Sunday in Palmerston,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Benin and
children of Kitchener visited ohe
day lase week with Mr, and Mrs,
Earl Meore. '
Mrs. Herb Rogers slipped in the
hallway ' of her home ,here 'on
Thursday. She was rushed to Lis_
towel Hospital by Dr...T. D. Fordo,
where it was, found she was suffer-
ing from nniltiple fractures and
shopk. She will be confined to
hospital for some time, '
Mrs. George Richards left this
week for Calgary to attend the
wedding of her brother, William
Stinson. which took place on Sat-
urday,'May 30th at Ncirth Minster
'United Church.
kiss -Marlene Johnson, danghter
of Mr.' and Mrs. Carl Johns§n , of
FordWich and Dairy Princess for
1958 aPpeared nn CKNX' Almanac
on Friday night with, Professor
Hamilton of the 0:A.C. 'Grnelph
She demonetrated t and
, •
Why wouid „you vote against Rae
if. Watson. Think things oVer and
give him a boost -by Voting l'or him.
Ituron-Brnee Liberal - Assoelatien.
Times, Wednesday, XtMe $r4,
Visit The Wallpaper
ShopPlooth at the
S'ee the Display of the
New Roxotone Paint
Floor Coverings
will also be displayed
Templeman Cleaners
Manufacturing Ltd.
Walker Home Furnishings
Phone 106 S. J. WALKER Wingluan
rrowitfla Quad
OP CA1111104 et
dam Naos a aliabal dies
opoiti.e ntOnS110,,
Mr. WI :Mr* Harvey
',pent .one -day last week in Thorn-
1%frx' Archie -CaMpbell is -spend-
ing, the summer 'months: at her
cottage in Alimlep.At Ont, .
The sympathy of the :community"
goaa to
family in the-
anc,i nuitliago
.wce4 inoving their AfiiiiiMiA
loivinOot tO the BOK, •Ctraikleal
which they :purclies.ed,
At the show , .
Further the Good Work of the Kinsmen
Wingham Trade Fair
JUNE 4th, Sth, and 6th
Don't miSs 'this opportunity to see
the Display of Local Products.
Western Foundry
is proud to present the
Best Line of Furnaces Made
Visit Oup DiOlOY:Of.
JUNE 4, 5 and 6
Fry & Blackhall Ltd.
Visit our booth at the Kinsmen Trade Fair and see the
very large display of Fine Carpets and Rugs.
From Canada's largest mills . . .
Barrymore and Hardings
Bring your room sizes if you wish and we will prepare a scale
drawing and estimates for wall-to-wall jobs.
For, the Trade Fair . . . SPECIAL LOW PRICES
on all standard size rugs.
• All wool Wilton Hardtwist Broadloom
• All wool colourful Axminster kugs
• Wilton tone on tone broadloom
• Exciting new patterns in popular low•cost
VISCOSE broadloom.
,Find 'out how.little.it really costs to enjoy the beauty of fine
carpeting or rugs,
N. j. 'Welwood Carpets