HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-06-03, Page 74
POLLS OPEN FROM 4.60 A.M. '140 8.00 b
aGI1C ogbatil„atiliantr.Zim
WCON404i$4),1, 4i *g; 3rd, 1959
MOTHERS PAINTERS To celebrate Party Held For.
Mrs, I, HutchisQn 62nd,Anniversary
BANQUET iff CHURCH lvtt, and .1%/Irs, Joseph galley pf
• • • - ••• „.. . bower Wingluim will celebrate
their 62nd -wedding anniversary on The girlie of •WingliaM C .13%. their 62nd and their mothe-e enjoyed a fine Mr. -and Mrs. Bailey have :three .banquet In the United Church .on. children Joseph, Fred and Mra.
Oefly Ann McDonald
Weds- D. :Kirkland
WIHTECHUROH—The merriege
Pf Petty Ann Me100 ld, eider
daughter Of Mr- and Mrs. iNorman
D. MeDonald and David Archibald
,Kieklencl, son. of Mr', and Mrs.
Gordon, Kirkland ',both, of West
WElWall9S11, Was solemnized on
Saturday, Meer 81st at 3,00 p.m, at
the Presbyterian. Qiiirreh .41ansei
Whiteellurch„ with "Ray, 'R. T, A,.
Marshall officiating.
Miss Petsy,-T'orari, Jileee of. 'the
bride' and .Dortald, Kirkland, brother
of the groom, were the attendants,
The reception was held in the
Sunday eehool room of the Chnrch
at -5,00 Ana, where the Ladies' Aid
-catered to about 60 geepte,
bride and groom in this district
tend best wishes.,
Young. Worn'ent Auxiliary of the
airedey,•may ge, The ladies of the Louisa ;Tann er, 411 of 1..ortd0ri. They
have 13 grandchildren arid 21 •great
FOl DW MI-4. birthday party
Was. held • .S.lintlay for Mrs, Isobel
Fitltellienn' When the following
guests were present at. her home;
Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Campbell, Mr,
-and Mrs, .Gash Kidd, and Mrs. Mary
Agar , .all of . Listowel; Ml. and
Mrs, toss Nairn end faintly of
-GeWareitowril Mr. and Mrs.. Jack
lintehleon and Mr. Hugh lintehi,
eon :and 'sons G•orriej Mr. Mac
Hutehison .of 'Toronto; Mrs. Ida
Gallagher' and Kenny McClernent,
Mr. and Mrs, Tom Hutchison and
Mr. and _Mrs, Bill Hutchieolf and
Dr, James Hutchison was also
preeent but left Monday for Cleve,
two weeks with his mother.
PARADE AT CWESLEY-,,Membere of the Wingliam Roy Scorn troop are tibevvIt above as they marolke4
in the Saugeen distript elniree parade held at, Chesley last Sunday, Also on,,parade were inembere of top
local Cub Pack.,—Advanee-Times photo,
To John D. Hoover
John D, !Hoover, son of Mr, and
Mrs,- Norman S. Hoover, RR. d.
Brussels, has been awarded the
Wyatt Scholarship for
Second Year Honor's Hletory, at
the University of Western Ontario.
'Seim '07 vadnate.of• clams
'57 from Winghttm District High
Family Dinner- Marks
25th Anniversary
Mr, ,and Mrs, Nell McLean ,of
Toronto celebrated their .4411 wed-
ding amti's,erriary Iii WInghani.
f3aturtlity. when a dinner was i1010
in St, .P4urei pariah, roenn, la-
dies ,,of the Evening Guild catered-
Thirty,three Members of the irn-
Mediate families._ attended. the dirt-
ner, Spring . flowers decorated
the room, The head table was.
centred with the three-tiered. wed'
ding. cnite. White candles and
-pink and red carnations were also
used- for table ,deeoratietes, The
carnations were placed .on the al,
tar for Sunday services in memory
of the late Mr, and Ml's, T, J, Mee
Mr, and Mrs. McLean have lived
in Toronto since :their marriage,
where he is works, superintendent
of the 'Village of Swansea ie Ntet,
repolitan Toronto. They have two
sons, Neil .and Roderick,
They were -married in Bluevale.
Mrs. McLean is the former Muriel
Thornton, daughter of the late Mr.
and Mrs. George Thornton of Blue-
"ValeYi1,114 -1101- it Witigliarneboye
eon of the late Mr. and Mrs. T .J..
Mr, and Mra , McLean, Neil and
Roderick were week-end guests
with his sister; Mrs, Elmer Walker
and Mr. Walker,
Wyatt Scholarship
Intermediate Men's
Softball Schedule
Between-L'Belgrave (Tr) Brussels
(B) Fordwich OD> Wroseter (I))
and Stone School -CD) -
May 28—Forthwith at Belgrave"
June ',1—Stone School at Brussels
:rune p—elgrave at Wroxeter••
June 4—Wroxeter at Fordwielv.1-3,-
June 0—Brussels at Beigrave
June 6--Fordwieli- at Stone School
June A—Fordwich at Wroxeter
June- 9e--Stone School at Beigrave
June 10—Wroxeter at Brussels
June 11-73elgrave at Fordwieh
June -13—Brussels at Stone -School
June 10—Stone School at Fordwich
June 16—Wroxeter at Beigrave
June 18—Fordwich at Brussels
June 20—Wroxeter at Stone School:
June 22—Brussels at Fordwich
June 23—Stone School at Wroxeter
,June 24—Belgrave at Brussels
June 26—Brussels at Wroxeter.
June 27--Beigrave at Stone School
M.S.W catered for L111H event,
which, is hoped, will now be an
rtimml• affair, epoesorod by the
W.M.S, group. A re,affillatiOn ser- vice the, W.M.S.- formed part
:).f the program which all the girls participated. At this time
Mrs, J. Greer ,presented rrfftljT
won badges given by the After."
noon Auxiliary of -the and
_Km P. McTaggart presented cireV-
nes which were -given by the
young Women's Auxiliary.
Julie Cruiltehank was chairman
for.. Imo nit . oPo e.ct, tiro nest to the Queen, Ruth Hoteh,
kise proposed the toast to the
,rhumb,. -to which Rev, T, G, Hue-
ier replied, Mary Lou Jamieson
proposed the toast to the mothers,
to which Mit. 1‹: M. MacLennan
tplied, Betty Ann Lapp proposed
he toast to the W.M,S„ to which
Mrs Ross l'oeim, 'president of the
Evening Auxiliary replied.
The rriwieal part, of the program
began with the CG,I.T, chorus
ringing "Faith .of , Our Mothers",
Diane Davidson accompanied by
her mother, sang "Hc", very fit,
•tingly, followed by Marjorie • Mof-
fee'..'s - fine 'clarinet ...- rendition of
"`1-. red of Hope and. Glory" which
was alsa accompanied at the piano
by her mother: ',All -enjoyed 'Bar-.
hara Hall and Sharon Riley's vo-•
eel • duet, "'Rain in INifity"' and Ruth
Rodgins and-Sue Nasmith's piano
duet, "Melodic d'Amour": •
RELAY RACES—Sandra Roe, Owene Hynman and Marlene Rogers are Shown 'above as they lined up for
the first beat of the Junior )rirls' relay race at the field day staged by the Wingham District High Seim a
last Friday.
Huron-Bruce Riding
Thirteen couples met for the
-Couples' -Club meeting at the Un-
ited, Church on May 26, which on--
ened with a short worship service.
Leonard Vickers of Listowel
captured the interest of the club
when he spoke 'on the program for
Retarded Children. Mr. Vickars
is a director of the Ontario Assoc-
ietion for Retarded Children, rep-
District No. 4, which in-
eludes Listowel, 'Wingham, Orange-
ville and the surrounding areas.
The speaker explained not only
the work now being done, but the
aims for future accomplishments.
At the present time the hospital
at Oreille, accommodates up to-1500
children and Smith's Falls 2400.
There Is a waiting list of 2200-
The association anticipates the
erection of a hospital at Cedar
Springs, but this will not take the
overflow, The children in these
hospitals are those who have r,
very low IQ and are not -able to
attend such day schools as we
hive in Wingham and Listowel,
Parents whose children support
the Junior Red Cross will be sur-
prised to learn that the organize,-
tion has contributed $87;000 toward
the -mirk With-retarded clii/dren.
The first efforts 'n this field
started in Europe about 1900, Fol-
lowing the First World War simi-
lar work was 'started in Canada.
The first school for retarded
children was built in Kirkland
Lake in 1949 .and in 1953 the de-
partment of Education took over
seven schools, Now in 1959 there
are 55 -such institutions. •
In a Toronto workshop for the
retarded over the age of 18, a large
number are employed in the.taek -of
folding and packaging hair nets
It is the hope that more work-
shops can be organized to get
these young people out into so-
•elety. At the moment financial
aid is needed 'by the Association
for the erection of hospitals and
the organization of more day
Mr, and Mrs, Russell Smith, Mn,
and Mrs. George Guest and Mr.-
and -Mrs. Wilford Caslick were In
`charge of the meeting and it was
annpunced that the couples would
hold a picnic on June 23.
d 7
The Unit meeting of the Huron
County -Cancer Society was held in
the council chambers on- Monday
night with 30 in attendance. Presi-
dent Mrs. Kenneth Johns of Exeter
eresided and the speakers were
Fred Hobb of Exeter, divisional
and James Dolg, of Seal
forth, extension.chairman-of,Huro$
County, '' • •
. Mrs. Harper of Goderich, treasur-
er, reported Huron County had
ceeded its quota in the recent fund
raising campaign, More than
$14,000 was raised in Huron County,
The ladies.of the Wingham group
served refreshments, '
The highlight of 'the evening.
was the address of. Rev,. T, G. Hue-
ser; with the: theme question, "Are
You the Right Size?" Sire Na--
smith .presented a token of appre-
ciation to' Mr. 'Hussey. Mrs, J.
Reavie presented three C.G,I,T,
pins for 100 per cent attendance
during the year to Sharon. Riley,
Freda Lott and Trudy: Allen and
Brenda Conroe presented a gift
to -Mrs: V. Reid. . Elaine Moffatt
thanked the ladies for the splendid
banquet and -Mrs. A. 'D, McMurchy
thanked the -special guests' and
many others who have helped the
C.G.I.T,- during' the yew', . Mrs.
.Tiffin the"sing,song during the
program which was. closed with
This is the final event for -the
season for Wingham C.G.I.T.,
though many of the girls ace plan-
ning to go to camp: . •
Barbara. and Mr. Norman McMinn
• Mrs, Arnold LilloW, Mary. and
motored' te. Mono Mills on Sunday
where Mr. McMinn 'is remaining
for a:-time. . .
•• •
UP AND OVER—Rank" Wiltink is; ehoWn as he went oVer.the bar in
one of the hole-Vittiithig• events at !the high school field meet last -Ft+,
day. Hank took top lilotrours when he hie the 10-hr. mark.
Shower Held for
Bessie Campbell
Friends and neighbors were pre-
sent on Wednesday evening when
a shower was held for Miss Bessie
Campbell in the council, chamber of
the town hall, Miss Campbell is
to marry 'Kenneth Johnston, R.R. 1,
Bluevale, later this month.
Miss Margaret Brophy read - an
'address and the bride-elect was
presented with two occasional
chairs .and a train • case by Miss
Mary !Louise Flach.
Contests were held -and lunch
was served by Mrs. Helen- Fleury
Ind Mrs. Harold Johnston. '
Under •Progressive 'Conservative administration. Ontario has
seen the greatest expansion and development in its history.
Ontario's progress in human betterment, resource develdpment
and industrial expansion in these past 10 years is unequalled
anywhere,in the world.
Continuation of these wise policies and sound leadership will
assure even greater progress in the years ahead. The Govern-
. ment of Leslie. Frost and your Progressive Conservative Candi-
date merit your support.
TOP WINNERS—,Whining top awards at the field meet held at the. Wingham District High School. last
week were, left Allan McDonald, the junior oharnpi on, Ronald Howard, seiner ehrunpion and Lavern
Dowling-, intermediate champion, The champions were awarded on a point system from the various events.
• ' ' • . • . . . .
•-'0' .,. r .
..4-' ,'-':14e. --efe41. , '-'.4%4 ...e":". ,
ON YOUR MARK---The alawd plettire shews the group Of boye WhO took off on a:three-Mile eiresS ceneetry
tate at the high SehOOI field Meet last Friday. They started off hi high spitlts, but teltiratil to the finish
iirie a tired group nt riirMere. Ikeith. Woode rentne in first, *040 josh over'21) ininittee for the tem,
THE RIG- ilfitiHP—AnOther competiter in the boys' high Any event
tit the high tiGhooli field Meet lest Pridity was caught by the calriera
es ire stated over the hat, The jiltriper got away before we could
risOttaili his narne--the high sehoeli gal* Will know hirli at any rate.
Advance Polls at Mrinay, Wittittain„ Ripley' and Bruasti5 Tlinrsday,
, Fri and Saturday, June 4, 5, and 6
• 4