HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-06-03, Page 6eca Wa Folding ' Aluminnirn AWNINGS LUMBER -- Telephone 260 pole, • , Aluminum SASH ,, DOORS '; BUILDING CUPBOARDS: Wiinghim ;. Y. 4-Nr 4 4, 4 * e FLOOR WALL TILES '1,4! . .... lq, . 14411m14411‘m141411044m11!14,114111;00,11ill!!!!! . ! . P! . Al!!!!!!!111 ....... 4!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!,41111,!!!!!!!!!!!110!1!!! !, Rugs & Upholstery Cleaning • Have them shampooed in your own home or place of business. 'We use the Von Schrader method endorsed by leading turers. 'WALTER SMALL Kincardine P•110111M roo, during evenings 'er. write P.O, Box 187,- Kincardine. ...... ..... 016o ..... 11,11 65 USED CARS 12 Used Trucks 30 New Cars TO CHOOSE FROM! ' If We Haven't Got It, We'll Get It For You! Here are just a few of our Terrific Bargains: 1959 CHEVROLET IMPALA HARDTOP, automatic, drive, V-8, radio, whitewalls, etc. List $4,100 ONLY $3,495 1958 0,LDSMORILE HARDTOP hydramatic drive, radio(, poweil brakes, only 12,000 guaranteed miles, new ear warranty, 1958 CHEVROLET BISCAYNE 2-D0011, STATION WAGON, custom radio, whitewalls, etc. ONLY $2,495 1957 CHEVROLET 4-DOOR 210, only 14,000 miles, 1957 PLYMOUTH PLAZA 2-DOOR, 8 cylinder, wheel discs, etc. .... 1956 DODGE DELUXE 4-DOOR SEDAN ...... ONLY $995 1953 CHEVROLET 150 'SEDAN ONLY' 095 1953 AUSTIN SEDAN, slew motor, locally owned. 1952 DODGE ONLY $295 1949 MERCURY with 1951 motor ONLY $99 TRUCKS - TRUCKS - TRUCKS ft, ONLY $1,405 1957 BUICK CENTURY 4-DOOR SEDAN; power steering and briticea, owned by a member of the clergy, can't be told from new 1950,1tONTIAC PATHEINDER DELUXE STATION WAGON „„ ..„„ . ',„ . ,,,,, , ,,, .9NtY,$1,495- rillOCIRAMitettlitif , ,,,, 0 M ,11,14,AOM GIVE MORE MILK Get more milk--keep your cattle free of biting flies. Dust them with pink COWFLY POWDER. CO WFLY POWDER lasts _2 weeks or more—less work for you---better protection for your cattle, Costs less than 1,,,; cent a day. Approved for use on all stock. 21b, Con costs only $1.55. For Barns Use .. • FLORBAIT • FLY KILLER Dust FLORBAIT over floors to keep barns free of flies. Takes only 3 minutes. Kills over 95% of the flies in 4 hours. 24 oz, con costs only $1.25. 10VOIRD IIORIAU us mut Use Co-op 2,4-D's for effective control of a wide range of annual. :end perennial weeds in wheat, .barley, rye; corn and flax .crops. Use Co-op MCP's for weed con- trol in the same crops as Co-op 2,4-D's, but Co-op' MCP'S • ate safer to co.°.t use on oats, flax, Liftl'' • alfalfa and peas which are sensitive to 2,4-D damage. 4 New PERMABAIT FLY KILLER Long lasting—One application keeps buildings free of tiles .for two to three months — it's voran- teed, Approved for one on all form buildings, 40 oz. , con costs only $3.85. 11, • See your CO OP 1 —.v..— . ... . ' 1.. 7...HOWARD Nenng4NYVV4. ON SALCAT... Belgrave Co-operative BELGRAVE. ONTARIO • Phones; Wingham 1091; Brussels 388w10 YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND 'OUR EXHIBIT AT THE WINGHAm TRADE PAIR. DEAC0IA/60 ihtak -Pati YOU CAN PACK INTO A DAY IR I Northern Ontario . paradise for people who want to relax: The great outdoors stretches for mile upon mile, yet a day cart be as varied as you care to make it. Wild life . scenic cruises luxury lodges ... fascinating mining developments , .. you'll find them all side by side in this great area. Phone 570 J 3 Wingham, ant. CIA COOPERATORS INSURANCE ASSOCIATION Friend or Enemy? Your tractor can be, a good -friend, But if con cause a tat of troubl e too. If con hurt you if you're not careful how you, handle it —it can cause an accident on a country road and leave you with a big damage 4Urif to pay, You can protect yourself against the costs of damage done TO your tractor and BY your tractor through CIA's farm Family Protection Plan! For full -details call: CECIL FALCONER 3 Sold — 1 Left 1958 CHEVROLETS -- model 3105, 3/4 Tons-- Air-conditioned Heateks; Front' Shock Absorbers, Signal Lights, Heavy Duty Rear Springs, D P Rear Axles, Western , Mirrors, Wind- shield Washers, 14 ft. Brantford 'Stake Bo0y, Racks, Tarpaulins; Spate Tires; none of them over 15,000 original miles; new truck warranty, Orl y 1/2 Original 'Cost -- First Come, First Served' 1957 G.M.C. ty TON PICKUP; lists over $3,000 ONLY $1,595 0.957 FORD IA' TON, Wideside ... ONLY $1,595 OTU15E PICKUPS. 1956 DODGE 2-TON VAN , 1953 G.M.C. 14-FOOT FLAT STAIiIS SPECIAL 1 • SPECIAL ! SPECIAL !° 30' McGuiness Silver Palace Mobile Home Completely Equipped -- Priced to Sell PEARSON Motors Ltd. ZURICH , JACK PEA1180N, Prop: EXETER "Huron County's Largest Car Dealer" TRAVEL ACCESSORIES now on the market take up little space in .a• suitcase yet make for carefree holidays. This young.; lady is Prepared for hotel-room JaalldrY With an climate clothes line. $110'S also 'packing, left to right: unbreakable polythene cosmetic bottles and soap disk (excellent for carrying jewelery); a shoe-shine kit; folding plastic hangers for ,drip-drying ;clothes; a tube of toilet soap that doubles as hair shampow paekages of detergent; midst' towelettes for freshen- ing up on the road; sewing kit for emergency repairs and extra polythene bags to Rudd every- thing from shoes to a %vet bathing suit. • • f over sixteen years, Mr. Gordon Leggatt, of Wingthem, • was guest soloist, :and sang, "Enough to 'Know"- in 'the morning. and in the evening,.. "The Glory. of His Pres- ertee". The choir rendered special anthems, quartet and duet nun-. bet% " • NO BACKACHE! he's •wearing en OTC Back Support Rexall Drug Store • , Institute Members Attend Annual WHITECHURCH—The folloYvilig members of the local Women's Institute, Mrs, Victor Emerson, Mrs. Russell Ross, Mrs.-; Farrier, Mrs. Jas. McInnis, Mis• Ezra Scholtz, Mrs. Dan Tiffin, Mrs. Wallace Cann, Mrs, Ben McClenag han, Mrs. Chas. Shiell, Mrs. Ger- shorn Johnston, Mrs, George Walk- er, and Mrs. Robt. Purdon, attended the annual meeting of the South. Bruce District Women's Institute, held in Ripley on Tuesday last. Mrs. H, Houston, president, was re-elected, and Mrs. Emerson was elected as a vice-president, and as the Federated representative and Mrs. Russell Ross, as a standing `committee convener, Rev. Wm. Henderson Is Guest Speaker - WHITECHTJRCH — Successful anniversary services were held, in the Presbyterian Church here on Sunday, when the church, was well- filled for both morning and even- ing meetings, Rev. Wm. Hender- son of Knox Presbyterian Church,• Walkerton, who taught in S.S. N9. 10,' Kinloss over twenty years ago, was welcomed back by many old' friends and pupils, and preached inspiring and challenging sermons. The front of the church was beautiful with baskets of spring flowers, with a special basket in memory of the late Rev, John Pollock, Who was the pastor here •70.'"7•'?' ..t.,1A.t..4y4s.e?..4.71,4terrtir/AS•t•Ya, .. .. TRANS CANADA CREDIT t.,o4tis $150. to $2,500, or more, 'Take tip to 30 months to, repay on 4 wide atlecOon of loan Dians. Fa8t, eourtet?tio service, 14$ THE SQUARE, PHONE 79I GODERICH, ONT. la T1r' iii ,4 *4.i* 11 .$4 A•4 a • *N. 4 4i * 4. > .4. • 4 4'. • !!". '144 -. \`•, * .4 • ,t 411,4 44 * kli4 44 44 '4 44 4 "4 4* 4 4 4 4* 40 r • • a .0.14011414#41i(40411044414AA.414044“4141114i11411}11111111,104410,414!!!!!!111411111111141114 a ,i! 44 W44mpliplomilosui4110!,!!!!!!!!!!',, • o wimolAzo Allvaocplimos,WoOnsortor 444.1. .4! Yee 0.0..nUt Neits 'f.Qr Luncheon ' COolt. shredded fresh earrotS in oneInch boiling salted water Un.- tit eriSp-tottler. Drain, Blend with melted 'butter or margarine, salt, ground black peper and ,ehopped. 4:QA4te4. 'Peanuts, '4$P9911 in nests on. serving dishes, Fin centre of nests with chicken Carrots Add Texture Flavour to Rive Next time yen cook rice add some shredded raw carrots and raisin's to the cooking water along with the raw rice, Season with. butter or margarine, salt, groUnd 'black pepper and a touch of rose- mary, CARROT LOVERS' Cook thinly sliced carrots in one inch of 'boiling salted water until just crisp-tender, Drain; season well and sprinkle with garlic-but- tered bread crumbs. This Week's Pattern SpadrA's INTERNATiONA1 DEANER PATTERN Charles Montaigne offers a dress that is, so beautifully' basic, so sure in its style that. it is easily adapt- able to many types of fabric, from country cottons to patty silks, The simple, bodice with its neckline slightly V'd both,in front'and back, has a deep slanting' dart from the bust to 'the shotildei tine that acts like a bit of padding., ,A. trick that adds important top width and em- phasis,, i,t inOlds out the flared sleeVe that can he', worn With or witbeitt' ctiff. The skirt, with four ..gores,' is finely, gathered to tIle,'WaiStline. Choose ,,sheer cotton, triple sheers, silk 'or rayon crepe, shantung, handkerchief linen, pa- per taffeta. From_ this size chart select the one size `best for you, Size 12' requires 4% yards of 45 inch material for dress, To order Pattern No, S-434, state Size, sand 81,25; For CHARLES MONTAIGNE label send 25c, For new Jumbo 144 page International Designer Pattern Book B-C, send $1•25, Address SPADEA, c/o Nor- man iHartnell (Canada) Limited, 214 Main Street; Toronto 13, On- tario (IW-1.0). PleaSe allow 2 weeks fOr delivery. • Sizes Bust Waist Hips Length* 8 33 23 • 3i 1614 in, 10 34 24 35 16 1/4 in. 12 35 , 25 36 • 1.01 in. 14 36% 26% 371' 17 in. 16 • , 38 28 39 17% in, *from nape of neck to waist Copyright 1959, Spadea Fashions, Inc. (Next week look for an Inter- national Designer Pattern by EM. Illt0 PUCCI), PROPER DIET AIDS FAMILY'S SPARKLE AND JOY OF LIVING Why are sonic families better- looking, more twinkley-eyed than others, 'It's true that beautiful eyes, noses, chins and figures may he inherited along with the family ironstone and great-grandfather's old mustache cup. Equally im- portant, however, are health habits, diet and the mother-to-daughter recipe collections which send 'to the 'dinner table in appetizing form the many foods we like and need for physical attractiveness and joy of living, Serve your family as great a variety of foods as possible. Try dishes that are dew to your cuisine. Then, just to make sure, provide liberal amounts of the so-called "protective foods". These are the ones that provide ,more than cal- ories , and include protein, vita- mins and minerals. Foods that ' contain cellulose for"bulk are also' important, High on this list of beauty foods are the leafy -greens; fresh col- lards, kale, spinach, -chard, dande- lion, turnip and mustard and beet tops, Shop for stocky well-grown greens, remembering that the dark- er the green the richer in vitamihs and minerals, Wash thoroughly, dunking them in and out of three or -four waters, Cook with little or no extra water. Leaves as fragile as spinach will cook with ,only the water which clings after washing. Sturdier greens, such as kale, must cook longer, hence need a little extra water—just enough to keep them from cooking dry. Greens are much more attrac- tive, really green, when they've been cooked quickly and briefly, Overcooking takes all the life out of leafy vegetables, leaVing them dull in ceder, unappetizing, ' Fresh. Mustard Greens With. Potatoes pi,u,i,c8iicod, "salt pork 1-inch boiling water 12 small or medium new potatoes 2 pounds fresh mustard greens 1% teaspoon salt % teaspoon sugar '4 teaspoon ground black pepper Cut pork into thin slices and simmer, covered, in 1-inch boiling. Water one hour or until tender. Wash and scrape potatoes. Add to pork and cook small potatoes 5 minutes, medium potatoes 10 min- utes, Wash mustard greensr.thor- ottghl y. Cut into 2, to 3-inch lengths. Add to pork -and potatoes along with salt and sugar, Cover and Cook 15 minutes, Add black pepper. Tess lightly, Serve hot. Yield. 0 servings, THE CHRISTIAN SCIEN(1: MONITOR AN INTERNATIONAL DAILY NEWSPAPER Good Reading for the Whole Family ; •• • Facts • Family Features The Christian Science Monitor . One Norway St., Boston 15, Moss. Send your newspaper -for the time theeked. Etiolated find my check or Money order. year $18 13 6 months $9 ci 3 montht $4.50 rj NOM* • Address • 1 City Zone State P344 ' • NOTICE After selling his business in London almost five years ago, Rae el.,,Watson, your Liberal candidate hid, a wide choice, of where to.live. This ,Huron-Brace area Was chos- en bedause Rae was 'raised and educated here, the hills and spring cricks are wonderful, the Great' Lakes offer excellent Wali n g and 'the people are second to noise, Al- :though this job of representing 'Yeti, will take him, to Toronto for Several weeks at a time, Rae has tie Intention of moving- out of his nice comfortable, new house, nor away from the people lie likes so well; , littron-Brtico Liberal Association • News • IF IT'S CAg1-1 YOU NEED, THEN , DON'T DELAY- CALL T.C.C. ON THETHONE,,,TODAY ti • DiscoVerlow economical his to explore Ontario by Mailing the coupon Literature you will ke.4oiste includes an cup-to-date list of accommodation that shows you where to stay at the price you want to pay. trkgaZ40410A4M1VOAV :04,00:!,, FOCEItil inAyEL sg6 Pirlenow'r•nt 1-4:10onto. 4.111TAIr10. 7 Send free Militate abottf bloethethr Onlenkr tad' Mad logia NaM..44.0,4 .. . to: ..,.+a,...... /•• 44 at,. 1040.41011t. 4,40444, •,1,-4.,i• .i,”••{ kr try 4114 1601114.000.4•6**•.444.04 .. . •41,1411.1,0*. EMV41.S.M5110,MMION,,:?,101 brfago Se silentof train • l'utlecity, Het, nyvs t, 61,06,4 .• boo 0 0 ."BETTER; • . -...2„,.. ;A i.,-.„. .:„. .. ONTARIO IlVDII&S„ Iteiv deMOnstration ebtieli,, touring Ontario With disPlaYS ot the i';:t';4!,44 ' electrical , • applitinees fet Use Oa' the far* and ht the' elty, will viali the 1Vhighant Th1,0 ra'. kvarshe is invited to Me' Ito—Ontarie Hydro thots, 1'999 4