HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-06-03, Page 5•M " Even Greater Progress Lies' Ahead— On June I lth VOTE PROGRESSIVE CONSIERVATIVI Published by the Progressive Conservative Association of Ontario Huiron-Bruce Remelect, JOHN... W. .HANNA. Mrs. Ho 'Houston Rewelected .President of Bruce South AT THE tigham Trade SEE YOU Booths 3 and 4 REMEMBER TO PICK VP ypuR R LE T.19cET• 'WINCHAM. On. JoVely picture measuring ,gr 34" "SUNSET" bY Artist Robert Wood vfredno0ay,. *It ,For The 13.0t REEMBATION & ELECTRICAL. SERVICE 0.0.14 JACK KERR Phone 608 J 22 W inghalin Speei141 iZill 14' in SEALED-UNIT REPAIR AND COMMERCIAL REFRIGCRATION REPAIR GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES • issued in amounts from $100 upwards' for 3, 4 or 5 years. • earn 514% interest, payable half- Srearly by cheque. • authorized investment for all Canadian Insurance Companies and trust funds. YOUR MONEY DOUBLES ITSELF IN 14 YEARSt • 372 Bay St., 35 Dunlop St.. Toronto Barrio 9009 •• • • •••• .* Preinier Leslie M. Frost On June 11th approximately 15,000 polling places in Ontario will be ready to receive your vote. They will remain open from a.m. to 7 p.m. (Standard Time) and from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. (Day- light Time). Time-tested election machinery will assure every voter the free, full and impartial exercise of this ancient and honourable privilege of demotratie citi zenship. HOW you vote is YOUR business, but it is also important to your family, friends and neighbours that you DO vote. Your vote means many things. It expresses your judgment on the issues put forward by the various parties during the election campaign. It gives your opinion about the Candidates who have placed their names before you. 14-4,74VALE—JSunday was. a red letter day in the history of Knox Presbyterian .Church, Dluevale, 'Vhe pastor, Rev, T. g., Kennedy, deli cated four ,memorials. These 'were, a pulpit ,131,ble with ,Mariters, the. gift of the Young I'eopiel two brass collection plates, the 'gift of Alvin Smith in memory of his par, eats, the late John H, and.I/Mrs, Smith; a pulpit fall, the gift Of the family of the organist, Mra,(Nera Moffatt In memory of their father; the late Oliver Brown Moffatt and a pulpit Book of Praise, the gift of Mae Scott and Mrs, °amiss in memory of their sister, the late. Olive Scott. These, gifts will he used for the first time at the anniversary so., vices next Sunday, An unusually large congregation was present for this special service including vis- iting relatives of the donors, • BLUEVALE; With June comes the rank growth of grass And weeds when the cemeteries need care. At the times of the centennials cemeter- ies in Morris and TurnberrY were a credit to the community and this good work should be contin- ued, A few cuttings each sum- mer season would keep them at,- tractive. WEEK-END FEATURE , STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE 29c REMINGTON'S . I.G.A. Mrs, Harvey 11,91,1StOn presided fpr the annual meeting' Of frtice South District Women's Institute, held in Ripley town hall on Tues- day, May 20th, with Ripley branch as hosts, One hundred and sixty- nine delegates and mernbers re• gistered from the 10 senior and two junior branches, Armow, more, Betide,' flolyrood, KairiShea, Kincardine, Lateknow, 'Lisburn, Paramount, Purple Grove, Reld'a Corners, Ripley Sr, and Jr. $11ver Loop Teeswater ,and Tiv: Orton and Whitechurch. The financial statement allowed total receipts for the distriet $70948; total expenditures, ;643,86; oalanee on hand $65.62; total re- ceipts for the 18 branches, $8,- 363.68; total expenditure; $6,401,96 ond balance on hand, $2,561'18. ,Tixerton, Whitechurchy ; Lake and Kairishea branches had interesting displays of articles completed for "Sew to Save Dol- lars". Lisburn's display was on "How to Look Your Best". About 50 members from Ripley, Purple Grove, Holyropd, Lisburn, KM- cardine and • Reld's Corners, who had participated in the extension service, "Millinery", modelled bats made by them during the course Mrs, D._ W. Cameron, F,W.1,0 board member, ratified the district director's appointment. She alsc presided for the election of officers AlMrs: Harvey Houston, Holyrood was re-elected president: Othei officers: Past •pres„ 'Mrs. J. ,E Rowe, Kincardine; vice-presidents Mrs. Victor Emerson, Whitechureh Mrs. Clifford 'Hewitt, Kincardine and Mrs. Frances Gemmel!, Rip. ley; sec.-treas., Mrs. Cecil Hollands Kincardine; asst., Mrs. Donald J. McKinnon, Lucknow; Federation representative, Mrs. Victor Emer- son; alternate, ,Mrs. Charles Cook, Lucknow; district voting 'delegate, Mrs. George McKee, Kincardine; alternate, Mrs. R. Appleby, Wing- ham RR, 2; Federation of Agi:icul- ture representative, Mrs.'- Eldred Reid, Tiverton ; alternate, Mrs. SlessOr, Kincardine; rep- resentative on museum board, Mrs, George Downey, Tiverton; public Mrs. Donald McCosh, a vice- chairman for the new area recent- ly formed in Grey and Bruce, ex- plained that the new area was composed Of 246 branches; '62' hav- ing, withdrawn from the Toronto area -and 84 from the Guelph area. The el:invention for the new area is to be held November 2 and 3 in the coliseum' in Owen :Sound. A name for the area will be chosen at that time, Bruce South district rally is to be held on July 23rd at the District 41-Tigh School in Lucknow. • Mrs. Victor Emerson's name will be submitted as a nomination for provincial secretary-treasurer. In memoriam was observed by repeating the 23rd Psalm in uni- son and singing a hymn. The standing committee conveners re- ported 100 per cent and their re- ports were most interesting. Mrs. T. Kirkpatrick welcomed the mem- bers and Mrs. Peter Lesson of Purple Grove responded. Dinner was served by the Ripley branch in the Legion Hall and a cup of tea and cookies was enjoyed al-, ter the afternoon session. Mrs. E, Scholtz led in assembly singing with Mrs, D, Tippen at the piano. Mrs. Garnet Farrier also enter- tained with piano music. BLUEVALE Grandmothers' day will be ce- lebrated by the Bluevale Women's Institute at their meeting on June 11th. It will be an evening meet- ing at the home of the president, Mrs. Sparling Johnston. Mrs. Bert Garniss is convener, Mrs. Milton Fraser will speak on "The Problems of Old Age". Mrs. M, L. Aitken will give the motto and Mrs. C. B. Hoffman will. have charge of the music. iNdies of the Woman's Associa- tion of the United Church are re- hearsing a one-act play to be pre- sented this month at their garden party, Mrs. Oliver Canipbell gave a 'trousseau tea on Saturday in hon- or of her daughter, Miss Bessie Campbell, •whose marriage to Mr. Kenneth Johnston takes place on June 13th. Attending the silver wedding Celebration in Wingham on Satur- day for Mr. and Mrs. Neil McLean (formerly Muriel Thornton • of Bluevale) Who reside in Toronto, Were Mr. and Mrs, John Wick- stead, Mr, and Mrs, A, D. SMith and Miss Eleanor, Mr. and Mrs, Wilson Thornton and family and Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Peacock, Mr ,and Mrs, Clifford Irwin and ,:daughter, of Hickson, vsisited re- latives here on Sunday, ',Mrs, Ross MeIntosh of Listowel, visited Mr. and Mrs, Janes Johns- ton at the weeltlend. Mr. and Mrs. Neil MacEachern, Gilbert, Neil and Mrs, Louise Neil- son and son IV/iehed, all of To- ronto, visited Mrs. R.. 111. Garnisa and Mr, MaC Scott on Sunday and attended the dedication service in It not Presbyterian Oburcli. lkilt Alan II, Neelbn and Mr., Carl Johnston are attending the Lon- don Conference of the United Church at Sarnia, this week: Visiting 'Mrs. W. 3, Johnston on • Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Watson and Mrs. Crane and dough- ter Marion, all of Fergus, Mr, and Mrs. Jim Yeomans, Jim and Alice, of Detroit, accompan- ied by Mrs, Isabel Yebmans, spent the week-end with the latter's sister and brother, Mrs. Andrew' Lamont and Mr. Douglas Strachan, Mrs. ISabel Yeomans is rernain- ing for a longer visit. 'Mr. and Mrs. George Moffatt, Heather and John, Kensal Park, London, and Mrs. Glen Terry vis- ited on the week-end with Mrs. Nora Moffatt and' Harold. Mr. C, 13. Hoffman, Mrs. Jos, Horton, Misses Mary and Ruby Duff were in London on Monday. CROWN Theatre - Harristoo CONTINUING WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY June 3 and 4 "Separate Tables" Starring Ditykl Niven . in his Academy Award Winning Role and co-starring Rita Hayworth and Deborah Kerr. "SEPARATE TABLES" meant separate lives that yearned for companionship FRIDAY and SATURDAY June 5 and 6 "MARACAIBO" (Technicolor) • Cornel Wilde, Jean Wallace He was no good and she knew it -7. But Latin Nights are meant for romance. Bowery Boys in "LET'S GO NAVY". 310N. - TUES. - WED. - THUR. 3FRI. and SAT. June 8,i9, 10, 11, 12 aml 13 "THE SHAGGY DOG" Walt Disney's Latest and Funniest Ever PLEASE NOTE — Two shows nightly 7.15 and 9.15 p.m. SAT. MATINEE AT 2.15 P.M. Children at all performances 245c 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 AT DUSK Two Shows Nightly Cartoons at everY performance WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY June 3 and 4 "Barbarian & Geisha" ..(Technidolor) John Wayne The peatity and Mystery of Japan • and the Geisha who Meant Life or Death. FRIDAY and SATURDAY Juno 5 and. 6 "PRINCE VALIANT' (Technicoler) ."THE PROUD ONES" (Technicolor) , Robert Ryan, Virginia Mayo MONDAY Mid T1LIESDAY j'une Wad "I WAS A TEEN.AGE CAVE MAN" Pra-Historle Rebels against Pre- • Historic Benda! "HOW TO MAKE A MONSTER" See the Ghastly Ghouls in Planting 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 0 W ! LAS DUO-HEAT — THE TRUE COMBINATION FURNACE The furnace you've been waiting for ; Burns oil, wood, coal, any solid fuel—lalso an ideal incineratorl—Separately or together No heat interruption due to hydro, road blocks,.. oil shortage, or burner failure. Use your own wood yet enjoy.. automatic heat.. See the New Remarkable Duo-Neat Ournace at PERC CLARK'S BOOTH AT THE TRADE FAIR Percy Clark PLUMBING AND HEATING PHONE 255 WINGHAM, ONt. For • Information About It • AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE • FARM LIABILITY • ACCIDENT AND SICKNESS INSURANCE VISIT OUR BOOTH AT TIM • WINCHAM TRADE .FAIR . Co-Operatori r Insurance Association. June 11th is YOUR day... • It states your decision abOut the future Proliess , of our Province and the men who will guide ht.! destiny in the years immediately ahead. In these last few weeks you have had many opportunities to assess the policies and platforms ' of the principal parties. You have been, given a complete and comprehensive accounting..of the stewardship of your affairs by our Progressive Conservative administration. We believe the record has been one of good stewardship, wise management, and sound planning for the future, The purpose of this brief message is to suggest , respectfully that the safest, strest and most ' forward-looking decision that you can Make on June 11th is to give your vote for the Candidate who represents the Progressive Conservative Party and the government whose policies have been so largely responsible for Ontario's, spectacular pro. gress in the last ten years. relations representative, .Mrs, Neil. Mot,ead, Tiverton; auditOrs, Mrs: •Tbaelter and MrS, Robert McCormick, Kincardine, Conveners -0 standing eommit- tees; Aviculture' and Canadian hiduStrie; Mrs, Divid Kadie, wingbam; rcitizeriship 'and educa- tion,: Mrs, Robert 0Shorne, Lock. now; historical research and cur- rent .eyents, Mrs, 1/1/ J. Arnold.' !Ripley; home economies and health Mrs. .Pred '131.ackwell, Kincardine resolutionsi Mrs, Russell ROM .Whiteelitirch; public relations, Mrs.: Neil McLeod,TiVerton; junior Atc•• tivities, Miss Mon/ Roulston, Rip- ley. Mrs. ID, W, Cameron, F,W,I,O.- board member; reported oa resoln, tions dealt with by the boord. The officers' conference next- year will Sentatives Miss Nora Creyite,, home • econ- omies branch, Toronto; reported , • that 444 short courses were held: serving."10,000 women, Five new training schools have been added, The aim in the sewing courses is to have articles: with the hand- made look, not the homemade look. There is a great demand for the millinery courses with the 15 mil- linery kits being continually off the shelves. The Tweedsinuir workshop is in great demand but• there is • only one instructor, 'Miss Mary Lou Black, BrUce County home econdmist, stated that 238 girls from 28 clubs were porticipating the spring pro- ject, "The Cereal Shelf". The fall project is to be "Working with' Wool". Mrs."), George !Downey, reporting on the museum, stated that 2122 more people went through the mu- seum in 1958 than in 1957 and the receipts were up by $446.* The mu- setim project for 1959 is an art ex- hibit' displaying the art, done at the high school night classes last year. Anyone having old news- paPers or .old books pertaining to the history of Bruce is requested to send them to the museurn to be placed i n the archives. ViSiting hours are 2 to Wand 7 to 9 p.m. Mrs, Eldred Reid reported for the Federation of Agriculture, She urged more ladies to attend the annual meetings., She stated there are -four districts, each having a lady delegate but only one vote among them. GIG'S DEDICATED AS CHURCH MEMORIALS • IL I;