HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-06-03, Page 1WINOILAM, ONTARIO, flIMS1,4•Y, JVN,F). Sol, AO
BANDS' APPEARANCE xcellent Program Lined
for Three-Day Event • The RCAF Trumpet Bat d from
Clintort will tan, be in attendance
Vol!' 'the olleulug of the Wingham
'Trade Pair, as was 'advertised last
week. Cancellation was mate new
neesary bv regulations or the Mil-
0.1.Ths 'l lnion,
The Kinsmen ,Club, which sporte
ears the Trade Fair, are very sor-
ry 'that it will not be possible 'to
have the band for the fair, but
the regidations did not come to
light until after the advertisement
had been placed last week,
The official Opening will take
piece in the- arena on Thursday
evening at eight o'clock sharp on
the main stage.
• The first, portions of 'the
lent progearn will be seen irieured-'
iately after the 'opening ceremon-'
lee. Entrance to the arena is only
Outside exhibits will be on the
parkieg lot adjacent to the arena,
es writ joyes Brothers midway
with rielee for the 'children and ad-
TlEHIEE CHAMPIONS—The top; w notch field meet staged et 'the local high sa ol laSt week, was one 41
the best recent years.' Top winners'iwthe girls' di visiow'weris Trudy Dejong; jwlior Champ 11fion; r Hastie, limiter. champion and Sue. Nesmith, intermedi.ate elunalpion, pictured eboye,'hit't to right. "
ea to be extremely interes
Keay of tine exhibitors are bringing
in lines that have not been dis-
played before and a attalher. arc
offering really good' discounts on
merchandise purchased while the
fair, is open. As well there Will be
a number of merchandise prizes
awarded during the fair, beeidea
the $:15 door prizes which will be
given away each evening.
The Trade Fair is wider the
chairmanship of Cal, Burke. wills
Max McCarter acting as secretary.
On Thursday evening Paul
the Kinsmen District Deputy Goer-
ernor, will open the fair, assist-
ed by John W. Hanna and other
members of the club and the May-
or of the town.
This IS one event of the year
that will supply something of inter-
eat for everyone from furniture to.
garage doors,
The local Kinsmen Club 4.a '110P" Mg for an even larger turnout than
the better ,than 5,000 ;people who
visited the first edition of file
Trade Fair in June of ,11138, when
the gates Agal4 swing open on .
Thursday evening of this week,
The club has brought in top-
notch talent for 'the entertain-'
merit. of the crowd, at an admis-
sion price of only 25 cents, Fee-
tared on Thursday e*ening, after
the' official opening will be a stage
show 'by Don Robertson and the
Ranch Rays, a musical comedy by
the Ben Silverton Trio in two sep-
arate acts, Before close there will
be a draw for a door prize of $15
sponsored by the Formesa Spring
Brewery. ' ' ` •
On. Friday the fair opens again'
at 2.00 pm. and during the eve.
ning_Cy Leonard, a comedy ven-
triloquist, will entertain at 8,30
with two acts by Slit McClory,
magician and juggler. Another
$13 door prize will also be given
away. .
On 'Saturday the fair gates will
open at 2.00 in the afternoon, close
at 5.30 and 'open again at 7 pm,
That evening there will be a stage
show by Del Rio and Rpsita, ex-
perts at fancy rope spinning, Roy
Head' will thrill the audience with
his display pf magic and Da, Rio
and Roeita will stage a second act.
The three-day Tr'ade Fair has
a list of nearly 50, exhibitors who
will be' displaying many lines of
interesting merchandise, much of
it new and different from last year.
The exhibits will be inside the ar-
ena, with some 10 exhibitors slat-
ed to set up larger displays just
to the west of the arena building.
• Also to the west of the arena in
the parking lot 'there will be an ,ex-
cellent midway for the children's
From what can be learned ahead
of time, the fair this year prornis-
Lions Club Hears BAND CONCERT
IS SUCCESSFUL Goderich Speaker
cop0:01, SipsAgoemen.
for : .Property
The regplar meeting of the
Wingham Recreation Committee
was held on May 26, when it was
decided to again transport child-
ren to Teeewater for swimming
instruction en .Mondays and Thurs-
days, commencing., Monday, July
6. All children eight years and ov-
er who are interested must regis-
ter at the lgiegharn town hall on
Saturday afternoon June 13, be-
tween 1 p.m, and pm,. The fee
for insurance, payable on registra-
Alen foe insurance through the re-
creation committee, :paying 'for all.
activities sponsored by the com-
mittee fey the year 1959 is $1.50.
This applies only to those chddren
who were not previously inSttred
last ,T,drIter through the figure
skating' club or hockey. 'All child-
ren who are not residents of
._Wingleam' must pay. an additional
$1.00 to defray extra 'expenses in-
curred on their behalf,
This year the fee, charged by
the Teeswater pool committee will
be 25c for each instruction period'.
Due to the confusion which ree ult.
ed Teeewater last year,.;' the
$3.00 fee for the entire course,;Plus
tests, has been discontinued.
The committee will, sporieer Ju-
venile; Midget and Pee Wee base-
ball , and Intermediate ladies' ,soft-
ball this year -foe WCA.A., competi-
tion, The .sureiner, program, sil-
lier to last Yeare,will'be in charge
Of IreneSaint.
Frank Madill Is
Named Principal
'It has" been announced that
Prank Madill has been named prin-
cipal nt-' Wingham District High
School, to succeed W, 'Stanley Hall,
who has resigned to take a position
hi Simcoe.
Ur; Madill has been 'assistant
principal for some time and has
been' a member of the staff for 25
years, Meeting for the regular june aes,-
'glen the ,Wingham town council
Met at the council :chamber an
Monday evening. The attunedl tip
proved the minutes of the last
meeting and ordered all aceOunt4!
to be paid,
TO 1101,0 BLOOD
The local Lions Club at its re-
gular meeting last Friday- decided
to hold a ladies' night on June 12th
'at the Hartley House in Walkerton,.
A report on the minstrel show
was received with many of the
members expressing complete sat-
isfactioa on the results.
The 'club also decided to make
arraagernente with the Toronto
Pper•a, -Company to bring another
as the one staged this.past spring
had been most successful.
25.7Year Membership.
Presented at Legion
It was •decided that the Legion
Home would be painted this sum-
mer, at the regular monthly meet-
ing "of Wingham Branch ;pea; a.80e,
Canadian': Wee-
will also be appointed by the eX-
ecutiVe and representatives of the
Ladies' 'Auxiliary to' deal with
Howard Irwin's name was drawn
in the membership draw, but he
was not present at the meeting.
Corn, Past Pl'eL, VanWyck fliade
the presentation of a 25-year mem-
bership pin to Conn, Past Pres,
Armstrong. A, new member Ken
Redmond, was initiated into the
JoilaV.curroRR 0ouLTES
strident of Waterloo College, receiv-
ed a Bachelor of Arts degree at the
spring convocation of Western
Vnivereity oil Saturday., Clifford
has been taking a, general course.
—Photo by Behar- -
,TO ,notio itEumoN
The third, reunion of the 19th
Wield Regiment Association will
be held in Wingham this' coming
week-end and will mark the 15th
anniversary of 'D-7Day.
'The regiment was comprised of
the local 99th Battery, the 63rd
Battery' front Guelph and the 55th
'Battery from Sarnia and London.
e ASsociation has held' a re-tan-
ion every nye yeareisince •the end
Of the war. It is expected that
,eons $09rfeirraer.„Terf* ie4,,,efe:44„
converge on Wing:,
ham next Friday for the begin-
ping of the big week-end,
The first item on the agenda will
be registration Friday evening at
;he Armouries, followed by a social
time and a dance.
Regietration'will continue 'Satur-
day morning and afternoon, with
golf for those interested during
the morning,e with a special tea for
the ladies at the Legion home dur-
ing the afternoon and a weal
gathering of former officers and
their wives at the Hetherington
hoMe, At 4,30 in the afternoon
there will be a parade to the Ceno-
taph headed by a pipe band. At
5.00 p.m. the delegates will meet
the armouries and.will leave at
6,30 for Belgrave, where 'dinner
Will be provided at the arena, Sat-
urday evening will see andther
lance at the loc,1 armouries,
Sunday there will be a church
service at the Bluevale United
Church at 11,00 a.rm with the
group assembling again at the
farm of Alex Corrigan near Blue-
vale at 12.30,for a picnic. lunch.
Lions Carmichael and Boucher,
reported that plans were progres-
sing well for Frontier Days bin
the final choice of stars had not-
been made,
Lion Doe. Nasmith introduced the
guest speaker, Keith Hopkinson,
proprietor of Goderich Air' Ser-
vices. -
The speaker outlined the history
of commercial and military avia-
tion in Canada and spoke at some
length on the value of personal and
businesS aviation and light air-
craft. He pointed out that there
was no age limit for those wishing
to learn flying and, experience had
proved many, men who had learn-
ed to fly after 40 years of age welt
excellent pilots. The speaker was
thanked 'by Lion Norman Wel-
,, 1:ilood-Adithisl..,:elinie•aWill•-be
theld at the Legion Home in 'Wing-
ham ,on June 24th, The clinic will
be operated by the Canadian Red
Cross 'Society, in co-operation with
the local Legion branch,
Legion members will also take l'
charge of the distribution of cards
to the homes In Wingham, Tees-
water and Beigrave. The cards'.
will request donors to give a pint
of blood on the day of the clinic.
Transportation will be arranged
for any from out of town who are
prepared to donate.
• The clinic is part of a new pro-
gram being carried out by Red
Cross.' The blood donated is pro-
cessed and typed in London and
then distributed on a regular basis
to various blood banks around the
province. One of these banks ,is
located at the Wingham Hospital,
When transfusions are needed by
sick or injured persons they will be
provided without charge from
these Red Cross Blood banks.
A dessert bridge ,will be held
the ladies of the Wingliain 'Golf
Club at the elubhoase en Tuesday,
June 9th, at 2 o'clock. Mrs. D. C
Nasmith and Mrs. Norman Elliott
are conveners of, the event. Bridge
for' the social riled:here and' enine
hole game for playing--members'
will follow and all past and plead
peetive members are cordially in-
vited to 'attend: -Bridge for the
social, member* will then continue
throughout the„ entaurieranneeleeirs-
day afternoons , Transportation
for for apyone desiring- it will be, pro.
ided 'from the Queens Hotel at
1.45.. ' . F3b
The annual Flower Sunday and
Sunday School Anniversary, of the
Wingham United Church will be
held on. June 7th with identical
services at 11.00 and 7.00 o'clock.
The speaker will be Rev. Ann
raham with guest musicians Don-
a Taylor, pianist and Gerry Boss,
cornet player, all from London.
IsilcKay's Rest Home has been
approved and licensed undei By-
Law 52, 1958 of the Municipal
Corporation of the County of
Huron. . F3b
• Plans are being made now for
the Red. Cross Blood Clinic which
Will be held in •the near future, and
details will be announced shortly.
Anniversary services in ,Bluevale
Presbyterian., Church, Sunday, June
7th at 11.00 a,7ri, and 7.00 p.m.
There will be special music and the
speaker will be Rev. Jonathan
Greene from Brussels. F3b
Dance in Wroxeter community
hall, Friday, June 5th. Music by
Elliott Carruthers and his orches-
traSponsored by the Hall Board
Admission 75e, F3b
Despite the heat and small audi-
elice, the Lions Club Boys' and
Girls' Band performed admirably
at 'their first concert of the sea-
son in the town hall on Friday.
evening, May 29th,
Bandmaster 'George 'Wonch of
Clinton masterfully directed the
band in a number' Of eelectiona
Ax!mong',,0e4KIgo M arch, 'ial:allay", the Cinderella
Overture, the march. Military Es-
cort, and the Bay Shore March, as
well as a novelty number, "Mister
Miss 'Catherine Wetsh of Varna,
band pianist and accompanist for
the evening also sang in two duets
With her brother David. The duets'
were "Cruising Dowp .the River"
and "Tire Place where We Wor-
Trumpet solos were played by
Paul Hutton and Joyce Proctor,
"Bless this 'House" and "0 Pro-
mise Me", respective.
Marjorie Moffat played "Land of
Hope and Glory" on her clarinet.
Two Varna girls performed in
clarinet duets. Their first num-
ber was "Whispering Hope" and
their encore, 'Bells.of St: Marys".
Also of Varna, Carol Taylor
played two piano numbers, "Nola"
and "Life in the Finland Woods".
Stewart Beattie, as representa-
tive of the Lions Club band com-
mittee, thanked the 'bandmaster
and the band members on behalf
of the listeners for their delight-
ful music and made mention of the
feet that many band members tra-
vel from Varna, Bayfield and Clin-
ton to perform in this band, which
in itself recommends the enthus-
iasm and interest of its members,
Bandmaster Wonch replied with
his Words of thanks to Mr. Beattie
and the audience and remarked
that the band intends to practise
and Improve to the point where it
will be possible for them to par-
ticipate in the C,N.E. and other
A finala,greement 'with the Caa
adian,;Otelfic Railwaya.,was signes
s&W-iiting MairOy Roy-Wagui.;'Wfide
-council had giveh the agreement
thorough. discussion, The agree-
ment- 'between the, town and the
"covers the release to the
town of .all lands formerly owned
by the railway, which were used as
right-of-way for the old rail line
from the- Maitlarni River to' the
old station, The C.P:R, in the
agreethent has donated, the land
and the buildings to the town, The
town in return releases the com-
pany from payment of further
taxes and will also take over all
responsibility for the property, in-
cluding, the old bridge pile which
were left in 'the river,
• Council, discussed the street
light problem in the business sec-
tion, It ,was reported that the
plan suggested at the previous
Meeting was not feasible in all
cases, in that the standards could
not moved hack as far as de-
sired. However the problem 's
being looked into at the moment.
Several complaints regarding
drainage were considered. The
council authorized the street corn-
Mittee to raise the curb at the 'Fry
'84 Blackhall 'plant to overcome a
'poor drainage condition at that
Tire clerk was instructed to write
to the .Department of Highways'
and arrange a meeting with the
department engineer to discuss the
resurfacing of the main street,.
Councillor Nesmith suggested
that Leopold Street will be T.irfac-
ed this year, that couneil -name
, (Please turn to Page Three) '
James F17,. Coulter
Receives Degree
• Among the graduates receiving
the' Master of Ede-cation degree at
the 'University of Toronto convo-
cation exercises on Friday, May
29, was James W. Coulter, Strat-
ford, son of Mr and Mrs. George
I-1, Coulter, Patrick Street, Wing-
Mr. Coulter obtained ids Bach-
elor or ArtS degree from the 'Uni-
versity of Western Ontario and
his Bachelor of Education. degree
from the University of Toronto.
During the past Whiter he nor/inlet-
ed his qualifications for his Ele-
mentary School Inspector's' Car-
tifieate, He is presently a master
at the •Stratfotd Teachers' College,
lecturing in history and geography.
Tenders Advanced
Robert Hetherington, chairman
of the building committee for the
new addition to the Wingham Dis-
trict High School, reported that
the final date for receipt of ten-
aters for the addition has been ad-
vanced to June 8th. The original
date had been set for June 3rd,
however, the earlier time did not
allow enough time for contractors
to get in their bids, Tenders will
be opened next Monday at a spec-
ial meeting of the board,
The June meeting of the Ladies'
Auxiliary to Wingham General
Hosnital will be held in the Colin.
cif Chamber on Friday afternoon
June 5 at three o'clock, Fab
To Register for
Kindergarten Class .
Parents who have children to mi-
ler kindergarten in September are
invited to register them at the
kindergarten in the nubile school.
Registration will take' place dur-
ing the afternoon of Tuesday,
June 9, from 2,30 to 5,00 o'clock,
Only children who are five years of
age befote the first of January,
1960, are eligible to register.
If not convenient to come on the
above date, please contact the kin-
dergarten teacher, Mrs. William
Elliott, or the principal, Mr, T. S.
received lii,s Bachelor of Arts de-
gree at, the 181st Convocation of
the University of Western Ontario
on Saturday. dOlin is the son of
Mr. and Mr% W. D. Congrant end
a student of Waterloo College,
Where lie has been taking a pre-
theological general cOurse.—Photo
by Beloit,
A garden party will be held in
Gorrie 'United' Church June 10th
Supper served from 5 to 8. Ad-
mission $1,00. Public school child-
ren 40e, F273b
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Finn, Erus-
sela, Wish to announce the en-
gagement of their younger daugh-
ter, 'Marjorie Elizabeth, to ,Keith
Charles, only son of Mr, and Mrs
Walter Rock, MOnitten, The Wed-
ding 'will take place qufetly the
latter part of Arno, *
Mr, and Mrs, D. A. Rahn Of
Hrusaels announce the engage'
Inca of their daughter, Nancy
Jane. to Mr, John Gordon Hall, son
cif IVEr, and Mrs, Gorden Hall, of
thievalc. Marriage will take OW
June 20 at Bellevue Residence, at
Vrtiss9ls. Fa*
Oyer a period of 20, years a un-
ique annual service has been de-
veloped at the VVIfightien 'United
Church, The occasion is the Sun.
day Seheol, Anniversary and F lew-
er Sunday which is 'being held this
year on June 7th.
The church auditorium will 'be
profusely decorated with flowers.
As usual the floral cietoretienS
and the niessageS by word and
music will all combine to ,develop
a central theme, This year tho
theme Is "God's Channel",
Guest speaker at identical Mor-
ning and evening services" will be
Rev: Anne P, Graham of London.
Donna Taylor and Gerry iRosS,
young riisicians, also 'Irene Lon-
don, will assist in the program
along with the Sunday School
Each year hundreds of 'visitors
came to see the Mitetterieling floral
display and ta ake part in the
day's services of Woeshire Deota
open at 10 4.M. for the /naming'
1DoWitt Miller, W. of, HeiiderSon Frank Howson; Iront, Mrs, Envoy
Newman, Mrs. A. W, and CA Dixon. Divisional Connuanders South,
ern Ontario, of Hamilton, W, T, Cruickshank, Sr. 1VitijOr M, iVhooler,
and Envoy G, S. Newman.
son of Mr. and Mrs. Pr 'try
ton, received his Bachelor of Art's
degree iii Il'onors Business Admin.
/Oration at the' J. W. Little Ma-
dium,.Wheire the spring eronvoeniiort,
University et Western ,Ontnrio,
was held on. Sant day.thoto
Many parents and friends of the
First Wingham Boy Scout Troop
and Cubs were in. Chesley on Sure-
day afternoon, when the local boys
participated in the annual Saugeen
District Church Parade. Cub Lead-
ers Penny Gerrie and Barbara
Pickford led the Cubs and Scout-
master Alton Adams was in com-
mand of the Scouts.
The parade formed up at the
Agricultural Park, The 'Owen
Sound Pipe Band and the Chesley
Brass Band provided the music.
Eleven centres were well repre-
sented by both Cub Packs and
Scout Troops, Several group com-
mittee members from the various
centres also took part,
Service Was held in, the Presby-
terian Church, and the rhosleY
Girt Guides, in full imiforna, formed
the choir. There wasalso a. service
in tire Romen Catholic Clttirreh for
Scouts and Cubs of that faith,
the, neeeae iirrireteled awaited
the block following service, and re-
turned basic through the main
street, nest the reviewing stand
where District Commissioner Archie
Gowenlock took the salute_ Cm:Air-
man of the Satmeen District. (lom-
iniffee, Frahk Madill, the Mayor
of Chesley and the chairman of the
Chesley 'Committee 'were With him
at the stand.
Before the parade fell nut ta the
park Dist, Comm. Gowarilock
thanked the Scouts, Cubs end their
leaders, the bands, Mothcra' ATAX-
illarieo and all who had provided
transportation, He especially thank-
ed the Chesley group as }meta the
clergy and Guides. The mayor
spoke briefly With a word of ,wel-
come to ail and following a. few
important announcements, the par-
ade tell Otit,
Dit80108..S DUILDINO—An Organizational mCetitta for the current Red
Shield eitinpaign and a discussion of a *We building program fee
Salvation Army Stindity School Was held at the local Maki on Toes.
-day et last week Attending The Meeting WOret left to right: buck
row, Mt", It 1101, IYIes4 Oath, #I0A+ Ci risk,
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A, Shaw Of
Stratford, wish to announce 'the
erigagenient Of their daughter, loan
argaret, to William Harold. Pa-
, SOn of Mr, •arid 11/rs, Harold
oSterHenaall. The Marriage
Will take place on Sattirday, :Tune
20, et 3 o'clock in St, Paul's Arig.
Church, StratfOrd,