HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-05-20, Page 6a
Chiffon Ring -49c
Buttermilk Bread
• I.G.A.
This is a laff-paeked show, with a cast of local characters all
set to tickle your funny bone. Get your tickets early!
...V,— •
Script by Bob Secord
Admission; Adults 75c, Children 25c
Tickets now on sale and may be reserved without charge at
BleKibbons Drug Store.
Proceeds for Lions Club welfare work.
"I'be Wirwita.Advance-Trim., VVedbeidiW; May 204 WO
Wingham Town Hall, 8 P.M.
See us for the kint14
of tOi-notch 1.
Don't .miss this Tremendous Value('
"Yes, Docior ...Wednesday will be finer
When it's time to have the dentist check li,'-4
daughter's teeth, Mrs. Smith naturally mates
for the telephone, that helpful "Indrli&-of-the,
fathily" with the habit of getting things done;
When you look back over your day, it's some-,
times surprising to realize in just how many ..
little ways the telephone has helped you : 4 . how
it adds so much convenience and comfort to ,t
everyday living. ' . 1 .
5211,11F.W11,410.11.441111MilLuur 61w .41,1r",
Loans $150. to $2,500. or more.
Take up to 30 months
to repay on a wide
. selection of loan plans.
Fast, courteous service.
HICKEY HICKEY—At the Wingham Gen-
, era' 'Hospital, on Wednesday,
May 18; 1909, to Mr. and Mrs. Ro-
bert Hickey Winghatn, a son,
1R-ITg)1l,---At the Wingham Gener-
al Hospital, on Sa,tu rclay, May 1,Ci
1909, to Mr. and Mrs. Leo
Luelmovy, a daughter,.
TRASK--At the Wingharn General
Hospital, on Monday, May "1.9,
1959, to. Mr, and Mrs. Jack .Trash,
T.o ucknow, a son,
JOHNSTON— At the 'Wingham
General Hospital,, on Monday,
,May 18, 1.959, to Mr. and Mrs,
Fleming Johnston, R,R, ?, hlttet
vale, a claughter..
SEWERS.—At the Wingham Gen-
eral Hospital on Tuesday, May
19, 1959, to Mr, and Mrs, mae
Sewers, Wingham, a daughter.
WALSH—At the Wingham Gener-
al Hospital, on Tuesday, May 19,
1959, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert B,
Walsh, Wingham, a son.
laTirl:P$ON---At:' tint, Whighanr-Gen- -
eral Hospital, on Tuesday, May
19, 1959, to Mr. and Mrs, Donald
Simpson, Kintail, a son. . •
Mrs. Margaret Ogram and Miss
Reta, of Toronto, spent the week-
end with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Green-
away and family. •
—Mr. and Ars. James A, Sinith.
and Miss Judith .Apps, Toronto,
spent the week-end with Mr. and
Mrs, T, A. Currie.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Lloyd and
sons of Toronto spent the holiday
week-end with his parents, Mr, and
Mrs. C. W. Lloyd.
--,11fr, and Mrs, Ross King spent
Sunday'at the home of her sister,
Mr. and Mrs, Alex Young in Lu-
—Mrs. Francis 'Wormworth of
Arden, Ont,, returned.home at the
week-end after spending three
weeks with her son, Ross and Mrs.,
Wormworth and Ted. Mrs. Worm-,
worth 'took her mother-in-law
home a'nd is spending a weilc at
—Mr, and Mrs, Harry Town,
Miss Mary Louise Town and Mr,
Jim lielski were in Detroit at the
—James Campbell, Charles Rin-•
goul and Mr, and Mrs. Robert
Campbell and son Bruce spent the
week-end with Mr. and Mrs, Al-
bert Rintoul.
—Mr, and Mrs. W. W. Armstrong
returned home on Saturday after
spending several months in Florida.
—Mr, Stan Heisler of Guelph
was in town at the week-end and
visited with several friends.
—Mrs. O'Gorman and daughter
Kathy were weekend visitors -with
friends in Sarnia.
—Mrs. Jack Henderson and Miss
Penny Gerry spent the week-end in
—Miss Edna Mitchell of St, Cath-
arines was a week-end visitor with
her mother, Mrs. Herb.Mitchell.
—Mr, and Mrs. Harry Hawthorne
of London spdnt a few days at the
home of their daughter, Mrs. Mur-
ray .Stainton at the week-end.
They stayed with their grandchild-
ren while Mr. and Mrs. Stainton
attended the Kinsmen convention
in Detroit.
—Mrs. G. W,. Tiffin was guest
speaker at the mother, and daugh-
ter, banquet Wednesday night at
port Elgin United ChurClx and took
part in the , .affiliation service of
the c•am, and the Womaa's
--Mr, and Mrs, Wilford caplick.
and family epent Snuday at the
home of Mr. and ;Nitro, Ross Mc-
Roberts in T.aican,
—Master T'aul Guest spent the
week-end with his playmate, Ross
—.Mrs, D, P, Beinstoeit and Miss
.geleil }jMi'a.aD14.$t•5°.e. 1.cMacNatighton last
of Toronto Vis-
--Visitors at the .week-end with
Mr, and Mrs. Jerry Higgins were
her sister; Mrs. Chas, Webster and
Mr. Webster of Toronto,
—Mr. and Mrs. Otto Demerling
of Harriston were guests on Sun-
day at the home Of Mr. and Mrs,
DeWitt Miller.
—Mr. and Mrs. Clark Renwick,
Mr, John Fitch and Mr. and Mrs.
Jim Fitch visited on Sunday with,
Lloyd Montgomery's.
--.111r, and Mrs, Allister Simmons
of Toronto spent the week-end with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J,
—Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rin-
toul and daughter Heather of , Par-
ry Sound spent the week-end with
Mr. and Mrs, Alex Rintoul.
—Mr, A. Charlton of Hamilton
was a week-end visitor with. ;his
parents, Mr, and Mrs. Walter.
—Mr. and Mrs, L. C, St. George
of Merriton were guests with their
son Bruce and Mrs, St. George at
the week-end.
—Mr. and Mrs, Nelson Nicol .and
family of Madoc spent the week-
end with his sister, Mrs. Fred
Ross and Mr, Ross, •
—Mr. and Mrs. Ted Rose of
Teoswater were week-end guests
with her father, Mr. Robert Chet-
—Mr. and Mrs. George Hender-
son and family spent the week-end
in Detroit.
—Mr. and Mrs, Don Hildebrand
and daughter Mardi spent the holi-
day week-end with her parents,
Dr, and Mrs. Hawkins at their
cottage at Long Point.
—Dr, and Mrs. Bruce Eickmeier,
and son, Ronny, of Burlington,
Spent the holiday peek-end with her
Parents, Mr,' and Mrs. C. B. Armi-
—Mr. and Mrs, Archie Holmes,
Mrs. ,James Henderson, Mr. and
Mrs. James Tatterie and Miss Lin-
da from Brantford, spent the
week-end with Mrs. C. R. Hender-
—Mrs. R. H. Forster, 'of Birning_
ham, Ala., is a giiest at Mrs. E. A.
VanStone's this week.
._Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tucker,
Charles Street, moved on Wednes-
day to Mount Forest, where' Mr:
Tucker has recently received 'a
posting with the Provincial Police.
Mr. and Mrs. Doug, McGowan will
move into the former Tucker home,
—Visitors over the holiday .week;
end with Mr, and Mrs Ed Fitz-
patrick were Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Fitzpatrick and five children, of
London; Mr, and Mrs. Doug. Richey
and two children, of Kingston, and
Mr. Albert Fitzpatrick, of Wallace-
—Mr. and . Mrs, Jack MacMillan
and daughter, of Sarnia, spent Mon-
day with his uncle and aunt, Mr.
Mushroom Dish,
Brunch or Lunch.
Fell' feeds Aave known the .de,
voted Admiration; that mushrooms
have enjoyed down through the
years, The Boman; the Chinese,
the %Japanese, the Frenen and
other. nations after them each
in their turn has discovered and.
prized the '.merits of this fabulous
0001 4110 adopted it as their own,
Today :moshyogthp are more
ular than ever and better than
ever, too. Here in Canada, mush-
rooms are scientifically nurtured
in their 'own' specially built, dark
houses and, ' to. meet the demand,
are available all year around in
fresh and canned form,
One of the most versatile ways
-of preparing mushrooms is in a
medium cream sauce, Either fresh
or ,eanned mushrooms may be
used successfully -in. this recipe,
Creamed Mushrooms .
(3 to 4 servings)
%pound fresh MushrOoms
• -.34, -env -watet:
• 2 tablespoons butter
2 tablespoons flour
% teaspoon salt
cup liquid—part milk and the
'• water off mushrooms
Wash mushrooms (peeling is not
alwaYs necessary) slice or cut
large ones- in pieces 'but leave
small ones whole, Simmer in
water until tender, 4 to 5 minutes,
Remove from, pan. Measure liquid
and adk milk to make 1 cup.
Melt bUtter,• blend in flour and
salt and gradually„pour in liquid,
stirring until sauce thickens, Add
mushrooms, re-heat and serve,
(NOW If desired, use one 10-
ounce can of mushrooms—whole,
sliced or pieces—along with their
liquid, in, place of the fresh 'mush,'
rooms- and water. Do not simmer
as canned mushrooms are all ready
'and Mrs, Stafford Bateson, on
their way home from spending a
few days with other relatives In
—Monty, Trudy and Kim Temple-
man spent the week-end with their
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Bennett, in London,
-Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred Hogan
and family, of Toronto, visited with
relatives in the vicinity at the
week-end and spent Monday with
her brother, Wilfred and Mrs.
White, '
—Mr, and Mrs. Jack Hobden and
,infant son were week-end guests
with her mother, Mrs. Francis Ste.
Marie. Mr. Ron Ste. Marie, of
CoOksville, was also a holiday week-
end visitor at his home here.
—Week-end visitors with' Mr. and
Mrs. Sparling Yeo and guests at
their daughter's wedding on Mon-
day were Mr. and. Mrs. Wilfred
Seddon and family, of North Bay,
,Miss Ruby Theodorffe, of Elm-
wood, and Mr: and Mrs. Jack Cole-
man,: of Port Colborne.
—Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Barkley, of
Toronto, were visitors on Sunday
at the home of. Mr. and Mrs. Harry
—Mr, and Mrs. Duncan McDer-
mid,.Mary, Charlotte and Ralph, of
Niagara. Falls, were week-end •
visitors with her mother, Mrs.
ThOs. Kini, •
• -4-Mr. and Mrs. "Bud" Lockridge
and four children, of Watford, were
guests over the week-end with his
parenta, Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Several Functions
For ,13rido,Elect.
Mx's, Douglas Kennedyi the form-
er Anita Vlach, who was married
on Monday, was guest of . honor at
several parties prior to ter wed,
Mrs, Hugh .Sinnamon of Wing-
ham entertained. the staff of the
Bell Telephone Company when an
occasional .•chair with matohing •
cushions were presented.
Atm Ray G.eisler of Walkerton
was hostess to 30 friends at
iniseellapeous shower for the bride
and Mrs, Hugh Kennedy and Mrs,
Joseph Becker of Teeawater were ,
joint hostesses at the former's
home for a miscellaneous shower
with 25 guests.
TSs 11 R
glamorous-Del Morro Group by
foke rue/
a startling low price!
To be successful, dress the
part • in clothes cleaned
perfectly by us!
There is a difference in dry'
cleaning methods . . and
the diffeience is in your
favor when we do the job!
You'll, like our thrifty
prices, too!
that gets best resultis
Brakes Faulty?
You can't afford to •take chances with faulty,
brakes which could mean property damage --pr.
even worse — human injury or loss of life.
• Sure-fire safety at the tip of your toe is guaran-
ped when you ask us to do a thorough brake
job on your car. It doesn't cost a fortune, either. •
Phone 139 Witightim
Smart new styling and luxtnions comfort are com-
bined in the beautiful new "Del. Morro" creations
by Icroebler. And for extra comfort, there'i the
soft-as-a-cloud cushioning magic 'of Kroehler'e
new "Lux-I-Foam." In beautiful, durable spun
nylon two-toned frieze. Choose now from exciting
new decorator colors!
*Foam rubber auditions at extra eeit. ,
• Choice of Spring-filled or
Foam Rubber Cushions*
• Wide Range of Beautiful Fabrics
and Colors
• Famous Plus-Built Construction
This Week's Pattern
Flared, semi-cape sleeves that
float out from the shoulders are the
highpolnt of interest in this other-
wise simple Joset Walker design.
Wide, without being overpowering,
they broaden the shoulders and
whittle the waist, The neckline,
high and wide In front and back,
further emphasizes the sleeve treat-
ment. The bodice, cut on the bias,
has darts just below the waist for
ease and a good fitting skirt. The
belt is a cummerbund sash, Silk or
rayon crepe, cotton, linen, shan-
tung, sheer wool,"' all make up
beautifully, From this Size chart
select the one size best for you.
Sizes Bust Waist Hips Length*
8 33 23 34 16 in.
10 34 24 35 16% in.
12 85 25 36 16% in,
14 36% 26% 3741 17 in,
16 38 28 30 171.4 In.
'froiri nape of neck to waist.
Size 12 requires 3% yards of 39 in.
Material for dress and 1 yard of 89
in, material for contrast, To Order
Pattern' 5433, State size, send $1.25,
For 308ET WALKER label, send
.25o., For new Jumbo 144 page In-
ternational besigner Pattern Book
B-C, send $1,25, Address 8PADKA,
t/o Norman Hartnell (G'tatiada)
Limited, 214 Main Street, Toronto
13, Ontario, Please allow two Weelta
for delivery, •
(Next Week look for an Interna-
itonal Designer Pattern by Mst-
Copyright 1050,
.4adea Pashiona, Trier ,HONE 106 Si J. Walker WINGHAM.
Walker liome Furnishings