HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-05-06, Page 11Optometrist- " Patrick St., .:Wingham Phone 770. THE n • BYSTUDEBAKER Built in Canada by Canadians Due to the illness of Club President and Director of the show, W. B. Conron, WATCH NEXT WEEK'S PAPER FOR 'NEW DATES Script hy Hob Secord Admission; Adults 75c,. 25c . Tickets now on sale - and may he . reserved Without charge :at Meliihbons Drug Store, • - Proceeds. for Lions Club welfrite work. ".(kris is a Taff-packed show, with a east of local chatneterfi all set to tickle your funny bone, Get your tielietS early! THREE TEAMS IN COMPETITION- Three bowling teams from the Ladies' Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion were in Walkerton oh Thursday whert'67 teams competed in the annual two-day Auxiliary bowling tournament. Mrs. Ted English,. Mrs. Robt, Casemore, Mrs. Jack Orvis, Mrs. Cy Robinson, Mrs. V. Ducharme, and Mrs. Lloyd Dawson made up one of the regular' teams, The second was Mrs, Allan Hafermehi, Mrs. Lloyd Elliott, Mrs, Bob Irvine, Mrs. Keith McLaughlin, Mrs. Lloyd Carter and Mrs. Ted Gauley. A novice team was composed of 'Mrs. 5, Forsyth, Mrs, Geo. Day, Mrs. Alvin Sell, Mrs. Don ..Adams,, Mrs. Ken Sinnamon and Mrs. IiereiGihSon. - ,Lunch and dinner was served and entertainment supplied in the evening. WITH THE SCOUTS , Bob McIntyre, of the First Wing- ham Scout Trodp, broke the flag in the United Church gymnasium under the leadership of Scoutmas- ter Alton Adams on Wednesday night, The Scouts Went to the four cor- ners of the ,room which serve as patrol corners, and the weekly dues were collected. The main attrac, tion of the night followed, in the form of troop ,games. After the games Tom Deyell tied and demonstrated the use of -the "sheepshank'( knot. John Strong gave another demonstration on the tying of the "bowline" knot with one hand, Before lowering the flag the Troop discussed a hike for Sunday afternoon, with the result that it 'was decided a patrol hike would be,' held. Mr, and Mrs, William Busby, Dorothy and Murray of Mildmay spent -Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Walker, We are sorry to report Mr. Mur- ray Montgomery is a patient in Wingharh General Hospital as the result of an auto accident Satur- day night near TecaWater. We wish hint a Complete, and speedy recovery. Mr, and Mrs. Jack Lucas, Lis- towel, called on Ivfr, and Mrs. Ross Coates on Sunday. Mr.' Joseph Brix•Ito of Alberta spent a few days last week bitith Mr. and. Mrs. Lloyd Elliott, We are pleased to report Mr. Elliott is Improving following an attack of pleurisy. Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mts. Verne Clark were Mr. and Mrs,,,,GOrdon Underwood and Mr, and Mrs, Ken Underwood and farally, 'Gerrie; Mr, and Mrs. Bud Stewart and family, Harris- ton; Mr, H. C. .Clark, Mr, jarneS Clark, Mn. Robert Hetherington, BlUeva/o, and Miss Darlene Broth- ers, Wexford, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Brothers, Port Lee, ",J., are holidaying with their parents, Mrs. V. Brothers, and Mr, H. 0, Clark, Mrs, V. 1-11rothers has returned to her home for the sum- mer Months. Mt. and Mrs, WilithaVt Ilietiefraidt Vetawieh, spent art atettroori with, Mit b. W. Rao and Mess Margaret. Iardine, • • . • "." 0.04044)101iir l4l on't Jorge the, BROWNIE COOKIE DAY 9to 0111 V1.0 Saturday, May 9t h • CHILDREN'S PLAY SHOES 11111OWN OR VANILIAA $2.98 0repe oles for 7.00g Wear. you it FAMILY SUOE STORE PHONE 12 'WING HAM 11111111.1.111111011111.1111.111111111.111111.11111111•1111111a CONTINUING. WEOTESDAY rind THURSDAY May 6 and 7 "I *ANT TO LIVE" (Adult Entertaininent) SUSAN HAYWARD—IN HEW ACADESIV AWARD WINNINO ROLF, The True Story of Barbara Graham and • her , Desperate Fight for Life PLEASE NOTE !Adult Admission The: FEATURE SEE HOW THEY GROW • WITH - 'WE STON BRE.A.13 NO BACKACHE!! he's wearing an OTC Back Support MelfIRRONS oral I Drug Store G. ALAN WILLIAMS SOCIAL EVEN% WINOS UP BMA FRESHNESS GUARANTEED REMINGTON'S I:G.A.- • viewing kept al its peak of perfection Your Esso Dealer in Bluevale PHONE 424-J3 WINGHAM All our work is fully guaranteed! Lillow's TV Centre '' Ttstttotatr.mtimzo.,t'eom:::o,e.,,o tl 0, E 184 Oh rtiOthent Eilthrt. TORONTO, ON1. ix.it-a.,t,\e', s,. • umor,6 anti roux mop 'Nine Atldfesi Past ortictr tiROV:gOlaAiginntalti•irMI,M.O. 'paler ii nueurtrusel of "hqer•ti Publicity, dies.Piquet 1,, erailearv. kOr c)iv r :, -fAnit) Ber t ! ram Central Ontario is a land of gay resorts and sparkling lakes. Here you can golf' or laze by the bite Waters, with every comfort within easy reach. Friendliness is in the air and there's a welcome mat out for everyone. have fun la-co. yourself this year. Ue.,00.PAiit4Pt0 loAti -Ptat/ YOU Ell PACK IATO A DAY IN. N irrtt Di .cover Titior tworioriliet•I IL is ' to exptare Ontario by maillimr the COlarms htslOw. Litarai,tfra you Will receive l ucluilae an no-to-dale Hat of !loco?, Yll odt•t ion that sho"ws yoh where'Lo stily al l hr uHte you wool, pay, 1111111111•111•1111111111111M11111111111111111111111111111111111111 WINGHAM LIONS CLUB Saturday ,night saw the finals of the six-Weeks' aeries of howling for Legion members and their wives at the local lanes. Winners of the tournament were Mrs. John Strong, high triple .and Mrs. Ted Galley, high single. Each were presented with a._ glasses, Mac Pea,chey, high triple for the men,. received a tray with the Legion crest and iten Red- mond, high single, won a set of glasses. Ted Gauley and Mrs, Mac Peach, ey eacti, won lighters on hidden scores fOr the evening. Everyone tent to the Legion. Home for lunch, where Mrs. CY Robinson had prepared a delicious meal of barbecued spare ribs, hot rolls and potato chips. Euchre concluded a very pleasant evening, Cy Robinson is ehairman of 'the social committee and has provided the Legion Members and their wives with excellent entertainment each Saturday evening during the past several months. MEET THE ONE THAT . MAKES DRIVING -FUN • Here's 14/2'feet of pure pleasure. Parks proudly -(and easily!) in the poshest places; has-a personality all its own. Livelier, lovelier, lower in cost—seats -6 in comfort' —gives marathon mileage on regular- gas.. Available in V8 or 6 cylinder models. , An exciting combination of sense and sophistication. Drive it and see . ert Armstrong gingham, Ont. Phone .1151 Congratulations to MR. J. M. A MSTRONG Q.0 Mr. Wriligtrting, Wssistant General Manager and TruAt departnient Manager, was recently elected President of the Trust Companies Assad** tion of Canada at its annual meeting. Cot torgivoittonsmil tisk Ad.sh614 tt0,1y4. :krylistroiit ot Wit stiotpeol • to this bionoftant m* IN9 TRE SHOW P rounded In 1811 ireful ()trio STRATFORD FRIDAY and SATURDAY May $ and 9 • ."MARDI GRAS" (Technicolor)" pin$ "PLUNDER ROAD" Pat Boone and Christine Carer° Life Is worth living at the Mardi Gras where anything can happen and usually does. MOM, - 'TLS. WED. non May 11, 12, 19, 14 "The Defiant Qnes" Tony Curtis and Sidney Foitier Stanley Kramer's Latest, a Drama of Great, Significance, Academy Award Winner for Best Story and. Screetr Play ,HOCKEY DANCE—Members of the Wingham Crawford Dodgers, their wives and frionds, held rt victory 'hockey darree at the Royal T last, Tuesday evening.' Shown in the picture as they were congratulated by team menthers are left to right, et-lac/ John Crows stronSOir, Len Crawford; manager, Chas. Lee and team. captain Murray $Minton, Russ. Farrier, left b ackgroenti was a member of the hand---A-T Photo. Give your family the most in TV pleasure with our • maintenance. It makes,,,the difference between just- ordinary reception and the finest possible viewing. • If your Tv needs an in-shop repair, we'll loan you an- other set 'fill it's fixed. WROXETER Mr, Dave. Draper, 'Toronto, was a Saturday visitor in the village. Mr, and Mrs. Lyle Brothers and family of Wexford spent the week- end with relatives.' Mr. and Mrs. Lyle flait and Pat- ti, Listowe1, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Hart, Mr, joseph Ellul and family,. of Toronto, also Mr, and Mrs. Clar- ence Clement and Danny spent the week-end at their homes hero. Mrs. Clement remained for this week„ Mr. and Mrs. William Westlake, Mr. 'and Mrs. Harry Westlake, Bet- ty, Janis and Patricia ,of Sanford were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Wade and Mr. and Mrs. George Westlake. Mr. and Mrs, Russell Walker spent„the,,,, week-end„,,, with theit daughter, Mrs. Wilfred Weppler, Mr. Weppler and Mrs. Freda McDonald, London, and Mr, and Mrs, William Bush- nell, Lavack, spent a few days last week with Mrs. Harry Dane, Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Bradshaw, Mrs, R4 Newton and Miss Nancy Newton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, William Newton, Byron. Mrs. 'Lloyd Elliott and Bonnie Lynne visited Sunday With the for- mer's mother, Mrs. Henry Weber, Harriston, who is, ill. Mrs. Jessie Koch and Miss Ha- zel Snarling visited Friday evening with the forrrier's parents, Mr. and CKNX BMW HOLD ANNUAL BANQUET The , CKNX bowling league held its annual banquet at the Paisley Inn on Monday, evening when a steak dinner 'was served. Highlight of the evening was the awards to the league winners. The "ket-to-Be's" won, the team cham- pionship. Johnny Crewson is the captain, with Colin Campbell, Dick 'Weber, Mrs. Jack -Gorbutt and Mrs, John Langridge, on the team. The men received steins and the ladies were presented with cups and saucers. Hap Swatridge had the high av- erage for the men for the year and his prize was an ash tray. Run-, ner-up Ross Hamilton received al telephone set. Mrs. John Lang7, high average for 4Ini. ladies -during the season, won a cream and sugar set. and Mrs. Hap Swat- ridge, runner-up,, a candy dish, Mrs. Jack Gorbutt with the high Single received perfume and John 'Krug, high single for men got a set of ash trays. During the election of officers Colin Campbell was named trea- surer, Score-keepers and rules committee chairmen are Ian Mac Laurin and Elmer Purclon and Mrs. Langridge and Mrs. Swatridge were appointed to the lunch com- mittee. Mrs, Dick Weber and Bill Bryson make up the prize committee and Johnny Crewson will be in charge of the next banquet. Lucky number draws were made and each persoa present received a bowling glass. A sing-song and cards concluded a most pleasant evening. Mrs, Henry Sage, Listowel. AT DUSK Two Shows Nightly Cartoons at every performance THURSDAY and FRIDAY May 7' anti 8 "HIGH' SCHOOL HELL CATS" Yvonne Lime anti Bret Halsey Teenage Problem Programmer "HOT ROD GANG" john Ashley and. Judy Fair A true story of today's Youth, SATURDAY, MAY 9th `APACHE TERRITORY' ,('Technicolor)' Rory Calhoun, Barbara Bates 1,000 Hells at PaPago Wells "GOING STEADY" Molly hoe and Alert Reed Here's the movie your Whole fart' fly is gonna loVe. .75 MONDAY mad TUUSDAY May 11. and 11 "TARNISHED ANGELS" (Adult Entertainment) Rock Hudson, booby Malone ii'lie limning Here50 Of Their Age .11111411110111iIiiii11161111111,111111111111111110 Wearresihry Night League The end of the league schedule With standings as they stood on Apri.1 28. Magpies, 6214 points; 'Orioles, 53; Robins,. 521/2 ; Wrens, 49; Bluebirds, 43; Canaries,, 41, High, single T. Rowse% 313; high triple, G. Mae- Laurin, 668 (spare), Runner-up, 'Single, Irene Perrott, 210; runner- up triple, Thelma. Rowsell, 660; Tuner-up triple, Sharon Brown, 624. Playoffs Bluebirds, 9,413; Robins, 0,272; Orioles, 8,851; Wrens, 8,263; Can- aries, 8,231; Magpies, 8,106. 1.Iigh Strong, 80; runner- up, Marion thclerWOod, 2'1 ; high triple, Marianne McKibben., 660; turiner.up, ;Dolores reachey, 861. The league will hold a banquet ti -night (Wednesday) to finish off tile"teaann.