HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-05-06, Page 93
$5.70 •Gal.
. $1.63 Qt.
No. 1 Quality Paint..
ff ff ff ff
• . . • .....
1956 DODGE
,rwo four-door sedans, in 4lice condition.
1956 BUICK
Two-door hard top, two-tone, A-1 condition.
4-door sedan, a one owner tar and is in 'tip-top shape
and is clean as a whistle inside and out.
1955 DODGE
Four-door sedan. This is a one-owner car, Black' iinft
White two-tone in top condition.
Four-door sedan. This is an older ear belt is in Sur-
prisingly nice condition,
This car has ail the extras and is in goiid running
Come in and see these used cars of
quality today at
Your Dodge, DeSoto and Simi% Dealer
Phone 710 Wingham
Aluminum .. ......... $12.00 Square
3 in 1 Asphalt Shingles ... $ 9.25 Square.
House Paint
Fresh Cement
in stock now
There are excellent highways In
the La,urentians as well as in 'the
other distripts of Quehee. Total
length of 'Quebee's• highWays and
roads exceeds 52,0Q0 miles.
Why be tied to a clothesline?
Put small items, such as
handkerchief's, and gloves„
in a mash.drawstring.bag ,
for washing and drying„to
prevent lo8s,
Is yours 4 LIVE BETTER ELEctiltcALLY.
.Ssoopti.iWho Shop in WinShontRood.ThoAdvanoOlotio FATHER TAKES PART
GORRI4—Thc "Rev, 3. Bwart
ciarit wins inducted into the pastor
ate of the Carrie and WroXeter
United Chnrehes at an IhnPreesive
service in Got.* 'United Cu'heh
en Friday evening.
Taking part were .pis father, 04
Rey, Jelan Clark of Centralia, who
gave the address to his son and
conducted the installation, and
the father of Mrs, Clark, the Rev.
A, J, I.,ove, retired supply minis-
ter, of Trinity 'United Church, in
Rev, Harold Snell, of Exeter, ad*
dressed the cdngregation. Also
taking part In the service were
the Rev, A. F. Gardiner of Ford-
with United churcil and the Rey.
J. W. MO Gorrie, who has
"be.e'ri StiOlYilielif 'the tlYti'elfilfoll
es since last July,
A reception followed, at which
introductions were made by Leo-
nard Rattan and Harvey Sparling
of Gorrie and Allan Monroe and
.Leslie Douglas of Wroxeter. Re-
freshments were served by the la-
Mr, and Mrs. Clark have one
Child and were formerly stationed
at New Lowell, Simeoe County,
The Guild of St. Martha will
meet on. Wednesday.evening at the
home •of Mrs. John Stafford, •
The Rev, E, C, Attwell attended
the annual Synod of the :Diocese
of Huron meeting at St. Paul's
Cathedral, London, on Monday and
Tuesday, Lay delegates attended
on TuesdaY.
Mr, and Mrs. William Blackwell
of Drayton visited Mr, and Mrs.
Ivan Felker on 'Sunday. Mr. Lorne
Blackwell has taken a position at
the Stephens'. cold storage. •
Mr, and Mrs. Edson Riley, Lea-
mington, spent the week-end at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Justin
Miss Verdella Metcalf of Guelph,
and Mrs. D. J. Metcalf of Paisley
were recent visitors with Misses.
Emily and Beatrice Potter,
Sympathy is eSs.t.erscled to Miss.
Annie Murray in the death of hes
sister, Mrs, (Mary) Cooper, Ta.
gaska, Sask.
Mr, and Mrs. James Waddell, of
Listowel, Mrs. W. MeCrackin
Misses Violet and Viola MeCrack-
in were Sunday guests of Mrs. A.
Thornton., Mrs. Chas, Lake and
Joy of Ethel, spent Monday at the
same •honse.
ss Davidson,
Listowel, visited, Mrs. Winnic
Scott of Owen Sound on 'Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs, R. Stephens ant
family, Mrs. A. Stephens and Mist
Evelyn Ann Stephens visited Mr
and Mrs, Mervyn Stephens of God-
`erich on Sunday.
Mn and Mrs. Delmer Dilworth
Karen and Roger of Ethel visitec
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 'Bar.
old Hyndman on Sunday.
Mr. 'Thomas Grant, or Moles-
worth, spent a couple of days with
Mr, and Mrs, Archie Miller.
Mr. and Mrs. Cass Thompson
.Harriston, visited Mr. and Mrs. AI.
Ian Hyndrnan on Sunday,
Miss Ruby Taylor, London, spent
the week-end with relatives. •
Mr. and Mrs. Stan Gowdy of To.
ronto were week-end guests with
the Irwin families, Mr. Jack Ir.
win , of TOronto also visited here
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Espouses
and daughter Anne moved recent•
ly to the 'farm they purchased frorr
Ernest Dinsmore. Natives of Den.
mark, they had lived about one
mile east of their present home or
Highway $7. •
The family of Mr. and Mrs. Leo•
nard Ruttan spent the afternoon
of Sunday at the home of thou]
parents, the occasion being the
birthday of their mother, Mrs. Rut
tan and of her grandson, Garr;
Ruttan of Corbetton. There were
Mr. and Mrs. Beverley Breast
(nee Sandra Miller) were honored
at a. large gathering in the Gorrit
etarlmtinity hall on Friday evening
Miss Rath Toner read an address
and they were • presented with a
gift of money 'by Harry Gibson
and Mrs. Alvin Grainger, The
evening was spent in dancing tc
the =isle of Tiffin's orchestra.
Mr. and Mn.s T, V. Edgar, Faye
and Lynne spent Saturday with re.
natives and attended the funeral 01
the late Harry Dane of Wrizneeter,
.f'riend's will be sorry to knots
that Mr. Thomas Short is a patient
in 'the Listowel Hospital.
Mr, and Mrs, Peres., Ashton visit.
ed ,Sunday.afternoon with Mr, and.
Mrs, Edgar Dahill near Mildrnay, .
Mr. Jilt Geishant of Torontor
Spent the Week-cild With relatives
1M 13 II Bartbrs of Ha/Miters
Visited hoe' Mother, Mrs, Bertha.
Nati(' on Sunday,
Mr. and Mrs, ti, W, nano Of TO
tenth, spent from Friday to Sufi"
day with Mr and Mrs. NOttail
Mrs. John Day oflyingham.sup-
Plied in the St. Helens school last
week while. Miss Johnson Was ill.
Miss Gwen Cooper, chosen : queen
of the Lucknow and. District High
School, and her mother, -Mrs. Har-
old Cooper, were in London on
Friday as guests Of the Free Press,
when 69 members of the Queens'
Club, representing all parts of
Welstern Ontario, visited the CitY.
The ladies are reminded of , the
Women's Institute this .Thursday
aftPinoon," ' s'al't; •GardOing
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Miller and
Larry of London were week-end
visitors with relatives here.
The sacrament of the Lord's
Supper was observed in the United
Church on Sunday. Mr. Frank Mc-
Quillin was received into the ,mern-
oership by certificate and Gladys
McDonald, Wynn de Eder, Terry,
Wilson' and Bernardus Severs by
profession of faith. Next Sunday
is Mother's Day and the Sacra-
ment of baptism will be obserVed.
We are sorry •to report that little
Brenda Lippert has 'been a patient
in the, Children's War Memorial
Hospital, London.
Friendship Circle
Make Plans for Tea
GORRIE-'-The April .meeting of
the South. PrientdShip Circle , was
held at the home of Mrs. Willard
Peel. The devotions were conduct-
ed by Mrs. Alvin Grainger, who
chose a topic on "Behold a' Sower".
Mrs. Lorne Robinson read ' the
Scripture from Mark 4.
During the business further
plans were discussed for the tea
and sale to be' held in the Gorrie
United Church this month,
Special Seriiice
At St. Stephen's
GORRIE—Mernbers of the Jun-
lee Auxiliary and of the Church
Boys' League attended the service
.n St. Stephen's Church on Sun-
day afternoon, occupying the front
seats, The rector, Rev. E. C. Att-
well, chose as his subject "The
good seed 'bringeth forth good
fruit", in keeping with Rogation
Day. He stressed the importance
of good seed being sown in one's
youth, and of Bible reading and
study if one would live a useful
sod fruitful life later on.,
Mr, Attweil dedicated the Junior
kuxiliary banner and the girls
were presented' with stripes and
'he :boys with crests 'for work done
:luring the winter. They organiz-
xl in the autumn with Mrs. Att-,
well as leader of the girls and Mr.
Attwell as leader of the boys,
Wade and attended the funeral of
the late Mr. Harry Dane,
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Broad and
family of Uxbridge visited the for-
seer's sister, Mrs. Fred Feigel 'and
Mr. X'eigel on Sunday.
Mrs, Robert 'Graham, Mr. James
Douglas and Mrs, W. E. Whit-
field Were in ,Ha,rriston on Sunday
owing to the serious illness of Mrs.
Alex MeRenzie, who is 4 Sister of
Mrs, Graham and Mrs. Douglas,
Mrs. Gordon Underwood, Mrs.
Norman, Mrs, 'Harry Xing, Mrs.
Verne Clark and Rev, 8., C. Att-
Well were hi Meaford oh Wednes-
day tfee the regional Meeting of the
Huron Diocesan Chancel Guild In
Christ Church.
The Woman's IVfissIOnarY Soci-
ety will hold Its annual CA= re-
affiliation in the Gorrie United
Church On Thureday,,May 7 at Sad
Program committee, Mrs.
Gerald Galbraith, Mrs. 1', CPR/At-
ka and Mrl, W. J. nirct
any worthwhile
for..... ....
one to.
three years
more than 800 branches
providing specialized personal loan
- service since 1936.
Winglitun Branch
INDUCTED AT GOMM—Rev, Jr. L'wait Clarke, centre, was inducted as Minister of Gerrie United
Church at a special service on irriday evening. Pictured with Rev. Clarke are his father-in-law, Rev. A. J.
Love, of Hamilton, left, a former pastor of 'the Wro xeter Methodist Chureh, and iris father Rev. a. T.
Clarke,- of Centralia, both of whom assisted at the in duction. The minister and his family arrived in
Gorrie last Friday from their former charge at New Lowell, near Barrie, Ontario.—Advance-Times photo.
Township Hall BLUEVALE, ONT.
Thursday May 7th 1959
a.m. Afternoon 1.15 P•m•
Eiening session 7.30 in the Wingham District
High School
Adjudicator -1- Dr. 0. Roy Fenwielr, Toronto
lliusio Supervisor — Mrs. Nora Moffatt
Thoroughness — Ability — Time, tested
Phone 37 for appointment
• *
A clothesline ties you down to weather-watching. But an
automatic electric clothes dryer has its own "indoor sun-
shine," It frees you from the drudgery of lugging heavy
baskets of Wet wash to the line—it dries your clothes the
way you want them—damp-dry "for, ironing, or completely
dry 'for folding away—and it does all this automatically
for less than five cents! There's a, treat in store for you the
first time, and, every time, you use an automatic electric
clothes dryer.