HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-05-06, Page 84. TENDER FOR CAFETERIA AND KITCHEN EQUIPMENT HURON COUNTY HOME, CLINTON, ONTARIO Tenders for the supply of cafeteria and kitchen equipment for the new addition to the Huron County Home, Clinton, Ontario, will be received by the under- signed until 4:00 p.m., Tuesday, May 26. 1959. , Tenders are to be in a sealed envelope, `clearly marked "Tender—Cafeteria and Kiichen Equipment". All details and specifications may be secured from the undersigned. Lowest or any tender, or part thereof, not neces- sarily accepted. JOHN G. BERRY, Sec.-Treas., Huron County Home Committee, Court House, Goderich, Ontario. CLASSIFIED ADventures THURSDAY and FRIDAY " May 7 and, 8 "GOOD MORNING, MISS DOVE" (Colour) (Cinemascope) Robert Stack Jennifer; Jones (Two cartoons) . SATURDAY and MONDAY 9 and 11 - DOUBLE FEATURE - "BANDIT , OF ZHOBE" (Colour) (Cineniascope) Victor Mature -- Anne Aubrey • . , "FORBIDDEN ISLAND" ' Jon Hall( -- 24a C°194rn)'idari' (One Cartoon) TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY May.12. and 13 "PARIS HOLIDAY" (Colour) (Chiemascope) Bob Hope -- Anita Ekberg (Two Cartoons) TWO SHOWS NIGIIII.Y Rain or Clear First Show at Dusk Children under 12 in cars Free Illt1II IIIIIII11111111111111111111111 RMERS OUTFITTING Store 1FORMERI1JV PIIIRIPON"S LADIES': VirEAlt) The WO rktnan's Shopping Centre E E '.Soft Drinks ORK CLOTHES • • Saturday to all d Customers PLAQUE PRESENTED-Mrs. Vl, Woods and MisS Louise Jeffersoicteaphers"rit.thelkelgr aye- schnol, -are Plethred above as they were presented' iia plagne'by WS. Procter, on .belialt;otthi,Belicrlivn Women's Institute for the best rhythm band competing in th e"Belgrave , •. TOP SWGERS-Dwight Gibson, Brian Travis and B rube Currie Werp;the;top nintiera ht -the-Boys' 14 and under competition of the Beigrave Music Festival list Thursday' and Friday: They won an d second prizes, respectively in their class, which included . 29 ; entries;, and • sang --,"Canadian Camping Song", BROVVNIE'S DRIVE-IN THEATRE CLINTON, ONTARIO Featuring the .Largest Wide Screen in Huron County HONOL'R.S---Linda Brans centre, placed first in the. elaSs' 11 oC.the‘ritelgrave' MUSIC-. Festival last Friday with her rendition of °In the Tree- sung' b y 31 girls -11 Years' =old tiaider,--- Grace' Broniley left, and Linda Coultas, right were second and third in 'the' competition, ' TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY May 15 rilid 6 "NOR MOON BY NIGHT" Colour Belinda. tee, Michael Craig FESTIVAL WEnNERS--Three more winner's in the Belgrave Magic Festiva *filch *cliktid till 'With Fatal numbers at the Wingham; District High School In the evening were, left to right, Ruth Michle, Lids and. Grace 'Mothers. The girls placed second, Brat and third respectively in the dates for Orli 14 years and tinder. They sang °Bouquet of Rosemary". THURSDAY and FRIDAY May I and 8 "THE LIEUTENANT WORE SKIRTS" Colour Cinernateope Sherry North, Toni Ewell SATURDAV And MONDAY May,9 and it DOUble Feature "THE LONE RANGER" Cohnir Clayton. Moore, Say Silverheets `Terror' In A Texas Town Sterling Itayclen, Carol belly ttAiiiltiAit and 'bray it and it "THE MAN \ IN THE GREY FLANNEL SUIT" ColOur Cinertlastope begot y Veelt„ Jennifer ,fogies 001114nled front page one After receiving this information council debated the problem for rientle tittle. The eoSt of new stand- airda Was generally* frit to be more than council waoted to spend. HOwoVen, the ,problem of the pre- sent standards creating s3 hazard to parking was Vetialdered and It was felt sonletning moat be done alaout the mattet. Oh faction of Callan and Na- smith connell 'filially deckled to re- quest the Public': Coltimia- sion 1e install nen; follr-foot crescent lightS no eNisting Star,i- ards and to have the standards moved, bake rorUler front the.road- Sway Where neerrsary. Paint 'rolvit Council disenszed eleaning up the le'goIt'ed-TO''''SSIt the citizens of Wingham to snake every effort to clean, up refuse on private properties by the first of June, and to place a notice In the newspaper to that effect. While still considering the im- provement of the appearance of the• conimunity, which Included the new- street lights, it was also decided that the town hall should be painted. Refore such painting is commenced prices will be ,ob- tained on the cost of removing the tower from the building. It is felt that the tower is no longer safe and that the building would look much better if the toWer was re- moved, The cost of painting would be reduced and Maintenance in future would be loW-er it the toWer Were taken drnen. A petition requesting council to take action in the case of a build- ing on Charles Street being used to house livestock was read by the clerk, The petition wan signed by ratepayers. Thig problem and other similar situations were discussed by coun- cil and the clerk was instructed to confer with the town solicitor to ascertain the legal aspects of the Card from Mayor The acting mayor, Reeve Roy Adair, had the clerk read a letter which had been received from Mayor MoKinney, who is at present on holiday in Europe. A letter thanking council for a donation was received from the Listowel Disaster Fund, and a letter of thanks for a grant was also 'receiv- ed froin, the Wingharri Retarded 'Children's :Association, A letter from, the City of Lon- don was read, asking for support of resolution requesting that muni- cipal councils have more control Wedneadq., Ms. over the .expenditure of school boards and other groups,' which r equire councils to Vitae rilonen. COI-Inch supported the resolution on Motion of Kerr and Buchanan, Callan and lidoellantui moved that Ceurkell once again pay the animal fee to the lYfimicipal Officers' As- sociation and send delegates to meeting at Varna, Connell also decided to send delegates to meeting on the question of park- ing Meters, passed for paYtnent large Aillinlier St tteditints its pre- sented by the 01MM-in of the fire- tiCe committee, Warren Callan. The dloWer pots which bane been f hung oil the Main Street letup posts Were also ondered to be put in place this year. The resignation of George Car- ten town foreinah, was told and discussed, but Wes not Illititediate- '1Y' aceelittdr.-- •• ••• ••• • totters ftein the beprittinent of Planning and DevelopMent and from Thomas Henderson regarding the 'Henderson sub-division were read by'' Cleriz#iliain Renwick. The information _from the depart- ment Was to the effect that before final plans for the sub-division could be npploVed, certain require- ments Would h'at'e to be Met' by Mr-lietulersoh and the town. Mr. Heridersoreg letter Met these re- quirements :mod on 'Motion was passed Stating. that Site'h Was the ease Which, Will lit .forWarded to the depat'titielit. PROTECT YOUR LINENS FROM STORE DUST Every housewife lies in her clos- et a store or linen articles which she doeS licit lige Veit Often--,-a da- bleak tableekitti gettot tWeiVe, col- ored hod sheets and pillolveases or en-throb:10,6cl guest toWeis that were part of her hope chest. Keeping these ready for use is a pidblern because dust leaVes marks at the -cornett and along the folds, Polythene bags or sheets are ideal to protect this seldom-used linen. Polythene's translucency makes it. oloasible to Select at a glance the needed article. And the pileS oil the closet shelves need not lose their heat appearance since this plastic wraps smoothly around the precious linens. An- other gocid idea is to store wool blankets hi belytherie bags to prated therli against moths. Af- ter the clean blankets have been placed in the bags, as much air as possible should be forced out and the loose ends gathered with an elastic band. Make Books from Christmas Cards WROXETER.--The Buds of Pro- mise Mission Band of the United Church held their regular menthly meeting in the church School room after school on Wednesday with 22 members and their leaders, MrS Durst and Mrs. i. Edgar, pre- rit. The thildren enjoyed a game of musical chairs and then quiet it by Mrs. Darst at the piano called the meeting to order and the devotions began with the call to worship by the president, iird pin. 'tie Mission Band hymn Was sling and the: inetnbers repeated the 'Purpose; which waS followed by the Scripture lesson, taken trend St. John and read by Ronnie En. liott and Jeannie IldWps led in prayer- Roll cell WW1 responded to by staining a spring flower.,, The offering, received by Rickey Clarke arid Rickey Elliott, Was dedicated by the President. Louise Edgar read the treasurer's report, showing a balance of $11.ef of hand Instead of having the usual angry from the study. book, a Work see= sion vra.s held, during which the children made bodics Frain' hsed Chtliturftli earda Which Are RI be sent to children in the hesaNtel, Clothing Boots is Shoes - Sundries Ladies' and Children's Ready-to.wear Upstairs. • Our Large Quantity 'Thiying Permits Us To Sell Cheaper, , 111111811111111111Minialens.„ TENDER FOR LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT HURON COUNTY HOME, CLINTON, ONTARIO Tenders .for the supply of laundry equipment for the new addition to the Huron County Home, Clinton, Ontario, will be received by the undersigned until 4:00 p.m., Tuesday, May 26, 1959. Tenders are to be in a sealed envelope, clearly marked "Tender for Laundry Equipment". All details and'specifications may be secured from the undersigned. Lowest or any tender, or part thereof, not neces- sarily accepte/L JOHN G. BERRY, Sec.-Treas., Huron County Home Committee, Court House, Goderich, Ontario. Mild Wed P6iitille 'Ma:MPS Were also .0004 for sending tei the.Uthle SOciety, iirnkileMOMS, the Wald 11.rierid$ seeretary, distributed the copies and the ,fiteating WAS 'brought to a elOad with the singing of a hyinn and repeating the Writ. Pait benediction, Commonplace courtesies In ev-, eryday` life sd h at the holding open of a Wring door for another Shol4eri-weal to have eorepare, birchY few COUtkteitarts eti the high Way, Pethapa that Is Why an Act of driVitit CoilltegY Its so par- ticularly ntlpreciated, totranents the Onterld BifftY tAtkue, 1 Cec Walpole Folding FLOOR Aluminum Aluminum WALL AWNINGS SASH TILES DOORS LUMBER — BUILDING -- CUPBOARDS Telephone 260 Wingham For The Best REERMERATION & ELECTRICAL SERVICE — CALL — JACK KERR Phone 608 J 22 Wingham Specializing in SEALED-r-NIT REPAIR AND C031-1tERCIAL REFRIGEKATION REPAIR N TO SERVE YOU WITH DELICIOUS I Frozen Custard 0111111WIL1163111111•11.1i111•111111111t ISIIIIRINITILIIIIIIIIIII1111111111111111111111tra • it _ Q .11111i I Fr .., . DRIVE-, • . N # .i. , # i 7#7 i ....-: 'HAMBURGERS' 'FOOT LONGS' ill 'FRENCH FRIES' AND OTHER DRIVEnIN SNACKS Is Now Open Even Afternoon and Evg. Beginning Thum, MU from 3 o'clock on U • At 1 ~1 1 71 t ii ll E ll l i/ I1 ( ~t E • Drive in Arid See Us titiciionittinutorationirtattitmotiosir 1 111 n . . - • 4 4111.011111PIPPOPPIPMRIPW • LlashMap DRIVE-IN THEATRE Listowel, Ontario Two Shows Nightly Rain, or Clear Box Office Opens at 8.00 o'clock First Show at Dusk ' Children Unch4 12 in Cars Free Cartoon at Each Performance , tl