HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-05-06, Page 7--trz•st•,--st-s c Mini/barn irnes WiNOROIr, ONTARIO, WiRDNESRAY; MAY, Oh, OW Dr. Jarnei$B mentioned Religion tp he,h in Red CrOSs 'Drive 10 CHIEF Palmeee •naine was drawl a DANGER pn TUPSday eirening of last week when "the „Whighain Brapoh, No. 1.110, Canadian 'Lotion, Made lita regnkar inen:thcralijn" draW. Mr, Palmer was not preaent the' meeting to .claint his yrixe. . . 'It' wag decided that the Legion would •purchase a radio; and 'tick-. :Os would be 400: in aid of the Juvenile Hockey' team. The draw will probably he :Made on television with the 'date, to he• announced later,- l • ' - • A regort on the fled gross Can- Yeas held ;4n Match disclosed that the local branch ihad collected over' 41;10010 'Ihte- The Ladies' •Anicillary will cater to the annual VE Day beneuet te be held on' May 8th-ift 'seven b'cloelt.' The gueSt speaher, for the ,occasion will be Leglinf..:'Fielti ,, Organ4er Reg, Cleator ..Toronto. Twenty 25-yeNt. membertihli):'Piiis, he presented at the-' ,banquet. While progress is tilling made, taberenlosis continues fo be the number one public health menace in Canada, Pr, Wm, Sigkrp4i ffiALIPPr- intQndeot of link Satetaiiinn•teld members of the HUM County Tuberculosis Association, The pc- motion was the annual meet* of the association which folleWedjilh- ner in Armstrong's ,Restaurant. Vaeter on Monday evening: The danger in the •disease IS the apathy with which it is regarded by the public TB kills more Peo- ple than the total of all other in- fections diseases,' with the excen• tion .of influenza,. Although the death rate ,has decreased, there ltre 'alhit8t Marty -admissions today to sanatoriums -as in the past, At the moment 'admissions are at the rate of 10 per day in Ontario; Dr, Sharpe said, The speaker placed emphasis on the necessity of continued testing as a means of prevention, Recent trends in planning programs of TB Prbveation give tubercular testing an important place, lie said. It is Clear that if the entire population were given a tubercular skin test, smile .00 per cent would show in- fection, although in .only 'five per cent would the disease become ap- parent: ' The Well-attended meeting heard reports indicating progress made by the association during the past year. A grant of $5,000 was giv- en Goderich Hospital and-reh011i- tation and• social service work in connection with patients and ex- patients of Beck San coat $390, More than 1,000 persons received free X-rays 'at hospitals in Sea- forth, •Goderich, Exeter, VVinghans and •Clinton, at a cost of $3,340. The Christmas Seal campaign raised $12,476,95, an increase of 3.0 per cent over the Previous year.. Amounts raised 'by the var- ious communities were: 'Seaforth, $999.25, up $60; Goderich, $2,203.75, up $150; Clinton, including RCAF, $1,579.20, up $120; Wingham,- $1,- 569.75, up $142; Brussels, $834,40, up •$579; •Zurich, $374.75 up $50, and Blyth and Londesboro;$506, The average age of the 14 Huron men admitted to the San during the past five years was 57,, And of the Jig„ women, 56, years, At pres- ent,• there...Are three men and two 'women from Huron in the San, IgeDerrnott, pf ,Fordwich, was named president, succeeding 11.: Glenn Hays, Q,Ce of Gbderich• and•urging;hiCeentAllOcl, effOrte' in. Other officers are: horfoistry. Pteale regni.C.;"••••• • ' i dent, Judge Frank .Fingland; hen Egrondvilie; ntia1 Sotiaol !of 41X Univer- sity tot-Western" nta,r1o. {rpm June 1.6','to19, 'and ask'e'd ninny ministers as iioi:Sible Thisf was. tbe.jast,ineeing for the summer' Council of Churches .,.. 1•111.i p gs •1441,i• ?iik.PAW6i;5. .tP'•••S°'1:Ta•- ticizi ...4iny..:01til#1,**rii!gitittA, It 4• = , Owt; ,w4)6h produced much ' A.,lettex Wit'S:•ieti:dtroM the Luck now Ministerial4sSociation, .It Was .i'cOpy- one WhiCh had been sent to seSPUbliihing, ebinpany, in Toronto,' sObjeCtingste the ,obscene printed 'matter distributed In this 'by tha't company The Council of'Churches endOrsed, the letter ;and. ite0.44. 6i.:We'n'd. a letter trO'fine'4tteineeifernethe Hon, Kelso-1Onerts, ;cealnending ,}nn for,;:the.^. Bp tbin'.!:hei;cg...tiaken lay 'his departailient:'-t.o?!,StOP the; ,flOw of such material ,Ontn:m4. bP"c4sCarlds and col:merlin46M, Dr Niniuio extended best wishes• to two ''aie leaving the.'sO/k h to"of I;Ph desbor* .w4iti 10 , retiring, and Rev. C'• • who Will take tip, a new ..eberge the lake7 head''..area: ,;,northwe4ern On- tako. ".. : : x•rr..:; % TAKE ATURE OBSCE Rev Lefille, Elder ,' of . Seaforth was ,host to the Wingliani and Dis- trict' ,Connbli Qf,Cliurchei,,for reialer meeting on Monday of this week, knifeinid'ildt4d the devotions., Dr. Alexander' Nitumb reported that :Rev.: Dr.:Savage. of Pontiac, Mich be.in e.WInghaM for a public, service, on.. 'Monday, May ,18, the.tinne 'and place tobe announced, Legion. Reports $1400 PUBLIC APATHY ' .• orary ;treasurer," H. C. Lawson, Clinton;- first vice-president, J. E. McKinley, Zurich; second vice- gresidents,A I, Stewart, Seaforth, executive •conned, E. B, Menzies, Clinton; Elgin R6Wcliffe, Hensall; P,•IS, McConnell, Seatorth; Russell Knight,, Brussels; W. B. Cruick- shank, Wingham; auditors, B. C. Boswell and W. E. Southgate, Sea- forth. The executive- secretary is 'Mrs. J, B. Russell, Seaforth Walkerton Service' Gordoh ,Leggitt, Norman Kent- i $r ./jarry: MCArthur, and Herbert Fuller .repesented :the Wingham 'Age• at 'the' Masonic Bruce Dis- trict Church •parade in Walkerton on, Sunday afternoon. The service was held in St. Paul's United. Church with Rev. Ero, R. R. •Conner, district chap- lain, as the speaker. 'His theme was "Building unto God". The choir, composed of Masons, sang "How Great. Thou Art". The four men from Wingham, sang in the choir. . . NOV EXECUTIEVii, '105)17-aisittrset'bfficsesis 'Was•:44e4t94 44.141S, rb.'Fifs sP._ sals,„$ret!§14M., ilsrurr at the regular Kinsmen .Club meeting last Friday. The new officers • Stainton; registrar; Mt.rray Gerrie, Stewart "..1,,eedaam, Bob are left to right, front row: Ivan Gardner, second ,vice-president; directors and Matt Boyd, secretary. The new Officers will be Installed Fred Templeinta, first vice-president; Jim Currie, President; bilurray in September.—Advance-Times photo, by Provincial Constable, "Bob" Lewis . .• Despite all the publicity that hag the'road Will'inaAtellt. a safer place been given to the, recently inaugurs lox glI cif,us ;.• ated Driver Demerit Points Sys-, ' kcoiniMon.,MitieOnception, tern I find, talking to people around ingjther!,peiritOi_system is ;•:that' fists w cohuontryside, that-there are ap-- have 12', point's • and ic)11'*613ch ei- parently a great number of motor- .fence ,are knock- have little or no idea .0.1, ectSuff the. 'Actnally. the. re-, the workings of the systeni, For •eeees ,case; You sfart'e;if that reason this week I will, to the • nene atia. . thepants are best of my ability, explain the' .iiviarCle&L eaeh time, opirvi4ioi,i,is .1' system to those interested. • ,Xegistered- fdr'-an' offenee 'cOvered ' " ' the/ aysystemsSO ,if ' that s y First, the system Is not designed :by • • • ' to snatch away your drivingspri-• build tete;,eV 6 0104 you vileges. It is designed , primarilyWotila ; •4•99fiv0 ;a, ;letterFrom.the to remove from the road these, ;Department of i*Yi4sirripg: drivers known to us as "repeaters'; That is to say, those drivers vitc: ing that sf rom ...now on yeti,' hould are continually appealing mag- istrate's court to face charges un- Shoeld,,yon ''build up_,' 9 points der the Highway Traffic Act. Dris' then be"called in for, an vers who keep cropping up 'in ac- i qerview,1 8,11!°' 'by' the Derartm'ent' At ',this, ':interview an:- attempt is oldent after aecident, who are' uS- ually the cause of those same ac- rnade M _find out .just what is the cidents, There are a number' of cause of your Obtaining this arnonnt ,is lack .of bad driving practices, through lack Of 'points; :.Whether .it kfiQyesesigesis,44 ,driving practiees reasons for this. It may he through of attention or in sortie cases-for or perhaps attitP46.7' psychiatric reasons. - Should you, hiziliii%np 12 ;p61nts NEW AND OLD—Murray ,Sta.biton, left, president of the Wnigham Iiin'sine n' Club -congratulates the incoming president, jim Currie, who was elected to office on Friday, evening; The new president does not take-Over his duties until next Septemlier.—AdvaneesThnes photo. vt;oror ieft.in!i4 t ,back iow, Linda "Hatitingti 'Brenda Ellacott, Barb- ' Oa' Reroiligtori, Lynda Sehiesiel, Diane Orvis; front taws .KatlIstym.11,0tarme,. .lean Welwood, Nano COn- mOrti,'Virginkti hurray, Joan Caittelon and Oloria Reed, og,:MARSIC SPEAKS ON .MENTAL HEALTH The 'meeting of the Presbyterian Couplea' Club last Tuesday eyes ning was marked with an inereea- ecl attendance and. A very fine pro- $raril, The guest speaker for •the occasion was Dr, A, 'I'; Marah11,11 Of Whitechurch, The meeting was In el:large of the secretaries, Mr, and Mrs, Bob MeRague, assisted by Mr, and Mrs, Jack Donaldson, The worship Bel., vice, conducted by the presidents,. Mr, and Mrs, Bruce MacDonald, opened with a .hymn-sing led by John Ostrom, followed by a hymn end the Scripture reading by Mrs. OaSerriere, ' Prayer was •by Jack During the busluese session Pet- er, Vanderkollt „reported on a num- her of projects that the club might undertake for the Sunday School and the ,new educational wing re- cently added to the church proper. A number of these Items will be carried out shortly, while. others will need further details before a final decision is made. /Vfr, and Mrs. Nelson Pickell favored, the gathering with a violin and piano duet, The offering was received with: the offertory prayers being giVen by Gerald Smith, • Dr. Alexander Nimmo introduced •Rev; R. T, A, Marshall and. Dr. Marshall to the gathering. Rey. Marshall spoke briefly and intro- duced the 'subject appropriate for the occasion as the week was be- ing , observed throughout Canada as iSIVIental Health Week". Mr. 'Marshall told of some of the In- eidents bearing on this subject he had;'-experienced as a prisoner in World War II; and pleaded for a better understanding of 'this ques- tion, that is of "vital concern to all of Canada, He then turned the meeting over to his wife. • 'Dr, Marshall followed on the sub- ject and drew an Interesting 'and informative, address ;from the wealth of her experiences as a sen- ior resident at a mental hospital in Northern Ireland. She cited cases representing the various moods and , nature that typifies this dis- ease. She told the gathering Of the different treatments that are sven to restore patients to nor=7 mat every-day living. She, too, Pleaded' fora better and ,a, sympa- thetie understanding of this .dis page, and left' the:Meeting With the sobering thought that statistics, point out that one in ten in Can aria Will need treatment at some perm in s s ss Mis, Bob ,IVIcKague, expressed. thanks of ,the'rneetitig td Marshall 10- her 'timely and thoughtful address. The meeting closed with a hyMn and benedic- tiens,by.. Nirenne, Lpnch was served by the, committee in charge; Nekt 'meeting will ^be on•May 26th. Heads Canadian Trust Companies M. Arnastreng, assistant general manager' of gage & Trust -COMpanys Stratford, elected Presiderit of the Trust co:,.ena:Meg Association of Canada ;f:k•the 'annual Meeting held in. TO,; isinto recently. AranstrOng is. 'a graduate of the UniVersity of Torthit0 in lak and economics and of ‘. Osgoode Hall., After 20 yearS%experience in •eatate and 'trust administration, he joined the lisritish Mbrtgage. last September: Under' his supervision the firm ha's undertaken a, pro- ,gram of eiopansion in ail phases of trust, and „estate services. LOST FIVE‘GOVIS DUE TO RABIES WILITECHURCH Gordon Mt:- Bailey of Bast Wawa:100i had his first experience with rabies on.Jan- uary and when he •found a fox hid- ing in his stable. The stable was used for cattle during the winter months, Dr, McLennan, animal health veterinarian, of Seaforth, has since ordered •four of the cows destroy- ed and had kept the cattle, under quarantine .until last Friday, when the 62-day period since the last outbreak had expired. The quarantine sign has again .4v= ;posted, „and-another s:ossi wee, burled on Sunday after going wild on Saturday, The calves of the cows were not affected but Mr; MeBurney has no assurance that, further outbreaks will not occur and must continually watch for trouble. WHITECHURCH Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Smyth, Lil- lian, Doreen and Bill, visited oil - Sunday at the home of Mr, and. Mrs. Jas. Donaldson of Teeswater,' Miss Marjorie Currie of London spent the week-end with ," her mother, Mrs, P. Currie, • . Special Mothers'.; Day services^ will he field in 'the churches In this k district next Sunday, and also i baptismal services. Linda and :Marion McGee, little, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. George McGee, who Spent 'last week in Wingharrt 'Hospital' suffering from pneumonia, 'were able' to return home on 'Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Win. ,Martin and children of Kitchener spent the week-end ' at the borne of t heir brother, Mr, Howard Martin. Mr. and Mrs. 'Ernest' Patterson of Goderlch visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Robinson. Mr* Clarence Chamney was very ill'last week suffering from flu. COUPLES' CLUB NAMES NEW COMMITTEE • A very interesting panel discus- sion was held last Tuesday essens , ing when the United. Chureli. Couples', Club met for its regulars meeting. Mrs. G. W., Tiffin, Russell Smith, Allister Green. and: Lee Vance formed the. panel with Russell Smith acting as Moderisidt:' The .topic under ''discussions was' "Your Occupation arid You"..t The- panelists were asked what had attracted them to their-occupations and whether or not they had plan-. ned to do this work before finish- ing their schooling. They then discussed whether there were occu- pations that do not contribute to a community and what work they' would strongly object to, having' their children take up; whether a woman's place is in the home; if honesty is the best policy; if there are aspects of business that are. chronically dishonest, etc. When the panelists had each taken his or her stand the group as a whole was asked' to participate and the' discussion was quite lively.. Only ten couples were present at this gathering. The president; Lovell McGuire, opened the meet- 'ing with a. short worship service The program committee presented new ideas for prorsrams for the remainder of the year and on Wednesday evening, Mr, ark; Mrs George Guest, Mr, and Mrs, Russell Smith and Mr, and Mrs. Wilford Caslick will meet • at the 'latter couple's borne to plan the May. meeting, It is hoped that an out-of-toWn. Speaker will be present in May to address the Club on Retarded 'work. A. committee, Mr anti Mrs. Lovell McGuire, Mr, and Mrs. Wilford Crialiek, Mr. and Mrs. Wray and Mrs and Mrs, Sack smith, was appointed to work 'with and assist the local branch oft the Retarded Children's .Associ- ation, Pussell Snails conducted a tons test when the group Was split into two teams, to cleterMine whether the given Paints Of •Biblierd 'men and women, Were prominent in the bid or llew Testament, Mr, and Mrs. Smith and Mr, and Mrs. Allister Green, were in charge of the program and lurioh, 'This Of''course, In faet; saPart;sfront slasking, 4arge sindeithestHighWay Traffic. ACKthe•siasiketrOart.;iraiinothing to do the,7sYstern. actinslisi happerisslissthfe.,'WhetkeissyOu knoW it'or hot,every 004. rais',Vrecti.d whi3Oh41.1,Ieept:,...15Y 'the 'DePattMent Of' TinnSPOrt In•T6rOntep:'-' On this record is- marked- your, accidents, traffic ;violations and so forth. This sy4om. T imagine, will ,h6 continued. :and .each: time that the Depart- ment le.advised of a conviction by the Court, the requisite number of points' Will" he added- to the record. All this, will.be &me at a central location.'s I imagine.that •same loCatien will handle the .issuing of the warping letters, the Interviews and also•the susPensfons.', Most of those drivers who have' diecnsSed the points system with me have been frankly apprenens sive ahoutsthe- whole thing,, Why, cannot'r see. If any attempt is Made to-analyse the syStem it' will quickly' tie Seen that those offenCeS for 'which you can be awarded' 9 or 12 points are all offences which are deliberate. None of these Are offences which are Committed in a moment ,of tkoughtlessne,sa ancl. what id Mores they are •nearly all offences *hick. are -punishable' by a, Suspension of greater than threp rilenths..anyway: • .. - The rest' 'of the offences tor' Which points 'ranging frpm '5 'down to.2 can be.11Warded, are. offence's which I .aril -fold can happen to anyone. The-only peasible reply to that is, "They don't. happen te• the careful driver) " And even if they do, then they don't happen more than vote. •It is perhaps a good'idea to work . out a points system of your. own. You are. quite well aware of your driving• record, prior to the intros ductioti of the system, Then work out fbr yourself whether you at anyAime 'would have stood in fear of loSing yotir licente Award your- self points for the offences Corn- Milted over the requisite period and see how close you might have come to• losing " your licenCe. The great majority of drivers will find 0.(EfOS_OF :GAME distribution of $800 'to various public projects in. the COuntss has Iseen. Made, by. the poileO,officerS' of this district. The Money is half Of the ,prOceeds of the "annual lice-Liens „lieCkey gaste,:played in Goderieh a few weeks age.' DOnatiOnS-• of $100 each made' 'tij, the, foliciwingss,Winghain Swlinplifig „fisnd:- Swimming„'', Pool, tund,..;:tlinten Sinikuning Coderi.ch A's= Spa ag ?Ors Retarded s'Cliildien,- WIisghant:safid Diatrict ASSOCIatiOn for;. Retiarde'd Ohildreni :On.de*h Kinsmen PlaygrOund, S e rt h Kinsmen Playground and Exeter Boy Scouts Association Scout House. BELGRAVE Miss Annie VicNichol, Who ,has been employed the pas6 two years with Mr. Martin Grasby, has re- turned to. Seaforth to be with her mother, Mrs. r, McNichol: • Corporal and Mrs. Arthur Gar- rod and Jill, who have spent the Peat four 'years with ,the air force in NOrthern France, arc spending some time. with hex sister and bro- ther-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Orr and faMily. that they. ,have earned very few Of even no points over the years that they have been 'driving, To the driver Who finds that' he-' has over the years earned 'points en- ough to be suspended, perhaps not only 'once and to the driver who has prune ties° On a couple of oc- casions, I Can only say, "Look to your driving friend. You 'may he the very man the' system was de- signed for,” , As a footnote I might add that safety literature has been placed in the hands of all the school child- ren in North Huron and the ex- amination pallets will follow short- ly. OT e. 11- BRUSEL,S•BlifE7IN COhStalbles Bob Lewis and Pen Bell of the Wingham. petactunent, Provinical. Pollee, were busy 'on Mo./1day following the theft of ; a safe from Mcarteheon 'Motors at The :thieves made off 'with the 800-lb, safe and its contents and truck jrem the BrusSels garage. the„.• hrsee,kin waS :fotind at eight , o'clock' in,. the. Morning .by' Jack ,IVIeOuteheon ;and.slater sirs the day the 'safe diacOvered ',between . • :.the fourth and ''Sixhconcessionno of Grey Township.: ” The 'do'or had been hafirlered Open. and $600 in chequts' and an equal amount in cash -stolen. The safe also con- tained, ledgers and oiher papers, some 'of Which had, been burned. The thick was found in a field on the fourth concession of the same. township, . Theft of $1,000i in cash and cheques from a store in Fergus the same night was at first believed connected with the Brussels entry but the apparent connection has since been disproven. RETARDED CHILDREN MOVE ENGINE TO COUNTY MUSEUM An event of considerable inter- , est is taking place is Gederielyanss Friday nnd• •Saturday as the old•C.P.R. yard engine 'No, 6275,• weighing, 175,000•Pounds; Will: ,he moved to its permanent resting place. at the Huron Courity Museum; The moving is a task of inaljOr, proportions, for the engine is , present located in the CP round- house near the harbor:. ;It'.Will•be shifted 'from there, to the. ON line and brought up over the hill 'by this route. TO Move the •engine from the ON tracks to the museum, Several blocks._ away,. portablestrack has • been constructed; which ,Will be laid in .relays' along the streetS: The locoMotive will' finally.' come- to,,itS last resting Plate in the Seim grounds on North Street,,,and after it is in, plate be , co.V- ered in with. a -permanent, Interest in the event is so 1-een that a crowd ,of at least 2,000 people is expected in the county '.town' on Saturday. Purchase of the locomotive was arranged by the mused= curator, J. H.• Neill, and the Goderich Jan- k,. Chamber, df Coninierce IS sell- ing "shares" in the engine to meet the Purchase cost. • ItitOWNItg AttIVANCroilie thirteen Weinberg of the 'Brownies rebeiVed their Golden Bars a special 60cl/ion:On the reeriiittion, tooin of the United dittreh hist Weibiefiday, Mrs,: Norinait 00filinISSIOittet, made the ptesentatieit, Itteeiiing 'their ,bars Accidents Are usmess point out that this particular group • • Pant,' fOr, To the average motorist .I would, ss :isessodsSrs4.0Se4iisfssses, 4.ef4sitsset are involved in quite a ;large pers, ,called Upon ,to earn ,.,your licence„ eentage. of .the aceidents on our al •Overs and•Sit seers: HighWays and their removal from' start life once more With no;Pairits „your„,reCtird. ; 'Another.':snisConcePtion regarding:the 'sYstein that', po- licenianr IS 'the one:who hands .out the' poinqi... ',Many drivers that I haireS sPoIien: to:s have hein fir ly sbriViiited,.,that ....if.';I:2batth them Speeding ."I, award them :points: on ,Iigt% and Mrs. Wilfred Pickell and family of Hamilton Spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs, Herb Wheeler ,and other. relatiyes. . Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McCrea and Maureen and Mr: Martin Grasby Mrs. Charles D. Cox at Bond Head. SEEK RS FOR visited on Sunday with Rev, and fiANT John Bateson was ,electecl Deputy District Commander at the District C Canadian Legion convention in Stratford on Sunday. He defeated E, Ii ens of Waterloo, Attending the convention from the local branch were John Bat- son, Don Adams, George Brooks, Lloyd Carter, Dick 13urbridge, Willis Hall and John Pattison, Several wreaths Were placed at the tenotaph at neon, when the parade marshall was 'tom Soper. Lunch followed at the Legion Hall when lion, 3, Waldo Monteith, fed- eral Minister of health arid Wel- fare, addressed the gathering, Sohn Bateson extended thanks to the speaker. At the afternoon session the dis.. trict chairmen gave their reports. Don Adams of Wiesshasn gave 'his report As distriat membership. chairman, About 85 branches were repro. senteid at the convention, A reso. lutiori was passed to approach this goverlintent for grants to retarded cbildren'S schools -on the battle basis as public and secondall •