HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-05-06, Page 1le Vidette and Wroxeter News With -which is, amalgamated, the Go WINGRIAMi ONTARIOi WEDNESDAY; MAY 0th, 1609 'GOLF OPENING--, Somehow we got our dates inb ed up last week when we. were 'elliftig you about 'the official op- ening of the golf course. The cor- rect 'date is Jefondey, May 18tn, eh is 'the VlefOria, Day holiday! 0-0-0 'PI' 40 TIM poTs__ Eeare that the main drag would ne longer lee decorated by the eol- !nine pots of plants if new lamp post were erected have been dis- pelled with ecruncli's decision to .}tae the present standards. The town workmen were seen with a load of the empty pots on Monday, presumably on the way tie• the green house to have them filled, KINSMEN PREPARE LOT FOR CARNIVAL 'Monday ebening the Kinsmen un- der Mery Templeman and Blame MaeDonald donned overalls . and went to work cleaning and leVel-: ling-the town parking. lot ,in pre-; paretiort for the coming 'Wingham Trade Fair, This year the Kins- men are moving the carnival rides. and outdoor exhibits to the town parking lot. It • Is thought that thiS, will result in better outdoor exhibits and much less inconven- *tee to the public caused by l'ilooking off Diagonal Road, as WAS done last year. eghairrnan Cal Burke estimates that it•will take at least one more CHARLES HOKIN'S BUYS REAVIE MOTOR` Charles Hodgins, IVEassey-feeiti i soil farm implement dealer,- has purchased Reavie Motor :S'alee in Josephine Street, The pitcher vea,e :made May 1st. Mr, ll'ai sold his plitee of business: on yietorla Street to the Supertest company. • At the present time Mr. Hodgins is remodelling his new premisee and adding a parts department. It Is hie intention to carry on with the sale of gas and oil, and to ser- vice ears as well as farm machin- ery, He expects to move his farm equipment, etc.,- late in May or early June and be ready for busi- ness in his new 'location. Cancer Campaign . Now Stands at $961' Campaign DeWitt Mil- ler reports' thls,week that the Can- cer Society canvassers haVe turn- ed in $961, ' It. is hoped' that the quota .will -be reached -when all vOltinteer canvassers have turned in their kits. Cancer Society Will Entertain Canvassers ENGAGEMENT eletr, and Mrs. NormanMcDonald of.St,41elexis Wigh to announce the engagement of their daughter Betty Ann to David Archie Kirk- landison of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kiikland of Lucknovie The wed- ding Will take place the latter part of 'May, F6* i7.YOA6E1111INNT -4ker, -arid Mrs. John 'McKay wish, tei :announce the engageinent of their slaughter, Joan 'Burnell to Mr, ash. filOyd' Richard' Beighteit; son of IMF Mr. and Mrs. Ansa Brighton, Kitchener, The Marriage Will take place' St. Paul's Anglican CluirCli, Saturday, May 30th at theee'.o',clotk. 6* • " tiNtfAarAtE1qT 1))., and Thomas leTeentiii of Toronto announce the engagement of their only _daughter, Shia :May,' to Mr. William Joseph rotgle, Only --Of Mr. Ituld Mrs, Edward Fergie; Of .•Toronto, the. wedding to take,pitiee Setur- day, May 23rd at 11,60 it.rn, in the, blititch of bee Lady Of the. Perpetual Reception -In the ifterio6it at Prince Albert After the 'Wedding trip to Berniuda the yOung couple will title in Ter, rtifite, The grown is a teiiiheW of MISS tuna, Vorgie of Wirtuhtirn, Mr. and Mrs, 'Wilha.rn Fergie of Winithaht ' are the grOintA grattilPatenta. rob Al the regular meeting of Wingham Town Council on May 4th. the Council resolved to request every resident of the !inicipolitY to rid their properties of all refuse, junk and other unsightly objeCts by June 1st. The resolution Was passed In the hope that *Ing- ham will be a tidy community, of which everyone may be proud. YOUR CO=OPERATION IN THIS rRo4ect IS THEREFORE MOST URGENTLY SOUGHT, TO COLLECT TRASH In order to facilitate this program, the Coven truck will once again pick up garden refuse every first and third Friday of the month, from May to NoveMber. All citizens with refuse to be removed are asked to have it on the street for removal not corner than the Thursday evening preceding the day of pick-ups WIN` IIAM TOWN COWIL Clean Up Wingham! IlikiDGE CLUB WINVERSe-eSitakeiti nitittlifying play era competed last week to detcrinine the 1049 Bridge Club Champions. 'They are Omar itailelgrove, sciO nd front left anti Mre. eight, gem here With their trophies, whieli were presented by Mtg. A, IL huVal, left, last ,yeat's winner wad W. 11. French, *Wind trent the right.. President of the elub,.Dan ei Crawford, Centre, lodits over the trophies.---ClftsM photo by Atnastrotur, ;",.! ' .• • • t.......ii . lui IA ALONG THE MAIN DRAG 16, Tile I'eil;totrian ouncil to Open Ne Public Parking Lot • .11 Town council at a busy geselon The ,motion to proceed with the( ed out that More land ,Is Circletbxida'reS"Cre ipg de el deer ' 06. creatiOn-nt- the' MAY -parking-jot ;--init -WOW' 'sreeleartee riet-emSte't,e'ew ahead,. with plans to create a park- ing lot at the south end of Jose- phine Street. The new parking area will be situated between the present Reavie Motor Salem hig and 1:1)-(1 Joseph Kerr bedding on the east side of Josephine St„ just to the south of Victoria St. The lot will he approximately 90 by 115 feet in size, and will be flood lit at night. tt. t • • *Meet Johnston and, Murray Montgomery of Wroire4r* were injured. The ears are shown above. THREE DIE-Three Teeswater district 3'Oung men, Glen Dickison, 'Bruce 'Lamont . and John .Duffy died in a two-car collision on Saturday evening, west of Teeswstter. Two others, wee Marie by Ceencillor D. C. Na. smith and seconded by Deputy Reeve Joe Kerr, and followed a lengthy discession 'on parking problems in Wingham, The land which be used is already owned by the town, and is actually a street right-of-way,, To make the area into a parking lot It will be necessary to level, grade and fence the land, eft was also point- before it could be used f04' ing Mimeses, Council was, of the opinion that it would eventually 'he necessary to install parking meters on Jose- phine Street, but before any move could he made in this direCtioil free parking space would be ,ne- ceesary, Request New Lights Chairman R. H, Lloyd of the Public Utilities Comeniseion's with' (Commissioner DeWitt Milieu', •wielt- ed on council and preeentedaffg- atees on the cost 'of new etreet lights on Josephine Street. Mr, Lloyd told council that -if larger butte were instalidel hating lights the extra cost Wouin •be $280.00 per year. If new flue4- escent fixtures are Metalled of existing standards the coat eanierd be $6,200, which with power Would amount to $620 per year oven, •.a 20-year period.. If new posts Lipp fluorescent lights are installed, fd• bring the posts back to ttie of the sidewalks the coet wou."; amount to $17,600 and with, powel, interest, .ete„ would cost $1,70,0 41'. year for it 20-year period. 4 (Continued on Page tight) 0 , 0 .0 The sudden ,lilies of Bill Cone tallAii MINSTREL SHOW ,,. • Provincial Election Is Election Is . :r„,,...... is not only president of upcoming minstrel show as well, a e or June 1 1 th . „,,,,,,.. Club, but director of its c bee made a postponement neees- ,. sterY.' The eii•W WaS slated' for Tuesday . and Wednesday evenings - need, Week. Leek -eor announce- PARENTS AND FulruiS Oeint of- new date in this paper /1111-411" next ,week, for the show is defin- itely on, • ENJOY BAND SOCIAL . .• ..John Duffy Glen Dickison. 0 - 0 ALL WET—, e Three membere of the Kinsmen Cheb, Murray' 'Gerrie, Jim Currie and eivan Gardiner;` got a proper Waking last Wednesday night when a doWnpour ,caught .them in the act, of 'putting up theV,Viiigham Trade ,,Fair sign :at the arena. co en work perty on the parking lot to get It into shape so that lights may be installed and the areas marked off, The 1009 trade fair will be better than ever. The., Kin have ear- marked more money for entertaine ment and the booth sales tommit- kkeneaded• by Cy Robinson xeports, that VIITTre'rraV't treti77:' 4iitta4ent eat of Of; Teeswater; on Saterday nighteelaim- ed the,lives of three youths and two' others., were tnjured. The. three young Men, Olen Thomas Dickison' :20; Buddie Bruce La- mont,-23 add aohn William Duffy, 21, and a friend, Albert Johnson, 17, -all :of the •Teeswater district, were travelling east, when! their ear collided 'With a' Westbound ve- hicle 'driven by, Murray ,Montgom- SPECIAL MEETING, OODPELLOWS A apeeial meeting of the .Odd- fellowa. 'atv/il, be beld " Thursday night" Mai , Iliggsels Lodge conferring second idegree.- Our own breithers practice 'for -third degree At 7 P,m,, April 29th, the fire hall resounded with a barrage of serious, enthusiastic .musical at- tack on various merciless, Valtees and some hymns by the Lions Club -Boys' ,and -Girls' -Band -under the direction of Bandmaster Geo. Wonch of Clinton. The -adults pee- eent thought the youngsters were most attentive reed- the bandmaster commended their attention, The band members were sur- rounded. by interested parents and „friends, about 30 altogether,. who came -to enjoy the seasien., and .Peoctor thanked •.various ders,, for their pail; in. arranging the social, as s:well its -Visiting pa-- ranks' et`treineCtititette eTheavialteeta• from Wingham' were welcomed. heettily too. . Rev. A. McKim, from Clinton United. Church, a „former bands- man„ gave a' few words of encour- agement to the band members, and related some .buihorous incidetts front his nand clays. Several folk encouraged the suggestion that the same type of social he held - in the fall at a date, to he arranged • by the Parents' Committee. On 'Friday, Msy 29th the band Will present a concert' in the town hall, It Js hoped that the people of Wingham and district will Sup- port this event and invite -their friends" to Attend, A silver collec- tioa will" be received tor -the ptua pose. of swelling the hand funds for uniforms and other nee,ds. )0!).114-1iE 0.411X . hibitors thari last year. The dates for the Fair this year are June 4thi 5th rind 6th, Correction We were misinforined last week' on tore title of the solo -sung at the funeral of Mrs, P. Homuth, of Harristone The name of • the solo was "He Walks with Me 'and He Talks with Me". Premier Leslie M. Frost of On- tario announced on Monday that a provincial' election will be called for •iltureday, June 4th. -The an- nouncement did not cOme, as any great; surprise, for election talk has been current for several weeks, ' The premier made, the announce- ment on the'10th 'anniversary of his term in offica. The• last pro- vincial election was - held on June 91:11, 1955, • Many of the entetituencies. In the province has already held nomin- ation meetings and ,candidates are all ready 'to Wing into: action, as is the case in the riding' of Huron- Bruce where the sitting member, John 'W, Henna, has becn named icy the ProgitAiv Conservative party and fta,e'Wateon of ,Lticlenow by the Liberals, Mr, 1-ranint is one of the veteran, members of the Ontario Legi'Sla,-, tare, having 'been first ',elected in 1943 and returned at each election since that time., Mr. Watson operaies•a farm near Lucknow and 'is' a' foriner Lon- don bueinessmane' The Wroiefter Wthrian's ary''Society are lerilditig' eated and• sale Of home made baking May 9th, 3 t,O 5 p.m. in the United Church school room. Everyone is Come, ' F6* DANCE IN WROXISTER. Dance sponSored by the Howick 0,telon's Club in Wroxeter' CoMmun ..tY• Hall on Friday, May ,8th.-Mu- eiee by the Midnight' 'Ramblers. Lund' booth.. Admission 75e. •e - • F29:6 ' . , ntrmst4GE SALE •• " eNOWeis the7 time to start gather, ingelartAles • for :the, spring runt- rage which will be' held in the Wiiigham arrneuries on Satur- day, May 23, under the ansPices of the Ladies' Auxilistey to Wingham General Hospital. Anything can be• gold, furniture, clothing, novel- ties, 'hats, shoes, etc. When doing youe -spring cleaning make up a boa' for the rummage sale. Tags Win be sold in the neighboring towns. on Saturday, •May 16 and in Wingham on Saturday,' May 23, en hrei..,Tetswater Youths TWO INJURED IN BRUSSELS LRAM Kinsmen Paper Drive Scheduled for Today An accident nn••dotinty Road 12 a mile south of 11trussels sent' two men to the Wingltain Hospltai for treatment of lialiaries. Peter N. Kraemer, 21, of -Mitchell, driver of oue of the received injur- ies to his right. 'arm,' both knees, facial laceraticitS and body bruises. C. R. Bradley; a 'passenger -in the Kraemer car,*was not seriously in- jured. Driver of .the • second nar was 'Stanley Wheelet, 13,, of Brussels. Both vehicles were' travelling south when the accident becutred. Ac- cording to the 'driver of one, of the oars 'the Kraenaet vehicle hit .a tree in an effort tO' avoid the col- lision. Total, daMage is estimated at $2,000. D.P.?. Constable : Bob Lewis of Winghain investigated, GRADUATION ilANOE The graduation dance will be held in the Wingham-District High School on Friday, May 15th from 9,30 p.m, to :1.00 tam. Music by Ken Wilbee and his Orchestra, Ad- mission is $2,00 per couple. Every- one welcome. F6:13b Formosa, wet& had •skulletrapture, died in hospital 'at. 2.10 a.ni, -Seine day. He. was a son ,of, Mr. and Mrs, Orville Lamont •of Culross and was educated in Teeswa,ter, • . He was employed by Thompson Bros. • Creamery and wasa` Member of Salem United Church, :Buddie, who was to have been, married in a few months, is survey- ed by his parents, a brother Don- ald and two sisters, -Mrs-. 'Ronald (Marjorie) Hill and •Miss 'Betty' La- mont, all prTeeswater. , Sohn: Duffy Only. Child John William Duffy also. received a skull fracture in the accident and he died at 6,50 Sunday morn- ing. lie is •suenivedsby 'his parents, Mr, and Mrs, Herbert Duffy, Tees- water. He tele' attended Teeswater school and high 'school here: and, was active in sports: Many of the children who took lessons at the Teeswater pool remember hien as a swimming instruntor, He was a member of "Teetwater United Church and worked as a stock manager at Peerless Textiles in Hanover, , A. joint ttineril service will be held today (Wednesday) •at 2.30 p.m. from Knox Presbyterian Church, Teeswater., Walkerton Provincial Police In- vestigated the accident and Dr. Stephens, coroner, Brussels, was called. " Injures Hand at Public Sch601 Roy Mattuel, caretaker at the Wingham Public School; received painted 'injuries to his right hand on Friday. Mr. Manuel was mov- ing school desks when one fell on his hand. It was found that the hand had, been broken and a cast was ap- plied at Winghain Hospital. -eree-16, of Wroxeter. • Moifegomery; Who was; travelling alone, received seveie facial and head laterations, concussion and possible, fracture. He was admit- ted to Wingham Hospital but his cOndition became critical during the night and he was rushed to Victoria Hospital in London, Albeit Johnson Is in Wingham Hospital with facial lacerations and suffering from shock, Glen Tomas Dickison'' Glen Glen Diekison, R.R, 1, Formosa, eon of Mae, Joseph Dickison and the late Mr. Dickison was the driv- er of, the second car. He died in ambulance before arriving at hos- pital, Glen lived with his mother on the family farm in Culross a couple of Miles north of Teeswater. He attended Teeswater school and Wingham District High School and has been employed as a book- keeper at the Hogden R. Gross fur- niture factory in Walkerton. He was a member of Teeswater Pres- byterian Church, Surviving besides his mother are three brothers, Earl and Gordon of Teeswater and Ford of Brod- hagen and three sisters, Mrs. J. S. (Grace) McDonald and Mrs. Ken- neth (Shirley) IVfeKague and Mrs. Bert (Audrey) Sutherland who are in France, Buddie Bernie Lamont Huddle Lamont, also of RR, '1, CANCER SOCIETY MEETING The May meeting of the Wing- haul and District; Cancer Society will- be held ill the Ceuta. Chambers, May 11th at 8 p.m. Speaker; Dr...B, N, Corrin, film and music. Everybody welcome,. • Feb The. Cancer Society for Wingham and district has planned a meeting for 8 o'clock, Monday 'evening, May 11 in . the. council chamber, which Is open to the general public, A special invitation is extended to the canvassers,- who so kindly assisted with the fund raising campaign, and the local branch wishes at that =time to entertain them. Refreshments will be pro- vided by the ladies, Dr, B. /et, Corrit will be :the guest speaker and a film Will be shown. A musical program has also been airafigeci. DeWitt Miller, campaign chair- man, will give a-full report on the restate of the canvass. SPORTSMEN TO ERECT NEW CUD HOUSE - The, annual spring paper drive sponsored by the Wingham Khns- 'meh Club will take place today • ('Wednesday). Paper pick-up will start in Wing- ham at 1.00 p.m, when members of, the club and trucks start to make the rounds of the community, Re- *lents' are asked to have papers tied securely and on the street in readiness for removal by noon. Anyone with a, large amount of paper that requires special hand- ling is asked to call Ed Baurer at 364W. The club members are also mak- ing special trips on Wednesday Meriting to .Sluevale, Belgrave and WhitechUrch to gather paper in those communities, TENDERS CALLED 'BY PROVINCIAL NM. John •eke. lemma, IVI.P.P. for Hu- eon-Bruce, has received word ftorn Hon. F, M. Cass, minister of high- *Faye, that tenders are being called at once for the supply of hot mix ,•,aving on Highway No. 86 frem Wingtham easterly to four Milea :mat, ,of Bluevale, % Tenders for tile supply of similar materials have been called to pave n Stretch of Highway 21 south from :WIWI cid. Apparently woelt will start shOrt- ly on the hospital for mentally de- fective children south of GOderich, 'ainto tenders are presently called fot the nUrelitise and removal of totdwOOd and used building rint, tetiais from tile site, A large attendande. turned out on Monday evening for the eegular meeting of the `Wingham Sports- mettle Association at the Legion Home, 'Harold .Pocock was • present to give estimates on the cost of erect-, ing a Chin /nise on the club's property north of town. After two or three years' planning*It was voted to 'go ahead -with the 'project. Mr, Pocock is to..cornitence frnrrie.diattly, The structure will be 24 x 30 With a &Mcrae floor, The cost of the building will be coveted by clebeettiteS held by the citth IneMbetS, 44:.44,— rL c.E.titat Atty.N.ttgat,kt