HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-04-29, Page 12papc. :.STARE Invites You to Visit .Their COMPLETELY RENOVATED STORE MARKED THIS YEAR • ONE CENT SALE BY O URANNUAL MONDAY, MAY. 4th THROUGH SATURDAY,: 'MAY' 9th LYCEUM THEATRE Wingham Ontario trio snows .1,:sva wool! cononzuzio AT 745 F.M. Thurs., Fri., Sat,, April 30 - May 1 2 CARY GRANT SOPIIIA LOREN "HOUSEBOAT" A domestic romantic comedy, with Cary Grant as a widower With. three children, and Sophia Loren as .the beautiful adventuress,. 11,111.111111111111111111110116111611111111111:1111R11161111111116i111111.111111111111111111101111111101111111111111111 ,,,,,, ,,,,,,, lllll 1141t$1111 lllllll lllll 111101111111111/, llll I l 1111.11 lllll I lll 11011111 lllllllll 111111 llllll lllllllll Red rent Grocery Phone: Our Prices Are Lower Free 590 We Keep Down the Upkeep Delivery HAMBURG AND WIENER ROLLS 8 for 25c SAVE fic Miracle Whip SALAD DRESSING 16 oz. 39c SAVE (ic Ingersol CHEESE SPREAD 16 oz. 53c ,,SAVE 10c Maxwell House INSTANT COFFEE 6 oz. $1.09 TreeSweet GRAPEFRUIT JUICE, 48 oz 33c Hunts Fancy TOMATO JUICE, 48 oz. 29c KAM (tasty luncheon meat), 12 oz. 43c KLIK (pure pork product), 12 oz. llll l 45c Maple Leaf CHEESE SLICES, 8 oz. 29c .York PORK & BEANS, 29 oz.' 2 for 37c Aylmer Choice TOMATOES, 28 oz. 2. for 57c Stokdy's Fancy CREAM CORN, 20 oz. 2 for 39c Lynn Valley PEAS;20 oz 2 for 25c Schneider's COUNTRY SAUSAGE, lb. .... 45c Maple Leaf WIENERS, lb. 43c Devon Sliced Rindless BACON, lb. 59c FEA'.l'URE 11.1.1125.,4 PIO TWOkii. The, W11101141 Advance-Thleles$ W0.010400^4 190 • . bORRIE Miss Irene Holmes. of "Verertte 14 Spending some time with her brother, Mr, H. V, }'felines, Miss. Lillian Vittie has. returned from London. Mr, and Mrs. Gorden I3rown of ReaulISVille visited Mrs. Robert Grahern and other frleinia pal Thursday. Mr, and Mrs, Arthur Miles of Torento spent from Friday to Mon- day with Mr, and Mrs, Norman. Wade and attended the funeral of Mrs. Cora Whitfield, an Wingham on Saturday, Mrs, Pearl McDon- ald and Mr. and Mrs, William Campbell of Owen Sound were Sat,- • tirday evening guests at the Wade 'home, and Mr, and Mrs, George Galbraith of Wroxeter on .Sunday, Mr, and Mrs. Tem Padfield of Mount Forest called on friends here on Wednesday afternoon. Mr, and Mrs, Ernest King Jr. of Windsor visited Mr, and Mrs. Er- nest King and other relatives from Friday •-to-- Sunday:— Mr,-, said, Mrs,,, Percy Colmer, Toronto, and Mr. and. Mrs. Jack McGee, Henfryn, and Mrs, William Haney of Wing- ham were Sunday guests of ,par. and Mrs. Ernest King. Guests of Mr, and Mrs, Ken Charles' on Sunday were Mt, am, Mrs. Roy Charles and Mr, and. Mrs. Orville Ahrens of Listowel. Mr, and Mrs. Jerry Donegan (Gail Adams) of Molesworth, were honored at a shower and dance in the Gorrie community hall on Thursday evening.. The newly- weds were presented with a chair and two table lamps. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Fines al Erin visited Mr,. and Mrs. T. L Moinnes on'Sunday, Rev. and Mrs. George Saehs of BerVie were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. King on Sunday. Mr. Sachs was guest speaker for the United Mule)] W.S.:M. thank- offering service on Sunday. Mrs, (can MacDonald of London waa, a week-end guest at the -same home, Mr. and Mrs. Jack' Blyth, Ken- ny, Karen and Jacqueline of Mi- mic° Spent the week-end at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Ken Hastie. 1 Atlantic and Prtelfie eeaStS, ever, of our ce.Mrneretal hatch. i come$ from the Paeifla area, Iat I, canned form) -Prabraeat is Sold throughout Canada. In other terms such as live, freshly cooked in the shell, and as cooked frozen meat it is 'principally available ,in West coast centres. The Gorrie W.I. will hold its May meeting at the home of Mrs, Rus- sell Adams on Tuesday evening, May 5th, at 8.30. Roll call, "A Can- adian author or artist I admire". Gail Frances, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Charles, was re- ceived into the Anglican church bY baptism by the rector, Rev. E. C. Attwell, at the service on Sun- day afternoon. Mrs, E. C, Attwell, Mrs. Gordon Underwood, Mrs. John Dinsmore, Mrs. Harry King, Mrs. Edward Newton, Mrs. Norman Wade and Mrs. R.. T, Bennett attended the annual meeting of the Diocesan Woman's Auxilary on Wednesday in London. Mr. and Mrs. Nate Widineyer and family and Mr. F. Hopkins of Dur- ham visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Edgar, Mr. and Mrs. Norman McKee ,and family and Mrs. Martha McKee of Toronto spent Sunday at Mr. and Mrs, Morley Bell's, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fuller and family of Watford were Sunday visitors , of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Galbraith, Mr, and Mrs. William Diebel, of. Guelph, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas, 'Koch, Mrs, Jean Massey, Elizabeth and Glen spent a couple of days with Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Wallace of Hamilton.' properly used are more effective than speakers or. read, Mg," was the conclusion rial.ehed at film workshops. held recently Viesherton and Wingham. Films not only impart .latorrnation by way of the eye and ear, many of there have an emotional appeal as well, Films are particularly effective giving people a common esperienee which can form the basis of an eX, change of ideas, Someone said that the Chinese started the idea of using pictures to impart infer mation when lie said, "a picture is 'worth ten thousand words;" The are some of the idetts-e44, pressed at the workshops, A great .deal of emphasis was given to the. Idea that films are tools organiza- tions may use to make their pro- grams more effective, "Like any. other tool we must learn to use it. SYC, ,snow wlut.c tea >!41 filnis and bow to aeieat that will do the job we want them to do, We need to know how to pre- sent a film so that people are pre- pared to accept the message it bars to offer. We need to know how to give the message of the film: a lasting impression." •. A great deal of time was devot- ,'d _ to the idea of discussion as a means of giving people an oppor- tunity to think about ideas :ex- pressed in the film, to expreSs their Ideas ' to one another, and to not only increase knowledge but to gain facility in the give and take of ideas, It was generally agreed that discussion was one of the most effective ways of getting the '.Most out of a film, Sonic time W.t spent looking at films and giving various participants experience in leading discussion. In Wingham the United Chureh provided excellent facilities for the Workshop. The afternoon sesSion was very poorly attended, but the evening group, consisting of fit; teen, enabled the group to have a worthwhile experience. Juniors Present Variety Concert GORRIE—On Friday evening the Howick Junior Farmers and Junior Institute presented a successful variety show in the Gorrie boni munity hall. Among the acts presented under the master' of ceremonies, Murray Underwood, were choir numbers by' the whole. group; quartet, June and Sandra Wright,. Wilma and Guelda Haskins; the Kingston trio from Edmore; Wayne Douglas, Russell Press and 'Peter Mulvey,'. accompanied by Mrs. Marie Doug: las; the Club Gorrie with presen- tation of such awards as Extermin- ator of Rabid Foxes in Howick, channel swimmer of the , great Maitland. Ethel Reis, guitar solo- ist, sang two numbers and June Wright pantomimed' in" Pink Shoe, Laces", A lot of laughs Were enjoyed in the passing out ceremony with Jim Renwick, and "The Joker" pre- sented by John Stafford. • There :was a wrestling bout put on by Wild Barry Mulvey and Farmer Whitfield, The show was concluded with the one-act play, "The First Date", The cast included John Stafford, Ethel Reis, Ron McMichael, Sandra Ed- gar and Marg nestle and was dir- ected by Mrs. Tom O'Krafka, Missionary Speaks At G9rrie Church George Sachs of ]c'i'vic was the guest .speaker ou Sunday morn ing at the Gorrie Wo- ' ipan's Missionary Society Thankof- fering service, Rev. Sachs told of his interesting experiences on the missien field of Labrador. There a missionary is doctor, carpenter, and teacher, Used ,sheets and pillowcases are urgently needed as surgical dress- ings at these outposts, The Can- adian Girls in Training formed the .choir and sang an anthem, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gowdy, Mr, and Mrs, Harry Cowdy were sup- per guests of Mr, and Mrs. Ales Petrie on Saturday. As I promised in the last 1sSue of The Advueee-Times, I will this week bring readers up. to date on the prizes that we have so far ob- tained for our Safety Compaign, I must 'say that the response has been nothing short of "terrific". Almost without exception Our .s.pon, sors answered the request in a mat. ter of a few clays with, 'not only a donation, but their blessing to boot The first Item, of course, is the top award of a portable television set, As this is a fairly expensiv• item the cost has 'been divided he. .tween four sponsors. To date have to thank the following organ lzations: The Berry Door, Co., Ltd. Wingham; Brophy Brothers Wingham Tire .S ervice and Bob Downie 'Sunoco Service of Wing ham, The fourth sponsor has ex pressed agreement but I am at the moment awaiting confirmation, For second prizes we hope to•get '10 'Seabreeze portable 4-speed re' cord players and to date the fol,• lowing have donated the cost o' one of these machines: Brusseb Branch 21.8 of the Canadian Le- gion, Brussels Lions Club, Town- ship of Turnberry, Town of .Wing ham, Wingham Branch 180 of the Canadian Legion and The Ontario Automobile Assoc., which leaveS rls six down and four to go,- There are other pledges and I expect to receive cheques this week for them. For the third priz- es of 1.0 mantle radios we have re- ceived donations from the follow- ing sponsors: Village of Brussels. Township of Howick, Township of East Wa,wanosh and the Wingham Kinsmen. Four down and six to go. I might mention here that we have been able to obtain these prizes at very advantageous, prices through the courtesy of . Borke El- detric of Winghamand Sterling Finlay Electric of Gorrie, As our competition is expected' to include some 2,00.0 youngsters, safe- ty literature beeline quite a prob- lem, The Department of Transport :came through with a number of leaflets on the subject but one of the most valuable pieces is a little booklet entitled "Don't Be a Dodo", published by the Canadian Bank of Corm-tierce. We have to thank Mr. Struthers, our local branch manager, for obtaining a large sup- ply of these -booklets. Then there arc the awards of merit which will be presented to those children' ob- taining a pass mark in the exarh. For these, once again, we have to. thanlc our old friend and co-work- er, Barry Wenger, the publisher WU SHOW FILM ON MAKING ONES , GGiftratl—The Northern Helpers Of the Gorrie United Church met at the home of Mrs. Warren. Cpl Tim boolc "What Would Je-• sus Do?" by Charles. M, ,Sheldon, Was reviewed at this Meeting. made Plans were for an eve- ning to be held ln the Gorrie - ited Church on Wednesday, April 20 at 8.15 p.m. A telored talkie film Will be shown (real the Soli, ereign Potteries of Hamilton en. titled, "The Deautiful Necessities". Mrs, Gerald Gaibralth will give a. talk on "The Story of Our Dishes". All interested are invited to attend Lunch was served by the hostess and committee, Of Tim Advance-Times. Enough of the competition, mud though it may loom in Our thoughts, It, becomes time to re. Member that the primary purpos, of this column is to remind Mr, Motorist of a few of his oblige. Lions. A, subject -•closely a'lled will Efighway 'Safety which is perimp. Overlooked quite often, is the beat. mg that your vehicle takes clurim: die winter, more particularly dur- lig a long hard winter such. as w( lave just experienced. To illus. :rate; ,The various' chemical coin- rounds used in snow clearing quite iften play havoc with your muff-- or and exhaust system. Comm" .he springtime and finer weather some of our motorists are more apf o park at the roadside to 'take a good look at the countryside in itr mew coat, etc. On a number of )ccasions I have been called to ve- hicles by a passer-by ,and have ar- dyed just in time to remove ar unconscious driver, or assist in re- viving one, On two such occa- iiona I have had the Unpleasant task of removing dead drivers from such vehicles, On the death cer- tificate —"cause of death-asphyx- ation."..- Not on the death certifi- cate, "cause of asphyxiation — leaky muffler". Another common occurrence. dur- ing the winter is for emergency brakes to become seized up. Many a motorist has looked u,p to watch his car roll doWn a hill and through a store windoW because of his failure to have this trouble re- medied, Yet a third matter to Which little attention'is paid, tires! Not those already on the car, but the pair which have bden lying idle during the winter, How many of us, upon installation of the snow -ireS,. just ,throw the summer tires, down in the basement and com- pletely 'forget them until next spring?' Talking the matter over with a friend in the tire business I• was told that there are quite often Cases where tires are exposed ,througout .the.- winter to extremes of either heat • or damp. The ef- fects of this are never apparent 'on the surface. The damage is done to the cords in the tires, and when. you find out about it -you are in- variably closer to an accident than to a repair shop! These are just- a few of the things which, for your' own well- being; should -be checked every spring. You can probably think of several more. Of course you . may get away 'With it,. If you don't-- I'll • see you in - a ditch someplace! ATTACH.O MA 944ana, See live demonstration at onr store at once or • PHONE FOR 10 DAY HOME TRIAL Pattison Radio & Electric elimionitompuipilipoinglicopinicimilimilipuizoimiiiiimpuipinioot6sivevi -ii.-. • • . Li— m: euci !I Whether it's a personal choice or for a gift; you'll find' Li- i a selection both pretty and pleasing for any occasion. i • BABY DOLL PAJAMAS ii Most popular of all sleepwear for Spring aqd Summer,' i, p cool and comfortable Baby Doll Pajamas.: The smart 4i • selection includes nylon, in Peach and Aqua or smartly;:; • ' figured Drip Dry styles. • - Priced at '$2.98 and $3.95 : ii i•• TAILORED PAJAMAS WI of regular styles in figured Drip Dry material at $2.98 il Popular Too are our chic little 1 SHORTIE GOWNS , i 'Drip Dry, Plain or Figured ONLY $3.95 i CRINKLE CREPE GOWNS i in Smart Floral Patterns --in us ' at $2.98 si 1 SLIPS , ii !I- For all their look of luxury our slips are so moderately • is priced. A selection of very attractive styles in „ a U , Cottons, Drip Dry, Arnel and•Satins E from $2.98 to $5.95 si ii P HALF SLIPS in COTTONS and ARNE.' i iv $2.98 and $3,95 1 MAU SLIP and PANTIE, SETS i * in White, Blue, Melon and Aqua i iiii lo .__ so CRINOLINES at $2.98 i iii iii in Pink and White i iii at $4.95 and $5.95 ii F- ii 6 it 16 EDIGHOFFERS ,,, , . i --. (Wingham) Limited . i ii "THE FRIENDLY STOUP" . .„-- 0- 1ilmitletiitliFIIIIBIIIIIIilmilliiinnialinillollellIRIIIIIIIMINIMIRtiniiniiiiiiitio0 r $ V LA S- S VARA 'REPAIRS ittlASONABLIO. ('IIARGES George Williams teeated Alason's :Steve. '•••0104114. to lack, of space, smell elaclts AltdWaixtiva only, FILM COUNCILS HOLD WORKSIMPS I GUARS are native to Wth the Accidents Are My Business by Provincial Constable "Bob" Lewis tilf I THIS WEEK BIG SAVING ON THIS POWERFUL4RAND NEW MODEL 895-0 rewerfuri, lap. motor paper dust bag • light • quiet vinyl swivel hose • clifo.94 fuels guaranteed .IAVI GLIDE . kg% 01014.1 1,404110111 1.11101