HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-04-29, Page 10Waterloo Cattle Breeding ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used" ITeS ALL IN THE FAMILY PEttFORMANCE RECORDS OF our horned Hereford bull - - .B. DOMINO E. T. 6001 Who we purchased from Max A. Blau of Follett, Texas, at the Paatecit-tested Hull Sale at Panhandle, Texas, one year ago. 344 lbs, was his average daily gain on official test for 140' days and Ode was the higheet of the 119 bulls on test in 1958. In addition to thie'he was One of a group of four paterhal brothers that were the highest gaining group of sons of one bull. He also graded Fancy the highest possible for conformation. His Maternal brother was' the sire of the second highest gaining ,group. HISTORY REPEATS IN 1959 The sire of our B, Domino P. P. 005M. again bad the highest gaining group of sons on the same test and the highest gaining individual. gained .3.81 lbs. per day for 140 days. His dam is a maternal sister to B. Domino. P. T. 605111.- A half ,,interest in this eh brother sold for $4,000.00 and graded Fancy. The second highest priced bull sold for $3,500.00; this bull was sired by the older. maternal brother to B. Domino P. T. The third highest priced bill] sold for $1,200.00 and the entire sale averaged just under $600.00. This is an example of the kind.of bulls we have available for service and the cost ie very modest. All breeds, Your cows will conceive' by using A. I. Thousands. do: For service or more information phone Clinton Zenith 9-5650 or collect 'Teeswater 126 Between: 7.30 and 10 a.m. week days 6.00 and 8 p.m.,con 'Saturday evenings. Port cows noticed in heat on Sunday morning, do not call until Monday morning. Your Pullets IT'S ,SRiNGTIIME, FOLKS!. -TIME TO PUT youR HOUSE IN oP.OER FOR THE NEW SEASON/ flY AR.OIJNO TO Coco Wa1pole Aluminum. SASH DOORS CUPBOARDS Wingham Folding Aluminum FLOOR WALL AWNINGS • TILES LUMBER BUILDING Telephone 260 125th Glanworth Holstein Sale Twilight Auction XHURSDAY, APRIL 30th% 8 p.m, at the Glanworth Sales Arena on the Wellington Road between Glanworth .and St, Thornis. MOSTLY ACCREDITED LISPED VACCINATED • Featuring the R.O.P. herd froM the estate of Don Spencer, Iegersoll. Consisting of 0 cows' calving summer and :fall, 4 rea eently.freele 0 top, open heifers. These 'are ‘geod tiatletea 'dairy ewe with records 'cm to 19,000 lbs milk - 835 fat. Also' the Astral good selection of fresh cola springing tows • end "lei:fere. A apialber of slimmer and fall eresbening cows and heifers} heifer celves and service age bulls, SHORE HOLSTEINS LTD. Sales Managers REMEMBER: EV,ENNO SALE • '41 ils Miss Jennie Reid Dies at ficolyrood WHITECHURCH-- Mies Jennlo Reid, a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs, Milian; Reid, Illeneers, who spent their life on the fourth concession of Cuiross at the KM.- lose 'boundary, passed away on Friday at the Carruthers nursing home at Holyrood She was in her 81st year. Miss Reid WAS. one of a family of four daughters and two eons, and ehe and her sister, Miss Minnie Reid, left the .farm. ,about 15 years ago and made their home at Tees- water'. One sister, Mee, Porter, survives. The funeral was held on Mon- day afternoon from the Church funeral home to Tiffin's cemetery, Kinlees, ' GOVernilikOlt Deficiency kAY^ Wilt will apply only on properly graded wools. Sempra the *most patronizing the Organization that made this possible, SHIP COLLECT TO Our 'Registered Warehouse NO. i Mr. and Mrs, Robert .Aitcheson Weston, Ontario and baby, who have teen at Ilder- CANADIAN CO-OPERATIVE WOOL GROWERS LIMITED Obtain sacks and twine NORMAN McDOWELL without charge from OBLEY'l&M/CH*EL R.R. 2, Wroxeter or by writing to Belgrave • menced work at the Beatty ladder plant at Lucknow on Monday. Mr. and liars. Aitcheson will move to their home in Lueknow in two nderteii tha-seedilageatte weeks. ished there on Saturday and com- home of her mothei, Mrs. K. Dow- ling, and Mr. Aitcheson stayed at ton, moved last Thursday he the Mr. and Mrs. Robert Watson of 217 Bay Street:, Toronto., Canaan, Brucefield visited on Tuesday last • at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gil- - bert Beecroft. --Vir;'''aiftrIVilha'Aibiert -Beata-and Teddy and rim of Guelph Spent the week-end at the homes of her brothers, Me. George Ming of Tees- water and Mr, Joseph King of'Cul- rose and Mr, and Mrs, William Harris and Melanie of Wingham visited on Siinday with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph King. The ladies of the Womens' Theta aute' held an afternoon euchre in the memorial hall there on Wed- nesday last. Seventeen tables were in play, with Mrs. Frank ,Roes in charge. Mrs. Kenneth Currie and Mrs. Wilford. Caslick held high points and' Mrs, Chas, Robinson won the mystery card draw. Mrs. Walter Lott won the lucky chair prize, Mrs. Levi Bieman and children spent the week-end with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry MacKay of Walkerton and with her sister, Mrs. Self of Walkerton, Mr. and. Mrs. Alee. Young of Lu- can visited on Sunday with his mo- ther, Mrs. James Young of Bel- grave and all went to the Church funeral home, Teeswater, from which the funeral of Mrs. Rome, aunt of Mrs. Alex Young was held oil Monday. Mr, and Mrs. Forest Payne of De- troit visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Kennedy of Mar- noch. Mr. and Mrs, 'Sheldon Jacklin and children of prussels visited on Sunday with her parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. Harry Cook. Mr. Austin Cook, who commenced work with the H. H. Sutton Landscaping Co. last Monday, also spent the week- end at home. , Mr, and Mrs. Joe Tiffin and daugh- ters attended a family dinner on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Tiffin, when Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Tiffin were celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Scott and sons Billie and Brian of Midland spent the week-end at the home of her sister, Mrs. Athol Bruce. ASK FOR WOOLLENS TO MOE BLANKETS. WHITI4CHIIRCH-- The Wal.S. of Calyin,'Briek T.Thited Church, et on Wednesday evening lest at the home of Mrs. Barry Cook at Mar, itoch, with 211 ladles present and With Mrs. Alex Robertson and her aroup in charge of the meeting, Mrs. Robertson presided and gave ;the call to worship, Mrs, Henry railgtetisa°nild led in Robertson gay.{ aneditation talle and led in prayer, The theme of the meeting was "Loving Our Neighbours", A panel Composed of Mrs. Sidney Thomp- son, Mrs. William Irwin, Mrs. Nor- man Coulter and Mrs, Henry Pat thou discussed the problems of the American Indians and Ole treatment they receive in Marmara son With the treatment given to other new Canadians, showing they are eneteareparecl...to. ,theaelliab:: lems they meet when they leave the reserves, The ladies used the study guide and the study book "'Concerns of a Continent". Mrs. Clarence Ohamney and Mrs. John Jamieson gave a repeat of the Huron Preebyterial meeting held last month in Goderich and an interesting letter 'from Miss Agatha Coultas of Edmonton was read, telling of her work for the United Church Missionary Society in hos- pitals and sanatoriums there. Mrs. MeRitchie gave a resume of the new literary book, Mrs. Norman Coultes was in charge of the business meeting that followed. The ladies would like to sell a beautiful Dresden plate quilt that "they have qailted this winter. The ladies are asked to have their eight pounds of wool- lens ready this week to send away to be made into blankets, Mrs. Gordon McBurney is the convener tor this arid contributions of good Second hand clothing and shoes for the May bale are to be brought' hi. Mrs. Ronald Coultes gave the fin-, andel statement and asked each lady how many hospital or home sick visits she had made, or cards' sent. Thank you cards were read. The ladies voted to have their special invitation meeting for oth- er societies in June, rather than• in the fall. Mrs, Gilbert Beecroft was appointed to get a speaker. Mrs. Coultes led in the Miapah benediction and Mrs. Robertson'a group served 'a delicious lunchetm, The meeting of the Women's Tile, stitute will be held the common!. ity hall on Thursday, May 7th at 2.30 DST. Roll call, gardening hints; motto, "To take drudgery out of your work put your heart in- to it", by Mrs. Ross Gammie; topic, Mrs, Elwood Barbour; hostesses, Mrs Peter Campbell, Mrs. James Curran. The illustrated lecture by Dr. Alexander Nimmo of Wingham, planned for Friday evening, has been postponed. Mrs. John Miller, Who has spent the winter with her daughter, Mrs. Johh Sparks and Mr. Sparks at London, is a visitor with Mr, and Mrs. Fred McQuillin before return- ing to her home in Lueknove. Valerie, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Errington, has been a patient in the Wingham Hospi- tal' as the result of the flu, Mr. W,. I, Miller is under the doc- tor's care as the result of a slight stroke. Birth THOMPSON-In the Exeter Hos- pital on. Wednesday, April 22, 1959, to LAC Fred and Mrs, Thompson (nee Isabelle Mac- Pherson) a son, Benjamin, ICUIK-In the Wiz:Them General, Hospital, on 'Saturday, April 25, 1959; to Mr. and Mrs. John Mak, (Helen Little), a spn. TO INDUCT MINISTER AT SUNDAY SERVICE NVE,OXETER- 'The members of the Woman's Missionary Society, United Church, held their Easter Thankoffering service Sunday mor- ning With the Rev, G. W. •Sachs of Bervie United Church as guest speaker. Mr, Sachs chose for his text, "I heat() the voice of •the Lord saying, whom shall I send and. Who will go for, me, The' said here am T, sen4 Meet Isaiah 6:8, Mr, Sadie has Spent Some time as a missionary In Tibet and later do Labrador and it was of 'the lat- ter place that he gave a vivid des- cription of the country, its people and the Work of the Mission, He said that if he and his Wife had their ]ivies to live over again they would offer to go to the miesioli field and urged Young People to Make it their life work. Announcement Was made at the service that on Friday night of this Week heel, EWart Clarke Will be inducted ;into the new charge of Oorrie anti Wrometer. Mr, Clarke comes treat New Lowell, Is mar- ried gad has one child. Ifte will commence his neW ministry Sunday. mkt, AURUAN-; Bouquets of yellow daffodils and pots' of blue African violets decorated the Sunday school room of Knmc 'Caked Chem)" for the 15th Sunshine Sister ban,quet' of the members of the Auburn Womens Institute,' The tablet; were in the same eolour scheme :with eilver Paridelebra holding the 'tall lighted yellow tapers. The president, Mrs, George Militate was mistress of ceremonies and pro- posed a toast to the Queen, re- sponded to by all singing the Queen, The toast to the Institute was proposed by Mrs, Thomas Haggitt and Mrs, Ed, Davies re. plied, Prizes were won by Mrs. Keith Machan, Mrs. Ileibert Govier, and Mrs. George Sturdy, Mrs. Georg( Willsias sang a sole, Xis. Donald Ha bee eatireale.e.cl rahl degaanr.. of the WA, who bad served such a delicious turkey banquet, Mrs Ernest Durnin replied, The guest speaker, Dr. McMaster of aeaforth was introduced by Mrs Alfred. Nesbett who gave an illus- trated lecture on, a trip to. Japan He told about the country with it' SO% mountainseenery, their method of travelling and their schools, Bir coloured pictures showed the beau- tiful flowers and buildings, Hr also spoke of their religion and the government that rules the Japan• ese pedple.' Mrs. William J. Craie thanked Dr: McMaster for hit address and presented hirOwith gift from the Institute. , Mrs Milian also thanked the speaker A quartette number was sung br Miss Sadie Carter, Mrs, Annear Mackay, Mrs. ,Gordon Taylor ane Mrs. W. J. Craig. A -piano duet was played by Mrs. Sydney Met Clinehey and Md., R. I. Phillips. Mrs, Robert J. Phillips was caller forward and Mrs. Millian spoke or herfaithful service as pianist since the Institute was organize(' in January 1922. She.spoke alse of how she used her musical talent to help other members in the musical part of our programs. 'As a token of her willing services Mrs William •Straughan presented her with a gift from the Institute.. Mrs Phillips thanked the ladies and said that 'it had been a pleasure to help in the musical programs. The report's of the standing committees were given by Mrs Gordon R. Taylor, Mrs. Gordor Dobie Mrs. William J. Craig, Mrs Ed. DaVies, Mrs. Frank Raithby, and Mrs. William Goddard. Mrs, Clifford Brown presented Mrs. William Henseh with a part- ing gift and spoke a few words of, regret that - she .is leaving this community. It was voted to send Mrs. George Millian to the confer- ence to be held in Guelph May 7 teed 8. The delegates to the dis- trict annual at St. Helens will be Mrs. Thomas Haggitt, Mrs. George Millian, Mrs. Arnold Craig ana Mrs. Thomas Lawlor. Mrs. C 'Brown reported for the card com- mittee and read the thank-you notes. Mrs. Wes. Bradnock spoke on the Mary Stewart Collect and gave a short paper on the Institute motto, Chartered members who attended were Mrs. Charles •Stratig- lean, Mrs. George Sturdy, Mrs. George Hamilton, Mrs. Robert .1. Phillips, and Miss Sadie Carter. During the evening the members revealed the names of their secret sunshine sisters and' presented her with a cup and saucer, a WROXETER Mrs. A, We'aring, •Concord, spent the week-end at her home here, Mr. and Mrs„, Bill Hart, Oshawa were week-end gueets ofeMr, ane Mrs. William Hart, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cleirient and farnilykspent the week-end at their home here, Mr. 'Lyle Reidt, Willowdale, span: the week-end at the home of hi: parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvat Reidt. Little Karen Galbraith, datighte. of Mr, and Mrs, Bradley Galbraith Wingham, spent the week-end wit] her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs James Doig, ' Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Ingram ant family, Stratford, spent Sunda; evening With Mr, and Mrs. Ilichara Ingrain: Mrs, Lloyd Elliott was a Saturda Visitor With Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gasho, Harriston, Mrs. J F. MeLean has returner home after Spending the wade* Months with Mr, and Mrs. W. A Gibson, Dundee, Mr. and Mr: Earl McLean, St, Catharines, Mn and Mrs. Donald Gibson, and Mi and Mrs. Dick Slade of Port Dal. hausie, Mi', and Mrs, Verne Clark, Duw) Lue and Terry were Sunday guest with , Mr, and Mrs., Bud Stewart Harriett:ea Mr, and Mrs, Stewert lquegrot and family spent Sunday with M and Mee, Adam Zoibrigg, Ford wick. Mr, and; Mrs. Lyle Erotheri Darlene and Nancy and Miss Nor. cy Morison, Wexford, spent Sat tirclay with Mr. and Mrs. Vella, Clark. Mt% tu, Walker has returned borne 'Mowing a Visit with her daughter, Mrs. Albert twilit:, Mr, kaalla f ir tit Palpate, VIIIIITECHURCH Mr, and Mrs,. Ed via Smyth and. BM' and Doreen visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, SAM Smytli of Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Hardie Simpson. of Teeswater visited on ;Saturday at the home if Mr. and Mrs. Wal- lace Conn, ' The two children of Mr ,and Mrs. Peter PePoor hav e-been. quite ill wiMt11.7a1OI Mrs, Priesell Ross and children visited ;on Sunday with. Kr, and Mrs, James Wilson of Bxeter. Mr. and Mrs. Orval Basting,., Wingham, and .her parents. Mr. lnd Mrs. names Mannis, were at London on Friday, Mrs, John Miller, who spent the winter with Mr, and john sparks, returned home to Laelinew ai 'Sunday. Mrs. Robert. Ross .ac- iornpariied them back to London to spend • this week at the hoine it Mrs, Alma Campbell, Mea-Jt3eep it -Smith -of- Tatraherey. visited .en Sunday' at the home of Kr .and Mrs. Johnston 'Conn, Mr. Smith has sold his Turnbcri'y farm O Mr, David ,Sadie, and. Mrs„. 3inith, who has been a patient'in Wingham Hospital for... the • past sight weeks, was able to return aerneore Monthly. Mr. and .Mrs. .Gordon- Elliott vela iieLoadon on Wednesday lapt :ad Mr, Elliott is.--n6w a,. patient In Victoria. ,-Hospital,.- taking, special, aeatments • on his ,baelt., ' Mr, arid Mrs' .Waltera William &Pherson arid . Mr. Albert. Bator- ion -visited with Mr, and aars,'-El- lott. on Sunday. in Landon. Mrs. James ;;Laidlaw has been a patient in • •Wingham. Hospital aver the week-end, suffering from '1u. Mr. and. Mrs. Kenneth Laidlaw ' aid datighters of London7.vietted with ;his 'mother there on Sunday and with Mr,- and Mrs. Elroy Laid- ism and with. LucknoW, relatives. , Me. and Mrs, Kenneth Dickson and children of Belmcire visited on `sun daY with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Arthur Moore: , Seven Men were working in the Goderich rock salt' mine on Tuesday . est, when there was an explosion and one man was killed" Ropald. Perrott, son-in-law of 'Mr. William ,Torster of West Waweiteeli, was oinineuroecthe fourinen who• were not Mrs. John L. Currie and son Duane of East Weavanosli, visited !est week with her mother, Mrs. Orr at Langside, Ig Van AdetalwaTialea Siley, April a. •'SUrVeia show airaost a fourth of all liVeSteek tritelie fatal either too Pleny or too aniarale. Live- *tack 104de Med to be fairly. Sane; to avoid Is bit ting., yet animals Olouldn't be ar-OWeled. Rev., Chas, Krug of Belgrave Mee Church: had charge .of tha'.conle service in "alueVale Church on Sunday morning and Mr. A. Neelons of Bluevale had ehargai Of the service at Calvin-Brick Uea WOOL ited Church. In the afternoon Rev. Gordon. _Geiger of Luelcnow had charge of the 'communion service here, The service next Sunday in the 'Crated Catireh will be 'held. at. 10 a.M. DST. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Coupland of Toronto spent the week-end .a the home of her parents, Mr and Mrs. Charles Robinson and with Fordwich relatives. WHITECHURCH 4110111.11.1016101 .106MOMOMER ALL MASH or 'MASH-SCRATCH RESTRICTED or NON-RESTRICTED MEDICATED or NON-MEDICATED • A call to us will ensure you have the right SHUR-GAIN Feeding Programme — tailored to fit your individual needs. For econom- ,, ical growing of pullets, assuring you of laying hens built 'for maximum egg production it has to be the Growing pullets for top production• is not as complicated as it ,may sound. The facts are there is only ONE system that suits YOUR operation. Yes, there really is a SHUR-GAIN Growing Programme to suit every individual poultryman. These pro- grammes have been tested and proven for every Canadian con- dition. We want to be SHUR you use'the system best suited to YOU. SHUR *GAIN WAY Canada. Padiers LIMITED: Wingham • ,0 Mr: and Mrs. Orville Tiffin and' a' ST • HELENS SUNSHINE SISTERS HOLD BANQUET • DRUG STORE - FoR-SOME OF THOSE MANY ITEMS 'YOU'LL SE NEEDAING..1..:,: i Ili .1 • • by BOB DOWNIE ii GOOD OIL i FIGHTS FOAM in II z-,.. The development of modern combustion engines-the kind Faieiiii .... of power plants that take your car humming quietly overetha roads-has provided tremendous pleasUre and safety for the U driver anti car owner, But this same progress has denianded ri a new and better lubricants to keep these engines functioning ' .• - i ll smoothly, Ta . for instance, the many motors Which employ 'hydraulic - I valve lifters. These lifters simply will not work unless there. is a.- . = , . III a firm body of oil in the mechanism. They depend en clear, w. - , I--I consistently balanced oil for their action. aust plain oil%1 •how- a ever, soon whips up into a loam as your motor operates. :To he 1 -coMbat this condition ehatniePla tire Added to reliable lubricants .-81 , WI to prevent the formation of loam-and so guarantee the, type of i "ii operation you expect from your car's motor. . 1 ..: Downie's Sunoco Servite 1 , . Phone 38J '* Wingham 1 - FOR SAFETY - FRESH OIL EVERY 1,000 MILES 11 FAIIMMIONAIMMAIMMWSMIMMMUMMWSWMAIMOMMAIMOMMWSMOMO • Good motor oil, placed. in 'your car by reliable- and properly j . la trained service people, is the cheapest car insurance Yolh can 'I possibly buy. r., .iil•iilalilmllln Ilin Ilin lilulltuliiuilin illulllrliin Iiin IIIn lilCllin lilriilriulrlllUiiiuiil HAPPYH MOTORING HINTS a GREATER PLANT FOOD VALUE The range of SUPER, FLOW granular size 'ermits more phosphorous to become avail. able to the plant, Furthermore, each granuta eenteirse all the nutrients is the analyst:4 -which Chess a more uniform distribution of plant food. ALWAYS FLOWS FREELY Completely granular, oven dried to fettle** excess moisture, SUPER FLOW contains no dust to harden into lumps, PRECISION GRANULATED FOR PRECISION PLANTING CONTLETELY GRANULAR — NO DUST -stip-your C I. or NATIONAL boat."' NEW DRILLING PRECISION The controlled particle size of SUPER FLOW --no fines or oversize granules-gives you new accuracy and ease of application, RATA FLOW runs evenly and freely-no drill clog. ging and skipping, Thin smooth cOtitistent flow means Uniform distrilmtion of fertilizer -gives you more even crops-higher yield, NO DUST SUPER FLOW is completely dustless. Easier to beadle there's no 1008 of plant food' on windy days, you get mort. for your money with SUPER FLOW