HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-04-29, Page 6Equipping New De ? Do it With Leather In mild revolt against an over- dose of "togetherness", mere and mere men are retiring periodically to the privacy of a den, In this sanctum away 'from household clatter, they can read, write, watch rpv or just think things out. If yea are contemplating fixing up a den for your husband, here aro some tips on furnishing it fashionably, yet simply .enough to avoid protests about female flip- pery. Do it. with leather, Leather' by nature and tradition is the most masculine of materials, man feels most like a Men in leather, The first "must" is a deep, ultra- porn- forta.ble leather armchair, It may be the well-known overstuffed type or one of the newer posture or lounge chairs that tilt back to your favorite' relaxing position. A, leather topped desk is a major --a-majer• touch in printed design, The dee- orators made sketches of snow- flakes, snowshoe tracks, Canadian trees and flowers and the motifs were incorporated in the designs, Other plastic-coated fabrics were Used as wall coverings in confer- ence rooms, -on , seats' of lounge chairs and on the stacking chairs in the auditorium., In this, the largest hotel in the British Commonwealth, travellers can relax and,/ feel very much at home. No doubt at this very mo- ment there are hundreds of feet on coffee tables! TOP VALUE BUYS 1-1958 Fairlane Sedan Two-tone Turquoise and 'White, windshield washers and back-up lights. This car just like new. 1-1957 Meteor Niagara. Tudor Coach Beautiful Two-tone Blue-approximately '1,900 miles. 1-1957 Meteor Fordor Station Wagon In excellent shape, overhauled inside and out. 1 ,-1955 Dodge Tudor Coach Shining Blue finish, a real'beauty. 1-1955 Meteor Custom Sedan Radio, Two-tone Green - A-1 inside and out. , 1-1954 Chevrolet Sedan This care is a real buy. 1-1955 Chevrolet Pick-up Thoroughly overhauled - good shape. 1-1950 Chevrolet Pick-up A snap. All above cars are thoroughly overhauled and guaranteed. „ Huron Motors Ltd-.. A. D. MacWilliam - Ford, Edsel and Monarch Wingham Phone 237 PHONE 106 Hardware Week SPECIALS Lawn Boy $49.95 A (VilAiLITY MOVVIlk At A Otiptittle rRuiE PRUNERS of Drop Forged Steel - 81/2 niches long - similar to those shown $1,85 Value SI'ECLAL 99c BIG sioxonoN BOYS' BASEBALL GLOVES Method quality cow bide beauticui Gloves $3.98 $4.95 $6.50 RAKES $2.25 Value $1.79 ROUND MOUTH SHOVELS $2.95 $1.00 Value GARDEN ' # IN BULK ,Pound PEAS 35c BEANS 55c CORN . , 40c ROD 'N REEL $3.79 MINTON HARDWARE AND FARMERS SUPPLY HOUSE- PHONE 50 WINGHAM ?O'far,f) (71,,z•ro ** 'the Winghire 44vinlot-Timis WodnooditY, April 291 1950 4 410 AUxiligrY His Been Formed Qtnite a number of ladies gather, ed in the auditorium of tbe,pounty Mine, Ointon on Monday after- Men, It being the first regular Meeting re f the newly-formed AUK- Mary to the Nome, Mrs, F, G. 'Thompson, president was in the chair,. Ways and means of raising money to supplement the stock already in the hobby shop was dieeWed. Fees were collected, A good display of work done in the ihobby shop was on hand, and volunteers are badly needed to assist Mrs, ,Johnston and her corn- paittee in this project, A, full ,slate Far Frenell, toast with Irlawalian accent combine two slightly beat,. en ergs withone cup of pineapple juice and half a teaspoon salt, pip 4 to 6 slices of stale broad in 'MIX, tare fyrol saute in a moderately hot, greased frying pan until golden brown on both sides, Serve with bacon and broiled pineapple slices, A. loose knob on. o chest of drawers, .caused by an enlarged screw hole, is an annoyance which, can easily be elimiriatecl, A simple remedy is to fill the 'Ande with. plastic wood, let it harden for a. few hours, then screw the knob in place. Plastic wood handles like putty and hardens into wood. to time deem 'necessary to the wel- fare of the residents, and a tuck shop, third Monday in May at 2.30 and everyone in the county that is interested in helping. an aged person, please attend and join in every worthwhile cause, It is to be hoped with the nice weather, different groups of the ladies from the various towns in Huron will join us, Everyone is invited- SRN 'ClIECLUP UNCOVERS FAULTY BREAKFAST HABITS How about a spring cheek-up on the breakfast habits at year house? You may provide an Ideal menu each morning, but clack-watching, extra hockey practices, or just plain early-morning laziness may be interefering with the final choice and quantity of foods each person really eats, It may even be Possible that those active teensters in your family have outgrown their good 'breakfast habits, They can ao just that - as surprisingly and easily as they outgrow their shoes! Be on the lookout for big sister's faddy notion for a "keep slim" routine, It's a currently popular fashion among the high school crowd, especially the girls, to aim SpAdEA'S INTERNATIONAL DEsigNER PATTERN ter) Nllm 11ip and ;moll waist,. Many oaf them have the mistaken 14108, that shipping breakfast is the Magic ansWer to their rnt!toto„, Little do they realize that a *Tile chosen MbOri711144,4t,caellat bne rthlt4stYe :onscist. pselnplobgleratigor 4lenagottOul .tiwe.Sisupeis. control, If your doctor advises• -that they need to watch. their weight, encourage them to out ,down on the total quantity of ..food. they eat, rather than eliminate any one Important food or meal. from their diet, "just because the i other girls are doing tio There's another very impertarit members of your family who may need a spring breakfast cheek-up. That's you, mother, All too Many conscientious mothers give so much attention to feeding their families well, that they neglect their own food habits, without meaning to. Stop for a moment and take stock, You'll realize that you are just as active as any member of yeur family as you whisk-through-your- -dally-kotiee-' hold tasks, It may be old and worn, but the familiar saying still holds true: "You can't breakfast like a bird and work like a horse!" So do give up the Idea that you Can live on a cup of coffee, or two or three, until Junch-time,, A good breakfast is good for you too! This Week's Pattern The top story in. fashion 'this Season is interest at-the tommostly in 'oversized sleeves. Charles Montaigne adds them to a new style of .coat dress, lines them to maintain their flare and flair, The- dress itself, buttoned all the way down, has 'a wide belt, meant to be worn above the 'waistline and a pair of inverted pleats at either side of "the front and back. As suitable for office wear as It is for parties, it makes up wonder- fully in -linen, pique, city or coua- try cottons, shantung, party silks, and for later in the year, sheer, wool, From this size 'chart select the one size best for you, 1-1:olelFurnishipos. •.4re Qtaie Elegant et Gvestproof Homemakers wile believe beauti- ful, furnishing's don't .mix with lively .ebildiren Should See how modern hotels have solved the "elegance vs. serviceability'" probe lens, It's all in the choicer of Aura. ture .and fabrics, according' to .decorators.. Even the most 'boisterous child doesn't get away with abusing furniture the way many hotel guests .0p, Dressers, for instance, are turned into refreshment bars, guests sit on coffee tables, perch 4n the arms of chairs and put their feet on bedspreads-ell. quite usual hotel-room behavior, In furnishing Montreal's new Queen Elizabeth hotel, decorators G, L. Larmartinp and. Henri Beau, lac designed every piece of furni- ture and chose every yard of fabric with tl;is -rougir.treataient4n-rnind, They made sure arms of, chairs would support a hefty man, that dlresser tops. would not stain or burn, that tables would not stagger under more than one cup of tea. But style was not sacrificed for sturdiness - everything is of the most elegant design, In the main dining room, for in- stance, the romantic lines of Louis XVI chairs are 'enhanced by white and gold upholstery-washable, of course. The fabric used is fab.rilite, a vinyl-coated material which gives the appearance of luxury yet'can be wiped clean' Drapery fabrics were chosen for their durability, then given a. special Canadian factor in setting a masculine at- MoSpirere, ridditl011 to traditional brown leathers, there are poem, red; maroon, blue and o1 x od- ern leather colors to blend with 111e den .decor, A loather desk combines praetic., nifty and good looks, 'Basle com- ponents Include a generous-sized leather desk blotter bolder, a catch- all "in" bog, pen and pencil holder, ash tray and cigarette lighter Should be in one matching leather, which may 'be identical with the desk top or in an Off-Shade of the desk top, Many hanklaeme leather-based table and desk lamps are available today. Some aro bottle shaped, and others in leather interpretations of classic pillars. or other sculptures, and still .ethers are in severely handsome modern thanes, Here is an economical and time, saving method of heating 'Up: just a few rolls at a time, Place the rolls in the upper part of ii.,,doublie boiler and fill the bottorir,:,of double boiler with hot' water. Al- low the water to boil long enough to heat the rolls thoroughly, rift/IMO rOft W VJTVIIi An older person Wire IMO nd. 1)4107 Lk:War. Interests and no good sub- stitute for his one-time Pk can spend a very aimless and boring. life, Idleness may be fun linine0, ately after retirement but ;it soon balls. To keep young in mitid and body, older poopic need hohbleS and active interests, It Is a, good' idea to plan for such hobbles years before the actual time of retire, Mont, Of officers are new installed. Exeter was represented and Mrs, Chas, MaeNaughten was honorary president . of the Auxiliary, hiss D, Parke, nurse at the Hotne,' gave an .account of the work and of the patiooto---whieh-,--enlightened- there on the, eonditions and, the needs. Of the residents. The purpose of the Auxiliary is to aid the Home in bringing to, its residents comforts which the Home Is not able to provide, such as en- tertainment, a library, a craft pro- gram, .and other such programs • which the A.uxillark may from time Sofa and chair both only $229.00 pb. S-431 CHARLES MONTAigNE of, FRANCE ( SIZES BUST WAIST HIPS 8 33' 23 34 inches 10 34 2435 '" 12 35 25 36 14 36 1/2 26 1/2 371/4 16 38 28 39 18 40 30 • 41 Copyright 1959 Spadea Fashions, Inc. Presenting an exccp ic-aal value in a smart new living room grouping... New as Spring 1959...a Krbehler Red Tag Value nere is a value that will be difficult to equal for a long time to comet You'll love the inviting, deep-cushioned comfort or the generously proportioned sofa . , the smart tailoring and styling' details. The twin-size chair, too, will do credit to any living room, Choose now from an interesting • selection of very new fabrics and ,colors, Save at this special Red Tag low price! Cash or terns to suit your desires., Home Furnishings S. J. Walker WINGHAM Size '12 requires 3% yards of 45- ,, inch material for dress and % yard of 42 inch material for lining. To order Pattern No. S-431, state size, send $1.25. For Charles Montaigne label send 25c. Address SPADEA, c/o Norman Ha,rtnell (Canada) Limited, 214 Main Street, Toronto 13, Ontario. Please allow two weeks for delivery. Next week look 'for an Interna- tional Designer Patterir Eby Biki. Length from Nape of Neck to Waist 1614 inches 461/2 " 16% " 17 171/2 171/2 bE CONFIDENT WITI-4,19‘01EMLEN Vott can 61EVA QUALITY WILE tOsirOfit ALL STEEL TRAY 8.29 LAWN. GRASS SEED' Choose from Three No. 1 Mixtures SPECIAL - 65c lb. Velvo LaWn 2 lbs. $1.49 • "Wellington" Brand - 90c lb. GARDEN WHEELBARROW Rubber Tire Lawn Border Fermin Scroll Top, Green Painted .over Heavy Galvanized Wire. 18 inch 19c ft 15inch . 17c ft. Hand 3-ke, Garden Tool Sets - 99 c -Trowel - Fork Large Size Unbreakable PLASTIC GARBAGE CANS Regular $6,95 SPECIAL - - 4.98 FERTILIZERS • Standard Packages 51b. 10 lb. 25111. Milorganite So Green Golden Vigoro - 50 lbs. - $3.95 Vigoro .65 $1.15 $1.75 - Sheep Manure . ,95 $1.49 Bone Meal .60 .95 $1.95. For Gardens 442-10 - 40 lb. 80 lb. 100 lb $2.98 $4.95 $5.75 $2.95 $4.95 50 lbs. $2.75 $4.95 $3.00 SMELT NETS with weights and Boats 30' „ „¤$13.95 , 20' $ 9.95 I5',..,.$ 6.75 1111111f11111111111111 ... 1,11111111...0 .."Ma" ............ . .. . 1."1..1),11,,,0 1,00/If ..... .,..111111; ... ... .. . .. ....... ..... 1,11 ......... ..... .... 111M111111111 ...... ... . I llllll lllllllll BOYS' CHINO ;JEANS, 6 6 4 .yrs.. $2.95 pi. MEN'S SL'OIIT SHIRTS, pin-tartest styles $2.95 ea, 'TWO $5.75 MEN'S TOPS and 'BRIEFS 59e ea. TWO$L00 BOBBEEPANTS, interlock cotton 69e ea. Throe R114,41.98 Lovely, big pattern. FLORAL SKIRT$„12 to 20 $11.9 SMART DRIP DRY SUMMER FROCKS - Misses and half sizes from $3.95 ATLANTIC PAINT and ENAMEL, proven performanee qt, SPRING UNDERWEAR ANKLET SON FOR ALVAGES Reliable Quality at Popular Prices W. E L W 0 - 0, Er 'S. spring Values at Welwoo ......._....,_.....,....,,o,.....,,„„,,,_o.,...................,,..,.._._._.,........,...........,,o,,,_o....„......„.4_m_..... r Exactly as illustrated.' LAWN SWEEP RAKES $1,85 Value. SPEC1/.. $1.49 SPADING FORKS Full Size A Terrific. Bargain $2.39 PEAT MOSS 6 cu. ft. bale $5.40 bus. $1.50 4 cu. ft. bale - $3.85 peck $75c 2 bIls. $2.25/1/2 peck - 45c Fiber Glass'Itaill Level WiedlBeel EISQULAII A4,16 VALUE 'see kissosseespoassusississasse.seeisisessosoeaiiaosiaeoeswai eliiiii