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The WIngittAina Ath7.414.0043014ft,, , , r!.
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Belgrave Co-operative
Phofies: Wingham 1091; Brussels 388*I0
•'.,... eoatonotniknowononommmr.kolociciAnnnamoulk4,,,m1.,,,nolicloksto.00ouomioncloomfancetouerli • ..?. ..., ,.
Get ready for the
4 Fishing Season
.Alexandees Hardware
Casting nod% Bamboo' roles, Spinning •hods, heels,'
Rooks, Siniscrs,Tacklife Boxes
Seit the Alt-New ranadiarr-Mader TAW() .SPI/NNING
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Tell. Them and Sell Them r In. The Advance-Times Robert Stonebotise
Dies in'92nd Year
• She needs an EXTRA phone • • in the kitchen! • • • • • ref r • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
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DO YOU? To order—call your • •
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,Walk right in the big double side doors;
only 13 inches from the curb-or load
through the rear too . . and 'there is
one hundred and seventy cubic feet
of payload space!
4-, •
More goods, faster loading, less time for
making deliveries . . that's how Volks-
wagen actually saves you money on
every delivery or service call. Curb-line
.777 -15.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • •
e ,
Golden Mile, Toronto 16, Ontario
BNI4G1iAVE. --One of Belgrave's
oldest and .hest known .residents,',
RObert Stonehouse„ laaPaed aWaY.
the Wingham General hospital on'
Friday evening, ,April 24, after an
Illness of about a year,
He was born. in II368, the son of .
the late Elizabeth Rath . and. Rich-
ard :Stonehouse, in the 'Township.
of East 'Wawanosh. He was eau-'
sated in that township and later.
became a stone mason. He also
Worked for the .C.N.R..for 3Q years
and was a, section foreman on his.
retirement 20 years ago.
Sixty-two years ago on January
20th he was married to AgneS
Jamieson at the Methodist parson-
age in Luelsnow by the late Rev. I.
13, Wallwin,
Mr. 'Stonehouse had been In good
health until last summer, when he
suffered a fall and had been un-
able to be up and around since
Oren. On Tuesday he was taken to.
Wingha.m Hospital, He was a mem-
ber of Knox United Church and it
Ir &birth ir
has been unable to attend services,
Surviving besideg his wife are
three. sons, Norman ',of London,
Gordon ,Phoenix, Ariz,, Lewis of
Belgrave; three daughters, Mrs.
Harry McGuire (Carrie) of Bel-
grave; Mrs,. R, H, Coultes (Ellen)
of Brussels ItR, 5, and Mrs. Rus-
sell Walker (Agnes) of Goderich.
There are 12 grandchildren and 23.
• g'reat-•gran cl children.
,•• Funeral service was Monday of-'
ternoon from the -United Church,
Belgrave, with Rev., Chas. Krug of-
ficiating. Pallbearers were Mar-
ghall Stonehouse.,' Andrew . Gaunt,
Lyle Hopper, Bill Burney, Almond
and Thomas 'Jamieson and grand-
children were the flouter bearers. -
Tourists find great joy in sailing
from. Saint John, N.B.. to, Fundy
Isles, where there is located the
largest lobster pound in the world.
mum IN J., HOLDS Instructs C,G,L7!
ANNUAL ,mErrim ,gin Copper' Craft
g J3IlltoGRAVII,1 -The reular moot.,
1313LanAvr4, -. 'There Were IT'
members at the Canadian. Indus,
tries and annual meeting of. the
Belgrave Women's. Inatittito, bold
in the community centre on Wed-
nesday afternoon, The president,
Mrs, Richard Procter was M charge
Of the business session. Minutes'
and the financial statement Were
read by the secretary, .Mrs. Clifford
Logan. It was announced that
since the group . was Invited to
meet with the Wingharn group .04.
May 21, the May meeting Woad
be withdrawn,
Mr's. Melvin. Taylor and Mrs.
C. H. Coultes were named delegates
to the Varlet annual meeting to
be held in St. Helens on May 20,
and Mrs, Lawrence Vannan is to be
responsible for a musical number
from the Belgrave group for this
Meeting. Five dollars was voted
to Mrs, Walter Scott to pay for
postage, telephone, etc., in con-
nection with the , Daylight Saving
Time resolution. Mrs, -Person Ir-
'win.--reporteri -on-titer 44T-eartierk
Club and, asked for the cooperation
of the parents. The group decided
to continue to collect pennies for
Mental Health. Two short courses,
"Aids to Effective Speaking" and
"Millinery" were voted upon,
Mrs. Clifford Logan, read the
annual treasurer's, report. Reports
of standing committees were given:
Agriculture, Mrs. Stanley Cools; citi-
zenship and education, Mrs. Earl
Anderson; historieal research, Mrs.
Jesse Wheeler; home economies;
Mrs. Stanley Black, health, Mrs.
George Michie; community activi-
ties, prepared by Mrs. Clarence
Hanna and read `by Mrs, Lyle
Hopper; public relations, Mrs, Law-
rence Vannan; resolutions by Mrs.
Walter 'Scott.,
Flowers for the cemetery flower
beds are to be left at the home of
Mrs. Herson Irwin. Five dollars
was 'voted to Mrs. James Michie
for cards and postage for cards for
MK of the. Canadian Girls in Train-,
ing was held Thursday .,evening in
the church basement. The group
Started the meeting by learning the
first -steps. of their craft 'wilt*,
''',Copper'; from Mrs, Clifford Le,•.
gan,.*ho Is instructing them-
The .business period followed with.
the minutes being 'read by Marie
Coultes and the treasurer's report
by Linda Coulter, Ruth Coultes .
and Pat .Logan will he in charge ,
of the worship service on April 3i1.
The Scripture lesson was read by
Joyce Procter aPel 'Mrs. Ted Fear
read the story, "The Things•Af the .
Most Worth", The worship Ser-
vice closed with a hymn and the..
benediction. .Games were ,enjoyed
and Taps closed the meeting,
the sick and shut-ins, The group
will continue its supped in- the in-
terests of the resolution on Day-
light Saving Time.
Mrs g9.9.4 nOnk.
Mating committee report and Mrs,
Earl Anderson conducted the elec-
tion of officers as follows: 'Presi—
dent„ Mrs, Richard Procter; first
vice president, Mrs. Stanley Cook;
second -vice president, MIT, Clif-
ford Logan; secretary-treasurer,
Mrs, Carl Procter; assistant aecre-
tary-treasurer, Mrs. George Michie;
press reporter, Mrs. Carl Procter;
district director, Mrs. Walter Scott;
branch directors, Mrs. Jesse Wheel-
er, Mrs, Fred Cook and Mrs, Stan-
ley Black; pianist; Mrs, J. M.
Coultes; assistant pianist,, Mrs.
Lawrence Vannan; arrange pro-
grams for printing, Mrs, James
Michie; cards for sick and shut-in,
Mrs. James Michie; represent the
arena board, Mrs, 3, M, Coultes.
Conveners of the programs;
Christmas, Mrs. Stewart Procter;
Easter, Mrs, C. Johnston; grand-
mothers', Mrs, Cora McGill; agri-
culture, Mrs. Gainer Nicholson;
citizenship, Mrs. J. M, Coultes;
education, Mrs, Earl Anderson;
community activities, Mrs. Clar-
ence Hanna; public relations, Mrs,
Mel Bradburn; historical research,
Mrs. Ivan Wightman; home econ-
omics, Mrs. Herson Irwin; health,
Mrs. Harold Procter; Canadian In-
dustries, Mrs. Leslie Bolt; reso-
lutions, Mrs. Walter Scott; Tweeds-
muir Book, Mrs. Walter Scott,
Mrs. George Michie, Mrs. Jim
Michie, Mrs. Jesse -Wheeler and
Mrs. Earl Anderson.
The executive meeting, to plan
next year's programs, will be held
at the home of Mrs. Herson Irwin
on April 27. Mrs. Herb Wheeler
extended thanks to all who helped
with this meeting, and Mrs. Earl
Andbrson also' extended thanks and'
appreciation to Mrs. Clifford Logan
for her work as their secretary-
treasurer for the past six years.
Mrs. Herb Wheeler was convener
of the program and the roll call
was answered by naming a Ca-
nadian tree and its use. Mrs. Earl
Anderson gave the address, "The
story of Salt". Mrs. George Michie
favoured with a vocal solo, "Chants
of the Robin".
Lunch was served by Mrs. Leslie
Bolt, Mrs, Mark Armstrong and
Mrs. Albert Vincent.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Armstrong
of Hamilton spent the week=end
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
David Armstrong. •
Mr. and Mrs. James Lamont,
Dale, Danny, Dwight and Donelda,
visited on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Bert Plunking and Mr. and
Mrs. Ted Hunking and family at
Mr. and Mrs. Goldin Wheeler and
family of London spent Sunday
With Mr, and Mrs. Herb Wheeler.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman, Keating of
Wingham visited on Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. J M. Coultes.
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Brown of
Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. Bev, Wal-
lace of Londesboro and Mr, and
Mrs. Ray Honking of Blyth spent
Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs.
James Lamont and family.
- Remember the Belgrave Music
Festival this Thursday and Friday
to be held in the Foresters' Hall
with Mr, Ed Ferguson as the ad-
Beginning on Saturday, May 2nd
the 'Belgrave Library will be open
from 7.30 to 9.30 DST on Saturday
Rev. Karl Krug
Conducts Baptism
BLUEVALE— Rev. Karl Krug,
of Eelgrave, conducted baptism and
communion service in the United
Church on Sunday, Mille Mr. Alan
Neelon preached at Belgrave and
Calvin-Brick churches,
Seven children were baptized:
Dayle Louise, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. George FiScher; Donna Ma:
rie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Will
Hall; Barbara Marie, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Riley; Mar-
garet May, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. George Darling; John David,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Fis-
cher; Glenn James; son of Mr. and .
Mrs, Scot McLennan; Marjorie El-
len Louise, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Bosman of Woodstock.
Three members j ined th e
LAMONT--George Lamont passed
• away quietly Thursday, April
16th at Port Elgin in his 77th
year, beloved husband of Anne
Blair, dear father of Blair of
Southampton, Bruce of Montreal,
Pauline, (Mrs. Henry Flynn) of
Ottawa and Ross of Cooirsville,
dear brother of Pearl (Mrs,
Ernest Fitch) of Granville, Ohio,
and Mae (Mrs. A. Adams) of
Toronto. Interment at Sanctuary
Park, Port glgin. He was horn
in Wingham,
Mrs. Vera Greig of Wroxeter
was elected chairman of Ontario
Farm Radio Forum at the recent
annual meeting held in Toronto.
Mrs, Greig is the first woman to
serve in this office. William Arm-
strong of Grey County was elected
first vice-chairman and Mrs. Doro-
thy Houston of Temiskaming was
elected second vice-chairman.
The vital importance of the Farm
Radio Forum projects, now in its
20th year, as a means of two-way
communication between farming
people and government and other
authoritative sources who have to
do with farm affairs, was strongly
emphasized at the Meeting, attend-
ed by some 200 , delegates and
guests, Reports of retiring chair-
Man Donald Munro of Carleton
County and secretary-manager Mrs.
Edith 'Starr, recorded the success
of the past season's Forum broad-
casts, discussions and Forum re-
ports, particularly the .success of
the newly-instituted 'TV Forum
broadcasts. During the meeting
Ron, W. A. Goodfellow, minister of
agriculture, greased the importance
of the Forum diScussions* and re-
ports, and indicated that an in-
creased government grant to the
work would be forthCorning this
year. Re said that the b'atm For.
tern reports were among ,the Most
'valuable ,types of information
reaching his department.
Both -side and rear door loading!
• safety vision: extreme manoeuvrability,
European precision craftsmanship,`'
amazing reliability, extremely low main-
tenance and operating costs. All this
PLUS efficient service and a central
5-million dollar Spare Parts Depot-
You are in business to make a profit,
therefore see your Volkswagen dealeF„
Telephone 84
The pupils of the Fordwieh
senior room and their teacher, Mrs.
Lyle -Murray Ad Several mothers
enjoyed a bus trip to Toronto on
Thursday where, they visited the
museum, Parliament Building, sub-
way and Hyde Park. All reported
having a wonderful day. The bug
was in charge of Mr. Allan Reed
of Lucknow.
Word was received here that Mr.
Tom Cunningham of Barrie, form-
erly of FordWieh, had passed away
In the hospital there.
Mrs, Jean Massey and two child-
ren of Gorrie spent the week-end
with Mr, and Mrs, AlfehesOn Wal-