HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-04-29, Page 3'aTiie•a, 0-7 414,64110-1 Poople Who Shop in Whighomileed The AdvanceJimes &WREN DISTRICT PLANS ACTIVITIES Mrs, Cora Whitfield Buried at Fordwtch u oenerai gospital On Thursday Aprli 2ard Viere entered into rest Cora May , Whitfield) foll9Wing a lingering illness, :Porn in Clifford, Mrs. Whitfield Was the daUghteri of the late Iienlarnin Tuck and Catharine Schweindiman, One brother Fred of Wingham R.R. 2 survives, She was predeceased by a brother .A1- bert Of Clifford and a siSt'er, Mrs. .Thseph (Mabie) Wade of Wingham and fOrrnerly of Forciwich, , For some years Mrs, Whitfield was a milliner at Clifford, Spring- field and Wellead, Later she, took up nursing, following that prOfes- DRIVE- IN rosily Queen 0,4 outwit,. FRANK C. HOFn --Representative,, Cenada Life WINGHAM, ONT. Phone SP The :Sallgeen DiStriet floy $couts, AsSoelation held ItS. SPring ITleethlg in the 14egion Oath Waiherton on Wadriesclay evening Of IPA. week.. Over 55 people onjeyed an :e!Icel, dent dinner prior to the lmainess. sesaien, Ten of the ,eleVen centres In the , diatrict were represented by gc,out and Cub leaders arkd assistants,1 district offieerai grpup orsInsittee representatives and .ncembers of . Ladies' Is Now Open Sat., May Sun.,, May 3 Frank Madill of Wingham, chair, man and Walter Gaoler, ChealeY• vice chairman, eenduct,ed the meet- ing Field commlasioner Bob rrey- ., • lor of Hanover presented 'District Oprernissioner Gowanlock with a Warrant of Appointment, mr. Gowanloels made the presentation of the sante honour to Seoutmaster John Preston of Walkertdn, and ,presented Scoutmaster , George Johnston of Durham with a Long Service Medal, The medal is awarded for over ten yeara in FREE EXAMINAliON Arai, CLEANING OF YOUR DIAMOND TO SERVE YOU WITH DELICIOUS IS YOUR CENTER DIAMOND SECURE Frozen Custard • `HAM,13-URGERS' TOOT-LONGSt 'FRENCH FRIES' AND OTHER 'DRIVEtIN SNACKS Funeral services were held on Saturday ',from the R. A. Currie and Sons funeral home with dr. Alexander Nimmo of St, An- drew's Presbyterian Churoh, in charge, .Interment was made in Fordwich cemetery, ° Pallbearers were Norman RIR - taul, Norman Wade, Robert Spot- ton, William Heughan, Alan Wil- liams and John MacNaughton. BASE OF THE SETTING WORN? IS THE RING WORN THIN? Fresh Cement SCIENTIFIC CLEANING GIVES LONGER LIFE COITIARInloner Gowanlock paid tribute to the late J. Nt. Game who passed away recently in Spain. Mr. Game was a great booster for Scenting and Was always available when assistance was needed. A moment's silence was held in bis Memory. ,' Mr, Gowanlock reported on winter activities end representa-, tives from each centre did likewise for their own troops and packs. Discussion followed when plans were made fOr the summer months, The annual and district church parade was scheduled for May 31 at 2 30 p.m , in Chesley, with ser- vice in the Presbyterian Church. The Brenze Arrowhead course for patrol leaders will ,be ' held in Chesley, May 29 and 30, The Queen Scout ceremony will be held this year in Harriston on June 5th,, The distriot summer camp for Sconts IS being held from July 4 - 13 at Camp Martyn and the, Wingham Cubs will be at camp from July 17 - 19. A rrieeting is being held at the home of Commissioner Gowaniock, in Walkerton on June 10 when Scout and Cub leaders Will plan the program for the field day, at Durham, September 12, and when an endeavour will be made to form a Scouters' Club. Filie plaques were on display, which had been made during the winter by Scbuts and Cubs and will be placed for competition at the field day. These maY be wen by indiVidual troops or packs, while the Archie Gowanlock Trophy will be won by the centre iri which the combination of Scouts and Cubs haa, taa, gr4ratst ;number ,pf peints, 'Attendihg front' Wingham were' Frank Madill, vice chairman, Mrs. Herbert Fuller, secretary-treasurer, Cub Leaders Bill Rintoul, Marilyn stock now DON'T BE ONE OF THESE n UNHAPPY SAM! Timely inspection can save costly loss! itaffiffiv • I • Drive In And See Us • • Sion 'In Detroit for a number of years, She retired to Wingham to live with her sister thirteen years go,a She was a member ,of St, An- drew's Presbyterian Church, Wing- ham, and when health permitted took an active part la the Wonten'S Missionary Society also the Hos- pital Auxiliary, Since coming here she had Made many friends and aequaintances who mourn her A recent an.rVey lAp.ntitieteld. the ' 004191141 CSinver Inatitnte ,Of anR Ada, ,Suggests r that the cancer tality xatea fop diffemt countries, for 'different ages and 'for males and. fernales ret414.16.P. about ,the • sae. This is true despite the fact that cancer for certain sites is myth 'e04141ener Wong certain peoples than among The Institute's statistician,. Dr, J. Phillips, who Made the study,. pointed .out that '"it is a Most -cur- kale thing but death rates for cancer of different sites seems to balance, J'apenese women, for ins stance, have an unusually high , rate of cantor of the Uterus. 'I1ow, ever, they rarely get 'breast veneer, Through the World lieelth, Oro ganization, Dr. Phillips. obtained figurea on cancer deaths by sites, and ages for eight .countries , that record their mortality data in the same manger Australia, Canada, England, France, Israel, japan, the Netherlands and the United States, Among men in all these countries followed a definite pattern, rising, gradually to age 45, more abruptly to age 60 and very steeply to age' 79.. When plotted on a graph the lines for all countries were so close to, gethcr as to be often superimpos,, ed. The female pattern showed. the same uniformity.' Why is this so? Why should there be approximately the same amount of 'cancer in each. country while the cancer for different sites varies markedly?` Why should one site of the disease make up' for another? What controls it all? "If. we knew the answer to these questions," Dr, R. M. Taylor, Insti- tute executive director; points out, "we would know a lot more than we do now about this disease, In vestigation of some of these prob- lems might suggest profitable lines of research,"'' At present the National Cancer Institute supports 80 projects of fundamental cancer research, in- volving almost every phase' of the problem. The bulk of the money for their support is raised by the Canadian Cancer Society, •A• Laam ,Golfer*.gled, • Mrs, A, R. PoVal The , meeting Of the Seet.10,4 of the Winghuni Golf Cub met In the 9,1igens Coffee Shop Monday 4401001 of last week with the president, Mrs, Norman Bilk:1# in charge. The year's reports were presented by the 'treasurer, Mrs. A A. Nesmith and the secretary, Mrs, IL Lloyd, Mrs. Wm, Conlon, convener of the nominating coroglIttoo 'Pm" Sented the slate of officers for this ! year. Mrs, A. Pt, DtiVal was elect- ed the new president. • .. The officers are:. Vast ores.; Mrs, Norman Biliotti..,..pres., Mrs, A, R. PuVel; first vice, 'I14ra. arry Spry; second vice, Mrs. Frank Madill, .trews„ Mrs. W. W, Currie; sec., Mrs, R.. H. Lloyd. The tournament cernhaittee, is made up of the captain, Mrsi W. Conron and. vice captain Mrs, N. Elliott, along with Mrs, D. A. Nesmith, and Mrs, James Harrill, , on, On taking thet chair, Mrs: DuVal voiT.ed.--likee. ppreciatiea— of-- tku club for the fine service given by the previous' executive and said that the reports vouched for 195s baying been a very successful year. A motion was passed that the elub continue affiliated In tile G,D.G.U, Future games, tourna- mentsi handicapping will he under the jurisdiction of the new captain, Mrs. W. Conron. Plans for open- ing festivities were made and it is hoped that 1959 will 'be another ex- cellent year for the Winghana club, New playing members and mem- bers for the social section, who meet every Thursday afternoon for bridge and tea throughout the summer, are most welcome and cordially invited, NIN,VNIV•V•VV,,,,,OWV,I • Look Before. You Leap Insist on proven OTC appliances when you need a Truss or Support. fi IlicKIBBONS Rexall Drug Store Steel Roofing )00004 ..any grtain4 •Theltle 01119Ved before the aot14- eleaning begins. • Then it ia placed in the cleaning. • machine, a large cylindrieal basket whIcil slowly rotate; rolling gara mints in a vonstantly changing, solvent ,bath. The, solvent is . eon,. tinuellY. filtered so ,that ell loose aWay. After about 10 or 15 minutes„they go into the drier, Another bashet which rotates as a: jet ..pf Warne air Wafts throUgh the fabric, NeNt tomes another inspection for spots and stains not taken opt by the Cleaning,. The finishing deo partment takes care of 'the press- ing, After still another inspection, the suit is.aleatly packaged, often 14 polythene plastic film, to keep it immaculate until ready to Wear, Freshly eleaned clothes need no longer carry an odor with them. This is beeause up-to-date cleaners have adopted a synthetie solvent called percblorethylene, Whieh eva- porates quickly in the drying pro- cess, This Solvent is von-flammable and makes .possible safe operation of cleaning plants right in the heart of a city or in suburban shopping centres. their progress but they admit they could give better'.serviee with bet- ter co-operation from eustomera, For instance, they wish people would stop trying to remove spots. In most cases they only .succeed in fixing tbe stain, They would also appreciate having a note at- tached to a garment identifying a stain, coffee, ketchup, paint, etc. And with all the new textile fibres on the market, they would like to find a note or label advising what the garment la made ef. Then it can receive special handling if neceasary, CaticerStoc.-Ettuds Support 80, Projects Thst .Wingbani AdvAposOrinsi., W. High heels are a fgctor in some accidents,- The slim high heels worn by a car driver may slip off brakes or accelerator, It may also catch in cracks in the side- walk or gratings in a floor, re- sulting in a bad fall. It is much more sensible to wear heels that give adequate support to the body's weight add are wide enough to provide a foundation for those who must stand or walk at their work. in custom lengths ch --70fre ,Lumber at price you can'tte-at anywhere ICHMEL ice cAwn mqm ois; Riehl, Penny ,Gerrie and Barbara Pickford, Herbert Fuller, Warren I 'Callan and Mrs. B. Wenger. ,111134110 PEANUTS 16.0Z. 39 ' BAG CELLO The average 'Canadian spends only. half as much on dry cleaning as an American does each year. He entrusts his hair-cutting to a bar- ber and his footwear repairs to a shoemaker, but when it cornea to cleaning his clothes, he'll struggle endlessly with spot remover before yielding ,his suit to a cleaner. In investigatibg this Canadian peculiarity, the dry' cleaning indus- try has found that many people believe dry cleaning is hard on garments, They have nn idea what goes on after they pass their clothes over the cleaner's counter— and they fear the worst! Actually, so much scientific progress has been made in recent years that a, modern cleaner can prolong the life and looks of elothes—if he re- ceives them regularly. The sceptical should tour a mo- dern cleaning plant and see juSt what happens, First the gdrment is labelled, so it won't be mielaid r and sent along, for inspection ta • CANDY FEATURE I Dare's Marshmallow IA-GALLON SQUARE CARTON FROZEN FOOD SAVE lie — 15 oz. SPECIAL Valley Hi Fancy STRAWBERRIES - 29c SAVE 5c — Delicious Horsey SPECIAL LEMONADE - 6 oz. . 4 for 49c SAVE 9c — Green Lake SPECIAL CHOICE PEAS - 12 oz. 4 for,590 Now! appointed by Chrysler to bring you SIMCA . 40 RISC 290 ' '*4.4 CASHEW BROWNIES BISCUIT FEATURE 1— PARTY TREAT ST. WILLIAMS (WITH ADDED PECTIN) RASPBERRY OR , SPECIAL 45 0 24-0Z. STRAWBERRY JAM JAR • ONLY AT 'DOMINION IT'S NATIONAL BABY WEEK HEINZ OR GERBERS ASSORTED SPSEgIzAL TINS INFANT OR JUNIOR RICHMELLO PKG. 310 8-0Z. PKG. LB. 670 PKG. 590 LB. JAR 350 IG-OZ. 24-0Z. LOAF 180 Vs; BABY FOODS FHLEAg E SLICES RICHMELLO COFFEE pripyorioRHENG COFFEE SALAD- CDRESSING HEINZ OR GERBERS — ASSORTED INTAM CEREALS INFANT CEREALS e-ot: PKG. 250 PABLUM ASSORTED $1.00 230 450 390 370 590 CHRISTIE S ARROWROOT BISCUITS PKG. PKG. 12-0Z, PKG. 16-0Z. TINS 32-0Z. JAR • ...:.*,:ism.,..4«:;aUf•S <4*.•,...0.•••AA4••••••" FARMER S WIFE EVAPORATED MILK SAVE oN MOTOR OIL I FOR CARS, TRUCKS, TRACTORS AND OUTBOARDS I S.A.E. GRADES #30-40 REGULAR DOMONOL OUTAINRT 25 0 4..oa. 950 MOTOR OIL BEEKIST No, WHITE LIQUID HONEY BEE HIVE OR CROWN BRAND LYLE'S GOLDEN Suggested retail prices start Irons, (AREA El) I-LB. TINS 390 2-LB. TIN S YRUP 2 CORN SYRUP TT'S NEW AT DOMINION AT A NEW LOW PRICE I DOMINO INSTANT COFFEE u'IT 35 0 6-0Z. JAR 890 .JUST HEAT AND SERVE — BAXTER'S BEANS WITH PORK 2 SPECIAL 21 0 15-0Z. TINS Large size 24 2 for 290 gorgeous, tailored interiors; reclining foam rubber seats; heater and defroster; extra large brakes for safe, sure stops; a big, roomy trunk;, panoramic, distortion-free, safety glass windshields; Quiet. Tone soundproofing; Unitized 'construction that's sound, and Solid; ball-joint suspension, and many, maoy other extras. See and drive the fabulous SI1VICA, today! Specifications, Equipment, and Prices subjedt to change without notice, ................... Large size. 1,2's 3 fey 79c 'CalifOrnia No. 1 Firm, Crisp HEAD LETTUCE • No. 1 Ontario, Ilot House, King Size 24's cucumnuns — Long Green Slicers ...... Near is the Time, to Preserwe No, 1 Cuban MESH PINEAPPLE sravD FLORIDA SWEETENED CITRUS JUICES OFTEN ORANGE 2 2,m. 410 da 51 0 HORSEY BRAND BLENDED 2 24-s,i. 370 4lia 430 GitAPEriturt 2Tigi 310 oiv.350 Its here! The great new SIMCA from Paris., Take , one drive and you'll know the truth. That of all the world's economy cars; Chrysler of Canada has brought you the finest. SIMCA outperforms anything io its price class. For SIMCA is The Economy King of cars, with front engine safety and 4-door family-size room. The car that holds 14 world's records for performance and endurance. The car that's prOven maximum miles per gallon economy. The car you'd expect to cost much more than the low, low price on the tag. ,Check the SIMCA against its competition! You get VALUES triterivz EVERYTHING is GUARANTEED .Chrysler of"anarla is pleased to armounde the appointment Of these SIMCA !Dealers WINGHAM IDEAL vitt sANDWICHES CANNED MEAT KAM PORK Loma , 450 ' SPECIAL 12-OZ, TIN 1114 I N10 DOMINIoN .STOR'ES LIMI111) LEN CRAWFORD - MOTORS HONE 710' WINGHAM UNTIL CLOSING TIME SATUADAY, MAY 2sist.