The Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-04-29, Page 26 Aft rNnE W7 E NNO REAMRS On April 21st ive JeamM, e r ratht-r hearq) irom one of our cus- tomers tha ing t ive -should he Oiargi 11 per etut sales tax Oil all printed atattier, rather than the It! perrent Which has been the I rate for �everal years lyasi-� The cluange, oi course, is as a result of the re,%� hudget recently brought down in tho feder'al AVe have no pardralarubjection, f,:aher tban the ii!smai Canadian -brand f - bevi againts )i st twx*s in gieuerat 1i thl�, Fales tax has to be increased ,v,- Nvib tatw Mr. Fleming"'; Nwcn-4 for iL 11eaven kno,4v,,; tve have 4enianded Ammgla -servicesand pens-lonsand in- n � e g,(- ent to ron !Furances , i th wernin tJ-de t'0jJJS Jlp Sjjarf,)1�7. AA%ar lack of anv fcmll f4f officint rlollfica- tion ODD, f"dw ilKreas�. What we I'llow abralt Sales tax ilncreasys is J�aist what ive hax:e n Q41 in the Papers and there wa's "G necifie melation of an increase: in 40 the tariff on lbeparticular brand of FINE CIVIC PRIDE 0- nt, oi tbe rniraeles -whic1l takes plare in mar town eai�h year is ibe irznia�sfomiafion in, mo-st 6mes and prpperties from the drabness and litter left bV wirner ro the freshand avtraciive appearance they preselit ibroughimat the remainder, of the year. In a inatterof a wi�,ek- or tell 41aps, lawns and gmTdens, shrobs and il-c;werbMs, cake rm a new appear- crnzeas prcmd riwntr�; tbrow every- qz into the attack. Perhaps that doesn't fseem uh- nsmA, zo voll. I ' f so h is Gniv becan, Se y�on lha%le bemnle completily acims- t<) the attractive surroundings in v6kh von live- Tat -:,t walka, few lhlork-s in the citv ;at tyls %ime �of rear, and you wDi be impressed b-� 11"e lack �of interest, most Property o�--,,wmers in larger place -s ba-ve irt their P rhap-1 we al -t -Infore conscien- e izirnls ab&zit s:uzb fhings in Small t�owrz because we aw aware that al- -most- tvery 1p R, -news as ky a,- serby I rname and repwation, and we want to keep the latter lans-VIlied: IN hatev�er the rtascWi, vur tov�n, and most r4hy-ers in -this part of the proNinm been devfAnped over the past Jew. vtars into places, o, f re*d beantNl. fi.is -not hard to u n-derstand, th�n, -tbat 1-narnry People 111 this town art t W nxiou -the pnblic qu IV a S to bave ch � -n ball,;and ozopertirs su. as the t�nu- the veq�.s of the stmets and side,- -wnllks. 2r, well ns vb� �-bblic parks, 'kept in a tidy and attrartive state. They feel that rommunity owned rty deserves inst as much care and attention as: private properfy. BEYOND THE CALL OF D,1J TY There ArelA too mavy people in this -mearv- vale who, see�- out extra tasks to rnund out their wa.kchkg bacours, but vre vrould Jik-e w draw yit�ur 2tiention to vne of this select gr(311p. He is Constable "80h" Le -%is rii the Wrinaharn Detachment Pro- vincial Police. In addition to his ri�glilar duties, Bob Ls at present filling evtry- avail- able anoment of bis free time with plans and aitivities in connection with a traffie safely'rampaign Chan- neled lo catch the aftention of the -mi-blir srlhool rbildren not on1v in Winlghairq, but in the surrounding town, . sWipsaswelL Perhapsyensaw the first of hi-, colurnns on ihe sub- krt in this paper last week. 'The rifificethas personally round- ed -tip :a Arast array. of prizes which will be avi-Arded to public scb-oal boys and girlst Who attain the"higher in a safet-y exawlt-ation, Willbe wlifteti ; em. hich 3 in a f ew weekle t . ime. Presentation of -the awards i I be quite an. wasiotl. plan.ne4 to impress -votIng minds mitIl the vrital TheWingfiamAdvinee-Mmes Vlousbed la wbe"In, 6Zt&r1* Wetter Btothe" , pnbusber# W. Bit* Wer*#r, ruditor Ntkwber Audit Buftfwbf CircWtUovi *Utborltdd U Stt�d 09M M9A POA oftict Dept 11. & A� 440 Pat Yftt Vorelg�n AA* 4to p6r year Aid"I'mrUSIng AN.t6i �M*00rWdt W merchandis4 we happen to wanufae- Wre. Any business finn Which is - forced to collect sales, tax on the sale of its products operates under za license sold by the feAleral govtra- ruent. so there isn" doubt wbaltever About who are *)a t1le list� Yet ap�,rently it ii; heyond tbe scope 4 governi.-nent to provide any prt�per notification that agreateralnowit of tax is to he collected at rbepiiint cif sa,le. As in, previous cases of tbis kind ;The business 1"nall will U41 doubt be liable for the paN-ment of the extra one percen t whether be has collected it or not. '.�.taid bu%iness, man gcets a I bit brm-ned off -ikith acting ai; abe governinen't'stax collector (wilbont Tolve,l) :,and fliell not even, mceivin- the 4efinite fornis of dir-ortior wbich, any, paid employee wGUM logically txpect� There art, fillies, whell the sinall business nlan seems to bethe handv goat for every tbanklei:s task wbich Arises. importance of safety consciousness. If you are of t1le opinion that Stich zctivities are a part -of the regular duties of a prokincial police- ruan you are inistaken. They :are the hrain-�child of Constable Lekkis and have beconie his major hobby� This, is the semnd vear he has under- iake.n this safetv campaign, but last vear it was confined to the -tndent-, Z in Wingham. 'Now it has grown lo ;t�t impressively large proportions. NOW THEYRE HUMAN With the adyent of warmer weather the female of our racecomes out from under h�er winter wrapzt�-- ;and what a refri�shing cha:nge is to be seen this year- We hay -e man"C' things, io be thankful for at an� given time, but none anoTe worfhv ihau the fact that girls are begiinning ta lod"k like girls agrairl- Although tbere are still a few 4ffie-hards, the Tagged haircuts and ,ac:k- dresses of liast season aTe be - ,change can well be rated as one of ibe finest tbiugs fliat hasever hap- pened to the adult male. G.iris, pleas -el, The nevt time sorne sad soul in Paris thinkcs up a new one for rnu­kick it around a hit before vowbitt. If a new strie doesn't, acrientu. ate vaur posifive fem- minity, it just aini goi;d. Style is a strakg-e �amd terrible -ing. It would he difficult to in -en imagine the m, illionis of doflaTs veorth of sacks and chemise which are now reh�gated to the dark- corners of ,rlothes closets all over, the globe, just becanse.a few, a very fexv� style czars decided that a quia- and di-a!"l- Tic change would be good ffor the dressmaking industry. Avduow. wbat's io be do-ne with all the --cast-offs, You oould FIlp tbeln into the bale your WMS is sending out to the Indians in Sas- katdhewan----�but that isn"I mucb, of a solution Pither. The Wian giris havre alwayshad a pretty sha-rp qcye for the valite of a smooth curve. "Nine icbantes -outof ten tbey would use those t1lingsfor the only -purpose .to which tbev were ever suitt4— caMing potaioes. I OKT AW" YOU IG If you artn't inttrested in fishing, .go no further. You wouldn't. under- stand. just a few more dgysand thous- ands of "iffishermen" will be plodding, doggedly along stream baliks all over the provinct of Ontario. That is not to say fbat the fish population Nvi i he greatly depleted, for, at- tbough -,re have never seen any, -ie- fiable figures, it would be a st:fe bet that the,.One�g ivhocome home v-iih enipty creels Will outnurnher hicky, olles 'many, tim. es over. Pkrhaps that "Us why, we have al- wkys, liked the sport -'n- e -fish statlds ,-urh , , a, won&rfillcllanee of simb.'al. In fart, most of the fish we bave twr seen in our angling Aays , ;are still in tht Jakeg znfi strean;s. and this 11r.4t trip oot hi the ir.hill (of early -Atay iq solnething inthe nalare of a rlae,.� Minion. We kDon, tblat our finry frietids will,.stillbe lyllng in t,:h,14r S�hided patols to gTeet us with unworried good humor. I 13 J. ABY SOAP 4 for 394 4 oj� and a M noc LD.A� OLIVE OIL 29c, 44c JOWA — 1/4 -and 14 gr. W91.114r 700 and 98a 1- I -DA. SACCHARIN TABLETS .. W, 79c i ... ........ L"YS-OL 79c size, good value for .... 69c 11 I You can'borrow with conjr,­ odence from. HFC. For RFC specializes in makingsame- day loans to all kinds of pepplefor purposes fi�ey think worthwhile. And loans are made withouthankable secur- ity or endorsers. Youalways get prompt, ftiendly servii�e at HFC whether you, need. a little money or a IoL Yoxell like our convenient office. I KUM 'W h�oum too. Household finance,*of course! Canada's largest and most recommended consumer finance company -ME POUSEHOLD FINA IL Jenking, Mona9tr 00610CH 11 ... Alm ...... 4.1861.1's ..... I ... 1;,omq ....... . . muts ... numomm 0C J7 'Centre St. REV. W. W. LODER,-Pastor Wed, -8.00 p,m.—Youth Vellowship Meeting Vri,--8.00 p.m.—Prayer Meeting Sunday Service 10.00 a.m. Sunday ckhool Classes for all ages. 11.00 Worship ,7.30 p.m.—Evangelistic � VISITORS WELCOME :tvllss Gert ae Cantklom bas accept- �ed a prisition em The -Ursmce staff. we",e v,1*:tor:s;3t the pa,80110941 With, dAy withUr. *.wl Xro, A. DAU,.411, 1 01k 1E M P"ASE] lav on mrs, Alw� 900011t,0#40row4b Xr. a04 mrs, W91IMPA W10 A'. and -AF -0N Z 4;� :Arr. *Ad Mo. 7qell mot."A of X04 Cecil X.Oxinnon of laronta. Ov To Mr 4tr6etX1 :(t '4 "4 to. 'PXeuAe` f4)r 0, drlVer of PU a;k4 .0 Toronto and -Mir. aoo Mrs. J . ro, A Im An'040009 4114 X V� deparixamt, 19 rejat44 but 114 t00 trUetbAt there ram UP Axid do\kv tho *4W4 109 Uarshall An4 4augbters opent su A- ter magNmv of Brussels. TMASpOrt 14141440 A number of Oliver$ 43Tk our III% t.0141A. tietdleU of the, Wety of $`e,M)10V l4uncb-�Izoads who, gnAlvate others. Itonly t*kies ane amident 40d A trafflC Of the rClationShip, betWftn, the *0 snUff 4[nit A human We, W07 program, privileges and the responsibilitles 4 Tbe Jime is upon us wben we -k4PNiat 4PP"A of 44ving. Such person4 imperil must stress the fact that it �s trul'y J. 1. A A. Special rrX.A. has b"jx rosAq tbe lives of the rriqqlity of Ariver$ to Lbe tleM- Who ARE 04refA and pf impb(*pt to 4elve a Ww� U Is NOT the inherent rigbt of every- 2 QbeXevery law of one #Tb.o zearbea the stated age, to EFFECT IVEAPRIL 29th to MAY �St` V11100 support ptiblic safety. to possess A driving permit- 00n - the Alive. -yoV Z It is high tlMe t1hat every I �om cern for the rrlghts of 'Others# Fx= 700 tr'is) size, With Ono ;rcm $10 01,00 ran ty in oor land take A odim- respect for the safety of others. -,Oue, of n! Ivilliagness to Accept asbare in the LANOLIN PLUS LIQUID ............. $ IM, %aze 00:�ams. view. of driver$ who are tar0fts. moral respmijibility of sap, driv- A vx%era: recogioltion of Ue 4is- 4ng—thpse are the altitudes that ees SPFr`entjce. They oreir Jooloed alik.,% Top but - the iaws of ine road 1;,a;tb cf Ibis -.0093n, would gj-resatJy regard J Individual V to ABSORBENT COTTON .......... 7 i-Acrease the aafety factor 04 our" 4rivers wbo 'Show off, There Is iia drive a car if pbY5,01111,Y fit. j, :f s3neethe loi�al branch wasopened, skvr, sw, J. ABY SOAP 4 for 394 4 oj� and a M noc LD.A� OLIVE OIL 29c, 44c JOWA — 1/4 -and 14 gr. W91.114r 700 and 98a 1- I -DA. SACCHARIN TABLETS .. W, 79c i ... ........ L"YS-OL 79c size, good value for .... 69c 11 I You can'borrow with conjr,­ odence from. HFC. For RFC specializes in makingsame- day loans to all kinds of pepplefor purposes fi�ey think worthwhile. And loans are made withouthankable secur- ity or endorsers. Youalways get prompt, ftiendly servii�e at HFC whether you, need. a little money or a IoL Yoxell like our convenient office. I KUM 'W h�oum too. Household finance,*of course! Canada's largest and most recommended consumer finance company -ME POUSEHOLD FINA IL Jenking, Mona9tr 00610CH 11 ... Alm ...... 4.1861.1's ..... I ... 1;,omq ....... . . muts ... numomm 0C J7 'Centre St. REV. W. W. LODER,-Pastor Wed, -8.00 p,m.—Youth Vellowship Meeting Vri,--8.00 p.m.—Prayer Meeting Sunday Service 10.00 a.m. Sunday ckhool Classes for all ages. 11.00 Worship ,7.30 p.m.—Evangelistic � VISITORS WELCOME :tvllss Gert ae Cantklom bas accept- �ed a prisition em The -Ursmce staff. without 'any RA!demc�ev that 1hfT Be - ing -way 117th Service in WEre verT qpC-.t,181 P"Ple, -a Cut Emox Pzesbyterl:an Churawill be- Z iftRemnts ciagA Sugar and SPice WHO= Corpiq 13Y BID Smiley SiX cut -abOve a P6496, Or x Z FT sonnel. Thqv'Ured aloof from -otb- mr. zhalton navle: $ of Brantford, that"In view of the ellaiOng bR:dA 'Ar r4 *m., late, of Hullfax� W'is Uee)x Of national 4efence, the Canadian pany of mone but their lovm. They takes the as manager of f1gliterpilot mritl soon be as dead as bad their own prhrate angual xz.�osltjon ae lwal branch of the C�Madlan the dodo, as exonct as a sailma3c- almost to owers. Ravk Of ODmmeree, Mr, A, E, ees SPFr`entjce. They oreir Jooloed alik.,% Top but - Smith, wl�o bas bpen manaVr If it Is true, and T sappose, it $s, ton. undone, no button% polished, s3neethe loi�al branch wasopened, rm glad. 'The, Canadian righter hair wom long,) int's bgsbeAlu, uld- )s sev-ering his connection With pilot had a brief 'but glorious his- form%,,A1,ght1$, shabby, and a. ynous- thebank. Wy in two wW-s, It, is better for t*Che. if PORSI-41e, Vie bigger the, Tlere passed awa at her home ilk;%Corves. fhe SpWIPS tA) VRZI!Sb With,itS glaw� betUtz, 'They z1ftoctO 14 _v In Louvr NVingbam. on Sunda�r af- Pur intatt -than to d(-_gene"te, %vith vrMle f1ying, and wore half -Wel - ternoon Alice 7%ynre, wifeaf 3,fr. 'the rA])7jd Mange, in aerial warfare, lington b0otS. Their IZAARN-.4s Were. 5. =1 John Sill.ek, agged 164 years- into a mereadjunet to a. puish-but- 113ing, beor and u-omfla, in -Mat 5 N11r. C"bas. Swanson on Friday ton. -Or&r. Lmst sold his barbeli-mg business to A pecullar breed. the flght�er 1�11� Loolcing back they were a col - Mr. Joseph Ifutch, who is now in ot was spawned. almost by acei- lectionof ratber foolish 5roung men, possession. dent, during World War.L Pilots With little to recommend them ex- _Njr. Ciar,- Adw . ns Ic-ft on VondaS, doing recon ' na!SSanee LPAtro]S start. cept a Certain skill at gulding a for 4�.vlburne, where be tal�es a ed taWng pot shots at each affier fev9'burtft9 tons Of 'n3k-W thrOugh position in a dr#g store,. with xevolvem Next thing you the air� and. the abillity to alm and �Xr. and Mrs. Getirge, McDonagb 'know, the sky was full of 4eath-or- fire -"ns at objects in the air and of Winnipeg� are visiting %Titb old Z-10rY types fighting incredible On the ground, friends- in V-7131gham, this weel-� duels, creating fantastic legends. Yet tbeiJVERE romantic, bow- INUss Vera, -4. RcImes returned to It -Ams about this time, thatthe ever realLrAcaBy We look at thent. HaVer-'21 C6lle­-e on Muesday figbtor liflot, beganthinicing be was 'ThWhad 9, nair for living- lbry 3110'riling after having spent the 4& hot�-shot. With the Poor Bloodv UA the dnFh and spirit of Cavalry- Rasterholidays at ber home bere� 111fantr.-s' boggvd in the mud. and L-3conle, CoWsacits. they Were- And Nfiss Cora Sheriff Jeft on. Man- being glaughtered bN, libe thou- tbey -were likely The U-4. fighting day to xesume ber Antics as teach- �aud% the mevkspapers of the ;,l;ay men'the world ivill m�e, to seek out er, in Wraxetk-r school after spend- jooL-eil around for Something col- the ememay and engage, him. in Ing tht holidays at her home in ortal to relieve the grim reAlit.v single combat town. . Barrister R. Holmes and Xrs. '1361mes of the annihilatiom They were mot braver than other Suddenly the fighter pilot found men, but they bad a great pride. Holmes and 1faster llarold their him, the da,1lg. of the - .�f Press. TYPIcally, even their deatbs, and have returned from IDAM trip through tb,, Ifaeltime Provine- the 'toast of the folks at home, tbey died in their hundreds, were Unable t, assimilate the 'c�"na--e dramatic; Lumblingdown in a ball e-- and -Atiantic Coast. - - of the front lines, the public Imag` of fire; blown to bits in nddair-, Mr. X Pskerson Intends goAg'LO lnatl,, fastened -a' lani [Tomnto, where- he is acceptin-- a on this _- e in an tral Tito � 'lea,, deep d a , -._ht i dahing 3 =-ht , , of 1he air, forever the roold sea; smashing bard and -01)d Position 'With the Elias Rogers CO. tackling insuperable odds, running true into tbeearth. up his score of kills. and geneia3ly 1 0 -4) - 0 I presenting a romantit picture -of Tf the AOfwadian fighter pilot L4 PORT17 TEAP-13,AGO war. on the iva-y out� IaVs not --hed sixv An, twvs,adublion W2K.mot bt tears, over It I fs just be, slad song Im. e An old and blighly respected * the pi)otg. -1bey were brave, �be was 2round when lie m -as. And. Citizen Va$Sed to his reward On �Fitt -no bmvler than, �the next mwi­ if -that st"Outish, WdIng fellow, 'Vildak �'ihbrifti, in'the Pe--S*n �df qbey were, -,skillful, but no more. So hAppefl$ 154D t -ell TOO V701aln F�F-Sssmt. g 2?11noyjma2m� Igut that 'he was a fliAt 01 o4 doWt than u good M -r- J- X Cimm3ngbarn bas lnrr- -they uvre young,,and buman.,Plac- -feel sorili, -for birn. He bad his lebased a mew J%4:eT-augbrtn­ seven passenger f roin Doble & Tepax& , ed I, the lirnkfth4 OiV adopted dsLT, and it was a good one. a cert4in .svragrer, a consdowkl�, A -ft. W. TX Burke has purchased the residence on Edward Street casuQ ling air ,d gradually, the opinion 'BLDEVA from W&. D. Pell wIffich Is occupled IFIALLE th" flwy uvre -an -elite amen. -A�be, b -V MY. AL J. -4rnllstromg- uniformed hordes.. They mever gat 3ft, Leonard Drummond,,who en- over, I Next Sunda -T, Max 3rd, the Un- it. astea ,th- the uut Bt artivea. 7%e whole business was secert- ited Church VPM be. -In its sum mer home on Saturday might 1�e 's a tuated, between th4, i,v� sr.4iedule, with Sunday School at big son of M:r% Dmmmond. butcher. o wars, by a great deal -of romaxitic bipe 10-30 am. amd' church serviroe at Z The well knomm -rareborse, Silver 13�30 I -Witten about them, and eagerly a -m% "Willres, has beem purchased by N -Ir Edgar Higgins of Turmberry �r,;;; devoured by schoolboys. -of whom Xr. Alan Nee3on preached in the 4 ktr. Edgar Shoebottom of East I wasone. &b, It was beady iftff- Ustowel Unjted Churc b on S,,,dgy 'the white silk scarf, the brandy evenin,- the Paxtnere Vub S�Peeial 11r. W. Elmer Unhood has Par- bottoms-mp; the empt y glass da-sb- service. ehased the planing im-11 in Mn- ed into t -he fireplace. the gallant , e Aawl) Rev� T. E. Kennedy conducted little Spad climbing Into tb cardine and vdll take posssession at tomeet -the Hum zonimunlon -service in Knox Rres- tonce. Irr. �Couslns bas 'rented the $o, 'When the, next. War, cwne byterian Church on Sunday and: -A, building on the corner of Dl,�,onsj the newl Gordon: along,,ever.r Canadian youth worth y­1nducted elders, hl ght in War Afts vr Wings- Greig,.Gonaon Mundell and Ber- Is IrIl Road end john 8treett from Mr. W- P. 'VamStone and wfll ase it as wanted to be -a righter juilot The n2xd Tboxna wzzd ted with 4ther; ! an insuvance vMce, The 6ffice is very `so'ga proportion to nE&,,. the mem1bers ot session in the service.� .at Present used by the -4ero gTade naWr-'LU-V assuMed "ChAt theY Three new membems were Teteived..1 7— ou-AA— Tire and 'Rubber C!o. wexe 'Me Chosen. They bellered, 'Mere was a large attendanoe. Z.& J. ABY SOAP 4 for 394 4 oj� and a M noc LD.A� OLIVE OIL 29c, 44c JOWA — 1/4 -and 14 gr. W91.114r 700 and 98a 1- I -DA. SACCHARIN TABLETS .. W, 79c i ... ........ L"YS-OL 79c size, good value for .... 69c 11 I You can'borrow with conjr,­ odence from. HFC. For RFC specializes in makingsame- day loans to all kinds of pepplefor purposes fi�ey think worthwhile. And loans are made withouthankable secur- ity or endorsers. Youalways get prompt, ftiendly servii�e at HFC whether you, need. a little money or a IoL Yoxell like our convenient office. I KUM 'W h�oum too. Household finance,*of course! Canada's largest and most recommended consumer finance company -ME POUSEHOLD FINA IL Jenking, Mona9tr 00610CH 11 ... Alm ...... 4.1861.1's ..... I ... 1;,omq ....... . . muts ... numomm 0C J7 'Centre St. REV. W. W. LODER,-Pastor Wed, -8.00 p,m.—Youth Vellowship Meeting Vri,--8.00 p.m.—Prayer Meeting Sunday Service 10.00 a.m. Sunday ckhool Classes for all ages. 11.00 Worship ,7.30 p.m.—Evangelistic � VISITORS WELCOME :tvllss Gert ae Cantklom bas accept- �ed a prisition em The -Ursmce staff. without 'any RA!demc�ev that 1hfT Be - ing -way 117th Service in WEre verT qpC-.t,181 P"Ple, -a Cut Emox Pzesbyterl:an Churawill be- f I YHE SALVATION ARMY Mr� A. V. 'Forbes and Mr. W. IL above s, bomber p1lot; three cuts and -I ;;� gin at IL90 km, with Sunday Dore have. been selected as dek- sbOVP, A JUXTal. ZW'Oex� St School at 10M amL WHO= Corpiq cl gates to the f'rovin, lal Convention SiX cut -abOve a P6496, Or x Z Of -are War vleteraw, -to be held officer. , Dr. AitburShaw am -d 3&rs. Sb2m I at V-=dsor, 'This attitude was infuriating to of Toronto were 'visitors With their t - z Z others, hut, likeall snabbery, rath- maotber, Mrs, Arthur Shaw, last er .Pleasant if You ,.were one of weelL 11MVIT-ME TFAM AGO those dbiri-- the snbbbfng� Mgbter 4Dfr1c,T.s of the *p M. and Mrs. M1,111am. Jenkins of .,�tan Vercbants, pilots were a close-Imit company, Galt spent Sunday with Mr.. and Asqociatlon, have been klected as despite the fact that they -mere George TietherIngton and follows. . Pre&, T. -7. Smith; T,-eL- widely*scatteretl They kept tabs famum p,es., C�eorge WiWar"; seg, Ed. on. their Wends -through the con- VVI"Ilhims, Ireas, n J�, Isard.- Vays stant gh"ging of squadron per- Miss E�eanor,4 'dth: 'of mar sn antc� And means vmm., H_ Garlick was boine for the week -end, ac- t ic. mug, vv� J. oreet, & -T' CiUb'. Pres, Vft. A, 3VL CtaWrGrd; companied by 2&ss Diane Biroady Mayor Hanna, TL Z. Tsar4 rrt 11,0 of Wbltby. Mrs. A� �R� DuVal; see- treas, ohd vice, 11�rs. X Campbell; V-Wjt!Ag with Mr. and Mm Ch's.4 Ills" 1111riP1 le't On MrK. 'Ed. Harriwn,- sec, 'MZ Saturday for 1&uther, 300e, to Ker 'tT%' Joe BOsman at the wee*�kend were r visit xidth ber brother. 33ft. Artb M, eld has pure-hagea and Mra. Jack 8asmari and obild-0 ur Maebab Brothers have purMas- a chicken. Tameb and market gaMen ren of Woodstock and FAWl. Bos-� i�ftu, *d -the property in which H B. w1ulth Is 3otated about ten milez znan of SL 3&r_m 1,11jott hsas ka's book store. Some souffiwest of London. Tl*y VXPect Xr.& Aler AOorrlgan Visited her� time between. �oowam a ihe, tirst at Ito move in about two weelm father Mr, Willisni Mundell, in Jithe they will transfer their stock 11 on Thursday, er#nIo-- 1W, and victoria nospito" London, wbere,. Into That building, C, = "2 A- -0 " �r­v -4 U..;1 Mrs, Alex CrawfOrdretulmed kom he is suffering 11,om. -a broken hip. I ,g -4— e rl-- after spending the-, *afnter in F76r- Sales Ux "inaint Id 6 perdent. idg, PDr the past 20 years Mr. 'Mr. and Mrs. ZaTaes XenmedY bag mmed his own home amd daugliters, Gall abd 11013ise. Of Bluerale and EIJAIL-a halre there, but S014 it Wbre leaving have bftn Visiting Vdth AM T. Z, I temd#da, tall to Rev. John X Greig this year. aAO 3fts. Ktnnedy at the manse. �dr Chatsworth. :Uftt T. R. Ste*artl, training VaU azd Louise are �*malnmg for Ung. 11�,eorge gpafth retufted offit-er -of the !Z1st`Rgt, RCA,!and a, tWoweeks',Asit. horde oil Utniday after tpeaffimg Zl,,SX 'Waford,Sodd0m the tame Some tune in Oftawa, an.4 "Ibronto. ldts, Zdward -Johnttft ha!g tro� Mr, Atirvey MAne of 7,ohdoh CAMp Irpperwa&, turned to her boTApafter spending oviii a Aar last we#k rehe*109 ,11iboues School 0, tjj,� Sth of the luimter *1th berdaughteir, Mrs. I :w-guitintitrices here. taftbLrry, *As the see3* of -t Ittibel Ilan% at UmibeW Wtt Alice WMlkxftWk Mtthehet, '111. Party, th VdZd83r ever"719 T"A+o rnotor boau on the pand 12 slyert the **A-emd At bet bome friendq =d melgliboi% of th are " asturanwof salarner t6m- L W1 god Mrs, 11ar-fley ti%h, Who Woes k-att- "d may-tv. g 'Of ing. rjUbvrmen have also, ap. Z Wegr3z t%l".rsity opobt fbo� 4 -Ad At their homelm towh� Me. Beft Aftst"'49 19a sold his .1tr and Mrs. lea, alortireld" of a b&ami, bt Prtnetg Ittreet to Mr. iZ;t�, art guests or Mr. "d the � t4waftee, Of vrg� coorg* Ise falt�*Ing ofibetts �'ba*a 1�eoo sfiwi* *M& Is 84J&b6ot, to k1A Mr. And Mrs, Heary InoTia "d b1ft0d bv the 14&e 04vling Agttt tj lymign"% Shit-Ity, 4 'WobdAtick, J2 1 1 Furnij SUNDAY SERVICES 11.00 a.m.—Holiness Meeting .2.30 P-ni-�Sunday School -7-00 P.m.—Salvation. -Afeeting 'Tuesday,'8.00 P,fn.�Ptayerk'nd PraiseService Friday, 8.00 p.m.—Youth Group All'Teen-Aiters Weltonle 4 Arelconle for T011 at the ItArmV0 ,(AXGLadAX) Rev. C. F. Johnson, L.Th. � Rector Mrs. Gordon Davidson - Organist Thlim, April p* *, a arlS11 rooln at 3 o'clock after gaster 9-45 C