The Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-04-29, Page 26
On April 21st ive JeamM, e
ratht-r hearq) irom one of our cus-
tomers tha ing
t ive -should he Oiargi
11 per etut sales tax Oil all printed
atattier, rather than the It! perrent
Which has been the I rate for
�everal years lyasi-� The cluange, oi
course, is as a result of the re,%�
hudget recently brought down in tho
AVe have no pardralarubjection,
f,:aher tban the ii!smai Canadian -brand
f - bevi againts
)i st twx*s in gieuerat 1i
thl�, Fales tax has to be increased ,v,-
Nvib tatw Mr. Fleming"'; Nwcn-4 for iL
11eaven kno,4v,,; tve have 4enianded
Ammgla -servicesand pens-lonsand in-
n � e g,(- ent to ron
!Furances , i th wernin
tJ-de t'0jJJS Jlp Sjjarf,)1�7. AA%ar
lack of anv fcmll f4f officint rlollfica-
tion ODD, f"dw ilKreas�.
What we I'llow abralt Sales tax
ilncreasys is J�aist what ive hax:e n Q41
in the Papers and there wa's "G
necifie melation of an increase: in
40 the tariff on lbeparticular brand of
0- nt, oi tbe rniraeles -whic1l takes
plare in mar town eai�h year is ibe
irznia�sfomiafion in, mo-st 6mes and
prpperties from the drabness and
litter left bV wirner ro the freshand
avtraciive appearance they preselit
ibroughimat the remainder, of the
year. In a inatterof a wi�,ek- or tell
41aps, lawns and gmTdens, shrobs and
il-c;werbMs, cake rm a new appear-
crnzeas prcmd riwntr�; tbrow every-
qz into the attack.
Perhaps that doesn't fseem uh-
nsmA, zo voll. I ' f so h is Gniv becan, Se
y�on lha%le bemnle completily acims-
t<) the attractive surroundings
in v6kh von live- Tat -:,t walka, few
lhlork-s in the citv ;at tyls %ime �of
rear, and you wDi be impressed b-�
11"e lack �of interest, most Property
o�--,,wmers in larger place -s ba-ve irt their
P rhap-1 we al -t -Infore conscien-
izirnls ab&zit s:uzb fhings in Small
t�owrz because we aw aware that al-
-most- tvery 1p R, -news as ky
a,- serby I
rname and repwation, and we want to
keep the latter lans-VIlied: IN hatev�er
the rtascWi, vur tov�n, and most
r4hy-ers in -this part of the proNinm
been devfAnped over the past
Jew. vtars into places, o, f re*d beantNl. -not hard to u n-derstand, th�n,
-tbat 1-narnry People 111 this town art
t W nxiou -the pnblic
qu IV a S to bave
ch � -n ball,;and
ozopertirs su. as the t�nu-
the veq�.s of the stmets and side,-
-wnllks. 2r, well ns vb� �-bblic parks,
'kept in a tidy and attrartive state.
They feel that rommunity owned
rty deserves
inst as much care
and attention as: private properfy.
There ArelA too mavy people in
this -mearv- vale who, see�- out extra
tasks to rnund out their wa.kchkg
bacours, but vre vrould Jik-e w draw
yit�ur 2tiention to vne of this select
gr(311p. He is Constable "80h" Le -%is
rii the Wrinaharn Detachment Pro-
vincial Police.
In addition to his ri�glilar duties,
Bob Ls at present filling evtry- avail-
able anoment of bis free time with
plans and aitivities in connection
with a traffie safely'rampaign Chan-
neled lo catch the aftention of the
-mi-blir srlhool rbildren not on1v in
Winlghairq, but in the surrounding
town, . sWipsaswelL Perhapsyensaw
the first of hi-, colurnns on ihe sub-
krt in this paper last week.
'The rifificethas personally round-
ed -tip :a Arast array. of prizes which
will be avi-Arded to public scb-oal
boys and girlst Who attain the"higher
in a safet-y exawlt-ation,
Willbe wlifteti ;
em. hich 3 in a f ew weekle
t . ime. Presentation of -the awards
i I be quite an. wasiotl. plan.ne4 to
impress -votIng minds mitIl the vrital
Vlousbed la wbe"In, 6Zt&r1*
Wetter Btothe" , pnbusber#
W. Bit* Wer*#r, ruditor
Ntkwber Audit Buftfwbf CircWtUovi
*Utborltdd U Stt�d 09M M9A
POA oftict Dept
11. & A� 440 Pat Yftt
Vorelg�n AA* 4to p6r year
Aid"I'mrUSIng AN.t6i �M*00rWdt
merchandis4 we happen to wanufae-
Wre. Any business finn Which is -
forced to collect sales, tax on the sale
of its products operates under za
license sold by the feAleral govtra-
ruent. so there isn" doubt wbaltever
About who are *)a t1le list� Yet
ap�,rently it ii; heyond tbe scope 4
governi.-nent to provide any prt�per
notification that agreateralnowit of
tax is to he collected at rbepiiint cif
As in, previous cases of tbis kind
;The business 1"nall will U41 doubt be
liable for the paN-ment of the extra
one percen t whether be has collected
it or not. '.�.taid bu%iness, man gcets a I
bit brm-ned off -ikith acting ai; abe
governinen't'stax collector (wilbont
Tolve,l) :,and fliell not even, mceivin-
the 4efinite fornis of dir-ortior wbich,
any, paid employee wGUM logically
txpect� There art, fillies, whell the
sinall business nlan seems to bethe
handv goat for every tbanklei:s task
wbich Arises.
importance of safety consciousness.
If you are of t1le opinion that
Stich zctivities are a part -of the
regular duties of a prokincial police-
ruan you are inistaken. They :are
the hrain-�child of Constable Lekkis
and have beconie his major hobby�
This, is the semnd vear he has under-
iake.n this safetv campaign, but last
vear it was confined to the -tndent-,
in Wingham. 'Now it has grown lo
impressively large proportions.
With the adyent of warmer
weather the female of our racecomes
out from under h�er winter wrapzt�--
;and what a refri�shing cha:nge is to
be seen this year- We hay -e man"C'
things, io be thankful for at an�
given time, but none anoTe worfhv
ihau the fact that girls are begiinning
ta lod"k like girls agrairl-
Although tbere are still a few
4ffie-hards, the Tagged haircuts and
,ac:k- dresses of liast season aTe be -
,change can well be rated as one of
ibe finest tbiugs fliat hasever hap-
pened to the adult male.
G.iris, pleas -el, The nevt time
sorne sad soul in Paris thinkcs up a
new one for rnukick it around a
hit before vowbitt. If a new strie
doesn't, acrientu. ate vaur posifive fem-
minity, it just aini goi;d.
Style is a strakg-e �amd terrible
-ing. It would he difficult to in -en
imagine the m, illionis of doflaTs veorth
of sacks and chemise which are now
reh�gated to the dark- corners of
,rlothes closets all over, the globe,
just becanse.a few, a very fexv� style
czars decided that a quia- and di-a!"l-
Tic change would be good ffor the
dressmaking industry.
Avduow. wbat's io be do-ne with
all the --cast-offs, You oould FIlp
tbeln into the bale your WMS is
sending out to the Indians in Sas-
katdhewan----�but that isn"I mucb, of a
solution Pither. The Wian giris
havre alwayshad a pretty sha-rp qcye
for the valite of a smooth curve.
"Nine icbantes -outof ten tbey would
use those t1lingsfor the only -purpose
.to which tbev were ever suitt4—
caMing potaioes.
If you artn't inttrested in fishing,
.go no further. You wouldn't. under-
just a few more dgysand thous-
ands of "iffishermen" will be plodding,
doggedly along stream baliks all
over the provinct of Ontario. That
is not to say fbat the fish population
Nvi i he greatly depleted, for, at-
tbough -,re have never seen any, -ie-
fiable figures, it would be a st:fe bet
that the,.One�g ivhocome home v-iih
enipty creels Will outnurnher
hicky, olles 'many, tim. es over.
Pkrhaps that "Us why, we have al-
wkys, liked the sport -'n- e -fish statlds
, , a, won&rfillcllanee of simb.'al.
In fart, most of the fish we bave
twr seen in our angling Aays
, ;are
still in tht Jakeg znfi strean;s. and
this 11r.4t trip oot hi the ir.hill (of
early -Atay iq solnething inthe nalare
of a rlae,.� Minion. We kDon, tblat
our finry frietids will,.stillbe lyllng in
t,:h,14r S�hided patols to gTeet us with
unworried good humor.
J. ABY SOAP 4 for 394
4 oj� and a M noc
LD.A� OLIVE OIL 29c, 44c
JOWA — 1/4 -and 14 gr. W91.114r 700 and 98a 1-
... ........
L"YS-OL 79c size, good value for .... 69c 11
You can'borrow with conjr,
odence from. HFC. For RFC
specializes in makingsame-
day loans to all kinds of
pepplefor purposes fi�ey think
worthwhile. And loans are
made withouthankable secur-
ity or endorsers. Youalways
get prompt, ftiendly servii�e
at HFC whether you, need. a
little money or a IoL Yoxell
like our convenient office.
I KUM 'W h�oum too.
Household finance,*of course!
Canada's largest and most recommended
consumer finance company
IL Jenking, Mona9tr
11 ... Alm ...... 4.1861.1's ..... I ... 1;,omq ....... . . muts ... numomm
0C J7
'Centre St.
REV. W. W. LODER,-Pastor
Wed, -8.00 p,m.—Youth Vellowship Meeting
Vri,--8.00 p.m.—Prayer Meeting
Sunday Service
10.00 a.m. Sunday ckhool Classes for
all ages.
11.00 Worship
,7.30 p.m.—Evangelistic �
:tvllss Gert ae Cantklom bas accept-
�ed a prisition em The -Ursmce staff.
we",e v,1*:tor:s;3t the pa,80110941 With, dAy withUr. *.wl Xro, A. DAU,.411,
01k 1E M P"ASE] lav
mrs, Alw� 900011t,0#40row4b Xr. a04 mrs,
W91IMPA W10 A'. and
-0N Z
:Arr. *Ad Mo. 7qell mot."A of X04 Cecil X.Oxinnon of laronta.
Ov To Mr
4tr6etX1 :(t '4 "4 to. 'PXeuAe` f4)r 0, drlVer of
PU a;k4 .0
Toronto and -Mir. aoo Mrs. J . ro, A Im An'040009 4114 X V�
deparixamt, 19 rejat44 but 114 t00 trUetbAt there ram UP Axid do\kv tho *4W4 109
Uarshall An4 4augbters opent su A- ter magNmv of Brussels.
TMASpOrt 14141440 A number of Oliver$ 43Tk our III% t.0141A. tietdleU of the, Wety of
$`e,M)10V l4uncb-�Izoads who, gnAlvate others. Itonly t*kies ane amident
40d A trafflC Of the rClationShip, betWftn, the *0 snUff 4[nit A human We,
W07 program, privileges and the responsibilitles 4 Tbe Jime is upon us wben we
-k4PNiat 4PP"A of 44ving. Such person4 imperil must stress the fact that it �s trul'y
1. A A. Special rrX.A.
has b"jx rosAq tbe lives of the rriqqlity of Ariver$
to Lbe tleM- Who ARE 04refA and pf impb(*pt to 4elve a Ww� U Is
NOT the inherent rigbt of every-
QbeXevery law of one #Tb.o zearbea the stated age,
V11100 support ptiblic safety. to possess A driving permit- 00n -
the Alive. -yoV
It is high tlMe t1hat every I �om cern for the rrlghts of 'Others#
Fx= 700 tr'is) size, With Ono ;rcm $10 01,00
ran ty in oor land take A odim- respect for the safety of others.
-,Oue, of n! Ivilliagness to Accept asbare in the
LANOLIN PLUS LIQUID ............. $ IM,
%aze 00:�ams. view. of driver$ who are tar0fts.
moral respmijibility of sap, driv-
A vx%era: recogioltion of Ue 4is- 4ng—thpse are the altitudes that
ees SPFr`entjce. They oreir Jooloed alik.,% Top but -
the iaws of ine road
1;,a;tb cf Ibis -.0093n, would gj-resatJy regard J Individual V to
i-Acrease the aafety factor 04 our" 4rivers wbo 'Show off, There Is iia drive a car if pbY5,01111,Y fit.
j, :f
s3neethe loi�al branch wasopened,
skvr, sw,
J. ABY SOAP 4 for 394
4 oj� and a M noc
LD.A� OLIVE OIL 29c, 44c
JOWA — 1/4 -and 14 gr. W91.114r 700 and 98a 1-
... ........
L"YS-OL 79c size, good value for .... 69c 11
You can'borrow with conjr,
odence from. HFC. For RFC
specializes in makingsame-
day loans to all kinds of
pepplefor purposes fi�ey think
worthwhile. And loans are
made withouthankable secur-
ity or endorsers. Youalways
get prompt, ftiendly servii�e
at HFC whether you, need. a
little money or a IoL Yoxell
like our convenient office.
I KUM 'W h�oum too.
Household finance,*of course!
Canada's largest and most recommended
consumer finance company
IL Jenking, Mona9tr
11 ... Alm ...... 4.1861.1's ..... I ... 1;,omq ....... . . muts ... numomm
0C J7
'Centre St.
REV. W. W. LODER,-Pastor
Wed, -8.00 p,m.—Youth Vellowship Meeting
Vri,--8.00 p.m.—Prayer Meeting
Sunday Service
10.00 a.m. Sunday ckhool Classes for
all ages.
11.00 Worship
,7.30 p.m.—Evangelistic �
:tvllss Gert ae Cantklom bas accept-
�ed a prisition em The -Ursmce staff.
without 'any RA!demc�ev that 1hfT Be - ing -way 117th Service in
WEre verT qpC-.t,181 P"Ple, -a Cut Emox Pzesbyterl:an Churawill be-
iftRemnts ciagA
Sugar and SPice
WHO= Corpiq
13Y BID Smiley
SiX cut -abOve a P6496, Or
FT sonnel. Thqv'Ured aloof from -otb-
mr. zhalton navle: $ of Brantford,
that"In view of the ellaiOng bR:dA
'Ar r4 *m.,
late, of Hullfax� W'is Uee)x
Of national 4efence, the Canadian
pany of mone but their lovm. They
takes the as manager of
f1gliterpilot mritl soon be as dead as
bad their own prhrate angual
ae lwal branch of the C�Madlan
the dodo, as exonct as a sailma3c-
almost to owers.
Ravk Of ODmmeree, Mr, A, E,
ees SPFr`entjce. They oreir Jooloed alik.,% Top but -
Smith, wl�o bas bpen manaVr
If it Is true, and T sappose, it $s, ton. undone, no button% polished,
s3neethe loi�al branch wasopened,
rm glad. 'The, Canadian righter hair wom long,) int's bgsbeAlu, uld-
)s sev-ering his connection With
pilot had a brief 'but glorious his- form%,,A1,ght1$, shabby, and a. ynous-
Wy in two wW-s, It, is better for t*Che. if PORSI-41e, Vie bigger the,
Tlere passed awa at her home
fhe SpWIPS tA) VRZI!Sb With,itS glaw� betUtz, 'They z1ftoctO 14
In Louvr NVingbam. on Sunda�r af-
Pur intatt -than to d(-_gene"te, %vith vrMle f1ying, and wore half -Wel -
ternoon Alice 7%ynre, wifeaf 3,fr.
'the rA])7jd Mange, in aerial warfare, lington b0otS. Their IZAARN-.4s Were.
John Sill.ek, agged 164 years-
into a mereadjunet to a. puish-but- 113ing, beor and u-omfla, in -Mat
N11r. C"bas. Swanson on Friday
ton. -Or&r.
Lmst sold his barbeli-mg business to
A pecullar breed. the flght�er 1�11� Loolcing back they were a col -
Mr. Joseph Ifutch, who is now in
ot was spawned. almost by acei- lectionof ratber foolish 5roung men,
dent, during World War.L Pilots With little to recommend them ex-
_Njr. Ciar,- Adw
. ns Ic-ft on VondaS,
doing recon ' na!SSanee LPAtro]S start. cept a Certain skill at gulding a
for 4�.vlburne, where be tal�es a
ed taWng pot shots at each affier fev9'burtft9 tons Of 'n3k-W thrOugh
position in a dr#g store,.
with xevolvem Next thing you the air� and. the abillity to alm and
�Xr. and Mrs. Getirge, McDonagb
'know, the sky was full of 4eath-or- fire -"ns at objects in the air and
of Winnipeg� are visiting %Titb old
Z-10rY types fighting incredible On the ground,
friends- in V-7131gham, this weel-�
duels, creating fantastic legends. Yet tbeiJVERE romantic, bow-
INUss Vera, -4. RcImes returned to
It -Ams about this time, thatthe ever realLrAcaBy We look at thent.
HaVer-'21 C6lle-e on Muesday
figbtor liflot, beganthinicing be was 'ThWhad 9, nair for living- lbry
3110'riling after having spent the
4& hot�-shot. With the Poor Bloodv UA the dnFh and spirit of Cavalry-
Rasterholidays at ber home bere�
111fantr.-s' boggvd in the mud. and L-3conle, CoWsacits. they Were- And
Nfiss Cora Sheriff Jeft on. Man-
being glaughtered bN, libe thou- tbey -were likely The U-4. fighting
day to xesume ber Antics as teach-
�aud% the mevkspapers of the ;,l;ay men'the world ivill m�e, to seek out
er, in Wraxetk-r school after spend-
jooL-eil around for Something col- the ememay and engage, him. in
Ing tht holidays at her home in
ortal to relieve the grim reAlit.v single combat
town. .
Barrister R. Holmes and Xrs.
of the annihilatiom They were mot braver than other
Suddenly the fighter pilot found men, but they bad a great pride.
Holmes and 1faster llarold
him, the da,1lg. of the -
.�f Press. TYPIcally, even their deatbs, and
have returned from IDAM
trip through tb,, Ifaeltime Provine-
the 'toast of the folks at home, tbey died in their hundreds, were
Unable t, assimilate the 'c�"na--e dramatic; Lumblingdown in a ball
e-- and -Atiantic Coast. - - of the front lines, the public Imag` of fire; blown to bits in nddair-,
Mr. X Pskerson Intends goAg'LO lnatl,, fastened -a' lani
[Tomnto, where- he is acceptin-- a
on this _-
e in an tral Tito
� 'lea,, deep d a , -._ht i
dahing 3 =-ht
, , of 1he air, forever the roold sea; smashing bard and
-01)d Position 'With the Elias
Rogers CO.
tackling insuperable odds, running true into tbeearth.
up his score of kills. and geneia3ly
1 0 -4) - 0
presenting a romantit picture -of Tf the AOfwadian fighter pilot L4
war. on the iva-y out� IaVs not --hed sixv
An, twvs,adublion W2K.mot bt tears, over It I fs just be, slad
song Im. e
An old and blighly respected * the pi)otg. -1bey were brave, �be was 2round when lie m -as. And.
Citizen Va$Sed to his reward On
�Fitt -no bmvler than, �the next mwi if -that st"Outish, WdIng fellow,
'Vildak �'ihbrifti, in'the Pe--S*n �df qbey were, -,skillful, but no more. So hAppefl$ 154D t -ell TOO
V701aln F�F-Sssmt.
g 2?11noyjma2m� Igut that 'he was a fliAt 01 o4 doWt
than u good
M -r- J- X Cimm3ngbarn bas lnrr-
-they uvre young,,and buman.,Plac- -feel sorili, -for birn. He bad his
lebased a mew J%4:eT-augbrtn seven
passenger f roin Doble & Tepax& ,
ed I, the lirnkfth4 OiV adopted dsLT, and it was a good one.
a cert4in .svragrer, a consdowkl�,
A -ft. W. TX Burke has purchased
the residence on Edward Street
ling air ,d gradually, the opinion
from W&. D. Pell wIffich Is occupled IFIALLE
th" flwy uvre -an -elite amen. -A�be,
b -V MY. AL J. -4rnllstromg-
uniformed hordes.. They mever gat
3ft, Leonard Drummond,,who en-
over, I Next Sunda -T, Max 3rd, the Un-
astea ,th- the uut Bt artivea.
7%e whole business was secert- ited Church VPM be. -In its sum mer
home on Saturday might 1�e 's a
tuated, between th4, i,v� sr.4iedule, with Sunday School at
son of M:r% Dmmmond. butcher.
o wars,
by a great deal -of romaxitic bipe 10-30 am. amd' church serviroe at
The well knomm -rareborse, Silver 13�30
I -Witten about them, and eagerly a -m%
has beem purchased by N -Ir
Edgar Higgins of Turmberry �r,;;;
devoured by schoolboys. -of whom Xr. Alan Nee3on preached in the
ktr. Edgar Shoebottom of East
I wasone. &b, It was beady iftff- Ustowel Unjted Churc b on S,,,dgy
'the white silk scarf, the brandy evenin,- the Paxtnere Vub S�Peeial
11r. W. Elmer Unhood has Par-
bottoms-mp; the empt y glass da-sb- service.
ehased the planing im-11 in Mn-
ed into t -he fireplace. the gallant
, e Aawl) Rev� T. E. Kennedy conducted
little Spad climbing Into tb
cardine and vdll take posssession at
tomeet -the Hum zonimunlon -service in Knox Rres-
Irr. �Couslns bas 'rented the
$o, 'When the, next. War, cwne byterian Church on Sunday and:
building on the corner of Dl,�,onsj
the newl Gordon:
along,,ever.r Canadian youth worth y1nducted elders,
hl ght in War Afts vr Wings- Greig,.Gonaon Mundell and Ber-
Is IrIl
Road end john 8treett from Mr.
W- P. 'VamStone and wfll ase it as
wanted to be -a righter juilot The n2xd Tboxna wzzd ted with 4ther; !
an insuvance vMce, The 6ffice is
very `so'ga proportion to nE&,,. the mem1bers ot session in the service.�
.at Present used by the -4ero
gTade naWr-'LU-V assuMed "ChAt theY Three new membems were Teteived..1
ou-AA— Tire and 'Rubber C!o.
wexe 'Me Chosen. They bellered, 'Mere was a large attendanoe.
J. ABY SOAP 4 for 394
4 oj� and a M noc
LD.A� OLIVE OIL 29c, 44c
JOWA — 1/4 -and 14 gr. W91.114r 700 and 98a 1-
... ........
L"YS-OL 79c size, good value for .... 69c 11
You can'borrow with conjr,
odence from. HFC. For RFC
specializes in makingsame-
day loans to all kinds of
pepplefor purposes fi�ey think
worthwhile. And loans are
made withouthankable secur-
ity or endorsers. Youalways
get prompt, ftiendly servii�e
at HFC whether you, need. a
little money or a IoL Yoxell
like our convenient office.
I KUM 'W h�oum too.
Household finance,*of course!
Canada's largest and most recommended
consumer finance company
IL Jenking, Mona9tr
11 ... Alm ...... 4.1861.1's ..... I ... 1;,omq ....... . . muts ... numomm
0C J7
'Centre St.
REV. W. W. LODER,-Pastor
Wed, -8.00 p,m.—Youth Vellowship Meeting
Vri,--8.00 p.m.—Prayer Meeting
Sunday Service
10.00 a.m. Sunday ckhool Classes for
all ages.
11.00 Worship
,7.30 p.m.—Evangelistic �
:tvllss Gert ae Cantklom bas accept-
�ed a prisition em The -Ursmce staff.
without 'any RA!demc�ev that 1hfT Be - ing -way 117th Service in
WEre verT qpC-.t,181 P"Ple, -a Cut Emox Pzesbyterl:an Churawill be-
Mr� A. V. 'Forbes and Mr. W. IL above s, bomber p1lot; three cuts
and -I ;;� gin at IL90 km, with Sunday
Dore have. been selected as dek- sbOVP, A JUXTal. ZW'Oex� St School at 10M amL
WHO= Corpiq
gates to the f'rovin, lal Convention
SiX cut -abOve a P6496, Or
Of -are War vleteraw, -to be held officer. , Dr. AitburShaw am -d 3&rs. Sb2m I
at V-=dsor, 'This attitude was infuriating to of Toronto were 'visitors With their t -
others, hut, likeall snabbery, rath- maotber, Mrs, Arthur Shaw, last
.Pleasant if You ,.were one of weelL
11MVIT-ME TFAM AGO those dbiri-- the snbbbfng� Mgbter
4Dfr1c,T.s of the *p M. and Mrs. M1,111am. Jenkins of
.,�tan Vercbants, pilots were a close-Imit company,
Galt spent Sunday with Mr.. and
Asqociatlon, have been klected as despite the fact that they -mere
George TietherIngton and
. Pre&, T. -7. Smith; T,-eL- widely*scatteretl They kept tabs famum
p,es., C�eorge WiWar"; seg, Ed. on. their Wends -through the con-
VVI"Ilhims, Ireas, n J�, Isard.- Vays stant gh"ging of squadron per- Miss E�eanor,4 'dth: 'of mar
sn antc�
And means vmm., H_ Garlick was boine for the week -end, ac-
t ic. mug, vv� J. oreet, & -T' CiUb'. Pres, Vft. A, 3VL CtaWrGrd; companied by 2&ss Diane Biroady
Mayor Hanna, TL Z. Tsar4 rrt 11,0 of Wbltby.
Mrs. A� �R� DuVal; see-
ohd vice, 11�rs. X Campbell; V-Wjt!Ag with Mr. and Mm Ch's.4
Ills" 1111riP1 le't On MrK. 'Ed. Harriwn,- sec, 'MZ
Saturday for 1&uther, 300e, to Ker 'tT%' Joe BOsman at the wee*�kend were
visit xidth ber brother. 33ft. Artb M, eld has pure-hagea and Mra. Jack 8asmari and obild-0
Maebab Brothers have purMas- a chicken. Tameb and market gaMen ren of Woodstock and FAWl. Bos-� i�ftu,
*d -the property in which H B. w1ulth Is 3otated about ten milez znan of SL 3&r_m
1,11jott hsas ka's book store. Some souffiwest of London. Tl*y VXPect Xr.& Aler AOorrlgan Visited her�
time between. �oowam a ihe, tirst at
Ito move in about two weelm father Mr, Willisni Mundell, in
Jithe they will transfer their stock 11
on Thursday, er#nIo-- 1W, and victoria nospito" London, wbere,.
Into That building, C, =
"2 A- -0 " �rv -4 U..;1 Mrs, Alex CrawfOrdretulmed kom he is suffering 11,om. -a broken hip. I
,g -4— e
rl-- after spending the-, *afnter in F76r-
Sales Ux "inaint Id 6 perdent.
idg, PDr the past 20 years Mr. 'Mr. and Mrs. ZaTaes XenmedY
bag mmed his own home amd daugliters, Gall abd 11013ise.
Of Bluerale and EIJAIL-a halre
there, but S014 it Wbre leaving have bftn Visiting Vdth AM T. Z, I
temd#da, tall to Rev. John X Greig this year. aAO 3fts. Ktnnedy at the manse.
�dr Chatsworth. :Uftt T. R. Ste*artl, training VaU azd Louise are �*malnmg for
Ung. 11�,eorge gpafth retufted offit-er -of the !Z1st`Rgt, RCA,!and a, tWoweeks',Asit.
horde oil Utniday after tpeaffimg Zl,,SX 'Waford,Sodd0m
the tame
Some tune in Oftawa, an.4 "Ibronto. ldts, Zdward -Johnttft ha!g tro�
Mr, Atirvey MAne of 7,ohdoh CAMp Irpperwa&, turned to her boTApafter spending
oviii a Aar last we#k rehe*109
,11iboues School 0, tjj,� Sth of the luimter *1th berdaughteir, Mrs. I
:w-guitintitrices here. taftbLrry, *As the see3* of -t Ittibel Ilan% at UmibeW
Wtt Alice WMlkxftWk Mtthehet,
'111. Party, th VdZd83r ever"719 T"A+o rnotor boau on the pand 12
slyert the **A-emd At bet bome friendq =d melgliboi% of
th are " asturanwof salarner t6m- L
W1 god Mrs, 11ar-fley ti%h, Who
Woes k-att- "d may-tv. g 'Of ing. rjUbvrmen have also, ap.
Wegr3z t%l".rsity opobt fbo�
4 -Ad At their homelm towh�
Me. Beft Aftst"'49 19a sold his .1tr and Mrs. lea, alortireld" of a
b&ami, bt Prtnetg Ittreet to Mr. iZ;t�, art guests or Mr. "d
the � t4waftee, Of vrg� coorg*
Ise falt�*Ing ofibetts �'ba*a 1�eoo sfiwi* *M& Is 84J&b6ot, to k1A Mr. And Mrs, Heary InoTia "d
b1ft0d bv the 14&e 04vling Agttt tj lymign"% Shit-Ity, 4 'WobdAtick, J2
1 1 Furnij
11.00 a.m.—Holiness Meeting
.2.30 P-ni-�Sunday School
-7-00 P.m.—Salvation. -Afeeting
'Tuesday,'8.00 P,fn.�Ptayerk'nd PraiseService
Friday, 8.00 p.m.—Youth Group
All'Teen-Aiters Weltonle
4 Arelconle for T011 at the ItArmV0
Rev. C. F. Johnson, L.Th. � Rector
Mrs. Gordon Davidson - Organist
Thlim, April p* *, a
arlS11 rooln at
3 o'clock
after gaster