The Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-04-29, Page 1• 1 ALONG THE MAIM DRAG BY 'The VedeSITIan • ot! AIUSJCG EESTFV.Me. Foresters' Hall, Belgrave, 7jhurs- day,' April, 30; 1959, arid Friday, May 1, 1959, Morning sessions 9.30 a.ind afternoon sessions 1.30 Wingharn high School. Fri- day,aVIa.y 1, 7.39 p,m. Adjudicator, Mr. Ed Ferguson, Baden, •Ont. F29b RECEPTION AND pitasiCE 'A reception and dance will he held Friday night, May 1sta in lyth Memorial Hall, for Mr, and ea. Jack 'Kennedy (nee Lois Gil- kinSon), Ladies pleaSe bring Hindi, Everybody welcorlie, . F29* DAXCE IN WROXETE,Jt Dance sponsored by the 1-lowlek Lions „Clab in Wroxeter Commun- ity Hall on Friday, May 8th. Mu- sic by the Midnight Ramblers. Lunch booth. Admission 75e. • ' F29:6 AUXILIARY MEETLNG The regular Electing of the La- dies' Auxiliary to Wingham Gen- eral Hoapital will be held In the Council' Chamber on Friday after- noon, May 1, at three o'clock: • F291.) RUMMAGE SALE Now is the time to start gather- ing articles for the spring rum- mage sale, which will be held in the Wingham armenties on Satur- day; May 23, under the auspices of the Ladies' AuxiliarY to Whightarl General Hospital. Anything can he sold, lueniture, clothing, novel- ties, hats, shoes, etc When doing your Spring cleaning make up box for the rummage'sale, 1029:0b SHOWER AND DANCE . In WIN:meter dornmunIty Hall oh. Wednesday, Apr. 29, for 'Mr, and Lloyd Lament (nee Shirley -ndeMichaell. Wilbee'S Orchestra. Everyone welcome. Ladies please bring 'with, F29* BOYS' 'AND GIRLS' BAND PRACTICE Patents and public are cordially invited to attend practice of the Lions Club Boys' and Girls' Band under the direction of Batidinaster George Wench on Wednesday, Ap- r11 29th from 7 to 9 pan, Leech Will be Sereed following the prat- tiee, Some instrurnents are still available for anYone Vile Wishes to join, , F294'' ill•WAXINIMENT Mr. and Mrs. SParling ,Yco Of Wingham, with to lintletinee the engagemerit of their eldest daugh- ter, Gladys t lizabeth, to intr. Law- fence ttabert, Sharpe, son of Mr. d Mrs. Robert Sharpe of Walk- torl., The Ma,triage will take plate in Sadred Read Church,' Monday, G ay 18th at eleven (Meek, 2P • .About 200 Young People gathered lit Wingharn Milted Church 031 Tuesday evening Of last week for the liarowPresbytery Springaally, which commenced with a an et. DaVid Kennedyof.Brussels flay- ed , the saxaphone, accompanied by Marion Hoover, Ian Howes', of Mr„roxetet led in a lively Ong:song with Margaret Jarnieson.,as pianist, Lloyd H011and Was in chargé of' re- creation, . chaired 'the business •session ;and on b'ehalf 'of the Yobng the PresbYtery' presented .Revi 'T. G. Hasser with a Pulpit hyrnnary in memory, of, the date 'Rev, Et:I MacRae, who, was, very active in 'Young People's work` while inisior • Qfficers for-the coming year:were installed , by .Rev. Eustaee of sod- erich, Yotmg People's Coiins4har. The slate iS as follows: Fait pies., Ronald Steepe, Clinton;* Wes., ;Bill Coultes, Brussels; vice-pres„,L16Yd Holland, Clinton) see,, June Londeaboro; treaa., Don Hein- ingway,:Brussels, • • " ' Conveners: 'Faith and evangel- ism, Stan, Johns, Turners; citizen- `ship and cerimiunity serviee;' 'Geo, Ri'bey, Dungannon;' missions' and world outreach, Wilmer Errington, Dungannon; stewardship and train- ing, Bruce Delbridge, Exeter; re- creation and culture, Marg Mach- an, Wingham, asst„ Murray Hoo- ver, 'Brussels; „publications, Maids Steepe, Clinton; members at large, Maurice Love, Jack Tamblyn, Gail 'Lear, Harry Lear, Helen MacLean. Rev. Evan MeLagan, Blyth, was the speaker, the theme of his ad- dress being "Have Life—Will Live". Marathon Bridge • Nets $300 The final game of the Marathon bridge panties was held hi the coun- cil chamber on Friday evening. These partied are one 'of the Money making schemes sponsored by • the Ladies' Auxiliary to Wingham Gen- eral 'Hospital, and are held in 'the homes once every month Miring the winter. Ali ,scores are kept and at the end of the .season prizes are awarded. These were presented by tile' Auxiliary president; Mri. D, Careertin. . For the afternoon play the win- ners Were Mrs. Gordon COdkin with a total :qe-wre of 19,890 and Mrt, H'. 'Burrell 18;640, The eve= ninghonors.went to Mrs. Ted Eng., lish, whose score was 19,030 and Mrs illuty :pry, having 1.3.,020. Tile prize' for Friday evening was Won 'by Mrs. Frank _Sturdy while a mystery parcel was taken by Mrs,. Gordon Gannett. 'These games, which include 02 women, add about $300.00 to .the auxiliary funds as well as providing social intercourse among the titian.. beta, Health Improving The many •friends of Elmer VSrll- kinson, local 'businessman, will 'he pleased to learn that he is slowly improving iii health tater a log illness dtitilig the winter, MARILYN PUROON DIES IN HOSPITAL Little 'Marilyn Louise Purdon, six-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mien Athol Purdon of Sarnia pass- ed away in Sick Children's Hospi- tal; Toronto, early .Wednesday Morning, She had undergone ser- ious heart surgery the .day- before.` Marilyn had linen in 'delicate health since birth 'because of a serious . heart ailment. On April .15th she celebrated her sixth birth- 'day. • She was :the youngest child of Athol Purdon and the former Mabel Wothergill, residents of Wingham until two and a half years ago. She is survived 'by her parents, two sis- ters, Betty and Patsy and a bro- ,ther Douglas and her .gra,ndpar- eats' Mr. and Mlia:-Alex' Pardon' Of, Lack M now auld Mt and rs.' -Thee,. Wii'erglif .13-6;Aiiiinii, 2464-awl: 'The funeral was held from the J. Robb funeral home in Sarnia, on Saturday afternoon at one o'clock with interment in • Lake- view cemetery, The service was conducted by Brother Robert Dor- an, of the Church of Jesus 'Christ of Latter Day Saints, assisted by President R. W. Jensen of the De- troit Strike and brothers C. W. Hob- day and Henry 'Schildknechn Da- vid Grey sang a solo, "Not Now but in 'the Coming Years". -Pallbearers were three cousins, 'Allan Leggatt and Ronald Cleg-, horn of Wingham and Bruce Pur- don of Sarnia and a friend, Mark Schildltneeht, Sarnia. The 'flower 'bearers were Dennis Purdon, Dav- id Prahl, J. 'Suisse and Norman _Withers.. Attending the funeral from this -district were Mr, and Mrs, Alex Purdon of Lucknow, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Leggatt, Mr, and Mrs. Jack Macintyre, Mr. and [Mrs. John Cleghorn, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil .Fal- toiler, Mr. and Mrs, Angus Fal- coner, Mr, and Mrs, George Tif- fin and Mr: and Mrs, Calvin Rob- inson, With which Ile amalgamated the COMO Vidette and 'Wroxeter New• worowvivx, .011T,1 1,10Q,,. '49,,,,t1tOtt WISTO1-40 PoP041-- s•A off Cour se to Officially FRANK .1111111„ HEADS JONIOR SPORISMPI: 1" for 19 • Oti Monday evening 33 boys .ga- thered at the OKNX building for , the flint regular meeting of the Wingliam Junior Sportsmen's As- eat-le-Nom One of the 'major pointe of business 'was the election of of- ficers for the new group,'which resulted in the nailing of Frank Weld mi preeident; Charles Camp-. bell, secretary and Doug Haniliton.. treasurer. Total inemberehin 'has been set ut ;ifi, for 'winch there are Kane-. _an Ontellte......4......ale.....TRe.n91 lime. No more memberships can be accepted at present' Tbe 'boys were broken up into three groups and instruction was given' In hunter safety by Slim Boucher and Bob Lewis; spin cast- ing by Don Hildebrand and fire- arms familiarization iby Ken Carter and Ron Bel), • Conservation Officer Roes Worm- worth was on hand and a prize do- nated by him was won by Wilfred Caskanette, A short film on trout fishing completed the• evening's program, It was decided that the group would meet every second Monday, MARRIED FIFTY YEARS REACIIES '414 Cinisftif She did Ai George Cameron's -Pat "Snooker" hrotigkt forth Another -six kittens on Monday morning to bring her aggregate total to 100. Five of the small fry are already gi :spoken for and' Ulla 'tithe *Gt,,'orge — Ir says lie's going to keep one for hireSell, As he pointa out, SIlenic-* Er lsytgetthig any, younger • CALL' TUE MOUNT'I'ES—, There was quite a little scramble arouncl a mail box near the public school recently when smoke was Seen issuing Axone it, The st1Ppe" ,sition is that aerrie youthful explosives.expert dumped a fire' eraeker into the, rrmull slot. AP. parentiy he hadn't heard that tam- pering; nelth the mails is a federal offence, 0 0 , LIBRARY POVULAlc•- 0)1e of the junior grades from :the local echool was touting the library last week and it was found that eo less than 20 of the young- Sten were library card holders,.Ar plication cards were handed out to, the, remainder and owr of. the boys Whipped right off imam after sehool to get 'hie applicti.tion signed and get 'back down to the library for a supply of !books, There's hope' for the younger generation yet, '. - 0 MUSIC IN THE MB-- PILESENIrS TROPIar—Lorile Maddid, shown. above as he presentee! his 'trophy to way*, King, captain of the Gotrie Midgets, Tri-qounty champs, Mr, Maddil who, resides in. Shelbiu'lie was a former . GPIL agent at 'WroNeter, it; is the third year the tr ophy has been up for Venapetition.—Advante,,Thnes pheto; • Family Holds Dinner For lames Wild emory Rey7:. MacRae The faroiiy of James Wild gath- ered for a family dinner at the home of Mr. and Mra. Harold Wild on Sunday in tumor of his' 84th birthday. After serving in the capacity of president for nine of the ten years Ihnuswiteiln ./ L b operating, Wiigbam Coif Club retired from the position on Wed- nesday night of last week. Mr. 120Yd. has devoted a ,good dent of .01)F04 this period to the 'benefit: of tine `dill and was largely responsible for strong position today. Mr, Lloyd, in his remarks said he bad enjoyed the associations anti took a great deal of pride and satiefaction from the many accomplishments cif the, club from the titan as a ,,c0W Pas- ture to a well-kept, nine-hole golf °twee. fife said that only ea-0P:i erative Wort among the membeek ship made it possible. The annual meeting wan held 14 the council chamber's With about Isq presant, Sucueediag Mr. Floyd aq: prealdent is W, lereaeh, another; charter member of the organiza4 Lion. Mr. Tereneh has served ins various capacities through the;. years, Of late he performed; the" important duties of the club cap-: Lain, Also in the election of offieerai Other positions were filled: Hon4..' !Eery president, R H Lloyd; .firar vice-president, Dr, 'W. A, Craw' ford; second vice-president, Den Nash-nth; 'treasurer, Frank Madill;:' aeeretary, John Cruicarsnank; cap;;; Win, Matt. Boyd; vice-captain; Jirn Harrniton. Comi'nittee chafrintux elented were; Greens, N. j..Vire14 . . • i:21,00 a : property and house, Lloyd; membership, Harry Me4 ''rlintin finance, Bob Hetnering4, This is the season for singing, With all the public school child- ren warming up for music festivals' the .homes in thy district are ver- table arbours of sweet sound—as long as the little beggars can stay on key that la!' IN THERE PITCHING— Our , appreciatioa to the Girl Guides of Wingham who are going 'to eollect pop . bottles and coat hangers this' Saturday to aid the siVirriming pool fuini. That is the spirit that gets things done. • 1.-• The general feeling 'among club' members was that 1958 had been a, good year, although the OA was% fatted 'with a lot of dry weather,',y last summer. However, the club- is 'in a satisfactory fleannial. posl-' MemhershiPshows anntirin ward treed Item Year to year;. pt' -iiiiVrrteinbcr'S needeninCr ' hoped that many new members will pin this year, The official 'opening for the sea- Son has been set for May 19 with a club tournament and slipper to follow. The amulet invitatibintour- nament has been set for 15th, on the Same fah% since they were married. They arc both lit good health and are able to. !be be about the bouSe fail.M wine)] is no...Y oPerate4 by their son and daughter-indaw, :Mr. and. Mrs. James Stokes'. They -_L1PYP dalighterti— Haigh ."1.11tithr,',:':sth of Tarnberry, and 'Mr's, Tiffin (Sadie) of Wing- ham. 'They haVe five grandchild- ren. ' Me. and Mrs. Omar Stokes, 11th concession of Turnberry, celebrat- ed, 'the 50th anniversary, of their 'marriage on Tuesday, April 21st. The celebration' was hold at - the home of their il 401).-in-Itian and daughter,Mr, and 4ttra, .teranens Street, when. a farnilY.flinnnre,W.a.a. Mrs. Stokes is the former" Elsie Teskey and-lived near McIntosh. Mr. 'Stokes has 'always lived in Ternherry and they have'. residCd DETROITCONVENTION DELEGATES NAMED Legton. Auxiliary Holds' Final Eitehre • The•Legien Auxiliary euchre was held Monday 'night in. the Legion home with nine' tables in. play. The prize ,for the, high lady went to Mrs, Patterson; high lady playing as a man, Mrs., DeWitt ,Miller; high Man, George Day. The door prize went to Mrs, George Kerr., • As this was the last .euchre of the season the Legion Auxiliary is grateful to -all who. patronized the parties tiering, the winter months and express thanks. Lunch was served at thd close. • FINAL WEEK FOR CANCER CAMPAIGN About half the canvassers for the Cancer Society campaign have now turned in. their kits with the pro- ceeds amounting to almost $600. This is the. last week of the cam- paign and it is expected that the final report will be made . next week, People in Bluevide' will be inter- ested .to know that rev, Neeley has volunteered to canvass the vil- lage, If Mr. Neeley has not yet had tune to call on you, you could assist 'him greatly by leaving your donationwith him: U U U U FIREMEN WORRIED BY FIRECRACKERS Meeting oft Monday. ..»Ight, the Members of the Wingham Fire Brigade expressed grave concern about the danger presented by irresponsible. youngsters 'with Eire- crackers. • It was pointed out that several small fires have already been start- ed in town this spring because of the careless use of fireworks - by „children and adolescents, but so far damage has been limited. A town 'by-law forbids the use of firecrackers until three days be- fore the annual Victoria -Day ce- lebration. ...The firemen pointed out that there 'have been serious fires in 'limey. nearby communities iii previous years,' and they do- not, want to see the same thing happen, here. • A sum of $100 has .been set aside for the local swimming 'pool fund, which will be held until the gen- eral canvass for theniool is `started. 'ire practice and animal spring elean-up has !been set for Monday, May 11th. During the months of Mareb. and April the 'brigade was called out to klevehlural and two town fires, Mrs. James Currie,. president of the Winghara Kinette Chin, was hostess at the meeting held at her home Monday night. Mrs. Calvin Burke and Mrs. Max McCarter were appointed delegates 'to the Kinsmen convention which will be held in Detroit May 15th to 18th with the Chatham Kinsmen and Kinetics in charge of arrange- ments, Mrs. dy., Robinson and Mrs. Robert Gutpell were named as alternates. Is Third in Blind Golfers' Tourney , Harold of Hamilton was third in the P,S, -blind golfers' tournament held lit Petersburg, Fla., on April 20th," Ile shot 104- 105— 209, , Canada made an excellent alio:w- ing' in the tournabient. While the winner was an American, Phil- Lederhouse of Prince Albert, Sask., was runner-up with Mr. Mitchell third. Claude Pattemore of HAM'. ilt011 tied for fifth place and Nick Genoeise of Dundas tied for tenth. Harold le a former Wirigham boy, well' known to residents of town, He is a son of Mrs. Mitchell, Josephine St, U l i The club 'voted to present a much needen high chair to the children's. ward of the Wingham Hospital, Several of the members volunteer- ed to assist in serving chocolate Milk 'to the Brownies on cookie day, which will be held on Satar- day, May 9th. The Kinettes, who sponsor the Brownies, were also in favour, of paying- all long dis- tance calls of the Brownie leaders. After the business was completed many of the members, who will 'be attending 'the ronventioh, worked at their eostumes. The next meet- ing will be held at ,tile home of Mrs. Mery TeMpleinan. Attend Meeting RELGRAVE CREDIT tiNION 'e Belgrave Cro.dit Union office will tie open Tuesday evenings in- stead of afternoons for the attin- mer months, b-720b cOILEOT F"()Zt SWIMMING POOL FUND. The firstWM gham. Girl Guide Company will be collecting pop bottles and coat bangers on Sat- nrdny, May 2nd, the money to go to the' Swimming Pool Fund, Please Have an your don anent!. ready at your front dour on Saturday min , fling, F29b In Toberniory MINSTREL eiflOW — DON'T MiSS the Wintsliam Lions Club :Minstrel Show, 'Wing- ham town hall Tuesday and Wed- nesday, May 12th and '13th, 8 pax[. Proeeerta go to the Lfons welfare Week, Admission adults 750, child- ren 200. Tickets now on. Sale and May, be reserved -Without charge at McRibbons Drug Store. 2911 PARK BOARD HOLDS SOCIAL AT ROYAL T Turnberry'a last Park Fund euchre of the season was :held at wthaes FS'vegryYlileiiTeO;ansfiFil,11w6aitYli „.43'14ghtath.leist in • play. . • • Ladies' high and second prizes went ,to Mrs. Ted Gituley 'and Mary Lou Moffat, with men's, prizes go Mg to 'Perry Nethery and. Frank McCormick, The door prize was won by Reuben' Appleby and the draw for the blanket by Alex Pet- rie, Lunch and dancing followed the euchre. . . The people of Tune:berry, are grateful to Bob arid Mrs,. "Honper for donating their hall and their time' to help make this party `Sueh' a; success. Mr. Wild is a veteran in the fur- nitere. manufacturing business. He , first worked for London Furniture and later,for furniture concerns' in Woodstock, Ingersoll and Toronto. In 1.904. lie came to Wingham and joined. the Walker & Clegg firm He. has been employed with Pry ex 131aekhall for many years and' et111 goes to Work half-days. His .son,, Eiratn. g randaenn Jim; .,41.74 with the •saMe- company' Attending the celebration on Sunday were Mr, and Mrs, John Gaskell, Mr, and Mrs. Fred Hazel- wood -and Mr: and Mrs, Stafford Churcher, .all- of London; Mr. acid Mrs. Bdb.Moort and Lynn; Heather and Randy, Mrs. Earn Wild, Allan and Doug of Petrolia and Mr. an'd Mrs. ,James (:Bild) Wild of. Sarnia, John 1Bateson, commander of Zone Cl, Canadian Legion, Don Adams, distriat membership chair- man and George Brooks of Wing- ham attended a Zone C4 meeting in 'robot-hairy on 15taiday, Frank Doherty Of Tara, tome/an- der of Zone C4, ehnited the meet- ing, Speakers ineincled Dominion. President Dave OurgeSS; Col. Rider and bra Crawford of DVA, London, Scotty Porbes; Western 'Ontario Service 73ureau 'Officer, London and George Inglis of tchnorc, Pro- vincial Service nurean chairman, not damaged. Lost 'in the blaze Were 500 month-old turkeys, 'as well as the equipment honsed the building. Loss was eStimittcd tit closes $1,000.00 and was partly eovered institanee. A neighbor of Mr, Laidlaw, George Finley, tinned in the photo, SkOttl!SMCN'S MEETING The Wingham Sportsmen's Club meeting will be held In the Legion Hall, Monday, May 5th. All mem- hers requested to attend and bring your friends, 500 TUREENS LOST—Wirighain firemen, were Called to the faro Of :Robert E. Laidlaw, jast'Vvest of Winglinni at 12410 last Wednes- day, when, a brooder loose took fire, prohiilily howl a faulty brooder stove. Fortunately there was very little 4tviiiitt and While the shall building could net be Saved, other Structures 6106 to the fire were