The Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-04-22, Page 8W.041.10141.eY APril 22, 106 WHITECHURCH MP- Tames 144114W of Coder.. ich, 'who has been ill with the flu,. Is spending this Week at the lump Of her son, Mr. Elroy Laidlaw. Mr. .and Mrs. Walter ,James, 11-0Y. and. Leonard of Woodstock, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. A with welly ere, who wears vas -- Treim oeti S•eepera, ARIC1-11B ON'S Emir Store • Op IT YOURSELF! SEE THE ALL, NEW Forney Repair Unit for the Farm 'm3 repair unit was built for the inexperienced, Besides being an efficient welder, it will -cut, braze, solder ,aud beat-, it 11 6-111-face all Wearing canipraent,• and thaw water pipes, in *Motes (even Underground/. For those cold mornings, this. .repair unit has a battery .eltarger, 6 or 12 volts: which can be used as a 'booster.. These are only a few Of the jobs this repair unit .could do 'for you: • Used Electric and. Acetylene Welders ' - .For ,a free trial or information call EDWARD OPRERT 1524.1 ' or write to '278 Albert atreet, Stratford. 22Mayeb Waterloo Cattle Breeding ASSOCIATION 'Where Better Bulls Are Used' Do ,you recognize the value of The Artificial Breeding service of this farmer owned and controlled Organization and what it can mean to your livestock operations. While the demand for din- service has constantly risen, there are still many more cattle owners that could benefit by using our services. An example of our Hereford bulls. We expect him to be in service soon. • Charles Anxiety 8M Polled Top priced bull at the Ontario Bull Sale held early_in March. The reason he brought the top price is because he has excellent conformation and his official rate of gain while on test for 168 days was 3.09 lbs. per day, for life• time 2.97 lbs. per day, and he finished his test period weighing 1,280 lbs. This is the highest lifetime gain and finishing weight of any bull performance tested 'in Ontario to date. ' For service or more information phone Clinton Zenith 9-5650 or collect 'Teeswater 126 Between: 17.30 and TO week days 6.00 and 8 p.m. on Saturday evenings. For cows noticed in heat on Sunday morning, do not call until Monday morning. , Healthier Calve AND YOU Ilk II SAVE THAT MILK .SHIP THAT MILK PROFIT MORE — In other words, YOU CAN "h ave your cake and eat it too" — for • you CAN feed that calf better and ship the milk. It acids to more profit out of your dairying oper ation — and that's what matters ! How do you do it — that's easy, and inexpensive-- SHUR-GAIN Milk Replacer' Thousands of Canadian dairymen h ave learned Burring the past months that -there IS a' better way to raise calves Lotted .0istroto So Can You . Canada Packers WINGHAM What a buy.' week; The men have been diamfeating the .colony 1/90404, or of them had 'to baye new hydro wire stretched, as one of the boys .drove under with the -tractor last, fall. and high load tore the wire off its pale. This week, when the ella MTh), they void walk all the Way from ear to SOlony house on the ground, . The week` before, when the first chicks carne, 'they just stepped over the !fence on the snow, in the fall ploughing, frhrte 003 .Such. a lot Of big stones .earne hardly believe that the, fiend WAs. dry enough to carry o. tractor to• gath ea.,1411.;.h., tih,yEt!mtheorrin t-T-4;rer eedglieaesaid o the .the ten-Year-Old bad to bring the other tractor with • the snow scraper an, it and. above the stone over onto 'the loader, But they are On away now, We still have a team of berses4 but the older 'horse proved tea slow in. the .deep snow in the winter RS. li. fARRIER ELECTED PRESIDENT OiiiiigHollilitavolipilmionialuiSICIIII1111111400.11100111111111111,11116- 11 HAPPY U U MOTORING HINTS by SOB iilkOWNIC 0 ▪ k1 /4, PRESSURE IS U. f) 4) ISDN .i One 'ne the ximatest dangers your ear's teetor ever Mindere is lite poiedbility 144 even for a, Split Noofonit the tre" eatagions ,pressuree geueruted by the heat and -exploeive forces the,eylinders will lorealt down or pUsh aside the lubricant ar U a between piston rings lied cylinder walls, ! . Should tlkis occur thos is 1$ simultanegUs Welding notion, -ii al AS. he riias 'Melt 'themselves into the intethl of tiro oogi'llo ---a."'' i 'block . , But litaVii 1tot AIL The nation of the engine tin- P- ., ordiateiy tears them loofie oKain nod our motor is ,hopelessly I _....'• sedred — and you may 'not know about it. ' ,&" NI ..= A few more miles nod the inside of your ear's engine line ii j ground itself into boPeless damage. !J._ One of the most important additives in top-grade motor •II ii oil is the chemical which prevent's breakdown under heat and I -111-preles'Ore '..-.: '; .;viittr gmtraatteA, of-4114 ,zonstAnt•Jubriaatiau-aml-ii- ,----,... j protection the modern motor must base. 7. IIII III I Olean Motor oil -is certainly the worst of l'alse- economy, 1 -ii E---_ i -.:. i ill : Downie'54 SuitocoService 1 Phone 38J . Wingham • !Km :smrs.311 rimsri 'OIL frerie•Y 1.000 Filallitill111111111111011•141111111111111110111iiiiiiiiriiiiiiinaiiminitimilismai Deep in high protein pasture up to 3 weeks ahead of schedule! New, active AERO UREA* helps you grow lusb,•nutritious grass pasture .., . •get your animals grazing profitably -up to 3.Weeks 'ahead of the normal time. Acre Urea is a 45% nitrogen fertilizer, prilled for easy handling. Tep dressed in spring, it releases Immediately available nitrogen to get the pasture off to a quiSk start—with higher protein content. Pasture is your cheapest feed. So let,Aero Urea get your animals grazing sooner ... they make profitable weight gains and bigger milk cheques . . . while you save on feeding costs! Ask your fertilizer dealer for Aero Urea. *T. M, Reed, A. AT i .1•027' CYANAMID OR CANADA LIMITED ARM TI' SERVI When fire trouble strikes we're all set to serve you on the farm or in the shop. Just phone for farm tire service... Sqe us for all Goodyear Sales & Service. We can save you time... get stalled equipment rolling. :We have a full stock Of tires fOr all farm vehicles readily available . . phis fast service on •batteries and Solution 100. Look for this "high sign" of quality, Wingham Tire Service nitornv'BROW, Goodyear Tire and Vulcanizing PHONE 148 VVINGFIANI M-2 Ns • Your Car "turps Up" ' SAFE STEERING 6 Times FASTER than Brakes! , It'sa feet: 'average cares need wheel aligninent and balancing e Linnet in 'the lite ,sPan Of a set of beak-. CS . every 6,606 mile*. 'Without it, steering parts , wear twice ae feat yen take a big gatriblei Insist on EXPERT sefety vicee-r-look 'tor ,the shop With DEAR SRVICE •at the 'EtliaPpy Dee • Ken's. Alignment. Service Phone 355 Diagonal Road Wingham Spring Arrives on the Farm •']wire annual . businese Meeting of the. Women's. Institute was 'held in the memorial hall here .61 'Tuesday haul with 22 ladies present, and with the presi- dent, Mrs, Russell Ross, presiding, After -the opening exercises the secretary, Mm McInnis, read the correspondence, • Lneitnow asked for eontributions to. the Red Cross Society.,', A letter from the Can- adian Association 'of 'Consumers was read, asking - for a ebetter buying" committee and notice of a meeting in the Wingharn 'United' 'Church, demonstrating the use of films, in work •of education was: read. Twen iyetwo . ladies answer- ed the roll call with payment of fees. • . • 4- The financial report showed that over $322 had been taken in, during the 'past year, with $255 expenses; $26 was paid to Federated Insti- -lute; $20 sent for spring Confer-, enee, with 'donations to Retarded Childrenis 'Fund, Library Board, Salvation Arniy, Red Coss, Sick Children's llospitel, •C.N./.11, Athletic 'Association, Care of Can- ada and. Children's Aid, Walker- ton.- Mrs, :and Emerson attended the meeting at Tiverton the previous day, `when a resolu- tion was bronght -in asking that Daylight Saving ;Time start, in -all Ontario on June 1 and end on Sep- tember 1. ' This was to he sent to the county council and the local members of palliarnent, Who were asked to work ,for the 'nitimate olishment of•DST,' both provincially of the, Junior Institute branches. The WhiteChnie6 ' braheif will be in charge, of the community sing- ing, with their' pianist at Ripley. Mrs. Miller will-be voting delegate and veilf register at 9.30 a,m. Each member was ;asked• to donate $1.15 towards .the Institute scholarship. The district rally will be held at Lueknow - in -the fall. • Mrs. Victor EmerSOn is the Federated member. The voting delegates appointed were'Mrs. Shiell, Mrs, Gordon Me- Burney, Mrs, Alex -Robertson and Mrs', McInnis, The reports of the'standing com- mittees were then given and each reporter . interesting work carried on duthig the past year, These re- ports will - be sent to the ., district secretary at Kincardine, Owen Sound: will now he the place where the Brtice Districts meet instead of Guelph,, • • The numbers plan to tour the- ereantery at Teeswater at their May -meeting and have been in- vited ,,toybe :present with the Tees- water ,Institute for that day for lunch.,IVirs`, Chas. Shiell was elected chairman •for the election of offi- cers and as 'convener of the nom- Mating' committee preseeted the following list of officers for the coming ,year and all were duly el- ected and. Honorary tires., IVIrs. -George Fisher; past pres., Mrs. Rftssell Ross; pica., Mrs. Garnet 'Farrier:, first vice-pres,, Mrs, .Alex 'Robert- son;-' second vice-pres., WS. an Tiffin; sec,,treasi, Mrs, James Mc- Innis; district director, Mrs, Rus- sell Ross; -branch directors, Mrs, Prank Ross, Mrs., George Walker, Mrs. Chas, Shiell; press reporters, Mrs, Thomas Morrison, Mrs, ,I, a Beeeroft; pianists, Mrs, Dan Tif- fin, Mrs, Tos. Tiffin; auditors, Mrs, Albert Coultes, Mrs. Chas, Moore; prograta comm., Mrs, Wallace Conn, Mrs. Will IlenrA Mrs. Crer- - G.0.OrgO'Corter Sells- ,Farm WHITECHURCH----- 'George Car- ter of Zest Wawanosh IteS sold his farm to Cheater Morrison of Blyth who gets OssesSion tut in .:his p crop this week. Mr; Carter suffered a severe in, jury to his knee last fall, end sold his stock then; and now has beer, selling his implements. The --tam-e fly will move to Blyth where her has purchased a home and shop to;. 9..rry on the trade of plumbing aad carpentry work. 'This farm, formerly owned by; Mr. Carter's grandfather, Andrew MeDougal, IlaS been in the posses- slop of the family for almost .ons hundred years. Mission Band Meets' Sunday School WHITECHERCH — The. Mission Bend of the United Church -met on Sunday in, the Sunday School room with Elgin ,Sleightholm, president, in the chair, Ail repeated the Pledge and Mrs. Russell Purdon. led in prayer, Ronald Beecroft read -tirre-Seripture'lessew-fronegs: of 'Solomon and ;Phyllis hohn,. Janis Farrier and, Margaret' s,11poroz. read Raster poems on' Diane Couites led in prayer ikno, all repeated the hymn "For the: Beauty of the li.larth". Mrs. Milian. Moore with the senior children, Was interested in the chapter from . shoes", Mrs,. study book, ."Ten Pairs .0f j • 'Mrs. Purdon's group read the chapter from the study book "Ifere Comes Dirk" and the missionary: pictures from many lands. Mrs. Moore closed the meeting witin prayer. The Easter Therkoffer-' ing was $2.00,. • . TOLD BY PRESIDENT Mrs. E. I-I, Groskorth, dedicated the offering. Mrs. -Armstrong :and Mrs. II, Jefferson sang "Behold, a Stran- ger at the DoOr" and, Mrs, J. D. Beeeroft gave two readings, "The Set of 'the Sail" and "Mary and . Martha". Mrs. Garnet Farrier was -in eharge of the tape recorder and the recording of the meeting held in 'the 'Wingham United Church last month when Thomas George of' India was interviewed and told of government, religion, schools, in- comes and home life and habits of his native land. He told of the great need of literature for the people to read, and how they are flooded with reading from. Com- munist countries. Mrs. Moore closed the meeting with prayer and all enjoyed' the social half hour that 'followed in the Sunday School room of the Angus Falconer' and Mr. and 'Mrs. A. B. Purdon of LtIcknow visited last Thursday with Mr, and Mrs. Athol Purdon of Sarnia. Little Marilyn Purdon was taken to 'the Sick Children's Hospital, Toronto, on Monday, where she will have a delicate operation performed'on her heart. Mr. and Mrs. ,lames IVIsInnis vis- ited on Sunday at the home of her sister, Mrs. George MeKague Teeswater. Their mother, . Mrs. Roane, accompanied them, MrS. Roane will celebrate her 96th birth- day this •Thursday, Her many friends in this district extend 'con- gratulations. Mr. and Mrs, Charles Carr and baby Bonnie Marie of Orangeville, visited on Stint-lay at the home of her sister, Mrs, James Johnston of Turnberry .and all, visited With. his parents, Mr, and Mrs, Gershom Johnston... Miss Edna Carr, of St. Thomas Hospital staff, spent: the week-end at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Rus- sell Ross. Mr. and Mrs. Henneth johnsten and daughters of Clinton visited on Sunday with. Mr. and Mrs, Noble Greenaway, Mr. end. Mrs. Harry -Moss and family of Plattsvilie visited Sunday ot the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Be.n McClenagliart, Mr, and Mrs. Getehorn JobiiSton celebrated the -14th anniversary of their marriage this Tuesday eve- ning, at the honie of their timigh- ter, Mrs, Clarence Ritchie. Mr. arid Mee, Crest klitWeretunt Of Toronto spent the week-end, 'et .the" horny. of Mr, and Mrs, Will • Henry, Mr, end Mrs: '''obi Jantzi and children of MilVertott visited err Sunday -at the home of her bra- ther, Mr. George Platter and with her aunt, Mrs. David 1.(ennedy, Mrs, Carl MeCionagnart is a pa- tient this 'week in VietOria Hospi-' tal, London, Miss Marlene -1Chnston, Of. St.: Wiener ant) Mre, George, Fisher, 'the Women ' eathera' Poderation :banquet ,belri lb BlYtn on Monday evening, 'Mrs. Walter Lett spent the week,,, arid with Ripley' relatiVee. The family of Mr. and Mrs. Oor-: don Ritchie, Luckeow, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Ritchie and children` of Lucknow, Mr. and Mrs, Harold Ritchie end children of IVfonicton Nit. and Mrs, Lorne Ritchie and Annabelle of Ripley, and Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Ritehie and children of East Wawanosh gathered on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Ritchie for a family dinner and to celebrate the couple's 4.0th wedding anniversary. The family presented their parents with "space saver" for their home. Mr., Paul Groskerth teaches this week at Woodstock amid Mr. Barry McQuillin of West Wawanosh -also •teaches at 'Woodstee•k. -• Mr. and Mrs.• Jack Gillespie- and children of Sarnia spent the week- end at the home of Mr. and Mrs,. T. G. Gillespie. Mr. Gillespie fias been very ill during the past week. Mr, and Mrs.' Clifford Farrier and family of Kitehener visited on Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Farrier. Dr. Marshall attended the Syn- odical meeting last Tuesday in .-Goderich as a delegate from. the Maitla,nd •Presbyterial. - • Mr, and Mrs; H. D, McDonald ,5f Milton visited at the home of -her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Frank Coal- ter on Sunday and Mr'. and Mrs, -Coulter accompanied them home to spend a week at Milton. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McInnis of Gorrie visited on Sunday at the home of nephew,' Mr. Dan Tif- fin: Mrs, Earl Caslick has been ill with flu during the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Coultes and fam- ily and Mr. and MrS. 'Wilfred Cas- lick and family, Wingham, visited there on Sunday. . Mrs. Stuart McBurney, Wingham, Visited on Tuesday With -her sister, Mrs, Alex Leaver, and Mr. and Mrs, D, A. Hackett and 'baby Joan of Ashfield visited thei.e on Sunday. Mr, Lynn. O'Malley is visiting at the 'home of his aunt, Mrs. Alex Tyon of Sarnia this week, shorn jolmaton,' Mrs, Dan -Mrs, John Burchill; sunshiee and. cheer, Mrs. Victor Emerson, Mrs. Ezra Scholtz; home economies, Mrs, Frank Miller; historical re- search and current events, Mrs; E. W. Beecroft; agriculture and Canadian industries, Mrs,, Russell Gaunt; citizenship and education,. Mrs. _Thomas Metcalfe; resolutions, Mrs, James Molnnis; Federated News; Mrs, Johnston 'Comm. Mrs,,, Russell Ross, as retiring president, thanked, the :members and conveners of the committees who bad co-operated so willingly with her in the work of the :Matt- tete during her 'time as president, and asked that they carry oh simi- larly for the haw president, Mrs, Farrier, who presided for the last -of the meeting. Mrs, Dan Tiffin Was at the piano, Plans were ,made fera„euehre tov,be held in ,the hail, With each member inviting, three friends and providing lunch. WOOL Any Government Deficiency- Pay-' ment will apply only on properly graded wools. , Secure the utmost 'by patronizing the organization that made this possible. SHIP COLLECT To Our Registered Warehouse No. I. Weston, Ontario Obtain sacks and twine without charge from MORLEY McMIGHAEL R.R. 2, Wroxeter NORMAN MODOWELL Beigrave Or by writing to CANADIAN Ca:OPERATIVE WOOL GROWERS LIMITED 211 Bay Street, Toronto, Canada' W-••• WW1,/ .1,1.wo• and Mrs. Arthur Moore... ,Mr. 'and • Kenneth 'Dickson and' child- ren of BeirmWe visited at the Moore home on Sunday. • Mrs., James Falconer spent last week at the hems' of her son, Chas, Faleoner of 'Glenne. Mr. Eldon EnterSon left last week for Midland, where he met the boat "Goderich" on which he will work this sununer es watchman. Mn Allan Barbour, who works as fireman on a boat out of Goder,, leh, spent last • Saturday at his home, white the boat was: in at 0 ad erich • Mr, and Mrs. Robert Laidlaw Wei -on Sunday with Mr. J. Holmes, • at Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Elliott and family of Alias Craig visited on Sunday with his parents, Mr, end • Con'tIon Elliett and- Mr, and Mrs. Chas% Matters and family of Bitlevele, Other members of. Mr. and Mrs. :11Illlott's family also visited there on Sunday, The W.M,S. of Galvin-Brick Church meets this Wednesday eve;' ning at the home of Mrs, Harry Cook at .8,30 p.m, This will else be the birthday tea, Meeting. Rev, O. Geiger of Lueknow will have .eharge of 11w communion ser- thie-...Sntal4t .... e..._thait Church at 2.30 DST, Mrs. Alex Shiell, Mrs, Jacic Shiell and baby Laurie of St. Thomas, visited or iar5cay 1ast ith her sister, Mrs. R. M. Shied, Wingham, and with Shiell and MeBueney re- latives in. East Wawanosh. 'Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Leslie of Granton, Mrs, Beery Varter of Clinton and Mr Perry .Durnin of London, visited en Sunday' with their mother, Mrs, ',Sum I.,).urrtin, who spent the winter at the home of her niece, Mrs, Thomas IyinGuf. fin. Mr, and Mrs, Thomas .famie. son also visited with Mrs. Durnin, who has been very ill with pneu- monia during the past'two weeks. Mr. Harold Walker has been a patient in Wingham Hospital for the past week and Miss Gertrude Stewart of Cookstown is visiting this week with her sister, Mrs. Walker, Mr. and•Mrs. Allan Pattison Vis- Ited one day last week at the home when the boys tried them out, and 'Prince, who had never been ridden, ...chtiardr,yto thceotnela,tyloetalerr-oitolte 'boy iw ,4k1..11110d learn to like It. Horne he carne from sehooi, threw On a bridle and A sack across Prince's back and , away they wen' with the dog at' their heels, ae rods, the .back plough,' ed field to the 'bush. They found; the •old log road and away to the creek at the west eorner, A tree had fallen .across 'the .'track andl Prince took it in. a leap, nearly: 'throwing 'the .boy over his and. then turned and headed for home, with the horse jumping; strikeevery :1t:,t4'iwc.14gse O ,exhilani :111141)0:11ne ;, field, mkt, -no cap, apring lbws croaking! and the Vying heels of the hor,se,' Who wouldn't have a horse -to ride?' Then' the .bpys :coaxed their Dad. to 'take 'them 'fishing auckers—off, to Pore Albert, gathering flash-, lights, long rubber 'boots, boxes, .pails, and' off they went. Cars' jammed in. ,every corner, the .fish -trying to mount .Over the dam, :and. then. they found -4, little creek that' they could even step across, -ant( by hand,'and even the yoting lad . (4,Hilgoimxt ebajes'afinis,h, ,a lid off to shoW 'tsrerirci. 'tfolitp11.1 aaSdle(,!itP'.1‘11Y4'.asrn' or' the flogr*Iii her shoe, . Well, What: could yore. expect? • WITEGOURCH , 'Mrs. Percy king, • Tim and ;roe, of Terebert7 visited on Sunday .atc the 'home of, her niece, Mrs. ard Walker. of their daughter, Mrs. Gerald - WIIITEOHUR011-7- The Easter. Watson, of Forest. Thankoffering meeting of the Mrs, Cecil Falconer, Mr. and Mrs, W.M1S.- of the United Church Was held last Wednesday evening in. the .church 'with guests. from Cal- vin-Erick Church and Donnybrook United Church present. The pre-, sielent, Mrs. Milian Moore, presided, and gave the call to worship, - She also led in the responsive reading of Psalm 103 and -told of the "Is land of Happy Bealing", off Hong- kong, where there 'is a, home foe the people with leprosy. A -Pre-. gram of education 'is carried on among the patients and refugees, to' teach them not 'to hide the dis- ease, but come forward and . be 'taught how to treat it and 'be heal- ed, Mrs. Moore :told how they had their gardens and grew their. own food.. - Mrs. Russell Gaunt led in the and nationally. PlansAvere made to attend the, Mr, John Aitcheso.n •. received Scripture lesson and Mrs. Ezra Seholtz led in prayer. . Mrs; Oar- -at Ripley. word that his • sister, Miss Ilennah district annual Aitcheson -of Blyth, was taken to don McBurney.. gave - a• -reading on'afay.'26.-.:.T.he district president "How the Great Guest Came" and was asked ta,attend- the' meetings'. c1;ieeXia• Hospital, London, last