The Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-04-22, Page 2Now that the hockev Season IS
Cra f* I Dodgers.
over and tile Len wror(
ha-ve captured the, WO��N I-19nle-
brew trophy., let us ex s our
'lie members of the team
thairks to t
and the icoach. manager and spon
rs for a grand season laf sport.
It, wonld indeed be difficult to
olit iniffividual plavers for
uvention- because in the type of
hock-ey pla�-yed here one of ihe!,31reat-
est aitrihntes is team spirit and
willing-ne." td- get in there and fight
for the horne town- In this regard
Our teani hasbeen unexcelled.
This winter s hockey -was brand-;
ed bv the broad admixture of plaN�
ers, �vervthing from the yono,!
Z fty
I lip to tlte- vet�ransof many, former
it "rtainly inade for
seasons ... an d
an interesting style of play. Itshould
he said, tm tha-t the olaer players
do -mcrifice a good deal to get Out
and boost the team for nian-y Of
them have homes and families, of
11,11*ch tbev, see very little throughout
the winter months.
It hai� become increasingly diffi-
clilt to * t- -
ie., a tvood hoekey team in
these parcs, and: wheu grood bockev
not beillg plaVed the, arena, V
is a public enterpris
_,e* falls- upon
difficult day-, too. The "Dodgers
liave certainly dotte a very fine, job
in keeping both. the game and the
arena in the public eye.
The Wingham Advance,� Times
V%blubod At WMAOUIU4 OMA140,
W. lut*y wetxet, rAtot
Ar*mbor Atiot Vitft�tivi ot c9 "Inflon
Aawotbm $x 9"OW cam MAIL,
P*4001c* DePL
�iwwo*loft, ftte - Ono Irimf #* �ft makht
U 14-00 pet ywt
The open ing last wcek of the -new
Christ-lan tducation wintr at St.
Andrewl's Presbvterian Church is a
reminder that the church in its
broader aspect, continues to -row
and develop, despite the dire pre-
dictions of those who are ceriain
thatthe younger generation is head-
ed straight for the, hot place.
Such growth is evident not only
in the Preskyterian denomination
here, but in all the churches in this
communitv. Atom hombs and -the
beat generation tothe contrary, the
church seem.-, to remain the solid has been for the past
two thousand vearq.
Church attendance today "is even
raore significant than it wa$* .50 years,
ago, for intimeg gone by -the church
occupied a position of such soctal
significance in a town like IV, ing.ham
that every respectable citizen simply
'had to be allied �%itb one or another
of :the, churches or become a public
,disgrace. In this day and age the
churches are forging ahead purely
on the tnerits of the ilies-Mige theN* It is not nearly go much tl;o?
"style" to go to church -now. and as,
a restilt, -%-e tan -be reasollablv Sure
thm �t Intge proportion of tbo.,,e wbo
do sopport a cluirch group do ", Ixe-
cause and; 'only because Of the idic-
tates of their own cofiscience.
NE MOMEW, PUAW Bjuevale,
tBig business todar Xoe4 the limit
4be m N,
oist powerful c rp ation. 1
you bave n9d(le.d off, and yourvdf6
Jn a4vertisla- W -by doiet Chris-
the world baspot been insWrit In
instant in.
tlans? The Q11 Co. of
�w.Tersey started out Ago,
season, Out of season or it would
pop 1*0 U0111O.-Rot AAVauc*�Tllnes, 11a"o*40Y 4#413-10, 1W
io, oil the, world, 'And it did that
ee. So ,
not have b ri slow, to usead-
vertiging. Think of it Christian
to seasou, out of, seft,40116
very thin.-, '4rrylng Its products
over land and sea to the very ends
N for many vears havethe
races, our general health lev�ed is
of the earth,
people. of this prt;vilIC'e had ZIS WVK�h
.1way below that of I-,nanv F.uropean
�,Io veftising is atremen,
Wern ad
reasou to greet the coming of spring
countries, where cars are less coin -
�h ukful lie,
with t a arts. It was .3 long,
m6o and the age-old method of get-
bire experfs In 44�
rougrh and snowx_ \\inter. Even the
ting around on one"s two feet has
vertising. 11110 Admire their smart
=ud look z good.
been, perpetuate(
lVertiSl ng, Tile writer, last SCIP11-
mer while, orib Toxv Yorlt
pIWAys in Is
All cif whik-li brings us it); new
If Canadians suffer from any one
State. saxv thlq Advert!
pipmept in
thoaglit.sabout the wide open -spaces,
common ailment, it is ljie sofi aud
Omit of x weldlngsbop� I-INVe repair
all around u -s space in, which to
flabby fcondition which has been
0 - but the b"44 of 'day
relax and br,�.athe fresh air. Actually
brought about bv awav too much
and abrolkenhearV. Huge Corpor-
it takes a vi�rtaiv aniount of assoct-
application of I -lie seat of t1le pallis
atiOns 90 In for It in. a large way.
ation with city ft-*Iks to iolly ander-
iothe nearest ebair,or car seat ' We
We think of their lavish Outlay.
stand the great blessing oi living in
all need a great deal m.ore exercise,
Leaders of It , _e US.A�
an une rowtleil parl of the country,
and fresli air.
spend yearly 4L billion d ollars ^ an
Within the past few days there h1as
in vain, In the Lord."
dvertlshiig, The A k4t Ono obile in,
been a trenlelldolv� liew interest in
With the equipment which i.-,
. ,
AxT..r, aalilpiag_xan ..-Jaff. er—,
terests are second, while manuftc-lAiandrnent
turem of' prepared foods and
open air—.and it is- aty and subilrball,
new experiences in living, withont
medicines co, ,
me third. Large bill-
families who are most keenly aware
too nitich bardsbip — even where
boards with color!%;) Advertising
of what life in ihe cou-ntry can -be.
there, are small youngsters. Why
are found ingreAt numbers along4l
Siuce the war there Ila- been a
don�t you try it sometime?
our highways, Electric Nvinkers in
general turning of atteution 'to out-
was hL slogan and the secret of
t nio tile
cities a , t draw
door a�ctivity, and in Briti-4i Coltim-
his power. He wms'tbe prince of
attention Of the crowd to the pro-
bia the move -has become one of
Men to advertise Christ. "All. for
ducts which tbeyAdyertlse. Ameri-
province -wide proportions. Families
ChrisV was his consuming passlon.
can periodicals 'with. a circulation
by the thousands are taking to t1w
in 1_aw
Of'over two million copies v ss
mountains and stream-� and forest.,;,
Charge as high as $10,000 for a
to such a degree that sales, of camp-
It pays to adverlise. It is Never
sing! . e page in a single Iuue to
ing equipment have multiplied, many
Any day now You -%Nill hear the
those who wish to advertl,.m The
times over, Be it said, the BC gov-
toxAWs fire siren' calling out the
Christian Church the largest and
ernment has aided the trend bv
news of the first grass firq. Vroni
spending miffit : on eauip sites and
then on- there will be t1i reeor four.
Sugar and ice
calls a week iintil. the craze for burnv.
April 11, 1959
However, mrinntains, are not a
ing off last years dead grass has
-While. I Was watchftig Brigitte -.%far- sitting bolt upright, wide-eyed -and
necessary adjulwt to the pleasures
worn itself oitt.
newal to your paper. I continue
of life in the open. Right here in
Biu-ning over a patch of -round
seem like a sill thing to say. It's mouth parsed, head shaking and
Western Ontario there is boundless
certainly cleans tip alot'of the mess
1 especially like your "Editorial"
Opportunity to get the family out-
in a huriT, but it remains a rather
ing an orchestra play. But It was
and nv ri and
side. Our streams e a
dangeroos practice, Two are three
Please note my new address at
lakes are amoniz the nlost beautiffil
of theg-rass- fires last year threaten -
And just to get thin.,, perf,,tly smoke in the middle of a big pash
in the Nvorld. Unfortunately all too
ed Valuable hiii1dings, both in town
George 111nes
muchof ihe most desirable �horeffile
and out in the country.
on ladies.
14: when the young temptress on the
I% closed off by private property
Z 0
The horrifying. part of it %vas screen is launching hrW a discreet
N%rIngham, Ont
0XVners, hut the government is now
T he risk involved in most of these
much more a -five in the provision
grass fires seems great ehough to
of public parks and it is safe to pre-
preclude any great consideration for
diet 1hat there will, be an increasing
the good whic . h can be accomplished.
number of spots for the general pub -
it is a custorn which has prevailed
lic as the years go, bv.
for manv vears, but -,rhen the ex-
Whv all the fuss abont the open.
penses of a fire department become
air,. pc�u way ask. Perhaps one of
involved, it amounts to a very costly
the rnost withentic reasons for urg-
in- a r�turn to Outdoor activities In
f 'i ' the trend in� national
)ntivio S
Iii,'lnost in'stances wbere a prop-
health. Aftliongh we are stipposed
ertr owner considers burning over
to be one of those r ged Zorthern
ug, N
a patch of' grass be has but to be
patient for a week or two and Nature
will take care -of the problen N e xv,
green grass will s6ring -tip and its
life will be the stronger for thenour
ishment it ,receives from the dead re -
mains of last years growth.
Now that the hockev Season IS
Cra f* I Dodgers.
over and tile Len wror(
ha-ve captured the, WO��N I-19nle-
brew trophy., let us ex s our
'lie members of the team
thairks to t
and the icoach. manager and spon
rs for a grand season laf sport.
It, wonld indeed be difficult to
olit iniffividual plavers for
uvention- because in the type of
hock-ey pla�-yed here one of ihe!,31reat-
est aitrihntes is team spirit and
willing-ne." td- get in there and fight
for the horne town- In this regard
Our teani hasbeen unexcelled.
This winter s hockey -was brand-;
ed bv the broad admixture of plaN�
ers, �vervthing from the yono,!
Z fty
I lip to tlte- vet�ransof many, former
it "rtainly inade for
seasons ... an d
an interesting style of play. Itshould
he said, tm tha-t the olaer players
do -mcrifice a good deal to get Out
and boost the team for nian-y Of
them have homes and families, of
11,11*ch tbev, see very little throughout
the winter months.
It hai� become increasingly diffi-
clilt to * t- -
ie., a tvood hoekey team in
these parcs, and: wheu grood bockev
not beillg plaVed the, arena, V
is a public enterpris
_,e* falls- upon
difficult day-, too. The "Dodgers
liave certainly dotte a very fine, job
in keeping both. the game and the
arena in the public eye.
The Wingham Advance,� Times
V%blubod At WMAOUIU4 OMA140,
W. lut*y wetxet, rAtot
Ar*mbor Atiot Vitft�tivi ot c9 "Inflon
Aawotbm $x 9"OW cam MAIL,
P*4001c* DePL
�iwwo*loft, ftte - Ono Irimf #* �ft makht
U 14-00 pet ywt
The open ing last wcek of the -new
Christ-lan tducation wintr at St.
Andrewl's Presbvterian Church is a
reminder that the church in its
broader aspect, continues to -row
and develop, despite the dire pre-
dictions of those who are ceriain
thatthe younger generation is head-
ed straight for the, hot place.
Such growth is evident not only
in the Preskyterian denomination
here, but in all the churches in this
communitv. Atom hombs and -the
beat generation tothe contrary, the
church seem.-, to remain the solid has been for the past
two thousand vearq.
Church attendance today "is even
raore significant than it wa$* .50 years,
ago, for intimeg gone by -the church
occupied a position of such soctal
significance in a town like IV, ing.ham
that every respectable citizen simply
'had to be allied �%itb one or another
of :the, churches or become a public
,disgrace. In this day and age the
churches are forging ahead purely
on the tnerits of the ilies-Mige theN* It is not nearly go much tl;o?
"style" to go to church -now. and as,
a restilt, -%-e tan -be reasollablv Sure
thm �t Intge proportion of tbo.,,e wbo
do sopport a cluirch group do ", Ixe-
cause and; 'only because Of the idic-
tates of their own cofiscience.
NE MOMEW, PUAW Bjuevale,
tBig business todar Xoe4 the limit
4be m N,
oist powerful c rp ation. 1
you bave n9d(le.d off, and yourvdf6
Jn a4vertisla- W -by doiet Chris-
the world baspot been insWrit In
instant in.
tlans? The Q11 Co. of
�w.Tersey started out Ago,
season, Out of season or it would
,seas%ni vvit of mas.Qou, or 130 urgent,
io, oil the, world, 'And it did that
ee. So ,
not have b ri slow, to usead-
vertiging. Think of it Christian
to seasou, out of, seft,40116
very thin.-, '4rrylng Its products
people. !JFh!Je,;ifg business spends
This vxhor-
over land and sea to the very ends
m billion dollars yearly on adver-
tation, jglveq 'by
of the earth,
tising its material ware only 7
:1,1 Paul to. Na
�,Io veftising is atremen,
Wern ad
percent of Oils Is spent bY Amell-
young under
dou�i force. L4r ettiring
cai ristiqns in Publishing tile
study Timothy
bire experfs In 44�
Gospel to all na lions.
bfk.dly nee4,
vertising. 11110 Admire their smart
Stdulnx ads. are used In this
sby, delicate and
lVertiSl ng, Tile writer, last SCIP11-
mer while, orib Toxv Yorlt
pIWAys in Is
filneart of sAJe.,5mqnghJp.-ag "Oo od
0161ined to be
State. saxv thlq Advert!
pipmept in
to the last drojW% and "His, INTAster0s
law. In view
Omit of x weldlngsbop� I-INVe repair
VoW% The chiAdreA of darltness
-of his fallings-
he is urged to,
0 - but the b"44 of 'day
Are AAser in etheiLr thalil
bildren of light. There are soule
e, job,' to keep up the
and abrolkenhearV. Huge Corpor-
, l(q*trn from
things -Chlistlans can
to guard the de;mIt,
atiOns 90 In for It in. a large way.
the i�s*orld and advertW109 is one Of
a hy, be on your job seven days
We think of their lavish Outlay.
a k, fifty-two weeks a year
Leaders of It , _e US.A�
plain sleepy. . -About halfway
And remember your labour Is not.
spend yearly 4L billion d ollars ^ an
1,13e eJeNen. disciples turned the
in vain, In the Lord."
dvertlshiig, The A k4t Ono obile in,
wh_ple i vorld. upside down in an
7%SK_text Is part of a stirring
resS in
. ,
borted to undertake a fearless
terests are second, while manuftc-lAiandrnent
turem of' prepared foods and
of- our Ye
Into all tile -%Vorld and 4weacli the
crusade on behalf of the 4Qospel.
medicines co, ,
me third. Large bill-
every crea
gospel to tore". They
St. Paut did not need this advice
himself, He Was always on his
boards with color!%;) Advertising
on, and t
Were instant in seas on
job. always instant in season and
are found ingreAt numbers along4l
of season. They stayed: on their
out of season. *This one thin Tdo I
g� -
our highways, Electric Nvinkers in
job seven dalys a week and fifty,
was hL slogan and the secret of
t nio tile
cities a , t draw
two wcelcs a, $car. Oneby One the
his power. He wms'tbe prince of
attention Of the crowd to the pro-
eleven died the 40AU1 Of A martyr
Men to advertise Christ. "All. for
ducts which tbeyAdyertlse. Ameri-
except St. johii, advertising tht'.,
ChrisV was his consuming passlon.
can periodicals 'with. a circulation
wonderful story of 0irist. Greater
He advertised with might and main
in 1_aw
Of'over two million copies v ss
love hath No Man t ban this. ATRY
the Christ of the Damascus Read.
Charge as high as $10,000 for a
Ave follow in their steps. 1fa3l We
It pays to adverlise. It is Never
sing! . e page in a single Iuue to
be filled with their Aeal and exi-,
too expensive or baza rdous for
those who wish to advertl,.m The
, �),. Lll�c them may wi- be
commerce to advertise its wares.
Christian Church the largest and
instailt in season, out of season.
BOX 473
Sugar and ice
Akron, Ohio,
By Bill Smiley Z
April 11, 1959
1 started thinking about busts knoir that ToWre supposed to V,
Dear Sirs:
-While. I Was watchftig Brigitte -.%far- sitting bolt upright, wide-eyed -and
Please find my cheque for re-
dot, the little Prench mv-pot, in eleCt-n-fied; it bUrt-S to know that
newal to your paper. I continue
a film the other night. That*may.1 ',You are slumped in y6ur seat,
to find it of great interest to me
seem like a sill thing to say. It's mouth parsed, head shaking and
even though' it Is over 20 years
since I left your community�
like saying you started thinking tongue almost tut-tuffing in dis-
1 especially like your "Editorial"
. y ft ro 41
abOut'Plusic 'h ou were v tch- PP V. I.
page- it is a real asset to a weekly
ing an orchestra play. But It was
Tn;rely a coincidence. It is downright disconcerting to
Please note my new address at
-find that you are craving for a
501 Winfield Way R, Akron
And just to get thin.,, perf,,tly smoke in the middle of a big pash
Ohio. .
Yours truly.
clear, I I donft mean: I busts of famous scene. it is disgusting to have
to give.In to it and go to the back
George 111nes
men done in, plaster. I mean. busts
of the theatre to light up, just
on ladies.
14: when the young temptress on the
Leopold Street,
Z 0
The horrifying. part of it %vas screen is launching hrW a discreet
N%rIngham, Ont
that I started thinking about bA,sts striptease.
Dear Editor.
The subject of the swimming
popi has come up now and agam
over the past few months that.1
have been Jn Wingham, and de-
spite the risk of criticism which 1.
might incur as a newcomer- wha.
Might not bea,%vare of all the cir-
cumstances, I would like to express.
a few thouglits on the matter.
Frorn, what I can gather, the op-
en-air pool in Teeswater Nval not
ofien for more thaA 3.4 weeks last
summer. and -.vas not in extensive
use for more than eight There
seems to be No reason to suppose
that such a pool in Winzham would
have a longer season. Am indoor
pool would provide a much-needed
year-round place of enjoymenL
There I.-. plenty of e�ridence that
young people in NVIngliam have
too few places for -wholesome re-
creation and tob limited opportun-
Itles to expend their ener--Y.
The location of the proposed pool
is another tonteAtious iss:Ue. I
ivould like to submit that an indoor
pool located close to. OF even at-
tached "to the Frigh School would
offer -some distinct advantages. The
one gymnasium is inadequate for
the present number of classes to
say -nothing of -the situation '%Wleh
will be presented by four addition-
al classes in the fAlL Even 'low
the cafeteria is being used 'for 9YIn
classes. If an indoor swimming
pool were close bx surely an agr—
went could. he %forked out with
school board for use of it by
during school hour& Such an a-
range;�ent would takethe pressure
off the already- over -taxed pkV1A_
cal eaucat*'On faeffitlev. and also
help to finance the 13ro ' ject-
Certainly the cost would he
greater, but so would the value re-
erived for each dollar- spent
E. Russell Sp�ith
in a. clear, cold, analytical way.
iks I say, I Was watching INEss
And it is Aismdl to; learn that
Bardot snaking her way through
you bave n9d(le.d off, and yourvdf6
a movie., in ANbich l'amour 'was
kq driving you in the rib% just,
at the -point %%,here the celebrated
treated in the boisterous Gallic
'.Nliss t, is inakmg -n. 1-nonkey Of the
manner so startling to its tjtte�in.g
It 'Was illy first view of the
It was about this poink rudely
y—g iadv. I understand She 1-:.
awakened and rather crabby, that
71 started thinking about busts.
the, second citizen of)Franoe, after
General De Gaulle. Cert4nly her
Don't ask me wb_Y'. whays With
platures; appear in the paper more
this bust cra7w- anyway? Mum -
often than ihis. 'And Im here to
inalian-t; of mammoth proportions
tell you she is definitely better
create headlines every time they
take a deep breath- Mgh school
too king, than the QenerA though
kids praerleally break- their backs
somewhat shorter..
tryin_- to stick their chests outan
extra inch.
rm not blaming 113le. Bardot
-for my lapses. She Was all she
-�, "I'll, ill Other
was cracked up to be. She viggled
ir , jaylw _Not men.. Men
g Is, n
her bebln(L and jiggled her befront,
hAW.. been maMing women for
to the best of her abilit.N! and she
thousands of years� and busts have
has a, lot of ability along these
nothing to do with. It. lit fact,
back isr the twegfies, when I was
a ldd� busrN werefro,;Nmed on, and
'No,, -fault mine, not. hers.
still they m led t hem,
After Watching her for a few rnin-
* * *: .
utes With some interes% I became
Let tenderness.. Immour and sy-m-
lIrsternbarrosseiii, then mildly dis-
1mthy show- in your face. let good -
approving, then bored,. then just;
Ness and piti aid love shine in
plain sleepy. . -About halfway
your eyes, and youll get your iNan
thriugh this process, :1 1hail sense
faster than if you bad the bigiest
taouet to say to myself, "Boy,
bust this side of Bali.
,either yotexe ready to be put out
i� * *
to pasture, or 'you, need & good
p sts cause noth- � buttrouble
,-;pring tortw%
r remeinber a, girl I knew in col-
lege. Her rukrue ww; Betsy. 'Alle
Jes pretty disturbing. to a. chaP
had a vast hosom, I alwa3,�s called
wba has leered his waY thlradkh
'her Busty- to Myself, One Night I
the burlesque houses of Detraies
vms dan6ug with. her. -%Ve'were
NVoodward Avenue in the beigb-day
talking and T inadvertently called.
,of Scurvy u%ffller. eaten peanuts
hier Bust_,.� imstend of s �BetV".
In the pit at the Casino in T*ronto.
Rnovr wbat happenedI 'You got
and ducked out for a drink between
It* mac. slie bust me. Hight, on
rounds of pure art at Londoes
The -nose.
Windmill Theatre. to realize that,
— - blusl . ftee sh-42111y, at the sig'ht
The Editor: And Maybe thaVs why Pire b n
of a young lady Who is not 01115' , little psycholOgical abouL 'busts
Dear Sir: not there in J)erson, but lum all t -ver since.
R,egurding the new street lights her clothes on.
proposed by our Pt'C� these new * * * - I I -
type fixtures will be Much better j[t Is. etifflink to think- that per -
than the present lights and should hAtK the young sap has been boiled
brigthen our street considerably. dowo to an old fudge. X%%en you I fis LAN WILLIAMS
However the proposal to -remove
the vment lamp posts should be would become
0,,Irefuily considered from some effective decorating
Other points of -view other than imPoissible*
that of the unfortunate Motarists There is also the matter of lbost.
who caet seem to park without prcstimably parts of the street and
hitting them sidewalks would h9ve 'to be torn
These posts, With their aticndaht up -to reach -the buried wirv&
underground wiring are just about Accurate spacing of the new posts
as Attractive as anY to be seen %vill be difficult because of'store
windows and other building proh-�
in Ontario. Xew fixtures suspend -
td frout thcs present posts should
Zook very well. if we scrap -die One wonders It the new U. -tits.
posts, two%ery, SinpOrtaritteRtum even �Mtb A generous prbjeotlon,�
will ik, completely lott to the Mai, ivould not loose ,*me of their,
I effeWvefiest because of
ftfeoL Flmt, we 'Will loose Some-
Mbg that has botoihe uhlqU6 to piotarbances ftom buildings such
our tovvn. -our flower OL% -Whose u eigns and awnings.
7r coloUr give's the qVie, writer AgreO that anoW re-
br;ght Somme m6vt1I w6uld be easier, witbc
%tteet a &Ahictivtly prettY, t6tich. 1poles but perhaps this problem
There would b# no Vdirkt in I*Aen- . ould -be *Vercom40 bor niot# fit,
Ing the 116wer pots to thj� WWI$ 61 C
huildinV Where they w6uld 'have to quent teb'"Al 6f -the -4how by
comix-te Vith a Vllrietlt 'of ArtM_ smallej,. Mort, floxible e4uipment
ulciure and tilvertising, dispIty that would not'"Uire, the rharoq�,_
ering qydee of sk. bulldo2er.
s'4mi. The flowers would be W J�ktSL take 6A61hC-fL 166k at thO
112 the jumh1e. they a pulled dowt,
.dly. whefeAs OUr t1reet 11
Month, cof DecerAbor is It, w�ould be 1fit#j**tin& U* riAd Out
the 16h# of
!htl lr(,ry b"t 4#*VMtod Of Any it oth,&ft tool hbbut Vhtmi aldnt, the
, town in optavid, Vithont the 1AMP lmomi I btv# indiftio.4 Abolro,
mots on Whkh tho., ttoft - likhtgl yout't very tfuly.
j1A deoOtAtiobt *rt shounted, tc4yl X. J. W*1*40d�
-L _ _ ,
Patrick St.., Wingham,
Phone 770
Ike,011AV !4te
TWis Week -end'.
,-o Do Av bpei,041 I rrices
EFFE 22nd to 28th'
PALMOLIVE Rapid $have and
$gh* k tniertor RAZOR $10 Value, for 1-19
133.A. ArgpO - for Paill, 300'S
V11TALI$ 19V
of( Regular 99c for 80;
IM -4. Wand. 4 16 oz. 05r, $240,
STOMACH POWDFR,-, 79c, $1-89
Large Size, i0ox of 70 JWg. U0
PAPER N.AP..K,IN$ ...... 1.6c, 2 for 31 c
LDA Brand neir. g for 290
-COLD CREAM SOAP 2 for 27c, 6 for 79c
K Thoroughness Ability — Time tes
Phone 37 -for appointmept
At HFC you always get fast,
courteous service,oLnd a wide
variety of repayment plans
to choose from. You may
borrow for any purpose you
think is worthwhile.
CONF1196 Same-daY loans,_with . out
bankable securAY Or en�-
dorsers-are a, specialty at
HFC. Borrow with. confi-
DENTLY 1. dence at HFC.
From HFC, of course! Where people
understand your mone
y problems
and like to help you solve them
M. R. Jenkins, Manober
35A West Street Telephone 1501
Y"L.,banack9fic Centre
Centre St.
REV. W. W. LODER, Pastor
Wed. -49.00 p.m.—Youth Fellow-sbip -Meeting
Fri.—,'- .(X) pi-ni.—Firaver TM eeting
Sunday Service
10.00-a.m.—Sundky S-chool Classes for
all ages.
/30 P.111.—V�vangelistic F
. . . ..................................................................... ....... onm ......
.=1 4`2_4
�,� " ww-, Winglialif Ccrpg
2.30 P-m.—Sondav School
'7100 NIleefing,
Tuesday, 8.00 P-m.�-Prayer and Praise Service 1
Friday, 8.00 P.m.—Youth Group
All Teen-Agors Weleoinei
There's % UTIPOftle fOrYOU at the "Army"
Paulo Cburr
Rev. C. V� Johnson, -L,Th, - Rtaor
-Afrs, Gordon Davi(Igon
�q% t n is t
4h Sithday, after tuttfir
t.30 Confirintilioll Cit.,
0 U.S.