The Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-04-22, Page 1lie:, • el ar ael ate•-ea, With which is 41Malafliflatefi the cilorrie Viclette *Ind Wroxetor New* woroit451, oN13140, WEDNEistmy, Apha, ea, 4959 SINOtag 0014=1 -a-aa 7 ante •,x eff 4 AT.4111110.1t$--, Speaking of streets, the resident* of Leopold were pleased to pate in the report of a recent council Meeting 'that it is expected that the,liudget will still .allow for pav- ing of that thoroughfare this sum- titer. Leopold St. was slated for paving as part of the town's pro- gram to eventually have all the streets hard-topped. • 0 -.0 - 0 It'e worth your while' to r drive around • the town at the present time- to have a look at the flret display, of epring 'Bearers,' ewes ere making a beautiful die- REPAIR$ N,EEDED-- Town streets are providing food fpi-\ thought on' the part of the street eominittee. In addition to minor pot boles and other ravages to- paved• surfadee as a result of the'neavy winter,. there are several spots where the roadbeds them- selves have dropped several Mabee. It is noticeable, however, that the worst damage is on the• ,streets where there • was the least snow eover during the winter months, • ' 0 - 0 - 0. STILL 1101"E— a e a is r s' 0 I Is I I I ' • .1 ea: - It 'was officially announced here this week that the Ontario Rural Hydro would- -build a new area of- fice 'and service centre in Wing- ham, The new structure will be erected on property formerly own- ed by d, Lloyd & Son and known as the "salt bider, on Victoria and William Streets. The new building will house the rural :hydro •office for the district and will 'be-some 00 -by 100 feet in size. As well there will be gar- -age space for V'eldele-inaintenance, tool -storage 'and store room for other supplies. The new bulk-hag Will be of cement block and brick with customer parking for 25 curs as well aS a ;parking area for ay-. dre'trucks and equipment Lout manager •harry McArthur states that is is • hoped that ten- der's •be called tot'-by the middle of next month, The menet office is situated in the Gurney Block at the south end of the business section in town, . . VARIETY PROGRAM IN GOURIE •J T14 Howick 3unior,Farniers will, present a variety, prbgram in the Gorrie Community- Hall on Friday, Apill '24 at 8.15.pan, 'There will be songs, skits, fun and laughter for eVerytale, Special feature,. a half- hour play, "His Firat Date", F22b MARATHON BRIDGE The Women's Hospital Atilxliary Will entertain the players in the Marathon Bridge iii the Council Chamber on Friday evening, April 24th, at 815, When prizes for high scores in the season's play will be given. F22b HOMAGE SALE .The RUMInne Sale, is coining up ' again, This event is,8ponsoted, by the' Ladies' Auxiliary to Winghain • 1110General Hospital and will he held in the Winghanr1• Armouries oh Sat. , Urday afternoon, May F22b VARIETY CONCERT ;Variety concert will be, held In Beigra,ve Forester's Hail, Friday, April lI at 8.30, span:toyed by North Unroll Junior Fariners, One-act play, .'"High Window" will 'be pre- sented along with musical titan- F22b DANCE IN Who*Ortitt At 'the a cotiirnitnitY hail on Fri- day, April 24 to the music of El- fiat Carruthers and his orchestra. Admission 500 to '10.30; 75e alter, 1022b AND DANCE 00,111., YUND An evening's entertainment for everyone at the' rioyat't on Fri,. day, April 24, Play euchre Emit SOO to 10 p,r11., enjoy •delielous midi); then dance to InOduro a nd IA=10'14' ktklbre, chid ing •clear prite and raftin. 'Only lane adiniSsion. Iireaeedi for „ Wpruherry Park. rind. P2h • •• a AM CADETS ATTEND MIMI PARADE Pie See Keith Pienegan, Sgt. Ted Wormworth, Cpl. Bob "Angus, Cpl, Peed Bennett, John Bennett, Bob Cameron and Edward Rand, Air Cadets of Maitland Squadron 532, Coderiele attended church par.. ado at Knox Presbyterian Church in that. town on Sunday. Stratford Squadron No, 19 joined the "Maitland Squadron fne church parade. Rev, H, lefacMillan ad- dressed the cadets, urging them to give . ell they could of patience, honesty, truth and honor, and said that young people of the emit-Mtn- ity need these, He also said that the cadets can make •Canada a bet- ter lead, thp Gorierieh cadets were in charge of Lieut. 1, M, Cult, 11,0, 1), A. Pincher, se. Bryan McLean and Fit, Sgt, Keith Plane- gar, Cpls, Paul 13ennett, Donald 14EtiStet, William Wilkes and J. Woodson formed the color party, Eight boys front Wingham be- long to the Maitland Squadron and go , to Clinton Air School every Tuesday evening ' Par training, Where they are AIWA -tag elootren- les, navigation and principles of night_ Mt, Sgt. Pientgaii is, in his fourth year while the others att• hi their Second and first years its air cadets. ouncil Holds Mill Rate to UAW ALONOTHE MAIN DRAG By The Pedestrian ame Figures as. in 1958 e,, - Meeting in special session limit Courses Announced at it CONSERVATION CLUB 13 FORMED WINNERS otir THE jel./W.Leo DIVISION and one ,a4toaut wreplay at the VIGer-11:0WAI. Bowling League annual m-,w11C9 .• • , tilt • A, E. • ••1 banquet held hist Friday at Goderich Pavilion. Front row, left to right, Dohnaes Peachey, Ililda BrnWin and Dorothy 'Pempleman, Back row, left to right, Ruth Lott, Fran. Walker, Jo. rnglish, Marg, Jaunieseit and Gwen McLaturin, , ' Seventeen iboNvbetWeen the ages of 13 and 18 years gathered at the OKNX building-on Monday evening to hear plane for the organization Of a Junior • Conservation ClUb In, town. 'Speaker • for tire evening was Chief Conservation Officer Ed MeadoWs cif Reveler, who showed two •films .iced discussed plans for the new organization. He also epolce on' the subjeet of 'hunter safety, one of the most vital as- pects of the program. The speaker promised to donate a trophy for competition in the . Junior Club, to be awarded to the boy showing the greatest aptitude in 'the subjects which will be un- der study, It was decided that another "meeting will he held on Monday evening of•next week at tlie same time and plac', to which any fur- ther interested boys are invited. Those who attended this week each agreed to bring a friend if -possible. It is expeeted that the membership will -11.1e closed at about. 30, since the instructors available cannot handle an unlimited number. . Rec. Co uncilMeeting At the April Meeting of the Whigicam Recreation Committee, preliminary plans were made for the forthcoming summer season. The -.col-4414:We . decided to again sponsor both, softball and baseball teanis if enough. are interested. Ali ball teams using the lights at the town, park will be required to pay the rental fee before the lights again be posted at the dam as in aforrerntecit,ryneeadrs-7., A. lifeguard will • Tile' annual meeting of the On- tario 'Recreation Aseoelation will be held in Kitchener on May ,1, and 3 and several delegates from Wingham hope to attend,- The,Lake Hueon Zone will hold a playgrotiiiit 'leaders' training cociree and swimming instruction coulee at tne Goderich Summer School Cainp from June 22-26. This course is designed' for play- ground, day camp, euhreh and community youth leaders and swimming 'and' water safety in- struction. All. interested per- sons are invited to attend and NEW. ORGANIZATION—. .,Tho,Aowii will have one more organized, group following Monday night's Meeting to form a junior Conservation, Club. And it appears to he one of the most werthwhile undertakings possible, It Is ex- peeted, that about 30 members will • emake• up the new organization. odgetg • Take.11othebrew it io in'. close Encouilter The elos'est hockey of the entire The Wingham Kinetic Club won the prize for the largest represep- tation .at the Inter-Club Meeting for Zone B last 'Wednesday night. Nineteen of the 20 Menthere of the local club attended the meeting held in the Legion hall at Clinton, when dineer was served to about leOcaKinettee from eleven clubs.- The district convener, Mrs: Ag- nes Brown of Delhi and her permit- live were present, The president of each club gave a one-minute re- port on the must successful mon- ey-making project carried out by her club during the year, and how the 'money was spent, The Wingliant Club -considered tire Trade Fair and their annual fall tee, and raffle as the artist profit- able efforts and the proeeede went to the Swimming Pool Fund and a $100.00 scholarship. Mrs. • Jim Currie reported ,for Wingham.. The guest speaker was Mrs. A. M, Belt of the Stratford-Shake- epeaeeme Festival. Mrs. Bell had taken a display of costumes with hen She, explained; the work ine volved in the wardrobe departreent and hoW the costumes and stage props. are made. Six "Wingham Kinettee won priz- es in the lucky draws, They were Mrs. Cal Burke, Mrs. Jack 'Bate- eon, Mrs, Murray Stainton, Mrs. 'Andy Scott, Mrs. Mervyn Temple- man and Mrs, Jack Walker. BE PATIENT— a LADY BOWLERS- WIN rumored that a great many ardenC fishermen have, the rods INTER-TOWN TROPHY will include hunter safety, first aid, spin casting. and various other aspects of conservation, , Several of the N.R.A. instrpOtors who are members of the Wingham Sportsmen's Association were pre- sent on Monday evening and spoke to the boys. should contact Charles Perrott, The program for the Junior Club secretary of the Winghain Recre- ation Committee„. Also kora Ji,Uy 27-31 at the O.A.C. in Guelph, the Arts and Crafts Leaders Institute will be held for the development of leaders in arts and crafts programs in cominunity hobby clubs, night school programs, etc, Anyone interested in attend- ing should contact the secretary of the R.Oereation Committee, WINWIAM NET TES reviewed estimates of revenue and exPeacliture for the year 1959 and settled • an the 'same mill rate as that levied in 1958, The rate is 75.5 mills for commercial and 70 mills for residential Properties. . 'riiikienve in the two rates is plained by the fact that the en:- conditional grant train the Province Is applied only to residential pro- perties, :and no reduces the .rnall /ate on only a portion a the total taxable property within the town. The former tag rate has been maintained in the face of an in- crease of 1.85 Mille for Public school purposes; .77 trains for -high School. and 1.05 for county, - One mill „raises $2456.00, Total expenditures are estimated to be $295,059.00 for the town, of which general government will requite .' $050.00; administration, $9,834.00; preteetion to persons and , pro- perty, $21,7e0.00; public works; $38,-- -900.00; sanitation, $5,000,00.; wet- 'fare, $1,300.00; education, $65,410; _recreation and comniunity ser140es. $7,150; debenture charges, $80,779; interest, $800; discount on taxes, $2,000; Rillerest amortization, $4,e 000; Sidewalks, $513; cemetery, • $7,000; county rates, $34;020;- capi- tat, •expenditures, $2,000; pensions, $1,000.- Receipts other than taxes are estimated at 009,537, while the taxes are ex.peeteci to - raise $17e,347, The -balance is made up by the -un- conditional grant mentioned above, At the same meeting the council voted a grant'of. $200 to the ,Wingak ham and ,District Association for Retarded Children, At that time the championehip hockey series was not completed. :,but itewas agreed that the co-mai:it would sponsor some former reoog-• nition for the Crawford Dodgers after their efine season of play, ,,, and Mrs. Robert Rowsoll, captain made up the 'teach and each received a large alba barbecue as a pkize; Their score was 3035, . and'reel'a all ready 'for action next Week. ' Just ,held up., men, you • • don't have very long to wait! The leeches' Inter-Tewn Bowling Leagted hie: completed a 2:1-week cor1il1t4,,1'virxrios— eeheciele with- the Wingham team • winning the trophy: Two learns Are in order for. 'ti and were, from Coderieh 'endeeme eaf•ea. thorn yeeter end Wingham formed the Rerst .34:inht and Mr. and Mrs. aPeteraikeVanderkolkwhareeelyed Na*-• •• '• • Ilieir'Canadian Citizenship papers The ttoplay eevaS presented cit from County, Judge ,Frank banquet last ,Peiday night In Goa- Ringland..th Godetieh earlier this ;oil* The merubere, of the Vocal month. The MsYlea are 'operating team, •were Mrs. Walter Brown, Witighain's only photographic stu- captain; Mrs. Ian MaeLaurin, Mrs. Vanderkoilt is employ- Mervyn Temploman, Mrs, Ted Eng- od as bookkeeper With • Wingham fish, Mrs." Carl • Lott and Miss Manutitettiring CO. The Msyk fem. Frandes Walker, Mrs, M. Peachey ily came from Kassel, West -Ger- and Miss Marg Jamieson were .suns, ' many and the Vanderkolk's from On Saturday night a team from Holland. , ' • Wingham entered the Carling Tour- miinent in Walkerton and won • ftr.ag prize, in the B group, '1V 0s. Walter Brown, Mrs, Ian 1VIe•Lati- rin, Mrs, Carl Lott, Mrs.. Mervyn Templeman, IVIrs. Allan 'Hafermehl •,. . NOUNCEMENT ...Mr.. and Mrs. 3.; Andrew Limn Scotty - Forbes Night field in 1itchener mronber -of -branches in Zone C2 of the Canadian Legion met in Kit- chener on Friday evening when a 'dinner was held in honor of Scotty Fonbe8,. who is retiring as service ibu . -of fi car, •-,, • Wad: table gtttlIA''' iheluded the •DOMITII011 and Provincial tires'- . dents, ..px.A, • ailit Otiatird ettlileve • and meet •guests,a 'Members from. Branch ,180, Wing- ham,• who. attended were .Lloyd Carter, ., 'Jack Bateson,., George Brooks, Stewart' Scott; Bob Chet- tiebergh„ Charles Coultes, Jack Orvis -and Don Adams, George T.nglis of Behnore, PrOvincial vice Bureau Chairman, also attend- ed, Mr, Forbes was presented with several gifts and a purse of money. announce the marriage of their daughter, Judith Delores, .to •Mr. Carl ThOnlas GibSon, son of Mrs. WI. Gibson and the ' late Mr. Gibson of •Listowel at. Moorefield United phurch on Friday, April 10, 1059." and Mrs. GilAon have taken up re8idence in Li8towel. • LEGION AUXILIARY EUCHRE EveryOne is invited to' attend the eueh.re•hold in the Legion Horne on Monday; April 27th at 8.30 p.rd. prizes and Mitch. ,P22b oral Hydro Will Build 0: Victoria St'.Pir:opeity season marked' the final game of the championship series 'With 'the Elora Rocks last Wednesday Org.- ning in the 1peal arena. The game was nip and tuck all the way :and, in the dying minutes the Wingh+ Crawford Dodgers were holding to their one-goal lead for 'dear kit However, as the final bell 'vein - the the score stood at 3-2 for the Wind ham team mid they skated off, victorious winnere. of the , trot:I*, littertacharePionship'. of--the-,W0A-ft "Homebrew" loop for 'this year, Immediately following , the game John Bell, Listowel, presented the trophy and congratniated 'the Dod- gers on their victory, and the Elora Rocks on their gallant try. , Phrst Period The only goal• le the first stun , za was fired in by Cord Cereen, un- assisted, Penaltice were rewarded to •Ken Rodgkinson for tripping, Ron Landon' of Elora for hook- ing and Jerry Dickenson of the fat- ter club for interference. Swami Period The Rocks came through with their first marker at the 6.20 point in 'the second when Gear scored from .8chwiat's liars, and the per- iod ended Without further blood being Chime, Doug Murray of Wingham and John McCabe of Elora were penalieed for tripping arat hooking respectively. Third Period . Doug' Murray put the Dodgers out In front early in the third frante as he scored from ,lira Bain and then Ken Hodgkinson scored unassisted to leave the locals two goals ahead . by the 6,45 mark In the third, One minute later, how- ever Dickenson of Elora, Look pass from Seirwint to score Elora's second and from then until the fluid bell tile pressure was main- tained by both sides without 're- sults, to leave the Dodgers the winners on a 3-2 count. $300 Reached in Cancer Campaign •• -Qtfleers..fer the coming year for the Women's Institute were in- stalled by Mrs. D. S. MaeNaughtOn at the annual meeting on Thurse day last in the council chamber. , The newly elected president is Mrs, B. Parish, who succeeds. Mrs. R. A, Powell, Firse vice-pres., Mrs. C. Hastie; second vice-pres., Mrs. D. J. Hutchison; sec.-treas., Mrs. N. Keating; district director, Mrs, H. Burrell; alternate, Mrs.' H. T. McLaughlin; branCh direc- tors, Mrs. R., G. Gannett, Mrs, W. Henry, Mrs. J. Halliday; public relations, Mrs, 0. Haselgrove; pianists, Mrs. J. Ernest, assis- tant, Mrs, D. S. MacNaughton; good cheer, Mrs. J. BurnStean; auditors, Mrs. R. G. Gannett, Mrs, 'W. Henry. Standing committees:, I-Tome Ec- onomies and Health„ Mrs. G. Hastie, Mrs, J, Henry; Citizen- ship and Education,--Miss E, BowI er, Mrs. R. A, Powell; Agriculture and Canadian 'Industries, Mrs. S. Bateson, Mrs. John L. Currie; Historical Research •and Current Events, Mrs. L. Fortune, Mrs. G. Day; Resolutions, Mrs. N. T. Mc- Laughlin; Social Committee, Mrs. ,A, Halliday, Mrs. P. Edgar; Mrs. F, McCormick, Miss J. Murray, Mee. R. A. Powell. In the bueinese part of the meet- ing $25 was donated to the Cancer Society and also delegates appoint- ed to the district annual to be held in St. Helens, May 20, Mrs, W. Hilbert, Mrs. .1. Henry and Mrs, W. Lapp. The meeting was closed with a social half hour'. CLOSE CALL.—The Wingham Crawford Dodgers pr ohs home the attackin the atnive photo in the final , game' against Elora here last Wednesday. It waa a close game all the way, marked by top-notch 'hockey fan, the whole 60 minutes. W.I. Donates $25 fo Cancer Society , Campaign Chairman DeWitt Mil- ler of the Wingham. and District CanCer Society .reports that to date 12 of the 40 canvassers have teen Pd, in their kits with donations amounting to Omit $300, He has every hope that the objective of over $1,000 will be tenebeel by the time all kits have been reamed, Poopie -living °amide or Wing- have are again reminded that their contrite:Alone may.he =lied to De- Witt Miller Wingliame'Ontarlo, or left at the local banks, All dung- thine, large or email, are velem' -.frilly accepted,' seine eeetletas of the [own the eanvassprs have not yet hien able to finish their task and if you late, not yet been contacted; It is mere than likely that your canvasser will call this- Week, STILL NEED $150 . FOR CRIPPLED KIDS auve You forgotten or mislaid the plea envelope with your' doliatien for the Crippled Children's Fund?, The committee of the Lions Club- of Wingham requires about; $150.00' to reach its objective of $1,50 0.00 . Will you help? eflOCJAKAT10.ri • DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME will' commence in the. Town of Wingham Sunday, April 26th, 1959 at rat IAain CiLiZelo# are remitided advithee their docks ix1 that tir.oe 0, E. IYItKINNEY, Mayor "rowit of Wingitam TROPHY PRE'SENTII)D—FellOWing the Tittelgenie of the Series ,between Witighouri and Eters, last Wed.. ocsday eveltittg Aloha 13c11, Listowei, president of the WA:0.1%0k, presented the Petty Attains Trains, to Murray Stallitott, captain of the ViettariatiS Wingh am Crawford liodgeiti. Murray shown above aty Ito cimgratitiatod 'the Mork Giant, on their effort% in the iieVen-garne strita,S, joist after' he htut aeeetikit the trophy for the Winghani Club. •-c