HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-04-08, Page 12JUST Arotiveo AT HAMILTON'S NEWEST PATTERN IN rurpc- TOILET TISSUE-. 9 rolls Blue & Goid, - 15 !!)0.1 ".' FANCY PEAS, 6 for $1.00 Green Giant - 14 oz: NIBLETS, 6 for $1.00 BEST PICTURE OF THE YEAR! tbLum6a slouAtS olts,Ms A SAM SPIEGEL PRI:WOW; WILLIAM HOLDEN ALEC GUINNESS JACK HAWKINS • ON THE RIVER KWALE. T CINEMASCOPE with SCSSIJE MATANAVAA JAMES DONALO • ANN 4cAnS end introdill AA GC-0A(114, ,408AC • ...MO, Of DAVID LEAN ScrecAp!oV y PIERRE achA.LE Uaied on M4 AAP* ,.„.1••• • SI r; 44 e' AA ti *POI, The Wtoghet Advance-TIMes. Wettheed DISTRICT LAYMEN il MEET AT ST. ANDREWo 4 ispimittiomoilocionoillitillillillitill11111111#1111111111111.11/111/11.1101111111 THEATRE. Vingliam. 10tnario • TWO SHOWS EACH COMMIWC4NO AT 7.15 PAL Thurs., Fri., Sat,, April 9.10-11 vmoiNNAA. se,ovvILD _ itt 'Carve Her Name With Pride' h. ALAN WILLIAMS optometrist AUXILIARTSET. DATE. FOR 11131.11AGE SALE The Ladk a' Auxiliary to. Wing- ham Gen.-eral Hospital. held April meeting in the -council chamber, The Main -itein Of nos was' setting the date ger tho spring rummage sale, which will ''he PA :$4turd4y. M4Y 23, in the Wing- ihara Armouries, FlveryPne is ash, ed to remember this date .nod to ' start gathering up .artieles which can be sold a,t this sale, • . 6 • The president, Mrs, N, Canier0o, presided at the Meeting:and it wait ((mod that much work had boon. accomplished during 'march, Bev,. oral .bolts of towelling, .sheeting and , flannelette were purehaSed,' much) .of which was already made up and placed on the shelves, The cutting committee aifia 313 articles ready Patrick St. Phone 770 Oit. 40*, irw.. 4.upport, .10104 swans TOpAy; ottitOOR.0.14.f1l ;teed! Prootor'e p glee true and moving story of the world's bravest Woman souret agent „ , Violet Szabo, Iumwounomtionomputommiliummusommamilmmoilmoniimpitlisinin 1ES ASSUAlowlE:107011TABLE FRANK C. HOPPER ,--Representative— Canada, Life WINGHAM, ONT.: Phone 462 ecrTIPICied and ready for use. These included 76 sheet3 and 44 gowns as well as many other supplies, A ,large quantity of mending was done and all this work represented 275 hours of women's time for the month, • The final game of the Marathon briclge parties will he held in the council chamber on Friday even- ing, April 24, when prizes will be awarded for the season's play. IulUl O 444 1111 ,11:f o oo iiiiiiiii ii piton 000 o 000 0;Pe o o o IVfest ,of the congregations . in PreshYterY were represented at.St, Andrew's 'church on Sunday when the Huron-Maitland Presby- tery beyMett met in the afternoon, 'atid were in charge of the evening .service, This '5. A. comparatively new . organization, formed throughout ' 1"-reSilytorian churches in Canada O mit a Year ago. Two representa- tives from each congregation with- in this presbytery meet every third week for training meetings, • One of the main .aims of the organiz, ation Is to form a link between fathers and soils when the boys have passed Sunday .School age. A public, speaking course' is in progress and the laymen from the various congregations. are also tat- tit Bible reading courses, where they Are broken into .small groups to sttkdy passages of Scripture. noon .opened. with a devottorial I period followed by discussions. Roy Hamilton. national director of Pres- byterian Men, was guest speaker, stressing the need for •laymen's work ,and encouraging all' men to take their part in tiled organization, backing up his statements with Scripture. Mr. Hamilton left an excellent- position on the• General Motors executive in . the Western Provinces, te accept his present oosition,. - The, ladies. ofAndrew's enter- ed for supper: and a. sing-song of hymns followed. Dr. Alexander Nimmo was the speaker at the evening -service .and Rev, .7, lVfcCitire. of Molesvvorth in- stalled the • officers .with Frank vrcKenzie of Luelcnow•as 'president. flthor officers are„ • vice pros„ Cameron MaeAuley of Ripley; •sec.-treaS,„ ' • Peter. Vanderlcolk. .W0igharnl' 'Cordon 'Walter • and William Ashqr, both of Coderich, executive members; and Gordon *Leggatt, .Winghann, publicity. erg Front Grocery LAY WREATII—Zone • Commander John Bateson an d Branch 'President Lio,yd. Carter, :kre shown as they laid wreath.a at the local cenotaph -on Sunday afternoon, When members of Zone -C1, Canadian Legion met in Winghain to elect officers for the forthcoming year. 'Phone: $90 Our Prices Are Lower Free an We Keep Down the Upkeep Delivery I., LYCEUM Theatre WINGBAM, ONTARIO COUPLES' CLUB SEES FILMS ON FLORIDA Come and see this lovely COMMUNITY pattern now while It's so new. You!.111ove it and want it for your own table. • 42 PIECE _ SERVICE FOR EIGHT COMING Thurs., Fri., and Sat., April• 16 - '17 - 1$ WEEK-END PEATURE: Bake ,Serve Cinnamon Buns . 29c and -Sandwich Bread '22c ity and not returned several years ago. Request for Grallt, The Wingham and District Re- tarded Children's Association re- quested a grant of $500 for capital expenditure to be used. in assisting with the financing of a building to accommodate the school., Calm- en felt it should have, more infor- mation and appointed Councillor, Warren Callan . to look into the matter. The Wingham Kinsmen Club was granted permission-to use the park- ing lot beside the arena for a mid- way,- provided it met with the ap- proval of the, property owners. Wilson Loder attended council and requested the town to sell pro- perty to hiM op Victoria Street. Mr. Loder ekplained he intends to build a restaurant at this location. After considerable debate council refused the request, • ($ilverwaie only) To introduce "Forest Flower" the Nobility Cheat in walnut, ma- hogany or 'fruitwood finish $20.00. 27 INTERWIONAL AWARDS:.. IKWAI 7 ACADEMY AWARDS! COuncil Meeting (Continued from' Page .9ife, to the main street just as soon. as the weather permits. • - . Conneillor Buchanan said that he hoped the press •wouldinalce a" note of this fact, as there has been considerable criticism of the condi- tion of the street, and that it' is. up to the Department of ways to repair this street. Following the approval of the minutes. of the previous meeting, there was some discussion on the old grader owned • by the town, Councillor Buchanan saki that he thought a new motor should be purchaSeci for the machine, -The mayor said the matter. was under consideration by the streets com-: mittee, but the grader is not in very good condition and he wouldn't want "a new roof on a„ builditg that is falling. clown." , The council received several communications, and as requeSted, gave permission to the Maitland Air Cadet Corps to hold a tag day., A letter from the Bank ,of com- merce stated that interest rates on municipal loans will be increas- ed to 61/1 per cent, . • Another letter from the Wing- ham Business Association stated that the group would support any move to standardize. the period for daylight saving time. -A letter, from Huron CoUnty. was received in regard to nursing. hoMe costs , for indigents in certified - nursing. homes, • Information was read from the county assessor relative to assess- ments on federal buildings hi- the community, pointing out the' mun- icipality paid too much, • on the county levy last year due to these assessments. . Council decided to ask the county for a refund. Council approved the payment of $100.00 to TeesWater for decora- tions borrowed trorn that commun-. CHEST CONTAINS 8 Teaspoons • Plate (Desseri) Spoons I Knives 8 Forks Salad Forks 1 Suitor K nife 1 Sugar,Spoon On Tuesday, evening of last week the Couple's Club of St. Andrew's PreSbyterian Chnrch met in the. Sunday SchoOl room in its first meeting since organization. There were 30 present to enjoy the even- ing's program which was under the direction of the presidents, Mr, and Mrs. Robert MacDonald. 'The devotional pareof the program con- aiated, of. the singing of a hymn, the Scripture reading by ,Andy Me- Kague, prayer led' by Peter Van- derkollc, a duet by Mr, and Mrs, John Ostrom, .,thp offertory prayer by Mrs, Leonard Phillips and the closing hymn. Mrs. Andy McKague played for the singing of hymns, During the business session the minutes of the organizational meet- ing' were read' by Bob ivicKagud. Mr. and Mrs, Peter. Vanderlcolk Were elected vice-presidents for the year, Other matters pertaining to the Welfare of the club and ways ,and means of interesting, others of the congregation were discussed. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Donaldson will help with the program for the next' meeting on April 28th at 8.30 p.m. The meeting will be. in charge of the secretaries, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Clark's. PORK & BEANS, 15 oz.' .. • 6 for $,141,0A Hurhs .KETCHUP, 11 oz. 000 2 for 33c 1 Clover Leaf 151'2 oz. 1 FANCY PINK SALMON . 55c- Brown Bear WHITE .HONEY , die Bick's Sweet Mired PICKLES, 32 oz 41C Blue Bonnet• Quick 066 MARGARENE 2 lbs 73e. Nabob INSTANT COFFEE, 5 oz. . 89c Red Rose TEA BAGS' (10c off) 60's ....... o .. . . '69c YELLOW SUGAR ....... : .1. 2 lbs., 21c Chateau CHEESE (plain or pimento) 8 oz. 29c Maple Leaf Skinless SAUSAGE . . , iii 45e` , • Devon Itindles,s :„ Sliced 'BREAKFAST BACON Maple Leaf SMOKED PICNIC SHOULDER...44 Bisset's ICE CREAM, 1/2 gallon ... *Trademarks of Oneida Ltd. a 0 SPECIALS TO. INTRODUCE "FOREST FLOWER" Round Se,rVer q"u" gc Four"Goffee Spoons (i "ho Sauce and Relish Dish t1.Ud peg. $4.00 Value Reg, $4.00 Value 'f' Reg, $4,75 Va l u e ji Business Resoliition Lee Vance. Len Crawford and Jack Walker attended as, represen- tatives of the Business Association and brought to council a resolu- ',ten. regarding improvements that could be made in the community. These included better street clean- ing and litter removal on the Main street, better street lighting, and a change in the standards uSed for the lights, as well as several other items. The delegation and council dis- cussed the resolution at some length. Council suggested to the delegation that the group might be 'able to do something about mer- Chants who park their cars on the MeKague. main street all day',. which it is , The ;highlight of the prograin was felt is a , detriment to every busi- the showing of films 'by Cecil Mar- kley of the recent trip he and his wife. enjoyed to 'Florida. The 'pic- tures .showed flowers in bloom, the Citrus trees, beautiful colored birds, the alligator farm, scenes along the beach, Marineland, Cypress Gar- dens, the jungle cruise, etc. He also showed films on a holiday festival taken a couple of year's ago at Brownsville, Texas. He. was thank- ed for 'his part of the program by. Mrs, MacDonald. nessman on the ,•street, 'Council also suggested that it be ap- parent that it would be necessary to enforce the two-houil parking by-law to overcome the problem. Committee, Reports Councillor Callan moved that the, accounts as presented be paid with the motion being accepted. Councillor Buchanan, .chairman of the industrial committee, re- ported that Berry Door Co., Ltd,, has purchased' land adjacent to its property and will extend the pre- Sent building next summer. He also said that tl-AOritario Hydro has purchased t Is known as the old salt block from C. Lloyd & Son and. understood that a building would be put up on this property to house the Rural Hydro trucks and offices, Chairman of the finance • cam-' mittee, Warren .Callan, said that ills cOmmittee has been investiga,t- ing a pension plan for town em- ployees, but has received informa- tiOn from the Department of Mun- icipal Affairs to the effect that nevi•regulations ate being drafted by the department and it would be advisable. to delay action for the mornent. Mayor McKinney announced that he is leaving on a two-month trip shortly and asked council to ap- ,point Reeve,Adair as acting mayor in his absence. Council approved this .appointment. Oialoosa, 111111111111111111111.111111111111111•11.11=1111101111.11111.11.10111111111111.11111111Mir ii Animunimilimulinitimputnititainnitiofficulooll.111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111171.171:11.3 11111: . 111, . Itti AP 'UP' 4,1% m- :.for SprIng .ts. ii ' a All the beauty of Spring is displa yed in the wonderful selection Of a MATERIALS FOR YOUR ,SPRING and 'SUMMER SEWING: WOOLLENS— Our seleetion of smart plaids, tweeds aNd Plain , _,. SfiadeN are so right for skirts, jumpers, suits,' g etc. You'll love tike Wonderful varleti to • , choose front , . — Priced from $2.98' to $4.50 yd;. i . • :., iii:...t I , ,,/ i Not to be forgotten are these wandeii0 COTTON" PRINTS 'i , 1 2 The. rich Sateens and Ginghaint,4„. i The New "Cupioni7 Cloth , ' .4., i Printed Rayons and Teeyliedi* .. ' • — 0 ,See these and many more in glorious Spring colours and at I the moat ,, i)opu, a ii ' lar prices found anywhere. . L i i ii 0 4 Please Kelp Wingham Canvass U 1. TISSUE 'GINGliAlVIS • - and new "CULPEPPERS" in Dan River Fabrics the glorious pastel shades in a variety of ▪ thecks and 'stripes Make thege the leaders of all now materials, , PriCe& at $1.29 and $1,49 yd. U The Bible Today . CONDUCTED BY WINGHAM and DISTRICT CANCER SOCIETY Mon., Apr. 13 co Sat, .40011,8 People hi the district wishing to contribute •nriay mail donations to DeWitt Miller, Witigham, On- tatiO;br lealVe- it at either )dank. • Otiktri 8:110. '0, S. MiteNAILIGRION, tittiitiOaigtt Branch President CHINO CLOTH se this sturdy fOrle with the lustrous finish is • the most popular for sportswear, •Sco till the ▪ popular Plain shades, Its Well as elitekR, stripes and novel designs, Price $I.29 $1.49 '.8t $1.69 By Bev, B, L. Walden, B.A. See. Lipper Canada Bible Society "A Finger4fono" What ,is it? A Convenience for the modern hiteh•-hiker ? Nol The Finger- 'Porn) is actually a' siriali plastic phonograph developed by itt,C,A, and the Bible Society. Its name is deriVed- froth the fact, that it is operated by turning it with the forefinger, Portions of SCripture on mall records can be supplied to people unable to read, but able to -listen to dedss word. ' ' Mtiltitudes of blind' persons as. Well as Millions of illiterates earl slow listen to the 'word of god in their mother tongue, i Stiggested Bible Bending Wedtiesclay, Luke 16; .4-44; ThursdaY, .Toliti 18; 1.14; rriday, .Toinn 18: 16.27; Sthrday, John 18: A.10; glindaY• John 10: 1.16; Moil- day,. ,Yolifi 10: 17-W; Tdeaday, &dna I0; 41-42., , EDIGHPFFERS (Witigham).L.P N "'Tit& Friendly Store' . 1-1110 A