HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-04-08, Page 10,
Mrs. Roarie, who spent tile past
Month at Toronto at the home of
her •daughter, Mrs. Russel Dick, re-
turned bonne East week,
Mr. lineold Fee of Kingston is
spending a, few days this week. With.
Mr. Adam a/feBarney of Maenoelt,
Mt. and Mrs. Harry Cook and
Frank Co6per, and Austin CoOlt
spent Stinday at London, where
they visited With Mr, and Mrs,
John Mason, and other family rola.
Mr., and Mrs, Elroy 'Laidlaw and
family, Misses ,Annie and Mary
Laidlaw; Mr, Herbert Laidlaw and
Arthur 'Laidlew and Mr, and Mrs,
Jas. Falconer and Lois gathered
on Saturday evening at the home
Of Mr, and Mrs, Raymond Laidlaw,
when his parentt, Mr. and
Robert* Laidlaw were celebrating
the 40th anniversary of •their mar-
Mr. and Mrs. Cdcil Falconer spent
the week-end at Shelburne and,
and with Mr., and Mrs, Fight
Welwrood and Mr. and .Mrs, Arthur
Cronin of ,Caledon,
There was 'no school.in Fordyce
School on Monday becauSe water
had covered the basement
• Mr. Elmer Sleightholm was a
patient in Wingham Hospital for a
few days - last Week and, under-
went an operation there oh Moi.e.,
day, -
'William Henderson of Listowel
spent last week at the home of Mr:
and. Mrs. Wesley Tiffin,' and re-
turned honie On Sunday with MS
plarents, Mr. and'. Mrs. Lawrence'
Henderson, who also visited with
Mr. and Mrs. •Tiffin,
Mrs, +Retiben Tiffin , is again
under the , d'octor's care, suffering
from flu. •
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ross and
baby Erie of Toronto are spending
their two Weeks' vacation -with his
parents, Mr. and. Mrs. Frank Ross
and other relatives:in• this district,
Mrs. Frank Ross, has been very
ill during the week-end with• flu,
Mrs. Rrissell Chapinan is still
quite ill from 'flu,'
ec. Illfaillole
Folding "FLOOR
Aluminum WALL ,(
Telephone 260• ' Wingham
Holstein Dispersal
' 60, HEAD
.Friday, April 10, 1 p.m.
th*---"c„--hurth-sttles -Ar,eue---betweeii-Gla*
wOrth and St. Thomas on the Wellington Road,
The.entire herd owned by' 0, 3, Bond 8,5 Son, Ileachille, 4d Purd. .•••
breds — in Drades consisting of 9 fresh, cows, 5 due in. Mi4
anne,;„ 10 due August, 6 due from Sept. to Nov .,
several l duen December, 10 bred heifers, 9-1958 heifers, 6-195.9
heifer calves.
This is•a; young herd carrying good, udders with many sired by
Oxford Unit bulls,
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If your Dairy Herd has received supplementary
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Shirley lticlifichael Wed on Saturday
heere.vtreek-end at the latter's home
Rev, and Mrs. GeOrge Watt and
children of Oakville, visited on
Wedheaday with his parents, Rev.
and Mrs, W. J. Watt. „ •
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. NicholSon and
Colleen of Thartesford spent the
week-end with her Mother; Mrs.
John Hutchison, and with her
father, in Winghain Hnspital..
Mr. and ,Mrs. WM. Fishet Of
Georgetown and Mr. and Mrs,
Arnold Lougheed- and, children of
Midland, and local relatives visited '
on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
George .Fisher.
Mr, and Mrs. john Forster of
Hayfield visited on Sunday with
his father, Mr, Wm. Forster of W.
Wavvanosh, and with other mkt'.
tiveS in this community,
The W.M.S. of the Presbyterlin
Church will hold their Easter.
Thankoffering meeting this Wed-
nesday at 2.30 p.m, with Miss
Dorothy Douglas, returned mission-
ary as special speaker, and with
the ladies from South Kinlost,
Langside, and the United Church
here, invited to attend. ,
Rev. R. T. A. Marshall, Jas, Me-
Math, John Aitcheson and John
Gaunt attended the meeting of the
Men of the Presbytery of the Free-
byterian Church,' held in Wingham
Presbyterian Church on ' Sunday,
when •Mr. Roy Hamilton was the
special speaker.
Murray Gaunt, Lorne Forster
and liarley Gaunt 'attended the
Young People's Training class held
in the PresbYterian Church at
Teeswater on Sunday. The Young
People's Council meeting' will be.
held in the Presbyterian Church
here on Sunday,
Mies Bonnie Inglis of Fordwich
Visited on Friday with her aunt,
Mrs, Alex Inglis. Mrs. Inglis, re-
ports that wild ducks gathered, by
hundeeda ' last week on the low-
lying and water-co rered field to the
east of their borne farm.
Mr, and Mrs, Wm. LjndetWood
and Teddy of •Torontn spent last
'week With Mr, and Mrs.. Jas.' me. urath,
Mr. and MrA, Robert Milli and
84r. and Mrs. Sohn Cralo. Were in
l'.iondon on Monday. Mr. Craig
went to hospital for a check-un
Little Jimmie Meneet, son of Mr.
and Mrs, ',George McGee has been
laid tin with Scarlethia during 'the
oast Week.
the ri ptst, awrtideer4itrw;111;:thn ftrlhl their grtierl
parents, Mr, and -Mrs, rilns, fools, Mao In this diatriet ha'v'e been
ill with flu: Mr, 4, 0„ afitesiiid, Mr. thot-fitgtis, Gomm, mat, Mr,
and Mrs. George 'Webster, gniVard
Martin, Clayton Robinson, Brian
46,1titalMik 140*tir" , IMO
itobilliinto Janet- Bittetoft,•
Canada. Packers Ltd.
WROXETER—Shirley Ann Mc-.
Michael, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Harvey McMichael of ' Wroxeter,
became the bride of Albert Lloyd
Lamont, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cal-
vin Lamont of R.R. 2, Holyrood, on
Saturday at 2.30 p.m, in Wroxeter
United Church.
Rev. W. Ilird of Gorrie' officiat-
ed and Miss Ruth Toner, Gorrie,
was organist and Ivan Howes,
Wroxeter, sang "Wedding Prayer"
and duging the signing of the 're=
g,ister, "I'll Walk 'Beside You".
4-Iarvey McMichael gave his
daughter in marriage. Her gown
of nylon net over satin was floor-
length with Chantilly lace bodice
embroidered with irridescent se-
quins and seed pearls and lily-pbint
sleeves. She wore a halo of net
with irridescent sequins and her
finger-tip veil was embroidered
self illusion. She carried a. white
Bible with a mauve orchid and
white streamers.
Miss Ethel 'Reis of Fordwich,
matron of honor, and the groom's
sister, Miss•Joan Lamont of Holy-
rood. and Miss Joyce Ford, Blue-
vale, bridesmaids, wore identical
street-length dresses of maize crys-:
tal charm with wide sashes. Their
headdresSes were of maize petals
and daisies.
The flower girl, little Doreen Ril-
Mr, and Mrs. Harry Hupfer, De-
troit, spent the week-end at the
home of Mr, Vernon Hupfer and at-
tended the wedding of the former's
niece, Miss Shirley McMichael.
Miss Bonnie Edgar, Waterloo,
was a week-end visitor' at her home
Mr. Lyle Reidt, Willowdale, spent
the week-end with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs, Harvey Reidt.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen McKercher,
Anne and Johns of Jamestown, and
Mr. Jack Griffith and Miss Margar-
et Griffith returned home Sunday
evening from an enjoyable trip ,to
Aylesford, N.S., where they visited
Mr, and Mrs. Wallace Nixon and
Mr. and Mrs. William Coulter of
'Guelph, spent the week-end with
their daughter, Mrs, John Clarke,
Mr, Clarke and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Elliott,
Mr. and Mrs, Willard McIntosh,
Harriston, Were Sunday guests of
Me, and Mrs, Lloyd Elliott. Miss
Sharon Elliott, who has spent the
Easter vacation with her grand-
parents, returned home with them.
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd Lambnt (nee Shirley Mc-
Michael) Who were married Satur-
day, and best wishes for a long and
happy married, life.
Mr, and Mrs. Blair Sharp, Forest,
were Sunday Visitors with the lat-
ter's father, Mr. John Hupfer.
John,• Tommy and Davey Sheep,
who spent the past week with their
'grandfather, returned }Untie with
Mr, and Mrs. Maurice Dennis
and Mr, and ,Mrs. I lclyd. Elliott at-
tended the wedding at Harriston
Anglican Church' on Saturday of
the former's nephew, Mr, Robert.
Caudle, of Arthur; and Miss Donna
Henderson of Ha.triston.
Mr, and Mrs. Harry Alien, Brill-
sels, spent Sunday With Mrs. T.
Mr, and. Mrs, Lloyd MolVfichrtei,
Toronto, were guests at the Mc-
Michael -Lamont wedding on Sat.
Mr, and Mrs, Maurice Dennis wild
Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Elliott were
visitors With Mk, arid Mn.s Henry
McKay, Kitchener, one day lag'
We are serry to report Mrs. Clot
MOMIchttel is a patient in Wingham
General. Hespital and wish her as
speedy r6e6very,
Sunday viSiters With Mr. and
Mrs. James boig were Mr. and
Mrs. Wadley aalbralth, Karen and
Photo by McDowell.
ey of Bx•ustele, cousin of the bride,
wore a dress the same as the maid
of honor and bridesmaids, but wote
a poke bonnet, She carried a white
basket of Shasta mums with yel-
low centres, the same as the bridet-
maids' bouquets.
' Everett Lamont was his brother's
best man and ushers were Ron.Mc-
Michael, brother' of the bride 'arid'
a 'brother of the groom,
Guests from Teeswater, Detroit,
Toronto, Wingham, Mildmay, Luck-
'now, Holyrood and Ripley attended
the reception held in the Wroxeter
community centre at 4.30. '
,The bride's mother, chose a gown
of blue crystal charm with all-over
lace in beige, beige hat:and acces-
sories and wore a, corsage of yel-
low roses. The groom's mother also
wore blue crystal charm with all-
over lace in pa.stel blue. Her hat
and accessories .were white and her
corsage was of pink roses.
,Honored guests were the bride's
93-year-old paternal grandmother)
Mrs. Robert McMichael, .and the
gram's maternal grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. Wesley Leeson, Holyrood.
The bride's travelling costume
Was' aatwo-piece beige dress and
light beige coat with toast acces-
sories.' She wore a mauve orchid
cersagd, Mr. and Mrs, Lamont
will liVe in, Teeswater. '
, • WROXETER—Several members
appeared in costume of other
lands when The Buds of Promise
Mission Band, Wroxeter United
Church, held Easter Thankofferin'g
meeting in the church schoOlroom
on Tuesday afternoon, Forty-five
members with their mothers, and
members of the Woman's Mission-
ary Society attended.
Vice president Lynne Wright pre-
sided and ,welcomed the visitors.
All repeated the purpose; Carol
Copeland read the Scripture lesson
and Margaret Wright led in prayer,
The offering ' was *received by
Wayne Sanderson, Garry Chambers,
Bill Durst and Murray Gibson. The
hymn, ',Jesus Shall Reign aiehere'er
the Sun," was sung. ,
Mrs, George• Gibson was guest
speaker and told the story "Easter
without Marge",, The following
Heralds reported: Kay Wright,
Africa; Stanley Ridley, Canada;
Jeannie Howes, India; Wayne
Sanderson, Japan.
„Piano solos • were played by
Carol ,;,Copeland, Ann Gibson and.
Leone Chambers. Jim , Sharpin
played an aecordion solo. Louise
Edgar gave an Easter reading and
Ann Gibson recited a poem en-
titled "Spring". "Easter Day",
was the title Of a readiig
Jeanne Newton. tLedne Charhbers
recited, "The Little buteh
The W.MS. Seal, reeognition of
seven years' good standing was
presented. Mrs. HAMM Driest Was
pianist, 'The Mizpah benediction
was repeated in unison and all
were invited to itay, f6r eefreth-
ments, served by the Mission Band
leaders' Mrs, Lloyd Magee,,, Mrs.
Kenneth Edgar, Mrs, Harold Durst
and the sender pierabers of the
Mission Hand, ti
Katherine of Wingham.
Ur, and Mrs, Richard Ingram
anent Friday,. with Mr, and Mrs.
Prod iloble, nothsay, and MAsi
Hope Noble, who spent the Easter
Vacation with her grandparents,
returned home.
Mr. and Mrs. William Busby,
Dorothy and MUrraY, Mitdmay,
spent Sunday with Mn, and. Mrs.
Russetl, Walker,
Mr. Sago and Mn, ,HefirY
Sage bt LiatoVvel Were Sunday
gtota at Rea& Tomare0. "
, Mn, and Mrt, PAM Coates' spent
Sunday With Mr, at Mrs, tIiiek
Lutati; Llstowel,
SundaySchool W iii
Re open this Week
WHITE:CHURCH—A family. ser-
vice Wit* held in the Presbyterian
Chitral, here on Sunday, and 'Rev,
edd Family
Life, using a small log-hous0 to
004 ihQW the ,different parts of
the home build up character,
The "choir sang, "Have Your' Any
Room' for Jesus?" and Ira Wall,
Sunday Scheel superintendent, gave
prizes to ten SS, pupils, for atten-
dance. during the past year
George, Alma and Muriel Conn,
William and Edna. Wall, Patsy.
Coulter, George Gaunt, Gary Fel.
corer, and Alex Old garvey Craig,
The Sunday School which has-not
been held during the winter, will
reopen on Sunday morning at 10
o'clock and 'Rev, Marshall will be
in _charge of the Hible class, 411
.members of the church) congre=
gation are invited to attend,
Mr. Fred Deacon and MiirraY
Shiell were in 'London on Thursday
last, and Mrs. Milton McBurney
accompanied them,home, and spent
the week-end ''with Shiell and Me-
Burney relatives in Wingham and
East Wafwanosh,
Mrs. Edward McBurney, Carman
and Ivan, and Mrs. Victor Young
of Wingham, and Mrs, Milton Mc-
Burney visited on Sunday •with Mr.
and Mrs. Gordon alcHurney.
•Mr. and Mrs. Edward Robinson
and children of St. Augustine visit-
ed on Sunday with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs.'Gershorn Johnston,
, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Johnston
and daughters of Clinton, visited
on Sunday at the home of his
sister, Mrs. Clarence Ritchie, and
little Barbara and Brenda Ritchie,
who had been visiting -with Mr.
and Mrs. Johnston, returned home.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Higgins and
Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Higgins of Bel-
.grave visited on Sunday at the
`home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pattison.
Mr. Robert M.'Aitken of Culross,
-and his cousin, Clarke Aitken visit-
ed on Sunday at the home of the
latter's uncle and aunt, Mr. Jas.
L. Currie and Mrs. , MeRitchie.
Clarke Aitken, who•has spent the
winter months with his uncle, Mr.
Robert S. Aitken of Belmore, leaves
this week for his home at Dar-
mondy, Sask. Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
fred Walker arid family, who had
visited Sunday with her uncle, Mr.
'Robert S, Aitken, also visited at
the Currie home. •
an,d3, Mrs. Frank Stockill,
Blind River, and Mrs. Don Denni-
son and habY TimerlYi : North Bay,
who visited here - during• the past
week, left on Friday to return to
their homes, .
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Aitcheson
and baby Bradley .of Ilderton spent
the week-end with her mother,
Mrs. K. Dowling, and his father
and other relatiVes iri West Wawa
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Moore, 'Ron-
ald and Sandra, were in Preston
over the . week-end and Charlie
attended the 0.A.S.A, ball meeting,
and visited with Mr; and Mrs.
Basil. Thompson and Mr. and Mrs.
Russell Moore. On Sunday they
visited with Mr. and Mei. Harry
Schnarr of Kitchener.
Mr. and Mrs. E. H,, Groskorth,
Paul, and Karen, spent the week-
end with her mother, Mrs. Fred
Bagg sat •Willowdale.
'Mr, and Mrs. Ben McClenaghan
and Mr, and Mrs, Carl McClenag-
han visited on Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Culbert at Walton.
Michael McClenaghan and Paul
Gaeger of Kitcheneh visited" last
week at the MeClenaglian home,
returning to Kitchener on Saturday'
with Mr. and Mrs. 'Melvin Mc-
Mrs. 'Ben . Hislop
. Has 83rd Blrthday
WROXETER—A party was held
for• Mrs. Ben Hislop on Sunday,
April 5 when she celebrated her
83rd birthday. The occasion was
observed at the Home of her daugh-
ter, `Mr's. Ross Sandeison with
whom she resides.
Members of her amity were
present, In the afternoon Mr, and
Met. William Hart were visitors
and Supper guests Were Mrs, Geo.
Griffith and Mr. and Mrs. George,
Mrs. Hislop received Many lovely
cards, gifts and floWers arid the
birthday cake was lighted with 83
Starlight Group •
Sees Florida Film
WROXETER—The March Meet-
ing of the Tuesday Starlight Group
was .held at the bothe of Mts.' K.
McMichael With 14 Members In at-
tendance, Mrs, b, Statia read tii(
Scripture followed 'by a prayer
"Ptah of Our Pathers" was sung
the topic was prepared by Mi's
A...ttlist told read by Mrs, Ib. Gibe
son, Films' of 'Florida. and NeW
York Were, shoWn by Mrs, C. Gib,
still and were very much' enjoyed
by everyarrid. ltra. McLean read
an tatter story,
Following. the btisitiefis Pottle% of
the wetting n content Was abrithiet.
ed 'hy 'Gibson, 'the wiener
.664 Mrs, .1t, Metoonidd, Lneith'
Wk. 10I'Ved by thenit lit charge.'
As Your. local B-A Distributor, we're always
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'Canada's neAtmodern gasolines ... specially,
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Power and 'more working hours per gallon
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With 101 uses around the farm. Use it any:,
where. yob need a top-quality, heat-resistant,
water-repellent grease. G.sA8s
PHONE 1193
When tire trouble strikes were all, set, to
serve you on the farm or in the shop. Just
phone for farm tire service- . See us for all
Goodyear Sales & Service. We can save
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We have a full stock of tires for all farm
vehicles' readily available . . . plus fast
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Look for thii
"high sigh" of quality.
Winghlrn Tire' Service
Goodyear Me and Vulcanizing
'The Wingitarn AdYffIlee,Tintea, "VVedlieSdadl, 8t1;1959
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United Dairy and Poultry Co-operative
Maitland Creamery Branch
= va..--.. • III - • The demands of the modern high-compression engine have . — . II • M; - made it neeessary for manufacturers of high .grade lubricants = • to add certain chemicals, which aid the oil in doing its four-fold --1
if - . . ,. ,..-_ job in your oar's engine,
The first of these chemicalsis the detergent which' pre- a
. • =-...ven0 solids at "gurn"- from forming in the oil film, It would
- •,' take. only a, fraetioaal amount of this gummy deposit to foul WI
- the close-set moving parts of your motor and so _Cathie tree aa' . mendous harm. 11i
• Another highly important chemical additive in good motor
oil Is -that which prevents the formation of oxides in. the lultri-f'l
cant, - . As the oil. mixes with air in the. 'crankcase there is a. a_:
teadeacy . for it to .oxidize, . a chemical change which ereatee .2 .
.deposits 'of a. varnish-like solid and another. gum. Modern 11•
chenticala, however, prevent the, formation of these two des- i
ii-• trirctive substances and so 'protect the smooth operation of the —
motor when it would otherwise grind itself to pieces. a
ii ii ......... The need for a properly balanced anti-oxide chemical . in ii•
your motor oil is just one mare reason why lubrication "should =- El
Only to those who sell dependable 'productsz.and •
i thormigihly know their job,
a • , . . . -
1 : ' Downie s Sunoco Service I.Lu — • r. • •
i Phone 38J . ' Wingham .i.,
• ' ' • a
Mr. and Mrs. W. A, Bragg and
Mr; and Mrs; Douglas -Clare of
Toronto spent the week-end with,
their parents, Mr, and Mrs. Fred
Mrs.. Wallace Conn and Elaine,
who visited last Week with, their
saint, Mrs. Emersere Morris of Oak-
Park, Chicago, returned horne"on
Saturday. ' -
,Mrs, Irene. Paterson of Toronto
spent the week-end with her
mother, Mrs, Wm; Taylor' of Kin-
loss. ' ' •
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Scott' of
Ripley, visited on 'Sunday •at' the
home of her sister, Mrs. Earl Cas-
Ilck. .
Mr. and Mrs. Farrier arriv-
ed home from, gitcheper on Satur-
day, after spending the, winter
months' •at Long Branch. Sarnia
and ' Kitchener. Miss Winnifrecl
Farrier, who spent 'the week-end
here, returned on Sunday: to her,
position in Toronto, - •
Miss Grace Thompson of Wing , 1-A PEERLESS MOTOR OIL ham and Miss Marjorie Coultes, The to p-quality•detergent motor oil ... that' nurse-ire-training at Guelph spent cleans as :.it lubricates. Gives trouble-free
lubritation under all weather conditions.
WO, '4"