The Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-04-08, Page 9FloOd, Warning! RESIDENTS IN THE LOWER wiNgHAm AREA and any other low-lying areas of Turn- berry Township are warned of the possibility of serious flood conditions during the spring thaw. In the event of any emergency these citizens will be asked for full fo-operation with the municipal authorities. JAC, iCiVILLITS, I , Reeve. 1' illiiii•11•11111111111•11101111011f1111111111111011111111111111111110111011111111111111i11•1111111* • El R U : GROUND BEEF ' 3 LBS. $1.25 PORK SAUSAGE . ..... . . . 3 lbs. $1.25 • 1 li LARD—we will fill. your pail for tOc Per lb. ..!-...' U U • a i or packaged in seal-tightcontainers 2 lbs. for 25c, , NI ., • BEEF BY 'THE QUARTER i ' CUTN AD VVIRAPPED TO YOUR IAKINO: i• « il • a :Lockridge's Butcher:Shop .• • PAGEANT IS HELD AT EVENING SERVICE • AdvalcoMultvds, Welkelklaft APS/ $h, ,• IF IT'S CAg1-1 YOU NEED, • THEN DON 'T DELAY CALL T.C.C. , ON THE PNONE,,TODAY • • Loans 050. to $2,506. or more. • Take tip to 30 months . to repay on a wide selection of loan plans. Fa4, courteous service. 148 THE SQUARE, PHONE 197 • GODERICH, ONT. t rector -I Note is. the time to come in to Huron Motors, your Ford. Tractor dealer, at Wingham and see about driving a.new Ford out lowest prices and . highest trade-ins. We need used tractors. GA S — Ford's new workmaSiters of fer the lowest cost work .hOrsepower* of any tractor in their class. 6.00 Series — 2 to 3 Plough/Tractor 800 Series 3 to 4 Plough Tractor DIESEL — The well-known ti ordson Diesel now gets a warkmate in the new Fordson Dexta — now you ate able to chdose the tractor power you prefer. HURON .MOTORS ,Limited A. ). TOAD and MAE% FORD mad IFOORDSON *ACTORS 0 WI GI — ' PHONE 2.37 ,J ,, .. . . ."---domommwiiiiii....nmm.=mliol lmINNPPPINNrmmlwl.mlam, - . . id • -YOUR ONTARIO HOSPITAL INSURANCE Itallso 1, oNI. Ittogittct Vat 4.1101 , move Oil Witent1,1. WOW. ,tata N OX {td Mewom, r VIOSPTTALINSURAtiammoti CERTIFICATE Man itutc.1 Nal mil% NNW rikli IOW Otto no01 ks out ita Tvils CERTIFICATE. ‘.......N..... ,.. „...,.. SERVICCIS COMIA106‘014 ACT. VW SCE.TIFY TNAT I PA INS PERSON sonak 04 01).•.-- o R m I V' trocoo " 10 99999999 14050:000.. ___ so; vmicsoust crr sitrot: tlastrritirs :iota its:rovou Vat 101110 tiiIIIVICAIE . IF surri.smotro. Goof. com sosIkt ..........0 3. 9 siGili-rune Mg a woo 4"1 47. . • 4."? A N D . . it is your means of identification at the hospital - NOW T° USE .‘. . Always keep your Ontario Hospital Insurance CertifiCate handy, and present it to the hospital Admitting Department if hospital care becomes necessary for you or your eligible dependants. ONLY ONE CERTIFICATE is issued to each insured Single person and to each insured Family. .As a precaution, each member of the family should have a separate note of the Hospital Insurance .Number for ready reference in case of sudden illnesS or accident. WI/Aril DOES... Your Certificate and paid-up premiums entitle you and your eligible dependants to essential "in-patient" hospital services in standard ward accommodation of approved hospitals Only, for as many • days as such services are medically necessary. Benefits cease when the physician indicates hospital care is no longer necessary. "Out-patient" hospital services are not covered EXCEPT in the case 'of emergency out-patient care received within 24 hours following an accident. Hospital services must be medically -necessary Ontario Hospital Insurance, benefitS cannot be provided for 'custodial' or 'domiciliary' patients Le. persons whose medical conditions do not justify use of hospital accommodation and services, and who could be cared for at home-or in some facility other than an approved hospital, PREPAID PREMIUMS mean PREPAID PROTECTION It is important that your Ontario Hospital insurance premiums be paid on or before the date they are due. This is necessary to maintain e period of prepayment during which your protection will continue if it ever becomes impossible for you to pay your premiums. cniiimuo HOSPITAL SERVICES COMittISSION HosprrAL INSUIRANOS DIVISION 138 ST CLAIR Witirto TORONTO 7$ ONTARIO. 4 4, 330t IS A VALUABLE POSSESSION OterAkio FOROWICIN Anti Igrfil. Weldon galltllAY arid family, of Toronto, spent a couple days last week with Mr, and Mrs. •'Fred Aambly, Misses_ Letitia and 10oulse Mat- thews, Miss Violet Beswitherick and Mr, MelVin Matters were •Btrat- ford VISItOr§ onq day last week, M rs, Walter Horsburg is visiting ter two weeks with Rey. and Mrs, Russel goralAirg in Waterloo. Mr. and Mrs, Howell Fraser spent all last week at the home of Mr, and Mrs,'Glenn Fraser in Scarborough. Mrs, Clinton Jantzi and two children, of Baden, spent Several 'days last week With Mr. and Mr's. Hiram Eastman, Mr, and Mrs, CrosbY Sotheran spent two days last week with rela- °V1VriasillLeSntora'reth.ameYsWitherick visited last week in TOronto, ,Mrs„„K„...741,,,,,aride is g Present a patient in Palmerston Hospital hay, tug suffered a mild stroke last week. Miss Karen Cardwell visited last week in Owen Sound with her friend, Miss Katherine Hill, Master Billy Carswell spent last week with Mr. and Mrs,' Russel Reid at Teviotdale, Mr. T. J. Schaefer has purchased, the general store and restaurant frnm Mr. 'Harvey MeDermitt. Har- vey is moving out to the• farm on the fourth concession where Mr. Schaefer now lives. They both .get possession on May 1st. Mr. and Mrs, Jack Doig and family of t St, Catharines spent 'the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Rosa Doig. Mrs. Mac Corbett and two child- ren of London spent Sunday with Mrs. Ed 'Matthews, Recent visitors with Mrs. William Wade and Beatrice were Mr, and Mrs. Norman Wade of Gorrie and Mr. and Mrs, Harold Hamilton of Port Burwell. when they , helped Mrs, Wade Celebrate her 87th birth- day on March 27th, On the occasion of their 35th wedding anniversary Mr, and Mrs, Ocotge Ashton were pleasantly surprised' by relatives and 'friends, They were presented with door April . KA,. lifeeting Held In S. i?ogrn VOAPWIGN---1.1niteri Church WA held, its April meeting inthe Sun- day eitool rooms, The president, Mrs, Glenn Johnson., ;opened the meeting with the hymn "We Thee But Thine, Own", Seilpture reading from St, 141.40, it)PP ter Was, read by the. president, Minutes of last meeting were 084 anti approved and correspondence Was read. Roll call was anawered . by 18 Special thanks was given to William 'Campbell -for cutting down the pulpit in the Sunday School room and repainting. A garden party will be held in ..1140e, The meeting closed with a hymn and the remainder of the afternoon was spent quilting. A pot luck lunch • was served by khe town group, spent, Mrs, Bertha Fitzpatrick of Elgin, Man, visited at the home 'of Mrs. William Wade during the past week, Mr. Everitt Cooper of Port Rowan spent one day last week at the same horhe. Sunday guesta with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Moore were Mr, and Mrs. Jack Bricker, Mary Lou and John, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Benin, Dawn and Michael, all of Kitchen-' er. Mr. and Mrs, IrWin Gibson and M rs. Myrtle Wallace of Listowel visited, on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Emmerson Hargrave. Mr, and Mrs. Stan Forester visit- ed on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Carl Bender near GoWanstown. Misses Edith and Linda Bender re- turned to their home after spend- ing^ the Easter holidays with their grandparents. ' Mr. and Mrs. Wellington- Har- grave and family viSit4d Sunday with Mr...and Mrs. Norman Sterling in Listowel, Mr, and' Mrs, John .Heinrniller and family of Kurtzyille, Mr. ,aral Mrs. John Ettinger of Palmers- ton, Mr, and Mrs, Carl Ettinger and family, .Mr. and Mrs. Earny Dare'ey and family met at the home Of Mrs. Regina Darcey on Sunday afternoon. • to celebrate 'her 83rd .birthday. They presented her with a pot of yellow mums and a birth- day cake. Mr, and Mrs. Doug Wilpang of Toronto ,spent. the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Simmons, Mr. and Mrs. Maitland Porter, Spring- field. were Sunday visitors at the same home. Mr. James Keith of St, Cathar- ines, is, spending a few days With Mr. and Mrs. Alex Keith. • • Mr, and Mrs. Don Schaefer and familY of'droronto Were week-end visitors with Mr. and MrS. Ira Scheeler.., Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Wallace, who were mar- ried on Saturday, April, 4th, in the Lutheran Church at Kurtzville, Mr., and Mrs. Bob Campbell and farnilY were in London Sunday, where they visited with the lat- ter's father; Mr. George Moss, who is a patient in Westminster Hospi- tal. Mr. and Mrs. *Gordon Goldrich of London and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wilding of Toronto were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Anson Demerling., Dr. and Mrs., J. D.,Forde went by plane to Cleveland last Week, where they visited four days with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Doig, of Palmerston, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Doig. , Sunday visitors, with. Mr. and Mrs. Anson Demerling were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sehinbein and fam- ily of '.Mitchell and Mr. and Mrs. Val Schinbein of Listowel. Births , BEYER—At the Palmerston Hospi- tal. on Saturday, April 4th, to Mr. and Mrs. Don Beyer, a daughter. ZURBRIGG----To Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Zurbrigg, on Sunday; Ap ril 5th, a daughter. HOCKEY TEAMS FETED AT WI BANQUET FORAVICH—About 150 hockey boys and girls and their parents, Of the three teams of Fordwich, were entertained by the Women's Insti- tute to a banquet in the community hall on Wednesday night. Mel Allan Introduced' those at the head table, An.son Ratan the Pee Wee teak Harold Keil the Bantam team, Jim Stewart the Intermediates, and Jim Robinson the girls, r. Glenn Johnson, who has played !hockey and Whelped the teams for 27 years, was presented with a Clock with plaque, Morley ;Johnsen pre- sented a cheque to the coaqh, Glenn Wallace and Anson Ratan present- ed a Cheraw .tO Don king for ser- vices to the Pee. Wee and Bantam teams. Each df these men made suitable replies, Rarold Keil called on Robert dibson to riltroduce the guest speaker, John Brent of CKINTX Winghani, He said first impressions are lasting So support your Miner teams first, the others will take titre of thernselveS as they go along. Ile stressed parental support and said Sports were a must for good ' Arnold barroeh, Clifford, whose trophy the intermediates won this year, also spoke a few words, Porclwieliprchestra supplied music for datieirig, , ElORDWIO11—The VMS ef,, the FOrdwieli 'United Church bold its Paster Thankoffering service or Sunday evening in the church. I took 'the form of an. Easter page ant entitled. "The wing Is Corning" Rev, A. ,p4. 'Gardner and Rev, J. W. Hirt assisted ..with the service ,Mrs, Stanley Bride was the read- er and read, the Story of Jesus from the resurrection to the ascension. A choir, under the'direction at Mrs. Ken Graham, provided the, music which was interspersed throughout the pageant, Mary Magdalene was' depicted by Mra. Mel. Allan; Mary, the rnother of James, Joanna and Salome were Mrs, Elmer Harding, Mrs. Anson Rattan, and,Mrs. Jack Brown, John and Peter were ,Anson Ratan and Glenn Johnston. Cleo- p& an4-4ttis..triend wer-,c3-gzaalc G.i-b- Son *and Stanley Zurbrigg. Thomas Was Ivan Campbell and: Robert Connell, one of the other disciples, Mrs, Scott Clarksen and Mrs. Si Oirls Initiate d At C.G,I.T, Meeting FORDWX,Oli -The Can mot At 'the home of Dianne and Doris Carswell, The meeting Waa in charge 'of the, senior group with Bhation Pollock 'presiding'. Shirley Eurig and Janie Humbly conducted. :he worship service op EASter. Plans were begun for the Mother and Daughter banqUeril In May.. Letters Were read from Mrs, f-illtz,„ ,the Huron Camp, to be held in July at the Summer school site; and Bible from Mrs. ,Striver rivef,BonfoeCuilKtee • The with. Jesus" was begun. An initiation service was conduc- ted by Mrs, 0. Carswell and six girls were initiated In the group, Lunch was served by Peggy Gib-. song MarjOrie Connell and Doris Carswell. The meeting Closed with Taps, i 2 - Emma Williamson were the two angels. ors."Hareld-Ildra was in charge of the lighting. Mrs, Robert Gib- son and Mrs, C, Carswell wore a'e- sponsible for costumes and the scenery,y .1tfoOe to Fordwich Mr. and. Mrs, George ,Astitma were recipients of -a lovely, wall Mirror prior to their moving to FOrdWich at ft, evening at ,Ci,oughs School, An address wee roarl. by Mrs, Mel Allan and tho presentation was made by Earl ging on behalf of the school. ',Section. The evening Was spent .playing euchre. " „ . Officers Present From Grand Lodge .100RDWICH-A carload of mem-. hers from the Fordwich Attended a meeting in the. Palmers- ton Orange 'one night last. week when Orand. Mistress Beth. Harvey of Toronto spoke to the. ladies,..Bight Worshipful Sister McDugan, grand lecturer, Right. Worshipful Sister V. Beekland, r.coia-4virt.rtrut,i',1,441-0.f-Totp44t,.• and Very Worshipful Sister Me- Gladdery of ,Guelph also spoke few words. Members were also pre- sent from Harristan and'Arthar, RAN.WAY TIMETABLE CHANGES Eff.div. sum/ay, April 26th, /959 ruif • informaliao (rem optoli kt4r, II 4e• A NADI A IV ANA rioAlA L