HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-04-08, Page 7• . -.00,orv-0.4004 ikTo7'.,tor •IrAMY. t in 'Rbilantr4riniro • WING•lifii,31, orirTAHIQ, iirpoNAlsi.m7Y, isTiof, ow, I959 New Type,:.-Cii.t'ago Dooro.Stot From: Berry Flatnt's Producticiii:LiOe • •011*.i. Pk— Another new phase in Wingham manufacturing COMMeneed at the Berry Door ,Co. 'plant here last Week: wlien the production of new-tyPe tear-scab:in ,garage door got nndetway, The Wingliam plant has been Manufacturing, a one-piece door in a Variety of stjtlee and sizes since the,he pal aenwt, loinpeen ftwdmit M el,b will ay ofa l95isob6e• he made hi ail standard residential sines, will Mean the Canadian 'Market will be served by a full line of steel garage doors which will Toed all requirements, During the past year the Berry firm has been importing a four, section door from its parent plant Klan-laglia+nr-Miehigatt-And ' filled requirements with this pro- duct, however, the policy of the company dictates that all lines be- ing sold in Canada should be Ca- nadian-made of Canadian mater- ials, Also the door being manu- factured in the Michigan factory did •not meet all the requirements of the Canadian buyer. It was for inner-e reasons that the local plant undertook the job/of modifying the sectional garage door to Canadian needs and' the setting up 'of mania,- featuring operations in Wingliam. The re-designing of the sectional door was done almost entirely by plant manager, H. A. Fuller and his steff. The major improvements in the Berry Door over, competitive lines is that the, four sections of the door are joined together by a piano-type continuous hinge, mak- ing this part of the door one of the strongest components, ;The special hinge has, also overcome many of the fabrication problems; as well as difficulties that have been found in the actual operation of other designs. The new Canadian door has been re-designed frbm original work done in the American plant that took' some three' years of development.. Design and pro- duction problems have been ironed out for the Wingham-made door during the last four months, Components for the new' door are being manufactured at the Berry No. 1 plant, with assembly operations being done at' the No. 2 plant. A few of the parts are be- ing imported from the States. However, management hopes that the complete complement of parts NEW DOORS--One of the, :Brit of the new Sectional garage dloora to nil! front Berry Poor production lilies is shown, above, Looking Over , the new product are left, Alton a, moos, purehasing agent for the • firm.; Herbert..A. Fuller, plant manager and right Francis Mills,ince president of the Berry Poor. Co. In the lower picture, Mr. Puller points to the piano-type hinge which joins the door panels, and, is Tall inovatiOn'in the design of this'tyPe of wage door, NEW ,DOOR ASSEMBLY—The acconipanying photos sbpW the var- ious oPckatiolici at the 'Berry Pour Co., plant where their new line of sectional' garage doors 'are 'being produced. Top left, Einers'Un. Siva- telto*a Italie, Welds' iii the ends of a floor. section with an electric spot welder. ,,The• components for the doors arc mostly nuninfaetuied inr Winglatin. .111^ the neXt picture: Ed. Cronin end .Don„ Ilhoullpson are shoWn 00 kola tore sections Of the door by welding a. long piano- type ihingd LId panels. FolloWing this operation Willis Pali is shown as he , testa' the-, hinge • joint _between two, of the already ,fabricated Panels; The, door ,ici e;liipticl hi-two parts, with Wm centre hinge being bigtO0 Jn ,by thapersen. erecting- the door. In Ilhp lower photo the door seetiots .are : shown ati they come from the paint booth to the shipping department.topi rIght, Where Bill, Brown and John O'Neil are shown packtng tke:eaMpleted dpors in cartons. Tracks and other hardware for •the. doors are 'packed separately,-,-A-T photos. Teeswater.Gromp Presents Drama TO UNVEIL PLAQUES' AT CALVIN-BRICK WHITECHLTHCH--A special ser- vice Will be held on Sunday at 2.30 p,m, in Calvin-Brick United Church when Rev. IvicHab, moder- ator of the Presbyterian Church, and Dr. Angus McQueen' of Lon- don, moderator o1 the , United Church, will he present with the pastor, Rev. C.•Krug. • •T ..,Tw.cL-r.plaques will. be .tinveiled'ij one to the memory of the pioneers of the Presbyterian Calvin Church and the &her to the memory of the, pioneers of the Brick -Metho- dist Church. 'Special anthems will be sung by the choir, and any in this ,district, who through the past years haVe been connected with either of these churches; are ,cor- dially invited to attend this Sunday service. Langoagp- 'for: WHITECHT1IRCH—A good crowd gathered in the memorial hall here on ,Wednesday evening last, when the youtg folks of the Jimior Farmers and the jufnior Institute of Teeswaterwere.,preaent and pre- sented their , variety' 'program, which ,opened with a sing-song of the ittaiOro karate!: .and• the Insti- LIAO fieme so rigs'and ether, popular songs, . Gerald Baptist.r .gaVe..., a.. reading, ,,"The' Farmer's Lament", and „the gronp„presented ,the Bruce County prize-winning' drania,, "Which Is the way to bostont" Marilyn ROme played piano solos, and Betty Bell , 'danced the Sailor's- Hornpipe. Gloria StOlao nail Dorothy Donald-. son sang a 'duet, and Lloye Stobo gave several accercliart numbers. Gerald Baptist acted as inter- locutor for the .minstrel show that folloWed,. when she. young men, as darkies, entertained with stories, clever repartee,: songs and dances, assisted by the . large, group" of yo,ung ,folks, Robert :Colvin, as convener of the program, and all who took part in it were given a Vote of almfeciatien lay the Insti- tute president, Mrs. Russell Ross. After the closing number, "Now Is. the Hotir, Whew We 'Must' Say Good-bye", Farrier's orchestra pro- vided music for a dance. issionaries o Mountain Tribes •'•'",'-','",••• • hORRIE MRS. VI T. J. HIRE! will '03.r'erituallY he Canadian made. Company, 'plans at the moment call ;fir an ;addition to,the No, 1 plant thiS surniner. In order that the 'coMPlete 'manufacturing and agsentblY,V13erations will be handled for both 'the new and old lines in the 'One- building, • vice-president of „ the. gerry "con:many,' stated that as the'proditetion of the new line of deors ,ancreases, 'extra employees wilt be 'added 'to the working fOrce, Distribution 'of' the new line of garage doors will he' handled by Dth6e0',.i.reha:using .firms already Johns' Newfoundland to Victoria, hanclling,Iferry, products from St. The, Wirighain firm of C. LlOYei and Son, Lfd. and Insulation tarto distributors of Berry Garage Indlistriei of Teronto are the On- The ;new tour-section door Will retail :at'a• competitive figure and at'approkirnately the same price as tria•orte-Piece door which has been manufactured here for the past fonr',YearS: WHITECHURCH Members of the Women's Mis- sionary Society, in the, PresbYter- ian churches of Bluevale, Beimore, Langside and South Kinloss were guests of St. Andrew's W.M.S., Wingham on the occasion of their Easter Thankoffering meeting on Tuesday of last week. Mrs, A. Nimrod introduced the guest Speak• er, Mrs. S. Moore Gordon, ncipsion- ary on furlough from Formosa. Mrs. Gordon told of the spread- ing of the Word in this 'beautiful island in the, East, and particularly amongst the aboiginal potpie coria7 pOsed of ten tribes. History re- cords that these People were the first known inhabitants , of ,the island and successive conquerors had driven them into the moun- tain areas.. Here . they retained their tribal enaracteristices, culture, and their own Code of morals which included head-hUnting, Their religion was a spirit worship, which fact has perhaps made them more receptive to the Gospel than if they had been idol worshippers. For fifty Tears prior to World War II, Japan ruled Formosa, and during this period intercourse with these bill tnibes was discouraged. Following the occupation of the $413.-00 Realized at Pot Luck Supper. St. Heleni--A good 'time was had by all at the pot -luck supper sponsored by the Wornen's Institute in the community hall on Monday evening • March 30. After the bountiful supper, served cafeteria -style to around, 125 ,persons, the. following program ,was enjoyed With' Mrs, Charles -McDonald, the president, In the chair. Piano solos by Norina Murray, Terry Wilson, and Barbara Purdon; readings by Dolores Heffernan and Marvin McDonald; a chorus by the'. giirls;' mouth organ selections by 'Mr. Fred McQUillin With. Barry 111fcQillin at the piano; violin num-" bers by Donald Taylor, accompan- ied by Mrs. :Ernest Walker and a number on the saxaphone by Mur- ray Gaunt and Mrs, Gaunt at the 'piano, • The enjoyable evening concluded With all impromptu dance with music by local :talent and with' Barry IVEct4illin calling off,. Proceeds including $12.27 from the. sale of excess food, auctioned by Rae 'Watson; antounted to $43.92, ST. HELENS Mrs. B. F. Green left on Monday for a visit with her son, Dr. 13urclge 'Green and Mrs. Green at Stillwell, Oklahoma. Mrs, Green spent Sat- urday with her brother, Mr, Wesley, Wick, W110 , is a patient in' the :hos- pital in Toronto. kr. Marvin McDonald was home from. Salford for s the Easter va- cation. Mrs, Aebert McQuillin George and Marilyn of Hamilton and Miss :Beatrice McQiilin were Easter holi- day ,guests of, Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Purcion and girls. Mts. Gprdon MacPhercion and little Kevan Black Were visitors last week with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thompson at 'Exeter. Miss W. 'D. Rutherford and 'Mr, and Mrs. T, J, Salkeid returned on Thursday from a month's holiday at Lakeland, Florida, -HOSTESS lO -1V.M.S: a6R,RIE--The April meeting'.,et :the Gorrie WoMan's•Misienary So• ciety Was held at the borne of Mrs. W, J. Hird, Rev. Hird opened the meeting with organ music. Mrs. Wesley Trimble took charge of dee voeions and read 'the Scripture lesson taken from John 20, Mrs, W. King read a, paper on the Goa'. pel of the Reserreetion, giving an Easter Message to our world, say- ing, our hands are •in the hands of God and Easter has been set at a ,time of year that brings to our Minds the springtime and resur- rection of life. She closed with prayer, Mrs, Glad 'Edgar had the study book on "Canadian Indians", tell- ing of their schools, hospitals' and in 1957 a high school, The Indians have net many comforts and a bale means much to them, Mrs,‘ Thimble closed with prayer, Mrs. Geo. Brown, vlee-president, took charge of the business, Mrs. W. 3, Hird and Mrs. E. Whitfield gave interesting reports of the Presbyterial hell fir Goderich it was decided to send a bale in May. Mrs. 14le Watson offered prayer for Miss Baxter, missionary in In- dia. Rev, Saha of Bervie will be tits guest speaker for the. Easter Thankoffering on April 25 at ].115 ani, A, free-will offering was telt• en from members to obtain funds far leaders' 'school amid 'bale Pk. press, Rev, Hird closed with „prayer. Lunch was Served by the, hostess and ealtimittee. Mks.. George Welt, the :,,forther Nellie Inglis, of Sudbury; 'and Mrs. Susan Mitchell. of Wingham• ed. at •the home of Mr. and. Mrs. jilt Inglis and family Of the 17th of Howlett rfom Tuesday until Fri- day of last week. Mrs. Maurice Wallace, Brian and David, of Hamilton, spent last week with Mrs. Jean Massey. Mr, and Mrs, Clair Miehel, Paul and John, of Brampton, Mrs. john Zimmerman, Mr,' and Mrs. Willoot Kelterborn, of IVIllyerton, Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Mutsseiman. Kitchen- er, were Easter guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Moyne Michel; Mrs. Clarence Stokes spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs. Mervin Matter and Mr. Glazier In Oshawa. Mr, and Mrs. 'Lloyd Lee, Toronto, visited over last week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Charles, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Dilworth. Gait. were recent visitors at the home of Mr, .and Mrs. Harold Hyndman, Mrs. Cecil Grainger spent Tues- day in London. Mr, and Mrs. William Smith, Erick and Linda visited a few days with friends at Ottawa and Orillia. Mire Elizabeth Stokes spent the Easter holidays with Mrs. Walter Richardson of Belmar°, Mrs, David Neilson, Elizabeth and Heather spent Wednesday With Mr. and 'Mrs. James AdamS, Jamestown. - Mrs, Jean Massey, Elizabeth and Glen spent the week-end with ,Mr, and lift's, A. Wallace, Fordwielt. Mr, and Mrs. Willient Smith, Judy and Angus attended the,' Pat. ter-son-Simpson wedding in Moles- worth Presbyterian Church on Saturday. Mrs, 0, Th'own and Jean visited at the home of Mrs. W, McCrack- in on Sunday. Mr, George Brown and Mr, Ar-' chic Scott. Exeter, were on a bus trip to Wren over the week-end. Mr, and "Mrs. William Holmes nC Detroit spent the' Week-end with -the fOriner's uncle, Mr. L3, V. holmes. Mire. Harry Perot:Ion visited her daughter, Mrs. Donald Ireland and Mr. Ireland last week and attended the baptismal service of her :grand-` DOOM P.ttsaell stud' David Hen- derson of Owen 'Sound visited with John Brown On Friday. much enjoyed, The social coin- Mitten under the convertership of MrS, H. V, 1,3r,ni, served tea. On behalf of the visitors Mira, T. E. Rennet-1y 'of Bluevale and. Belitere, thanked the Wingharn Auxiliary for their; hospitality., Cmillin of hamilton anent the last week at the home of their ant* Mrs, Wm, Puritan Mr. and Mrs, Harold Currie and Mr, LlOyd Armstrong 'of Brussels spent, the 'week-end at the hOme of RiNe sister. Mrs. RAY iiidington and Mrs, Gilbert Setts of Detroit. 'Mr. and :mtg. Sam Smyth of 'Mitchell visited last Week with Mr. and Mrs, Edwin .Smyth, Coulter families in this .distrIct attended the' funeral or the late Pearl Paton, in Wingham on Saturday, ' Rev, rt, A. and Mrs; Marshall spent Monday In London, Mr, and, Mrs, ,,Albert Walters of Wingliain and Mrs, Bruce Buchan- an of London, visited on Sunday With Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Tillliott, Mr. and Mrs, Cameron Sititneris Of London spent Saturday with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Chas, Martin and Naney, Who spent the week here, returned home to TAM). din, Mr. Clayton Sohotu; and Children of London also visited with Mc, and Mrs, Ezra Seholte., - Shirley Martin, daughter of Mr sad Mrs, Howard Martin of W, WaWanosh had her tonsils removed hi Wifigliarn Hospital last Wednea. day and with a° dose of flu, was' triable to rettiril home until Men, day, island-, by !Nationalist Chinese, re- ligious -freeddrit has' been encour- aged ancioniSSionaries are endeav- ouring to Teach 'these people with the 'ehriatianmesSage. - AIreat -barrier - to be overcome is titre> faptAnat the language of the aboriginal 'peoPle has never been' reeordel'and they have not the Scriiittires in_ their own tongue. The 'Missionaries, .Formosans, and th,eir omin•leaders must depend on either ";$1,11ted, highly.' literary JaParies,e translation, or a Chinese tranalatian. ,of. ,the ,Scripturds. It is not" an :easy' thing for laymen leaders to teach ;these people when their—only Bible is in a' foreign language,. but missionaries find that in spite of this handicap, many do Understand' the basio truths •of the- Cosner and often they find people' ready .for baptism. By what:tow seems to have been a miracle, r woman of the Lyat tribe' Wits persuaded to attend a MissionBible School. Here her in- sthiction 'airistianity so chang- ed her' heart' and mind that. she beeame a mighty force in evangel- ism, as:she ,followed her Lord's in- strpetion "Go ')''e and teach" as she returned to her own people, She told Of the changing em- phasis,;, in missionary endeavour. MtSsibintries- are still desperately needed,' along with trained native workerS ' for in 350 churches amongst these people there are only 19 pastors. The Formosan church is well established for. they hai,e had the opportunity for edu- cation aid training in christian leadership which the aboriginal pedple hav,e not. A few years ago. Formosan christiaps were ablivious to qlni; fact that there was a mis- sion' field on their own doorstep. It 'is" a trlurrip.h Of grace that they have collie to see the need and to make plans for meetfng that need. Mr. ,and Mrs. Gordon are return- ing to Formosa to help establish a Theologietil Training School for PaStors, which will also have lead- ership training' classes for elders who are doing a large part of the world noW, had for the training of young people. In closing. 'Mm's. Gordon :O.41(f,d us to pray that these new believers may not lose 'out because their roots, are not deep enough, that they may he rooted and gronnded in the faith. She also asked us to pray foeworiters, that young people in 'Canada and Fornmee may haVe. a vision of the 'need, Jesus said -"All power is given mit° MO in Heaven Mid 'in earth, therefore, go ye," Mrs. J. W. Mcf,Ibbon exnrassed appreciation of Mrs. 'Gordon's Message aid oin ;behalf of the aux- iliary presented her with 15. gift. Mrs. T, C, king and Mrs, Mitchell were to. charge of the meeting, The Heider :service 'worship ft'Orii the Glad Tirline4 wee led By Mrs. A, Nirerno, Mrs, Leslie Foi•tuae read the lesson front St. Matthew's Gospel. Chanter 78, arid 'prayers Were offered by Mrs. C. Hastia, Was H, W(lanit S Vt Mica It Pringle, A dont "the Old Rugged drosa" sung by Mrs, W. Ford arid NUL H, Aiteheson was Pupils Presented With Certificates WHITECITURCH—A special ser- Viec weaheld in the United Chureh bit Sunday, When Mr. A. Neeleit those as his text, "The veil of the ',Peniple was rent in twain", Garnet Farrier sang, "Open the Gates", and Robert taidlaW, superintendent of the Sunday Sehool presented the RAbett Itaikes Certificates 'and the other prizes won by the different S.S. pupils for Sunday School And I ehtuich attendance, and lesSon I preparatielei, Mr. and Mrs,- Arthur Moore attended the marriage of het-niece, Irene Welwood, daughter of Mr. end Mta Ezra WelWoOd of Orange- ville, and Paul Bland, son, of Mr. end. Mrs; G. gland Of Orangeville, held in ,the. Pentecostal. Chapel at 2 p.ln. , on ,Saturday, Potty guests . were present for the Wedding, dinner., Mr,' and Mot, Win. Marlin of tCitclumer, and Mr. and Mrs. red Martie and children of Stret- ford, Visited on . StIfid1-1,V at the home of their brother, Mr, Howard Marble. ' Mrs. Levi Blernaly and children spent the holiday week at the 'home, of her sister,, Mrs. Self of of Walkerton, Albert Bionan and Roy Robinson are 'Working Mrs. Rieman's Earth this year, Mrs, -Gilbert Beecroft, with a car-load Of aber frierribers and eX- cieutives of the Lanahn Conference ttranch of the attended the ineetirig"01.4 and Wad- nesday at Victoria Street United Chtireh, Chathitni: teonard Coyne and children ' Windaor, Spent: the fend \ week at the Warne of her . Stster, Mrs. ta,wreticie TaVihr and With .0.(11iitt.. SOO families In ildigrave and mast Wawknoah; Jame !Melton-awl:11er ,spent; last week With her eratidriltititte Mr, *nd Ml's -Jahn PieltaitsWiller, flak), end all VISIted 'SiiiiditY With Mr. and MrS,,' Frank Eckert- Mts. (I, A, MeLatighlin of Detroit IS visiting this 'week with 'Mrs, end Mlas Claire '111atteeV ateciinnatlied Mt.. Mac., tanglitin and , JO Anne home to, naetteti.• on tlittrSCIA.V to SOOIrld `tow' days' there, Visa' Sandra Chimney spent the week-end with WrnXeter Merida; Mr. and Mrs, jes, th.enn.pann Of Cle\deriall and Mr, and MrS. Claire Thottpaen and Children Of Lang. ton, and, Patridia and Peggy Thornnsori/of tillSonbilte visited 'on Sunday with, M'. ,And Mrs', CAIVIII EtOblitabil, MISS Marilyn and. George Me- •