HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-04-08, Page 4TJre "Wialg'1110, A0.4)104141:Off, We PROM P59 -.- FOR, SALE TOT'.. SALE * --R C.ME'S TAXI SERVICE and used MAN'S BICYCLE for sale, Like . Furniture, We buy and sell. now, phone new. $' Phone 185, rrb ' BIOYCLE i for sale, new. Also large tricycle in excellent shape, Phone 769 after six, lb )17)INO machine rolls always on hand at the Advance-Times. Special prices for quantity pur- chases* Phone 890. rr ,TPIRS for_sale—Raptcl irlo", 6-inch, 79c; 61/2 -inch, 85e, Alexander's hardware. lrrb QUAKER OIL BURNER for sale. Used only a month, Phone 520. Mrs. P, McCall. 8 . „ BOY'S7'Grey .flannel pants and blite blazer far sale, size $40; in good condition. Phone 735,13. 8? THREE NEW SHIRTS fOr Size 16, with separate collars. Cost $6.75 each. Too small, for _Qum or .:Th...O_Lbree, f or a9a.50 Ph one 256. $* PROPERTY FOR SALE- Canadian National Railways is offering for sale the combination station and ft.eight shed at Blue- vale, This is a frame building. 60 feet long by 30 feet wide on. a tim- berpost foundation. The SuecesS- ful bidder will, upon acceptance, of his offer, be required to remove this building from railway lands and leave the property in a neat and tidy condition. For further information and instructions on tendering,' contact the Canadian, National Railways station agent at Wingham. 1:8b HAY FOR SALE QUANTITY BALED HAY for sale. Also loose straw,- Phone Brus- sels 20r23. FEMALE HELP WANTED WANTED—Two Trained. Nurses Aides for general duty, .5 day week. Salary $125.00 per month, plus full maintenance: Apply the Saugecn Memorial Hospital, Southampton, Ontario 8-15-22b THE LONDON LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Has Vacancies For ' LERKS and TYPISTS Preferably ages 17 te 30, with High School graduation, dip- .., loma. , 5-Day Week Opportunities for advancement —excellent working conditions (air conditioned)--cafeteria =- recreational facilities = staff pension and insurance benefits. WRITE to the Personnel De- partment: or CALL- at the Head Office, Drifferni and Wellington, London, for a. per- sonal interview. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY , DELIVERY CONTRACT Part or Full Time NO SELLING REQUIRED DISTRICT MAN or WOMAN. honest and reliable. Steady, light work. Age or, past experience not important. Ideal for FARMER, SEMI-RETIRED or FULLY EM- PLOYED PERSON. Must have ear or truck and $500.00 cash which is FULLY REFUNDABLE. For complete details write: COLONIAL CONTRACT, 49 Mary Street, * BARRIE, Ontario 8:15b ave Money by PREPAYING ,'SOWN. o ..•• * WINGHAM-* 4,* 411,F NCRP ORATp „ . 1.87 Town of Wingharn 1959 Taxes Taxpayers may make payments on Account of 1959 taxes Up to <80 per cent of 1958 taxes. Interest at• the rate of Vogt- per cent, per annum will be allowed on such prepayments. Prepayments 'taxes must be nlade at the Town Treasurer's Office, Town, Hall. WILLIAM 'RENWICK; Treasurer; - , Town of Wingham ., VolisciumujilimullifittilstI1 01111,111 011.111$11110111111111111111110111.0101110111111001•11011101111110111111101111,1111111,34 SAVE: SAVE 'SAVE AMBULANCE SERVIC$ : ANN D UAL KINSMEN PAPER RIVE I DO NOT PUT PAPERS' IN' GARBAGE P LE A $ E ? All paper and magazines from now until the first of May for the MAN OR WOMAN ESTABLISHED TOY ROUTES Good Income No ,Selling—No Experience Neees- sary—O peeate from home. We Plate and Locate All Racks SPARE OR FULL 'TIME ' Excellent weekly earnings refilling and• collecting from our MAGIC TOY RACKS in your area. We will appoint a Distributor to ser- vice a number of the sensational self.service, MAGIC TOY RACK displays ESTABLISHED BY OUR COMPANY in •inarkets, drug, var- iety stores, etc. Each MAGIC TOY RACK earns Money. Simply replace toys each week and collect money. Iteenrires only few hears nee Week This is not a Job 'but a thence to get into something you may have always wanted—a ,bugineaa of your Own. One that can be handled in Spare tittle and still leave room' for full time eXpanaion, Not a dret-Ilich-Quiek Sawn* Distributor accepted, must have ear references—five horira Spare time WeeklY--•-and Minimum RW0E/tent Of $842;50, Poe •Ideal interview---, Write et once giving name, address andphone number* MONXBEA4 F0# Bot 474 10441% DARME8 Montrodi Quebec) Canada VIKING ELECTRIC cream separa- tor for sale, Like new, Also see us for home freezers and other appliances. Anderson ,Rarclware, Belgrave, Phone 745W3, WOODEN CRIBS in grey plextone, 28x52, complete with spring-fill- ed plastic-covered mattress. Spe- cial, only $31.95. R. A, Currie & Sons. Sb SINGER SPECIALS—Several de- monstrator machines at a good reduction. Call for a demonstra- tion on the,new CannIster Vacu- urnaprices start at $59.50. Phone 665, Wingham. 8:15:22:29h FLOGLAZE Colorize): Paints in 1322 colors now being sold 'at Schuetes Furniture, Mildmay, Discount of 70 cents per quart on enamels being discontinued at Schuett's. 1:Sb MEAT FOR, SALE—Good beef by the quarter. Killed on premises Tuesday morning, Inspected by Dept. of Health. Yearling heifers. Top quality. Lowest prices, Ray- narcl Ackert, Ripley, phone 24r28, or Lucknow, 101r13. • • rrb NEW SELECTOR case for type- Writer ribbons guarantees that you will fincil the proper ribbon for your machine. Just bring us one old spool from yoUr type- writer, with the name of mach- ine.' phone 890, CARPETS, RUGS—See N. J, Wel- -wood for a complete range of BARRYMORE and HARDING broadloom, All wool Wilton hardtwists and tone on tones, Rug.`sizes or wall 'to wall. Have an estimate this week for your room. N, J. Welwood, phone '86. rrb CARS FOR SALE ,1956 PLYMOUTH Hardtop for sale,. V-S automatic, , custom radio, S. Leedham, phone Wingham 196. USED STUDEBAKER for sale. Cheap for quick sale. Phone 201. 8b DEADSTOCK WANTED DEADSTOCK rerhoved pioniptly ' for sanitary disposal. FREE pick up on larger animals, reasonable collection• charge for small ani- mals. Phone collect Wingham 878; Palmerston 123w; or Dur- ham 398, Gordon Young (Elrhira) Limited. 6rrb .••••••,•••••imu•••••••••••....... PINANCINd A CAR? Before yen oily ttSk about our Low 'Copt Pinarleing Service With tornfileto *frisntatied COVerage, STEWART A. SCOTT nos. i nneessst 0010NO EVENTS EVERYONE" is welcome to attend the euchre to be held in the Le- gion Home, Wingham. on Mon- day, April 13th. at 8,15 p.m, Spon- sored by the Legion Ladies' Aux- Mary, Lunch and prizes. CEO W.I, MEETING—The annual meet- ing: of the W,I. will be held - on Thursday, April 16 at 2.30, Pro- gram conveners, R, Mrs, E, Parrish, Mrs, N. Kea- ting. Roll call payment of fees. Hostess convener, Mrs, 3, Halli- - — ••••1.-.413=0- A SERIES of prenatal classes will begin Wednesday, April 1959, at 2.15 p.m. at the Branch office of the Health Unit, down-. stairs in the Wingham Hospital. These will be held at weekly in- tervara for nine weeks. Thcise interested are invited to attend on the above -date or write the Health Unit, Gocierich, . • .CE8b . \ 7 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE REGISTERED for bull for sale, ready for service.' Ed Pow-' ell, R.R. 1, Wingham, phone 18r14, Wroxeter, 8* 60 GOOD YORK Chunks, 'of, pigs for sale, Phone Brussels Roy TurVey, 'con: 2, Morris, 84' REGISTERED LANDRACE bred and open gilts for sale, Bred gilts due April and May. Phone Mildmay EN 7-2339, Ivan Has- kins, Clifford, 8*, SEED FOR SALE REGISTERED No, 1 oats' and bar- ley seed grain for sale. Also grasses and clovers. See HOW- son '& Howson Ltd., Wingham, Blyth and Cargill, 8b WE OFFER registered No, 1 Gary and Rodney seed oats at $1.45 per bushel with 5c a bushel dis- count on orders of 100 bushels or over. Contact us for your other seed requirements. We also have seed barley for contract barley growers. Phone 455, John Bum- stead and Son, rrb SEED FOR SALE—A good hay- pasture mixture, $ lbs. alfalfa, 2 lbs. red clover' or 1 lb,,ladina; 4 lbs, timothy, 6 lbs. broome grass, total 20 lbk per, acre, Pric- ed at $6,45 per acre. Mixtures for any •type of soil will be made up and mixed free. Canadian al- falfa $25,00 per bus.; Brant and Herta 'barley $1.25 bus,, grown on clean clay land. All varieties of seed's and seed grain for sale, cleaned, trcate'd, ready to sow. R. Cramm & Son, Pinkerton, phone Cargill 68W3. rrb MISCELLANEOUS* IS YOUR TELEVISION properly insured for all risk coverage? For information phone 293, Stew- Art A. Scott, Wingham. 2rrb NEW SPRING ARCHES—Consult WA. Kaufman, phone 94, Lis- towel, open every Tuesday 10 a.m, to 10 p.m., and in Walkerton at Percy Pletch's, April 16 and 30, phone 195W; at Mariwalt Tourist Home, Diagonal Rd„ Highway 86, Wingham, phone 993, on Thurs- day, April 23, afternoon and evening. ,rrb WATERLOO CATTLE Breeding Association "Where Better Bulls Are Used". Supply artificial breeding. service for all breeds of cattle. Phone collect to Tees- water 126, or Clinton Zenith 95650. For service or more in- formation, call between:- 7.30 and 10.00 Ilan, week days; 6.00 and 8.00 p.m. Saturday everiings. For cows noticed in heat on Sunday morning', do not calf Until Monday Morning, The, qual- ity is high and the Cost low, rrb M1111H1M111014101114111M11111111111111ifil111111 44444 4 011110H PETTEPLACE. EAVESTROUGHING TEESWATER For Fret Estimates Phone 97r21 or write BOX 264 TEESWATER 8-16* 11111111110111111114114H111111111111111 iiiiiiiiiiii ,. lit illlnfiiiii PERSONAL WHY . FEEL OLD? Feoi, Years Younger, •040Tx: Tonle Tablets revitelige thousands past 40, On- on, At all druggists, .131?. ONE-DAY FILM SERVICE Leave your flirris at Vanee's Deng Store by 2,45 pan„ pick them UP at 2.45 next day, 25:118b THE MARGUERITE Convalescent Home, Shelburne, Graduate and practical nurses. 24-hour nurs- -is.tice,- Pox --163;.,-Shelluzne 8 :15 ;22 :29* INGLESIDE and MARGUERITE Convalescent, Home, Orangeville, Licensed.• Have vacancy for male or, female patients. Aegis • tered and graduate nurses, 24 hour service, Box 390, Orange- vine. 8152229* WORRIED, 'about your income tax returns?' You can' save yourself hours of time and inaccuracy by using an inexpensive. Victor Ten Key Adder.. Carry it any place in one hand, See -them 'at the Advance-Times. rr FOOT SUFFERERS If you have sore feet, ankles, wiatica, Pains in legs, hips or /lower back trouble -why not have your feet checked by a qualified, exper- ienced Foot Correctionist, See J. A. VICKERS at Queens. Hotel, Wingham, each Monday afternoon , Other times 481 8th AVe., Hanover, Phone 500 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE or FREDER- ICK ALEXANDER OSTER, ALL PERSONS having • claims against the • estate of the above mentioned late of the Village of Blyth', 'in the County of Huron; Gentleman, who died on the 21st day of March, 1959, are required to file proof of same• with the under- signed On Or before' the twenty- fifth .day of April ,1959. After that date the executrix will proceed to distribute, the estate having regard only to-the claims of which she shall then have,had no- tice. - DATED at Wingham, this 2nd ,day of April. 1959. • CR,AWFORLi & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario . Solicitors for the Executrix 8:15:22b NOTICE TO CREDITORS Al! persOns having claims against the Estate of ARTHUR WHEEL- ER, late of the Village of Bluevale, in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, deceased, who died on or about the twenty-sixth day of Feb- yriary, A.D. 1959, are notified to send to the undersigned, on or be. fore the eighteenth day, of April, 1959, full particulars of their claims in Writing. Immediately af- ter the said 18th day of April, the assets of the said Testator will be distributed amongst the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the Executors shall 'then have notice. DATED this 26th day 'of March, A.D. 1959. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario Solicitors for the Executors " 1:8:15b NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF ETHYLE itrrriE. ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned late of the Township of Howick, County of. Mixon, Married Woman, who died on the 9th day of Maich, 1959, are required' to file proof of same with the undersign- ed on Or before the eighteenth day Of April, 1959, After that date the executors will proceed . to distribute the' estate having regard only. to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham this 23rd day of March, 1959. cRAyVFoRti Be HETHERINGTON Wingham,- Ontario Solicitors for the Executors 1 :8 :15b NOTICE TO citEnrrons All peraOns having claims against the Estate of Charles Roy Agar, late of the Town of Winghain the County Of Huron, Retired• Far- Met, deceased, who died on Or about the seventh day of March, A:15, 1959, are tratifiNi to Seed 'to the undersigned', on or before the eleventh day of April, 1959, full particulars of their claims in Writ- feint erligitelY after tile said el- eVenth day of April, the assets Of -the Said Intestate will be distrib. nted amongst the Parties entitled thereto, fretting tegard Only to, eiaitis of which the Aditinistrator shall then heel% tot DATED tile yith day of March, ' CRAWI'vvOlthibghactrItI,EtHont4ErItIN;0 OTON f4' lieltere for the Aikiallitsttitret. 16:141. " FOR. RENT WILL .PASTURE 12 or 16 head of cattle, Phone 519W8, ''Harold Qasernore, 8rrio TEAviiEn§ WANTED " TnAorIER WANTED for P.S.S. 9, Carrick ToWnship. Please state trtraiifitationt to Thaws L. Inglis, sec.-treas., R.R, Wroxeter, OntariO, 1;81i SALES HELP WANTED, JOIN THE MOST progressive Company In the hou's'ehold neces- sities—Vitamins,' cosmetics, field. High commission, no risk A year-round business, Openings in your surroundings. 'Write for particulars. Familex Dept. 77, 1600 Delorimier, 1Vfonteeel. , /3b 'WANTED USED WOODEN :kitchen table, wanted. Approximately 30x60, Phone 250. 8b WANTED=-Billygoat to buy or for Service. Write to Anton Jace- wicz, R.R. -2, Wingham. 84' GEESE and gander waiited. Best price paid. Write Anton Jace- wiez; R.R. 2, Wingham, 11. OLD BUGGY LAMPS wanted: Also would rent or buy stable• or barn in Wingham vicinity. daniron's Billiards or phone 415: 8b USED RANGE SHELTERS Want ed. Must be in good condition. George Underwood, phone WrOx- eter 12r4. • ge: APPLICATIONS-- WANTED MORRIS TOWNSHIP Application's will be• received- by the undersigned up until. 6 p.m., April 16, 1959, for maintainer op- erator -for the Township of Morris at '81.00 per , hour.—Geo, Martin, R C!e R 4. rk i • Morris Township, Brussels 8:15b WANTED TO RENT '. WANTED • TO RENT—Farm for grass or grain, any size. Apply Cecil Grainger. Gorrie. 8:15* • WANTED TO RENT small home or apartment in or 'near Wing- ham. Apply Box- 14 Advance- Times, 4rrb CARD OF THANKS I would like to ,say ,a big "thank' you" to all those who visited, ere, sent cards,'and treats, to Dr. W. A. McKibbon and the nursing staff of Wingham Hospital,--Ross Mann„ IN MEMORIAM PATTISON—In : loving memory of my dear husband and father. Ed- gar 'Pattison, who passed away one year ago. April 7, 1958. He will never be forgotten n'y his wife,- Laura, John and family. :Sb CLEARiNG • AUCTION SALE 27 Head Good. Steers Rising 2 tears — Farm Machinery Wednesday, April '22nd, 1959 Commencing at 1 p.m. N 1/2 LOT 29, CONCESSION 4`, MORRIS TOWNSHIP V.5 Miles north of Brussels. Proprietor: James Beyans Auctioneer: Harold Jackson„ 8115* HELLO • Yori and. I have been getting stuck in the same anowbanks;, will - be splashing through the same mud Y.orr.anti I get gasoline at the same .service stations, Imy our groceries and clothes in the same stores, We watch the same crow fly overhead, watch the aame children. go and come from school, Waal the same TV .station and go 7:tubet.e4- •actu.etkah-,aeale You and I nave rntiCh'in'commoo; what affects you affects sue. I£ you Were running for parliament would 'you expect, rue •to' vote for' you? Rae J. Watson, R.R. 1, Lue,know Your* 'Ahern) candidate for the nest provincial election, 81' CARD' OP THANKS I wish to ,sincerely thank 'all my friends and neighbors for their cards and kindness shown during my Illness, Speehil thanks to- G. A. Vanner and Dr, L, T, Reid and nurses of Palmerston General Hospital —Mrs, Warren Collings 81' CARD OF THANKS Bob Crawford would like to' thank his 'many friends fpr the gifts and get-well messages receiv- ed while a patient in Victoria Hos- pita), London, also to Dr. Craw- ford and the nursing staff while a patient in Wingharn General Hos- pital. 8b CARD OF THANKS We Wish to • express our sincere thanks:" and appreciation for the kindness -and expressions of sym- pathy, floral tributes and spiri- tual cards received during our re, cent bereavement of a dear bl"O':- 'ther, William Lynett. Special thanks to., Dr, McKibben And the staff at Wingham General Hospi tai. -11xrs, E, Fitzpatrick and Ms: ters, 06 CARD OP Eleanor and 'Bob MeMurrityal ..1*0:, to11nlijitheir many riemls, relativesand gTeid hors for their thoughtfulness and their gifts of silverware, crystal- ware, flowers and cards received on the occasion of their 25th wed.,? ding anniversary, We would also like to thank the BB group of the Bklevale Presbyterian Church. La- dies Aid for catering to the dinner; All these things Made us very, hap py, • CARD OF THANKS, I wish to sincerkly thank all these who sent cards, for Visits and alt other favours while' I was a pa- tient in Wingham General Rawl! tel. Special ,thanks to Dr, McKii).• bon, .Mrs. Morrey and her nursing staff, Rev. P. Benner and Rev. Dr, Nimmo.—Wendell Taylor, 8* CARD OF, THANKS We wish to express our sincere appreciation for all the kindnesa., es, expressions of sympathy;i and floral tributes received during our recent bereavement, Special thanks to Dr, IVfeltibbon and Rev. I-Itisser —Mrs. Cecil Chamney and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Thompson, CRAWFORD & 'HETHERINGTON Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Winghain, Phone 48 H. CRAWFORD, Q.C. It, S. HETHERINGTON, Q.O. J. W. BUSHFIELD Q.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Money to Loan Offiee—Meyer Block, WhighemetiO, WELLINGTON FIRE Insurance Company Est, 1840 An alt Canadian Company which has faithfully served It* 00110' holders for over -a Centime*: Head ()filet!, Tdrinito A. 0. MacLean Insurance Agency Whigheini $70.00 FOR YOUR chesterfield suite on various "Kroehler" dies- terfield• suites at the Mildmay Furniture Showrooms, Free De- livery* 1:8b NOW WE HAVE THEIVIi-Excel- lent used and rebuilt standard typewriters, .direct' from the man- ufacturer's rebuilding depot. big savings and guaranteed perfor- mance, Advance-Times. Phone 890. rr .IUST ARRIVED — New spring Drapery Stock and introducing a new fal4ric, Terylene.--Guar- anteed sunfast, won't shrink, stretch or wrinkle, etc. Only .$3.65 a yard made up FREE. See Smitty's Shopping Centre in Han- over, A fine complete selection, all 'priced at wonderful savings. 8:22b USED FURNITURE VALUES 2 Dining Room TABLES with 4 leaves Good Condition YOUR PICK $8.00 I BUFFET, oak ONLY. $8.90 1 KITCHEN CABINET White; adjustable. arberite shelf, linen and cutlery drawee, dish compartment • FOR $19.00 Steel Kitchen COUCH with MATTRESS. ONLY $5.00 USED APPLIANCE SPECIALS 4-YEAR-OLD NORGE ELECTRIC DRYER Fully, Griarrinteed -Priced to SELL National 24" ELECTRIC TRANCE New style elements, 'ONLY $60.00 EASY Spin-Rinse WASHING MACHINE ,Semi-Automatic Completely 11e-conditioned REFRIGERATORS $85.00 and up RANGETTES $10.00 and up RECONDITIONED ,WASHING MACHINES $25.00 and up Moffat GAS RANGE, Antonisitin Ignition .• Timed Oven ' LikeNeW !lit ONLY 025.00 Wl Used Appliances Cuarantecd. BURKE ELECTRIC Phone 474 Winghatn CURRIZ'S AMBULANCE, ,wing. ham, Dependable Service. flme: Day, 51; Night, 710 or 630; REAL ESTATE ---- SEVEN ROOM HOUSE for sale or rent in Brussels, Phone Brussels 74,- , 8.•15* SEVEN, ROOM brick house for sale Offirrent, on Catharine Street.' Apply Crawford & Hetherington, 8:16b nirsT OFFER yyiii bUy a' "seven'- room house in Wroxeter. For further particulars 'phone 8, Exe- ter or write Mervyn Grainger, Exeter, 25;1;8b 1. Veneer Walnut • LIVING ROOM TABLE $8.00 1957 PONTIAC SEDAN for sale. RCURRIE t SONS Like new, Automatic transmis- sion, Driven 8.000 miles, Gor- don MeBurney, phone 620W2, WINGHAM - Sb Dead Stock WANTED HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid in surrounding distriets for dead, old, sick or disabled horses or cattle. For prompt, sanitary disposal day or night, phone coned, LEROY ACHESON, Atwood 153 or GEORGE' HISLOP, Wroxeter 2r10 DEAD STOCK SERVICE Highest Cash Prices For Old, Sick and Disabled Cows and Horses DEAD STOCK AT HIGHEST CASE( VALUE Please Phone Promptly , Call Collect - 133 Bruce Marlatt 13russelso Ont, 24 HOUR SERVICE iiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii i i SPRING MEANS ACTION! With the 'coming ef• 'geed Weather yeti can Carey out ;Voile plans -foe • new he or inipite*Vernerits to the present ohea; Call its for .1611 inforinatinit. and PHE'fi ESTIMATES • • New Haines •• Garage* i -tub Peitthel Or any tithe* cilitatelietkin M441100'61', COMplete and Heating Se,eViee' • GOOK:Gt. A. CARillt Phone 113W1- *Ingham ,womionothoiewminintinowitoontiornotiiiiiisiti ' EXECUTORS' SALE OF REAL ESTATE, HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS AND EFFECTS To close the Estate of the late EDMUND WALSH there Will be offered for- sale by public auction, Saturday, April 11th at 1.30 o'clock at the premises, Victoria St., Wingharri. HOUSIEHOLD FURNITURE 3-piece Living room suite, Du. baba TV 21 in. screen; Day Bed; Radio, Congoleum Rug, Chrome Kitchen Table and 2 Chairs, Easy Washer, Bedroom Furniture, Beat. ty -Clertner, ,Organ, Axminster Rug, Dining Room Suite,. Cheat of Drawers, Sewing Machine, West. inghonst Regrigerator, garigette, Chairs, 2 Lawn Chaira, dishes and , other household articles, 1086,Cliev- rola automobile, ItEAti PROPERTY At Three o'clock 'there will be offered for sale, at the seine place, Subject for teserVe bid* the fellow. ing Real Estate:. Lot No. 2 On the North side at Vieteria Street, teet ,ge Deifies Sue. vey in the*Tenni of ,Wingham, on this property is said to be a one and on&half sthrey 7-reerri frame house with, insul bride TERMS OP SALE: Person Es tote.'.-Cash; Real Estate-l0 pee dent on date of sale and balance in 39 days thereafter, Pull particulars arid -conditions Of sale may be had on application' to the undersigned,' bAlt.t) at Winglituat this Seca dad day of April, A.D. MO, L. 0. Dtttbt, Auctioneer ORAWFORD & 06111.0111Crrot4: 0000100 Or tb. Enamor. BUSINESS ansi PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY A. H. McTAV1SH BARRISTER, SOLICITOR and NOTARY mimic TEESWATER - ONTARIO Telephone 2$ Teeswater Wroxeter—Every Wedneadt,d, afternoon, 2-4 p.m., or 'by 'appointment. Frederick F. Homuth Phm.B., R.O. Carol E. Homuth, R.O. Mrs. Viola HE Homoth,.11,0. OPTOMETRISTS PHONE 118 , Harristori, Ontario WILLER, 'WINTON • & • •WARD CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Bell telephr.;ne g WALKERTON D. A. HUNTLgt C.A. Resident Manager Telephones: Business 633; Residence lel