The Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-04-08, Page 3Do • your plans Include 1
Renovations & Repairs n in this spring's,- budget? - - • = • •
Call in and' (cello it over with us. .
w 1
.-141 ROOFING as low as $10.50 per square :
i SIDING as low as $ 6,50 per Square ••
DOORS as low as $ 7.50each
•- ft• II()MOSPT8
i WALLBOARD .06 square foot
JOINT FILLER $1.35 per package 1
HAMitt FTC" D.n
•4 •
WAR041, "01.144pft... •
,This minister
of finance
"Yes, we can,
'afford it!"
Mother's decision has not been arrived at lightly. Her peek ,
into her purse is•anything but casual—for AS family minister
of finance she is also keeper of the budget. She weighs every
important purchase carefully; because she has a dozen
places to put ,every ... and only so many dollars.
The same problem — a dozen places foirevery dollar— is a.
familiar one to the Minister of Finance at Ottawa. His
budget is around six billion dollars. This very large stint Of
Motley is spent throtigh various government departments.
It's no secret how the Minister of rinance obtains this
'rneney. He gets it largely in. taxes ,from millions of Cana-
dians like you. if he spends more than he gets from you, he
Must turn around and borrow flout' yen the amount he has
overspent . , or else create new money.
The creation of new money is one factor that leads to in.
Patton -4 when the dollar buys less and less..So, as a thrifty '
Canadian, you are wise to ask government only for those
$erViCeS you are willing to pay for with taxes,
• rcrsonally you try to pay as you go, to live within your in.
COMO. Its imporfant that government try to do the same
You want to live well now and to realize all your ambitions
for the best 'possible future. That future is tied up with a
sound dollar a dollar whose purchasing power you cad
depend an,
A totwri Dbt.LAE. ivtliAt8 A pitt,ititAtot ibitt
/1.0AINsT INPLATIoNlOgng YOUn ACTlyp etiOolit ,
A inmtitri stitvIck IvItISSAGg nom 1.440
r. !II14,10t XNet,MARCE COIVIPANXES,114 00tAriA
Theatre - Harriston
Wednesday, April 8th
Cary Grant, Sophia Loren
Fun For All The Family
Be sure you purchase a ticket
for' the Firemen's 'Special Rene-
fit Fund — Good for this Show
and a chance to win a
Automatic Record Player
April 9 10 11.
, Technicolor
Jerry Lewis, Marie Macdonald
Can you picture Jerry Lewis' as
a Magician with a ''disappearing
Rabbit! — That's when the Fun
MON. - - WED,
April 13 14 - 15
,Burt Lancaster, Frank Sinatra
and Deborah kerr
(Adult :Entertainment)
The Academy Award winner
brought bank Or you to 'enjoy
elide mere,
Mrs. A, L, Stephens is attending
W.M.S, conference in Chatham this
week and will also bisit her sister,
Mrs, Ward Faucett of Chatham.
Mrs, Milton Moore, of Medicine
iHat, Alberta, is spending some
time with her daughter. Mrs. War-
ren Collings,
Mr. and' Mrs. .'A.4e. Taylor, Lon-
don, were Easter visitors with re-
latives hero and Miss Ruby Tay-
lor, London, spent Saturday with
Mrs. Hazel Watt, Weston, and
Mrs. Dick Hamilton, Brussels,
were dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Hee 'Hamilton, •on Saturday
Miss iMary McQuat of Cottam
and Mr. and, Mrs,, Beecher Hutch-
ins .of South Woodslee, Essex, were
visitors with Miss Annie Murray
on EasterMenday.
• Mrs, Alex Hamilton, of Exeter, is
visiting her son; Mr. Hector- Ham-
ilton and Mrs. Hamilton.
Mrs, -Carroll Gregg and Mr,
George Gregg returned to Toronto
on Friday after spending the Eas-
ter holidays here.
-11teWiagh 44V.44g4trliMO.C.W04,410114
Farm forum and Federation of Agrimiltiro
Safe Driving ROY
at 8.30 p,rii.
Film and Point System presented by Constable
Hardy, Opt, Prov, Police
TV Farm Forum from CKNX
Prizes awarded to winners of Essay Contest
Golden NW, Toronto 16, Ontario
Efficient service coast to coast
with central 5-million dollar Parts Depot.
ox 62 Wingham 'Telephone
,, Mr. and ,Mrs. Gordon Brown' of
Beariitville" vialted ' MiS. Robert
Graham and other friends last
• week.
• Clifford won the championship
on Friday evening in the Wingham
arena in the. intermediate ,bestlof-
• seven series. Seven games Were
played, Clifford winning four and
Gorrie three., .
Mr, arid Mrs. _Ernest Dinsmore
and .fainily have moved to con, 2.
,near Clifford,
Mrs. Bertha Fitzpatrick of Elgin,
. Man., and Misi Beatrice Wade ,of
Fondwich were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Norman Wade on Sunday af-
Mr. and Afro, Harry King and'
Judy' spent the week-end with re-
latives in Toronto.
Friends will he sorry to know
that Mrs. Jos, Thomson of Clifford
has been ill at the home of het
daughter, Mrs. Mel Taylor, for the
past few weeks. •
Mr, Bruce Bennett underwent an
operation for removal of appendix
in the Listowel Hospital' on Wed-
nesday of last week His condition
is favorable and he is expected to
be able to leave the hospital later
in the week.
COLOR PARTy--The 'color party of the Legion parade is pictured
above as members paraded to the cenotaph for a brief service on
Sunday afternoon. The veterans were addressed by Dr, Alexander
Nimmo'at the monument. The men were in Winglitnit to attend the
rally of the Legion's Zone Cl, Business meetings were bold at the
town photo.
E.W. Federation
,Meets at Belgrave
The East Wawanosh. Federation
of Agriculture met in Belgrave
arena board room on Monday,
March 30,. with 12 directors pre-
sent. The president, Elmer Ire-
land, called the meeting to order
and owing to the absence of the
secretary, Simon Ballahan, on
motion of McGowan and, Sander-
son„ Oliver Anderson was appoint,
ed secretary for the meeting.
Elmer Ireland gave a report of
the annual Hog Producers' meeting
in Toronto, and a report of a
speech by G. F. Perkin, chairman
of the Farm Products' Marketing
Board. Vertiqal integration, was
discussed also the grain 'subsidy,
WROXETER---; Howick Lions',
variety concert drew a good at-
tendance on Friday night in Jhe
Wroxeter dommunity hall when
Lion Harold Townsend was master
of ceremonies. He was introduced
byPresident 'Wray Cooper,
Takingiait Were Anne DoUgla$,
piano solo; Ivan Howes, vocal solo;
accompanied by Karen Michel;
Roland and Ronald' Bennett of
Gorrie, violin duet; Connie and
Ricky Clarke, duets, accompanied
by A. Douglas; Russell Sewers and
daughter Faye of Clifford, vocal
duet with guitar accompaniment by,
Mr. 'Sewers'.
Dale Sewers, ,sole, accompanied
by R. Sewers' on guitar; Lavonne'
Ballagh, Teeswater, vocal solos, ac-
companied by Mrs. V.' Ballagh;
,Andy and Art Gibson', instrumental,
piano and mouth organ; Daisy, and
Bill Gibson, accordlob duet; Allen
Griffith and George Lambert, in-
strumental, piano and violin; Jim
Sharpin, accordion solo.
A "One of a Kind" contest was
held with Lion Ken Edgar as quiz
master. The panel consisted of
Mrs. J H; Wylie, Mrs. Ruth Mac-
Donald, Harvey Tinily , and Les
Douglas. 'Lion Den McLaughlin
read the commercials.
Many Friends Attend
Miss. Paton's Funeral
Miss Edna Pearl Paton passM
away in Wingham Hospital on
Thursday, where she had been a
patient "for several weeks,
'Site was heroin Wawanosh and
moved with her parents, William
and Jessie FatOn, when a young
girl, She attended publiq school
here. The family later moved to
Toronto where she completed her
education and became a practical
nurse, Her parents died a few
years ago and were brought to
Wingham for burial.
Miss Paton has been in ailing
health for the past couple of years
and only last fall she and her ,sis-
ter, Miss Irene Paton, who taught
high school in Toronto, moved Co
'Wingham and took up residence oil
Minnie Street.
A kind and friendly person, Miss
Paton made many and lasting
friends who, with her sister, mourn
her death, She was a Maribor of
Wingham United Church. '
Attending the funeral on Satur-
day from the S; J, Walker funeral
home were friends from Atwood,
Liatowel, Mitchell, Goderich, To-
bermory, Toronto, London, Otter-
Ville, Cranbrook, Miingham and the
surrounding district. ,Ref' T, G.
HtiSser Was assisted by Dr, Alex-
ander kimono of St, Andrew's
Presbyterian Church.
Pallbearers were Russell Walker
of Goderieh, Norman Coultes, E.
Wtmanosh, jaCk MeGbe, Myth,
George Pocock of Lambeth and
Stan MeLachlin and F, Anderson,
both of Toronto.
The capital city of the Aztec
Indians is' buried beneath the pre*
Sent capital Of Me lee, According
to The World Book Encyclopedia,
the Aztecs built their city, oohed
"Tenochtitlan, on islands which they
enitirgbd by filling l;uge reed rant%
Party Enjoyed by
Four W.A. Groups
GORRIE—The Woman's Assoc-
iation held,its annual granp party
in the Sunday School room of the
United Church when the fotir W,A.
groups attended. Mrs. Clifford
Pyke, president, conducted the
The new choir gowns purhcase'd
by the W.A, were worn on Easter
Sunday for the first time, Each
group conducted a contest. .Aboilt
30 ladies attended. Lunch was
served and a social time enjoyed,
Regular, medical check-ups and
lung X,rays are important (In the
control of cancer, Detection of can-
cer in its, early stages improves
Chances of successful treatment.
Get an OTC Truss,,r'"
Rexall Haig Store
MeRIIIBONS :• .▪ 11;111. •'
• —
Applications in Writing will be accepted by the
undersigned until Saturday„April 18, 1959.
State age, education, qualifications and refer-
ences; 5-day week; good .working conditions;
starting salary, $1,600.00 per annum; interviews
can be arranged,.
For further details, cantact:
JOHN G. BERRY,, Sec.-Treas.
Huron County Home Committee
Court House, Goderich, Ont.
The spirited and eager Volkswagen
Changed the world's concept of emit:slily,
• road performance and stamina.
This h the car that won top acclaim
from North .American engineers)
the coveted Sperry Award,
"for advancing the art of transportation.*
Ask any Volkswagen owner.
He wilt enthusiastically tell row
whymore and more
people who know ere turtling fo Volkswagen.
, People who know are turning to Volkswagen