HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-04-08, Page 2-ONW,� orwo Tf 1,k� W1 lorb.4y" WoOnes0or, April *hf 1"m LETS f 7, HE FACTS _ACE before returning home. Filreviou- It lsqvite reni-axkable how utter- Canada was a completely P',nglish- ly foolish respomible people can be- speaking nation and if Ibey colue whell matters of rzaci'Tl back- would Isay what they xnean the issille ground are unoer disciission. 011e� would be inueb more clearly under- stood, They -are entitled to their of" the Clearest examples NYC have own opinions in this regard and we seen took place last week at the have neither the space 1� In r the inter - annual cativen-tion of t.he" Olita est, to discuss a problem, wbi(lb i,% AssoclAtion. -of Trustees an sme two, hundred vears beyond it. payers. teration , in any case, The question of whether or not Truth, of the marteris that many', Ontario public schools, should, teac h many Can' - w, ork- a adi4wq could use Q Vreach was raised. Talmediately ing knowledge of -rrench I o* great h q an outot t -ere wa, - -y froni the dved,- schools advailtage. and I, in, ottaw-a im-the-woolanti-Qiiebec eleiiient. In, and Montreal are proving e,V.lI,V1 the, colIrse of tile ensuing discussion -nonth of the vear tfiat a s�coi �1 i I several prowhient" (teleP_ates, ever n., all tanguage, can be, t, tit 1 n the of2l Wv, e n t s r as, to denlandproo. f 'that . i grades st, oni wit littl(, Q Pli� Canada, is a bi-lingual cotuitry. difficulty. Youngebildren can !,,earn 41 How ridiculons can -e become? a qti a new laa uage almost by in. .1im x'every on Whether ornot on I e ap�reesthat Can,- After'all, 0i'le of lis bact to the L I �Ikngjj� learn we ada s�hould be a nation of two lan,.- wer� pretty efficient at it before we ga4geg,. it is ehildi,�h nonsense to: ever started to school, assert that the second language is r6ading Was theft given iby Mrs, ofvo imporfanc e in this land,, If We It has been suggested tbat there are not billingual, why then,"s, it so are, oth.er l4riguages which are also. difficult for a person who speaks, impoytant, such as Spanish and. pei*-- English only to secure ernplmrrnent ' I haps even Russian, Very true. And -st, in a1mo all offices right in, Oitav�ra, the cap' ita]. of the nation? It Is, quite' possible -that children ltdi'd with '04 W&O WOlf'Ond Via' could'be taught Spanish and,.French In'this, kge of quick changes and without too much expenditure of far-fli1xig biisiness, c Auections. no P timF- young person knows how-som 1-te M;, aeorge Harper read the atudy will fibd hjrMself pos�ted to a, Vrench-. s a fj e *10 If ever there wa id o speal�i4g city, -sltch as. Montreal, -%Nihich will, spelt the doorn- of JbQ RigAt here iii NVingham. we know i-lish-speaki people it is flit, Rn' ng of at Igast three inanufacturing con- -n a bigoted outlook which condeims cern� Whic�h must purcha'se with ex - language or an idea of aliv kind, - pensive frequency, Yr"ch trans - latioris of their advertising literature merely becatv�e it is associafed with and vice lists. Linotype' operators* p those We donot like. right here at The A�lvance-Tirnes I are required to set forms in Vrench mofiy t�inies a year. And then a gToup of.'bead-in-the- sand conven tion delegates effecti-�e­ DISCRIMINATION. Wconvince their fellows that this is UNDER LAW not a bi-lingual country.. Whatthey mean� of c6urse, is that they -wish W. T. Cruicksbank left -with tis the other day an. e'ditorial'clippe(IL, from flie Daytona Beach V,'Nrening 'up' News'whIA pointed the' gross misuse of United States law.to pre- AID: FOR DRIVER. vent negrosinAlabama from getting COURSES an opoortunity to vote. Apparent.1v k every 'trick in and out- of the Deg�ite the fact that safe -driving lative bookbas been used to see that colirse.t for high school studeifts have met with no interest here, their every possible. black person i.,c� pre-. value con.finues to be proveli in vented, from exercisinz his franch i se. every school where they.,have been The white man anust.prevail, by fair carried" ont. Accid ent figures show ni . eans or foUl. L that yo-fing preople who �iave taken a safe driving course are only -56:per jp the saiiie line of thoughtive cent as prone, to'accidents as tbo�e fisfened with intense intei I -est last ivbo have not received the training,. 'Wedne�qday evening to the television Since,a. ­�ery high- proportion of I prbgram. "Close Up", ivhen - foi an all acciderI6 oh the road invol.v'e houj7.jnbei�viewers talked with lead - young people,.'the 'reduction' througji ers, of the African, nationalist move - 'List, of the courses is highly signifi- ' , 4 raend in. various parts of the "dark" cant. It is even reasonable to pre- suine.that insurance rates for -train- continenf. The subject of unrest in ed drivers in the youth division will Africa -,vas examined in detail, and be reduced as a result of the great it left one with the f eeling that white improvement which is being made. stupidity has led to the build-ap of The provincial- goyernment has an explosive situation which could recognized, in. a very practical way, engulf the civilized world. the great value ot drr�lver training in. our scliools, for the ministry of, The white' race,-; have pushed trans ort hag announced that the aid P Chinese around for two oor three for such courses. is.to be increased. hund-red yew -s. N6w the hordes of, �Speakers and teaching aids,. inchid- China are welding themselves into a ing books and other material are be.- giant which, may some day s low itig made available to the schools its v"hole, where the extra -curricular safe driv- ing course is taught. th� statements are not meant as "The,,vhole picture will be e�xam� an accusation, for actions that in ined this year," promised fh. -e min- retrospect look like rank explolta- ister "to develop a method of finan- tion, were not understood in the. If N - � A; E .51 Ontario. rices 11110 it, to oft 40snsi Countryside. Uok at 111 they would Seek, makes A'a 1 '0 A., 214 ONE MOMENT, PA:r`,kA$E*. .$pec a P 110111 mj the dol,of friend of publican and sift grg, Man a A u ii �irjd ochoe wl b. r WS. ather flock together, lines, lory, to, 'ATA.n. in the btghr birds Of a'f(,. IT The pl�turc of Jesus or W4,zakreth a elaster *,.of - a a eat, too Man Ig the E FFEC.. I VE APRIL $tb w 14tb 11. most of us., have in Qqr while behold a gjuttonou� man nd �win , gs," But Ace e. Ill bber. We stjll have today thin n1nds "(is 'Ieoli 'built-up by all"t �h(ilao who continue to peddle the of Jesus, yet looking His, spir- pting th% tea.ch of inipressiona-4be pool-, art of same thou $halt not, roljg�pll of tile It, Such folk find themselves fall- "S SAVO 19c a Ing back op, a. code of, ponduct loco Z HALO SHAMPOO .......... children's books, ataln0d glass win- Pb.4.pjsee And who would re dows, phrases from creed, or cato� c4, the ob Sallie locip"clusion If Jesus, enter!lIg -tile p1wris then finding tile path k isol, sontiment4j, hymns, and Our e�elr t h e I r f 'e own jjn),,oIkvbjo Imailhations ).L"et fully j"to the lives Of ordillary too thorny .0, experlence 1Qjjsp,'4ij1 vVithout ljpsp� Rog"lar $1,03 for only k, were to tread o1jr streets to- the pangs of fa, and frilf40'a- If we Wish to see, Jesus, W4, He fol is, wo shotild begin by standing day, BUFFERIN ............. 98.1, Z Goe with �the people Who fIrst SAW 10s"n, Another saw kTesus, saw, �jm Ar- Another saw! Joall-5, one, Who hold observett Will and Ilatelied to His rested and brought to the judg, looked for ."00 ))Ad. foretold WoMs. We piluit see jj . iiii . tbrdtigb meni; sent; Pilate qUestione MILK,,. of -MAGNESIA 29c) 49L r� i 4 Him Ris comIng; John the I'Daptlat Saw their Qye�� and cou)d find no fault JT Im, -'el)ol( n 0 �Q j qua and erjecl, 'If, .1 the Lom)) How his. orhiging Spirit must liavo of 0404, 1114t j,11keth ilNv�jy 1110 .9 1 In' FIrst, there w6re the. Pbarlsees, envied thatseron WNDS Honey & Almond. C -A o and regal bear- Olt tile wofid.' jH(Ire, a, f tile sleeply rellgloo's moil 0 last Is tile or i'cl f their Ing ill the face of mockery, lirli- pjcilrl,e 6f the. ty! 4y, They had their Own set ways u 0, Insight, the 4� 11, Pilate saw be- -jiripel t and, tlie� disliked iuterf#,renco, Past ta'llty and pal 'ciff-leck of ;Q1171,91; lyriefly ty 100 ft roll, cWtor-teho box Jusidar'. C� i, ilound III their . traditional their fore him tile' Ideal iiian, and; lie j)ut clearly stated; that go lilt tak es brought ff 2 forL.55C ritual obae Jm forth saying, away 0) r sin atij reconalles lnen WAX PAPER rvanee-9, theIr fasts. and 'hold purifivatio,ps, ft was disturbing, to. Man". %with Goa� This is the explallation bave, one come am them wh Many )lave found In the bla of One W110"WAo seen as the rleiid' 10's and 100'.9 40golaor 390, 8.40 1 ong the o me, I public spoke of them, less life and in the teaching, of ans and aluners, tile oile MILK of MAGNESIA TABLETS 59c, AS hypocrites An& 29c �tqilted sopulebres, "What did this Jesiis a way of living wh1q)) se.enis wio was perfect man, jesus,-the Mv 0--p I.. 'IT" I atjon,- fstit jilce 111 1 ur C, .r-'W'uaip00 f,--itt r1od-Wir—n-a Mw Sol I.D.A. 1%, psiGloss'l :1, Ilia kill u1bout rellglwl? He dIdL not even late they see only the ni%n, and no� outlook Which Malces religion sejf� FLOOR WAX ............... 45C 2 for -89c ob,ierve the 0indamenta) laws of God, They will .)lave nothing to worship, aria gives Ple 'power to, the Sabbath, incl how coulif. any�' do With si , iperstItIous dogma, but 'follow tile, perfeet mail for 6%, One be pure and holy who was oon� Will f011QW where Jesus the Ideal Whom 'Pt L YSOL 79c thitfal)y consorting with Clio worst Man leftcls - Tbe fact th'at Jesus Is -late 84W, This 7IS t -'0'110� Vision characters. Imaginable, the pellnl-� cla&,ed as''thp one loan who -lived I of Xesus Seen �Vlth' the eyes of 5 L less� disease-ridd, en beaars of the 'lie perfect 'Iffo and attained � lint I faith. w . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . bill . . . . NCE'SAW1 DRUGGIvr :A) eminiscling VA AReminiscingA Sugap and Spice 1-9- 10 3D k D gAppy-11u4plVilT 7AXI-R-cVLON AAW 5 By,_Bill Smiley V_-r_-R11VAA?Y d141PP1_1,rT A A VIFTY YEARS AGO We all know what a young'manrs visits of the Cox] t] fancy lightly tur * * ris to in III, During the yeai.- 1008 there weie c- spring� registered, with Town Clerk. Fer- But when you get right down to it, Ag)[iast, he does*tbe only sensible .................... guson .50 births, 32, marrtages, and young men are vastly uninterest- thing 'dn�the circumstances. He 87'doatbs. ilig, except to themselves, recruit- sits down with pencil and paper Ing officers, and, young women, , and lays out a progranime of 'aiht- On Friday evening of this Week Ing, cleaning up and gclibriS im_ Y fin oratorical conteat will lie held in'. provements. He teads it triumph- You can borrow witb conft- the auditorium of tbe� high school, Thdy Inek bte appeal of a Y0111119n antly to his wife. Xe�s so eager, donee from, IN C. F or 14FC I ado) a 0 t Tbe- judges will be R MON Vanstone, Rtl1r, 010 sensitivity 01, al e t get.4 it that She's reall I �y ]In- specializes iii making same - Dudley Holm.ps and Jdjepb Stalker. eOlit, 'the SOPMAticlLtiOn of "'nat pressed. She's proud of him, A 4 . ay loans to all kindo of . Mr, D6re and his staff of work- Ity afid tile dignity and wisdoni of new leaf.., F irst job - he'll tackle -men art, Inlay these days In antici- old age. In,-. In, . et, aside from a �her­ is, the front lawn. Then the cellar, people for purfloses they tWnk pation of an active trade in car- tain bullock energy and a strong SERVICE -;6Ahwhile. And loans are.; 4 riagekf, buggies, etc., this . spring dash of animal spirits MIA mdde withoutbankable secur-w" 1 0 theY Half an hour later, she, discoverR and summer. They have already 0 Wave little to recommend thoin. Ple. Jl0w leaf is just th I o offier side ity or endorsers. Yo qjw�ys,� large� stock of buggies on band.. The M JIM u' of the same ono he hirneill- over last, get, prompt, friendl)r service. Wilighain carriage wocks has s; ve- Year about, thiq time. she catelles, N putation In the West and only IIiqt So we shall ignore the foicy of YOU UO", - n' at AFCwhether you ung men this spring, Especially him cleaning ill) the front in' 11 little mooisy or a lot. YOUVII.'�"; week Lwo buggies were shipped to Y1 chipping grapefruit skills into tal, Vancouver. 4ince it is lightly turned to the 0,41_trtle c k crate-rs wit,, b,s No. 9 like our convenient offico. After a few months as -publisher Same sort of thoughts during the iron. They have words. She. dons, hourso too. of the Wroxeter Planet Mr. Noble other three seasons; too. Let us 'her rubber boots and aasaults the TRU-tTA0 Is selling his business. to Mr. Chia- examine' the springtime fan8 V of lwvi�n, banishing him to the cellar holm of Arthur. I .�ome of the_�more Interesting -age with U . ireats, Household Finance, of.course! The comynoidious and elegant roups. 0 home of Mr. and Mrs, HarryDia- e t and most recommended When he doesn't show up. for Canadals.larg s mond was thrown open on Tuesday ever Ing of this week to the friends �Sola fancy of very sniall males, supper, she figures lie's . really consumer finance compaq. andoneighlbours of Mr. and Mrs in the spring, seems to be, injud. buckled� down to it, and goes down the stairs, feeling warm and L. H. Bosnian who met to bid them Stud has for them the same fascin- forgiv- farewell on thci� eve of their depar-. there he. is, perched on the rem- OUSEHOLD F A C E ITI,,v ing, to ca'fl him tb the table. And.- stion it has for small pigs. ture for Cochrane; New Ontario.' like to walk in it, kneel in it� lie nants of tho'coal-pile, with his Dr. 8. -1-1. Hamilton of Belgravic down'in it, eat 14 pualt small girls 'Cishini-rod, practicing fly -casting 0, has been ill during the past week. ;down in it, and bring a-, much Qf il into the7 large pool between. the Dr. Xennedy of Wiligharn has been ;4� pos�iblle home with theni. Sinall vegetable bin and the stoker, And," lool M. R. Jenkins, Manager ,cing after some of his patients exactly tile same,,and flijS Lthat?s Elie lcin& of thing, a mature Mr. Thomas Hessian is moving- mdnVfancy turns to am# I -he only time in their lives j;hc, his f fly to Clinton where the3, III, - a 'complete aerwrit lio' GOIDERICH, will take up residen.c' se en , , e. anything. What about the oldester, the cod - Mr George Wakeman left for the West,on Tuesday morning. zer? Vilbat kind of a fancy does Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Wyles, and Slightly older boys have a fancy lie, have, come Spring? After ...... ...... I ........ ...... 6 ...... family left last week for Wood. In tile springi for anything that lo flicing with death through a -long. ',Jangerous, irritating 'cruell winter, when tile names of .4tock._ where they intend to live, foolish or Iddehicla, - were alipearinq� 'With 0 -'0 - 0 ,Q4. the first day the - temperature nollot vions regulai-ity in file obit- . , I k' 1. ;a above 40 they"want to go'hat- liary column, I imagine he's, pr6tty� A FORTY YEARS AGO d' Centre St. eSs n burefoot. They build rafts ,jjeaqed. with billigelf. 11, fact. I Pte, Joseph Tbompson,of Wawa-, list sink. They aig eaves in the Ichow lie is. I tgliceIl to one tile REV. W. W. LODER, Pastor nosh arrived.horne from oversea,� ',Ides of crumbling sandpits. They Olier day. as lie suniled hilliself in,. on Tuesday. Pte. Howard Wylie iross swollen streams on stippery front of thk� post office.. 7 son of James Wylie, 6th of Turn. logs. T31,ey walk railroad tracks. Wed. -8.00 pm-i.—Youth Fellowship Meetill� h?rr,v, arrived home Irriday, Among. They fall in bogs. Or, they, come He told md. "Didn't think- Td Fri. -8.00 p,m.—Prayer Meeting. the boys who are expected horlit ionic redolent Of looks, nalce it, back there in Januavy. this week are Lieut. Hal MacLear Tlat on my back and. gettin',woak- Pte Will Hainscliffe, L./Cpl, J. C r evety fty. The old lady pract-' SUn4ay Service The mature., or married, man i�, 'I . I , Z Holmes.and Pte. Rintoul, son ol �cally had the insurance collected 1_3 for I.tunne-d bv spring. A few, weelu. active. 10.00 a.m.—Sunday School Classe' Mr. and Mrs. Harry.Rintoul. was quite attr ioid off to Florjda.� But," with an s At a meeting of the directors Ol 'tWjjt�j'l ht'hsahtommee hito ,wil chuckle,, "she got fooled. e w siio*v cover� F , all ages. the Acre Cushion Inner Tire and everythinw. Suddenly, it's no, '7a"ght the cold aild I buried ler Rubber Co,, Ltd,, of Ontario, It wdi jilling 1,ut t., big, -lat ey Rave a snort e."ro.. pfkinj 'be end of February. .11.00 a. in. Morning Wo�fhip definitely decided: to locate h g, a 4, jangliRIg now -whenever I feel like it. S y, ,jilig, oavestrougliq Wingharn. Orders for tires and In. cellar windows broken and a -potate ioh,. when do them tourists stsutt. 7.30 p.m.-1,',vangqlistic �4 I! quirles in regard to them and tht lack Stuffed in it.. Front Inwr �o arrive. I'm godig to spend the company pour in with every mail ?Iitter�d with.: tricycle, grapefruit vbole summer watchin' them girls VISITORS WELCOME so th4l; as -Soon. as the necessar3 k-l"dil, dropped in Februar .y while In their.shortg. Fi- re it 46n't do capieal li�s been sabscribed anc quttlng out garbage: four empt7,, 'hem anvillarril'and shou](1.4a vie the plant installed the company wil ,vine, bottlpq collf-riblited I)v passer. i lot of good." have enough busitIess on hand t( keep the factory running steadily ,Sgt. George Schaefer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Adam.Schaefer, returned to Wingliam on MohAay evening He underwent an serious Operation o)y:.M6 rake nild -L, Dilo of inouldy . from November; and thr oejtvl�ks ivhole-,' thift, torn into treftheF ,wort]0, of Oandeis Fle Ids -fly tile WMS Meets at Home of Mrs. Hairpe'r tempted, conscldntiotvsl�, -to carry before returning home. Filreviou- 'ipept - the week -end with her par-' BVIJVURE�—Tlie Woman's -MI.- to enlistment he Wag S. clerk ir �jlts. Mr. and mrs. Alex, Coutts.' Porl ilonary Society of BoTmore Tinited T-IaniWs store. The outer portion of the fall fah � � Miss. Elizabeth John.c4 of 1:o1botne, spent tho holirjays wid- , hurch hold its meeting on March 'Har- grounds has �been rented to Mr her mother, Mrs, W.. A. Johns. - il� at the. home of Mrq-john oer with 14 ladies and two child - ThomasVield for.pa.4ture. The racc track will be put, in first clask Miss Barbara Holmes. -of God. '­�rich i.q ivjsitjhg with her i1n6le "en present. 14.rs. -Roland Ballagh shape as soon as posgible and 'wil �Ntj- 0, MacLean. vao leader and opened the meeting b��, singing a hynni aiul priLyor, be open to all. horses: for training pUrpoaesfroe of,cliarge. Wlng�.alr, i Mijs Elsie Blackball, of PNeter i.ta snondirig a vacation at herhom( The Bible was read responsively' boasts Lhe bost,lialf -mile tracli )jI Diagonal -Road, ind Miss Lavonne, Ballagli sang an 11,14ster soloi "Calvary". In Western Ontario, Mr. John Stratton Is moving hit Miss Letitia, Fog, Whiteclitirob :a visiting f r a few ftyg with. -Mis. 0 Mrs. Fred 3ohann gave a read - .hollso'hold effects to Halyllitoll this 0 , Sarah MacLean. ng, telling about a� Tiltraffilan we- man who had. spent many yeart; 4n week., Mr, John Casemore" and fwnlly I MISS Louiae Hanna, Of Toronto qpeni the holiday with her rii9ther 1 refugee camp In Germany. It was written on het 00th birthday, are leaving this Week for Broad- �jew, Sask., where they will in fua Nfrs, Geotgo Hanna. 6% 0- 0 Mrs. Joe Simmons read the �haptez Lure reside, . tronit the study book on Hawaii, Mr. Oeorge T. Roberbon has dis- VjMFN YEARS At,'O Mrs. Poy Riither4ord gave the .1 11 It 4. 1 4.1 Uollo%red by the Lor4d's ptilyer. A Ternporanhe story and roll call I i pose 0 1 1; -V -aulv arm 011 It �Re-, W A. Beectoft of Wingharn Was an Easter thought, 1,10 support find nrenare a complete �e_ program. Thevalue of driver edo.'_ garne lig1jr- by our igrand thers. Many of-, tht early colonizers at- tatioti bas been p. roved. tempted, conscldntiotvsl�, -to carry At the present time the drive'r out 8eriou.q responsibilities in the traffilil am in Ilse in 141rhigan lands they developed., is tinder study, and it is likely thgt past sil wonths, has purchased Mrs. W allace I -Tough's re.%taraunt. its more valuable aspects will be 'n- But we have passed the ttvniiju, 1corplorated info, the Ontario plan. point where nationalism is cone tril- ..... . . .... a a lrd. Thetact"csti.qedii�Alabam, mid The Wingham Advance,17 Meg outh A rica. are not only 400med in S 'r Published at WhighA*, 6ittarld themselves, I xit may jeppardi'%e the W#nto�jtlgtothermi Publishers safay of tile enflike *Tlite race. Ser ­ 'W". J§ar*Y We�Wor, Editor iotis stvidy of the p'obletns wfilch MOMW Audit MrOdt, of Olkedlation iacp ottier races, must be I ill (fe rt'alcei-1- Xtichoff-zod tis 4geoitil dims %tail, PoSi wfo& btli't man ev;n- brwader scale thall 'that itate — Ono YeAt $10, ft,96tittit employ4d at present—and unle�ss tfie, U 9, A. 40o pti y#*t White ra i can colne u witli solne vom#h. jilito uoopot� ye*t pretty senAlble answersthe futtire is AilvettlAing A&tos orii ikoo"000*, 1iftdeM black, lith of 'tuast.wawallosh To nit , .4 ther, Mr. Adam Robertson. hag agaj� been named eliairmar After the 1bualliess wao 0onclud- 'Easter Mr. Paul it. VanNess, Who hat of tile county tot the Sixth, Viptory ed the Thankofforink was been -cin The AcIvahce staff for, tht rqijn, which starts this month, Mr, 1, It, 'Mitchell underwent taken, 1�mh was sung and Mrs. k. Ballagh closed the rneeting with past sil wonths, has purchased Mrs. W allace I -Tough's re.%taraunt. dn operatfon -for the removal of hlki� �&­ Witigham, General in Prayer, ;Iopohdix gaturday. "VENTY-TIVE VADAILS A60 spltal on Mr. Clare.Adams i)�Iio Is clulte WXS. Meeting Is ill is at present at 16 home of Ills The, Wallace'farbit on the first 6ibtfiar and Sister, Held at Mclntogh line of artsy was sold by T, Fellt �LAC, -Chester and Mrs, Stewart to RichArd Jaddin Of Grey T(jwll- ship. ;�:f Yrehtft ate Spending a week with Dr, and Mrs, A, L, Stewart. Mrs. Gordon Wright was hostess V,I- " Bmtkonbury, principal Sgt. Jack Day of.L."i"lle glien( to It0hitogh W.M.S, meeting held March 90th With 12 members 'pre- bf the high school, is, attending tht Am Week -end with his parents sent, Mr.4. 0. Taylot' wag leader, annual convention -of the Ontario Mr. and Mr.4. 'Oeorge Day, �Mq Meeting Opened With call to 1,1ducational Assoelatlon� In Torontic this wpok, berry. ve, W. 3. Bacon I of Toronto, wotsi4_ and, hymn 610 was sung. PtaYet Of k0ptolich, And'Scriptuto 016atiog Spring coats for w6meti 10tht the WO011 with Mr. and rdading wAsi takeh by the leaders, and missoq'of tile abott figurok4 qrS. 9, ftaoon. Uollo%red by the Lor4d's ptilyer. A Tweeds. and. -dress obatt, 46.00 Urk 011le'ThdMP-90h bf L'StOW01 r6ading Was theft given iby Mrs, Xhig Broa. vas x Weolt�ond vialtok, With 114r John; White., A very enjoyable (,jillot Mrs. W. Inglisim, und ftnilly art laughteirl, Nrfs..,A� 8, Ilothttiligton Was rendefed �by Jahett and v6d. moving (IIII, Week to Chatham U Mr. and Uts, Irf6d RU-01'Of WeA& hey Wright, li� with Mr. Ingbam, whollasboel ltdi'd with '04 W&O WOlf'Ond Via' 'The roll call, "101vont foltdWitie thero tot some fifflo, and Mrs, 3. 9, Mitchell, Miss gas ,t�vol wag #611 responded to'.,; Rev. U R Cuttle hAq td,601VO-4 Margaret Mitchell IS, 1poll(Ift a M;, aeorge Harper read the atudy a �CATI Ito W�Ijfhgton strett ttfilfew few doyg at hor home bete' W19 hot book. ''Ofte Vdtae- ofillyfith 600 was Chutefl, I:Ahdc)n. '(Athgr otidbkw6yii an: opiritioil, ion Sung, and Mrs. ft�lbf 'alaotd' tho" NIM Xoffflu, Nutts; -6f Aubum, stittltdty. meeting wlij. prayert