HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-04-01, Page 11WINGHAM
6.4 WIN ME
, The Len Crawford Dodgers car,
ried off the W.O.A.A. intermediate
bemebrew title for their group
when they downed the Wiarton
Redmen tb give the local a 4-2
edge in the best of seven series in.
Wiarton on Friday night, .
ray Anored—twrice- "Mr-
Wingham while the other four
tallies, were ;handled by Murray
Stainton, Jim 13ain, Barry Fry-
Logic and Ren Hodgkinson.. Reg.,
gruegei came up with two market;
for Wiarton, while With. David?
son and ,tile Wright fired in.' the
On a Pass from' Gerd Cersam-
Dong Murray put ,Iffinghath. on ,
the score'' board tor a mnezgoal
edge at the end of the first per-
A second period goal at 12,58 by
Doug Murray, assisted by Barry
Vryfogle, gave Wingham - a two-
goal margin. Wiarton's ' firsta of
ilie•night came when Krueger pick-1
ed crp Wright's pass, • •
Penalties in thewsecond period
went' to Primmer, tripping; i Doug;
Wallace, slashing: Five rninuto'
majors went to Lott and•Hodgkin-,
son for fighting, while .Ray of
Wiarton received two five minute
majors and a ten minute miscon-
Murray Stainton scored unassist-
ed early in the third but Wiarton
came back with two goals to tie
the game 'at 3-3, Krueger, aided
by Davidson, chalked up the first,
while Davidson came lback alone
for Wiarton's second goal, Wing-
ham's -next two goals came . from
Bain and Fryfogle, assisted' by
Murray and Lott. Wright scored
the last goal for Wiarton on a lone
break-through. Ken Hodgkinson
flipped in the final goal alone on
an open net when the Redmen pull-
ed their, goalie in a last-minute at-
tempt to.tie the game,
' the call to worship, Mrs, Dawson
Craig read the Scripture lesson
from. Genesis, chapters
Mrs, john McGee told, the story of
.Rachel and Leah and their mar-
riage, and Mrs, Cotilter led in the
Glad Tiding prayer,
The group was invited to attend
an Easter Thankoffering,ineeting
With the Teeswater W.M,S,. grotty
On Tuesday and plans were made.
to have Miss Dorothy Douglas ,here
as Thankoffering speaker,
A discussion 'period 'on a forum
was - then carried thrangh• With.
Mrs; Conn as Commentator, the
subject, "How can we get Chinese
immigrants to take part in our
church meetings?" • Mrs, Earl ;Gas-
lick acted as the Chinese repre-
sentative, and Mrs. Russell. Ross
the church representative, Dr,
Marshall was appointed to 'attend
the Synodical meetings 'to be held
in Goderich on April 13, 14 and 15,
Mrs.' Marshall will attend for one
day only, Mrs. Walter Lott gave
an interesting reading on mission
work anti Mrs. Conn read a poem.
The meeting was closed with the
Mizpah benediction. The hostess
served a dainty lunch,
Ladies' Wednesday League
March 25th '
High single, Nellie Gannett, 262;
high triple, Gail Colvin,' 565.,
Magpies, 561/2 ; Robins,,. 45%;
Oriole; 46; Canaries, 39; Wrens,
4:L; Bluebirds, 37.
March 25th
High single, Irene Perrott, 279;
hight triple, Dolores Peachy, 587.
Magpies, 5714.; Robins, 4814.; Orioles,
47; Wrens, 44; Canaries, 42; Blue-
birds, 38.
Applications in writing will be accepted by the
undersigned until Salurday, April 18, 1959.
State age, education, qualifications and, refer-
ences; 5-day week; good working conditions;
starting salary, $1,60000 per annum; interviews
can be arranged.
For further details, cantact:
JOHN G. BERRY, Sec.-Treas.
Huron County Home Committee
Court House, Goderich, Ont.
Mr. Paul GroskOrth and Mr. Ro-
bert Houston of Kitchener spent
the week-end with the latter's par-
ents, Mr, and Mrs: R. Hotiston, of
Mr. 'Sydney Payne and grandson.
Michael Cullen, of Toronto, arc
spending a few days with Tiffin
friends in Kinloss:
Mr. and Mrs.• Frank Stockill of
Blind River are spending this week
with hey parents, Mr. and Mrs,
Thomas. Morrison and Mrs. Don
DennisOn and baby' Timmy of
North Bay accompanied them and
will spend the week at the home of
Mr. Herbert Laidlaw and Ivan,
Miss Jacqueline Kerr of Bluevale
is also visiting with her grand-
father, Mr. Laidlaw.'
Mrs. Annie MeQuillin, who has
spent the winter months at Ripley,
returned to her home here on Sat-
Mrs. Hector Purdon and children
of Sarnia, and Mr. and Mrs, A. B.
Purdon and Mrs. George 'Tiffin of
Lucknovv visited with Mr. and
Mrs. Cecil Falconer on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. ,Relison Falconer and
sons Of Sarnia spent the Week-end
With Mr, and 'Mrs. Falconer.
Miss Marion Biickton, who has
been seriously ill In Victoria Hos-
pital, London, for the past three
Weeks, was brought by arnintlante
to Winghtun Hospital 'on Wldo.
Miss Betty Hamilton of Niagara
Falls 'visited on Saturday With her
grandpaients,1 Mr. anti Mrs, A, B
Miss Gertrude Stewart, of Cooks,.
wine;• i3 'visiting; this week at the
krone of heestitar, Mrs, Harold
Popular Perry Cotno style and spring-fresh eltecks, all wash.
able fabrics, Sizes 8 to 18
$2.49. $2.95
Quality and Saving' to Crow About 41
Men's & Boys* Wear
Hvvoz ilkiletwrxhanlpionsbiro
SATURDAY), APRIL 4th at 8,30 pm,
$3.95 to $4,95
Dressy patent straps or oxfords,'
wnyornsoity, APltLL 14,11 IN THE LERIOX. HOW PHONE 12
The winchum Adva) o-tinefo, wado ay, April J1t, I
Tell Them and Sell Them In The Ativeoce.Timei -
Be,,,Teady when a canvasser calls
TatiAdi4n- .Cakei 'Society
Ol•M•1•0 11.4.40.-4 For The Best
WHITECHURCH,--The regular
monthly ..meeting .of the W:M.S,,of
the Presbyterian Church was held
on Wednesday last at the home of
Mrs, Frank Coulter., Mrs, Johns-
ton Conn was convener for the-
Jim Lockridge on
Winning Team.,
Ina game played at RCAR Sta-
tion Camp Border) last week ih the
Training Conirnand hockey finals,
Camp Borden wOh out over Win-.
nipeg to win the Bryans Cup,
Jim Lockridge, .a former Wing-
ham boy, was a member of the,
team, Each player was given an
a jacket, ehreig JACK KERR
Phone 608 J 22 Wingham
Specializing in
Thank You'
This week the Crawford Dodgers
thank Max :McCarter, jack Walker
and 1311) Irwin who so kindly as-
sisted with transportation to the,
game at Wiarton on Thursday
night, '
Wingham Arena
Saturday, April 4
.• • 8.30 p.m.
of Toronto and her parents, Mr,
and Mrs. W. R. Farrier, who have
been at Lang Branch for the past
few 'weeks, are now visiting with-
Mr, and. Mrs. Clifford Farrier of
and Mrs. Jack Gillespie and
family o't Sarnia spent the week-
end with his parents; .Mr. and Mrs.
0. Gillespie and with her bro-
ther,Mr. Garnet Farrier,
.vas--a +agent
in Wingham Hospital for a few
clap; last week.
Mr: and Mrs. Kenneth Laidlaw
and family of London and his mo- •
tier, Mrs, James. Laidiaw, of God-
crick), visited on ,Sunday with Mr,
and Mrs. Elroy Laidlaw.
Mr, and Mrs. George Walker and
Clarence,. and Mr. and Mrs- Wilfred
Walker and family visited on Sun-
day 'Witli Mr: and Mra. William
Humphrey at 'St. 'Helens.
Mr. 'and Mrs. Sig Foien of To-
ronto, Mr. and aVtra.-'14. 0: Boss of
Walkerton and Mr, and Mrs: Frank
foss of Tuenberry were guests on
Saturday at' the marriage of their
niece, Miss Donna Cox at Oakland.
Mr, .Ainert, viernan tapped two
hundred ,maple trees' in his sugar
bush' last week.
Miss Marjorie- Currie of London
spent the week-end with her
mother, Mrs, R. J. Currie and Mr..
and 'M.A.' George" McGee and fam-
ily, and Mr. and Mrs, Douglas
Simpson. of. Culross, and Mr, and
Mrs, Jack .Currie • 'and family
attended a family rlinner at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. 'Robert Gib-
son .on Sunday;
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth 'Zinn and
family visited :on Sunday with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Irvine ,Zinn
of Woodstock,
Miss' Barbara Irwin "of Toronto
visited on: Saturday at the home
of 11Wbrother: Mr. Wm: T. Irwin.
'" • Birth
IVieCLENAGHAN—In St, "Thomas
Ilespital on Tuesday,' March 24,
1955;- to Mr. and Mrs, *Irwin Me-
Clenaghan, a daughter:- Nancy
01161N4•1•0011.00111•• 1111MOMINk
1958 FORD '
Club Coupe, one.owner car with radio, dean throughout,
Your Car
et.,.the Brick-Calvin 'United Church
held its Easter ,,thanloftering meet-
ing in the church on Thursday last,,
and entertained the Mission Band.
Sikty were present for the even-
ing, Miss'Sanet Beecroft, viee-pre-
Sident of the Mission Band, pre-
sided and gave the call to worship.
Mrs. Gordon McBurney, during
,the 'meditation 'period, spoke on
the theme, "Love and Joy". The
Scriptirre readings from Matt.' 28
were taken' by Wayne Coultes and
Clayton Robinson, Mrs, Roy Pat-
tison led in prayer, '
Mrs. MeRitchle told a very, inter-
esting story, showing how the evil
spirits, feared by peOples in many
lands, can he overcome by the liv-
ing faith Of Christianity. • Ann
Currie read a hymn,'"I've Found a
Friend', 'and' Mrs. George McGee
told a story of children's steward-
ship. , Grant' Coultes and 'Gary
Jamieson took hp the offering
which was dedicated 'by Nancy Mit7
Mrs, Clarence Chamney,' as su-
perintendent of the Mission Band,
explained the obligations of that
group, and presented the star, giv-
en by ,the Presbyterial, to
the Bands that quality and Miss
Janet Beecroft placed, the star on
their second certificate.
Mrs. Norman CoulteS„ W.M.S.
president, was in charge of the
business period. Doreen Smyth
sang "Were You There When They
Crucified My Lord?" All enjoybd
the film, "Rudi Comes to Canada"
as seen by the answers of the
children during the discussion per-
iod, led by' Mrs, ,Gordon McBur-
ney. •
Janet Beecroft closed the meet-
ing with prayer' and the benedic-
tion and the ladies served tea,
sandwiches and cookies,
1956 BUICK
Two-door hard top, two-tone, A-1. condition, r.
. 4-door sedan, a. one owner car and is in tip-top shape
and is clean as a whistle inside And out.
1955 DODGE
"Burns Up"
Wheel Alignment
4 Tithe's FASTER
than Spark Plugs!
Think •of the ' beatin
your wheels take! . No
wonder wheel alignment
"burns, up" 4 times .faster
than spark plugs. A low
cost, scientific wheel check
with ,BEAR equipment
every 5,000 miles saves
your car t. may save your
life: Look for the shop
with BEAR Service at the'
•"14a1)PY :War"' ,Sign :'
Four-door Sedan With custom radio,
Suburban with radio.
Mrs, Irene Paterson of Toronto
spent the week-end with her mo-
ther, Mrs, William Taylor.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Caslick cele-
brated the 43rd anniversary of their
.marriage on Sunday, and attended,
a family dinner at the home of
their daughter, Mrs. Russell Ross.
Mr, and Mrs. Elliott Carruthers
and family of Holyrood visited on
'Sunday at the home of his, sister,
Mrs. George Fisher,
Miss Marilyn McQuillin of Ham-
ilton spent the week-end at the
home of her aunt, Mrs, William
Purdon at St. Helens. -
Mr. and Mrs. Hank Kruger of
Detroit spent the week-end at the
home of her brother, Mr. John
Gillies, and with Lucknow • rela-
Mr. and Mrs. George Fisher and
family attended a farewell party
held at Holyrood on Tuesday eve-
ning in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Ir-
win Carruthers who have sold
their farm and are moving to
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Elliott and
children and Mr. and Mrs, Ronald
Perrott of Goderich visited on
Sunday at the home of their fath-
er, Mr. William Forster of East
Mrs. David Kennedy has been
confined to bed over the week-end
and Mrs. Harry Tichhourne of
Goderich has been. here with her
Mr. Dawson Craig has been laid
up during the past week with an
attack of pneumonia and Alex has
also been very ill with flu.
Mr, and Mrs. Ben McClenaghan
and Mr. and Mrs. Carl McClenagh-
an visited on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs, William Parker at Exeter.
Mr, and Mrs. Clarence McClen-
aghan and children of Rothsay vis-
ited on Sunday at the home of their
uncle, Mr, Harry McClenaghan in
Rev, J. Robert Watt of Trinity
United Church, Toronto, is the,
guest minister, speaking on "Plain
Talk" over C13L, Toronto, each
morning this week at 7.40. Rev,
and Mrs, Watt and family visited
on Monday with his parents, ReV,
and Mrs. W. J. Watt,
Mr, and :Mrs, John Burchill and
Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Bryce and
children of Culross spent Sunday
at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Cur-
rie Burchill of London.
Mr. Parrish Moffatt of Lang-
side was a patient in 'Wingham
Hospital last week, following a
heart attack.
Miss Dorothy arid Miss Mary,,
Rose of Toronto and Miss Mari-,
anne Parsons of Tomato apeat the'
week-end with the former's par-
ents, Mr, and Mrs, Frank Rosa of
Mr. and Mrs, Carman Farrier and
children, of tong Branch ac
this Week with Mr. and Il/fra.
Glattet Farrier and with 'MOH'S
relatives, Miss Wihnifred Farrier
Cornett?, and see these used. cars oi
quality today at Ken's Alignment Service
Phone 355
Eskimos' Sport Is
Americans have carried 'baseball
into many parts of the world, but
they may be Atopfkid at the door
of the 49th state, The Eskimos
have their' own favorite sport—
The World Book Encyclopedia
reports, in its new article on
Alaska, that the Eskimos stretch
a large walrus hide or a blanket
three or four feet above the
ground.. Holding on to the edge
of the blanket by special hand-
grips, about 20 or 30 Eskimos 'toss
the .players into the' air, as high
as 15 or 20 feet at each throw.
The' player who 'can bounce the
highest and keep landing on his
feet :is the winner.
For Alaskans who prefer less
strenuous pastimes, the "Ice Pool"
contest is a favorite, The contest
is held at Nenana in April or May.
The winner is the person who
comes closest to guessing the min-
ute when the ice breaks up in the
Nenana River.
Diago.nal'Road Wingham
Your Dodge, DeSoto and Simca Dealer
ear affected .
Boy se', 'and
e Spring Jackets
WHITECHURCH Commercial Leagite -
To End Season
The Commercial League bowling
champions for the 1958-59 se,ason
are the Flying Saucers With Mer-
vyn Templeman as captain. Mem-
bers of the team...ere Ruth .Lott,
June Hafermehl; -Agnes Cameron,
Harold Taylor and Ken' Crompton.
Ruth Lott won the ladies' high
single for the season with 318 and
Ken Corson with 308 won the high
single for men.
The annual 'banquet will he held
in the Legion Home on April. 2nd at
6.45 p.m, followed .by. a social eve-
ning at the Royal T. ,
Silk lined, Perry C01110
and zipper styled,
season's latest shades,
sizes 6 to 18
$4.99 up Come and visit
An Investors Syndic;ate
plan will help you to have
enough in the future. A
plan can be tailOred to suit
your objective whether it's
owning a new home, ed-
ucating your children,
buying a buainesi or pro-
viding for your retirement.
See ur Investors man:—
Thomas A. Jarclin
Phone 147, 'Wingliont, Ont.
John W. Waines
Phone l04; Listowel
Emerson Ivel
Phone 33001 Ilarristan
be active
'With on OTC TRUSS )‘".
Rexall Drug Store '
Zippered anti Perry Canto styled;
him] onable stripes, eArdrasting
Black and Whites and Glittering
$9.95 up
MEN'S JACKETS . . regular $11.95 value
Plain shades, With Metallic Check
NOW ONLY $9,95
in Wingham, headquarters for all your food
needs — examples: GROCERY SPECIALS
Choice PEAS, 20 oz. size • 2 tins 37c
Choice CORN, 20 oz. size 2 tins 39c
PORK & BEANS, 20 oz. size , . _ — 2 tins 39c
PEAS & CARROTS, Mixed, 20 oz. size 2 tins 39c
Cherry Morn COFFEE .. .... , , lb. 69c
Light Bulbs ... 60w 17c, 40w 17c, 100w 25c each
FROITS & VEGETABLES fresh daily through
the week.
Ont. POTATOES, 75 lb. bag . . $1.65
BANANAS . , — „ , , 15c lb. or 2 lbs. 25'c
Jelly Roll
39c ,
is an it co
y • fir it roo
111111A II Ay t ,a ltY
ems cirri. vmasijoo 06. Piro,* car REMINGTON'S