HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-04-01, Page 5 eeeemeleleeleeeeeleesoiMelleeleelleileeller.elleeeselemeinieme lip and Present . - 7114 Coupon For GOLD BOND Stamps PLUS YOUR USUAL STAMPS WITH YOUR PURCHASE OF 1' QUART OR 1VIORE OF (MARTIN-SENOUR) at lexander's Hardware WINGHAM This offer good until April' lith ....11MiOnligalf.0401.0411•10101101aift,/*M11.11011.11. 041111,11.111111.01161.0.11M.MK/11100 meo.41...1 to ices LE' i2,D 7 HOICK ',SOCIETY - SEEKS OLD :BOOKS BLUEVALE Mr. and Mrs, J. /c; McTavish and family of London spent the Daster week-end with Mr, and Mrs, ft, 41, McKiTiO00. Miss Joyce 11Offmart and' Mr, Bruce Webb, of Berrie, spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. C. .11,' 'Roffman, Mr. and •Mrs. Claire 11offman and Bobby, of DOW!. Were also visitors, Mr. and Mrs, Donald Street, Lin- da, and Stephen of bistowel,. were Sunday visitors 'with 'Mrs,. M, L, Aitken, -Mr, and Mrs, Trying McCabe and' family of Windsor visited Mr, and Mrs. Carl Johnston, Guests of Rev, and Mrs, T, E. Kennedy on good Friday were Mr, and Mrs, William B, Campbell and daughters, Mary and Ann, of lVfolesworth, For the week-end guests were Mr, and Mrs. James E, Kennedy, Louise and Gail and -Ars, Merley Phineeette---ttel ronto, Harold Bosman, of Toronto, was an Easter visitor with his parents, Mr. and" MrS,' Morris 'Bosnian, Mr, and Mrs. Alex Corrigan, Mrs., C, •"B, Hoffman and -Miss Ruby Duff attended the special services: In .13ruseela United Church on Fri-7c lay evening, 1Vfembers of the Y.P,U, of the United Church attended the youth rally in Brussels United Church on 'eaturday evening. Mrs. ,Eln9er Sellers aid Ricky are visiting in Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Beddle, Nancy and Gail, of London, visited their daughter, Mrs. Allan H. Nee- :on, and Mr, Neelon for Easter, Easter Communion At St. Stephen's GORRIE—At "the• Easter com- munion service, on Sunday after- noon in St. Stephen's Anglican Church, the rector, Rev. E, C, Attwell chose as his text "The Lord is risen:indeed" Luke 27:34, The- alter sang the anthein "Open the Gates of the Temple". The lilies .,were given by Miss Mary Corbett in, memory of her parents. Special Music at Easter Service GORRIE— On Easter Sunday morning in the 'United Church the Rev. W. Hird chose as his thenie "They rolled away the stone". Miss Corinne Rhame sang the solo "Open the Gates of the Teniple" and the chOir sang the anthem, "0 Hail Redeemer", with Misses Marion Robinson a n d Yvonne Sparling taking the duct part. Grandmothers Asked To Attend Meeting GORRIE— The April meeting of the Gorrie Women's, Institute will be held,,in the L.O.L, hall on Tues- day evening, April 7th• at 8.30. An invitation is extended to all the grandmothers 'of the community, Roll call, an old dish, cutlery, or glassware and comment on it. Grandmothers' roll call, an old cure, ONE GAME LEAD IN PRESENT SERIES GORRIE—In the Intermediate games last week played at Harris- ton, Gorrie lost to Clifford. The score on Wednesday night was. Clifford '5, Gorrie 4 and on Satur • - day night Clifford 4, Gorrie 3 after 10 minutes of overtime. In the group championship, "best of seven series", Gorrie has 3 wins and Clifford 2. and Mrs, Lorne Walker. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Vittie, Ford- vetch, visited Mr. and Mrs. John Stafford and Mr. Thos. Vittie on Sunday, Mrs. Lorne Laird, Toronto, Miss Betty Zimmerman, Clinton, Mr. Wm. 'Zimmerman, Stratford, were Easter guests of Mre. Sanford Zimmerman. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Underwood and Debby and Miss Verna Harris of Wingham; Mr. and Mrs, Glen Underwood spent' Sunday. with Mr, and Mrs. Wesley Underwood. Mr, arid Mrs, Morris Hird and daughter of Owen Sound spent Good Friday with Rev. and Mrs. W. J, Hird, Mrs, Arthur Chapman returned home on Friday after spending the winter months in Sudbury with her daughter, Mrs. Gerald Gray and Mr. Gray, Mr, Luke Rhame :of Arthur visit- ed his son, Mr, Harry Rhone and Mrs, Rhame over the 'raster holi- day. The Worrian'e Miesioilary Society of the Gorrie United Church will meet at the home of Mrs, W, Hird on Thursday, April 1st at 8,16 p.m., Program tommittee, Mrs. C)id, Edgar, Mrs. TliMbiO spd 301,1V, Ring.' yVEDNESDAY aud THURSDAY April 1 and 2 "HARRY BLACK ' AND THE TItER" Technicolor Stewart Granger, Barbara Rush A Thrilling and Romantic Ad- venture, rilined in India Where' it all took plate. FRIDAY and SAT(YRDAlt April 3 and 4 "BOWERY BOYS IN JINX MONEY" "BULL WHIP" Technicolor day Madison, Rhonda Pleating: MORAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR TRAFFIC SAFETY During April, religious leaders of all faiths throughout Ontario will stress the moral aspects of the traffic accident problem. They will be asking you, as a motorist or pedestrian, to accept indi- vidual responsibility for ' obeying the traffic laws and the rules of the road. This personal appeal to the users of our streets and highways is the basis of the Moral Responsibility Campaign spon- sored by the Ontario Department of Transport. It is receiving enthusiastic endorsement and active support from the Ontario Federation of 'Agriculture and from local safety councils, paliCe departments, service clubs, wolneifis groups and other community organ...lea., tions. You can help the Moral Responsibility Campaign achieve success by practising the Golden Rule of traffic safety—drive and walk as you would have other's drive and walk. ONTARIO 'DEPARTMENT OP TRAWOld lliONWAY SAFETY ',RANCH Peoptiithothop tollinghamiteat Th Advuetillina le n. I Etc. hm hick ollee rimy 48 Mon., Apr. 13 - Sa(.„ Apr. 18 Conducted by Wingham and' District Cancer Society People in the district wishing to' contribute may mail donations to DeWitt Miller, Wingham, Ontario, or leave it at either bank. , DEWITT MILLER, Campaign Chairman YOUR MONEY DOUBLES ITSELF 1N• 14 • YEARS!. 11111111111111r GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES STERLING TRUSTS Ingham Canvass WHEN YOUR NEIGHBOUR KNOCKS ANSWER THE CALL • AND GIVE -TO THE CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY ' • issued in amounts from $100 upwards. for 3, 4 or 5 years. , • earn interest, payable half- yearly by cheque. • • authorized investment fol. all Canadian Insurance Companies and trust funds. 3/2 Bay Taw,* Waite 44493 • (Mr. LiVatt) FOR RESEARCH, CANCER EDUCATION AND WELFARE SERVICES fight CANCER with a check up ' and a cheque - , THE • Ants..D. S. MeeNAUGHTON, ' Branch Preeideut 35 Dunlap :Sio Barrio PArkway 1410 (Mr. Alseita) 7 1-bam Aglyantie-Times, Weds GORRIE—HoWlek Agriculteral Society met in tbe Legion 1c make further arrangements for the Society'S centennial is 1.959, to be held October 2-3, President X, Strong was in the chair, Mr. StroOg,, and Ken, Edgar attended the Ontario Agricultural Societies' convention held in the King Edward Hotel, Toronto, Mr Edgar gave an exCellent repdrt of the convention, where many ideai are expressed ap(I have been ,car, fled out to impreveteirs, Howick Agricultural Pale" Was favorably mentioned in the report, by the Superintendent of Agricultural Soeieties' Branch, F, A, Lashley. Everyone has an .NV041.1114 to assist in making, this Fair Cen- tennial a success. The old minute books of the society have been lost, Anyone knowing anything of their' whereabouts . please communicate ; with Mrs, Robt. Gibson, 'secretary, Ft.R, 1, Gorrie, CORK Mr. and Mrs, Jack Evers of Toronto spent .the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Manfred Irwin. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Nay and Rob- bie, Mrs. Peter Merklinger and Mr. Carl Cook of Waterloo spent from Good Friday to Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Musgrove.. MrS. Gord0, Underwood, visited her daught'er,, and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Bud Stewart in Harriaton last week. Best wishes go to Mrs. Geo,' Robertsm.yvho wilireelebrate her ; 94th birthday .on Friday, April 3rd, at the home of her. daughter Mrs, Glad. Edgar and Mr. Edgar. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hyndman and Mrs. Bella Greaves spent a couple of days in Toronto the first of last week. Mr. and Mrs., Bill. Hart Of, Oshawa` were gueSts of their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hart, Wroxeter and Mr, and Mrs,' Ed- ward Newton. Mr. and ,Mrs. Harold Hamilton of Port Burwell spent Sunday af- ternoon with Mr. and Mrs, Norman. Wade. The Guild of St. Martha Will hold its April meeting on WedneS- day evening at the home, of Mrs. Verne Clark, , Mr. and' Mrs. Robt, Peel of the RCAF station, Roelteliffe spent the; Easter holiday with their reepec-, tive parents, Mr. Mrs. Willard Peel and Mr, and 'Mrs. Jos. Sim-' mons, Mr. Percy Ashton had a success- ful auction sale on Thursday af- ternoon.. Mr. and Mrs. Ashton are moving to ,Mr. Ken, Ashton's house on the Otis 'concession, Mr., and Mrs. Archie Irwin and ramify are getting, settled. in Mr. Ross Earl's house on the Gorrie , side road, south, Mi'S. ' Berth'it' 'Plant visited her ?'son, Lawrence;' near Brussels over the Easter holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Marks and children of Wingham spent Eastet Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Welles- ley Strong. Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Hornung and little daughter Laurie of 'Kitchen- er spent Easter With Mr. and Mrs. Fred ledge!. Lenore Feigel re- turned with, them to spend the Easter vacation, **Mr, and Mrs. Percy Sparling, Sault Ste. Marie, Mrs. Lida Bal- four, Listowel and Mr. and #Vis. Ewart Whitfield were Saturday' evening dinner guests with Miss Jean Sparling and Mr, Harvey Sparling, Mr. and Mrs, Alex. Graham and family spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hilchwith, Wale Icieeburg, 'Mr. and Mrs, baniel Kuester and Mrs, Peter Liesemer of Mildmay, Mrs. Zetta Hall Of California were recent visitors withtMrs, Jos, Wood, Mrs, Nellie Dredge, Messre. Fred arid George Cherry of Palmerston and Mt, Chas, 11teKenzie, Deep Dale, Man., 8pent Wednesday at the homo of Me, and MrS. Ed, 13olander. Mr. and Mrs, Harold kcigar, Pranets and .linitny Of GtielPh visited Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Ed- gar on the• Easter Week-end, Mr. and Mra, Chess thither, Mr, and Mrs, Pyfer of Whitby, visited Mr. and Mrs, Cameron Edger on Sunday. Miss tarot ifnison, Torente, Miss Edythe Walker, „ Wingham, Jae Wall.t:Plir, Tool4„11.'ere tireOk'i end the, Aoin(1) ,of Untied Service .Good .Friday • 14,4up-NALF4-;-. Good Friday` Congregations of the .Bresbytertan and United Churches met together. :for 'worship in the United .Church,. Alen H, Neelon„ minister .of the United Church, .conducted the service and Rev. '71, B. Kennedy of the -Presbyterian Church preachet the sermon, taking as his subject, "The Sins that Crucified Jesus",' The choir sang an • anthem and . a duet was sung by Mr, Neelon and, . Mr, Boss Smith. There was 41 good. Attendance, EASTER SERVICES IN VILLAGE CHURCHES DLUEVAL..E---- Large .congrega- onp uttax(doi4-t: Eartcr- services in (he two village church- es. In the Preebyterian Church 'Rev, T, E. -Kennedy gave the Eas- ter message and the choir sang.ap-• propriate music. , Mr. Alan 41, Neelon in the Un- [tea Church spoke on the resurrec, tion which was also the theme of the anthem by the choir. A quar- tette was sung by Misses Marie Johnston, Jacqueline' Kerr, 1.0 01!, etta and Mary Fischer. Gail is spending the week- here. Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Darling* had their family home for Easter: Donald Darling, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Darling, all of Toronto; Jim, Darling of Galt, Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Campbell and family of Elueale. Mr. and Mrs, Alan White •and' children of Clifford visited Mr. and Mrs,, Joseph Horton on Sunday, The Farm • Forum, meeting at, the homes on the first line of Mor- ris, has concluded its meetingi; held weekly during the winter. Rev. William Blacitmore, Mrs Blackmore and children, of Toron- to, visited Mr., and Mrs, Raymond Elliott at the week-end, Bert Hertog, of •Sudbury, was home for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Moffatt and family of Southampton, were with Mr. and Mrs. Burns Moffatt for the holidays, Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Grubbe and family- have moved to their home on , the -Bluevale road. Mr. and Mrs, Ernie King are in their new home at the edge of the village. Miss Norma McMinn of To- ronto, visited Mr, and Mrs. Arnold Lillow for Easter. William Mundell is recovering at home after undergoing surgery at St: Joseph's 'Hospital, London, e The Bluevale Women's Institute OA hold an evening meeting, at the• home of Miss Emma Johnson on April 9th 'when annual reports will be given. Mrs. R. J. McMurray Will t-ive the motto, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bosman had as Easter visitors Edwin Bos, man and Miss Reit of St. Marys, Me.' and Mrs. Cecil Griffith, Bob Griffith and Miss Wolf, all of Brampton and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bosman and family .of Ingersoll. WIIITECHURCH The Junior Farmers and Junior .Institute workers from Teeswater expect to present the play, "This Way to Boston" in the hall here this week, and put on their min- strel show and variety program. 0 Mrs. Musgrove, who has been a patient in Wingham Hospital for some weeks, was able to return last week to the home of her danghter, Mrs. D, Willis, Mrs. Robert Ross, who spent the past. three months at the home of her sister, Mrs. Elmer Hunt of 8ask., returned to Toronto last week and has been visiting with her sister, Mrs. Wm. Craig, and will visit' this week with Mrs, W, J. Coulter, Minnie St., Wingham, Mr. and Mrs, James Gaunt and Janet of Burgessville spent the week-end With his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Gaunt and with Morris. relatives. Misses Florence and Margaret Moir and Phillip Lee of Toronto, spent the week-end at the home of the farmer's sister, Mrs. Jas, Rich- ardson. Mrs. Johnston Conn accom- panied them back to Toronto and was travelling by bus to Saclbury to visit at the home of her daugh- ter, Mrs, Jas, Keene, who has been ill with flu, and their, baby in hospital with pneumonia, Mr. Reg, McElrea of Wiarton and Mr, anti Mrs. Stirling MeEiree of Brantford spent a few days last week with their mother, Mrs, Percy Caelick of Culroes rind they, and Mrs. Caslick visited on Saturday at the' borne of the letter's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, J. A Richard- son of Lion's Head, Mr, and Mrs. Russell. Gaunt and Janet end Donald, Mr, and Mee, Itenneth Currie and. family, and Miss Leah Currie, Wingham, met on Sunday for a family dinner at the Wine of Mr, and Mrs, Jas. E, Currie, Mrs, George MeClenagban and Miss Mildred visited 'On Sunday Tit the horrid of Mr. and Mrs, Edgar Gaunt,, of g. WtoOknOatt. —Mrs, Wallace Cain 4Aka *let* left on Friday to spend the week- end :at...the home of their aunt, Mrs, E. 'J. Morris 'of Oak Park, Chicago. .11/r.,= and Mrs. Melville Beecroft sons of ' Otterville spent the week-end at the home of his brother, Me Gilbert Beecroft, and with" 'his sisters, Mrs, pew and and Mrs. Hector Hamilton of Gorrie. Mr. '. Roy McGee of Kitchener and_ --Mr. Gordon McGee of Bel grave visited on Monday with Mr, and Mrs.' J.' D. beecroft. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Johnston of London, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Gershom Johnston. Miss Violet Johnston of Barrie is spending this week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Johnston. Mr. and Mrs, Mason •Robinson and children visited on Sunday at, the hanie of her 'brother; Mr,'Ralph Cameron of Ashfield, Miss Barbara Gaunt of Ottawa,' spent 'the week-end with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Gaunt, Mr. and. Mrs. Roger Inglis and George of Walkerton, visited "On, Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bieman. Mr. and Mrs, Robert Watson of Brucefield and Miss Janet Wat- son of Aylmer, visited on Saturday' with Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Beecroft, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Currie spent the week-end at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Richard Deacon of Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ross and baby Eric 'of Toronto spent the week-end with his parents, Mr, and Mrs, Frank Ross and with Mr, and Mrs. Athol Bruce, Leek liso#Ore Yea Leap • inatii .ion proves '0 T C opplianc•ii wile* *ow Mod tie Trims er Seeped. MeKIDDONS WWI:Drag 8tore CROWN Theatre- Harristen Miss Marion Ellis and Miss Beatrice Taylor visited the latter's cousin, Mr. H. V. Holmes on Mon- day afternoon of last week., Winners at the L.O.L. euchre on Wednesday evening were Mrs. Justin Will for the ladies and Mr. Joseph Maine had high score for the men, F/0 Wm. Thompson with the KOAP. at Baggotville, Quebec, spent the Easter holiday with Mrs. Courtney Gilpin. FREE DELIVERY ()me lUtc. tt Large Tables ) 1 Table 36"x6rx72" 4 Chrome Chairs 1 Arm Chair 6 PIECE SUITE ONLY $96.50 ONLY $11.7.95 1 Choice of Tables 3G"x48"xGO" jaek-knife 4;Leaf White Marble; Inlay 4 Chairs Self-levelling Legs, No-Sag Spring Seat, Jersey !Wet, Vinyl Plastic .Covers, 5 PIECES — ALL FOR ONLY $94,50 ONLY $101.50 SEE 'THE EXTRA-10NQ TABLES Week" extending to EASY TERMS 1 Table 36"x4rx60" Jiaelt-knife Walnut k White Marble Inlay 4 Chrome Chairs lLegs TPIECES• 4 Chrome Chairs Charcoal & Grey, Spring Seats, Vinyl Plastic, jereee lucks, • 1 Matching Table 36"x4rx00'' 5 PIECE SET FOR Pardon us for 'But we would like You 'to know that we have time latest and best equipment to put your car back in Shape if you have a crack,. up, We also have the necessary experience to Re sure to, call on, us to fix anything frona a, major body repair job. Wingham Body Phone 746 Sid Adams Crowing do a firstrate je3b. a. dented fender to. Shop WinghaM Ow.