HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-04-01, Page 1S With which which is ameIgetneted the GPITie Vidette and Wroxetee News -0NT,010, WEBNESDAY, ARAIL 1,959 SING Liner Runs June 21 ALONG ,. MAIN DRAG . t Br ' iiiiii—. The,cede itrhin STILL BOLOINili OUT--: Nobody has won any money on tilt, fireirietee barrel as yet. On Ttiesday afternoon ice on the up- per pond was still intact ano the 12/1,0*el has yet to make its trip ever the darn When it does the Pilie money will be awarded to the Whiner. , 0-0-0 LUCIAN SO PAR--. To :date the conditions for inelt- 14' the record collection of snow and ice have been Ideal. A great deai of the water has already beep carried pff without ,any flooding. If we .eau, get Eby for another week without a heavy rainfall the dan- ger shoUld be over, a 0-0 -0 HOSPITAL STAFF PRESENTS MEANT Members, of the Whig-ham Hoe- Wel staff preseated a pageant at the -nurses' residence on Wednes- day evening to an interested audience, The "Charnel Lily" was directed by Mrs, Jean Cross and Dr. A, D. McMurchy was the nar- rator. 13rowniQs Give $100 .Toward Pool The Wingham Browniea added to the 'growing filed for a swimming, pool in Wingham, when they pre- seated W. B. Conron,- chairman of the pool committee, with, a cheque for $100.00, Linda 8chiestel pre- sented the cheque and Gloria Reed read the following address "On behalf of the Brownies of Wing- it gives us great pleasure to presiml: this cheque for $100.00 to the swimming pool fond, 1 am sure that we will -all take more pride and pleasure- from 1 this pool because we had - -a small part in building' it, Please accept this cheque." Mr. Conroe. thanked the Brown- ies for th6ir dona(lon, which was the result of ' hard work*. The Money was raised by the girls -at cookie days, over a period of three and a half years, • The short dialogue in opening depicted Mr.- and Mrs, Shopkeeper and four children, The children visited the shop on. Saturday night to purchase -a lily for the chancel, for which. they were $2,00 short on the -actual price, They were in- formed' by the shopkeepers that all Easter meant to them was more money. and sore feet. The childree explained that there was much neare to Easter and to prove the paint several scenes followed, all in silhouette, DINERS PLAYING FOR TITLE During -brie ecenes of The Nativ- ity, The Carpenter's 'Shop, In the Temple, Jesus Healing the Sick, The Good' -Shepherd, Preaching from the Boat, The Last Supper, Palm Sunday, The Crucifixion and The Resurrection, a choir, directed by Miss Merle Wilson sang suitable hymns. NEW RAIL EQUIPMENT—Canadian National Railway officials an- nounced in Wingham last Thursday that -a new and faster passenger service will be iliaugurated for the 'Palmerston-Kineardine rim on June ;Lisa Shown above is the self-propelled diesel rail. liner which At the conclusion Mrs. Shoplteep- ed dropped off 'to sleep and Dr. MoMurchy pronounced the bene- 'diction. • Wingham Legion Makes. Plans to :Hold Zone -1101r, Miss _Jean Short -reed and Mrs. Beryl DaVideen sang a duet, '"Tire Oki Rugged- Cross", while a silver collection' was taken and, this lest hymn was "Cheist the Lord Is Risen". Lunch Was served. The hospital staff 'provided favors 'for patients' trays on Easter Sunday from the collection at the pageant. Officio:1e of the Ihiriadian Nation- al Railways met with representa- tives of ,Wingham and the neigh- boring townships -and the village of latelinow last Thursday- mor- ning to impart Some very wel- come news fur residents of , this area, ,The men from CN anadanced that the Palmerston-to Ktheardilla line is to lie served by a new..and faster passenger service, - Canadian National plans to;, in- ugurate the use of a rail 414 on this lath comnierning on June "i4St. Tile meeting was chaired -by Oa Burnt:, divisional fall) eri dent of- the Stratfatal divOiou. With him were J. A. Bream, 4nis- senger department, Toronto; A. Craig, 'expreae superintendeint, route; Mike Shaw, public reltruons department, Toronto; -and 10, H. Cameron, divisional freight ageet, Stratford, ' , . Attending the -meeting were rep- reeentatives ,from Wingham, blast Wawaapela Turn•berry and Marvin councils, as well as membere"of duetrial concerns and 'businesses in Wingham, . Deseribes r huig uiptnent Mr. Burns stated that Canadian National has been studying,, the problem of feeder lines for several years, clue to the fact that- they have all been losing money in the passenger department. It was;de- cicied that either better service.and a strong try for new business would be necessary or, as an al- ternative the railway would nave to relinquish its passenger service on these rural lines. The former course, he: said, 7,lias been.-i ad ; Upon a nd the- Way has invested upwards of a' mil- 'lion dollars in the three diesel cars which will serve this section of Western Ontario. It will now be up to She public to prove by use of the rail lines that there is a fu- ture for railway, ,passenger service. Mr. Burns.described the rah lin- (Please turn. to Page Seven) An interesting hockey aeries op- ened on Tuesday evening of this week when the Wingham Len Crawford Dodgers met the Elora Intermediates for the first fixture iii It best-of-seven series for the WOAA Homebrew championship, Second game of the schedule will be played an the Wingham ar- ena at, 8.30 Saturday evening of this week. As Tae Advance-Times goes to elyess, tho dates of further gainer have net been set, but it is expected that, there will be an- other game on Monday evening and the return game here about next Wednesday,. a Admission prices have been left unchanged for- these final games in order to attract every possible spectator to the arena, FIRE DESTROYS DISTRICT BARN will be used. Containing two 275 hors'ep'ower diesel engines, the car will carry 49 passengers and a limited' amount of baggage or express'. The two engines permit an acceletation, from zero -ot 60 miles per , hour hi a, distance of 500 feet.—Canadian National Railways photo. Fire which was discovered about 7.30 Tuesday morning Completely destroyed the barn at the farm of Alvin Hart, two ranee west of Wingham oh Highway 86. The attention of the ownerOwas first -aroused. when he heard the .crackling of flames; It was only a- matter of minutes before the roof fell in and the fire 'brigade, called from Wingham, could do nothing to save the building. ' In addition to the barn Mr.. Hart lost a 'tractor, manure spreader and other implements, hay, grain, about 35 pigs and some hens. The loss IS partially covered 'by insurance. Cause of the blaze is not known. .A wind from the east carried • the embers from the. burning, building away . from the , nearby. house. - Provincial Coaetable•,-"Boli". Lew-- is.- is busy rounding out arrange- ments for a safety knowledge con- -legit which Will be held in all schools - i#•!," the area, Several very fine priees have been secured, which .Will, be -awarded to the top essay- istieein the contest.- - 0 - ,SCARCE ARTICLE— : We have al 'yet to hear of any- one offering maple syrup for sale. Although there will be some lo- syrup on ,the market the old Canadian product •seems• tb be get- tine:, scarcer • with every • passing , • Eking. A 0 - - 0 J,„„ TOO LAU:a= 1:"T.Wo important, hockey games were played :laet night. 4Tlie Win- PeeWeee were hi town' for their 'exhibition:gtrne`%1Ai,tlie caflade hi a benefit for the Lietow- eidisa,stcr fund, and the Dodgers were, down country-' nip et ' the Iintertnediates in the first fixture 'of WOAA,`hoinebrew chittiploeship.. Unfortimittely .both games were played after this:pa- per was on the limes, so we can't give you, the' vital' statistics:* • ' - 0 - 0 - 0 TO nt11t4).441‘O011• ,,,, 'Jelin; Hanna, M,P.p.' for Huron- truce, and- Charles MaeN:tiaghton, his .counterpart fee' South Heron, haae,anaonnced,that a new bridge will be biiilteVet the ;Maitland Saltfotd, just north of the taWn ,of"GoderiCh. The new bridge Will be a latge-eeale project, In the, Jaime couftection Mr. Hanna, quotes from-a: letter received from the . Minister of highways: "You can- rest Assured that my Depart- ment is. Planning to replace these tWe htructures tifelekeitzle and Zet- 1and 'bridges) and at the• same time 1;141$1 the by-pass of your Town of Wiligliam, which has . beef? talked about:for some years, 'but it is very definitely' in the pre-eaglimering stage". Mences at 2. o'clock Lunch *Will be `served by the j....adies' Auxiliary at file Legion Honie following the meeting. — " The, members and wives haVe concluded the euchres which have been held each Saturday evening daring Febrilary and March. The troplay went to Ted Gauley. The ladies' prizes went to Mrs, Ralph Saint, first; Mrs, Ted Gauley, second; Mrs. John Pattisen, third and Mrs, V. Ducharme consolation. Ralph Saint was high man, fol- lowed by' Glen Sinaamon with. V. Ducharme winning the consolation prize', - Legion bowling will be carried on each Saturday night through a series which ends in April, 'with trophies and prizes to be awarded at the conclusion. Lunch at the Legion Home will follow the games. The • local branch stresses that 4sose who were not at home when called on during the Red Cross Campaign may still contribute by contacting a member of the exe.=- eutive or leaving a eionatioa at either -of the banks, ener on April 17. AnYone who Would like to attend should notify a member of the executive, Charlie Irwin was the winner 'of the membership draw but since he Was not present the draw next month will be worth $15.00, It was announced that the Zone Meeting for C1 will be held -in Wingham town hall Sunday after- noon. The three voting -delegates appointed to the meeting were President Lloyd Carter, Treasurer Robt. Chettleburgh and Secretary George Tervit. A goad, turnout is anticipated and the meeting corn- President Lloyd Carter was in the chair, for ',the -Iregular meeting of the Wingham Branch of the Ca- nadian Legion, held on Tuesday of last week. Two applications for membership were • approved Ken: Redmond and Elwin McPher- son. ' ' • Donations to the Easter Seals Fund and the Juven,ile hockey team were Passed and 'a -donation of $25.00 -to the Scotty Forbes Night in Kitelleeer. Scotty has retired as Service Bureau Officer for Western Ontario and a banquet is being held in his honour in Kitch- THOUSAND DOLLAR WANT TO RETARDED At "Canadian Day" Wingham made a good _showing at the 'Peabody Lawn Bowling Club in Daytona Beach a couple of weeks ago when the club held its first, "Canadian Day". There is an ever,increasiug number of Can- adian bowlers at the Daytona club and this year there are over 60 Canadian members. Pert Perry worked in one goal in the first period and at the end of -the second had Wingham 2-0. , The third period brought more action when Port Perry succeed- ed in getting five more counters and Wingham squeezed in their two counters. ENC4AOLI'llMNT - It was an all-day affair, chang- ing partners each game.. Art Wil- son emerged first .for skips and Mrs. W, B, VIcCool was first for vice -skips. Following the bowling the Am- erican members served cake, cook-, les and frult Joe Vanstone got the first Wing- ham goal on an assist from Jim English and Martin Garaiss. Jon Bateson came through unassisted to score the second for the local. LADIES' AlptillattY WILL INOLDI1fEelt*TO The Ladies' A.UXillary to Wing- ham General Hospital will hold its tegtilar meeting in the council 401a :tither on Friday afternoon, Ap- alla3' at three o'clock, Fib - • ' 1,,XCillat AT ItklItiltAlifo ;Euebre and dance loriday night, :April 3rd at Belgtave Foresters` giu, sponsored by L.O.L. 462, Ad- piisSion 50e. Starts 9 ,pan. sharp, 4irich counter, Bruce's °relies- tait; Fib Winghamites Win Young People Unite for Easter Sunrise Service Mr. and Mrs. George Sieling rish to announce the engagement of their daughter Bonnie 30ai Willoughby to Lorne Johnston ilathilton, son of ' Mr. and Mrs, Robt. '0. Hamilton, RR. 3, Luck- now, The wedding will 'take place early in May. Vi* AT HOME, TO FRIENDS Mr. and. Mrs. Charles Scott will be at borne to their friends and neighbors at the Behnore Com- munity Centre on Satutday, April 4th from 8.30 to 12 P.m, In honour of their twenty-fifth wedding anni- versary. • Fib Easter lilies, placed on the altar Belie,ve in Immortality", EUCIIRES PoE, PARK PUNb Euchres will be held at Powell and GlentiMian schools on Friday, Aptil 3rd at 8,30. Ladies please bring lunch. ;Everybody welcome. lb The regular' services were pre- ceded by a sunrise service at, 7.30 am., under the auspices of the joint loutig People's Union of St, Andrew's Presbyterian and Whightun United Churches, The president, Bill Bryson, led at this service and Walton MeKibbeit read the Scripture; The speaker, John Crawford, candidate for the Min- istry, used as his text, Luke 22 Verse 42 and the subject of his address was "Making the Most of Your Best", Dr. A. Monne of St. Andrew's Presbyterian and Revel'. G. Bas- set hf the Wirighain ;Uhited had charge of the Setralteat of the Lord's Supper, which concluded the sunrise service'. The ladies of the W.A, Served breakfast, At the one-day session of Huron County council last week a grant of $1,000 was voted to the Wingham and .District Assoc:fatten for Re- tarded Children. Michael McPhail, president of the association, states that die grant is ear-marked for a building fund, to assist with the purchase of suit- able quarters to be used as a school for retardk youngsters in this area. When sufficient money is assured, the association hopes to purchase the former Wingham Sawmill office, along with the lot which surrounds it. The entire project, including purchase of the lot and building, installation of tole lets, fences, etc, will be in the neighborhood of' $4,000. In addition to the grant from the County of Huron, the associa- tion'isi at present awaiting receipt of a. 30 per cent grant from the special services 'branch of the On- Maio Department of Education, Since last September the school has been conducted la the base- ment of the Masonic building at the corner Of Iolin and ,Centre streets. However, there is lie play- ground mimeo- available at this lo- Cation, and the children are missa lag a very important phase of the educational program Mrs, T, G, littsser Is the teacher and she lute been assisted throughout the year by Volunteer helpere. BRUSSELS LIONS ANN I1AL COlaCERT The Brussels Lion Club will held their annual cornett Mid dariee ea lerktity evening, April 10th In the Brands town hail. Draw for a new Cho-W.61d Car will be Made at Mid. night. Two orchestras and a Won derful array of talent, 8pORTSMIN TO MELT' `fire' Wingham Sportsmen's Ae- Welatioa Meetiiig will be held in the Legion home Monday, April pth,. TWo Special 'films will be einearn "Speeltled Troilt Across Wade." and -"Tackle Busters of the North!!, tVerybody welcome, Fib To Port Perry The Pee-Wee All-stars journeyed to Goderich and played the Port Perry team on. Monday afternoon. The local boys lost by a score of 7-2, Pee-Weer Lose otoss boratioss Nick situ, Wf4t4oiaHe Anyone net, einitticted by the eatiVa8Sers for the Add Cross,„ Please notify Ali' etecutiVe Meinber Of - 'the Canadian Legion or leave Jour donation at' either of the , Plb POULTRY PRODUCERS MEET APRIL 6th T-loron County Poultry Producq• ors' meeting will be held In: Wing- ham Town Hall council chartibers, Monday, April 6th at 6.30 p m. Tom Robson of Learo ,,Vori, pre- sident of the Ontario Poultry Pro- ducers' Association, guest -sneaker. Agricultural board robins, Clinton, Thursday, April 0th, at 8:30 p.m. Do you want a strong poultry pro- &leers" Organization? ft sO, What do you want it to do to promote the Industry? Mckiriley, pratt, It. d. Itainingway, see. Pitt in memory. of _loved ones,- made a lovely setting for the Easter ser- vices in the Wingham United Charon, Al 11 o'clock congre- gational Morning service the min- ister,•ReV, T. Garnett Huaear, de- livered an impressive sermon "One Life is Not 'Enough", The Re-v. W. D, Clarke assisted at this ser- vice, 'rho Choir, under the direc- tion of A. la, Bennett,. organist and music director, rendered two beau- tiful selections, a choir chorus "Jesus Christ Is Risen To-day" and the anthem "Ili josepli'Si Lovely GardeK", The Master theirie Wes ecittlatted ia the evening tervice With the congregational singing of Easter hyhms the.110V. T. G. 'Rosser Using fOr his Seritori subject BROWNIES DONATE—The Wingliarn lliroWnies peeli elite(' a elienne for $100.00 for the swimming pool hind to W. Conron last Wedneiolay, Linda Sehiestel is shoWil above as the presentation Was made. Gloria Reed, centre, fetid a short addreSS -of presentation, with Mr. Conron expressing thanks to the Brownies. Mrs, Norman Elliott, right, looks on as the donation Was given to Mr, Caron. The mercy 'Was raised by the girls over Ii peried Of three, and a, halt yearS, tnostly alt their tooltie days.—A-T photo. 'LIONS VARATIt cONCERT Coyne to the Liebe Analial Vat-• trinilitY bah On Oriday, April 3 at condeirt 'in the Wiaieeter eone- 8,1404p:rti, Adrhisintai public School -children.Mc pre-sehool free, P2011) I'