HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-03-18, Page 7r
The any
— n‘r us') kwiris,1959
K. GRAHAM NAMED Ten Tables at FORDwico Regular Euchre
FoRD-ww-Totz tables of pro-
gressive euchre were in play at the
comanity hull here when the high
scores- were won by Mrs, George
Pittepdreigh and Ernie Dinsmore,
Coneelation prizes wont to -Mrs, ,
Anson Demerling • and William'
Byers. The special was won by
'Francis Ingles,
Those charge were Mr, and
Mrs, Glare Harris. and Mr. and
Mrs. Stan, Bride,
Quills Donated to
St. Anne's Guild
FORDWICH—Members of St.
Anne's Guild of Trinity`, Church
met for the Marcia meeting at the
home of Mrs, E. C, ,Atwell with
the president, Mrs, Wellington
Hargrave, presiding, The Scrip-
ture lesson was read by Mrs, At-
twep. The third chapter from the
study book was given by Mrs. jack
Douglas and Mrs, Bill Kato.
Mrs. Den King, secretary, read
the minutes of the last meeting.
Roll call was answered by 14 mem-
bers with a verse on Easter. The
next meeting will be April ath in
the basement of the church and
Mrs. R. Tompkins, florlA from Lis-
towel, Will be guest speaker.
Two quilts were donated. by Mrs.
Bruee Armstrong and these will he
quilted at a later date. Members
were reminded that Mm, Scriver
of •CKCO Kitchener will he in the
Fordwich. Hall en May 7th, •
Rev. E, Attwell' spoke a few
minates to the group stressing the.
fact, that in 1000 Trinity phurch
would -he 100' years old and hoped
that more beautification might be
done' by then. The • meeting was
closed with prayer and Mi.&
Lyle Simmons conducted" contests
Lunch was served by the ,hostess;
assisted by Miss Rena Van Velsor.
A regular meeting of the Hewictic
Township Council was hold :In the
clerk's - office on March 5, Ail
members wero present and the
reeve, Arthur Gibson, was inthe
chair, 'The minutes of the last
regular meeting and speolal meet-
ing were read and on Motion of
McMiolmel and R. Gibson were
adopted as read.
Allan-Haskins--That No.
8.59 of the Tewnship of Howiek
for the year 1959, the road appro-
priation by-law, as read the first
and second time be passed. •
R, Gibson-MeMiehael--That BY.
,411 law No. 7.59 of the Township of
Hewlett for the year 1959, a by-laW
Setting salaries, as read the third
time be finally, passed, '
Haskins-Allan—That By-law No.
9,59 of the Township of Howick
for tho. year 1959, a tree planting
'agreement by-law, as read. the first
and second time be passed.
Allan-IittalcinsThat we give a
grant of • $25,00 to the Hilton
County. Soli and Crop Improvement
Gibson---That we give a
ti~grant of $20.00 to. the North Huron
Safety Council,
Haskins-McMichael—That we ac-
cept the resignation of Mrs. Em-
erson Ferguson on the Howieic
Recreation Committee, and appoint
Mrs. Jack Ferguson as a member
on the Committee,
R. Gibson-McMichael—That we
accept the application of Engcland
Produce Co,. of Milverton for
warble fly spraying.
• Haskins-Allan—That we appoint
Ken Graham as w.arble fly in-
specter for the Township of Howick
fot the year 1959.
. McMichael-R, Gibson—That we
charge 12e a head for sprayin -g
cattle and. 50c a lb. for .poWder for
'bruShing, and :14c a head if not
:paid for by July' 1st, 1969.
In the liiterinedditite hecliey Ser-
ies with TeViotclale at' the:Bermore,
Arena Friday night Tevicitdale iyas
eliminated, Goirie will' now play
with Clifford for the ohimPionShip..,
First game `in thii;seriea will be
n Behnore Tuesday 'night;
0-0.0 ,
The Tri.cauntY Micfgets' 3 with
Dave Neilson; coach,'"rddtic- over
Newry 7-3 Friday; '.nigth and, on
Saturday •wort the trophy in GOcie-
CORRIB—rhe curlers' rouhd
robin . play offs for.' the Barber
Shop Trophy donated by Lionel
Johnston Entailed last week: Bill.
Taylor's rink, .comprising, Hugh
Hutchison, ' DeWitt Adams' -and
Rohr,. Eloehner won' the'. 'trophy.
Lionel Johnston's rink 'Was ,in
second' place and" Ilarcild.'''King's
in 3rd 'plaed. •
Allan-.1•Taskins-7That By-law No.
6-50 of , the Township of Howick
for the year '1959, the amended
• Hyslop Municipal Drain Turnberry
Township Howiek Portion as read
the third time be finally passed.
Gibson-MeMicheel—Tha.t we
have all insurance policies , re-
written to expire on.the, same date,
April 1.41.11:
Haskins-Allan—That the road
accoant$ a§ approved lie paid,
Zone Commander
To A ttend 'in April
FORDW.E0H—The Ladies' Auxil-
iary to•Howick Legion met in the
Legion rooms for the March meet-
ing with the president, Mrs. Jack
WilSon, in the chair. The secre-
tary, Mrs; William Austin, tool(
.tithe of .the correspondence.. -It
was decided to bring in name,
blocks for quilt at next meeting
McMichael-Gibson—That the fol. Letters were read from two
lowing aceetints be paid, j former members, Mrs. Joe Heifer
ProVincial treaSuret, insulin, 02c; of ,Goderich and Mrs. Norris Chai-
n A. Currie & Sons, ambulance to , niers of Port McNichol. A dance
You Are. Needed- ••
By_the Red Cross
GOR,133E—When' yen think • of:
Red Cross do you think of water
safety, an . outpost. hospital, in tile
remote and isolated part .of North• -
ern Ontario, free bleoci, 'first aid
course' or the loan cepl?eard? The
Red Cross means something to
everyone but the Red Cro$s' would
mean nothing without •
Red Cross needs 'people .who
give' a few hours •to.sew or. knit
.for the Women's 'Work Corami*e.
or .help as one 'of:the „officers or.
conveners, Red Cress needs-people
who will belp• morally and- finan-
chilly, -this volunteer society-which.
is dedicated to the!Improyeafent_oi .
held in Wroxeter netted $101.00,
which was turned in, A letter was
read from the zone Commander
accepting an invitation to he at
the April meeting.
The mystery prize was won by
Mrs. Mary Moore donated by Mis.
Ross Doig. The zone rally, which
is to be held in 'Seaforth, was dis-
cussed and plans were made. The
meeting adjourned and ,a social
half hoer .over the tea cups was
FATHER AND SON NIGHT was held for the local Boy Scout troop' at, the Vnited •Chureh, 'here, •`-fm.
:Wednesday .evening of last Week The above photo s tslipw some of the boys, fathers-and guests 'Ihe top
photfr"ccitches' a -kW of 'the 'linen along with their ye ung charges. Just,te make, sure the ladies were not
h forgotten, four, cub leaders were on .band, (centre) ' and ,in`' lower picture members of the head table ea lth prevention of disease and , are shewn as they dug,in for a hearty dinner.-LA-Tphotos,' the mitigation of suffering throUgh-
out.the world, „ , ,
Winghtun, $6.00; advertising, $16.76;
fox bounty, $16.00; Vitt funeral
home, funeral, $125.00; relief
accounts, $388.90; North Huron
Safety Council, grant,, $20.00; R.1-1,
Gar en & Son, stove il, . $23.76;
G, A. Gibson & Sons Ltd,. snew re-
moval Wroxeter shed, $37.00; road
account, transfer, $10,927,41, ,
I-Taskins-Allan—That we do now
adjourn to meet again on April 6th
or at, the call of the reeve, Carried,
I. Harold Pollock, Arthur 'Gibson,
Clerk, Reeve.
. ^.101.411.00411.1111•1001011.0.6064•11111.M.MP011111•0011111.0
,ember Urges PrOincea to
Standardize Change ‘to
Was Principal
Of Wroxeter School
GORRIE—There passed away at
the Kitchener-Waterloo Hospital
on Monday Mrs, Thomas, Vittle, fir
her 67th year, after an illness of
more than two months; which was
cheerfuly borne.
She was the former 'EthileWass.'
man, a. daughter of 'Mr. 'arid Mrs.
John Wessman. Born In Blnevale,
at the age of three she moved with
her parents to Clinton, 'where she
attended public school and Colleg-,
late institute and completed her
education in Toronto. She taught
continuation schools in Tlinmins,
Comber, Kingston. Fordwieh and
prior to 'her marriage was princi-
pal of the 'Wroxeter Conthatation
She attended 'St, Stephen's' Ang-
lican Church and was a valued
member of the Womait's Auxiliary.
• She married Cleveland Stafford.
of Howlett Township In 19$1.. He
predeceased her iii 1040. in 1942
she was married to Thomas VII-
tie, who survives. There are also
two sons, William Stafford of Kit-
Wiener and John Stafford, Howlett
and one daughter, Mrs. Win,
Barnes (Thelma)' of Kitchener
two brothers, Leslie Wessman, 'I' o-
routo..atid William of Windsor;
two sisters, Mrs, John Little, Winl-
stir and Mrs, Howard Hill, yaw.
Funeral service 'was at th,e Moir
tunes:al ,honie on 'Thursday at 2
P.M., conducted by Rev, E, C: Att-
Wel1 'of 81. Stephen's' Anglican'
Church, Burial was thndorrie
Ceniet,ery. ,Pallbearers "we're Stir-
ling Finlay, Edward Ne*ton, Geo.
Dane, Wes. Underwood, . Jack
Steurpol and Wilfred BONO,
Canadian Fabrit
Scores Triumph
1. No4roning .
A Canadian product has scored a
triumph in a field in ' which the
United States has always been
considered the leader—the develap-
ment Of "wash and wear" fabrics,
The Velar first fabric to be grant-
ed ah. 'unqualified no Ironing ap-
proval by the 'United Statta Test-
ing Company is a terylene trieot
produced in Galt, Ontario, 'The
testing laboratory has given mini-
mum care rating to many fabrics
but it has never before been able
to vouch for a fabric as requiring
no ironing whatsoever,
The continent's top wash-and-
wear' fabric is a distinctively Can..
adian development and nothing
comparable has yet been produced
in the 'United States, Since the
cloth was introduced in 1056, men's
terylene tricot shirts in white or
with a fine stripe of colored .nylon
have become well-known from
coast to coast and women and
children have been wearing striped
tricot dresses and blouses In a,
wide variety of styles.
Recently, the fabric-maker de-
cided to see how this Canadian
Success would stack up against
fabrics produced south of the
border. Sample garments were sub-
mitted to the testing 'company. The
verdict wits that the fabric per-
formed better 'without Ironing than
any Material ever tested, It can be
Machine washed and either drip-
dried or tumble-dried in an auto-
matic (Oder. •
New striped patternS its a rain.
'bow Of colors will appear in
dresses, blouses, and children"s
wear for the coming spring, Cana.
titans know a good thing whoa they
MI,. Norman iNtel4tinglilin of
Wingliain visited onp day." last week
with Mr. and gm, Torn IVfeClernek
and Mrs, Ida Gallagher.
Mr. and Mrs: Broca Wallace • of
Hamilton visited a couple of days
last week with ',10, and Mrs.
Aitchesoa Wallace,
Miss lVfarjorie Foster of Van-
couver, B.C., arrived at Malton on
Thursday ;light, where she was
met by her brother and came to
Fordwich by Car where she will
sPrYnd throe tkrCTIVe N**Wttilae -with
her mother, Mrs. Ruby Foster. .
Mr. and Mrs, Doug Wildfang of
Toronto spent the week-end with.
Mrs. pay.Simmons and also visited
with Mr, Sizturiona in the Kitchener.
Hospital. Mrs. Wildfang remained
for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bride and
little son of Toronto visited Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Fordwieli intermediate hockey
team met Kuttzyttle on Thursday
night in the 1pcaf.arena in the first
game` of a 'play-off series coming
out on top by the wore of '7 to 4.
Mr..ancl Everitt Allan were
Kitchener palters :one' day last
week. Mrs. Roy Simmons i. accom-
panied them and visited with her
husband 'In the hospital 'there.
Mr. and Mrs. Ca'rl Stewart of
Listowel• visited Sunday, with' Mr.
and Mrs. Jini
Mrs. Ruby, Forester of, Toronto
spent the weeki•end at her home
here, . • . Mr. and Mrs. Tod penny, Brenda
Lee and Earlda of Erih visited
over the week-end with, Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Moot°. e'
Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Har-
grave and iiSited Sunday
with Mr. an' 'Mrs, Alex. Wray in
Toronto. Messrs. Emmerson Har-
grave and Frank Gibson 'returned
home with thern, where. they had'
both undergone ,major operations'
the 'past week. :‘ *
Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Lambkin
and family spent the week-end in ,
Mitchell, —
Mr. Bob Gibson returned borne•
Saturday from Listowel Hospital'
where he had been confined for
several days afterbeing injured in
a hoekey, game between ,Drayton
and Fordwich., —
Mr. and Mrs,.' Stan, MeCrae and
family of Palmerston vilted •Sun-
day with. :the, tatter's !mother, 'Mrs'
Inez Gibson • • •;:•.
Mr. and': Mts. Fred *Veit and
family and kiss Bitrbara Neivlove
of Galt visited over weiek-end
with Mr. arPl."MrA"..,if..ile . Seifert.
Mr. Jack Seifert of Montreal_ is
spending a, few, days -with his par-
Mt, and Mrs: AtobldDoig and
Gerald s pent . Sti ndity'.in Kitehe net-
with Mr. Leland. Kress.
Mr, and Mrs Harold Pollock And.
Fraser visited na.Stinday.in •Toron-•
to ,with relatives,
Mr. Jack FOStei.of Stoney Creek'
spent the „; week: end , with
mether, 'il 4 I '1„: •
'Mt, ,Eisid i17Yrs, VVillitiin Campbell
of London vialted civ& the week-.
end with the latter's parents, Mr.,
and Mrs. Crosby'. Sotheran, Mrs.
Sotheran returned with Mr: Camp-
bell as far aS Btrathroy on Sun7 :
ay; owing to the sevete illness 'Of
her mother., Mrs., Campbell •re-
mained here fee' a 'week with 'her,
father. ,
• Mr. and 'Mrs, Anson Demetling
• I
spent the Week-end in London at
the bottle of their daughter, Mrs.
Cordon deldricti and Mr. GOldrich,
Mr. and Mrs. Win, Dodswell„
Tillie iki,fiiiiSer„ Misge$, Annie and
Violet Cluiminghttiti of Hetriston
visited one day last 'week with Mrs.,
Ed MattheWS. Mrs, Mae Corbett
and family of London visited Sue-
day at the same lioine.,
CongratulatiOns, to Mr, aticl Mrs..
Art Wells of liOndon ,(nee Eleanor
A.slitori) 'the bittit Of a son. at
Victoria. UOSPital, London, March
12th and to and Mts. Mae Mc-
Intosh (tied Merle. Bride) a dough-
ter IC L'istOWel,flespital "ors Friday,
March 13th,
Miss Ardyth Campbell of Matti*.
is spending the next- three weeks',
With her ..graildinotlier, Mrs. Pearl
'Mr. Torn .Danningten Owen'
Sound is.oposidling some Unto with,
,his daughter; 46J, Keit. Gtallarn
and Mr. 'Wanton-A
Miss Ruth" hirdston of Tbriiiitei
Spent the `Week-end with bet pat.'
F'ORDWIOH—The W,v,S, of the ,
Fordwieh United Church met at
the home of lytrs.. Jack Wilson for
the Marelt 'meeting, Mrs, Stan,
Bride, president, opened the meet-
ing with prayer' and the hYrial
"There Is A Green Hill", She 'Pre'
rented the theme of the rneeting•"A
Conctra foi Cliii
by giving a few, thoughts on. re d-
Mg • She said, "We are what eve
read, It is• a challenging 'thought
that the majority of people, in the
world cannot read. It causes eon-
fusion as these folks .can only take
the word of others which is not
always the true picture of things.
When they do learn to read there
is not the prbper literature at hand
for them to' read,"
The roll call was answered 'by 27
with "A Missionary Book", The
minutes were read by the secre-
tary, Mrs. Pa'rker Emig. Mrs.
John Craig and Mrs, Jack Wiwi
were named as delegates , to the
Huron 'Presbyterial in ,Cod se'rich ,on
March 20th. Miss Minnie 1Vfel31-
wain, citizenship secretary, gave a
report on ."Penal Reforms as They
'Relate to Women."
Mrs., Darold • Doig. stewardship
secretary,. read a letter from. Mrs.
Moore, Presbyterial stewardship
secretary, telling that the allo-
cation was the same as last year,
but that didn't cover the allocation
of the Presbyterial and so it vvos
hoped that it' would be exceeded
by even more than last year. Miss
Suttie is the ,missionary for prayer.
Mrs. Thompson Is the shut-in for
this' month,
'• An "In Memoriam" was observed
for Mrs. Elmer Earns, who passed
to higher service this month; fol-
lowed by prayer by Mr& Ken,
'Graham. Mrs, Mel. Allan, assisted
by'. Mrs. J. H, Pollock, conducti eci
-the worship service, Mrs, Jack
Wilson sang a solo.
Mrs. Wm, Wilson and Miss
Violet Beswitherick presented the
study ,book. 'The subject was "Im-
imieiegdr:tuiohr" eise.
pTelloepYl es d tin lcarte aCsaell aO du:
heritage, to fill up the gap that
was' created when so many cetitir
youth were taken in. the Seceincl
Werld. War. Besides this selfiSto
interest we have a social reSPonsi-
bilitY to- the people of the world
Who have.suffered the brunt of the
war, trials of refugee camps, and
These 'people are referred to as'
"They": This produces a barrier
to their proper status in Canada.
Th is barrier_ is ,ereated language,•
dress, . their willingness to work
long hours and to live in poorer
housing conditions than ourselves.
The immigrants havg created more
jobs than they have filled so un-
employment has .not been Created
by them. We need them. We 'have
a.•-responsibility to provide a wel-
come; to have the church at the
ship when they leave their native
eaUntry, and to meet them when
they arrive here; to provide Eng-
lish classes -and social centres for,
them te. enjoy themselves, '
4. I
summer for well deserved recrea-
I do •kelieve, however, that this
Government . should considerevery
possible _means of providing for
uniform change dates on a pro-
vince-wide 'basis,. .
The haphazard manner in which
Ulm 'matter is now .handled results
hot only in pure confusion but in
scores of instances extreme incon-
venience and in fact . hardship,
There are periods of several weeks
both spring and fall, where pro-
bably half the municipalities in
Borne counties, are on daylight Say -
Mg time While others are on 'stan-
dard time,- areas where dis-
trict high' school; operate it is not
uncommon for the older children
hi a family 'to be attending school
in town which is on standard time
while the younger children attend
public school in a municipality
which o is still on daylight ;time or
,vice versa,. The •extreme incon-
venience of such a situation will,
I am sure, be obvious' to all Hon.
Members and may I assure you,
Mr. Speaker, there are many other
Inconveniences with which all of
us are quite familiar.
Mr. Speaker, Lit e foregoing
pr'om'pts me to ask the following
(1) Have the municipalities the
authority to set or change time
(2) Hag the 'Legislature or We
Government any authority or Jur-
isdiebion in the mattes'?
(3), In any event has the Govern-
ment considered a course of action
In response to the countless tem-
'talons' which have bean submitted
to many ,:Hen, Members .and turn.
sub/rated to the Hon, Provincial
May 1, Mr, Speaker, express: the
epinien that this is a matter that
warrants careful consideration and
appropriate action MI the part of
Which over goVeronicist Or agency
01' department, of • government,
which poSSeSSes the authority to.
deal with this thoroughly •strioatis-
Charles MeNaughton, M.P.P.; for.
South HUrpn, recently . addressed
the,:Legislature on the question of
Stiridarditd,,:l'he 'Change-over :dates
freiin daylight saving to standard
time, a Mattel.' which hat been of
Seritnti iconcern to' municipalities
iii Western 'Ontario for several
.years. The text of his remarks In
the, Legislature kollowS: '
Mr. Speaker:
Before the. orders 'of the day I
should like'to comment and Seek
some , information on a Matter
which I ans. convinced is of great
co.:Mein h very considerable
number of people Ontario, par-
ticularly, in the rural sections ,of the
Province. '
I refer to the confusing and al-
together haphazard method of re-
gulating the available hours of
daylight that has plagued the good
people of ,thlo Province 'for many
years and 'appears likely to do so
again in the. course of the next
few: weeks,
support of this observation.
Mr: ,Speaker, 'permit :me to say to
yoti and the 'Hon. Members of the
House that I 'have received some
20-add resointions urging the Pro-
Government to do some-
thing to rectify this situation, Fur-
ther,'I know that the Hon-, Member
for , lIttren-Bruce has received
ahniihr resolutions and I can only
assume that the same can be said
by most It hot all Members from
'These, resOlUtions are temesentat
tiVe Of a, broad cross section of the
peup is in that they have been pre-
rented by all Women's Institutes
in my riding and I bell eve ti'i ough-
nut the PrOVitieti as well as dim
council of, the County of Huron
and many Municipal comings.
'lloW while I believe rural 'fonts
largely would prefer standard tifff6
00 a year-round basis, nevertheless
I am eeatident they, appreciate
that people in urban areaa w,ould
be deprived of much of the dailight
hours they depend On during the
Bridge Club
Winners at lest week's regular
gathering of the bridge club Were:
First, 0.mar . HaSeIgrove and b.
Henry; secdoci„t H. CraWIerd And
1Vfra. G. Gannett and third, Mesa,
G. GOclkin and Mrs. A. Parker.
Week-end visitors with. Mrs, bora.
Ridley Were 110, and Mt& Cecil
Lynn and faintly Of OritfigeVille,.
Mr' and Mra, Gedrge Bolander and
JOhil of Lencion,
Mr„ and Mrs, /*den Devitt Spent
Ono day last Week' In kiteliehet.
1 Moles and Beatn$
Henry. rushing off to, his tiffie(i,
discovered in It Enal glance Iii the
hall Mirror that he had forgotten
to put on a. tie. Ito scolded hint wife, Sylvia, for not having notieed
the ()Misfit/in and then hastened to
repair it.
.rust as he was about to leave
the. lietisit 44YlVia called hint 'back.
"HeUrY," She asked, "what color of
dross hill 1, wearing?"
Hens ,v sheepishly tind to return
to the breakffit robin to find out.
Trio Printed Word.
Mrs, Elwin Somers `spent the
week-end with 'her daughter, Mrs,
Earl Wilken, near Listowel,
Jets, Shera has returned
home after spending the past
three months with her daughter in
Jim 'Graham, eldest sad of Mr.
and Mrs. Alen 'Graham had his
tonsils ' removed in Palmerston
Hospital on Friday and Was able to
return home Sunday .afterimon,
Mr. 'Cecil 'Grainger, Mrs, Effie
MeCraelcio; Viola .and Violet spent
Monday of last 'week in London,
Mr. anti, "Mrs. Geo. Brown and
Jean visited Mr, and Mrs. John
Ferrell on. Sunday,
The Gortie Public Library will
hold its anntial meeting Wednesday
evening In the L.O.L. hall. Pro-
gtessive euchre will else be played.
Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Johnston,
Linda Ana Brian, visited LisloWel
friends on Stiaiday returning Mon-
(toy .vorning.
vo. and Mrs. Fred Doten of
Windsor were the •house guests Of
their daughter and son-its-law, :Mr,
and' Mrs. John Stafford,.
Mrs. E. II, Strong spent last
Week-end iii Gtieloli and on Moil-
day, March 11th Mr. E. It Strong
Went to Guelph and both attended
the fill-sera" of Mrs. Strong'S cots
sin, Mrs. Itersty ilackSon, Guelph.
Mrs, Chas, .Lawrence is visiting
relatives in Toronto.
Mrs. Clark Shatpin Was the high
lady end Me, Gordon 'Coulter high
gent at" the -110.L., ettehre. last
Wednesday eVening,
latgeat spending department • of
government-and undoubtedly there
Will be news of many more miles of
good roads for the Mx:Vince and
tor our Biding.
Throughout the past fortnight:
nominating conventions have been
occurring throughout the Provihce
itt the rate of Several per week
and Members o.e all parties have
been disappearing 'from .the :Rouge
for a feW days CO seek`and usually,
obtain the endersatIon of their or-
ga iZati011 and supporter's. It
appears that both Progressive-
Conservative and Liberal Parties
Will bossiest. almost every seat,
While the C.CP. Will field a large
number of candiciatca. own
Welber is grateful to have reoeiv,
ed already the andorsation of hit
Patty and supportets in the eon-
Stittioney and he has .had the privl,
logo of :attending several nomin-
ating conventions across the Pre-,
Aside, However, Premier ,biteat .
has giVen Of an eleed
tion date, so that all parties and
all candidates nietery
Paring for the fray.
The seventh week of sitting of
the Legislicture proVed to he one
of legislative drudgery. The House
sat long hours, with both evening
and morning rSessieris, for thelvery
necessary consideration of . new
dawn by the Committee of the
whote House, I• louse Cemmittees
continued their daily ,morning ses-
siorul and all' Members seemed to
find more than enough' to keep
them busy. In fact, as everyone
seems to feel that an early election
is the offing, Members have
been most assiduous in their dutieti.
Opposition Membera, in partioular,
have been sharpshopting at every
government measure and Minister,'
in Rope ;of finding some good
election Issue, or issues- .with very
little success,
Mote Departmental estimates
Were presented to the House by
the responsible Ministers and omit.-
fallS" nonaiderecl, trued ahoet, sit
taelced and defended, and finally
accepted, Among the estimates
,receiving approval Wore thosct
Public Works --wh ich indicated
Censtruetion of, some neW public
Windings within the P.idifig; • Edit-
eation.--svhich provided for more
generous school grants, including
Provincial asSiStance to School
Boatcis for coostrOction of, gym-
niisia ettfetetieS, shop work rooms,
demestle seleriee toeing and gener-
al totanti, and an hi-
crease of $5,006r0 per rooto to.
,05.6o0.00 for 8ecoaciary Behool
' coisstructionl' Transport — which
gave more information oh the neW
points systeni and neW driver test.
log and licensing regattatfrinS: atiti
Reform Isistitutions Which lndleat..
ed the advances made in eetreci.
tithlat filatittitiorlik and steps to he
taken in eonhinetkin with the Fed-
eral authorities for bripletientation
of the irasattUk ROPert. The next
week will see the Violater of High-
v,fay tottodoothg ogithateg tot the
1111,0 1 I, Y.11 a I r it 6. .r,,LIt . • '