HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-03-18, Page 6y, .7.11%0* k )4. Pei* 4,;* 1 }..101,00.0."101&110•11~,,10.1p gjoip low0901.1•*-4.4044 /lb* wer kt,„-,,s4.,•,,,,dotpeoptp,p lo... 0,0a • fi (0. ji,a* .4 -11 *11, & 41,:& (0.4 t .* 0010. V 4 • itiooloosuccomiuuitanuotottimtillAllitiltlipuir7 Doti be tooled by i i t$ i the 'weather. ' , EASTFolt 18 JUST "A FEW *A 'S AWA),t — SO ..01 WISE AINLO iii - I WM' 'WOW" AT OARISMIJAEM4 , i i INFANTS', Boys'' & GIRLS', COAT SETS i up fu Ilx alitl .761:910 ttiou'etli39a.i5OlocortititoY .,. '.0 1 i p ii U U 1 U rap •Mg its Witt am 4.0-anco,T1ateti, Wetilloll4Yi•fxrAlt 1.0%. )3read balging WaS j t orgApt404" F ac ts About as an industry by the ancient g'Irpt14115• SQ that many people ()Mild benefit from tine skills of a few, Their medical records show °in use of Yeast as early as 1.550 and loaves eollt4inir4; yeast were Pharaohs. One wonders whether the ancients breakfast tem Gal npzi Fish • •Cectildian VA' and ShellfiSit' sro widely distributed in Panlied'IOren, Varieties tanned Iii largest, quantity are salmon, .sardines, and lobster. found in the tombs Of the. Some other varieties ••canned by HAVE Canadian processors in goed supply are: tuna, Atlantic grOUndfish (marketed principally as Thleheit Haddie"), herring, mackerel, clams, and crab, These together , with specialty products Such' as fish cakes and soaps can do much to add YarletY to Lenten monus, Canned seafoods are convenient' to handle and store and as they are already cooked, they are quick and easy to prepare, Many honiemakers keep a supply on hand for impromptu use, enjeyed toast for SpAdEA'S INTERNATiONAtc,-,\I k DESIGNER L j;: PATTERN GIRLS' EASTER. BONNETS • Sizes itp to .12 yours, styled by "Cinderella" at $2.98 a i. eek's Pattern TAICE A POUND OP FIS111----fresh, o'rowoot •-•••.•••ot .o.ot you're headed for eating enjoyment, provided you follow the basic rides of fish pookery, Pictured here are Quick Stamen Pie, ;Fresh' Fillet Rolls ,with Tomato Sauce, anti' Crispy Baked Frozen Fillets,—Department Of ,Fisheries of "Canada photo. GIRLS' SPRING COATS , Styled by "College Oirle Sizes 7-12 and leen sizes 01.3.4x fil At Prices You'll Have To See To Believe i 7i IN ' i 1 ,4 to 13 nietith Zaire . 11 from $1.08 .to $3.98 = U and Ladies be sure to cash in on CarmichaerC: im , NYLON SPECIAL FOR EASTER s. Lovely sheer 51 gauge 15 denier NYLONS, First Quality *it' i• Priced to sell at 3 pairs for $1.88 a- , I Also ECONOMY SEAMLESS .NYLONS at: 98c 1 . " PICK Tit' YOUR CliNX BOOSTER, CONTEST FOIZIVLS AT 1-1 Take a Pound of Fish 411.11Wwwi.c4 40, • Irene Gilbert has a WAy ;al her own when .she handles scissors cutting. the goods to fall with fluid- ity, moulding it to make the most of the wearer's. figure. This sur- plice-bodice dress has a wrap-ar, mind' look, but is really a step-dn model good up to size 20, Using Side pleats only in front, she keeps the silhouette slender at the sides eases the back with an inverted pleat, The eellared V neckline is wonderfully flattering , to any' face, but does wonders for slimming down neck and jaw lines. Make it, in plain or printed fabrics, tie silk, cottons, linen, crepe. novel- ty weaves or 'thin woOls, From this size chart, select the one size best for you. Size 12 requires 3% yards of 45 inch material for 'dress with Ti length 'sleeves. To order Pattern No. S-427, state size, send $1.25. For no* 'Jumbo 144 page rnterna- tional Designer Pattern Book B-C, send ,Address SPADEA. 0/0 Norman Hartnell (Canada) Limited, 214 Main St., Toronto 13, Ontario. Please allow two weeks for delivery. Next week look for an Interna- tional ,Designer pattern iby' La- Chasse. Length from Nape ,of Neck „eckto Waist 161/2 " i.6 17 . •0 171/2 " 171/2 " Tn fish preparaion, as in other, types of cookery, the modern trend is toward the quick, and easy. IPOIYidttality Lenten menus this year.should .he in E a ster Egg short on labour and long on' variety. You will find fish markets and r`k eco • D stores well stocked with a variety, •ratton of fishery rproduets. To show you tiphofro are'-many ways of clecorat- • • • what you might do with a pound of ,fish,—fresh, frozen, and 'canned —here are three simple reeiPeS supplied by the home: economists. of Canada's Department of, Fish- eries. They are especially recem,- mended for, beginners without -any, special luck; who like compliments for their cooking, Though ,pro- cedures outulined are simple; the flavour of each completed dish is on the gourmet level. Quick Salmon Pie 1 can (5% minces) salnion 1 can (10 ounces) peas, drained • 4 tablespoons butter 4 tablesPcians flour ' 1/2 teaspoon salt Dash-pepper - 2 cups liquid (liquid from•caaned salmon plus milk to • make . up', volume) VI cup grated Cheddar. cheese % recipe baking powdder biscuits (1 cup flour) • • * Drain, and flake salmon, reserv- ing salmon liquid to combine with: milk,' Melt butter; 'blend in ,flour and seasonings. Add liquid gradu- ally, and 'cook over low. heat until thick and smooth, stirring con- stantly, Add cheese and stir until melted: Add peas and salinon. Pour- into 'a greased 1.,/...qUart.. casserole. Arrange small bisdtuits on top of salmon mixture:, 'Bake in a hot 'oven preheated to 450 degrees F., for 10 to 15 minutes, or „until the biscuits are golden brown. Makes 6 servings. ' , ' Salt Water Rolls 1 Pound fresh sole fillets' SPDcieuplitp. picklee chunks or gherkins % cup chopped onion • 2 tablespoon8 butter 1 can (71/2 ounces) tomato sauce 'A, teaspoon salt Sprinkle each fillet with salt and pepper. Place a thick strip 'of di.P Pickle or a gherkin on each filllet at the 'broad end, Roll up fillets like 'a jelly roll. Place roll^tips cloSe) together in a small greased. baking dish. Cook onion in butter for about 5 minutes or until tender but not 'browned. Stir in tomato sauce and salt. Bring to .simmer- ing temperature then pour over fish, Bake in a hot oven pre- heated to. 450 .clegrees F., for 15 to 20 minutes or until fish will flak( easily on testing with a fork and is an opaque white shade through- out. Makes 3 or 4 servings, ing, 'Easter eggs and the painting dt . 4aees on them is not a new one but .the way suggested for Happy EaSter Eggs is' a different twist on an did idea, says the Poultry Pro- diAts Institute and it was suggest- ed,* g friend of the Institute, Mrs. Macartney of .Ramsayville, Ontario. lisp brown shelled eggs rather thattpUre white ones, since they inere'l nearly imitate the human 'etimplexion. Choose eggs in tints or 'brown 'most closely resembling the individual skin tones of the family; the 'lighter shades for, the 1)1i:41e-tee' and, the darker ones for • . •, the brunettes., because these Happy faces will represent family mem- ctit4, rW, i A 1 at 0. I catniihael's_ The Family Store • i ;.5.(itsiiimilistioilimitaiiiiiiiniimiiimilimilismstiwtoitiltiiiiiiiittelionistilititig ' 4 , , ociowniatiimmoilwoulwwwwwimitilliiiimiitiiiiiilimlaill0111Wiliwilt a HOME CURED ' . iii AN 0) Ya .-. Order Now , to „,X,,,,i, • ,.,,, IRENE GilbEltlr, of IREIANCI SIZES BUST WAIST HIPS ii 11 EASTER i for. , Ili iii Xi I. ill %94 ., . 77 . ,. Of \ ..-,-.4.5"\:-,4- Also Top Quality iL, u at , ., '.. CHICKENS TURKEYS— DUCKS i. il. GROUND BEEF 1. . 3 .11-. $1.25 •:: Lockridge's Butcher ,S hap . . "-*-1111111111111111111M1111111111111111111111911111111111i111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111114 IS 24 35 • 25 ' 36 261/2 371/2 28 39 10 12 14 16 34 35. 36% 38 40 18 30 41 copyright 1959 Spadea Fashions, Inc. bers., Poster paints are icleal .for colour- and the brush' from junior's paint' box' is all that is needed to 'make • the, Happy 'Easter. Egg laces. A: v 'inisi holder •for, the eggs while . drying is the bottom half of a card- bottiftl,, egg carton or plastid re- frigerator egg, holder, • •- Hard. cook the' reqUired number cf,, eggs and chill. Meanwhile, be deciding on the 'characteristics of the Individuals, in the family to, be einphasiZed in' the egg 'faces. Each`person?s hair will be a slight- ly ;different eolonr. as 'will( the eyes*).).01aSses' are easy. to paint on 0.0.ieig•faceS .i as, well- as the fanci- est , . , ;hairdo, since poster ' paints swirl ..,:Using .a dark brown colour, make two thin curved serni-circles two- thirclijip from pointed end of the ,,eggfOi the eyobi'ovvi. Then paint two semi-circles below them•with a dot of blue, brown or green centred 'with black immed- iately below to represent eyes., Two small 'circles of black are the hostrils, with a red cupid's .bow beneath ,for, the mouth. Don't for- get to .curve the cupid's bow up- wards for a smile and finish with two laughter lines at the sides, When putting the hail: on, use both lighter and darker shades to" streak it since this makes for more life-like hair. -Now acid the glasses, mustaches or what have you to make the eggs individualistic. While eggs are drying, crumple tissue paper (preferably. white) into .a soup dish or sauce dish. de- pending on the number of eggs used, Place on an Mverted similar ,dish and arrange eggs tissue paper, Circle with chocolate Baste!' figures and straw coloured celoe plume strips in between, On Easter, morning the family Will have fun identifying themseiVes and each Other. Shell and 'use these eggs as eggs 0. la king, 'reamed with onions Q I: devilled for it garnish or as a salad, r iaMil.rEl..0111.•••••1141011”4...414•04011MIHMKirmrlareeMMoamOurOrrOal•MaimmOirl.0411•1.pmmarerD0.11M1.•.......11M0...r.r.UMErral•Nrarrirri.01•11.11411•01.10•0MdrtrarirrarralkillirnmarrarprWriMmeri• a / • , • 8000khe is I I .. .., • ' ,'‘ ' w "' . a' k , • a_ i, . c glamorous De[Moiro Group by ' I i . , I KROEHLER with a startling low price! F It's Been a Rugged Winter, Yes, weather conditions this yeltr have cwised matty'utore tied. L. dents, leaving scars mid dents on Vehicles. If your ear bas been one of the unfortunates, we can make it look good agaia.• Don't leave these blemishes to spoil the appettranet of your vehicle for spring driving. Oar , axpert mill careful WoricantaShip, is your assurance. oK Wingham Body Shop ik • Phone .746Sid Adanig , Wingham. • • g , )))) ) • lll i ii ii tttttttt tttt <i• Crispy Baked Fillets :1 pound frozen fish fillets 'h. cup evaporated milk 1,14 teaspoon salt '2 teaspoons lemon juice ' cup eruslied cornflakes Butter Cut frozen fillet block into 3 'or 4 portions of equal size. Combine evaPorated milk, salt, and leinoe juice: in a shallow disk,, Dip fillet portions in milk, then 'coat yelp' crushed cornflakes, Place in a shallow, greased baking dish, "Dot with butter, take in a hot oven . preheated to 150 degrees F, alloW- ing about 20 minutes cooking time per inch thickness of fillet block The fish is cooped, 'when it Will flake easily, on testing With a, fork and is an opaque white shade to the centre ,of the portions, Makes 3 or 4 serVings, Don't miss this Tremendous V,aluel • Choice of Spring-filled or Foam Rubber Cushions* • Wide Range of Beautiful Fabrics , arid Colors • Famous Plus-Built Construction. Smart new styling and luxtniove comfort are coin- bited in the beautiful new "Del Morro" creations by Xroehler. Mid for extra comfort, there's the soft-as,.a.clond cushioning magic of Xxoehler's new "Ltix4-roain,"(h) In beautiful, durable spun nylon, two-toned friez0..Choosd now from exciting new decorator colors! •P 0 rubber Cushions At Sidra cost• SCALLOPS are tine type, of eitialfieli Which we never see' mar- keted in the Oleg, !Like dyStei's and 'clailds, Scallops have two"shellhi but unlike these relatives they edit propel thentselVes through the water by opening and closing 'their Fishermen catch scallops lb deep water at'eas off the atlantic coast and shtick them aboard the fishing vessels. The only part:Of the shellfish kept is the tender cube 'of White Meat Which fano,- dolled as: the Shell MuSele. III fresh form, scallops ate aValIable near Sea-Oast .ariecla, ItiOZeri ilt. 'One- pound packages, they; )1iave at Wide dlitribution, (). II Feed Them co-OP CHICK STARTER Belgrave Co -operative BELGRAVE. ONTARIO Phone: Wingharn 1065w, Brussels 14r10 o DEBENTURES an d it 4 GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES Huron &Erie•Canada Trust 111111A11 OPPICE LONtiON, ONTAItiO District itelitesentatiVe's Crawford •Xt Itetlieringtori, Whigintart;'.Y. ituNlificid, Winginam II. C. l‘hicteapl Winglatinl 4. Wylie,• Wteiketer 3 you min, OE CONFIDE N T WITH KROVILMit Walker .Home :Furnishings Photie 106 S, 3. WALKER . Witighant A. Iiiii4411440* ” • "