HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-03-18, Page 4Page I'only ?iilig'1asu1AdiralleeeTiMee, Wednesday, Mere TrIt Agra—in loving memory Of • clear brother, Sheldon, Wile, pass- Ways, remembered Eby :sisters and brothers. 184 IN irif~ll~la>ictei lit W/LLS—In.. loving memory"-Of the into ,•Josia.h Wiljai who pft4.40c1 away March 22nd, 1961, ,and Mrs, Wills, who died 1March 14th, 1956. remembered by their three ..daughters,. lee ,Nit It/ I? I /14 1.\\1‘ ‘49 ILI t ".re, use t e WaDt Ads to BORROW FROM • THE LARGE ST, MOST RECOMMENTWO - COMPANY-0191'ITS KIND wmsrron T0 BENT . FOR SAM a. 27,000 back- Good be seen Very sale. 11:18b - ,- 1956 RANCH WAGON, 'ielles, Radio, whitewalls, up lights, newly painted, reason for eeiling. May 'at Salvation Army Citadel, reasonably priced for quick Trade considered. REAL ESTATE - ' --- - HOUSE FOR SALE in Bluevale, 6 room, frame, water ,part hard- wood floors cu.boards. Phone Wingham 42431, 8''' HOUSE with two lots for' sale on , Scott St. south. House frame with felt shingle siding; 3 bed- rooms. Presently divided into 2 apartments. Two 'baths, oil hot water heat, built-in cupboards, all oak flooring in fairly good state of repair. Apply to W. T. Cruickshank, 275 or 158, 1825b BUYING OR SELLING FARM, business, home? Mail this ad for FREE 60 page picture catalogue, filled with pictures, facts, figures on Real Estate bargains for you. Five offices help you buy or sell, Orangeville, Hanover, Walkerton, Fleslierton, Owen Sound. Con- tact your nearest friendly STARR office for action and results. Paul S. Starr & Co. Ltd., Real- tors. (26). 'We 'Sell Rural On- tario", 4,18;1,15,29;13,27;10,24;8b LIVESTOCK FOR SALE - - 6 HOLSTEIN HEIFERS for sale, due within next month. Phohe George Michie, Brussels 17.113, 18* ONE 'CALF, two weeks old, for sale. Joe Schneider, phone 505w12 18b 8 PIGS for sale, ten weeks old. Apply to Chester Casemore, phone 632w3. 18b' AMBULANCE SERVICE CURRIE'S AMBULANCE, Wing- ham, Dependable Service, Phone: ' Day, .51; Night, '716 or .636, MISCELLANEOUS , IS YOUR TELEVISION properly insured for all risk coverage? For information phone 293, Stew- Art A„ Scott, Wingham, 2rr$,, NEW SPRING ARCHES—Consult W.A. Kaufman, phone\ 94, Lis- towel, open every. Tuesday 10 a.m. to 10 p.m., and in Walkerton at, Percy Pletch's, March 19, phone 195W; at Mariwalt Tourist Home, Diagonal Road, Highway 86, Wingham, phone 993, on Thursday, March 26, afternoon and evening. - rrb WATERLOO CATTLE Breeding Association "Where Better .Bulls Are Used". Supply artificial I breeding service for all breeds of cattle. Phone collect to Tees- water 126, or Clinton Zenith, 9-5650. For service or niche in- formation, call between:- 7.30 and 10.00 a.m. week days; 6.00 and 8.00 p.m. Saturday evenings. For Cows noticed in heat on Sunday morning, do not call until Monday morning. The qual- ity is high end the cost low, rrh • ______ .„.......___. ___ _ ._ — DEADSTOCK WANTED DEADSTOCK removed promptly for sanitary disposal, leR,EF, pick up on larger animals, reasonable collection charge for small ani- mals, • Phone collect Wingham Palmerston 128w, or*Dur- ham 398, Gordon Young (Elmira) Limited, 6rrb ...........a..-.....----,-------.... Dead Stock WANTEb HIGHEST CASH prams in surrounding districts for old, sick or 'disabled horses cattle, For prompt, sanitary disposal day or night, collect, LERO1 ACHESON, Atwood 153 or GEORGE IIISLOP, Wroxeter 205 Paid dead, or Phone DEAD STOCK SERVICE Highest Cash Prices For Old, Sick and Disahledl COWS and Horses DEAD STOCK AT. HIGHEST CASH VAUIJ6 *Seaga Ibone Prbitiptly Call Collect . 131 gruce _. Mariatt ,. 13russeis, Ont. 24 HOUR SERVICE TEACSIP StRADINO TEACUP fortune telling every eb ternoon 1 to 3 and evenieg 7 to 9, Call 241, . 11:18b. FOR SALE • • TAXI: SERVICE and used. 'Furnittire, We bey end sell, rhorie. 185, rrb PINK "CHECK spring coat for sale, size 12, Rhone 6505, WANTED TO RENT small home or aparthient in or near Wing- ham,' Apply Box 14 Advance- Times, 4rrh EVERYONE is eveloetrie at. the euchre in the Legion Wingham!, on Monday, NI:trete 23. at 8.15 pen. Slioneered by the Legion Ladies, Auxiliary, Good prizes, Leneli served. 0E181i. rOCILTRY FOR SALE IN MEMORIAM RITOR/E—In loving memory of Gordon Ritehie, who passed away March 19, 1057. GALLAWAY — In loving memory of Oliver Galiaeeey. who paseed away. June 29, 1950. A beautiful 'memory of two so dear We cherish still with love sincere; Two days that come with sad re- gret . And two that we will never forget, WANTED\ itacked by .over 80 years' experience When's loan will help—large or small—borrow with confidence, at :111?C No bankable fieetwity Ox oodor8or8 rogofred, — . SNOW REMOVAL SNOW PLOUGHING wanted. Phone 1079, Harold Congram, 28-4-11-18-25-4-11-18 AFRICAN VIOLETS for sale. Some new varieties, full bloom. Mrs. Allen, Phone 5413, 1825b BOY'S RUST colored oat and cap for sale; size 8. Mrs, A, Hafer- reejel e 677M, 18b PAIR .WHITE PEKIN, duck and drake for sale; 2 young Holstein cows due to freshen soon; 20 York chunks about 70 ihs,.; pure- bred 'Yorkshire boar, one year old; 25 York pigs, 9 weeks old, Jim Coultes, phone 743W2, 0.$* DUKALII STARTED PULLETS SEVERAL HUNDRED Delealb lets hatched Nov. 3rd, 16 weeks old--Feb, 23rd, 18 weeks—Mar. 9th, Vaccinated for bronchitis and Newcastle: Should be, seen to be appreciated, If you keep records, you will keep Dekaibs, Moore's Poultry Farm, Seaforth, Ont, Phone 647-31. rib HOUSEHOLD FINANCE.' rile‘70A/G, iteee • • M. R. Jenkins, Monoeer LARGE SIZE oleild's wooden crib wanted, with or Without Metres% Phone 65, 18" WILL PASTURE le br 15 head cattle,' Phone 51.0W3, Harold Casemore, 18* VVe miss their love, tittle FOR RENT WILL BUY OLD HOGS, Apply to Maurice Cronin, .phone 56 r?.2, Teeswater. 24,4,11,1825b 35A West Street Telephone 1501 GODERICH OVEN-READY Turkeys for Eas- ter. Size 10 to 12 lbs. Graham Work, phone 12318, Brussels or 878 Wingham. 11:18* fI.A.VE YOU TRIED FLO-GLAZE? 1522 colors in flat gloss or semi- gloss, The Wallpaper Shop, 18h OVEN READY turkeys for sale, priee 45c and 50c per lb, Phone Holmclale Creamery or 73532, lab SPACE) FOR RENT, available April 1st. Suitable for office. Formerly occupied by Isabel's "Beauty Shop. Apply to Queen's Hotel, phone 11., lib ways, With them I spent my happiest days; IA memory we see them just the same, • As long as we live we will cherish ' their name, Still in our heart they are living yet, For we love them too ever forget. Like ivy on the weathered oak, When all Other things decay, Our love for them., will still keep ' green And never fade away, —Lovingly remembered and deeply missed by their wife, Ann, and family, Kenneth, Reita a n d George. 18b MALE HELP WANTED 7 TENDERS WANTED Sealed tenders, b e receive by the undersigned till April 11th, 1959, (Or the sale of barn 20x25 and lean 1.5x1e on Presbyterian mans% property, Whitechurch Both with steel roof, recently new, To 'be removed by July 1st. Apply to John J, Gaunt, secretary. 18,25h Young Man Wanted:* • MAN WANTED--Roy Cramm and Sob of Pinkerton want to hire a married man for their seed- cleaning plant and farm. This man must be familiar with opera- tion of all farm machinery and understand feeding of beef cattle, Good wages will be paid along with free house, Apply Roy Cramm, Pinkerton, phone Cargill 68W3. 1,8;25b dearly to • EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY Learn TV Idle You Earn -Ili . . SEED FOR .SALE BABY BUGGY for sale, in ' good _condition, cream color $20,00, Phone 436M. 18* CARDS.OP THANKS WE HAVE YOUR COMPLETE requirements in grass seed, low land, permanent, or pasture mixes, in any quantity, Oats, bar- ley, spring wheat and corn, in registered, certified or commer- cial, Contact us for price before buying. ' Chambers Hardware, phone 65, Wroxeter. 4-11-18b GIRLS GREEN Tweed Coat and bonnet, for sale. Size 4, Excel- lent .condition. Phone 684, 18* •—' .1 If you are it young span between the age (4.17 and 20 with ' i a flair _for style, here's your opportunity to acquire a sales IL' ii - training' as well as the fundamentals of merchandising., ,-\' • ...... ea— EITHER APPLY IN PERSON OR WRITE GIVING FULL .. U • : — , — • PARTICULARS AS TO AGE AND QUALIFICATIONS, III iii ..._ . ,1111 LOST kfILK FILTERS for sale—"Rapid elo", 6-inch, 79c; 61/2.-inch, 85c. ' Alexander's Hardware. lrrb We would like to thank our 'friends and • neighbors for cards, flowers and the many other acts of kindness during ,our recent be- reavement: Special thanks to Dr. Erneet Medley and the staff at the Wingham General Hospital, and to Mrs. Willis -11Sle—The family of the late Mrs. George Nicoll. 18b I would like to express my sin- cere gratitude to the .many friends who sent cards and messages and befriended me in so many ways during the illness and at the time of the death of my sister, Rebekah. Mitchell, Mrs, Fred Fuller, Hanna's Men's Wear WE OFFER registered N. 1 Gary and Rodney seed oats -at $1.45 per bushel with 5c a bushel dis- count on orders of 100 bushels or over. Contact us for your other seed requirements. We also have seed barley for contract.barley growers, Phone 455, John Bum- stead and Son. rrh WINGHAM, ONTARIO 1 BLACK PLASTIC garbage pail lost on Carling Terrace on Sunday. Phone 677M. - 18)) LARGE PLYWOOD cupboard for sale. About 51e, ft, high, four doors, shelving top and bottom. Also large plywood wardrobe. Phone 4931 18h FOUND BIRTHS SELLERS—At the Wingham Gen- eral Hospital, on Tuesday, Mar. •10 1959 to Mr, and Mrs. Glenn ' Sellers, R.R. 2, Bluevale, a daugh- ter. ABOUT 40 COLONIES of bees for sale in standard 10 frame hives, with two Supers to each hive, free of disease. Phone 174J. Ed, Haberer, Zurich. Ont, 18:25* 18,* I MAN'S BLACK rimmed glasses found on Boland Street. Phone 165 or 479. 18b PERSONAL Save Money by PREPAYING HUNTING and Fishing licenses are now available from Charlie Lee,. Wingham, 18b COURTNEY—At the Wingham General Hospital, on Tuesday, . Mar. 10, 1959, to Mr, and Mrs. Leo Courtney, R.R, '7, Lucknow, a son. ELPHICK—At the Wingham Gen- Mr. Thomas Vittie and family wish to express heartfelt thanks • and appreciation to their many friends, relatives and neighbors for the kindness, sympathy, floral tributes and many cards received during their loss of a dear wife and mother. 18* GERRARD HEINTZMAN Piano for sale; also 8-piece oak din- ing room set, .-bed spring, matt- ress. All in good condition. Phone 4763, Wingham, Fred Carr bert. 11* NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF MARGARET IVIeCREERY, ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate -of the above- mentioned, late of the Township of Howick, in the County of ;Fen- ron, Widow, who died on the 24th day of January, 1959, are required to file proof of same with the un- dersigned. on or before the '21st day of March, A.D. 1959, After that date the Administrat- mix will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the' claims of which she, shall then have had notice. - DATED at Wingham, this 3rd day of March, A.D, 1959. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario Solicitors for the Adrninistratrix. 4:11:18b ............. ~oW .. N Op * WINGHAM' YOUNG MAN attending school in London wishes ride to Beigrave or Wingham Friday nights and back to London Sunday night or early Monday morning. 'PhOne Brussels 140 collect. 4,11,18* eral tHapital. on Thursday, Mar. 12, 1959, 'to Mr. and Mrs. Pavid Elphick, R.R. 3, Lucknow , daughter. e, FOXTON—At the Wingham Gen- eral Hospital, on Thursday, Mar. 12, 1959, to Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Foxton, Wingtham, a son. COUSINS—At the Wingham Gen- eral Hospital, on Friday, March 13. 1959, to Mr. and"Mrs. Lawrie Cousies, Brussels, a daughter. • van VLIET—At the Wingham Gen- oral Hospital,' on Saturday, Mar. 14, 1959, to Mr .and Mrs. Jan van Vliet, RR. 2, Brussels, a daugh- ter, INCORPORATED 4:1--,C7 9 .0. We would like to express our thanks and eappreciation to friends, relatives and neighbors for their kindness, sympathy and floral tri- butes received during the loss of our brother and uncle, the late Charles. Agar. A special thanks to the nurses and orderlies at -the Wingham General Hospital, Dr, Myers also Mr. A. H. Neelon and Rev. 'Dr. Nimmo.—The Agar and Scott families, 18* tto WHY FEEL OLDS Feel Years Younger. Ostrex Tonic Tablets revitalize thousands past 40. ONLY 60c At all druggists. 14,21,28,4,11,18,5,12,19 MINNEAPOLIS-Moline Tractor for sale. Model Z, in excellent, con- ditina. Apply Gerald Courtney, R.R. 1, Ripley, One. Phone• 115r18, Ripley. 1.8* NEW .0D013,1 :MSS ROXATONE— Needs no special primer, Suit- able for walls and woodwork. Two quarts and a new sprayer, special $7,50. The. Wallpaper Shop. 18b „Town of Wingbani 1959 Taxes Taxpayers may- make paymetas on -account of 1959 taNeS up to 80 per cent .Of 1958 taxes,. Interest at' the. rate of Four per cent, per , annum will be allowed on such prepaTments. Prepayments of taxes must be made at the Town, Treasnrer's Office, Town — WILLIAM RENWICK, Treasurer, FOOT SUFFERERS If you have sore feet, ankles, itelatica pains in legs, hips or lower buck trouble why, not have your Let checked by a qualified, exper- ienced Foot Correctionist. See J. A. VICKERS at Queens Hotel, Wingham, ',each Monday afternoon Other times — 481 8th Ave., Hanoeer, Phone 500 MEAT FOR SALE—Good beef by the qua'rter, Killed on premises Tuesday morning, Inspected by Dept. of Health, Yearling heifers. Top quality. Lowest prices. Ray- nerd Ackert, Ripley, phone 24r28, or Lucknow, 101r13. rrb We wish to extend out heartfelt thanks and our deep appreciattoe to relatives, friends and• neighbors for the many acts of kindness; the many 'messages of syinpathy and the beautiful floral tributes re- ceived during our recent bereave- ment caused by the sudden passing of a dear daughter and sister. Special thanks to Dr. J. Laws, the Rev. H. T.' West and the Moir Fun- eral Home, the boys who acted 'as pallbearers and the girls who acted as flower bearers, and all those who !assisted in any other way._ Mr. .and Mrs, Jim Inglis, Jim and Vernon, 18h SEE THE-WIDE variety of floor • covering for every floor in the ' house from 79c per square yard up. Let us quote you on a new floor installed in your house. The Wallpaper Shop. leb NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF EUPHEMIA WILSON • ALL PERSONS- having claims against the estate of the above mentioned late of the Town of Exeter, in the County of Huron, formerly of the Village of White- ehurCh, County of Bruce, Widow, who died on the 13th day of Febru- ary, 1959, are required to file proof, of same with the undersigned on or before the 28th day of 'March, 1959, After that date the executors will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the clairns of which he shall then have had notice, DATED at Wingham this tenth day of March, 1959. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario Solicitors for the Executors 11-18-25b Town of Wingham. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Lived on Farm Over 40 Years GORRIE—Nfr, and. Mrs. Percy Ashton were honored 'by. their neighbors. and friends, who gath- ered at their home on Wednesday evening , March '11, and presented them with the gift of a hostess chair .and cushion. Mr. and -Mrs, Ashton have sold their farm, Mr, Ashton has been a life-long resident of the 6th con- cession and both of them have resided .on the same farm since their marriage some 40 years ago. Earl King read the ,address and Stewart Strong made" the presenta- tion, The evening was spent play- ing progressive euchre. BUSINESS and PROFESSIONAL MORTGAGE SALE OF VALUABLE RESIDENTIAL AND BUSINESS PROPERTY UNDER and by virtue of the powers contained in a certain mort- gage, which will he produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by public auction On Fri- day, the Twentieth day of March, 1959, at the hour of two o'clock' in the afternoon, at the office' of Messrs. Crawford & Hetherington, Wingham, Ontario, by Mr. L. G. Bryce, auctioneer, the following property, namely: ALL AND SINGULAR that cer- tain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being la the Town of Wingham, County of Huron and Province of Ontario and.being eompoeed of part of Lot No. 4 in Edward Foley's ,Second Survey in the said Town of Wing- ham, deddribed as follows: Com- mencing at a point in the Easterly limit of said Lot No, 4 whin said point is distant Northerly therein 371/2 feet from the Southerly limit of said Lot a distance of 133 feet to a point; thence Northerly par- allel to the Easterly limit of said Lot to a point in the Northerly limit of. said Lot; thence Easterly along the Northerly limit of said Lot a distance of 133 feet more or less to the Northeasterly angle of said Let; thence southerly along the Easterly limit of said Lot to place of beginning. subject hoier- evet to a right-of-Way and passage over theSouthetly 7 feet of the land herein 'conveyed to which the Menet of the lands immediately to the South thereof are entitled. On the property is said to be Situate a two storey brick build- ing for use as a business •and liv- ing quarters. TERMS: Ten per cent of the purchase money to be paid down at the tithe' of sale, and the bal., Mice within thirty aye thereafter. /Sather particulars and conditions of sale will be made known on the date of Sale. The property will be Offered aubjeet to reserve DATED at Wingham,,Ontario the 3rd day of March, A.. 1059. L, G. BRYCE, Auctioneer CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON VtriNal-, ONTARIO Sblieitors for the Mortgagee 40:11:18b DIRECTORY Barristers, Solicitors, Etc.' Wingham, Phone 48 J. H. CRAWFORD, Q.C. - R. S. HETHERINGTON, BROADLOOM carpeting or rugs for the finest floors, There's nothing to compare with fine broadloom for beauty, comfort and warmth. For an estimate, Why not phone or see us this week, No obligation, samples shown in your home if you wish. Rugs or wall-th-wall jobs in hardtwist broadlooms. Viscose carpeting as low as $6,95 sq. yd, N. WNLWOOD, Phone 86. rrh AUCTION SALE of LIVESTOCK, MACHINERY, PEED AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS TUESDAY, MARCH 24th. 1959 at 1 Nil: for ANDREW KIR,KONNELL LOT 41, CON. 12, IIULLETT TWP, 3 miles south of Auburn, 8 miles north of Clinton on the Base Line IMPLEMENTS—AB new in tine last nine years: Case 300 Tractor,, 250 hours; Case 133 Beier, motor- driven, neiir last season; George White 30-ft, Elevator; International Side Delivery Rake; .McCormick 7 ft. Mower; lVfaeseytHarris 13-rue Drill; Case 2-furrow Tractor Plow; Fleury-Bisset Camden Disc; 3 see• tion drag; Set diamond harrows: McCormick Deering Manure Spree: der; 7 ft. Horse Disc; rubber-tired wagon; 16 ft. hay rack; 14 ft, stock rack; 2-Wheel trailer With stock rack; 1500 lb. scales; fanning mill: turnip pelper, hay loader, 12 sheets 10 ft, steel roofing, Super- flame oil chick brooder, e2 ft, ex- tension ladder, foui: le ft. rail- road rails, quantity elm plank, sets double harness, forks, shovels, Chains, etc. PEED—.3 tons mixed grain; 30p bus. Rodney oats, suitable for seed, 700 hales Mixed hay. LIVESTOCK—le thirtieth end Hereford Owe, fresh 'and spring-' log, 2 yearling steers, one 2-year- old ;Steer, 2 Hereford babies, 4 yearling heifers, 8 calves, t pigs 'eight weeks old, 76 tthOde Island Reel hens. A filuntity of household effects Including ono dining-room, suite, 'pl;Ii41S-- CASH No reserve. mom• Is sold. .ANTOttlict 14dEtKOlOtti,t, Oft, tits, IsnArtrit Audio/leo co. .roWitai ow* St. Patrick's Bazaar Was Successful NOTICE TO CRUD/TORS IN THE ESTATE OP WILLIAM ROBERT GRAHAM ALL PERSONS having claims, against the estate of the above mentioned late of the Village of Gorrie, in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, who died on the twenty-seventh day of February. 1050, are required to file proof of earne with the undersigned on or before the twenty-eighth day of, March, 1059. After that date the executors will proceed to distribute the estate haying regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice. DATED 'at Wingham this tenth day of March, 1959, CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Weighttin, Ontario Solicitors for, the Executors 11-18-25b A. H. McfAVISII J.1. 11115HFIELD e..year-old GILSON 30" RANGE Fully Automatic Timed Oven 'foul Outlet. Q.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Ete. Money to Loan Office—Meyer Block, Wingham GORRIE — Lovely springlike weather favored the St, Pat- rick's bazaar and hot supper spon- sored by the ladies of the Anglican Chtirch on Saturday afternoon and evening. A goodly number were in attendance. There was a, good display of ap- rons, chilcleen'e clothing and rise ful articles in the booth of which Mra. H. T. Bennett, Mre. Clara Rit- chie and Mrs. J. W i,ing were in, charge, Mrs. Edward Newton and Mre. Gintinson looked after the borne baking, . The ladies wish to thank all Who helped to-make this event a sticeees, 4-year-old Norge ELECTRIC DRYER 104 en. ft. Norge. Automatic Defrost REFRIGERATOR BARRISTER, SOLICITOR and NOTARY PUBLIC TEESWATER - ONTARIO Teleplhane 23 Tees;vater Wroxeter—Every Wednesday afternoon, 2-4 /One or .by apliointrneet. WELLINGTON FIRE), RANGETTES priced $8.00 and up. Frederick F. Homuth R.O. Carol E. Homuth, R.O. Mrs. Viola Bernath, R.O. orromerrtrsts PHONE 118 liarriston, Ontario l i ''' oo o iti o t Insurance Company Est, 1840 An all Canadian Company which has faithfully served its policy* holders for over a century. Head Office — Toronto H. O. MacLean Insurance Agency. Wingham Reconditioned Easy Spin-Rinse ,Washing Machine Reconditioned Standard Washing Machine i4 wf Moffat GAS RANGE Autotnatic 'tibial Oven 41. Better Grasslands? , Better Contact Minns! stocks of Melt euality, newest forage vatietiete are good. Custom peeked in the 'mixture to Suit your exact need< Be Sure,! Buy burins! MINNS FARM SEEDS (Canada) Limited. Call Collect: Pred Stute Listoiyel. PI.4-38102 MIER, WINTON WARD YOUR HOME, IS WHAT YOU MAKE IT to Us help you to make your hone more liveable and convenient Cali us for fail Information about new bathrooms and plumbing SUOPtied, MacDougall shad Duro Prekoilere SYstdOesi Water softeners, electric heaters and floor toverings, WE GAIL wprur ANT) yorfrr NEW /1EAtOrd GEORGE A. CARTER Building and piumhing Phone 713w1, Wingham FINANCING A CAR? CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Bell Telephone Building WALKERTON Do A. HUNTLEY, C.A. Resident Manttge Telephone*: Business 633; Residence Int gle BUNKE ELECTRIC Before Yen Orly ask abbot out LOW Cost Preaecing Seeviee With coMplete Intotrithee CoVerage, STEWART A. SCOTT ramie 20 Wingham Phone 474 Wingham moisosisiommomaimosos 7 eeseeeseelateeeeee s\--4,4\leeeeereeeeser...-sesee **A •