HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-03-04, Page 5I MOTORING HINTS 13611 00*Nic WHAT ' DOES MOTOR • OIL DO? Campaign this Week GORRIE—'the Red gross cam- paign for funds starts this week. i Your' canvasser is Ione of the many volunteer workers for the' Red Cross, Ninety per cent. of the work of the Canadian Red Cross is done by volunteera. • The Society commemorates its 00th. anniversary in 1959, The 1.06th anniversary Of- the birth of the Red Cross idea will be: coin- memorated in 10.150 akin, Rernemher you serve by giving, Downie s Sunoco Service ,Photte 38J ' I— . • , Wingham i , -:. -,..r.Q1:, 5-Arioey .— ,VRESII OIL ElillittY 1,009-M0.11S =0- ' i . . ' • 1.. ° . 4=4-41111111111111111110011 1 01Mallill 111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIONIIIMIIIIII•11.1111111.1; jOHN -C., WARD cliARTERED ACCOUNTANT Phone. 200 „ Wallace Ave„ N. . Listowel -.10.1•11141111111111111I1 •111$111.1.140111.11.111111 0y1 01111 01111011111,11111111111I111110111111111."= HAPPY i i - : , — . • , MI' E . • , FOUR MAIN FUNCTIONS • ' 1 The OW in Your Car's' motor has four Important jobs to do. 'It I... ii Inctst luhr icitte, seal, .cool and cleanse the Working parts to Al- i 'gnarrottee• smooth engine performance. It is the lubricant's • a- ability; ter, performall these tasks suteessfally which makes. .; 11 _.--'' either ., good' buy •ot' a poor buy, regardless of price or biatnd. =.- ..., Next week we will tell just bow a awn] mOtor oil takes care. of n- : i those vital finictions; so that you can drive with, your Mind at • 1 test and all the "horses" under the hood pulling their fiill weight: i ▪ The triodetat motor cat i$ a complex piece of machinery — I., - complex that the average owner-driver has long since given tip U — Ening, to understand :last what make0 44 ..4,a44,4„4.14.044. E part he it4.' ".111att'S why we are in basilicas . . to do your. N. • . - worrying. tor you when it (tomes to serviee and .mainteitance, U. 07.1 But we, would nice to let you in on some at Ate secrets, We I think yen will appreciate the fine performance of your car 111 even, mate when you understand, the basic , prineipleS in the' -4, science of lubrication. In this and 'suceeeding .ttritcle we hope 111 to Apt yen selhethjo'g of the story of motor oil 'and how it •: ' „ , we Gone youal"\, • WELFARE AND OUP. REPUTATION • AT,. • VANCE'S DRUG STORE FILLING EVERY PRE.SCRIPTION WITH - CARE AND PRECISIOts1 Mt, LI (i'1,10,,,.1..111n.Iffiff AUKS. Isic. Injores W'ist Operating Saw .C4011ftgl ,Norman Carson re- ceived injuries to ,bis wrist 'while operating a power saw at the farm' or Irving Toner on rouy. HIS wrist watch js, credited.. With save • Mg the muscles from being sever- ed. He was able to return home, Saturday froth. Palmerston Hos- pital, Volunteers Start ,4.414" Iliti1 !-4. • t ' , " • Winghana Advithee-41101.04,147 ',44140 F • 4 11,1, "4, ► 11:f ' 4.4 4 • 011tr,PII I 0 ct...4,:flrf.711.7[4t** SOCKS ir gie YA OODS 'Only ,d"" W Give Away Prices. 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 DRESSES CURTAINS +111 Aglow as $1.98 Down to pr. 98 •• 19-1V 41". • COATS As low as $4,95- Children's Coats, Dresses, Hats, etc. 98c :nd up Meaning. of Lent* Is- Circle Topic GORRIE—The South Friendship Circle met at the home of Mrs. Russel Adams-on Wednesday even- ing. Mrs, Dewitt Adams gave a Lenten story revealing the mean- ing of the. Lenten periEd, when and why we have it, with . Scripture ,passages. being read at intervals, by Mrs. Clifford Pyke; ' The tea and bake sale to be held at a later date was discussed, Arrangements for the March group's party in the church were Made, ''Several ladies' volunteered to assist at the papering bee in the manse. °.• • A, social half hour was spent over a delicious served the' lunch committee and the hostess. Gorrie 'Teams Enter Play=offs GORRIE—Ip. the Intermediate series, c Teviodtdale and Gorrie play- ed Belmore Tuesday night re- sulting in an 8-8 tie. In the first of the playoffs with Teviotdale; played''in Belmore, Teviotdale won 7-5 over Gorrie. The Tri-county Midgets won 10-4 in a game with Kurtzville. GORRIE i ALLPAPER, S ALE at, 'prices yoU'll find Only .pit Sigintoes ) BELMORE HOARDS HOLD ANNUAL -BELMORE—The annual meeting 'of . the Belmore community hall board and the Belmore park's hoard committee was held in the club room of .the Belmore, Com- munity Hall on Wednesday after- noon, Feb, 18th. Ivan Haskins took charge of the first part of the meeting and Mrs, T, Abraham was• appointed secretary on motion of .Merkley and Fred Doubledee. A discussion followed regarding 'the holding of -an annual meeting regularly and on motion of Mr. West. and John Rutherford it was decided to hold next year's meeting on January 27, 1960. Ivan. Haskins read 'the annual report for the year 1958, • showing a balance of $971,84 In the bank and at the end:of. the year. The insurance of over $400.00 has. since been paid, also caretak- ing, etc, • The receipts included bonspiel $96,50; Edmore Women's Institute, $96.70; Teeswater and Belmore $100; Proceeds from the fowl atipper $608,47. The expense account inCluded fuel $211.64; hydro $120.4.7; caretaker $451.00 and insurance $421.80. The. Annual Report was adopted as read on motion of I. These are only a few .ot, the many bargains Old Bond Stamps' WITEI • EVERY PUR.CHASE "L'4?':: FOR AS LITTLE ' ' AS ' I I SINGLE 'ROLL Haskins and seconded by Mr. West. • Mr.. West, as chairman of the park's . board committee,: took charge of the balance of the meet- ing and Mrs. John Rutherford (in the absence of her husband) read the minutes of the last meeting: This report was adopted as read on motion of Mr.S. Rutherford arid seconded. by Thos Abraham. A ,financial statement was also given by Mrs. Rutherford and adopted on motion of Mrs. Rutherford ,and Fred. boubldee and shoWed a bal. ante of $446,83 on hand. The expenses included 107 yards • of topsoil at a cost of $107,00; .96. yards of sand costing $48.00•;. grass seed $9.20! fertilizer $16.00; a set of swings and gliders costing $8,5.00. A sand bqx for' tiny tots was also plated in the park. This is only a beginning and it is hoped' that more can be added this coming year. - The Committee expressed its appreciation of the help of the Saugeen. Conservation Authority in helping to plant trees around • the park and in loaning road-side tables, .etc.; also for the insurance protection donated last year by Mr, Johann and Mae, for the sand donated by Harry Miller; the ball diamond; for the drinking water supplied by Mr. Curie and to all Who helped in any way including the genial caretaker Robert Aitken, Residents' of 'the community are asked to keep the date Jan. 27, 1960 in mind and to take helpful sug- gestions to the next annual Meet- frig. • CROWN Theatre- Harriston WEDNESDAY & T1111111.:41DAV • March 4 and 5 "TIME LIMIT" fAdult Entertainment) Starring Richard Basehart and 'Richard Widmark kitIliMir and SAMIDAY Mara. 6 and; "THE. MAN MOM- GOD'S COUNTRY" (Technicolor) George Montgomery He Hit Hard But 'Played Square, Pim "QUEEN OF OUTER SPACE" (Technicolor) ,Zse, Asa, 'Gabor, Eric Fleming w R. HAMILTON a OPTOMETRIST a ei Thoroughness — Ability — Time tested • Phone 37 for appoi ntment rauunniiellixruansmaannushowillii 14iiiiitimiiimiiminill.111111111111111111141. You, too, can gel a PERSONAL 'LOAN Our Personal Loan service is organized • to meet the wide range of needs of a wide range of people, 'Personal Loans are available at any one of our more than 800 branches for any worthwhile purpose . . for from one to three years A loan is readily repaid through regular: monthly 'deposits. THE CANADIAN -BANK OF COMMERCE P'Otstin'tiatitikietvite thine l9 WIN GHAM BRANCH, W. 0—STRUTHERS . Manage*' k. Solke:,;&1,..,S,Uft3 • • 'Aifil'as5,...<1." • • • 1.•••••'‘,• tl ROBERT ORMIAM WAS ACTIVE IN COMMUNITY oofautr—A well • known. ,a,nd respected lifelong resident of How,- fek Township, William Aobert Graham, passed away at his home in Cloride, on Friday morning in his 8th. year, Although not in good health .for some time death 'came suddenly from a heart attack after an illness ,of only a clay and a half, He was a son of 'the late James' Graham and Lucinda, Griffith, pioneer settlers in Howielt, Born on con. 11 he farmed there and also on Highway ti7 near the village of Gorrie, retiring to Gorrie in 1900, Re was a mother of Trinity Angii- can Chureb, Fordwiell, and ' former , warden; a member of the Loyal Orange Lodge at Orange Hill , and pf the Black• Knight Pre- .ceptory; a past president of the Hewlett Fire Insurance -Company o e owls Society, A. lover of good' horses he exhibited at local fairs and at the Royal Winter Fair,. Toronto. and also was a judge of horses at fairs in Western Ontario, He was first married to Eliza- beth . Jacques, who died In 1.921. Surviving are a son James Graham, Torofito and a daughter, Mrs. Har- old Robinson, (Margaret) and four .grandchildren. In 1934 he married Margaret' Campbell, who survives, with two step-children, Wm. Camp- bell, Howiek, and Mrs, Gordon Brown, (Minnie) of Beamsville, Funeral service was at "trinity Anglican Church, Fordwibh, on Monday "at .2 pm, conducted by the Rev, E, 'C. Attwell. A lodge ser- vice was held at the Moir Funeral Home at 9 p.m, op Sunday evening, Burial was in the Fordwich ceme- tery. Honorary. 'bearers wereL. Wm: Dane, John Armstrong, Howard Wylie, H. .4 V. Holmes,. Normal? Wade, Robt, Spotton; active bear- ers, John Dinsmore, Emerson Fer- guson, Norman. Harding, Lloyd Jacques, Telford Montgomery, Lorne Robinson. LIQU I DATION Sale starts Thursday„ Mach- 5th URROWS LADIES': vivg44. • WINGBANI ARE SELLING 01,JT Everything must go to the bare walls * swermansensuisimmi •• '4111111.0.10041•041.11M/14,1•01.1.41alimOmm04111•0411111.11411111 /3411111,0411•000/M040111•1'0.01,4•1• 41111111.13611•11.11D 111.10f1,11•,14,11001•11"0.111f11fielf ffamlif0110.0011N QUALITY PAPER MODERN PATTERNS PLASTIC COATED ORDINARILY • SELLING FOR 75c ROOM SEVERAL LOTS Half-Price 1 J • NMI 1D mminfoimome ROOM LOTS 1 Half-Price- day and Thursday and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Johnston on Thursday. Mr, and Mrs, F, C, Attwell, Brantford,, were week-end guests at the rectory with their son, Rev. E. C. and Alta. Attwell. At the postponed Valentine euchre, sponsored by the I.O.B.A. on. Wednesday afternoon, seven tables were in. play, Mrs, Burns Stewart had highest score, Mrs. Alex. Graham, 2nd high and Mrs. W, Whitfield received the lucky Chair prize, At the L.0,14 euchre the same evening when Six' tables were in play, Mrs Justin Will was high. lady and T. L. McInnes had high score for 'the men. One of the eldldreri fatally in- jttred a ListoWel on Saturday morning in the tragedy caused by the collapse of the arena was 12- year-old Jack. RImebottem, a ,rela- tire of. Mr, and Mrs, Manfred Irwin and of the 13oN,ver, Parrish faintly. Ile was the only child of Mr, and Mrs. Ceeil Rhite.bottoin, The Lenten prayer service will be held this week in St, Stephen's -Church at -8 o ra. on Wednesday evening. The Guild Of' ' n Martha will meet at the home of Miss Myrtle Short following the serviee. Sincere sympathy is extended to Mrs, W, It, Graham and the fatally in the death of husband and father. The Woman's Missionary Soelety Of the Carle United Church will meet at the, of Mrs. A. L. anTiltirOdAY, March 5 at 8:15 0,in, Program, Mrs, t Toner, Mrs, J, buthat, and Mrs. ft fidnesA*Vergager4 r. SALE READY PASTED PAPE Iegtilar $1.09 Regular $1.35 , No Mus, No Fuss, It' s ssAA SLLoEE Ea y89s89 c c Regular 89c SALE 66'c STAINTON HARDWARE A N FARMERS SUPPLY HOUSE- PHONE 30 WINGHAM Mn, and Mrs. Clean Underwood, Mrs. Lyle Watson and 'Linda were in London on Sunday and visited Mr. Albert Ireibein, who .has been a patient in.'17ictoria Hospital. His, condition is favorable and he ex- Peets to he able to' leave the hos- pital the end of •the week. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Sacks and.. family of Elmwood visited Mr, and Mrs. Wilmer Nuhn on Sunday. Among those from a 'distance attending the funeral of the late Robt. Graham were Mr. and Mrs, James Graham, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Kennedy, 11/ts.' Alex, Graham and Miss Margaret Brown, all of To- ronto; Mr. and Mrs. Cordon Brown and Mary Aline, l3earnsville; Miss Dorothy Campbell of Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Brown, Markdale, Mr, and Mrs. Joseph McKnight and Sallie, Bea/m.011e, Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Montgomery, Toronto, Mr. Elmer -Harding, Mount Brydges, were among those who Were here on Sunday, Miss Mary Thornton, Kitchener, is on holiday at the home of her mother, Mrs. A, Thornton. Mrs, .J. Huckwith, Wallaceburg, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Graham. Mr. and Mrs, Harold Bell, Gary and Brian of Preston spent the week-end with- Mr. and Mrs, Morley Bell, Mr, and Mrs. David Nelson, Elizabeth and Heathet, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Robt, Shield of Atwood, Mr, and Mrs.',Geotge Brown and Jean' visited Mrs, Thos, McMichael' of Wirighain, on Sunday. Mrs, J, Sandersen has returned from spending two weeks at Allis, ton and visiting Mrs. C Gregg in 'Toronto, last week, Mr. and Mrs, 'M. D, Irwin return- .0d Thursday after spending two months in Florida, Mr, G. I3, 13rown, Elmstead, will he the new station agent in Gorrie aid, is ekPeeted in the near future to arrive with his wife and family. Mrs. W, Collings, RiChard and Parbarn, are moving to the ,':Dairy Kii1t' home on Highway 87, owing to the helloing.* shavErtg0 in Mid- Initst where Mr. W. Collings is employed, Ivrv, and Mrs. iiti'ry Metcalfe, Oltidys and Donald,. Pinkerton, Were Sunday visitors at the Misses . Potter's home. Attending the animal meeting of the Ontario' Agriattlitiral Society in TOto Were ken nagat WM*. ieati.tiano' 4".."* "*"."1"14411.4.44....."."4".1"1"11"."411.1.4.6"."6146.41."."1""."..A 'at Yoha tron BIG SELECTION . 110 PAPERS . HURRY HURRY HURRY Special to,. Clear DISCONTINUED PATTERNS • 19c Terrific Bargain on "up-to-date-" Wallpaper Deigns (NO OLD STOCK) •