HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-03-04, Page 2W ...... .. or- Ilk, I^ A N IN, MOURNImu k11 'Vor Nve W110 ar� fortAillate in we have failestto provideall possible 1haVing our fanuilies Nylth us in safetl� Prot-ktion. tills Week, it is difficillt indeed to, 8),111pathy is not of any I, . great h z, help at the inoment, but the p we*asure, t e seuse of tragedy alul loss Ivilich prt'valls in the town of of Listowel have it in abl,indance xel, The hour-, of -anguished froin the people of Wing'hani. walting, the heart -break -of parting with yollng Ins, awl tile paill of those who are injured amounts, to .1 total of sn.1 ferilig wbich we in �Vlng- ASKING FOR TROUBLE bamliave been spa -red, Itbas struck each one of us here, The tren-tendous �-accumhwlation in a Sickening fashion, nonetheless, of snow along the boulevards and for t I 1i1q6,j' curbs the past three months lifts cre- lie C'rttl' TI-C'es, Iluder which the tragetly occurred in. Listo-wel ated uial-�y ha7ards,and not the least own town or in ali-y one (it handreds of other place,-, in, Qntario last Satur- d4y, noriling. Words, `%vheflier spoken or print- ed, seem ftitile in the face of such a calimitv. The whole sad. accident in I be such a tragic Avaste of gee. Is to Proinising huninn lives. Only one Pos'$dble C.'Ood Can be seen.. It teach- es a raost terrible -lesson iii the need for precalitions �Vberiever there is any possibility of danger in our ON it, C"Onlrnunity. No doubt, the people, responsible for. the rnlxl4ntenance -of, the arelut in Listowel. were emvinced that no real dange� exdstM. Let us, not pobit the fing . er too haqtily until INve tave made SAire that, not one �,oint in oil.- OWn.,rouin-lunitv has been. overlook- -h` 'i ed_' 2k.- t orou.0i examination hazards to public saf ety in Wingbam woff1d reveal many, pfaces at which OTHINK AHEAD Though we inay be branded. as -worry-Nvarts�, we beiieve it is time for parents to start warning their chi.17- drea about the jiazard�s, which ii�av exist around the river and which inost certainly, will be presenf,ivben th I iiii ,e.spr g,�ran-off comtll�ehoes�\Vitll- i he flex"i't,"f n t ew, weeks. "o tilue of verar . presents� such dianjv�p�., as, far as possible crid drawliings are oncerned, than. tbt -%�64i.s �duriqg -�-Xvhiqli the is runninz at --high . �evel "and great speed. AV 'I alingster who ventures -close to tbe chul.�i' I curren't Is, In ex- -t e-x-actly treine, daiigret. Vha -1. 'Aster -V what happened. 'v�t E Slindtt er at fle Low � Tox\w dani. Xfost of the w at er hazards, wh ith existed last vear a*tthe ye�ir before will be f6tind in exactly tbe,salne conditi-04 this year. There is no -w a guard rail across one side of the footbridge ovek the Lower Town mill raceI but there ist no railing or fience at the end of the darn where the little lad fell in last vear, There is no protection at'Ahe ruins of the H ,sop - which the old ow t mill throu,�h will race pours in f6ghteningvol- Local authorities contend that -attin� there is no point in p g im fencc-', at these points, for it would. be itn- possible to keep the children away in -inv case. We fall, utterly, to agree, buit since the protection is not there,. it behoove.% parents to start their war-ni.ngs early in the, hope that 1959 soe no rej;�Iition of the tragedies whit-li have marrfA life in this, com- munity doling the past two wmrs. IV� would Suggest, too, that par- ents boost the swimming pool pront- iect with ever.,.1libig thev bave.. 'rile 'hest possibl� -protection again.st drmxlning iszarbild �who can swun. -rev Meal spriing weather p ailed, at the end 4of the week ,w -hen above - freezing temperature,-, mduted the snow to some degree but offered no danger of Poo& couditions. If we; are, fortunate enoogli to, enioii� more "thin the or this moderate Nvwther W1 ntxt two weelaq the dang ger of floods alt air, ross -the proviwc; unill be great- The"Wi-Ag-ham A, JvanceMMeg Pliblished at Vla0limiko batkf%6 W. aRrry"'WeAvro "(or, at, riiaa cw&* Doc obfty�** *U4, Wk f -A might be inipass�able in c -ase a, seriotis fire were to break otit. Last Thursday eveubi,g the con- gestion caused by parked oTrs ill the neighborhood of -the high school. ivoiild have made it vii -,wally 1.111pos- sible for tbe firetruck to get through i . f it bad been needed. The same thing ofteWoccurs on other street,% in town wben car drivers thougglit- lessly park- inintediately opposite �anotber vehicle and leave only the narrowest possible passage -way be- t -,N �Ieen then -t. Still another rnaiiden- in- stiint is, the parking of a, vehicle across -a narrow street, - frorn the openingr to an alley, so that thdse who try to turn into o -r out of tho lane have no room to do so. This is a vear in which car own- 4rs need to ire-cralA more than the niere requirenien ts of the law in their driving babits. Actions which may be legal in ordinarv'tilnes are fooi- lvardv under present delving con- di.tions, WAS 1-k.—.13ABOTAGE? The tremendous furor which has been1icked iip over the cancellation of''.tbe Avro Arrow contritct bv the federal government bearsall the out- ward hallmarks of a piece of spitieftil in-anipulation., D�spite warnings over the past Vvera, 1. years that 'the Arrou, might bave-to be tbTown�qut, and dispite� a full discussion. and more warnings on the stil')Ject last fall, Avro ].aid off 14,000 eniployees and foisted the entire blame onto fbe federal government. -This, also, despite r the fact that the qovernment b"as -provided $50, million as acushion on. which Avro coulil continue to Pay its workers un- til,alternative projects could lie I got and'er wdv. It looks very much as thoit,gh som6bod,v down 'Malton vmy -mas anxious to make the govern- ment look bad.h% * Imniediatelv the announcement w4sniade there wefe� deinauds fron-i all over the country t1vit the Arrow project be C0111'111'jea' 'A_711at, We NVon- der,, did flie people mak-ing th e, d e- mand kiio-,ir about t` lie future of aer-, ial defence�' Pour hundred million dollars had already been poured into the Arrow, wbicl� is, according to all reports, a bewltiful airplan'e 1 4 , but dootned to be outdated before it was in attual production. The Diefenbaker government's, decision to cancel the Arrow coil - Thi tract required a. lot of roura�ge. As rountrr cannot afford to continue r " t Iny p oJec which nuis into these -ist ronotnical fignires -wben it is -ahead of tinle. Vroin the business man's stand - p i t 'the Avro concern would oil) appear to have all its egrg" in one hisket — and they had. been told Mani; times that the bottoin of the basket wasn"t very sound. Iflkvro de�,qervts a plare of leadership in the field of aeronotical desigii -ind pro- duction it should, have had. otherpro- jects, underway to provide employ- inentfor# its staff and engineem. Reineinber that the local Tater- wediate.4 are in the midst of 'a vT stries in. serni-final group, pla-y w.1th Port Tthrinkl. The hovs -are provi( ' lintr an, eicelltnt brand ok hotkey and. tli� vaines are, well worth vaur,.qupport. Tur"out on a hitand drop your price of wlmi-,51oil in the Wild '111*11naIg in Outolo will mr'.0 otortainlv be happly to .qee an (�Jld C)f 11je tno�-(v. Vxte,its liave elti- mattA that 50,(M detr will velisb h,efore the -olowrove-ris m(-lted:AwA.V fr6ra tlieir 1�eding grounds.. to sittlili stullitui it; w4l Rullmullitmonlio It 14 Itiouln 1"4 fill I i0qw., A WTT EEKLY $ERMONETTE REV, T,-"dAR11MV HU�SER Z Wingbam. United Chruch lVolly I)oe5pl 0 , pd His eterna t $oometbjaig is broken .9 1 truth I -your 1,VA and pro vided for your', niaO,e known., A leader of 4 wo- salvation from 4ufferingl sorrQW, The utter silence In 'the beaveris man!s group feels �tbe han G od fe 4 Go Ar. ain a 4 death. d hfka. .above ps at times appalls us.. Why on. her shoUlder And the ollei4ce, of spoken. But will W%'e listen? Hear doesn't God do sometht"g?, The God 1.9 broken od may becalling . `H He Him sa)r—" that cometh unto frantic mother wringing berbo4ft you t _k o brea is silez some -i.,Ce for me 1 will In no Nvise cast out." ,In helple-94 frustration, A.$ $be needy sQuI nearyou Will "U no 1!004 sq. loved tI ld. t a le wor you h 1: watches her child Nvilt before her do ii noW?. lie g4vc� his only -begotten sontbat spinal meningitis. criesl' God spoke to man thro. ugh Hip whosoever belleyetli in Him mig ht to Goc ems tot. be .1. But tb�re, se Son, lesus Christ. The Cmss of have everlasting life.11 nothing but silence. Why doesn't (]�Qd do SQmetbhIg?r This was the Calvary Is. Go ge to plan , d's inessA The message qXtbls Lenton sea- cry of the desperate fairm er as he writteil In blood, It I I s God's heart son to youlsthat Qodbas broken lHis ,watched. the slow but Inevitable break for mall's sin,, It is GoWs gilence- find it speaking now to march of the black Cloud that love written across the polges Qf,YO4 through His Son. Will you rolled tip from the west, Obscuring the noon day sun, A cloud or dust , roken Hig"listen and be healed of life's corn - man's life, God has b silence. And revealed. HJIs plan for plications? .and soil driven ol.1 a dry wind that whirled And roared, exigulfll�g 411, '"IVY T"T.N -IFIVIC AGO .In Its gm.p. The scorching sun, The cold spell of. last week is be - the dry fields,the dust storms, tbeoi %D --ftinisci 11evedto b - a record far this, olls- . L MdWng saii virik Hir farmer's, hope--gonell Till I tri't 'itF I early Friday morning having the lowest temperature.: terrible thirties, the dr , , ,y - ­ . - - Lo L. --------------- —7 Forty-four below- zero was.reported .woman of Ontario said, "The people, 'FIFTY TE.4JR$ AGO here, while some places nearby re - of Saskaoh�wan and Manitoba,: ported even lower temperatures. must - have been very v! . eked ..for There passed away an Sunday Lucknoqr 53; -Gorrie 52, *alkcrton .such A. scourge to attack them last at the: home of )Ier mother, Mrs, Job it Louttit in Culross, Miss 51. Capt, Marshall and� Lieut. Gray Many a hand was flung to the sky- Ellen 1,outtit, in her' 36ih year, of the Salvation Army attelideil a. and a voice cried, "Vy'lly doesn't At a meeting of the 'fire, water meeting In HaWlton. last Thurs- V )I God' do somethin But therfr and light committge on Friday day, wu only silence. ,,.evening last, Mr. 4 B. Ramsdell, E. S. Cqpeland was re-elected. Of Port Colborne, %%,as engaged as president of the Chamber of Com - Then. came the war years when manager� of. Winallam's' electric inerce on Tuesday evening. Other many a parent's )lopes went with light plant. 'officers are T. J. McLean, first his son overseas. The death, -the, Mrs,'Jailet Davidson, of Wing- vice; G. L. Baker, second vice; W. destruction, the misery, the suffer- bam Junction, will hold an auc- T. cDooth, secretary; and George ing . for friend andfoe aliket Why tion salq of.her farm stock and Smith treasurer, doesn% God do something u Implements. Member$ of the VVIngliam Unit- .banishingwar? This silence of the !fhe Viringbairl, High School has the largest Fourth Form outside ed Church -choir held. their annual meeting last -week, when Mss B. Eternal is baffling. the cities. Tbirty-sLN students"are Reynolds, 'recently retired organist, To-davi With the, onward march.' enrolled in the form. The citizens' ban4uet held at the . was presented with a gift. 0 —0-0 .of ilibillsm—the belier In nothing National Hotel on Friday evening, —paganism of so. called Christian last in honor of Dr. P. Macdonald Ff MEEN.TVARS AGO soclety, the drift within the Church. who wilL. shortly move 1)is family Mayor F red L, Davidson, Reeve until it has often become just an- to London, was one of the most. J. Evans and . Councillor Mtirray other social. institution deterlor- succespful affairs of the klhd ever� J,bnson i�re attending the Good ating into little classes and groups held in Wingham. Plates were set Roads convention in Toronto- ' more concerned with perpetuating . for 100 guests,. the full capaelty of the dining Mr. R. Clega , Miss Maty I Crujitsbank, daughter -Ntr pet theories' than in justice and mercy and salvation, Ave cry, "Why� -room. acted as chairman. Of 1 4 . and Mrs. Benson Crulk- shank, who enlisted in the Women's doesn't God do something about 0 - 0 FORTY YEAMS AGO Royal. Naval Service some time ago, will report at Galt on Thursday recalling the Church to purity of Merkley. and son went to Mr,. E.'l next for basic training. After that lifie and purpose?" Silence!' Chatham 4un Monday and -drove to she will go to St, 13� Facinth, Que., Why this awful silence and Wingliam. with twonew Gray Dort for a course in wireless telegraphy. apparent inactivity of the AlmighiS, automobiles. Xr..J. S. Dobbie and T R Bennett drove to Blyth an Ifiss. B. Bennett and lifiss AL Barber were presented with life In the face of human need? I 2%ionaay and one day I Nr *ek Mr. ast e . membership certificates at the wonder if often the reason for A. X Crawford drove to Blyth meeting of the. Evening Auxiliary God's silence is becau�se He eannot: Wroxeter and Relmore in his ncaj of the 'Winghain United Church. rind a man or woman through little Ford, coupe. Friends- here of R. 3%L (Xac) whom to speak? God comes to men through We to� Privates Samuel B. and Robert S. Haines.arrived, on. Monday from Hab kirk Will be pleased to bear tfiat he Sas been promdt�d to the mien. are ii;clined think that God speaks through his Overseas and are visiting at the home of -their parents, 'Mr. and rank. bf Flying Officer. � -kmonkthose who Teturne� ft43�i Church and so he does, In ancient Mrs. Arthur Haines. Both,of th ese 'A'VeTsells last week was Sgt. Har6r days God spoke to.men directly—to young.men enlisted with the 190th 'Cooper. Mrs. Cooper -the forater '-boibthy Abraham, to Samuel and to Jacoh. Winnipeg regimenL Pollock, is a' da�jglltei, of The message that is most powerful, A letter from. Major -Hal Mae- Oe'Riiy, JOhn P011Ock Of I -1111t9 - today is the message that is Lean to his parents tells of his be- --hutch- brought to us through the-lilig of 'Ing moved to a. new location in. 7.'Georgo E. 'Northwood, whO,%his other people. Belgium whicIr is less than an 'hour's -walk from the ba:ttlefield, of been manager. of the C94adidti. Bahk:of� Commerce here sln�j D& 'Thus for four hundred, years the.M!terloo, *here, hisgreat-grand- _ce�nber,,iF:10391 received noti&.-U Israelites endured slavery until" father fou,-zbt 'with �1.761liIigtonls his ii�:xisfer' as mana',get:" of.ii�e 'God could find a. man through forces. Dulinville, branch. whom to bring theni, freedom— ...... &ses. For. seventy, years they en- dured captlivity in Babylon until Sugar �,.$plce God. could find a man -%%rlth enough a ahof. courage to brave an audience with By Binjismiley o� the King of Persia and aslr for st the release of his people. , WbO can We took, You ng. Hu gh d own tothe with kiii-d-ly'- 'The control - count the long years of human city,to compete in the big music led hysteria as� you realize your slavery and the awful toll. of festival last -week. The idea was own raight, just might make the suffering and separation that had that it would be good experience grade. And the VIld delight as to be endured -until God could find for him -to come up against some you watch the little Vymarch up a, man strong enough toput an end -topnotch talent. It didn�t seeni, to and get his �certlficate for first, tj it—Abraham Lincolm? 'Here In affect hhrr one way or the other. second or tfiird -place. our church a SuA&V school teach- er or a 6vout sup* erinten.adnt hears but by- the -time 'we got home, his -V *1 e the call of God to speak to a pupil niother looked Unyears older, and 1 felt i,-xgctly as I used to feel at Then the great relaxed feeling or to a neighbour and Go&s silence the end of a seven-day leave when when ies an over. And you're chattering like a psychopath. And I was it yollhg and fbollsh. figghter y6u feelffice a piece Of darn!) cePo- phane. And You kee assurtng p . . , each other, and the kid, that win - BOX 473 Taking akid. to the�city� for�a music festival comparest I should, ning is, not really important * And you tdoly fee. _66rry for all the think, wit h taking a r1de In the ld.ds� wtol,didn�- Wfiz And you're pouch of a la�dykanga�qo w4a 10 Popes Cottage, going at full gallop. 11Vs hard on Kingston Deverill, Warminster, NN71tshire the pocket, yo�tget a very fleeting Oh, the -Vie great- institutlops, Niew of -the world, about You, and these xallsic -festivals. But we7re February,% 191% you alternate betWeen. airy, -ftfits. 'usea to tbtrp and. It' ":iVaslitt really Dear gir: and jolting rehims to earth. the festival that got me down. It I am -%v, riting to you once 'more. a. �t-, * . keeping track of that kid in bo I ping You are well and bappy, -1 1 0 . I Musle festivals, as ali parents the 11ty- Ife -00�k much inoro' in - the same as me. . of performers know, are among terested It riding escalators, ele- We'll. how are all the tolk in the most gruesome tortures. deviS_ VatOrSL and thd subway than In Wiligham? I often. think of the ed by Canadian. society.f This one playing the plano. happy days X spent there during was no exception, The gloomy 111 - lit church. 'The bard seats. The We went into a III depar en 19 tin t the war Years. I expect It Is s; big town"by now an4not rnany� of the :mothersof performers, bidir askew, store to buy some books, I wat- old friends left but could you eyeg wild. madly gnawing off their ched him like a, hawX He darted please, send me aeqpy� of the Tring- llpstick� The little girls, gigigling, arountl like a hummingbird. I ham Times so I could see if any fidgeting and flipbing their 'pony took my eya�; off him for 30 see - onds, to pay the clerk. When I of the old, folk are still there? WIS about, The little boysf sol_ turned,ardundi there was no sign I am retired now and have more emn and silenk desperately knead- Ing their knuckles, of bim. - I nearly went straight time to spareI I suppose the Queens through the -robf, We didn't have Hotel is still there and I guess'.Mr. Then theres the sheer nerivoft� much Ume to get to the festival Smith the bank manager is gone terror of tbe, ordeal, itself. YOu halL by now., alternate between. pity anddelight At� * * . Theplace where :1 live Is a very I when the other kids make a mess I grabbed his mother, planted bid country place Wherib King A!- of thei't , piece. Then the suddent her as a buoy; told her not to do" fred livecL You have re4d -Where ,&,.Ue twist Of your stoma b as C move, and Went searthing for hilm. be burned the cakes, Welli, that Is own mArclies up, white as -a. V r3n all over the floor we were Stanton Tavern. I am three =1109 your ghost. And the black!dve.9libir when on. About 4.Mother people were from there and Kingston Deverin, be fWtergi theflare of hope when therP I Went back to the buoy. .11s *here be retreated down the he finishes vii1h,ai flourish. Tb,- buWs bglr Avas beginning to valley�, where the Date$ fougbt a stand on end vith_ vage. Off I great battle� and the old 'hotel iflien th61et-down, while the aA- *or& sgaIN murder in my heart. Who. -re Charies the 3ecorld dined IdUcalbf scribbles his xote2k and A�t a.-, I vas aboitt to either ewl -on his Way to S;tunton ht there. parents hiw gack and forth. st- the pollee or jurAV doWn an elevat- I verk often go there for a valX sessiAg and giiftsibg and trying oil Shatt, hd em0rg6d, fildrA behind Warminster 1s, where Y60 te,6 Wrest, t6 XtUltire ealh,other that their a pilldr. Ited teeh riding the es- lit1g. VMte 110fte It tht rAlleS from, prodally Loth"t really in tbLk talm'11191 here, Ringeoh n6verill Is tufrounded while they wreUr hop6 for A ftligiclo- A few minutft lattf, 99 wolbur- by hills mbt-vhaty&u Lwall xhountains, tied up sL nArmw atrt-Ltl be slip. .1tat outsid-t, mydoot Is the highest ped on the ice and Would bavb,gon6 p.olnk 30fitA "OVe� Ve* level slid theA; the tuAdft getzbre of hebA benedlA the WbMa of * tar it I gradIty Notel: is M feet 4 tan" as the adlilditator Asks SL (eVe Of hadWt grabbea bim: by the scruff further wit, _% yad see I I t is a the kidt, t* play- over tgaltx., and of the hoik. 11ext y;eae, wbein ve, :bfttltftJ 1AAC4� to lh* Im X ain youn Is birie bt them, The h6hdr go to the fftuvall r tAking a. g6lbg to Rv* A nke h4,Apy life Mr " y6or seblus ybakft a ulotelt of set bf bandtufts. bit *00fid the. othtt* *4 PAY It betl*r tMyx Illoy I dowt think rve #w_ -t been, w It ybii tite t& ptint this k4ter dq tbe, Arst time. glad to get hamot, tv*t though the YOU MAY In Y40r text *d1tt6n bUt pup -blid rhade & aWnplete shibiblos 0"* tend rAe & tor �*f the IM ht. Uata lhMet to* old unl# bike. 1%6 m6fibUhIr f#h$1611 As the AdI of the utillit'y toom, and the Z- jdakg6r, beting t6 sl*AJiL th,# tbdt 16,04, ott *01rbrit 6tthe. bb"Se, X Alt 3Wrs falthl1111Y, Mttm#YI*M tMade With *hteh you had drop L the. - .pod, am*Wft win&w. rt"bw tt Or&VX% WaWh A6 bit -*t*& 60t tho in, the.19arm: �406r, A ..W.4tch for our BIG MARCH DRUG. SALE 4neso4y, M We. 4jph I I to Saturd y, M4 21 BALL POINT PENS ........ 011IT'9c CA, Anil. AJ(apy 011ier 11111`94111$ rice lo Do A, Specia MARCH 5tb to 10th SAAr slya , � F!4 Hl.N.DS Honey & Almond CREAM -.2 for 98C. �3 and 6 wA, A R OMATIC CASCARA 29c, 49c Johnsob's 73c BABY POWDER 2'for $1 .29 _1 Iarantre,41_3 years HOT WATER BOTTLE .............. � $1.49 I.I)A,,"rilud, fact- relief for beadathe IDASAL TABLETS 59C .4 .......... Mr t.s. m.e. LAK9 TROVT AND - WHITJR: FISH OIN HA -,%D i GRO UN D BE E F.. 3 lbs. = $1,25 SAUSAGE-........'. 3,lbs. = $1.25 N Cm LARD. ...... ........ 2 Ibs. 25 We will fill your pail with LA10 for I 0C. lb. FROZEN rf OWL OAT ALL TIMES bo F Lockridge's BAcher Sh YOUMAYBOR owl,�:..­ Arz Z HERE A-Yc' REASON ITOU. TXTIINI� woll.-THWHILE. Canada"sla vand most recommended -1 0 rges. consumerfinaloWe company Money service you can tnist7_backed by over 80 years: experience. Same-dAy servico a specialty at HFC! M. R. Jen�lns, Manager 33A West Steoet Telephone 1561 GODERICH T HE SALVATION ARMY' I * "72, IF SUNDA� SERVICES 1.1.00 a.m.—Holiness 2.30 p.m.—Sunday School /.00 P-,1114---Salvati Oil Meeting Tueriday, 8.00 Pan.—Prayer and -Praise Sem'ce ? Friday, 8�00 P-ft�Youth Group All Teolt-Ageri; JVele.ollle t There!sa IV0,1061ne for TOU fit the "Army" rcb 4UJ$0 Qf: U (ANGLICAN) Rev- C; V. 106son, L.Th. Rector Wfrt, Gordon Davidson - Orranist M7ed, NUarch 4­4,tli-tell. �Servke, 7,30 pjil, Thurs.,Iharch 5­L,$elliol, A Nk`.A. Donation Tea, Fourth Sutiday io Lent 11.00 4,111.—�Nforllillg Pnay.er 230 collfirillatioll Class ;�00