HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-03-04, Page 1With which is amalgamated the ,Oorrie Vidette and Wroxeter New' W1NGBIAM, 9NT/Sitith WBBNirdSDAY) 111.A10,11 1t/i, 1059 • i."`",' AA ALONG THE MAIN DRAG By The redefiteise ouncil Donates Listowel Disas i *MEN OE CARNIVAL-- ,Pollock of blieknow was ntaPsatahtlaen of the ,papitrieye, Lions Olah lee carnival; on Saturday op ;night. She is: a daughter of Mr. and Mrs', jack poilp91% of LucknoVe and alrand-danghter of Rev. John voPoGli of Wingharia 040:rito0 dIUUNTY , - • The Winirlisini end' blatiig lily tat:dad' Phildrelehi Association re- aeatay areeeiveta a grant of .$100 14.9m the County of atiron. The !r,..14;t1t help to finance the eghOta .for retared youngsters in 04 area' which, has• been doing an aXeellent job in face of rather sesere obstacles; The March meeting of die Tovm Council was held, Monday evening, with Mayor R. E. McKinney pre- siding. All councillors ',were pre- sent! except j, Garbutt and G. W. Buchanan. Following the apprpval of the anintites of the February meeting, the aeeptotts were read and approv- ed. Correapondence from several organizations was react, A letter, from the Retarded Children's Association, thanked the council:. and ratepayers for a'grant received last month. A similar letter from the local Salvation Army was also read, A request was received for a donation:do the School Safety Carripaign, and douncil detected to grant $25.00 for this purpese. Councillor Nesmith,- reporting for the public works committee, said that his committee had looked into the legal aspects of sewer exten- sions, and had found that a petition from. the ratepayers who need the Listowel nOne, 'council dite4, ceased at wile length the condition' • of the Weal 'Reeve ,Mal said that the Wingham Arena, ;11*, perfectly Safe, and iss/ a diffeee type of eonstruction than the towel building. • • • Ceuneilicir Nesmith pointed pu that 'the snow has 'been reffipved,1 from the Wingham rink' on severq occasions this winter, as well isa; from the street side of the.bUilding,d, However, he suggested it would a good plan • to have• an engineer.. give advice on the strength of alai building to determine what Weight: of snow the building 'could he eica petted to stand, He rececerhenclect that such advice he sought in thei nat. future • • —, .• r. rt717L;14°.r 111)UA Nt) You can sleep tonight, Snooker. is ;back" home, After. a town-wide' search, fer the :vial room cat, she wandered .hotne at the week-end` thin sine.'-fraaaled by her, weeka • lang.'elasence but. otherWiSe sound ;Of wind' artd limb. ' OPEN HOUSE AT STORE OPENS UNDER PUBLIC SCHOOL TODAY NEW MANAGEMENT sewer service simplifies the prob- lem, Mr, Nesmith alSo 'discussed problems relative to icy streets, and asked the Position of council if someone falls and is lino,. Mayor McKinney, said that the town carried liabil'i'ty' insuranee, but •the town was net responsible, 'urilesa there had. been gross :negligence pn the part of „the municipality, COtincillar Valanith also requested inforMation in regard to the con ration of the 'main street, The mayor said Una was •the -responsi- bility ,of ; the Ontario' Department of Highways, and the holes in the street would bearepaired as soon as practical, • Salartes far town employees were' discussed and on -Motion of lala- saiith and Kerr •the salary of George Carter was raised $5.00 per week and that' of T. Whitby, was raised to $1,15, lier hoar:. Annie Saffety • In the light Of.Alia collapse 'of which remained intact is' in the upper right :of the picture. The crane, 'centre, was used to clear many' of, the huge beams from the ice surface.—Advance-Times photo. BR BB POW /Y7— • . • • , Ala:times a Snow •drift has its good .Points. Robert, Hugh„and John Sinnamon mounted to the atest.ef their father's garage„On Minnie, Street on Satarday, Hugh Was the first: man down, after he gao slipped in the hears% snow on roof, closelY followed' by his "i!!' brothers who had attempted k'few 'wise cracks, All three, Ptis lialitalancied without mishap in the ati6whank at, the foot of the wall,. Mane' McKinney said "that while s he felt, the .arena was -safe,..every' one would feel better if, -thearialr;• were inspected.- by, an engineer' cat- provincial, authorities.. • "I••• Reeve Adair said that authorities!, from the Department- ef.' ' have inspectors In tbe disfricit:and attempts will, he made to eentaet them and have the local. building, inspected, a. On motion of Callan and Na '• smith, cannel) decided tca.,give' $109,00 to the' fund being, ,Bet, up at Listowel for rile victims of the: arena collapse in that cornailmitY.- " lalaASTER SCENV-ailie,aiterinati Councillor ,Nasinith t of the disastrous, rena collapse pointed' out a that he was not normally in favour at Listowel last Saturday which claimed eight lives is shown abOve• of grants being made to groups • • outside the municipality but :that The 'picture was taken .on :the , fallowing day; and shows the huge in this case it was actually an. ea _ , antic:411A of rubble that faced the rescuers. The front of the building pression of sympathy 'from • the town of Wingham to our; neighs MuYnitat.ittwAks ,mr,-- Aretheta.in the, same -family can haais.''littl.e"•too close at: tiara Last 'week joiaiph" Hera sevonlyear,old, ofsun• M.; and Mria'llarola•,,Kara was playing , an .imPrenaPpa game' Off tpi4b44„: et the, POHL Olen he ,litilife4;:ffilla tilta into'hia . bliothet tHila doe went to theh6Spital witha titaltaii William Gordon, naw proprieter of the foraieepurdon's Ladies' and Children's Wear, has announced that the store will open Un Thu'rs- day moraing, March pth, with a gigantic sale to • cleat all present ineich,andise r • • a When existing , ,stock i's cleared the store will take on a, new atmos- phere and will be known, as warm- easa Outfittieg Store. Mr. Gorden operates a • simner business in Strathroy. • .. A former Wingharn residentrAlan MacKay, who has, been a erriployed by.CreSsett MOtere in Wallacehufg, fa.6Yed iiia;..faraily ',beak (.0 town last. week and will manage the stare,. ..A - -I lines(pf !Men's. work clothing h rolits'a4 •eilihea, as well as such initatirles; as tobacco, soft drinks, chocolate har:S, etc.. will be carried on theanain florin Miss' Anna For& will be in charge of the ladies' and children's departmentaan the, second floor. Coach. Entertains • 'With seven youngsters. and one adult dead as the result of. the 'dis- astrous collapse of the• Listowel memorial arena on-Saturday mor- ning. local officials haye inspect- ed the Wingham arena carefully and believe that it is 'safe for' use. However, town council on Monday evening expressed the view that the 'building should be inspected ed the ' syniptithy of thousamiS 'of 'Canadians in 'all:walks of life from the prime minister to the most humble: As well, thousands of messages of sympathy pouredinto the town from all over the United States. 7 ' • Killed in the collapse of, the ar- ena were Kenneth McLeod; rec- reational director for the -town, Juvenile Team by experts to inake 'sure 'h'ere is no repetition of the tragedy which struck. Listowel„ , •- This community 'extended its sympathy to the, neighboring town through Mayor R. E. McKinney, who offered any assistance passible on Saturday anerning to the strick- en citizens of Listowel. The town of Listowel 'has 'receiv- • • • '` • SEED • ,• '„Farniers and. others in this area• will -be travelling to Clinton on Fri- daYt ot Sathiday of this week to attend" ,the 'annual Huron County Seed rata. The-event is spensor- edabY the "Huron County Soil and ,k6P Improvement Association and; ibits will be ahoWn in the Can- Diatrict high school. Two Hour Session „ Heard by Paratts . • The seed 'of Interest and enthus- burs' in Listowel, The necessary form for reed sub-: aidy from the Ontario Depart/POW of Highways, was sigoed on,motioi of Adair and Callan. • ' • Mayor McKinney, diseussea the problem relative to the debenture issue for the new high school addition, He stated that it appear"; ed, that the addition_ would mean." • raise in, local taxes of.about alma quarters of kle wetitAat Sityathat the hialearfaralasifing the debenture has gone tcathe Depart- ment of ' Municipal Affair's for tentative approval, and that final .approval would bp asked once tenders had been let and the actual amount • required 'for the addition woays kerdnloiewn: Taxes Mayor McKinne.y also reported that town had a total of $25,500 on the 'books in unpaid taxes. All business .taxes, he said„ had been paid up 'to 1958, and there was only $556.35 in business tax still outstanding for 1958, Property taxes unpaid •from•1956 amounted to 0,147, for 1957 $8,368 , and for 1958 $14,985.. He alai stated that action will be taken in the near future to collect the outstanding taxes from 1956, Pension Plan After listeningto Finance Chair- man Callan discuss several aspects of a participating pension plan for town employees, council decided that if the employees want such a plan; .council would agree, and authorized Mr, Callan to proceed with his in.vastigation of the pen- sion• plans available, on the basis of a contribution 'by the 'town of five per cent of salaries paid to employees. The Wingha.na juvenile Hockey Club was entertained by their coach Alf Lecklidie and Mrs. Lockridge on Monday evening, when they were treated; to, a turkey dinner at-Mr. and Mrs: Lockridge's home. The team played geed, hockey all winter, and watra•througa to the group finals, being 'defeated in the last round by Mitchell, During the evviing the boys Were congratulated fort their efforts,,and retUrn'thenkea their. coach and manager 'Hugh ,Carmichael for' their support and: for' the evening's entertainmeat.' .Guests at ' the dinner were Johnny Brent and Father R. Durrand, They'worked in co-operation with man reports that they were soon swamped with donations of food, supplied by the women of Listowel organizations, enabling them to dis- pense fried and coffee throughtout the six-hour period. Restaurants, too, came to tile assistance of the. Army workers 'and loaned urns and 'coffee jugs. • Captain Robert Allen . of the Lis- towel Corps Was on the PA system throughout the day directing dig- ging operations and announcing to the rescue workeis that sandwiches. and hOt coffee were available. , • C • d M N the istdweCorps an r.New lam planted .during the parents' band 'committee meeting last -month flowered into full bloom last 'Wednesday afternoon when 40 'or more adults attended a solid tare' hours' band practice session dit- lected by - the .baedmaster, George Wonah.. • The, band 'members, were 'absorbed in. their music ,and. paid. strict to their, leader's 'instruction:. • The committee was amazed at the wonderful response from. the parents fel" Wadi for. the occasion. • Coffees'' vaa served along with sendWielita The - children enjoyed soft drinks provided by the Lions Club.. ; Another.- gathering of this kind will be held at the, end of April .end it is hoped that the same spirit of cooperation and harmony will per- vide all future 'meetings, thus en- couraging the young people to per- fect their music and branch out into numerous public perform- ances, more than in the past, . • , pwlialyoerlIsai.ito-jutsate tiackeelflog22,,a,71eleliaP7(qe ee session,. and Richard H_ ' (Rickey) Kaufman ,10; .KeithaWight, ' 100; njarrkettie '.E s R airelh:alli d- ymilaesrtSinage;'B' Kerelern- Smith 11; 'Bryan, Seebavet :bp- Mel- bourne Jahnlahuebettorn 12, Garry Skelding, Keith Render, Jim' Askin; Ross Gibson,. Garry Rarker, Norman Sitting 'and allele Rassnien 'Were all hoSpitalized with. anjUriesaand. •a 'number' of ^others received minor injuries "and were released from hospital. • ' The, tragedy' was keenly' felt •in. Wirigharn,' where lace], hackey; en- thusiasta knew Mr. 'McLeod and by Local ,players who had engaged in hockeY games With the UstbWel boys. • The mein of' the arena,aollepae :and, the leas of young life will; be a lesson to all thoSe .resPonsible for the safety of children -anal 'who control public ,htiiidlaigs of.. this type. Three separate •inv,estigatiores are in progress to determine Why the Listowel building came crash- ing down, The•probes may' find causes that amid, well, mean the difference of life or death to other communities. rt. appears' that legialatioramay be passed requiring all public build- ings of this type to be kept free of heavy snow, Listowel was .crowded with vis- itors on Sunday who 'Carrie to view the- scene 'of the disaster, and on Monday for the mass funeral ,of the victims which was held at. the Lis- towel United Church with the Presbyterian Church taking the overflow and hearing the service on public address .systerti, • 'Dr.' Brock Cleland • Tikes U.S.- Post', • Or. T. Brock Cleland, veterinar- ian at Lucknow for the past 10 Years, is leaving this district for the 'United' States, whereahe has accepted ie position on the teach.] ing Malt of Oklahoma State Uni- versity. Na 'will make his home in Stillwater and will , take-. a post graduate 'course in animal parisi- tology in addition to his teaching duties', Dr, Cleland, aschose home Was at" Latuque, Que., is a graduate of the'. Ontario Veterinary College at Guelph, While taking his course there he married Mary Cruikshank, daughter of Mrs. Benson -Cruilta shank of Wingham' and the late Mr. Cruikshank and later entered practice at Lucknow. They have five children. Dr, and Mrs. Cleland and family will move to Oklahoma around the end of June, when his practice will be taken over by Mark Raithby, who will graduate from O,V,C, in June, Mr. Baitaby is the son of Prof. G, B, Raithby of the Veter- inary' College, Indian Engtheer Nimrno Is N. . °ice Q .o erator • • 'r Rev. Alexa~liier. ilpeyne, W. t'l•centli'• nominated modem- tor'or.the General' Agaembly at a aTieetiei 'of 'Huron-Maitland Prea- bYteay• of the 'Preataaterian Church. Rev. 'G. MacMillan of Knox Church Clodetich, Was the nomi- nee fhr Moderator of 'Hamilton and Liorittott ;Synod. a,,APPOihted commissioners to the' ,general assembly were Rev. W. J. S. McClure' of MOlesworth and ! Ariel 'Dr. 'Ninn(); Mr, MacMil- taii'litir eiders 'froth the charges of,Cianirrotrk; ,Goderich and Hen-, Membes supported the campaign fund .for, a new DeittOriness Train- ing and a series of meetings Will 'be held, • The Wonieias MiSctionary Society iiecietitry told the Presbytery that contributions for mission work for • the, Presbytery totalled $36,000. Bain* PARTY • Euehre Party will be held at Glenannan school on Friday eve- ttihg, March 6 at 8.36, Proceeds in aid of Turnberrt Park Fund. F4'11 7,4100,u Arm DANCE ov,A.'‘euvhre and dunce in the Bel- past. Vorresterat 'Hail aponsored by the Wonienas'Inatitate on March 6th at 8.30 p,m. Ladies 'Plase bring F4b acked House Greets igh School Concert Will Speak Sunday At Three Services • A native of Itiditi, ThoroaS George, will be guestspeeker the morning service Of Blilevale United Church ott Staiday. ate will speak at Whitachicreh In the afternoon and will be at Whiglialn United nhurch in 'the evening, Mr, George is an engineer and is at present taking postgraduate studies at the 'University' Of 'hes roan. Be expects: -to complete his course in 11),f, fall and win thee rehire to India. Ile is attendhig university here 'on a Massey sehol-; ars), ip, The People of the surrounding distriet ere invited to attend any of the three services most conven- ient for them. ' Ur. George Will de- !IVO• his address at the tinned Chttreli here at 'eight O'clock Sun- day evening at an informal type gathering, which Will be followed Eby a question - and anaWet period. and 'a slog-aoag, Mr. Alah Nor...too has Arran. ad to take Mn, George to the •:81tte. Vale and' tialvelitewa schools an Mon ay when the. tilliateh will have- the opPert,OnitY tif heath* about Corinte Rhame captivated the large audience with her violin. sole, Ann Douglas, Mary Fisher and Christine Itunstedtler sang "Tile Holy City" as a trio, Alan and Donald ,McTavish 'got together for a trumpet duet and the school "Kick Line" received a big hard for their e.fforts. The girls of grade 10, presented "On the Street Where You Live", A 011e-Etet comedy play, produced by ,arrangelnent, with Sansuel French, and direeted by Russell SmIth drew a tremendous applause both evenings. Members of the Cast were Jean Thompson, Pamela Porter, :Lawrie Stuckey, Karen Anderson, "Stewart McGill, Marjorie Kieffer, and Eavid KeruiedY, They concert Was believed to be one of the best ever presented at the school, and the pupils received congratulatiOns from many ,Who attended, The Whigharn .District High School was' packed to 'capacity both Thursday and 'Friday evenings 'for a variety program staged by mem- bers of the student, body. . Peter Nolan, president of , the Literary Sheity opened the pro- ceedings which consisted. of several selections by the cadet band, seine- tions by the Senior and Miler choirs, sled - by the mass choir Mary Pishbr and Karen Michel I teamedm up tor an organ and' piano' „ duet. Christine Runtedtier sang a solo and a triple trio sang "Shift. Mg, Whispering Sand". Gymnastics were put on, by the boy's, the school orchestra rendered "Selections from 1 Carinen" and the ititerMediate girls engaged. in square (Iwo. The 'senior 01Se:tableSang "COW Out of the Wiley" lellowod ;by a stataa phone solo by 'Naiad I•enliecly and a aeleetiati by the bog choir",'. ATLIXIttlAltY littlETING The 'regular m_eeting of the La- dies' Auxiliary to Whigham Gen- erat 'Hospital will be hew in the Connell chambers Mt Friday, March 6th at three o'clock; Fib , ON MILADY :Thea Wing/tam, Wbilia&a testi- titre ' will be Audit); . 'guests , on Attady, OKNX.'PV on Tuesday, March loth at 2.30 p.m. 411' vorurrzemlacx he Women's Institute is spon- soring Variety concert end dance in the Whitachurch Community non traidaYi .Meach '6th, at, 8.30 jam, Admission 50e, Public School ohildrert free. Vailfer'll Orchestra. lalnahleounter, Everyone welcome, F4b Mr; -and Arehle"Miller, allirj.tilthtoiso *fah to latitatitnide the Wigagehietit of their. eider Sandia Eittantia, 'te Beverly rjanida titehr#, Cideat•Obn ek mt. en& MiSi"1, litettrao PiataiWitla The ' Marriage Will take blade in March. • SIGNS 'Or bi SPitlA'."4:0 any boy worth ltitr snit;buSSY-W)00.Wil are a Mite signthat sitriug is ohway, the if hot already ho Left o tight are i'Vyttyne Watt, 'Son , !odor' h lir fill Crookw 104 thrca lads *Ito ate OidelAIOla, They fthilist ,the PUSSY tbeY ;llaine the SalVtitkni Army Citadel, etdvarice-Tiimme'sphoto.• • 1 - • This week is .Education Week and as in former years the public school is observing the occasion bY holding open house 'on Wednes- day, March 4th. Parents," of course, are at liberty to contact the individual teachers at any time, but open house is the annual event when parents and friends have the opportunity to visit the classrooms and see for themSelves what is being done for _our children in the educational phase of their lives, ' The classroom deors will' open .at three o'clock this .afternoen, The pupils will be dismissed at 3,30 but pare.nts are invited to speak With the teachers and view the fine work exhibits,the ;Children havo proper- id, after the dlaiaiSaal bell. aa,...a. r. , a SALVATION ARMY AIDS .1N ,DISASTER1 Envoy Stanley and Mrs. New- man, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Clark and Mrs. Stewart Hepry of the Sal- vation Army Corps arrived on, the disaster scene in.Listowel early in the rescue operations on Saturday Morning, Envoy and MrsaNewman went ahead with several large thermos jugs of hot coffee and were followed shortly by the others with the mobile unit. "a/.4fiff ',ea a NEW MEMBERS JOIN - CANADIAN LEGION . Corn. President Lloyd Carter chairea the regular meeting of the Canadian Legion Branch 180 at the Leghni Home onarueadaY even- ing of last 'week, Guests were John Anderson and Commander, Bruce, Of the London Red Cross. Mr, Anderson . addressed the meeting on Red Cross. and, in turn, introduced Conimander Bruce, who apoke• on the Blood , Transfusion program. The branch endorsed the plan for a blood clinic to ,be held here,. for which details will be an- nounced in' the' near future, A chairman for the blood clinic will be appointed by the executive. L, V. Dawson won. the member- ship draw but 'was not present at the meeting It was decided that a bowling team. would represent the Wingham branch in Waterloo in March, A chairman and five' ward. Chairmen volunteers were named for the. Red Cross Drive, A committee composed of Coni- reties Day, Coultas and Lewis was set up to ascertain the number of 211.;year members belonging to the branch, A donation will be made to the Film 'Mlch for the pur- pose 'of purehaSing a new projector, Initiation ceremonies were held when Ray Meyer and Ed MacAulay Were welcothed into the Legion. Talchig part in the initiation were Cain, Past. President Seat, Presi- dent L, Carter and Corn, George .Brooks, FORGET Forget the hasty, wham] word Forgot the slander you have 'heard Irorget the quarrel and the cause, Forget the whole affair, because Forgetting is the only way, Forget the sterna of yesterday, Forget the knocker and the sneak, Forget the bad dap! of the Week. Forgot you're not a millionaire, ;forget the grey streaks in ,your hair, Forget to even get the blues - - But Don't Forget to Pay Your Wes,