The Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-02-18, Page 9vx• FABULOUS SAVINGS on famous Hoover Constellations Hoye' BaSketball The senior and junior briSketball teams front Wingharn travelled to WEEK-END liTlATI1RE amoir, Bake 'N' Serve Buttermilk Biscuits ONLY 29 c REMINGTON'S Want Ads t,um help Yea find your hidden treasure. Articies no longer of necessity to you may be Just the thing someone else has been wilting for. Turn your bidden treasure intO hard cash. you hare soinething to sell Oholte Our Attlee — 890. A small 'amount on a clatisidied ad eau put drillat* *Owl " paw. dgc-V.11,1fr. I ' 1 1'71 1 kb, I. - SHOIE STORE • ?HONE -12 • . Wifigham Pitt*, STUDENTS' YAW, in High School An itro Thuraday and Friday eveningil l fkt 845 p.m, STOCK UP NOW ON, Rubber' Boots for wet weather ahead for Ment Women and, Children , ORRIMIONIIIMORIIMIRW , A1'A,ArP71 F E tt T I. I taking delivery before Feb 28, 1959 PLUS 7% discount for, pay- •rnent in 10 days after delivery olir4ve• I3ELGRAVE: .ON'TARi0 Phone: Winghatn 1065w, , •Brussels. 1.4t10• ........ .. ... • .. • ..... •• . ... .... ......... .. ... and no .....especially for .. *".. so. ebrua.ry 14-21 "I'll have to ask you to leave, Nfr; Tight;You owe me six months' rent." • , "'What,- and go without• paying? Never:" • • • • TOP OF THE IitkA7P-1-The Witigham• Len Crawford Dodgers' Who hal. e been consistently at the top J'tf, their group all winter only have two more games to play; Both postPoned games. The first Wilt be play- ed at Kincardine this Thursday. "'Helping to keep' the Dodgerwin, top: position are the six players above, left to right, top row: Doug Wallace, defence; BiIt"L oelcridge„ defence; Jim Bain, defence; bottom, Bruce Lott, r. wing; Ken Cerson, wing; and•MaMlee'Stainton, r. wing., • • „The Children's Aid 'Society ,of Huron Connty • held , their Annual •Me,cting in . Court House, Gederich on. February 11th When' the follow- ing were' elected to the Board of Directors: - • President, Rev. R, G. MacMillan, Goderich; 1st vice.presid,ent, Dr. E. •Tayler, Goderieh; 2ncl vice- president, •Mr. Hugh Berry, R.R. 1, Woodham; honorary secretary, Mr., A, M. Robertson, Goderich; secre- tary, Mr. John G. Berry, Goclerich; treasurer, .3Vir. B. G., Thinly, Clin- ton; directorS, MrS. Kenneth Johns, R.R. 1,- Wooclbrun; Mrs. F. Fing- land, Clinton; Mr. Fred Davidson, Winghani; Mr, Frank, Sills, Sea- forth; Mr.. John Winter, R.R. 2, Harriston; Mr.-R. B. Cousins, Brus- sels; Mr. James ,Doig, R,R. 4, Sea- forth; Mr. Wm. McKenzie, Exeter; Mrs, 'Howard Klumpp, Da.shwOod; Miss Etta SaultS, Goderich; Mrs. Albert Taylor, ,Goderich; Mrs, George Johnston, • G9derich; Mr. Lewis fraylor, Goderich; Mr. W. M. Prest, Goderich; Mrs, Bruce Er- FRED 'DAVIDSON HONORED BY CAS 0 Look Of these big fieuturas ' 4.,. ..4, .' .x.:4•b•:**: •'''Ii:,.:%!:. i m:4 4 ," •• ..:: / AP \4tft4tit....00N "Kr i ,-:-: 7 ir 1) M1414444:41:* .... ...., •• AMIIIIIIII)11 • ,i tOINim , . ', ,,, • 0 ' KINMSIZE BAG Only 10 Wends te, 101 1rtd to tettlate CON3itiLLATION'S his. enPaelty dirt Sag! SWIVEL-TOP tleati Anywhere ,, .-: new, tret.roteting •swiliel top inthe with yOu, , 3-WHEEL NOZZLE tells freely ovet togt .teid floors at jifet.right tteening leVel. ". ' DOUBLE-STRETCH ‘ HOSE --,. So flexible, stretehisto Aimbet twine ite length. Light, enty to 'handle. , . Here's a rare oPportunity to make big sayings ma' ,a Hoover Cleaner! During Hoover Week we're i • i : offering brand new, factory-guaranteed HoOver , Constellations, Model 841, at lowest-ever prices. IT'S CANADA'S DIOST TALICED-AROUT CLEANER :the amazing COnstellation floats along after you . -.4 • like magic .... on a column of air. Quantity, limited - so order todayl - HOOVER $47,225.00. .Mr. Wm, McKenzie Raid tribute to the board members who have given so generously of their time te the work of organization for over ten years and called upon Mr. Orch and Mr, W. Ball who are on- the Children's Aid committee of Coun- ty Council to make presentation to Rev.MacMillan, Mrs. Albert Taylor, Mrs„ George Johnston and Mr. Fred Davidson, Wingham, A LITTLE WISDOM You know, a "little" knowledge Is a very dangerous thing, It takes an ignoramous And makes him think he's king. Brit once that he discovers That there's plenty more to know, He acquires a little wisdom, And it's "then" he starts to grow. Goderich, where they met the God- erich teams in two exciting games. In the senior game the Wingharn beYs were trailing 13-8 at the end of the first quarter but managed to pull up to a 19-17 lead at half time. In the third quarter both teams fought hard and a 35-35 tie greusatriltteerd. at the 'end of the third The Goderich teani would not be denied and they went for 20 pointa Wingha,m's 10 in the fourth quarter and the final sem° was 55- 45 in favor of Goclerich, High scor- ers for Whigham Were Pete Stnith With 23 pOintS, Rae Hether- ington with 8 and Don Jurclin; 6, The juniott rolled Up ritt.8.1 lead at the end of the first quarter bin were trailing 13-12 at half tinle. The Winghain boys held their &Wan and Wdke behind by only three points at the end of the third quar- ter When Goderich led 2140, Agalh, as in the senior game, tho Goderieli jnnlors broke loese the fourth titlarter to score .22 points, Wing= hem counted only 10 In the final quarter end lore thus tasucte(t 43.29 defeat. itigh ilearere grere ttetty' *HA 11 points, t atty Pickfoht With 6, Cieorge lones end Albeit Weeds,. oath Ivith 4. Xeith Rehinaatt. WOAA Group TV.VO standing List Standing in Gr011n TVM of the Pltertnediate Serie$ •04 cf Friday, Febrnary Oth, left- the lo, gal Len CraWfOtd Podgerel Still nut in first Place with a OW a 28 Pei»fs, f011eWed "by Wiarton with Pi' Port MOP ,16; Kincardine 15 and ellesleY 0, Anagng the top scorers, in the league were 'Ray of Wiarton, first Place with '60 points; A, KreutzWiser, Wiarton, 59; Steven- sea, la CM, on; ri.ingSton Chesley, 55; Murray Stainton, of Wingham. 51:. and beeg ifurray., Wingham, 40. CuTling .News At a ladies' hOnaPiel in Listowel .ort Tuescini a last week with 16 rinks competing, a Wirighafn teaM; won tho Carling trophy. Mrs, ,The Herr was skip, Mrs. R, S, Hether- ington vice Mrs. MeDonald second and Mrs. J;FX. Crawford lead, Their 'score WO 3 Wins plus 13. Two, local rinks competed -in the mixed bonspiel at Chesley on Sat- nrclay: Mr. and Mis. Bill Bain, Mrs, Jcie" Ketr and Harold Thomas,' with the latter 'as skip, wen the nine o'clock draw while Mr, and Mrs. Harry, Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Elliott were .suepessful in winning the 11 o'clock draw. Elmer 0Sk-iP0Ped a rink at the Palmerston club's annual far- mers' honspiel last Tuesday, ning second prize with 3 wins plus 7 in the nine o'clock draw. Wil- liam tieactieltWas viee,'Carl Johns- ton Second. and E., Bruce lead, * * In the' 11, o'clock d raW James Adam's of -IlVroxeter iivai skip When his rink, E. Gathers, Wes Paulin and j, Willis, won 'first prize and the trophy, • • Bridge Club Three tables were in play at.the regular meeting of the bridge club on Thursday evening, Winners 'iw'ere: First, Mr. and Mrs .3. H. Crawford; second, Mrs. D, B. Porter and Charles Hedging', third, Mrs. Campbell arid .1. A. Wilson, " The Commercial League standing for February 10, are:- Flying Sauc- ers, 85; Martians, 68; Hula Hoops, 65; Sputniks, 56; Comets, 49; Hot Rods, 45. Ladies' high single, Mrs. George Cameron, 223; Men's high single, Maurice Stainton, 225. Lloyds B. & W. Club Jets 2308, Ramblers 2143, Mon- archs 2129, Henry J's 1942, Bel Airs 1904, Men's high' single, Lorne Gard- ner, 269; men's high triple. Lorne Gardner, 665. Ladies' high single, Nora Redmond, 189; ladies high triple, Nora Redmond, 468. FIRST CLAAci WATCH REPAIRS REASONABLE CHARGES George Williams Loleated 'Shiston'S' Store. OWing to Ihtek Ott• %Pate, Mandl clocks arid watebeS only. CHECK THESE IMPORTANT FEATURES A. top quality Fertilizer at 'substantial savings, • Experienced staff will help you plan your Spring Fertilizer program.' Assistance in selecting the Fertilizer analysis your farm requires. • 'Backed by a "Guarantee of Quality" 1..• certificate. EIMOTIRE , Commercial, Industrial, Home and Pam Wiring PI-10Nt 414 — Motor Re-wind ahd Repair WINdHAM skine, Godcrich; repre- P sentative, Mr. Melvin °rich, -deputy reeve of 'Clinton; associate mem- bers, Miss E, Falconer, R.N., of the public health, a representative, ef the Salvation Army, 'Mr. HI Mc- Creath, Goderich. MarY Chaffee, the Local' Director, submitted a report of the activities of the staff and Mr. B. G. I-Ia,nly presented' the treasurer's report and the budget for 1959 of HIGH SCHOOL Highlights W R HAMILTO OPTOMETRIST Thoroughness' — Ability — TiMe teatod Phone 37 for appointment '..! Our liey. !o 'Success 0 'ril II .1 Just, as you .expeet yonr dectOr :or tbuggist to have Moe ,neeessary knowledge to 'make you We* We ',have the knowledge to put your ear hack in 8liape if you are unfortanate, enough to: haxe AtkPidellt ,W0 aril spec- ialists in WAY tepair nod are thorough. in every job we toelde, If you 'have 00. of our serviceS,' give us a Call • a • 6742. • • . . .... .. I .. . 1 .. Home . wiih- Martin- Senoilr Paint 20 'discount ON ALL PAINT IN STOCK GOOD RANGE qv COLORS, MULTI=USE ENAMEL Regular $3.25 cit. • ,NOW $2.60 clt!. FLOOR ENAMEL Regular 148.75 gal. • NOW $7.00 gal. SUPER KEWTONE Regular $2.55 qt: N QW $2.05 trt. DO IT NOW, While the stock lasts. WiothamH Body 'Shg Phone 746 Sid Adams " Wingham• .... .. ..... .... .... .... ... . 16111.11Rillip#,111iimm,” .......... .......... ...... ji Knowledge The Wingliam Ac vaticeornines Two ILINES TO St 1174% YOU $00 and ot