HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-02-18, Page 1ar. With which. io akmailgornoted the Gordo Viciett and Wroxeter New, WINDHAM ONtA410,;W.KONESDAY, FEERVART /41, 1$59 .....y,••••••••ml• qtatata4 (,'"C/Pat •••••e 7 tiete AIN ALONO. THE MAIN:0Ra Tho redeetrhat ooi i eac ers Salary Schedule • arfra FlkanTea • ;•• eVallat is :believed to,. have been arabid foX feel* his "'WSW into :the A,•4; PuVal fox 'farm. on 'Sun- 40,Y • 4n4 took on (lye of the ant- Vials:Wade, the pone. • Though the Wire netting ,was. In: big 'way • the Wee• ;Wild fear Managed tie:el/omit) five Of .the tame DeVe1 •shot., the '.iiiterideis and word is at. pre- Peat 'awaited as to _the health of the•Wild •anizeal;•' • a HOSPITAL BOARD CHAIRMEN WIN •Iilla SPIEL-aA- Brussels rink wan the first ,araw in 'the' local ellibismen Chia' bouspiel here lase: Weeinailea but eufferiel injury in the last gait* when D,'& aeon slipped on the ice pad freetikeilIlha arm.. Other members of the rink, pictured' above are: Hugh Pearson, vice; _Flared Gathers, asend; Jim. Attains, skip, Mr, the time Rana had been removed, to heapit al at e the •Photo"was takeza-Aavithee-Tiineeii • ' ahoto. ,. , ,, :. i 'C. ailacfsean was re-elected eaairrean of the 'board of directote of 'the Wing-ham - General Hospital at the 'first meeting of that body for the year on -Friday evening. R, B, Cousins was named vice- chairman; Mrs, lakorrey,• •adrainis. trataxe John .Strong, secretary, Mariagonient eomia„ R,- B, eine,' chairman; Ivan kieeelelne, Elsto,n, Barry Wenger, Dr, P. a. Leahy,: •• all:rar:a coram„ • A, D, MacW11-' lama, ,chairrean; W. B. Anderson', Q•• j, V. Fischer. . • •Propexty .eernua, DeWitt. Miller, chairman; Alex Robertson, Mrs. N. D. -Cameron, John .Colvin, Heib •Fokton. . . her statistical report Mrs. Morley said said that there: 'were- 152 admissions during. the Jacinth 'of 'January; 22 'birth and 12 deaths. "041.4 PAN4 EB1a1*--' an Malaga to the episode related above. a local workman observed a fox chasing' madly after hie ear ,traciet • distance, out of town the 'other evening,' ft would appear that the danger from:rabies is far /gen over, The dog owners who 'have ^already telexed their'Ore would cie Weil to, take incite. 0 - 0 . 0 •OtielCT: SUNDAY.— Melabers et the local, ,Roy Scouts, Girl„Gplaes.•Wola Cubs and Brow- aka will ,attend; service en Supeay aeorning et at, Andrew's PreS- eryteriarecaurche . The occasion ,is • the aanual observance of ahe 'Lora' liadensPeWelia" airthday, aa tittAT.,DOOR, .TE) • .Friends. in town: have. had word •freril •Mr, and 'Mrs. at. I3. Lloyd • Who are holidaying in",,TuesOn, Ar- Zaraii One card' contains the in- formation; "the Puri elands' all'aey", Their description of mountain vis- ta and golf tournament'; anek,e one Something less than. happy with the' weather hereabouts. 0 , 0 e 0 ST/IL IN l'I.ACV--L ;.:There are certainly', itoasigns of the fiteinen's barrel going over the aimeage a while yet; you , still ..,kaye time to get youratieltet on the Maitland River Derby. • eceive County Achievemen Friends in his emereanity 'were • saddened to learn of the passing of, Mrs, Robert E, Laidlaw, at the Winghain General ;Hospital on Tuesday of last week, Mrs, Laid- law had suffered fop ever 20 Years from 'a chronic illness, which, as it progressed, left her greatly han- dicapped, For the past two 'months she bad been a patient at the hog- vital and her gallapt fight against heavy odeswill long be remember- ed ,by, family.arid friends, She never loot interest hi commureity affairs and until the lase, tried to' lead a useful life. The. former Anne 'Clarke Chain, ray, she was born at Carleton Place 59 years age, a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. George irhe average daily patient popula- , Charnney. She was educated as a tion was 112 as coin pared wit 123 ,school teacher at Carleton Place h in the same month last year, Mrs., leforrey also pointed out that both operation roma and lab- ratoey procedures were' down as compared with 1958, an indication thataeople in this area are not rushing •M to abuSe the privileges afforded by the new hospital in- surance plan, A. D. MacWilliam presented the financial statement for the month, as well 'as' the auditors' statement for the previous year, which showed an operating deficit of some k$47,783,10 for 195I3, Paibert Bell of. Edward Street marked bisaath birthday pa. Tues- day:of this, week, by shovelling.the snow fronL his veranda roof, :Needless • to say, anyone who elimbe a ladder and wields shovel and eaels in pretty gobd health— and `that is jtiet the way we found Mr -Bell; hard at' work, , ' He was born near Pricevale on Fehr:nary 17th, fee% and after spending several years in •the,buieb an the north, eetltra, 'he' eame ,to Weei Wastrarioeh, W11.ere•he faraaPd and worked aaa 'carpenter; He has resided Whigham for the past 20' years, , He large alone, but re- aeives some .assistance with the household chorea, In talking to Mr. 'Bell as he worked away on the heavy crust :of ice along the edge of his roof, be said that as far as he could, 'remember there had never. been a heavier winter than the one we are experiencing this yeer. • Cernme,nting on conditions' to- day,' compared with his youth, he' said that living is somewhat easier today, due to so many gadgets, put 'that people do not seem to be any happier than years ago. He said everyone seems to' be pushing for money: all the time and • years ago they were more sociable and •more willing to help the other fellow along. - "Mr. Bell also said ,that he hoped to live to •be 100.•proaided he didn't fall 'off ;the ladder he was using to 'climb to.his snow-covered' roof. He has one, sister living in Mark- dalawho celebrated her 92nd birth- day this past year.. R•zthertt Shaw, Is !96. Today , Attends. Conference Frank Thompson of. Wingham attendee• the' farm safety confer- ence•held kt: the O.A,C, last Tues- day and Wednesday. ,Ile, reported that the meetings were -very well atteadea „gal ,,had sales etateteading list Of earealiers:"He was represent- ing East. Wewantieh,. - Mr, Thomason said that arrange, ments ere ;being made to hold or- ganizationaa meetings in the var- ious townships in the district to promote the farm safety survey which will be 'made on a provincial shank, James Stapleton, Lloyd basis this year. The first is slated Cook, Wellington, Powell, George for March 1st when reporters will Powell and George Finley, be selected on a school section plan. At the regular February meethig of the Witighean District High adhoel %era on 'Thursday eve, niuF of last week the board receiv- -staff men-men:— who placed :before the board p, re- quest for salary increases, The request, if met by the board, would amount to a total increase of lip-, prexiniately $25,0e0.90 In . operating eests, neat years. The teachers' delegation ,pointed Out that their reason, for asking for ineeeaSed salaries Wee the feet that the teaching, arefessiell does not, receive salaries comparable to that of men and women who have the same amount, of education., and take positions' in commerce and industry.: The delegation consist- ed' ofMiss M, Davis and, Messrs. K. E, R, A. CaMpbell and E. Anderson, The aequeeted schedule is else changed as make more allewaarree for teaeher qaalifications, which breaks dower Into four classes as follows 'Maim= salaries for the, four classes, $4,1100aaa800,, $5,000, $5;200; maximum ealariee, $7,600, $7,800, 0.000 and $8,200; for the vice principal, maximum $9,000 and principal, $10,000. Annual re-' commended increments for teach- ers, Me 'vice principal 1400 and principel $500. The current schedule based on. non-specialist amid specialiet quails ficatione is as follews: Minimum salary, $4,000,- $4.200; maximums, • • $6,700, $7.1)04 yiceareincipal maxi- mum $7,800 'and 'principal $8,500. Annual increment' increases un- qualified: $20te qualified $300!" vice- principal $400 and principal $500. :Beard meniber, J. S. Armstrong suggested that the salary-schedule means little as the teachers come in every year asking' for increases and therefore the annual inere- meat is Pointless. Vice-elatirman Les Fortune said that an ieprease each year of 10. to 20 per cent was furthering in- flation, hiewever the staff delega- tion, said, "We ere. too small : a giariPataseastait athealine.Ape ,blame for-inflate:re should tie placed on labor;'lara an the eettehing. pro- fession," In respect to ,the new gradisia•of teacher ,qiialificatieee, R, Heth- erington, suggested the delega- tion taitt there Was •toe Much spread betWeen the Clags and Class TV teachers, • (PleaseiTern to' Page Five) a' High School and Ottawa Normal School, and weal intensely inter- ested in the important aspects of educalion. On, July 27th, 1927, she was mar- ried to Robert ' La idiaw in St. John's Anglican Church at Innis- ville, Ont,, and the couple took up residence near Wingham shortly after their marriage, where they have since resided. She was a member of the Wingbarn, .United Church. Mrs. Laidlaw is survived by her, husband, two daughters, Mrs. James (Alice) Munro, of West Vancouver, ,B.C., Sheila et Toronto and one son,'William, of ,Lonsion. There are ewo brothers, John and Joseph, Phatnney of Carleton Place. A brothers Edward. Chamney, of Cleicagre ,predeceased her. • Service , was conducted 'at the Currie funeral home at 2 p.m.- on Friday by Rev. T, P. 'Russel- of the United .Church and interment 'was made in the Wingaain cemetery. Pallbearers were William Cruile, On 'February the 14th the IsH Homemaking .Club', • Achievement; Day fer North Ilurmayeau held ate the Wingham District High School° With an' excellent turn out despite_ the icy weather; During the couesa of the day the 4-H homemaking club members exhibited alaa weak that they have seen carrying on,-in the homemaking club project, "The Cereal Shelf", Record books and examples .cif graham anaripe inside by thq girls were on display and during the niereing prograin the alas took part in judgieg muffins, judging Menus for .:farm families ana as" welf sinsweriag a quiz on what they have been learning about cereals a The: afternoon 'program consisted of exhibits, skits and demonstrations. • - Annual Meeting of HOwick,Mutual is Held at Gorrie The eightY-siXth.'aiiiinal meeting of the Hevvick VarMers' kuteal Fire ,Insurance Company. was held on Friday at Gorrie, ' , The meeting. was callea s to order by the presideat,,,,W. r,./ • Douglas, who , in his repairke, thanked ,the policy-holders, for, co-operation. and the rest of .the board .had rew calved in the past year. Mr. Doug.; las also stated 'that the company had. an average year, with an in- crease . of slightly over $7,000 in the reserve fund,, Elmer Faiaisit of Carrie to act as chairman-for the remainder of the meeting. •' ° The two retirisigentectore, Harold Robinson -of ,GOrrie and Ewalt McKercher, of Wroxetea were re- turned to office ,fee another three years by acclamation,` Mr. learrieh 'called on eitela•da 'rector for-alew Words ahoutaessee iu their „area and it seemed live stock losses.,, lightning' again very expensive and. trigtible4 some In . some, areas, as „the',`tom4 pany pald out Over $29,000 Mathis, item, For the first few morithe in 1959 extra -precaution- is gob* to be taken clue to the rabies apis NEY, FEARRECOLIJMN fOltA-T 4READM: This week the AdadneesTimes trodaces ,,a new, feature column that is expected to be, populae with readere. Called "Sugar and spice", ie is written ,by Bill Smiley, editor of the Wiarton Echo, and is now running lit more than ,60 Canadian weeklies, Smiley, 38, Is married and• has two children. He leaks at life with out rese-aoloired glasses, and when the 'occasion demands, calls a spade 'a blasted shovel. He is- a graduate of. University of Toronto' and Stalag, Luft 1, Germany, where he' was \prisoner -of war after serving as a fighter pilot In the RCAF. " Sugar and Spice tries to brush' the _cobwebs away 'and see life frora an, original point of 'view. The, column will entertain most people, infuriate a few,„ but is guaranteed to' bore nobody, lit, ROBINSON IS CHIEFRANGER . Six 50-yeah jewels were presented at the Canadian Order of Foresters meeting on FebrUary 11, when Court Maitland 425 Winghamalect- ed officers for the coming year. Those honored were Frank How- Son, Hal MacLean, Fred MadLean, Alex Rintoul, W, Sanburn and •Jack Mason. 'Three other members Were also awarded 50-year jewels but were unable to be present. They were Bob King of Montreal, W. J. Aitchison'oaMooretown and Percy Stapleton of Detroit. • Elected to office were C. Ranger, Bro. G: W. Robinson; .vice C, Ranger, Bro. E. Lewis; financial sec., Bro Alex Reid; treasurer, Bro. Tom Gaunt; recording see., Bro. Glad. Campbell; chaplain, Bro. Geo. Walker; St, Woodward, Bro: Roy Burchill; Jr. Woodward, Bro, Roy Sanderson; Sr. Beadle, Bro. Fred MacLean; Past Chief Ranger, Bro Ebbed• Moffat, . • The Installing team was Bro. Wan. Ilawkshavv, fraternal super- Visor and Bro. M. IVfatzanke, field supervisor from High. Court, Brant- ford. After sPeeciaa by some of the policy holders tha,:rneeting ciased at about 4.3(a pea, with the 'singing of the national 'anthem. BaUEVALE—afr. •Robert. Shaw ; cOebaatea,„ to-' 'day eWedneetlea, pin], an , fair .health, 'Mr: • •Shaws was *ire iir 'Morris, Township and farmed there for atone Yeataelater Operating 'gen- eral. store - in IllueVale until his re- tieernent. ' formerly "Ana irk Fraser, died in 194'7, He .is how, living With his daugb- " ter and' son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. .Milton Fraser, third concession' of Morrie Another daughter, Mrs. Earl „Hislop, lives at Dunnville, HS Purim PRESENT AL CONCEIter. " ;,The students of "the Vairighion Dietrict High School Will present their 'annual :Variety Concert in- the school aaditoriurn at 8.15 on the evenings of Thuradity, Februery 26, and Friday, February el'here will be vocal and instru- eneatal choral singing, de-, menstrations. of phisierel education, '`and a one-act play, The Nine Lives of sEinily' (by aterrangerieent with Samuel Peoria: a ' sanity magazine dyke. in the fall the a variety, concert in the winter terme• are the two ways in whielie, the school • .pueils raise meheee e fer their !activities'. Stii- taints ere; selling tickets (admission eehts, -.pas 'reserved seating). GOMO,,ep to the school on Thuisclay or Friday evening 'next week and sea bow' e much talent there is amongst our school district boys and ,girls.' 18b Tea 61410111 leer your convenience the Bel- igrave pe-operative is staying open ifer. business on Thuteday after- poons until fuether notice. F18b afEBEKAII EUCHRE 'The! Rebekah ;Wage euchre party s•Will be held in the Odd Fellowe Hall oil Friday, rebeuary 20 ite,8,15 p.m, Everybody welcome. F18b COTTAGE COLLAPSES—During the 'past week-and many district residents viatica their eurnmer cottages along the Lake Huron shoreline to remove show from overloaded roofs. Most buildings, survived the' heavy winter, but the above cottage owned by Mrs. M arjarie McLean of Tiverton teed situated at Inver- harem, wee hot so fortunate, at the 'banding collapsed under the weight, It Was pointed out that a Coble foot of snow last week weighed 18 pounds, and with s nOSV*4 feet deep, ' the cottage had been supposable- nearly 25 tonsi—Kincardine News photo. DISTRICT hOYERNOR ADDRESSES LIONS %INGHAM LEGION WILL 'HOLD BLOOD CLINIC John Anclers'en, 'of Red CrosS House, London; was in Wingham last Week and announced that the local branch of the Canadian ,Le- glen Will apOnsera nod Cross bleed donor clinic, *Allah 'will probably be held in April, Necessary cern- mattes will be setolp at the meet- I ing, on February 24th, It is' to understood :bY the public that there la absolutely no charge. oily. respeeL • All ex- pense for typing` • and processing of, 'blood donations Will be assumed by the Canadian Bed Crass. The hospital here Will be serviced Weekly by the Red' Cross Tranefu- eien service in London, which Will replenish the blood, bank here by mobile units, In 'eases where off- type blood is required -or in emer- gencies, the unit service the hospital Immediately and this is /tee to the 'patients' involved, , It is hoped that the people of Wingham and district will co-oper. ate with the Legion in assisting the Red Cross daring:the elinie. The date and 'further partidulars 'will tae entleurfeed later,. ., District Governor Rae Watson of Luchnow was the guest speaker at the regular meeting' of the local Lions Club last Friday evening. The Governor took as his theme, "Be President" and pointed to the fact that every member' of the club should look ahead to the day when he will be president of the organ- ization. By so doing, the speaker Suggested, tater member, would be- come more Aware of the ,probleres faced by the club. and would as a result be a better and' more ac- tive member, The meeting was held in the Une ited Church with President Bile Conroe Presiding, Liori Dori Na- smith acted as Tailtwister for the. evening and kept things moving With his fine •box, ,-Itussel. Smith and Horst keyk, both of Wing- ham, were guests at the meeting, The club decided t6 stage a mita eAtpterill.show during the month of 'Mrs. Hs Rhaine presented county honors for satisfactory completion of six 4-Fl bomemakirtg projects to Marjorie Kieffer, Mary, Elliott and Sally Jeffraa of Belmore; Doreen Howatt of Bleth; Melee Johnston, Bluevale; Dorothy Alton, Jeanne Alton, Gertie Campbell, •Calwa- nash; Isobel Gill of 'Ethel; Lynda ,Blake, Dungannon; Norma Murray, Betty Trayliss and Dorothy Holmes, Molesworth and Betty, Ann Lapp of Wingham: " Reeelving certificates 'of aehlevea anent for having completed a sec-, mut 4-}.( Homemaking Club were from Behnore. 1=lrene Doubledee, Georgina Kieffer, Marjorie Kieffer, Lucilleeaferliley, Lorna Simmons. Belmore.,11—Mary Elliott,' Nancy Elliott, Wilda eartekins, Janet ,HOr- toe, Sally Jeffrita, Janice Merkley,, Donna Renwick, .Bluevale—Marie Johnston, Gail .Kirton, Rose Merle , Nieholson. ,Colwariash-aDorethy Alton, Jeanne Alton, Marilyn Cam- eron; Gertie Campbell, Karen Kil- piarick,'Dungainon—Lynda Blake, Ethel—Rose Mary Brown, Carol Cook, Jean Fraser,. 'Nebel Gill, Grace Lamont, 'Mary Helen Meeh- an. Lakelet — Sharon Hurbbard, Margaret Wallace. IVfolesworth— Beth Campbell, Dorothy Holmes, Jean Ann Kerr, Dale MiteMurchy, Norma Murray, Janice Simpson, Betty Travis. ,St. Helen's—Nancy 'Crenstop, Nancy Dorseht, Irma Forster, Winghain—Betty Anil Lapp, Mary Joan Lapp, and Betty Zinn, Assisting with program were Mrs, Mabel Bergstrom, home econ- omist for Halton and Peel, Miss Hildegard Bentior, home economist for. Wellington and Miss Eleanor Rose, 'for Kent, 'Essex and Lamb- ton., Leaders for the various clubs Were as follows': 33elginve, Mrs, Ella Irwin;' Mrs, C, Pardon; Bel- more (1.), Mrs. J •Ruthereord, Mrs. W. Johann; Belmora (2), Mrs. W. Renwick, Mrs, D. Fortune; Blue- vale, Mrs. W. S. Peacock, Mrs, A. Corrigan; Colwenash, Mrs. Anne Kilpatrick, Mrs. John Ritchie; Dun- ganeen, Ila Cto7,1bP, Ruby Finnigan; Ethel, Mrs. Ed, Gill, Mrs, Cecil ataynard; Gorrie, Mrs. G, Johnston, Mrs, C. apar- t/ha; Leltelet, Mrs, L. JacqUes, Mrs. Esther }Tallman; IVIolesworth. Mrs, C. Cartrobell, iVirs. Esther }Tallman; St. Helens, "gra G. MacPherson; Wingham, Mrs J. T... Currie, Mrs. Vii 'r. Lapp, District Governor Rae Watson was introduced to the club by Lion Bill Currie and thanked by Lion Harley CraWford, The IfoWielt Lions Club Is hold, ing ahoriapiel at Lietavel on Wed: nesday of this Week arid the eat dab Wee requested to enter rink; LET'S (10 hard to believe at this tinW Of year; hat this is Oite et tho popular the Itiriterdine disihriet, OM high with lee and snow, that in a few short months Will be CrOnided With swimmers. nice 'to think ahead at any rata.--Kincardine News 004. • Kinstnen.Spons4 Successful 'Spiel local Kinsmen held a beng- al), beespiel -last Wednesday with. I.4, rinks being entered frorrt Lan, don, 'Kincardine,. Etussels, Chesley, Listowel, Stratford as well as Whigham and district. The Kinettes served dinner to the turlets at noon, and eandwicheS during the evening, The nine o'clock draw was won by Ralph. Cummings of London, with the second prize going to Bert Shewfelt of Kincardine and third to George Brooks of Wingham with S. A, Scott of Wingham taking the coneolation. The second draw was won by Jim Adams of Brussels with Harley Crawford taking second prize 'and Bob Hetherington of Chesley ,in third place, Warren Callan's rink of Wirialia,m won the Consolation, The excellent day's curling was eomewhat Marred when Ike Ranh of Brussels, who waS playing lead for the winning rink, slipped and broke his upper arm during the last :genie of the day. Evetint Euchre° Parties, Will 'be held ai PoWell's and Gleaannen Schools on Friday evening, February .20 at 8:30 p.rn, Proceeds in aid of Turn- berry Park Fund, F18b „ • • 7.14LENIINE TEA AND mkt SALE The. Ladle& Guild of,the St. Paul's-Anglican Charchr ingliam are .holding a Valenthee• tea and bake sale on Wednesday afternoon Febeuary 18th.at 3 thleck, 1"18b Thieves Enter HOwick Schools, •"..' • `Bnaneared by the Wroxeter 'aro. men's Inetittite, in the Cerianunity #a,11,, TheeNdita, February 19th at Prizes given, Ladled pyease bring luneh, Admission 261. Fl8e NOTICE Ilurgnian Travel Agency Will be closed for the month of March. F18* Three aliewick oweship Schoola were the target for thieves last Week, buildings at 8.S. Nos, 8; 9 and la being entered, Entry was gained by forcing 'one door and smashing another and breaking a window in the third building; Two radio; hot plate'and a quantity of canned food were stolen in the operation, The thlCves also threw books arid records arorald le ono school and ,some w heat records were damaged. In one 080 a einell•Sum of money be- longing to the Junior Red' Cross Was stolen. e The break-ins were investigated by Previeelal Constable Ron Boll of Vcringharri. ;So far the culprits have net been apprehended, laaletelet AT BeallieVALla TheaBlueetile WOriseras :Institute Wlii•held a euchre aerty in Blue, Vale.CoMmunity 'on February 2601 ,at, 8.36 p.M. Ootid Prizes. Luneli,Will Ibe preVidect Adirds$ion SO cents. • PIM Ale