HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-02-11, Page 12, SAVE 5e — Manic lent
Tenderflake, .LAgp 2, lbs-. 35c
Aylmer d 28 oz.
Choice TOMATOES 2 :for 55c
Allan's APPLE JUICE, 48,oz. . 31c
fltinis'FanCyF TOMATO JUICE,•48 oz. . , 29C
Stokely's FANCY PEAS , 10 oz. 2 for 2'9c
Redpath Graiyalated SUGAR . 1,0 lbs 89c
Mollher Parker's 60's
TEA BAGS (Free Salad Fork) 79c
Nestles CHOCOLATE QUIX • lb. 53ek
New Texas CARROTS, 20 Oz
McIntosh or Spy
2 for 25c
5 lb. Cello
of Teronto \spent the week-end
with her parents, Mr. 'and Mrs.
Whitfield lias returned
to her home on Shutcr St., after
being a patient in- Wingham Gen-
eral Hospital for a couple of
and Mrs.
Birmingham were
and 1vIrs: Francis,
last week,
—Jim Newman of Allendale was
a week-end -visitor with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs, Chris Newman.
—Mr. and, Mrs. C. W, Lloyd spent
the week-end in St, Catharines as
guests of Mr, and Mrs. F. D.
—Winners ,at the Catholic Wo-
men's League Card party on Tues-
day of last week were: Mrs. 11., 3.
Templernan,- high lady; Bruce
Anger, high man and , Mrs, J.
Brophy, lady playing has a man,,,
—Mr. And Mrs, Ilk]. Forgie 'of
Toronto were visitors at the week-
end with Mr- and Mrs. Wm. Forgic
and Miss Anna F•orgie,
—Mr, and 'Mrs. Oscar Rock and
family, of Moncton, visited on -Sen-
day at the home of their daughter,'
Mrs, Roht. Sinnamon, Minnie St.
—Mrs. Noble Bates of Orangeville
was a Sunday visitor with her son-
In-law arid daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Ted Gauley.
and Mrs. n. S. Hethering.
ton were in Tpronto fOr t couple of
days the latter part Of' the week,
—Eight tables were in, play at
the .Legion Horne for the regukir
euchre sponsered by the Legion
Ladies' Auxiliary. Mrs, Bva
Brownlee was high lady, Mrs,
George Doyen high/ lady playing
as a mail, and William Kennedy,
high man, Mrs, Niehol)don won the
door prize antr,a, social time fol-
-,-Mr„ and Mrs, Albert Belton 'of
Hanover spent Wednesda.y after-
noon with Mi's. Abbey Flack, 'Oath.
'erine St, '
•,--Mrs, Carl •Casernore is 'visiting
at the home of her parents Tees-
'Water.. . . •
. • B' Rornuth visited over
the Afreek-end with bee son in Gede,,
rich. and' her daughter Mrs. •Rose
Wright, ferneetly Of Mitchell, who
has Joined the nursing staff of the
Alexander and Marino Hospital,
James Stein of
guests with Mr.
fOr a day
and whet a, terrific selection! The shades and patterns are the
most DEAUTIFEL you've ever seen. YoUlf Want in -deep lit tri
aunt see them and heetnixe acquainted' with new Mules like:/—
re.. .
6 r-- You'll Love' The.e Too:-
vt DRUGS t°4
The next meeting will be a joint
gathering with the mei/thus from
Goderich and Kineardine.
Mine of Mr. and Mrs, John Wool-
cock of Glenannan.
Mr. 'and Mrs, A. E. Purdon. of
Lucknow have been visiting at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Athol Fur.
doe of Sarnia, Indio spent a few.
days last week in• Toronto, where
their daughter, Marilyn, was a pa-
tient in the Children's Hospital,
X-rays showed, there was a leak in
the heart and it had caused a ser-
ious condition. Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Tiffin and Colleen of Lucknow,
,were also.)n Tdonto over the
Schools were closed in this dis-
trict during, the stories of Thurs-
day and Friday and the concert.
hi the Memorial Hall and the For-
dyce ellehre on, Friday evening
were postponed indefinitely, 5.5,
No, 9 East Wa,wanosh was closed,
on Monday when visibility became'
nil around 'school time.
Norman MeDenald, Who ploughs
roads in East Wawanosh, had a
break with his plough last week
and several road$ in that district
were not ploughed out last week,
with the result that the mailman
failed to make his rounds,
13eyle families last Thursday
delved, word, that their sister, Mrs,,
Walter Lettner, of TOreeto, had
fallen on the street that day and
had been taken to Scarborough
Hospital suffering from a conous-
shin, Surgery relieved the pres-
sure and her condition was favor-
able over the Week-end,
Miss Doreen' tXowatt, who had
been aSsisting"at the home of Mr.
and Mr S. Purclon during
the past few Weeks, returned to
her Ilona° tit Westfield on Friday.
Mr.. and Mn.s Robert Scott and
sons spent SinitItty with her father,
Sella, A, Yohnstbri, at the lionte
Tirpek• lifiedaelfla7t Feb. 11) 1941t World Day of Prayer
brld.life at the Rebekah Para party
IAA Wednesday. Mrs, Chas. Car-
ter 'was high for euchre, With Mrs,
,Tack St.:0.044a 400 Mrs, --Mrs. jam W. 44.13,114. ra,n.
74, .1", 4 arlxllaltael won first, nnd ta.rued hoilr•D 'from, Toronto after,
.01e4Olid. •prizes, respectively for ..PohCiihg .99019 of Weeks, With
her husband, who• atte#414.g the
egiselon of. the Ontario. 1,441siature-
and Mrs. Allister GPuen,
Aluminum 'WALL
Teleplipne 260
Fortune ,second, Mra, W. Nigh- 14,yntly, and Janice,. spent the week-
PlOqii. Wen the iucJty PrIXe, end ill Torente.
Wingham Ontario
TWO SHOWS EACH NIGHT conummaNG 7,1S MOdern.T.w90Bay .Service
Station For Lease Thurs., Fri., Sat., Feb. 12 - 13 - 14
"THE VIKINGS" z,• Tue'Gr4TENvee, . or 1%14,0)1,44 ..441'ivga
the 99t1i Wingbain and Maj. E. C. 114.i11iken. (right), officer oommitidding the 109th FM, Dty„
Lietowel, Think Lt. Col. W. W. Bradley, Stratford, 13 Military Group Headquarters, Leaden, who Proposed
the toast to the regiment at the Regimental Mess Di finer of the 21st Irld. net, (111.) MAO, Milliken
welcomed the officers and guests—Listowel Danner photo,
Located on busy street in Town of Wingham.
Major oil company. Good gallonage. Successful
'financial futtire to right party.
Reasonable financial investment.
This is. a seething action drama, that centres, around the warring
harharie Norsemen, who terrorized Europe a Onnisand •yearS ago.
.1111111.114assompornoingimsiounimilnunsciscsinimomistornenu M. S. SUTHERLAND, GODERICH
234 collect 6,00 -to $.00 p.m.
At St, Paul's Church.
Two. services' will he held
.910/ .Anglican Church .
for tlzo annaa4. World Day of Prar.
cr, :Mrs, Oliver Auderson, of Pei-
;rave be the speaker at both,
3' Mrs, Wilfred Henry. will be solo.
ist at the afternoon service which
Pe.glug at 3 o'clock; and at the 13.
o'clock; ,service' in the evening the
girls of •St.: janier• choir. will
sing a vesper hymn. The COTT has,
Also been invited to ' attend the
evening aerviee In a body, •
Leaders will be members of the
various .churches* in Wingham,
with women of Senior Missionary
Societies in charge at the Afternoon
service and Evening Auxiliaries at
Each year the service is prepared
in a different eountry, Egyptian
women this year drew en their
own mature faith iii fashioning
etitions and an order .of worshi
to unite all Christians in a bond of
prayer, This is the basic purpose
of the.World Day of Prayer, when
offerings for work at home and
• abroad will also be made,
The World Day of Prayer chain
begins on the Tonga Islands, with
Queen Salote leading her subjects
as dawn breaks' over their tropic
isles. When -it sinks behind • the
Arctic horizon on ice-locked St.
Lawrence Island in the Aleutians..
the last supplications of the twenty.
four-hour trnbrOken cycle arc mur-
mured. '
One hundred and forty-four
countries on six continents will
have been spanned by these prayers
voiced j1 more, than sixty fa,ngu- •
ages and ,one thousand dialectS.
In 'Canada the D,ay, which is al-
ways. on the first Friday in Lent,
is sponsored by The. Women's
Inter-Church Council of Canada,
Local councils Of church Women or
Interdenominational committees di-
-rect the observances in more than
thirty-five hundred communities.
ttt tttt W11111111 t 1 t 1111110,1.,111$,111.1.1 t ttt .1111.111.11.)iimmis/mmoup,,,,,./w.,111 00000 11 000 00000 o
Front rocery
Phone: Our Prices Aire Lower Free
590 We. Keep Down the Upkeep Delivery
1956 DODGE.
4-door sedan, six•cylinder. motor. ThisIS:an'elOntiOn-
ally clean ear and is priced at a figure you emit afford.
sAvr, toe
4 lbs. $1.00 WEEK-ENO FEATURE
SAVE 16e
VanCititip's 20 oz.
6 ifor .$1.00
4-door sedan. This car is equipped with power steer-
ing; power brakes; custom radio and snow tires. This
vehicle. is exceptionally clean and is two-toned.
4-door sedan, a one owner car and is in, tip-top shape
and Is clean as a whistle inside and out. W1-11TECHURCH
WINGHAM WINNER—The 99th Bty. entry fro in Whigham.placed second hi the opening draw of the
first 'amnia] Armed Forces ,Donspiel played at Listow el during the week-end,. finishing; time games with
tWo wins and a plus of 13, the third best score of the entire contest, lat'to right; Skip Lt. R. A. Camp-
bell, W.O. II S. Hastings, 0/Cadet J. McWilliams a nil Capt. R.' It. 'Ritter.—Listowel Banner photo,
*Hot Cross Bunettes
12 for 37c
Cracked Wheat.
Maxwell House
lb. 73e
SAVE 60 — Chateau
Spready CHEESE (plain or Pcirneirto) •
••$SsIsO,s' q•e: $ of
Two-dlqa hardtop model with automatic transmission,
excellent tires, two-toned in White and Green.
4-door sedan, two tone in White and 111m; automatic
transmiesion. This car is equipped with good rtires
and is as clean as a Whistle inside and put,.
4-door sedan, tiewlY painted, two tone Dim and Beige,
enk;nin. radiO, Intti• signals. A real bargain, elea,ii,amil
runs like „a top.
—Mrs. A. J. Armstrong of Lon-
don spent last week with Mr. and
Mrs., DeWitt Miller, • „
--Mr. and Mrs. Pet0.0 Raymond
1952 DODGE .
Kinsmen Trade Fair
Set for June 4.6
The Kinsmen held 'their regular
meeting in the Queens Hotel with
81 per cent of the members pre-
sent' to hear the guest speaker,
Murray K. Roe, from the Depart-
ment of Transport Safety Division.
He ,spokb on safety patrols and
thought it, would be a gool idea to
have one in the Wingham schools.
Constable J, J, Lewis was on hand,
to Assist him. •
Russell Farrier was appointed
sergeant-at-arms and managed to
collect $3.75 with his manoeuvres.
The minutes , Of the previous
meeting were read and ,Adopted.
The "trade fair was discuseed and
will be held June 4, 5 and 6 in the
arena. A donation was, asked for
'front' every club member for the;
erection of a ofuntain in Hamilton
in Alonor of' the founder, Hal Rod-,
This is the famous suburban model, in. the 2-door style,
in 4 heatitiful Green.
`Come in and see these used cars of
quality today at
I ..... io . 11,4,4
rt;14 llllllll I14444misois.441 lllllllllllll lll lllll ttimit lll e lll lllllllllll llll ; l 1$ llllllll 11.141111.1111.4111111111. lllllll
11111 iiiii 1111 tttttttt .1 ttttt Illf l lll 11.111111111.1 ttttttt tttttt tttt 4 t 14tttttttttttttttttttttttt
of M.
• ‘e . ilea( SA
Bete-- 00
In Luxurious Plaids,., rich or pastel, Tweed
pittin trliudesl
emote, or mart
$1.98 to $4.50 yd.
lit really, sniart Chtelet, Stripes and :Novelly Patterned .,
$1.49 yd.
Outstanding Muller Patterns hi beautiful Floral
$1.29 Yd. '
and Novel
!pi Our cielielOattioeofdtes•
• did sure to Krill your
Valenfirks`s 'heath 'Tihese snarl, cottons consist of patterns of exquisite beatify at
. y .
AtS0 -
alid many Mote, for your sewing pietisiore.
for Beaulti
*0:44 la •
for Health
V' S 'V C L A ,S S
George Williams
tooatoit in Mitsoti°0,
Owing: to, of Space, striall
eleehe Watches only.. 'Zs .
;C.44•4•444411144 witiortiihriotimorraitom el$4.4f14(410441444141411(1011( rWrPl•Irlr1Yr Y1,yrIiiii41'111x1nffoil Ott
(Witighatn) Limits N. , . , a , *not inambnwE.N. slows" •
itimilionotionominielocolowirmatinoniatilmiluolt ,
A district wedding of 'interest
,took place at Wroxoter. last Sat
urday. when Miss' N. Lorraine
Smith, daughter of M. and Mrs.
Carl Smith of. Wroxeter became' the
bride of Mr. Bruce Montgomery,
son of Mrs. William Montgomery
and the late Mr. Montgomery at
the bride's home in ,Wroxeter,; The
nuptial ceremony was performed
by Rev. Hird of the Wroxeter 'Un-
ited Church. Ann Douglas played
the wedding march for the three
'o'clock ceremony.
The .bride was given in marriage
by her father, and wore a white
chiffon dress styled on princess
lines 'and carried a white Bible
with pink and white carnations.
She were a fingd-tip veil on a tiara
of seed pearls and sequine.,
The Wrideemaid was Miss Fayc
Smith, who wore a dress of powder
blue chiffon and she carried a bou-
quet of pink and white mums. '
The groomsman was Mr. Fred
Montgomery, also of jVroxeter,
For travelling the bride chose ,a
turquoise wool suit with pink ac-
cessories and a pink corsage, Fol-
lowing the wedding a reception
'was held in the 'Wroxeter commun.
ity centre. The happy young
Couple will take up residence in
Wingham on returning from their
of her sister, Mrs', 'Wm, Williams at
IVft, and M'r's. Hugh Sinnamon,
Wingham,' spent ,Sunday with Mr.
' and Mrs.' Ernest Beecroft and Mr,
Oscar Reek and eons of Monkten
and Mr. Robert Sinnamon visited
there on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs, Xenneth xio4 and
.children of W8odstock visited on
Sunday- with 'Mr, arid Mrsl, Donald
Mr. Ross McMichael of Sarnia,
and 'Mrs, 'McMichael and children
visited on' Sunday with i14r,, and
Mrs,' Stewart Smith of Kitchener.
Mrs. Melllichael• and sail. 'Brian
stayed to spend this week at Milk
t herier.
Mr.. and Mrs. Oeorge Walker
spent 'Sunday with her parents,
Mr, and Mrs, 'William Humphrey,
at St. Helene. ;
The East Wawanoih council had
a. bulkiloter wonting on the. pat
'concession, trying to widen 'the
road and shove some of the Snow
farther Out. MaitlY roads are ,very
narrow and easily filled up with
drifting aft*,
'Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gaunt and
Donald visited on Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. James E. Currie.
-Mrs. William Dawson and Mr.
and Mrs. Cecil Falconer spentSun-
day with Mr. and Mrs, Wesley, Tif-
fin,•of Langside, •'
':Mr. and Mrs. Kerineth Mason. and
family' Visited. on- Sunday at the
hoinb, of her sister,-• MTS. John
McAllister' of Centralia.
Mrs. Levi Bienien' and children
sp'dnt. the week-end at•the home, of
her sister, Mk Self ,of Walkerton.
and ;Mrs. Frank Alcock of
Brussels visited 'on' Sunday at the
bottle. of her sister, .Mrs: Wm. T.
Irwin. •
' and Mrs. ':Calvin' Robinson
and 'sons visited on Sunday. with
Mr-. and Mrs. Joseph Thompson of
GOderich. •
Miss. Evelyn Stephens of Gorrie
spent the week-end with Miss San-
dra Chamnoy.
Mr, and Iers. WalterArscott and
Valerie and A,ndrea, King spent
last week with Toronto relative's.
Mr, and Mrs, Kenneth Dickson
and children of. Belmore and Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Moore ,spent Sun-
day at the home of Mr. and Mrs,
Stanley,Moore of Woodstock; .
Mrs. Irene Paterson' of Toronto
spent, the week-end with her mo-
its.er,'Mrs.. William Taylor, of Kin-
Mr. and Mrs. Dick of Toronto
visited on Saturday, with Mr, and
Mrs, James McInnis and Mrs.
Doane was able to accompany than
back to Toronto to sperid a few
weeks there. .
Among those who attended the
funeral of the late Mrs. Stuart
Scott on Wednesday, laSt, were Mr.
'and Mrs. Clifford, Scott and fam-
ily of LiStowel, Mr, and Mrs. Chas.
Scott and family of Belmore, and
her sister, Mrs. Robert Breen,• of
.Wingham and Miss Bessie Scott of
Teeswater. Mr. and. Mrs. Al Sim-
mons of Toronto, Mr, and Mrs.
Alex Irvine of Kiritton And Mr.
James Irvine of Stratford,
' Mr.dCraig Scott, who is with the
air force at Barrie, Mrs. Scott and
their children, who had spent the
past week with, his father, return-
ed to Barrie on Saturday and Mre,
Themes Newton and baby daugh-
ter of 'Vancouver; who arrived last
Week /by piano, has been 'visiting
With relatives in Wroxeter and -is
visiting this week with her father,
Mr. Scott.
Mrs, Earl Casliek has been visit•
ing at the horee of her daughter,
Mrs, Ronald Ceitites at, Eelgrase,
Mr, and Mre; McPherson
aad'ehildren of St. Helens and Mr:
and Mee. Phillip Stewart of Ludic-
now visited bn Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs, Gordon Elliott, Mr, El,
liott has been 'under the: doctor's
Care during the past week, •
Mr", and ' Mr's jittrieS 'Falconer
and tots Visited on Thursday with
Me. and Mrs, Percy Vincent 'of
Mini kn.
Mr. and Xeritiedy of
Marrioeh Vialted ori4indttY at the