HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-02-11, Page 8w --7,44,./507:1
Ano,ndinotir.:4",,or ,ia.044Ar
Thomas Wheeler
Born in Novick
Thomas Wheeler passed away in
Wingham General • Hospital .,on
Friday, February Gth after a ShOtt
-He was born in Howick Town-
ship 'in 1886, a son of the late Mr,
and. Mrs. Henry Thomes Wh4ler,
Mr. Wheeler was educated at No. 2
Turnberry School and farmed all
his life until retiring to Wingham
in 1947
Mr., Wheeler was a . member of
Wingham United Church, Pa'St
Master of L.O.L. 794, - member
RDP N6., '197 of Wingham, was
Past Preceptor in the RBP, also
Conhty Master for'LOL, lit was
predeceased by his wife in 1030,, the
former Margaret Matthews, 'and
two childreneF/0 George Wheeler,
RCAF, in 19,43 and Mary in 1911
Surviving are, one brother Arthur
Wheeler, Turnberry, arid two.' sis-
ters, Mrs, Mary Hogg and Sgt.'
Major Margaret Wheeler, both of
Wingham, ,
11) Funeral Service was , held an
Monday from the it. "A. Cur* &
Sons funeral home with Rev,
fusser, minister of the United
Church, officiating, The pallbear-
ers' Were Henry Wheeler, Harry
Wright, Bob Hogg, - C. Moffat,
Harold Moffat and George Brooka,
ifritt tight Mho Wingbain Advance-Unless Weduetiday, Fell, u, lase
COrnmercinl League standings
for r 0/Na' 3rd, are as follows:
Flying senders 82: I tlla Hoops
Martiana .01; Sputniks 52; Comets
47; Hot Rods n.
Ladles' high Mrs. tieme
Cameron 225; men's high single,
Frank Ptlrite, 294,
- 0
Club .
Ramblers, 2,460; Monarchs, 2,206;
Henry J's, 2,170; Jets, 2.1115; 1301
Midtilesex Seed Fair. Food Show
and Farm. Equipment Display
extern Fair GrOunc6; London
February. 24 24 * 27, 1959
(H. Western Ontario Counties)
Entries close February 10
Secure prize list from County Agrieultural Office or Secretary,
MiddleSex, Soil and Crop improvement Association, 210 Richmond
Building, London,
This Spring!
Give Your Seed Drill
A ..Treat
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Manning and
Ask Your Dealer For Keith, of Blyth, visited an Snuday
evening with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Smooth Drilling; Non-Caking IVEcCrea and family,
Mrs, Clarence Wade has taken up GRAND VALLEY fertilizer
residence in Wingham, having
rented her house to Mr. and Mrs,
Bud Orr and family of Lvickflaw.
Mr. Orr is the manager of the
Mr. and Mrs.' Lloyd Anderson, of GRAND. VALLEY • FERTILIZERS LIMITED
London, spent the week-end with - ORANGEvirLLp, clygr,
his parents, Mr.' and' Mrs, 'Sohn Box /20 Plreile 964.
Anderson, -
1111111111M1111110 111.11111111111M
Pig's Tail Knows
If there is one thing that is typical o f healthy, thrifty hog, and has been
ever since pigs first grew 'em — it's a curly tail. Long before •veterinary
medicine reached to-day's advanced s tate, the "curl" was a reliable symp-
tom of the state of a hog's health. And it's no joke even to-day — the
pig's tail still accurately reflects the- well being of that part of the pig in
front of it.
STRESS CONDITIONS encountered by young hogs, particularly those
being handled through sales barns a more and more are, are brought
about by shipping and re-shipping, lo ading and unloading, chilling, change
of quarters and exposure to disease. Serious set-backs can, and often do
result. Losses-caused by stress, in t he hogs going off feed, are big losses
that are sustained by the feeder. Quite possibly, that feeder is you,
SHUR-GAIN Pig Tail Curler
is the fast, money saving solution for. the progressive hog feeder. It's
designed to solve, not .Only the problems often encountered with sale barn
pigs; but also to ensure that pigs,o f your own breeding get off to a fast,
anada Packers Limited
After a ten-minutes overtime
period the Wingham Crawford
Dodgers and the Kincardine Bull-
dogs came to a, 4,4 draw in Kin-
cardine last Wednesday night.
Doug Wallace led Wingham. with-
two unassisted goals,- while Murray
Stainton and Gord Corson fired in
the singles. The four .marksmen
for Kincardine were`McLeod, Con-
nell, Bruce and Clark with one
tally each.
Kinearoine led Wingham, by .2-1
in, the- first frame. Doug Wallace
scored unassisted for Wingham, phut
McLeod and Zold teamed up to tie
the score, c onnell' pii6 the Bull-
dogs in the lead at the 7.45 mark
when he chalked up the last goal
for the period.
' The contest came to a 2-2,, tie
at the 13.18 mark of the second
period when Doug Wallace seared
unassisted for Wingham.
• ._ , Murray Stainton, put Wingham,
in, the lead in the last five minutes
of the third period when he sco'red
unassisted, But in the eying
minutes "Bruce and Threndyle
came throngh to put the game into,
overtime. , 4
Each team scored 'once in the
ten minutes of overtime.' The first
was for' Wingham when Cord
Cerson was assisted by Murray
Stainton in doing the honours.
Then the •Bullabgs came hack in
the form of Clark assisted by
McLeod and Zold to tie the game
at 4.-4.
Curling News
A mixed bOnspiel was held' at the
Wingham Curling Club last Satur-
day commencing at 3 p.m.. Several
members of the rural, club joine
the town Members fOr this even•
en da very fine time was 'enjoyed
by all.
First place was won by a rink
skipped by Jim Coultes with MO.
Harley Crawford, Geo. ,Johnston,
and Ruth Irwin, Second, place was
Frank Madill with Mrs, Joe 'Kerr,
Angus Falconer, Mrs, Milford Fo!i-
ton and third, Lloyd (Casey) Case-
more, with Mrs. Harvey Fisher.
Gordon Gadirin and Freda Johnson,
Consolation prises went to Jim
Murray with Mrs, .Jhn Gurney; Ted
Worworth and Mrs, Frank Madill,
0 - 0
The Hamilton trophy has finally,
been claimed with Dr, CraWferd"s
-rink defeating R. S. Hetherington
laSt Week.
0 - - 0
H. 13; Carmichael skinned a rink
at the Belmore boaspiel on Wed-
nesday of last week, winning first
prize with 8 plus 17, Dr, Crawford
Was Vice, DO Ilan; second aria
Warren Callon lead,
0 - -
Mrs, The Kerr, Mrs. R. 8,, Hetn,,
erington, Mrs, J. 11. Crawford and
Mrs. 'rent McDonald Went to Lis-
towel on Tuesday to compete la a
,bonspfel there,
o, -
The kilianien bOnspiel is being
9telxllere today, and tonight (Wed-
neStlaY).tWe rinks will Visit Clinton
Statio'n When LiAtowel, Sea*
forth, Wingham t and Clinton Air
Saadi Will 61ijoY rt Weird Ottdriftt
of curling, These selbe towns Will'
return here to visit the local dub
on February 24,
Scouts Entertain
Wingham Troop
BELGRAVE—The Belgrave Boy
Scouts held their skating social in
the Belgrave community arena last
week with about 40 boys attending,
When they had as their guests the
Boy Scouts from Wingham. After
skating ,and games a lunch of hot
dogs and soft drinks* was served,
The Scouts extend their speeial
thanks to the Hanna-Cook-Pengelly
team for ,cooperation,
Nine Tables at , ,
Weekly Euchre
13ELGRAVE—Thete were nine
tables in play at the regular weekly
euchre partYheld,irrthe conamtiniq
centre on. WednesclaY;;;VebrilaTY 1.
High prizes were won by Mrs. JIM
Young and. .66'fiS6-'
lation Prizei went :te, Mrs. Lewis
Cook .and Harold Procter. There
were two novelty prizes, the win-
ners being Mrs. Herb Wheeler and
.Jesse Wheeler.
The annual rffeeting of the East
Wa,vva,nosh Federation of Agricul-
ture was held in the Delgrave com-
munity antre on 'Monday of last
week, The president, William Gow,
presided at the meeting and in his
opening- remarks welcomed :those
present, including Winston Shan-
ton. president of the Huron County
Federation of Agriculture, Carl
Hemingway, secretary-fieldman for
the county, Colin Campbell, assist-
ant farm editor for CKNX and
Ansley,MCKinriely, the guest speak-
er for the afternoon,
Mr. Clow 'thanked -the :direetors
for their co=operation during his
term of office as' president, and
called on the secretary: Simon Hai-
lahan, for -the minutes of the last
'annual meeting. The minutes Were
adopted ,motion of Johnston and
MeGowan, The secretary also gaVe
-the financial and• auditors' reports,
wimioh Were adopted by Hallahein
and, Caldwell.
Mr. Gow called on Mr. Shapton,
who gave en excellent report of
the Work of the County Federation,
stating he would welcome more
members -to attend -the county
Meeting so they could 'obtain more
illtoritation from 'the townships.
Colin Campbell spoke briefly and
!add that he and kr. notiklas Were
most happy 'to Work with ,farm or-
Mr. Meltinnely spoke 6o some of
the disadvantages of oVertical inte-
gration and Showed slides on his
tour 'With the South Huron Vann
Management group through the
United States. His talk and pictures
Were ,most interesting., and he was
thanked' by Miner Ireland, first
vice-president of the township
Mr, Cow declared all offices vw.
dant and asked • .Mr. Shapton to
take the chair for the eleetion of
officers, Mr, phapton Called for
The officetS fOr 1059 Will he as
follows: Past president,
00W; President; Balmer Ireland; 1st ,
via, Sohn R. Taylor; seeretary-
treaanret, Simon Itallahati; diree-
tors, Robert Hen ry,• Wilfred San-
derspn, Orval MCGOWan; Oliver An-
do:ten Earl Caldwell, toward
Campbell, Charles Smith, George
Johnston, Wilfred Walker, V&
'Gaunt, Donald Dow, Ho Ward W a7
00 Archie Pardon', John M, 'bay,
BBL0BAIT4 — The February
Meeting of the W.;14.S. was held at
the home of-Mrs. JAS. Young with
good attendance. The meeting
was conducted by Mrs,. Garner
Nicholson and opened. with the
Japanese version •of the Lord's,
prayer. Mrs. Clifford Purdon read
the 07th Psalm and Mrs. Mae
Scott read John 10 verses 1 to
Meditation and, prayer from the
Glad, Tidings were given .by Mre,
Levi 'Diemen.
The secretary, Mrs, 0. 0. Ander-,
son, gave the report of the •previous
meeting and the financial state-
ment by Mrs. koungblut. The
president, Mrs. Joe Dunbar took
over for the business period. Plans
were made for the Day of Prayer
and items concerning the SynOclical
being held in Goderieh in April
vv-pro, cloak with
Mrs, Anderson, Mr's, Wightman
and Mrs. pptice gave respective re-
ports of the annual meeting of the
Presbyterial which was held in
Clinton in January, The roll call
was answered by twelve members
on •a verse of love. Offering was
received and sick visits reported.
The first chapter of the study
book entitled "Canadian Indians"
took the'' form of a '1W newscast.
21/4fts, 3. C, McBuiney acted as com-
mentator with Mrs. 0. G. Anderson
and Mrs. Athol Bruee, panelists,
There are 163,000 Indians in
Canada to-day, and over 2,200 re-
serves, In 1947, 214: million dollars
Was spent on education and in
i957 fourteen million' dollars. The
Indians are eligible for benefits of
family allowance, old age security,
old age* assistance, disability yen-
sions and blind persons' allowance
on the saine, basis as non,-Indians.
The question, "How can the
Canadians help the Indian Ca-
nadtrin."? First, must provide'
for his self-respect, to re-interpret
the Indian as a,hurniiii being and
restore him in the society of his
fellowman. Mrs. Wight-man led in
prayer 'and 'Mrs. Yourigblut told
the story-of Priscilla as the woman
of the Bible.
he "meeting eIesed with prayer
.by . Mrs. Nielfolsan. • hostess
served lunch and a social time
1(':stry Meeting fle44
Ilt Sractinirn Home .
.:Eut,Gzign.of.4.1,1 r.n—itTyhAe vestry •
Z:li t the
was h
,aeldir homegesdaY ofe Mr, g' and of Mrs.lt
M. J3igtib,1411.1.
The reetdr, Mr. Meally, wqs. Ill.
charge of the Meeting. The reports
of the church Organizations were
0Ven and the election of .afficers
was held. The roots were, Tee-
tor's warden, Glen VanCamp;
Peelile'a 'warden, Alex. Nethery;
treasarer, L Vannan; lay dele-
gates to synod, Alex H, Nethery,'
L, Vannan,
ternatedelegates, Harry Brydges
agAemPPeoritn.td toi
were e Glen
lien tko va,rad: of
m an-
Alex Nethery, Cooper IletherY,
Robert Higgins, Alex. H, Nethery,
Mrs,, Clark Johnston, Mrs. Robert
Higgins,' L, Vannan, Richard Proc-
ter and Clark Johnston,
Mrs, L, Vannan is the organist
and Mary Isabel Nethery is vestry
with iirayer.
by Meally.
,:,.a'a ils dit iwncolti.elad akiet ro uinr:ttied
sinie and as regularly as possibiao
Credit Union is. anxious to serve
You whenever possible, If you have
a money problem, come in and talk
to the manager," -
'George Vieille, treasurerzmanag-
er, submitted bis report, stating
that the 13OlgreVe District Credit
tinien Liinited has completed en-
Other suc,ceaSful year. ' The share
$116,h30400.010,tiv:inclalmis_ bynacoctouspnetetraocstetiarh
her of members it shows steady
prdgress, The *membership 4,15•
and the average savings' riaen,to;38
per. ,member is $15834-, Ai! about
5':1`.0101efrie.°171welZt tlyi4n-evr'habies born to
Credit i toftlnoi oele!nweniash ep= .1(.1.0dis 8 With and
a Credit Union membership and a
$5.00 share. As children's accounts
are not subject to' thei $1,00 League
dues until they are 18 years of age,
these children -will continue to be
members and have a little interest
a-dAd:duesuaachi tyflearre: was a ,heavy loan
dernand •in the spring to pay fer-
tilizer bills', and the demand has
just 'about equalled ,the money al
through the yearo .fin Jane t
group had $5,200.00 borrowed fr
Central Credit Depa.rtinent• and
still owes $3,000,00, .• t• it , i,,
. In, 1957 the League dues Were
raised from 50c to $1.00 andin 1.958
they hired several new fieldmen
and gave -them lesS,•ter6itory' to
eoVeri: ,T.lila a enabled !the,: tinkill an,
Fred Downing, to_spend a d at
George Michie's home, auditin the
hooks and giving, ,valuable "sis-
tanee„in. kepping-f reeords pro , rly.
Il'k his ' 'returned% Mice since 'then
and. has attended several ofii,the
Chapter -meetings in Clintonti, so,
although the .Belgrave Credit:41n-
ion Was much opposed to the kais-
ge of the League dues, it must •he lonr.
admitted .that this• is a mflch-
needed service never rendereChe-
In closing Mr.. Michie thanked
all the members Who have contri-
buted to the success of 1953 a
hoped, the Share account Wm
continue.te grow in 1959. '
Airs, 1,930.
Men's high single, Ceeil YeeMall,
270; Men's high triple, Cecil Tee.
Man„ 025,
Ladles' high single, Nora Red-
mond, 200; Ladies' high, triple, Nero.
Rednuald, 500.
0 - 4
Ladies,' WedoeSdar 11-4.09410e
Robins 3911% -Canaries.. 28, Orieles
28, Wrens 29, Bluebirds 27, Magpies
High s.ingle, Dolores Peachey,
240; high triple, Ruth Lott, 672,,
ITANUARY WINNERS—Competition for the Hamilton Trophy hi the InnoarY round-robin at The fecal
wading rink was woo by the foursoMe shown above, Len. Crawford Second, ofaltu Runatedtler, viee, Dr,
W. A. Crawford, skip, mid 'Wilfred, White, lead.—Advenee-Times photo.
paid: Municipal World, supplies
and subSeriptioria, $32.28-; Advance-
Tiltes, advertising, $5,00; County
of Huron, indigent fees, $i30.0p
Brtissels Telepherie, tolls, ;KM;
Huron Crap ImproVernent ASSOci-
titian, grant, MOO; Geo, 1-ligginS,
fox bannty, $4.00; Blyth Standard,
adVelitlaing, $3,00;
$15.00; Salvation
Relief adedunt,
ArrnY, grant,
de6. O. Martin,
Clerk, ,
The „Jyvirrfs Township Council
met in the township.hall;on Febru 7
,ary 2n•d with . the Mei-lit:era
present. The minutes of the last
meeting were read and adopted on
Motion of Walter Shortreed and
Gordon „Wilkinson.
Procter-Duncan—That ' we • give
the ,,,Huron Crop Improvement
Association a grant of $25.00. x
Duncan-Shortreed—That- we ad-
vertise for applications for warble
fly inspector at $1:00 per hour plus
7 cents per Mile and a helper who
is to look after the books at 90
cents per hour and tenders to
supply. 1;000 lbs. of warble fly
powder.' .„
Wilkinsort-S,hortreed ---That the
Post Publishing House be', re-
engaged as printed for 1959 for
Procter-Duncan — That By,lavv,
No, 3, 1959 setting the road apProp-,
priation for $35,000.00 be passed'
as read the first, second and third
times subject to the approval of'
the district 'municipal engineer.
The matter of the approval "of
the construction of an addition to
the Wingharn District High School
was brought before the eouncil
William King and after • lengthy
discussion it wa:i'moVed by Gordon
seconded' by Walter
Shortreed that we ,approve the
construction of an addition to the
Whigha.in DistrietHigh SchoOL
Wilkinsori-Proeter--,-That we ad-,
vertigo far tenders, to supply, crush
and deliver approximately 12,000
cubic yards of gravel through a
31 inch screen: Tenders to be in
by March 2, 1959, 12 o'clock noOnv
A marked cheque for $200 to be
enelesed with •eachjender,
Shortreed-Duneab.---That the road
accounts as', presented by the
road superintendent be paid,
Dtmean.Shdrtreed—That the gen-
eral accounts es*presented be paid,
Proeter-'Wilkinson—That we give
a grant of $25.00 to the Wingharn
Salvation Army
ShOrtreed-Duncan — That • the
meeting •adjourn to tied again Oh
Tuesday afternoon of next week, March 19'30 1 p.rn, With Mrs, LovviS StotiehOilite as con-" following accounts Were --------- Vener Of the Program, The tall tall
will -be answered With "What
would do if I were, reeve", The
motto will be giVen_by Miss Elaine
jefferstni and Patsy. Logan and
Lorna Bolt will supply music, Mrs.
Stanley Co:* will give the address
and lunch will be served by Mrs.
Walter Scott, Mrs, Ivan Wighttinait
BELGRAVE—The regular meet-
ing of the 'Woman's Missiona'rY
Society and the Woman's Associa-
tion of Knox United Church were
held on Wednesday •afternoon in
the church,. The president, lqrs.
Leslie Bolt, opened the W,A; meet-
ing with the story of the origin of
St: Valentine, followed )3y a.hymn
and prayer.,Themijoutes Were read
by•the secretary, Mrs,' Jacky Tayloi-,
and the financial statement by MrS.
J. M. Coultes showed a balance on
hand of $886,85. . ' It was agreed to send a dona-
tion of $10.00 to the March of
Dimes, Tb6 group decided to hold
a bazaar again, in the' fall, Twen-
ty-two members answered the roll
call, The meeting closed With pray-
Mrs.., Walter 'Scott, • president,
opened the W.M.S, • meeting with a
hymn, followed by prayer; Min:1(es
of the previous meeting were read
by Mrs. George Michie: The trea-
surer's report was also given' by
`Mrs. Michie, because of the ab-
sence- of •Mrs. Jesse Wheeler. Cards
of thanks Were read from Mrs.
George. Martin and Cecil dhamney.
Plans Were made •for the World
Day of prayer to be held in Trinity
Anglican Ay r* an. February ,13.
The -group 'detIcied '16' hold
crokinole party and, pie social in
conjunction With the Evening Auxi=
liary and there. Will also, be -,a bake
and prodneei sale lir ,connection
With this event. The date -will be
set in the -near future.
The program was' in the form of
a Panel with Mrs'!" Walter Scott as
leader,' being assisted",by Mrs, •Geo.
Michie as a W.M.S. worker; Mrs.
Carl Procter -as • home missions
secretary; Mrs, Jim Michie as an
evangelism, and social worker. The
subject was,"Know Tobr Neighbor,
Health' and Welfare". o
Mrs. Carl Procter read the Scrip-
ture lesson; The singing of a hymn
-and a piayer closed the !fleeing.
and Mrs.. Albert Cunha,
Any girls interested in taking the
4-H garden Club project, sponsored
by the Belgtoe WO en's
Shottici contact 116Mo-ft ,"Irwin.
The citizenship meeting of the
Belgrave Women's Institute will be
held in the Community centre on
Gift Presented
To Mrs.,C. ,Wade
BELGRAVE •— 'Mrs. Lawrence
Vannan welcOmed the members Of
the Ladies'. Guild of Trinity Angli-
can Church to her home for their
regular meeting. '• The president,
Mrs. Clark Johnston, opened the
meeting with a hymn, followed •by
.prayer` And' the Lord's prayer in
Unison, , Tlie minutes of the pre-
vious meeting were read by Mrs.
Richard Procter. It was dedided
to purchase an electric heater for
the choir room at the church and
some floor covering at the rectory.
Mrs. Vannan read the Scripture
lesson. The roll Call was answered
with "Your Favorite Book of the
Bible", Mrs, Clarence Wade vva-
vored with a vocal solo accompan-
ied by Mrs. Vannari, Mrs. 5, Over-
end gave a, talk on the 125th Psalm
and Mrs. Vannan played a piano
Mrs. Mel 13i'adburn gaVe an ad-
dress and Mrs. Cora McGill pre-
sented Mrs. Clarence Wade With
a farewell gift on behalf of the
members of the. Guild, '
The Meeting' closed with prayer.
Grace was sung and luhch was
Served by the hostess assisted by
Mrs: Mel Bradburn and Mrs. Clark
by Pebrtiary 13.
Mr's. Garner Procter of Yorltton,
Sask,, spent a day last week With
Me, and Mrs, Herb Wheeler.
Mr. and Mrs, Russet Walker of
Coderieh spent the Week-end with
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Storieheitse
and Mr. and Lewis Stone"
Mr, and Mkt, Ray Hunkin of
Blyth Vlaited With. Mr. and M
,larnes Lamont and family,
We are glad to. terieti that 1 •
'infant baby, Roth Anil White, the
tiau'giiter of Mr. and Mrs, Roy
Progressing nicely In. the
.Whighaint Genera[
1341401141/The Belgrave
triet Credit Union heitt its animal
meeting last week in the Credit
union, office, "The officers for the
pew yfi,r are as follaWa: Albert.
Coultes, Kenneth Wheeler, Ifenry
Pattlaon, elected', Charlie Sulitn,
Ted Fear, gerMan Nethery nwm
Earl Welts, Supervisory, coinlrli-
tee,.Stewart Procter, Lewl`S.Stime,
house, Lorne CaMphell, newly el-
Wed;,credit committee, Mason
Robinson, Charles' Coultes and Mar-
tin Ornsby, re-elected,
'alto following report Was glYen
by the board Of directors; "The
Board of Direetors of the Delgrave
District Credit Union Limited are
pleased to report another year of
service. To us it has been a very
successful year, We held eleven'
meetings in the year, with an av'er.
age attendance of ,five. We
all members. ,to -make dermas to
their obareaceepats when ever posI