HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-02-11, Page 1'With which is ail, aigSznated the Gi c)qiie Vidal* and Wroxeter News W..010104114, 0.S',TAiltfOt W.FiNfittrADAY, 1f4VOlittjAltrY kith, 1f/51) BING'1.4E COPIES 7 eye jr ALONG TIOAAIN DRAG CaU SOltalt—^ The Vedeetrian amed to; Hospital The Annual meeting of the Wing.' ea —teas—ireht njuted in Fail COMMITTEES FOR Monday. Mae, Latimer is a sister' 'of Gus Boyle of town, Murray Gerrie. The Kinsmen Trade Pair will be held this year on the evening of Thursday, Jane 4th, and will con- tinue :both afternoon and evening on Friday and Saturday, June 4tie and 5th. ' Plans are at present under Way to secure top stars for the enter- tainnient which will be liberally interspersed thioughout the period of the trade fair. The 1959 trade fair will be the second such event and townsfolk and residents of the entire district are looking forward to. it, The first fair, held in early June last year, was a most interesting and successful one, Mrs. Walter arettner of Toronto fell laet Friday and suffered Ser, . . . roUs concussion. $he was •atilaitted ,SPRING TRADE FAIR • toy hospital' and. und e rwent sergery on Saturday morning,gra 1.,,ettrier . ;Showed slight • improvement • •on The first meeting of the 1959 (rracie Fair executive was held with Chairman Cal Burke in charge -of the ..rneetieg, Tire: lowing committees to look after 4-fie various aspects of the 1959 Trade Fair 'were named: ' ' Chairman,: gal. .Burke; secretary, Max MeCarter,.• Jim -Currie.; tree- surer, Ken Gerson; property; Mur-• ray Taylor, Jack Gorbutt, Harvey Fisher, Breee MacDonald; booth sales, cy Robinson, Bill Montgom- ery, Ross Hamilton, Len Crawford; midway And attractions,- George Stokes, Maurice • Stanton; -enter- tainment, Lloyd Ellacola Dave Burgess; publicity and advertising. John Currie, Al Williams; person- nel, Mery Terapierian, Fred Tern- pleinan, Ace ,Bateson; decoration, Warren Callan, Ivan Gardner, Bob Cutpell; . draws, Harvey 'Fisher, Kincardine Rink Wins OPENS. GAMES-401m 1Gerbutt President of, the Recreation Com- for the big event are Tolonny' DeYela, left, and Stan Stelarski, two af, mission, is shown above es he dropped the puck to start Ore hockey the 90, children who took part in the hockey ganies played that even- games for Minor Hockey Night, last Thursday evening. Facing off ' ing.--Adyinice-Times photo. ROM WEATHER Can. Legion Bconipiel LOWERS ATTENDANCE A Kincardine rink, skipped. by Prank Morgan, edged a aVinghant In tie report to the board on 601h A.nnivers'ary rink to win. the third annual cur- the recreation room of the murales' residence on Friday evening :of last week, with. son'e $9 Members in attendance, Thla was a droll' in attendance'from. previous years, aud due to the inclement Weather which prevailed at the tinie. The greeting was under the ehairroariship of President' H. C. MacLean, who ill .his remarks stat- ed that the ime.Pital had seen its largest year to •date„ The hospital is now in a new phase, the eliair- man said, .as the new government insurance plan is making many changes ,necessary in the financing of the hospital. At the Moment the hoipital• office staff does not have tee much informatien te go on, • Mr, Me,eLean said that expenses are higker- as wages and salariea .are up acrd, the staff has 'been en- larged and •Is on eight-hoer duty. It takes, a great deal of money to operate, :but the finances .ire now on a sound foundation, •He,went on to say tbat the build- ing .committee will have to think about another addition to the hos- pital as it is nOW operating tip to tag caliaeity and the new hospi- tal insurance will likely further aggravate thia problem, The lied- pital is now overcrowded arid if this overcrowding becomee any Mote aerious it will be necessary to have extra, accommodation. (Please 'Turn Co Pap Two) ' O APPYltes. the.desene of finks Whc were ready to chew an ear off the A-laeditar and staff last week. Rename of veryaheavy drivimeone ditiorie on Teeiday evening ,we just Wouldn't let our men out on the giehwaY fore the neeeeeary. In nice, things look none too prm raising as Tuesday night roils leround .thia Week-aao your pea Pea is late You Will know why. Now nice spring W Jil look this year! " “PrctE.' Sympathy is extended to Mr arid David Iteland, rind their young family, Who lost their home by fire on Sunday awning. They' had to leare tbe.house hiirkerilY in the .5Pb-zero, Weather,. However, neighbors were able to save most Or•the' furaishinge on the •ground 11°0a:through ahnost everything on the • second' Doer • Was lost. The hou'se wasHocated on No, 9 high- ? way ;just south of Teeswater. n n o PRETTY DEPENDENT— ' Jt,is, not often that we stop to think ,about the major part that ' hydro• electric power phials in our lives. On 'Monday night, however, P-4\fieeeing rain coated;tbe,,wires, Many had visions of a• cold, night should there a: major power in-, terruation. That chilli" sleep would,• of eciurge, be followed iby a cold ' Allibreakfast and there would not ev- 'lire* he a light to •elleer the bleak ainiesPlaere. Thank goodness it — didn't take:plane — • 0 - 0-0 DurtietStuckey.' 0,16:61- Canadians De-Ows List, COUPLET WM inor Hockey. Night nd for Swimming • • Reg bonspiel for the Bleb Sunday Partisan tro- - phy, sponsored by Wingham branch Mr and ,gfs, Frank" sea, or R. rt number 180 of the Cadadian Le R. 2, Wingham, celebrated ,theft giOni 80th Wedding.aaniyersary on Sun-, The Kincardine tirik, which alga -61e lineatailteallea'•Pyritaelianialfttliton,a former Amelia, Netterfield, was nell, vice. and H. G: "Doc" cordon, born in Wingharn. and Mn. Sell won with a score of three? wins was born in the Lucan area. They have resided in Wingham since their marriage, ng ayes, a get an, ?OA, WAY; ekatile ••, • wee •learns who have come along se well 'ender the guidance of Ken Hodgkinson. Before the games, the players earl tickets with re- ceipts arrimanting to about $187.50 and experises $21.80, leaving a bal- ance of 445,70 to, date, - A cheque for tate amount...will be added to the fund for the Wingbam Swimming Pool, construction of which we hope Will begin Senn. the Wingham Arena jest Thureday one ,.Winning by score. of 2 'to Miner, 1-3;ockey fpree: awa•titar:eam• evening. 'Over 135 players in ages 5 to 17 took part inrthe'big night; ithe first game; 'Started at 7 OVIock,' Whoa 4e4ins five add six' took to the lee, Team wris'vic-i torious by a •sepre' of 3 to 1. Jack Garbutt, president of the Wingtaim' Recreation' Council dropped the first pubic." •At ' approximately 7.30, teams Monday evening , Public School Principal 'T. a Beattie said that attendance for januaay was 03.5a per cent, somewhat lower than 45t1,0119„.,qmPA:qorslx- to weather d good deal rim. Some 498 pupils are enrolled but there were 587 lost days in the month, Michael McPhail. and Orval Stru- thers of the Retarded Children's, Association attended the meeting and explained to the board some of the operational and financial' problems in -connection.* with the school for retarded children, They pointed out that expenditure at the school would amount to ,approxi- ,mately $3,000 for th e year, and that any .assistance which• the board could give would be appteciated. The board discussed several min- or points in connection with school equipment -and coal purchases be- fore adjourning. 1 PUBLIC LIBRARY SEES INCREASE Lad ,Killed by Car William Vernon Bowen, six-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs., William Bowan, of Tatorribury, was instantly killed on Friday, hen he was struck by a 'ear on his way home from school, He is survived by his parents, one brother and two sisters. Tae funer- al was held Monday after.noon from the Thornbury funeral home. I3oveen 18 ,a nephew of ENGAGIMENT Mr. and Mrs. Carroll. Hess, of Drumbo, announce the engagement of their daughter, Alice Louise, to Mr. Leslie James Showers, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Showers,. of Wirigharn. The marriage, will take place 8aturclay, February 28th, at 3 o'clock in RichWood United , Church, F11e A new organization, the'.; lnited Church Couples'. Club rst meeting In the church bezel-neat on Monday evening with. ,ten ootiples in attendance, • • - a • : A e boat • bisinese.• ?meeting -• was held to , discuss future. planS for gatherings and entertainment, This new church, group: is- to bring married ;Couples together in good fellowship, Progressive erokinole Was enjoy- ed witil*Mts: Don McKay winning the prize /Or high lady and Allister Green, high for the men. Mrs.. Russell Smltlr oriel Loyell McGuire won the eonsolation prizes. Lunch was served, Mr. and Mrs. W; Caslick aiid Mr. and Atra. ft • Znnbrigg, were ,in charge- of the meeting, .Mr, and Mrs, Gpotge Guest and Mr...and Mrs. RUssell Smith Were appointed to convene the next 'heating on February'24, when It is .hyped that several More couples will take part in the social evening, A11 married couples are Weleolte. And meetings will be held monthly. and re plus of 12 for an aggregate of 28, The Wingham rink, skip- ped :by Stewart Scott also had three 'wins and a plus of 12 ,but an ,ag- gregate of only 24. Other winners in order of stand ing were: Dr, Allen -of Walkerton, 2 plus 12; Thos. Ritchie, Gerrie, 2 plus 19; 11; S Hetherington, of Wingham, 2 plus 8; A. D. Mac- Williarna Wingharn, 2 plus 7; Alvin Seli,- Wingham, 2 plus 6; I. R. Burroughs, Southampton, f plus '4; Al Langden, Mt. Forest, 1 plus 3, agg. 21; Arthur Newell, Dur- ham, 1 plus 3; agg. 17. Consolation winners J. Johnston of Southampton and H, Taahn of Hanover. The curlers, from many points in Western Ontario, were served lunch and supper by the Legion Ladies' Auxiliary .at the Legion home. Stewart Scott arid "Tiny" Edwards , • Three of the couple's four child- ren are living: Mrs. Wm, (Maude) Wilsan, of Detroit; James, of Wing- ham, and Fred, at home. They have four grandchildren, and 13 great grandchildren. A family dinner was held in their honor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Sell. Those attending the dinner were Mrs. Kate -Smith, of London, and Mrs, John Kelly, of Wingham, who were guests at their wedding 60 years ago, Other guests were Mrs, Mae Netteffleld, of Tor- onto; MrsaMattde Wilson, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Wilson and two children, of Detroit; Mr, and Mrs, Clifford Bennett and family, of Ingersoll; Mr, • and Mrs, Wilfred Seli and Tha inaugural ,meeting of the Wingham Public Library board was held February 5, with Mrs. F, A. Parker in the chair and Mrs. Pearl Harcourt, librarian, secre- tarY-treasurer. Members of the board are' Stewart Beattie and W. S. Hall, Mrs. J. P. McKibben, Miss Kathleen Pringle and L. Stuckey, The folloaring,,are, highlights from the finamiel statement for 1958: Grant from the Dept. of Eclu- cablen, County of Huron and town of Wingham total $3,259,48; fines, $200,00, Of 'this, during 19158, $768.00 •was used for the purchase of books; newspapers and period- leals and the, -balance for salaries, rent, heat, light, instimece and miscellaneous expenditures leaving a •surplus of al97,24.. The registered membership is 1,500 with a eircelation of 21,069 which is an increase of 3,001) over 1957, 4 , Statement for the year 1.908 Receipts; Balance forwerd ,froin 19137, $56,31.; Department of Edu- cation •Grant, $909,48;, County of Huron - Grant, $40.00;' Town of Wingham Grant, $2.ne0,00; fines, $200,00, Total, $3,015,79., • Nape ha i tir yes ! re lime-ranee. Vl4.70; salaries, $1,917.116; audit fee, $5.00; books purchased: 'Adult fie- %lion $237.44, Juvenile, $268.32, Adult classed' $117.05, total $029.81; win- .sltdcs, $35.00; rental P.O. draWer, .$5;00; Lee's (coffee) $3.00; suPnliee aid repairs, $00,251 , $50.00; , shipping 'charges, 0.06 nuirnbershin Canadian Geo- graphic Society, $5.06; mernberSillP Onrush Library ASSOCiatioe, MI5; Meer), Ceanty Library, eubseria- lions, $60.00; Iliown Wingham, light, aeria heat, $275.00; reading room, pa pero- and inageeinea $147.2.31 bank interest, $3,45. Total, $3.318.55, , Balarice eat hand, $197!24, family, of Orangeville; Mr. 'and were the conveners. The winners' Wingham, aid Mr. Fred Sell, o f trophy was presented by the don- Mrs, Alvin Sell and family, Or; John Pattison, of Wingham. • Then 4,8 o'eioch. teams two and Vali presented'. a "theillirig battle With - team two...winning-by-A score, of 1 to 0, attProximately '8.30 the Wingham and Goderieh Ban- tams met, the ,Gerierich Bantams coming out the Viet-Ors • by a score . • . . , of 5 to O. — • The three pee-Wee' game and the, Bantam - game were handled very capably by Doug .Lockridge and Ray -Walker. ' ' Immediately '.follOWing' the Ban- tam game the- Wingliam JarVennes met Howiek Juveniles 'with Wingham chalkirigaup an easy win. This game was handled by Johnny Brent and Deng Wallace. • Thei- deptally the latter ;suffered a' cut mouth an:d the Mae era tooth. — All the hOeirey players' were treated - to a* liotdoeand a• bottle of,Top. There was ',a good crowd on hand to -witbess the different games, -The highlight of the' even - Mrs, 1410yd Hingston and larrs, James Soli, of Winghama Danny • Stuckey, -sun of -E2 Sta leieae 'the late, attre,:efetitekey 'as lieen. /rained as one of nine attidetrts..feeln•Canada on the Bob :aeries 'UniveiSity ..peau'ar for. the' first sernester of; the: 1958-59- tteadernlea y6ar. ;These students -Inapt :have earned, aet-least a-• "Ba average ,during the semester. known as tbe'"World's Most line University", Bob Jones Vete vetsitY• is a liberal arts co-ecluba- '. tionla,-Chtistian instittaian, which atticulates about 300 . students ,:evety.year. Included in the.student beely • this sentesterai *are, young people,' from48 tats and amore thi taa0 foreign cOurarlea and 'terri.: torieea • Danny , a freshman in the ,School' af.r, IteliglOrr."?aaa the 'University 'attOidect ,Sehoels here,, 1 e 'worked. for Packers in Taranto fe•i,a yerii• be-, fore nnteting university at .Greene Ville, S.C. last September. • •,. W. Y. ourix ,The-Women's Institute is holding: a 'Pei luck supper In the Courier!, Chambets en Thursday, February 19th; at 0.30, kernbete, and friends are invited to attend, Collection 'goes to Retarded Childeeras 'fund. FAJVIntr, AT aillatTON'S SCHOOL . • Vriday,February, ersokinoio for the' chlldreir. CoOd'priee. laro-• ceedS for the Turnbeety Park fund Ladies'please bring lunch find tables,,' • ..........,-*-4.•••••••••••• • rItiliSENT CONCERT members of tint:vale and Wliitechurch United Ehuaehea will give n entertairmient BltreVale Community Hall on Friday, Febru- • lary 13th, at 8.30 *p•rie, A comedy "The'--Battle Of the Ihniget" Will be -presented by Vlrhireelitirch, and Bltiev,ale numbers. Will give a Var- letY program, Admission 45e, child- tee 20c, V11b ,ptiointios *vitt PAItit Filf41) 3o one Videntine at a euchre ,party ,at lattori's Or Gdrnour's achenla on Friday eve itiig, Oeb, 13, Priiebeds tor the TUtarberry Park Fund, 8,30,, OVID'S CAPERS tiring your Valentina; to Cupid': CaperS in Wroxeter ContrintinitY, ttall? Friday, RehrtittrY 13, SPecial nanoos and Cupid% draw, Elliott COrtither'S Oreheatra, F3ooth hall. AdlitisSion /5e, P4,11h Vehicle and Marine AYInter4 teM and raised: • Whiginon Ontario, lie •attended the Winghadin flllglt &Tool and joined, the July 10400 :Knit liete With itia wife, the tointOt ,4totto Sargloson of Ott,Ms4.4 mid •theii, two eiiiiiireo Ationlite 8', and Cornet Ayinier.....:1WAIr, official photo', *Mt :MUM CANCIIILLATIION The Rebekah Lodge has cancelled the Valentine eueltre and a future date will be a•nnommed rat r. kith liMMtirt OANAiDIAN' AiltOZS 101001lATION.oblie above photo depicts Cols, Coehrarte Ana K, ):). Cunningham receiving the Ca- nadian Antes thOonatiee. fleeter Wing C01)1'1)1111100 A, Itt Moody COMIntuttlimv OTtleet Of RCA1 Stattott Aylmer. Tito 'Cl) ie *warded to all presonool toinpleting *Cate years Meritorious ,.46r010. Otivirritighltat Is also :presently employed as art instructor ln --ti're ArAUNTiNE TEA. OM 410.0AliM SALE The'Ladieeflirild of the Anglican thtireli are holding Valentlitie, tea land hake said on Wedrieeday aftertio0iit irobruary 18th, at (010* 4 • V114, (10 ANNIVERSAItTealtlia mid Mrs, 'Prat* Sell, ShOPPO above, of Kit. h1 Whightim, Marked their POO Wedding' anniversary last Sunday„ emit& have been residents at Wingliahi ever since ntatthige.,-,-ORNX Ooto by StkOntr,