HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-01-28, Page 8/0111101M101111.WM !I; 11 I e q. es to 11s ft et!e4YI !!! !!! *MOM! , , ! , !!!!!!e! 11.11011111qm 11;11..1MM! le MOW Vei! Does Your Car If it does, get expert service on •,:.! We have the latest and• most modern Wheel Alignment &min- t meat in the district. Shown above is our Bear Telaliner naaehine E: which visually show the condition of your ear's wheel alignment to an extremely accurate degree. t. • I SAVE MONEY: SAVE TIME! FOR SAFETY AND ECONOMY VISIT CS• AND HAVE YOUR VEIIICLE INSPECTED. • re•••••••:Nreoennowa r; • • • ! • • !. • - Ken's Alignment Service Phone 355 Diagonal Road Wingham • Ayhner Choice III I/ • PORK & BEANS .. li Oardeu Patch Eni WHOLE KERNEL CORN . ii Ptan!that • Standard PEAS n St, Williams ▪ ASSORTED -JAMS . a a N • a n • • • a MEATS lb. 47c 6 :at pkg. e e e e, a4. 33c lb. • # • a' • 4 6 • 4 • • • 25c I Another 'New', Treat from • Tablerite rr Sliced. 1, Mr, pkg. SIDE BACON Tablerite ••• Pirre IA 'tr. pkg. PORK. SAUSAGE BOTH FOR $1.00 ..witraniminotionotnimainvicintisosuzionimikinsiisniumug. DAYS PEACH HALVES .. IGA BEEF STEW „ so° MARGARINE . Lipton's Chicken Noodle SOUP MIX .... 8 for Dunhill LICORICE ALLSORTS . , . 3 for 3 for • $1.00 1 10A, Dog House DOG FOOD Sonthiern Cross KLEENEX - Economy ... „ muz. 12 for $1.00 7 oz. TUNA .... 5 for $1.00 !El Westinghouse 25 - 40 - Watt LIGHT. BULBS 6' for $1.00 •• • • • • 15 oz. . 6 for $1.00 15 oz. .. 7 for $1.00 14 oz. 8 for $1.00 15 oz. 11 for $1:00 9 oz. . . . 5 for-$T .00 a a a • • • U • $1.00 55 oz. 11 1 lb. El $1.00 • • $1.00 g $1.00 U a a I Oven, *early 4 to 8 lb:• average i TURKEY BROILERS „ . n Tablerite SUMMER SAUSAGE Smoked BACON SQUARES .. I U U U I till Breakfast Treat Loney Butter PECAN COfFEE CAKE DOLLAR DAY I W;;Z#411 59e Ma rkettees GA m moommommoommtlmommtmotomomilimomommmi -el! •• 7.1 0. ••• ria :' prm-a• .7, e el re eT•• ;PT -5 le re • F ;It , . . . 117,1''.• 7 • ''• • '" c! ettfi illfr The of the Miter]. c.turch old their' regular meeting', on .asday everting when, the presi, .0lifford. preeided, . rola Iireckenridge, secretary,. asst, the .Pilnutcs. Allan Campbell read the Scripture., The topic i„vas., taken. by. Anne Peacock, ."What Do You. Want?", giving :aims in Life. A. social: time .was enjoyed, after the devotional program. Owing to the continued storm several events in the village- were Cancelled: t,..itiCar practice in the two churches. on Thursday eve- ning,. a meeting. of the BI EM 11140 WhigirOirn AdVan Tislaos Wednotiday, 4411,14., 5059 WOO HADITS DELF United cloth its Higher BODY MT .GERMS Objective 'for 1959 1481M Fund *0600•••ited%Nee el TriraberrY group of the W.A. on Thursday afternoon and the euchre party sponsored by the 131irovale WoMen's Institute on Friday eye. ning, On Friday evening, inn. 3Oth, the annual meetings of the emigre- iations of Knox Presbyterian M. of the United Church Will be held. Mr, Morris, Bagman Is recovering after undergoing surgery in. y,,on _ don. Mr. Harold. Bagman of Toronto visited his Parents; Mr. and Mrs, Morris 13OStrian last weelr. The annual. Meeting of the Blue- vale Public Library will •he held on Wednesday evening of this week, 2, The lining of the nose has 'little hairlike projections which are constantly in motion to keep out dust and filter ,germ-laden. .Coughing and sneezing clear the air, passages of harmful matter. 3, Digestive juices in the sto- mach and intestines prevent the growth of injurious germs which are swallowed with food. 4. The blood contains substances which counteract and destroy harmful germs. An individual's power and resist- ance to infection depends to a great extent upon the state of his general health, St. John Amnia/ice. says, resistance can be increased by the practice of good health habits and personal hygiene such as: 1, Obtaining sufficient sleep and rest, • 2, Eating ' regular meals and having an adequate diet, 3. Getting sunshine, fresh air and exercise each day. 4, Keeping one's persbn and surroundings scrupulously clean. 5. Giving •prompt attention to cuts, abrasions and. other wounds and keeping them covered with clean (preferably sterile) dressing, 6. Wearing suitable clothing in cold and wet weather. 7. Immunization. • Investment in Latin America It's good business and good strategy for Canada to invest in Latin Ameriea, says The Financial Post, The paper comments: a "The Latin countries need Sup- plies of capital .:to raise living standards. Like Canada, they pre- fer to diversify their sources of supply of capital. Canadians can invest in the area without arous- ing fears of "Yankee imperialism." With Russia offering supplies of capital goods to help develop South American oil, the need for western nations. to Sind ;tactful and welcome ways of investing in the region is obvious.' The congregation of Wingham United Church held its annual meeting in the 'Sunday School room, On 'Wednesday evening, January 21. preceded, by a. -hot supper served by the Woman's. Association. In the absence of the minister, Rev, T. liusSer, ti, short devotional period. was, 'conducted by Rev, W. P.. Clarke, This inchided a menaorial Service for the eight members who lrad died during the year. For the business of the meeting, Lovell McGuire was ' appointed' chairrilan . and G. W. Tiffin acted as secretary, The reports from all. organizations were most ,e.ncoilrag• ing, abowing• an increase in morn- bera finances and attendance, The congregation has '345 families with year several improvements :were made to church, and Pat:Sonage property. A 'd.otiatisin,. of $1,0.00,00 was sent to the UniVerSity. ,Of Western , Ontario Fund and assistance was given to CKNK, program, "Sing Time". Bibles .Were presented to 'all Sunday School members under 13 years of age, T,n. duly the congregation: was happy to welcome its new minister, Rev. T. G. }Risser, Mrs. Tinsser.snd family, who came here -from Aylmer, and have already made a Warm piece for theinseives in the hearts of the people and the life of the church, ' • In the fall, an ',every family visitation wan conducted ,by the• men of the church whiCh was found to be very helpful in all lineS of church endeavor. Every .Sunday morning, (hiring church service. the Young Weman'S Auxiliary has charge of the nurs- ery; which 'looks after children up to three years, At the:Sat/if. time, Suffer. njuris. In Car. Smash iNiurtalluytell-' garry Cook, of ,Marnoch has been a '0.001: in Wingham .Hospital' since Friday when he was hurt in a car. aceldent on. the 9th concession of•East' wanosh, east of N. 8 scliool. The 'weather became blustery with poor visibility and the car, in which, Mr. Cook Was a passenger collided • with a car driven „by Norman Shiell Belgrave, who was on his,,xnail route. "Mr. •Cook's; • son Austin was driver of the Cook vehicle and Frank Cooper was also a passenger. • 'Considerable damage was done to both vehiele9 Provineialconstable Ron Bell investigated. Mr.' Cook was' taken to, the hospital suffen• ing from a fracture in- the neck: Frank suffered a broken nose and bruises. the Junior congregation Meets in two grOupsi and are trained in Bible study while the parents attend church, The six groups of the Woman's. Missionary Society all exceeded their objectives, forwarding a total of $1,761,40 'to rriyalons•as well es bales valued at $1,844.00 to home and overseas mission headquarters. $125.68 was collected and sent to UST,I,O.E.P., by the girls of the C,O,I.T. The Woman's Association had for its ,project this year, eorn- plete new electrical:equipment Ir, the parsonage ;kitchen, The highlights of the Sunday School year are the Flower Sun:, day in dune and the Christmas pageentin,..Dneenlher,...,_ Addecl to. envelope givings, these events allowed the to contribute $718.00 to various missionary funds, Early July, a' vacation school was'hela with a registration of 307. The 'children from 3 to 11 years are' taught Bible study, games and crafts. This is an interdenomin- ational 'project which draft child- ren and ,leaders from different churches in the town, The student minister, Jim Schyn- kar, was not. forgotten, Gifts- of money and clothing were sent to help with hin•surnmer work among the Indians in the north, presenting' - the financial stateme.nt, the treasurer show,; 1 re- ceipts to . the general fond of $24,681,60 of which $9,293.72 went to the MisSionarY and Maintenance l+ tend of the'chinch, The total givings froni all organizations within. the 'churl-di were' $30,165,21 of which . $11,080..09 was forwarded to missions. Realizing the rising need of, iner'e,:fitnds ,for, iChristian missions, At •Was decided that this elrafeh should set' its objective for the M.' arid 11T fund 'for 1959 at $1.0,009 and commence at once to work toward' this end: • PolloWinglhe.lreport of the nom- ,inating, committee the following were elected to the session: W. S. Hall, Norman Keating,,- Percy Stainton, Howard Walker, E. Stuckey;'Ross Vogari„lTred Tucker; to the' board . •stew.ards:', J. H. Crawford, 'Jaek' G.'•W, Tif- fin, George tindetWood, S: J. Walk- er, Dr. A. D., McMurchy, Win, P. King; • hoard of lrustees; Howard 2Vfachp.n, W. H. French, . G., W. Tiffin. Auditors elected Were W. D.-„strtitheivan d A. Halliday. Speaking ,for 'the, congregation W. S. Hall expressed' appreciation of, the ,high leaderShip which has been given by T. G. Hussera. since:, coming to the church. He also thanked the choir for its splendid music under the leader- ship, of Mr. A, 13, Bennett, The meeting dosed With prayer by Rev. W. D. Clark, There aro nO many' conntiosa lions of germs around us that It Is amazing we are not Sick. all the time. The ger= don't have it all their own way for several reasons, $L . John Ambulance points out, The human body has certain natural defences Which help keep germs out. It they do get into the body there are other defences against them, And, of course, modern inedi- cal science and health habits play a large part in the war against germs. Some of the natural defences which protect the body against in- vading germs are: 1. The unbroken skin is an ef- fective barrier and germs have dif- acuity in penetrating it. outs, scratches, cracks or Insect bites ,,,,..r` •no•••^••• ww••••••••• ••• •- • •-v•,?.! • • ..,„^ .m.71 iv= 4= 4W' el! 0= !!!!....• te • Foura130argom:1.-2..:,'Sorey. H000' Planned For Growing Family .4 '"11.`•A x• "egrf., ecd.r Ve 0 xi rVO'V'°44 irjati eg aSM.Ae Vre 1 jra Sr' ViV. lefSWe lgeld rn re0*'4 ra IN ft (;*3 ' 1O • '' • • ' ' 040.4.4•4641•••••••4:4•40,iiiiiix re • ! • 'a ! a • e rre This how would be best otiented with tying room facing in 4 sonthwes'terly direction: Plana for the growing, family, it has all the convenience of a latingalow on the first floor and provides two additional bedrooms end a storage area UpStAirs. The bay window in the living' teem arid the open planning to the dining Space help to offset the small size a this living area. The kitchen is 'also minurrinn tire bat there is tooth for tabie and a pass-through to the dining Yearn. There IS I large obit Closet conveniently Iodated id the vestibule. The total floor area is 1429 square feet arid the eitterior clittierititint ate 31 feet, (our inches by 24 leer, lout Inclita. Working drawings for this fitagsiti knows *Sip 4i21. itOnt Coastal Mortgage" laid. Musing Catpotatiaa. M minims*, Ws% ' tOderita Help yourself to :sotess with •-SfijititCorona,,,:'Fort4b.; e • (Surveys show that students using typewriters,• obtain 38% better marks) Try a Smith-Corona Portable in our office,now and see how its light, peppy touch makes typing fast and accurate. Its Super-speed keys won't jam at ally speed. And its keyboard is full-size. Many exclu- sive features, too, like the time-sav- ing Page cage for foolproof, even margins, Your notes and assignments will be clean, far easier to read. And higher grades just naturally,follow ! Neater, notes .., easier studying .. better marks! Make this' your forinula for Success with "the help of a new Smith- Corona Portable Typewriter. Yes, a Smith-Corona Portable can help you 'do better 'all:through your 'school • -and college - yearS! Choose 'your favourite* Smith- Corona from' five great - models: Super (in 6,colpurs), Sterling, Clip- pei-, Skywriter ".and. V,lectric, com- plete ,with handy • carrying cases. We shall bchappy to demonstrate them for yott. The, SMitir-Coronn Electric Portable, the Only electric portable anywhere. Gives you all' the typing ease of an office electric, yet it weighs only 18 pounds,. Conies in 6 smart colonts. New! Sensational! mkg,kv.itto *cm sievcim Advance The .Wingham Telephone: WinghtZm• 890 e. 0 le oere 0. • eee ie e