HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-01-28, Page 3CROWN 'Tlitatri.:140Ston LAST TIME TONIGHT ,WEDNESDAY,,.PW. .24 - `THE. BIG COUNTRY' Gregory Peck, Jean Simmon,s The Big Country Is The Biggest Western. Of Them,All, A, Crazed Killer Held The Power Of Life Or Death In This Suspense-filled Thriller, THURS. - SAT,. • January 29 - 30 - 31 ' MAN OF THE 'WEST" (Adult Entertainment) Gary Cooper, Julie. Loudon •• .SATURDAY MATINEE ONLY "QUINCANNON FRONTIER SCOUT" Mrs. W, •Casliek announced that the Couples. Club would moo:. on February 9th in 'the church for a crokinole party. The meeting clos- ed with the singing of "Take Time. to Be holy" followed by the IVfiz- pah benediction. The officers, for 1959 are: Fast pres., Mrs. R. urbrigg; president, Mrs. D. MeTaggart; 1st vice-pros,,. Mrs, Q. Gibson' 2nd vicc-pres., Mrs. D, Ftosenitiagen; recording sec., 'Mrs. 13. St. George; treasurer, Mrs. E, McBurney; supply and lit- erature sec„ Mrs. H. Bwatridge; stewardship sec., Mrs. 0, Robinson, correspondence and community friendship sec,, Mrs. R, Gordon; East side, Mrs, G, Richardson and Mrs, R. Gordon; West side; Mrs. F. Templeman' and Miss B. Stain- ton; press sec., Mrs, D. McKay temperance and citizenship sec., Mrs, W. Casliek; missionary month- ly sec., Mrs, R. Sinnarrion; pianist, Mrs. C. Bondi; assistant, Mrs. K. McLaughlin; telephone convener, Miss K. McLaughlin; Committee Mrs. J. Lewis, Mrs, E. Irwin, Mrs. G. Guest, IVIA, H, Walker, Mrs, C. Ritchie, Mrs.. V. Reid, Mrs. A. Walker. Winter Clearance Sale • at :fairyland SALE BEGINS THURS., JAN. 29th 20% OFF ALL . GIRLS' & BOYS' FALL 'COAT SETS Sweaters, Jackets, pram Suits, Lined Jeans, Flannelette Shirts,Dri.e Dentonepers. Eze & Flannelette Sleepers. SPECIAL. FOR $1.98 Little Girls' Velveteen Jumpers, Cotton Blouses with 3.% sleeves, Infants' Lined Cotton Jackets. 10% OFF ALL MERCHANDISE live reading of the Scripture mes- sage from Genesis and led in the Bible study discussion, ;Mrs. Mc- Innis led in,prayer. Mrs, Johnston Conn gave the re- Pert of the afternoon program of the Maitland Presbyterial -meeting held last week in Wingham Pres- byterian Church and 'Mrs. Craig gave the report of the morning ses- sion, speaking of the difficulties and achievements in missionary work. Mrs. Johnston Minn was appointed' student secretary at this Meeting, Mrs. Craig read a letter from Agnes Gollan, a missionary in Ni- geria, Africa, • The roll call Was answered 'by naming a missionary Working in Canada. Miss Lila Emerson led in thd Glad Tidings prayer. Mrs. Frank Coulter had charge ofithe chapter on Canadian Indians from the study book, "Mis- sions Are Changing", The Meeting was closed with all repeating the Lord's Prayer and the hostess served tea and cookies WIIITECHURCH Mrs. 'Alex Inglis, returned home on Friday after nursing at the home of'Mr. and Mrs. iftoddy Ing- lis of Watford for' the past three weeks. Laurie and Lisa, the one and a half year old twins of ,the Inglis family, have been very ill and under /the .doctor's care. Mr. Inglis and' 'Son Eric :accompanied Mrs, Alex Inglis home„ Mr. ROber(Adams is laid, up With a very sore back. 'Miss -Maxine Jacklin of Lon- don, 'spent the Week-end at the home of her sister, Mrs. Archie Purdon. : Mr. Alex McKerizie of Langside, spent a few days last week at. Smith's Falls, where he' visited with this sister , Miss Katherine McKenzie, who had been a patient in Kingaton Hospital for a few weeks. i opey, 111111111011 You Are Invited to the Groat, Opening OF OUR SPARKLING NEW Restaurant on Feb. 4th d e ides ay, in the former Sherbondy Standing To facilitate moving, we will be 4 • 1,!!! rools404 Atm", Tell Them and Sell Them It HAMILTON opTomETmsT ,I.VOITERURCH 'Tice World Day of Prayer will ,be , held fn the t7allted .CherCh. on February .13th .and Rev. R,. T. •Marshall_ will he We special ,spea- ker. All women in the Community are. inVited to attend,: Mrs.. ,George Fisher, 'teapher. at Fordyce SeheOli! .and Mr. BOW sinnanion, teaehel- at S.S. No, 17, West 'Wawa. nosti. on Thursday at- tended the funeral-of the. late 'liar- vey Andersen, held at the Dungan, Juni United .Church, Nil'. Ander,. son for .nnany years had been trustee of the West Wawanosh school area, • , , The annual business Meeting of the. Presbyterian congregation Will be held on, Tuesday, Feb 3, . 0 U Thoroughness — Ability Time tested i.r their newest pattern AILIMA4109 43 piece Service for 8 • Complete wall beautiful Drawer ofivit. Phone 37. for ..appointment • Piatim moruglamilisommilapionnowsilsitlausuaiffianiumniel Accident. Case CHURCH Is Postpdoe.d. • E • IC • 1101-0S. ANNUAL, y of -Mar /1004 WAS in W lightint 04 WOW last in connection with' the accident on, St1 011,4w41Y. before ChriPtirlaA'Whela P, RP...fir:Iv- an by Mr Anderson of London wag. in collision with. his tractor-drawn Wagon. 'The. wagon Was da1114114d and, ..fgennedy was "thrown into the top of his; covered tractor. The :hearing Wan Ve.4170,40.0 '11111- 01'r010, .2, -Officers installed at, Woman's Auxiliary • he saauary melting- of the Yeurig. Woman's Auxiliary' of tiul Winghant United ChUrCh was held at the home of ,Urs.:, 4„ Walker with Mrs, Z., Irwin in 'charge of the worship: seryice. 'The meeting opened. with the hymn "tthto the Hills Alvtind :Do 1 Litt. DP"; follow- ed by a prayer by Mrs,: Z., Irwin. Mrs. R, SienaniOn read the Scrip- ture taken from Isaiah ,and 42; IA "Standing a, the Portal" wasoung, after which Mrs. A...Hi/- bort save the study book • on. Ce-1/414, fellOwod by prayer by Mrs, a Irwin, Thd annual report from the var- ious secretaries was heard, after which Mrs. Fingland Installed ,the new officers; President, Mrs; p MeTaggart presided over the busi- ness- part of the meeting, Mrs. G, ,Gibson • offered. to phone for purs- ,/10 .r.0.0000,00,001000 ,, lllllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ll ll 00 0 001.04. BAND BOXBEAUTY SALON 9001.1mituaispialtiltiliitil$110,410.11.1011103881 MUNITY EH epkOP* yaJu 9Rg.,,a o .$ $,4$ '—" Drawer Cheat • $ 3340 TOTAL VALUE „ . „4122.88: SPECIALLY PRICED AT $89,95 Ver that Special Party or Wedding Reception, we hare for rent an attractive Crystal Punch, ,Set, Hafermehl s. jewellery jrWENANG/ 00,140ND "AVIPOINTIONTS QN 1 "" "Finest Quality and ;Service". Mrs, McInnis Is Hostess to W.M.S , WhITECHURCH—The W.M.$, Of the Presbyterian Church 'met on Tuesday last at the home of Mrs. James McInnis with a fair atten- dance and with the president, Mrs. Dawson Craig; presiding, Mrs, R. ) OUR DEPT. has been organized to BUSINESS INWURANCE give helpful specialized' service WHITZCHURCff---In spite of ittY roads and rain last Wednesday, 00 of the United Church folks ga, timed at tho church for the annual hiAPineSS meeting and pot tuck sup- per. Mr. A. Neelon had charge of a short worship service and led in 'prayer. he gave the report for the session. Arthur Laidlaw gave the report for the Sunday School; Mrs, Russell Parden for X.P.al Mrs, lc. Dowling for ithe WA.; Mrs, Milan Moore for the 'Mission Band; Mrs, Chapman for the baby Band; Mrs, Groskorth for the W,M,S,; Mrs. Seholtz for the C.G.T,T, and Milian Moore for the General Fund, Rev, W. j. Watt was named ar honorary member of the Session and Robert Laidlaw w an •elder, Edward McClenaghan was appointed to the Board of Stewards for one year in Raymond Laidlow's place and Elmer Sleight- holm, Clifford Laidlaw, John Fur- don and James Falconer were el- ected for a three-year term, The ushers are 'Russell Pardon, Ivan Laidlaw, Jack Coultes, Carl Me- Clenaghan and Garry bhaprnan Mr. Moore; secretary-treasurer of. the charch, is to receive $50 per year. Mrs, Scholt8 was appointed to look after the Church Observer Family Fund and Mrs, G. E, Far- rier, as pianist. The auditors will be Mrs. Albert Coldtes, E, H. Gro's- korth; press reporter, Mrs J. D, Beecroft. Representative for the United Church Men is J. D. Bee- croft. The sum of $50 was donated to the "Sing Time" program on CENX. The anniversary date was set for June 7. Each department of the church showed a steady in- terest and success in the work. The congregation raised' over $2700, had. sent $465 to the M. and M. Fund and $68 to the pension fund. The W.M.S. had sent $178 to the Pres- byterial treasurer and had sent two hales to' the Fred Victor Mission' in TorOnto. A vote of appreciation was giv- en to all who had helped co liber- ally with their time 'and talents and funds in the interests of the church during the past year, This congregation contributes t* me- morial. Bibles for'Oerach deceased member, in lieu of 48. floraljcontri- bution. 1111' sang "Blest Be the Tie That Binds" and Mr, Neelon closed the meeting with prayer., III; l p lllll lllllll Illit NERSHIPS - KEY MEN - SOLE owN.Ensiurs - Be ASSURED-. Consult— ' FRANK C. ,HOPPER —Representative— Canada Life WINGHAK ONT. Phone 455 Rena' Moore) Prop, Haugh, Assist, Operator PEILMAN ENTS, IIAIR STYLING, IWYLON MANICURE'S OPEN EVERY 1)AY 9 am/. - 6 p.14, Tlit'SHAY- anti EVENINGS by appointment' Phone 860 CALVIN-BRICK WMS MET ON WEDNESDAY WHITECHURCH— The W.M.S. of Calvin-Brick United Church was held on Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Alex Robertson with 20 la- dies present and with Mrs. Ken- neth Mason, group leader, presid- ing. Mrs, Harold Currie read the Scripture and Mrs, Mason led in prayer, Mrs, Norman Coultes, Mrs. 'Harold Currie and MrS, John Jamieson had charge of the chap- ter on "Missions in the Carrribean Area" from thcr study book, "Know Your Neighbours". Interesting' reports were givdn by the conveners of the various committees of the W.M.S. Mr. A, Neelon of Bluevale was present and gave an interesting talk on missions and the importance of giving both spiritually and finan-, daily and installed the officers for this year, It was announced that the World Day bf Prayer will be held at the home of Mrs. John L. Carrie. Af- ter the meeting had been closed with prayer Mrs, Robertson serv- ed tea and cookies. 1111,p111 ll llll llllllllllllllll ' lllll lllllll ll 1,01.1.1 llllll U11„ I 11,,,,,11101.1111,11“p“1 ,14,,, lll p lll 111 llll , Tenn is Over. 'the D ? THE WINGHAM FIREMEN OFFER $25.00 $10.00 $5.00 as First, Second 'and Third Prizes for ticket holders with the closest guess' Month - Day - Date - Hour Minute - Secpnd TICKETS 25c' EACH Available from any fireman. Closing date Feb. 23, 1959 or at the discretion of committee in case of an earlier thaw. ALL PROCEEDS IN AID OF THE • SWIMMING POOL FUND Meet Jerry Corlett, manager of the King and Francis Streets Branch of The Toronto-Dominion Bank in Kitchener. Though young in years, Jerry, has nearly 30 years of banking efperience gained at all levels in branches throughout Ontario. Outside of "The Bank", Jerry serves his, community well—as treasurer of the Boy Scouts and a member of Kitchener'S Chamber of Collimate. Friendly, and keen in judgment,, Jerry Corlett is another good example of the courteous; efficient people, you'll find .at The Toronto:Dominion Bank near you. Drop in soon and see why . Invitation Euchre St, Paul's Evening Guild held successful invitation euchre party With eighteen tables in play on Tuesday evening of last, Week, The prizes were 'won by Miss Mary Louise Town, Who was high lady; high lady playing as a man, Mrs Mark Gardner; high Man, Alvin Higgins and low prize, Mrs, Elsner Walker, Mrs, W. J. Greer won the ptike for bridge,. Lunch was served and a social iime enjoyed, The executive of the Vetting Guild Will meet, later this , nontfi to make plans for a pan- take supper on February Ibth. people make the difference at. THE TORONTO •DOM I11iUM BANK THE DANK THAT' LOOKS AHEAD 114-81ir • CLOSED Mon. and Tues., Feb. 2-3 at our old location. LEE'S RESTAURANT Mr and Mrs. Gorshein Johnston, Little Gail Pattimon, who had been a, patient in Children's Mem- orial Hospital,. London, for a Week, Was able to return home on Wed- nesday of last week. Wirth PURDON—At the Wingham Gen- eral hospital, on Sunday, .lan4 tigitY •25, 1959, to 1Vtr. and Mrs. William Pardon, East Wolfe.- nosh, a daughter, a 'sister for :Carey, E, GRAHAM, .Mattavi Goalie' Branch Mr. and Mrs. William McPherson and children of St. Helens visited on Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Elliott. Miss Marjorie Currie of London spent the -week-end with her mo- ther, Mrs, R. J, Currie. Mr. and Mrs. Jack McIntyre, Of Winghitin, Mrs, Wm. Dawson and Mrs. Cecil Falconer visited on Sun- day with the latter's parents, Mr., and Mrs. A. E. Purdon, Lucknow. Mrs. Purdon was celebrating her. 81st birthday. Quite' a number of East Wawa- nosh friends and relatives attend- cd the funeral of baby Hafrold Rob-,‘ inson, infant son of Mr. and Mrs, Mason Robinson, held at the Wal-, leer funeral home on Thursday last with 'Rev. C, Krug officiating. Mr, and Mrs, Archie Purdon at- tended 'the funeral of her grand- mother, the late Mrs. John Mc- Creery, held on Monday from the Moir funeral home in Gerrie. She was in her 83rd year and had been in ill health. Since fall. She leave& to mourn her three daughters and one s4, also ten grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. 'Mrs, Stewart. Scott, formerly Maude Conn, RegiN., of KinlosS, who haS been a patient in Wing ham Hospital for 'the past five years, following a series of strokes, took 'another` bad stroke on SunY4 clay, and has been seriously ill, Mr, and Mrs. Jack Wdolcoek and family of Glenannan, visited on Sunday with Mr. and. Mrs,•Wil- liam Kennedy of Marnoch. Mrs. Charles has been 8 patient, in Whigharn. hospital over the week-end, • Mr., and Mrs, Mack Cardiff of Brtissela visited on Wednesday at the home of her sister Wil. Liam RI/Abel, There was lid School on. ThurS- 'dai and Friday in this district, owing to the stormy weather, icy roads and low temperattaie, The bread trucks tailed tb get through the blocked roads and people Were thankful to stay at home. Ile. Ross McMichael of Sarnia spent ithe Week,encl at the home of '11111111111111111111•1111111111MIIMINIMIIIIIIIIIIS111111111111111111111P ,st„ B. 'Itt)140IDTLER, Manager V.Vinghott Branch 1' 4