HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-01-28, Page 2DO YOU :KNOW .WN-AT
With sustained cold waves across
eanada, neivspapers report' tragic
lOss of life'and injurytansed4by fires
in the home. •
An increase in the number of fires
usually accompanys colder weather,
according to the All Canada Insur-
ance Federation.
' Loss of life ckn be •avoided, say
safety experts, by eliminating all
possible fire hazards in the home.
But, if. fire should 'strike, the Feder-
ation offers these steps to help min-
imize property- damage-and prevent
loss'of life:
1) Know the location •'of you'r
local fire department,- and the tele-
' phone number, Ill larger centers,
Make sure everyone in yotif home
knows the location of the closest
fire alarm box.
2) Have at least one fire ex-
tinguisher in your home, and learn
to use it properly. Your local fire
department will advise which type
to use.
3) Make certain baby sitters are
supplied with the number of the fire
'department's telephOne number and
instructions on how to reach you in
an. emergency.
4) Report any fire immediately,
The first sign of stroke Shahid, be
reported; do not wait until, you see
The OntariO Department of Ag-
.,,,r.iculture will commence on March
;, 1 s,t f ,survey of -the entire proviince
-irr,an 'effort to aetermitie 'the major
causes of farm accidents, prepara-
iory to a catripaig;n to cut 'clovn the
number of deaths and injuries which,
farmers suffer?'
13ecartse farm accidents are 'so
commonplace little thought haS,been
given 'the matter .'by the general
„public, though it must be highly
thOught-provoking to the hundreds
of farmers ' who receive hospital
treattnent each „year. The truth of
the 'ift:4ter'is that farming is a high-
ly haardotts occupation. You have
Only to-Watch this newspaPer in the
summer monthS to ascertain the
number of serious injuries . in this
locality alone. However, those who
work for Ontario Hydro are also en-
gaged in a hazardoUs form of work
—potentially mach more dangerous
than farming, yet very feW. serious
accidents occur among hydro work-
-- ers,.:.-A rigid system of .safety-con-
sciousness had borne excellent fruit,
The survey which starts on
March 1st is but the first step. After
the major causes of farm accidents
have been pinned down the depart-
ment will no doubt proceed with a
study of the best measure's which
can be taken 'to see that these acci-
dents don't happen. When farmers
'have access to the latest information
of the subject there is every likeli-
hood .that they will become much
More keenly aware of the operations
And locations about their farms
where extra precaution can prevent
injury and death.
We live in such an enlightened
age as far as scientific development
is concerned that accidents which
create loss and suffering should be
eliminated, If man is sirtatt 01601-1
t. t0 plan "On a triP to the moon irt the
near 'future, surely his intelligence -
should be able to guide him away
from the everyday hazards of his
TheVifingharn AdVanceTitneS
The Bible Todao
It was Pentecost Which first im-
pressed the disciples of Jesus with
the truth of his. greatest lesson,
that their message was for all races
of inen, and to be translated into
all languages. Their own experience
now taught Ahem that Christianity
can speak in all tongues. For the
last 1.55 yeais the Bible Society has
been attesting that if nteni haye
any human langtiage at all) it is
possible to tell :thein abotatSdod's
in the Wingham Arena
Canada s .lar gest 'and most recommended
Oristimer finance company.
No bankable security or endorsers
needed. Money loaned for imposes yoig
think worthwhile.
eiwzrecog, , M. R. Jenkins, Manager
35A West Street Telephone 1501
• . •
„lint llllllll t iiii iiiiii unititutti ii iiii iiiii nittittiatit iiiiiii i i ii n tall)111111,1.111n i meting' .11111i iitfiluot
ttlingbam Corpo
11,00 a.m.—Tfoliness Meeting
2.30 p,m,—Stinclay School
7.00 p.m.4--$alvation Meeting
Tuesday, 8.00 p.m.—Prayer'and Praise Service
Friday, 8.00 p.m.—Youth Gioup
All Teen-Agera Welcome
There's a welcome for YOU at the "Army"
).))))i iii i ti 111111 nisilil i tilt st it 'tont t nit en iii hint). i,It Merlin t111111'1il i..illlit tit i i111i'1i1111111
)'tj iiiinitli iunliuintllllIt t tititilif i nut tnti lilt Onto 1 nit tin nun iiii t ttt Mtn) rtiuu 0"."1""1"1"4""
Ot. 23. Cfjurtb
key. C. johnk)ti, L.Thi Rector
Mrs. Cordon Davidson - Organist
Wed., Jan, 28 Board of Management, 7.30.p.m,
Thin' Jan. 29—Lailics' Cltrilcl Re'etofy, 3,00 P.
Sexagettimi Sunday---Feb. 1st
11.00 a.m.—Holy Communion
2.30 pam,—Sunday 'School
prayer 'Rik
NA. 4040
tM10010,flitittlittoP11ttlitImMOMIOMIOt1lillAMOWAHt44,11010!)1010114i0110011100104HOOthutOttlatt Onannr
a Tlae Nittnichaina Advance-Twos!, Wei.*oh-4;07,, 404 300
We join with the residents of
thig- -p...tae.,a4g;W-etitera
have already 'extended their best
wishes to CTNX on the increase in
power which gives the local station
a widened area of coVei-age. The
change is indicative not only of the
purchase and installation of new
equipment, but of a very progressive
spirit in both staff and management.
The story of CKNX is one of
iNThich most are sincerely proud. it
is in essence, the realization of the
impossible. It was the station which
should never have grown up, if geo-
graphy and population figUres
meant anything.
An award for excellence of local
programming from Liberty M,aga-'
zinc has recently,served to point up
the quality of entertainment which
emanates from the station. We ex-
tend our congratulations without
idea, that this is the particular week
for fathers to think about minor
hockey, although if they have never
done so before, it would be a good
time to start The only attitude
however, which is worth while is sl
continuing and active interest in all
forms of recreation in which the
hearts of men and boys can join
without reservation,
Tribute to lei nor Hockey Ifeek, January 24 31
\Keep a boy on ice and
/yo 11 keep him out
of hot water
D. A. Special rids*
5) When fire Strikes, -Move all
occupants quickly out of the house .
before you use the fire ektitiguisher.
6). At first sign of fire, Close all
doors and windows ekcept those
needed for escape.
7) Wrap children quickly in
blankets; ,do not wait to dress them
8)Xeep family away from
house; smoke alone can be (labgt-tt-
0 if
9) At 31,1l times, .keep exits un-
obstructed by loves or furniture.
Make Stift everyone knows 'din saf..
est points• of escape in event of fires
Vvery week art the Canadian and
American calendar is taken up by
some organizations or other which
seeks to have seven days set apart
for the promotion and publicity ob-
tainable, Many of them are too far
ffttched to merit special attention,
but this week is becoming widely
knowft as Minor Hockey Week in,
At first glance you may wonder
why minor hockey is so' important
that a week should be dedicated to
its honor—and if it were nothing
more ,than the hockey involved We
would agree, but the theme around
which the promotion is built has a
deeper meaning. The pro-mn.te:rs kts.e
the words 'Don't ST*,',ND—Take
your boy to the arena", The idea, of
course, is to foster better under-
standing and 'closer companionship
between boys and their fathers ,
and, of course between all grown
men and all youngsters.
The thought behind .the cam-
paign is worthwhile; although this
is far from the only -move which is
currently being made in the same
direction. Junior bands, craftsmen's
clubs, boating organizations, dra-
groups — many are working
P.' with the same thought in mind and
it all is channeled toward a more
healthy and well-adjusted state for
.the coining generation, These .are
the tools with which juvenile delin-
quency can best be beaten.
We hestitate to emphasize the
„ Alblished at Witighatii, Ontario.
Wenger Brothers, Publisher:.
W. tarry worigor,'Ecitteir
Member Audit BUreith of Cittulition
Antatoritto a, Setottd Clads
fast offiee. Dept.
riptiort Rate One ',teat MOO, stit Months
OM ad:Vance
It S, A, OA% per Year
Ifitieelitgri Rate per year
MVerthiling ltd application
The Editor,
Wingham, Ont.
Dear Frierds ,
• I would like to say how'.much
my fondly, and, I enjoy our Weekly
edition' of ' The Advance-Times,,
Which arrives here every week-end.
Of particular interest is news of
our Wingham and District High
Some time ago Mayer. R. E. Mc-
Kinney remarked about the splen-
did behaviour of our young •people
when he attended a Christtnas
dante • held it the school. ThiS is
Something to be proud of, The
Wingham • and district students
have always behaved well, both at
dances and at school and when
,playing basketball or football away
from ,home. •
Now you need a further additiion.
The Wingham sehOdl is the finest
in Ontario, If fine schools raise.
fine students, and Wingham •has
proved this, then every facility
should be available. to them, not
only the necessary extra class-
rooms, but another gym. if 'neces-
sary, to keep Wingliam school the
In my new position here, I have
the opportunity to compare stu-
dents, and I can say without hesi-
tation Wingham and District can
he proud of its students and the
teaching staff, headed by PrincipOl
May I Wish you all the best for
the 'coaling year.
Yours very sincerely,
Wilfred •Seddon,
Chippiwira Secondary School.,
North Bay, Ontario.
J. A, Zraylor, prinbipal of tlfe
High School, will give an addreSs
to young i11.6re in the Y,M,C,A.
rooms, Me)er Iillock` on Thursday
Miss Grant,. one of the teachers
at the Wingham Business CollegO,
underwent an operation in London
last Week,
liitr. and Mrs: William Tennant,
who have been visiting at the home
of Mr. Tennant's brZther, Robert,
left last week for their }game in
Prince Albert, Salk, `
Mr, W. I. Sharpin, late editOr ,
Of the Gerrie Videtto has taken a
poSition as Linotype operator lit the
Observer °thee at Pembroke,
W. •I, dtikile Wei elected niesi;
dent of ate Tarnberry Agricelteral
It is not very often that tomato
Miss Mabel Fender. IS visiting
with relatives in Buffalo,
H. B. 'Elliott visited"With his
parents at 13rantford over Sunday.
Dr. A. J. Intrin is in 'Goderich
this week attending-County Coun-
Mr. • and Mrs. William Maxwell
and. Miss • Jean Maxwell of the
Bluevale road visited in Clinton
this week,
'abr. H. E. W. Tamblyn was in
Toronto this week attending the
annual convocation of the Grand
Chapter of Royal Arch 1VIasons,
Mrs. Tamblyn accompanied Cm to
the city.
0 - 0 - 0
)l'oury VkAitsAtip
The first skating of 'the season
was held at the .rink on Thursday
evening. ••
Many old friends Will regret to
learn that Mr, Eli Elliott passed
away in Hamilton on Tuesday.
The Misses Pa.rquharson receiv-
ed the sad news on Tuesday that
their brother William died in Ed-
monton. He Was for, a time a
clerk in King's store here and his
wife is a former Wingham girl,
Mary Huggan,
Mr. Z. Lockman has purchased
the Kandy Kitchen from. James
Savalos, Mr, 'Adman Is a Wing-
ham man who has tor some years
been in the employ of the Western
Foendry, Mr: Savalos will go 'to
Friends of Sgt. Ermin S. Cope-
land have received word from. him
stating that he and a number of,
pals .were spending a few days in
the ex-Kaiser's stammer home in.
Bruhl, Germany,
Among the boys whom we are
delighted to welcome.• home this
week are:, Pte, Fred I.• Guest,
whose wife and daughter reside in.
Pleasant Valley, as do his parents,
Mr, and Mrs. William Guest; Pte.
Sidney Plowright, formerly a
blacksmith for Mr. William
Holmes; Pte. It H, Buttery, soh
of Mr, and Mrs. A, Butlery, Scott
St, Herb Dore, son of Mr, and,
Mrs, William Dore, Shuter St,
He was accompanied by his Wife,
Whom he first met in England
after going overseas,
Mrs, Joe Strieltzer, of WeYbOrb,
visited at the home of me.
and Mrs, W. A, Mines •last week.
Delco Lighting SyStem itt 'being
installed in * the Overland Garage
this week.
Back to the old priee—hair mit
P( e; h'ot's and girls under 12, 10e;
t40041)t service, good Work—Bilge
Officers of the Agricultural Soci-
ety for the icomig• years are: Hon.
pres., Richard Wilton; pres, R, J.
Currie; 1st vice, George Cruik-
,shanks; 2nd vice,-Adam Robertson:
directors,, 0, Beecroft, Robert
Coukes, ••pvid Fortune, W. A.
McGill .10-im 'L. jvIcEwen, Thomas
mOore, George "brvis, Frank
Thompson, Hardld Proctor,
A cribbage toernarrierit will be
he7cl., in qi'q ; l raraourics on Monddy
:Crithoin :was, re-elected
chaiOnan Of the • P.uUlic schooll
hoaPl for the year '49n.cf
After,Many .Yeari of faithfel
seivdee.,as•:-.oi:ganist :of;ithe United ,•
Church, "Miss, :Hi .ReYnorcla re
siVned:' 'kiss Pena .
Reid; • daughter • of. ,Mr.' and Mrs. . •• • .
Gordon • .Gannett was named
chairman of ,the public school
selteol board at its meeting, -
Members of the hoard are • Alf
George R, Scott, C, B. • Armitage,
Chitties :Lloyd; W. F, Bergman,
R. A, coats,
MiSa Eileen Dark, daughter of
M. and Mrs,•Alex Dark, was one
of • the Class that received their
caps at Victoria •HoSpittil In London
1Vfayar Fred T.1. Devitlsop was r6,
appointed by Huron; County 'Nth,
cil • • to the Witigilai7ti; 'Hospital
Board and ,T, Harry' Gibson wat
re-appointed to the Wingham High
Scheel 13eard.
At a special meeting of the town •
-donna held on L" ridgy night. the
Wined decided .to . purchase a, .tWo
horSe-power Federal fire -Siren at
ti„priee of WS, . • '
Mrs, nokh. 8timiurion received
word thiS leek that her son•L/CPI,
GlennSinnatnon, spent 'Christmas
in hospital overseas, suffering frown_
a severe cut on his head Whielt ho
received in a /toter' Cycle 'accident,
le joint Walker has sold his. driver
"Topsy ItarVester" 'to •t,sititi 'Ctrey.
of Beafortb, sale Wen Made
Otter ttnevale ,rates,611 Saturday,
Miss Ptit 'Parker of 'Toronto
spent a few days at iket borne here,'
ttett and 'WS,. Ithitetil Of
BrpCkville,•spent" The week-end
with MS parents, Mr, and 'Mrs,
January 10, 059,
107 Eastwood Ave.,
North Bay, Ont.
• •
By Rev: B. L. Walden, B.A.
See. Upper Canada. Bible Society
love .for them in that tongue. Every
•Year the translators break into
about 20 new language groups, and
another 20 gates are cpened to
the teaching and leadership of the
suggested Bible reading
Wednesday, Matt, 21:1-27; Thurs-
day,-John 6:60-71; Friday, John 7:
1-13; Saturday, John 7:14-31; Sun-
day JOhn 7:82-52; IVIOntlaY, John
8:12-36. Tuesday, .johnn
in thes distrieCare able to do any
plowing in Ja,nuary, such has
Been 'the case thisir,ear: Some few
farmers were ati ;this kind of work
on Monday, ' Alex Leishman
had two teams plowing. on „his
farm in East•Wawandsh.
• ')
Alex Reid; •hai 'been aPpointed • as
the new. organ•is:t. '1 ,* 1 -
find Mrs. R. E.: Arfnittige re-
turned on Monday after a•• trip ,to
Buffalo.' "
Mrs. ,13.1cbard.Olegg has returned
to her home after spending three'
weeks in London.
Rev, F. E. Powell, Toronto; Was
the guest of his sister, Mrs, J, A.
Mr. J. H. Young of Winnipeg
was a guest with Mr. and Mrs.
John W, Hanna over the'week-end.
Miss Ella Rae, of Macdonald In,
stitute, Guelph, spent the week-end
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D,
; Mr. J. 0. I-Ta,bkirk attended an
executive meeting of the 'Barbers
and 'Hairdressers Association in
Toronto on Tuesday.
Miss Sean Currie returned to
Ottawa early this week, where she
will resume' her duties on the
Members' Stenographers staff ,of
We House of .Commons' for tbe en-
suing* session of parliament,
0 - 0,- 0
MITE) 32el . 000 -Size rd+
Hinds HONEY & ALMOND CREAM 2 for #8c
(.Bator 10.0z, Rim
Noxzerna S. CREAM „ ..
Lodi. wow coo.do k 40 or4
tn.A., Brand •
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